What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in



The girl's panicked voice woke me up.

"What's wrong?"

"Mother, mother!"

The girl was on the bed, hugging her mother, who was also trying hard to move her arms to embrace her.

"She's regained consciousness, huh?"

It's an emotional reunion.

Both Mina and the guards are very attentive and try not to disturb the space between parent and child. Of course, me, too.

I put my trembling arm around the girl's back and rub her slowly.


Who might that be...?"

As I remained silent, the mother noticed a presence other than the girl in the room.

"I am Khalil Dikaman, your healer. The others are my servants and guards."


Her eyes widened at the mention of my name.

"I did not expect that Count Dicaman would treat me.

I am grateful, but I don't have the money. I will definitely pay for it, no matter how many years it takes, so please let my daughter live freely. ......"

The weak voice of the previous statement was replaced by an imposing voice and atmosphere.

The atmosphere is that of an aristocrat in the midst of a grievous feud, so much so that one can almost see the illusion that he is hiding his mouth with a fan.

I made a contract with the girl.

"The deal is simple: I will test a new method of treatment and see if it is effective , and in exchange, I will not charge for the treatment. The deal is simple.

Well, it's a completely verbal agreement without any documents or third parties, but I'm not going to break it, and I don't have any problem with it.

"Oh, I see...

Thank you again, I really appreciate it."

I still don't know what she was thinking.

The atmosphere between me and the girl's mother is so tense that no one is allowed to enter the conversation except me and the girl's mother.

"[Shut off the Isarent sound].

I'm going to ask you directly, where do you come from?"

It didn't take me long to realize that I was no match for the man in front of me.

I could see that she was a little dizzy, as if physically challenged, and I could probably get her to talk, but that wouldn't be fair.

"My name is Naamis Berthona.

Well, it's now attached to ex."


The Bertona family, a family lineage that can perform recovery magic while being a nobleman of the rank of baron in the kingdom.

Basically, recovery magic is exclusive to the church as magic that can be obtained by continually praying to God, and the contract made when recovery magic is taught does not allow its contents to be leaked.

The Bertna family obtained such recovery magic in a different way from the church.

Although there are various theories on how the Bertna family obtained recovery magic, most of them are false, and the only hint that can be given is "Miracle of God? It is not a thing like that. We know people deeply.

The only hint is that the first head of the family said so in a letter, but no one has ever obtained recovery magic yet.


"There are survivors...

I am the last one who called myself a nobleman of the House of Berthona."

In the end, the Bertona family collapsed and all the members were extinguished for making a pact with the Devil.

"Was it still a false accusation?"

I wonder...I don't know.

I couldn't help but ask what was on my mind.

It is taboo to talk about the Berthona family among the nobles of the kingdom, but everyone knows that they were wiped out by the church without saying so.

"I don't trust you enough to tell you what happened that day, now will you forgive me for this?"

No, I am sorry too.

What happened, I don't know, but it's probably not anything she wants to remember.

It was just a curiosity and not something I was allowed to touch.

Well, I didn't think that the person I treated was from the Berthona family.

"Well, mother...?"

Noor, you can tell this man your name."

The atmosphere between me and Naamis was lost, and those around us were able to move.

Uh, . My name is Noor Berthona."

"Once again, I am Khalil Dikaman."

In greetings between nobles, it is polite to say your name, even if the other person knows already your name.


Wait, Noor?

"Is something wrong?"


Somehow I thought I knew that name.

Had I heard it somewhere?

Well, I remember clearly all the important things about the knowledge I've acquired, and at least it's not someone who's deeply involved in the storyline of the game.

"But let's talk about the future."

It was not a good idea to think too long. The guards were beginning to look at me curiously.

"What about the future?"

"I'm sorry to say that I just woke up, but I have a lot of things I need to figure out."

Whoever it was that I had treated, I was going to ask them something.

"What are you going to do?"

If true, I would explain in more detail. If rumors circulated that I had treated the patient, who had a bad reputation in the dukedom, it would definitely make it difficult for the patient to live there. I would like them to come to the Count's territory.

"I would like if possible for you to come to the Count's territory."

My question was answered by a person of the Berthona family, who had reduced my words to the absolute minimum, and gave a 100-point answer.

"I understand."

Well, I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you."

It was a conversation that no one in the room could understand except me and Naamis.

Nermis first said, "If possible," because she was worried about the disadvantages to the count's family in bringing the Berthona family under their protection, to which I responded, "I'll take care of it."

Nobles also need this kind of skills, the art of deliberately using fewer words in conversation so as not to leak too much information to the people around them.

"Now then, let's move on..."


Just as I was about to continue, someone knocked on the door.

It was probably the duke's spy, who, before he and Naamis had their conversation, had put up a ward to prevent any sound from leaking out.

'Don't move, Mina, you don't have to open the door... are there any guards outside at the moment?"

'They are shopping at the moment.'

I look at Naamis, who has a grim expression on her face.

"I'll take care of the basics, and maybe Nermis will get a chance to talk to him, but just make sure everything is fine".

'I understand."

The guards move to stop me as I get up and head for the door, but I soon find myself at the door, which is not very wide in the hut.

"Who is it?"

"You are Count Dicaman, aren't you?

I have a message for you from the Duke."

Well, I guess it's either the devil or the snake...

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