What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


The door is opened so that the Duke's secret agent can see inside, and I step out.

It's a bit cramped inside."

"I presume so?"

I guess it would have been better if he could have glimpsed inside, but I didn't see any particular attempt to go inside.

"I am pleased to greet Count Dicaman."

As a secret agent in the service of the duke's family, I am unable to give you my name, and I hope you will forgive me if this offends you."


What is it?

I had expected that the conversation would be more about pressure and being on guard with each other, since he could be a secret agent of the duke, but I felt that the pressure was just for fun, probably because I had a conversation with Naamis.

"Please finish your business quickly."

"Yes, of course.

I'll be happy to deliver the Duke's message to you as soon as possible."

I adjusted my stance and waited for the message.

Count Dicaman, I thank you for coming to my territory for this treatment. There is no need to greet me, but I hope you will put together a report for me soon.

Also, if you don't mind, would you like to come and see my daughter?

That is all."

Hmm, I should think that the Duke knows why I came to his territory and what happened at the treatment center.

For the time being, I'll ignore that last bit of pleasantries.

"I understand.

I will now write a letter about my impossibility to visit and give it to His Highness the Duke, will you?"

"Yes, I will."

But it wasn't worth the trouble to give it to him as a message, was it?

"Then wait for me a moment."

When I entered the hut again, those who had been waiting inside were looking at me anxiously.

"Are you all right?"

'Ah, it's probably because we blocked out the sound. Perhaps he wanted to check on what was going on inside the hut."

If he really was just passing on that message, the timing was too good to be true.

He would confirm who was inside, and then, with the exception of those belonging to the Count's family, including me, he would gather information about Naamis and Noor by asking around and find out if I was up to something.

This is only my prediction so far, but I am sure that the duke is concerned about my behavior as the count.

"Someone please stand outside.

It's all right to be on the guard, but don't antagonize him."

"I'll go."

For some reason, Mina, not the escort, raised her hand and stood up.

"I'll do my best!"

"......, well, good luck."


Of course, I had expected one of the guards to go, and even Noor was a bit surprised.

She got up and headed out.

"Paper and pen."

"What? Here you go."

For a while after that, the only sound in the hut was the crunching of pens, even without sound insulation.


I am Mina, a commoner who has served the Count Dicaman family since my mother's mother's mother's mother's generation.

Among them, it seems that my mother's mother, or my grandmother, was amazing, and I have a good position among the servants who serve Count Dicaman.

I am also in the position of a side servant since I am almost the same age as Master Khalil.

I have spent time near the adult-like Master Khalil since I was still young and inexperienced, and although it seems strange to say it myself, I am a perfect maid who can do anything to assist Master Khalil!

Maybe ......

I am such a person, but lately I have been a little lonely because Master Khalil has been confined to the laboratory.

I heard that Master Khalil is looking for a cure for a disease that is prevalent in his fiancée's territory, and I can tell how he feels about his fiancée by looking at how earnestly he is searching for a cure.

I  fell in love with him

Although this made his priorities a little strange, he was very kind to the family and servants, and was a very pure and innocent person, which is rare for an aristocrat, and was loved by everyone.

'haha ......'

So his fiancée, who sighed loudly the moment she arrived at the count's house, was hated by the servants, although the servants didn't show it in their attitudes.

I hope Master Khalil is rewarded for his hard work.

All those working in the mansion thought so.

But then something strange happened.

The first was that he asked me how I saw the relationship between Master Khalil and his fiancée.

I told the truth, and although I was criticized for shitting on his fiancée in the process, I have no regrets!

Let me go back to the story.

After that, Khalil-sama went off somewhere, and when I thought he came back unexpectedly early, he said he was going to the duke's territory right away.

Bosco told me to go with him, so I hurriedly made preparations, thanks to which I forgot a lot of things. ......

After that,

I reported to Master Khalil that I was going to go with him and he told me that I could ride in the same carriage!

I was already surprised at that point, but Master Khalil was very kind, and while I was awake, he spoke to me in a way that I could understand, and gave me words of concern.

I was really surprised and at the same time, I fell in love with Master Khalil even more, as he is very kind.

I was surprised, but at the same time, I fell in love with Master Khalil even more.

A commoner can't marry a nobleman. ......

I was surprised when I arrived at the duke's estate, where I had once again recognized that Master Khalil was kind.

Everyone in the dukedom was pouring malice toward Master Khalil.

Seeing the behavior of those in this city, is there any need for Master Khalil to go out of his way to save these people? I thought to myself.

Then, after all that had happened, a member of the Berthona family who had been ill was treated. I was not able to understand the situation because of the difficulty of the conversation.

I could not understand much of what he said, but I understand that he is a great person.

And now, outside the hut where he is treating the patient, there is myself and someone from the Duke's family.

"I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Why do the people of the Duke's estate resent Count Khali so much?"

"...I cannot speak on that subject. All I can say is that it was necessary for the dukedom that the Count be hated.


I will endure.

No matter how much I want to hit him, the other party is related to the fiancée whom Master Khalil cherished, and I am filled with anger for taking advantage of such a kind person because it was necessary!

"I see."

I hate this man and this city and this duke and Master Khalil's fiancée today.

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