What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Interlude Imp Princess Asarya

Asarya felt like the goddess of luck had blessed her today. She had not only acquired a cute baby goblin girl that had potential, but she had been summoned by a real cutie. One who was wearing a really cute dress and clearly needed a little advice. Asarya had already used Analyze, an upgraded version of Inspect, to learn a few things about her summoner. Lily had the trait Minimalist Warrior, which meant she was quite overdressed at the moment. It was a common and respected trait that many of her sisters, and she herself had as well. The trait boosts the holder’s abilities when in only their underwear. This had the drawback of limiting one to only accessories, panties, and bra, but that wasn’t too much of an issue. Enchanted equipment was expensive. In fact it was often cheaper to enchant a smaller object like the panties she was wearing. They were in fact enchanted armor that boosted her defense, regardless of where the strike hit.


If someone’s blade slashed across her bare chest, her enchanted panties would help deflect the blow. In fact that single pair of panties gave her full body armor just as effective as an ordinary unenchanted full plate for about half the overall cost. Not only were her panties cheaper, but they are also the sexier option. In addition, she didn’t have to deal with the drawbacks of plate armor. Not only was plate armor heavy, it also interfered with mana flow. There was a reason mages didn’t use that stuff. Not to mention the really good plate was prohibitively expensive. So much so that few could afford a full set of enchanted plate armor.


The drawbacks of plate just played to the advantages of the Minimalist Warrior trait, and it’s more extreme counterpart Nature’s Embrace. Nature’s Embrace had larger bonuses, and evolved into more potent forms with time, but it required one to give up clothing entirely. Minimalist Warrior on the other hand allowed you a limited number of equipment slots, and enhanced your abilities, all of them. Both of them also paired well with the skill Natural armor, which hardens the skin into a natural armor that can deflect blades, and resist magic not unlike the racial trait demon skin which Asarya would have loved having. Thankfully most of her evolution choices including that common High Imp route had it.


That was fine and all, but she knew High Imp wasn’t for her. She had ambitions, damn it, and she didn’t want to be just one more princess in line for the throne. In fact she had no chance for that, and she was perfectly fine with that. The throne was overrated. She had other dreams, other goals. Lily would not only be helpful for that, but she was quite cute, and Asarya felt they would get along well. Like a pair of sisters. Oh, that would fit so well with the life she wanted, maybe they could even build their own Queendom together? That would be nice, and her sisters would be so jealous.


Of course all her dreams hinged on Lily signing that contract she made. Asarya had gone all out writing that thing, she had spent two years tailoring a contract for whoever her summoner would be, and made a few quick final edits to tailor it to the young elven girl that had ultimately summoned her. Just a few minor changes that would give her a little power over her summoner, just enough to matter when needed. If she was going to be acting as a teacher, she could not allow herself to be ignored or dismissed at a whim. So as a little addition she added a couple of lines to that effect. Like any contract, it could be canceled if both parties agree or unilaterally dismissed if either party failed to uphold the terms. With the party that failed to uphold their end paying penalties to the other.


Her mind then drifted to the two goblins she had gained, the captured male was kind of cute. She figured she could enjoy herself with him. At least for a bit, but the young girl had a few ideas. Goblins, like Imps, grew up quickly. This little girl was only a few days old, right now, but in just a couple of years she would be an adult. Of course, on the other hand, Goblins didn’t live that long anyway, barring accidents, a goblin typically lived about twenty years. That was something to consider, as an Imp she had a much longer life expectancy, especially so if she evolved.


That was something to consider. Asarya thought back to her own childhood, while her mom was often off with one lover or another, she alway found time to be there for her when she needed her. Asarya had so many fun times with her mother back then. While this goblin wasn’t her blood, if she was going to care for her, she needed to give her that kind of care. Be there when she needs her, and teach her everything she needs to know. The girl also needs a name, and more importantly, Asarya felt some research was appropriate. That way when her little princess was ready to choose her path and work towards an evolution. Asarya would be ready to advise her, even aid her. The sooner the little one could evolve the better.

And that is all for the day! I hope you enjoyed this sprint. See you next week!

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