What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter Fifteen Goblins

Lily frowned when she heard her mother mention there was a goblin camp up ahead. Thinking about it, she couldn’t recall much about Goblins outside of what she knew from Earth, and frankly on Earth they were fantasy monsters. Here she recalled a few vague warnings about them, but that was about it.

Thankfully mom anticipated the question. “Prolific little pests, rather weak alone, but strong in numbers. Some of their evolutions, however, can be challenging to deal with. Goblins also evolve at level twenty so it doesn’t take too much for one to evolve and become a menace. If enough of them gather in one place they get bold and attack villages like ours. It’s why the guilds keep an eye on any populations they find.”

One of the adventurer’s interjected, “It really depends on the clan. Some of the larger ones, especially those lucky enough to have a princess, tend to be less aggressive. A prime cause of goblins being aggressive is their lack of females. Although it doesn’t help that certain folks payout large amounts of gold just for the chance to own a rare female goblin, it’s especially bad for the Goblins down south in the Theocracy.”

She turned to the violet-haired adventurer, “Princess?”

“A term often applied to female goblins, as they often have positions of status in a goblin clan.”

Ivy sighed, “Yes, well, decent goblins aside, most are just pests. Best to deal with them when a clan gets too large.”

The adventurer commented, “Unfortunately, that is the case. Still I can’t help but feel sorry for the little creatures. Sadly they seem to have been cursed by some god or another. Not unheard of, the Lizardmen for example, are well known for being cursed by the Primordial God King, one of the oldest gods.”

Ivy blinked, “You mean those rape happy lizards are cursed?”

“Well, I guess some people don’t know. And yes, I’m a bit of a scholar so I’ve read up on the subject. I could tell you more about it later. In the meantime, we need to decide what to do about that camp.”

“Interesting Vio, and as for the camp, I have a few ideas. It just depends on my precious Lily,” replied Ivy before turning to Lily. “Do you know any smaller-scale war spells? Surely Erosi didn’t teach you only big flashy spells like the one you used on the lake.”

Lily blinked and thought over her spell list. It was something different from her skills, which determined how well she could use a particular type of magic. The War magic skill that came with her class dealt mainly with large-scale spells, both strategic and tactical in nature. It was the cornerstone skill of any war mage class. Outside of those three big ones that she had latched onto when she had decided to test her abilities, she did have a couple of spells that were smaller in nature. She just wasn’t entirely sure how much smaller they actually were. “I, um, do, but I’m not sure how much smaller they actually are. Would summoning a demon help?”

Vio giggled, “Don’t know your own daughter's skills? How embarrassing.”

Ivy sighed, “I do let her have some privacy.” Then she turned back to Lily, “it depends on what you can summon.”

“I can mass summon Imps, is that useful?”

“Imps? Actually yes, they aren’t that strong, but better than goblins. Even a small number of them is helpful. Still I would like to hear what other spells you know.”

Lily took a moment to list them, and Ivy listened. After a moment her mother smiled. “Yes I think I know what we are going to do. Now Lily, listen carefully, we need to do this right.”

Lily shifted closer, and listened as the plan was laid out.

Lily shuffled forward, as she prepared her spell. Ahead was the goblin camp, she could see one from where she lay. Not far from her present position was her mother, and it was comforting knowing someone was nearby to protect her in case something went wrong.

The goblin she could see was small, perhaps eighty centimeters tall, and outfitted in what looked to be crude leather armor. The goblin had green skin, and a wrinkly nose which combined with his bone structure to make him look quite ugly. The crude hut he was standing in front of opened, allowing another goblin to exit. This one had smoother features, and some fat on his face. He was a little shorter, but Lily thought he looked kinda cute. Guess the Earth logic of all goblins being ugly was wrong, some of them could be cute.

She didn’t think much of it as she felt her spell was finally ready to unleash. Lily stopped her quiet chant, and focused on the spell. A moment later, the camp erupted into chaos, as clouds suddenly gathered from above and rained hellfire upon the camp. Small bursts of flame tore into crude huts, and exploded next to crudely outfitted goblins.

That chaos proved the signal, as a moment later arrows flew into the camp from the trees. Both adventurers and her father all had bows, and a supply of arrows. Vio, however, apparently was a magic archer of some kind. Lily wasn’t exactly sure what her class was, but the glowing green arrows were definitely from her. Arrows that had quite the interesting secondary effect. Upon impact the poor goblin she hit was suddenly ensnared in vines. Thorny vines that dealt damage, and squeezed tighter every time the victim thrashed. Effectively punishing them for struggling. 

Kind of nasty. While they sniped goblins with arrows, Lily transitioned into preparing her next spell. This time a summoning spell. Behind her, she could feel her mother was preparing a spell of her own as well.

Suddenly from the chaotic camp a glowing rock suddenly shot out of a hut, and sailed right for her. Before Lily could so much as blink however, Ivy was in front of her deflecting the attack. Immediately she countered, a vine materialized around her mother’s arm, and shot forth. Tearing through the hut like it was tissue paper and ensnaring an unfortunate goblin. One dressed in rather colorful robes. Robes that were quickly shredded and their wearer torn asunder by a simple vine. Lily shuddered, and paused in her chant. Mommy was scary.

Elsewhere she noted a few goblins with crude bows trying to fight back. While elsewhere a few were fleeing into the woods. She ignored them, the ones fighting back were the ones to worry about, and mother had told her to not worry about the ones that run.

It took her another moment or two to finish her spell, and five summoning circles formed in front of her. In each one a figure formed. It took her a moment to realize it was actually two figures per circle, all of them small with pale green skin, little bat-like wings, and a long tail ending with a bulbous spade, and a stinger.

All of them were dressed lightly, and one of them seemed to be female. She wore only a pair of panties. She had a cute pixie face that seemed just a little childish, with gorgeous purple eyes. Long elfin ears, and silky brown hair that framed her face. Hair that was kept in place by a single golden ribbon. She had stubby black wings, and light green skin, that was a creamier and paler tone on her belly and chest. She had a modest pair of boobs that had fat little nipples surrounded by pale pink areolas. She had long black nails that ended in little points on her hands, and feet.

The Imp girl smiled, and then did a strange curtsy. “Well aren’t you an interesting one. I presume we are here to help with the goblins yes, princess?”

Lily just nodded, and the Imp smiled, “Great! We’ll have some fun then.”

She turned to the other nine, “Okay boys, blast ‘em, oh and bring me that one over there, he seems cute.”

Lily blinked when she realized it was the same cute goblin she had picked out from earlier. Only now he had a shield, and was protecting a smaller goblin that he was holding in the other arm. Before she could comment her new Imp said, “And don’t hurt the baby goblin.”

The nine male Imps nodded, and beat their little wings flying up into the air, and started raining balls of hellfire on any goblin they could see. All but one who used a different spell on the poor goblin that the female Imp had singled out. A bolt of pink lightning shot out, and struck the goblin, and he slumped down.

Lily watched as the Imp swooped down, and lifted both child, and goblin up bringing them back to the leader Imp, who immediately took the baby, and cooed, “Oh aren’t you the cutest little thing, and a girl too! Quite the rare jackpot.”

She turned to Lily, “Can I keep her?”

Lily, not sure what to say, replied, “I guess?”

The Imp lit up, “Best day ever!” Then she rubbed her one breast, a glow on her hand. After a moment she brought the baby goblin to the boob in question and urged it to suckle.

Lily looked back to the fight and noted it was effectively over. Her mother was also coming closer and spoke up. “If I had known this clan had a girl, I would have treated it differently.”

Vio said, “Well in your defense she is very young.”

The Imp replied, “This one wouldn’t have been able to help the clan anyway, not for a few years. Not to mention with so few, another clan likely would have stolen her away.”

Lily could see that, and then she moved to dismiss her Imps. All but one vanished, the female. Lily frowned, “Why are you still here?”

“Cause I am staying, and I’m a grade above what you can dismiss.”

Ivy interjected, “Female Imps are rare and are stronger than their male counterparts. Where Imps are typically F rank demons, Females are typically E rank, and are the only Imps that can evolve. Since she is still here, and can reject a dismissal I presume she has a reason.”

The Imp nodded, and waved her fingers, a system window popped up. 

New Summoner’s Contract Available!
The Imp Princess Asarya would like to contract with you.

She has made her status available for your purview.

Would you like to review the terms?

The first thing she looked at was the Imp’s status.

Name: Asarya

Gender: Female

Race: Imp


Level: 20 (Can Evolve)

Age: 7

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Demon Mage

Shields: 5000/5000

Subclass: Princess

Mana: 2000/2000

Titles: 579th Princess of the Imp Kingdom Starfall

“Um, aren’t female Imps rare?”

Asarya nodded, “Yep!”

“Then why does your status imply that you have almost six hundred sisters?”

“Oh that! Easy, we Imps can be quite prolific, and we mature quickly, very quickly. Sure only one in ten thousand born are female, but most Imps have a few thousand kids during their life. It’s hard to keep track, honestly. It’s why we only bother to keep track of the girls, much easier.”

“I see, out of curiosity it says you can evolve. Why haven’t you?”

She smiled, “That is because I haven’t unlocked a path that I want. I don’t want to be a generic High Imp. The line I want requires a contract, I’ve been looking for the right partner so to speak.”

Lily nodded, and decided to look at the terms. A window popped in her vision, and it was long, very long with complicated language. This was going to take awhile to read properly, but she had never been one to read a contract thoroughly. They were all largely the same. She simply skimmed the thing for the highlights. Quickly noting that if she agreed Asarya would become a permanent summon for her. 

I hope you liked the introduction to Asarya. She is one of the new characters that didn't exist in the old version.

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