What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 57. Golden Touch

Thank you for your support reader, I will release more faster because you already help me increase the rating

Enjoy 🎉

Naruto opened his eyes and checked his surroundings.

"Where... I'm I? Aghhhhh!" Naruto feels phantom pain and rubs his chest only to find his wound already healed. "Yes... I'm lost."

"You finally wake up brat? How taste of defeat?" Kurama asks him.

"It was bitter... That for sure." Naruto answered him.

"If you are done can you help me with this? I think they are in heat or something." Sun groused when listening to his sister moan.

"How come being of chakra in heat? That was practically impossible." Naruto sweatdropped.

"Mya~ I never knew his power could provide us warmth like that, I need more of it," Matatabi demands something.

"Hmm... I don't know that gentleman is this talented. He is a good man and I want to know him more." Kokuo speaks the same too.

"I agree sister~ To think his touch is very lovely." Saiken feels a burning desire in her body.

"We don't want to hear that!!!" Shukaku yelled at his sibling.

"What happens to them?" Naruto has no idea what led them to act like this.

"Why not ask your friend with weird power? They act like this since he heals your body with his strange energy." Gyuki never saw his sister acting like this because of humans.

Naruto sighed. "Fine... I ask him later."

Now Satria waiting for the sword to cook something for him and Fran.

'To think there was a day to see sword cooking for me, My life becomes weirder and weirder each day in this new life.' Satria said internally.

"Look fun! What you make for us Shishou?" Fran asks full of curiosity when sees her teacher cooking for her.

"This was Special Fried Chicken with Otherworld spice and now it's READY!!!" The sword finished his cooking.

Fran was tempted to eat her sensei's cooking because smelled so good. "Can... I eat it now Shishou?"

"Of course, Feel free to eat it."

Fran eats heartily showing how much she is enjoying her meal.

"Delicious~ You do not eat Shin? Shishou food is so good," Fran asks Satria who only watches the fried chicken.

"Something... is missing." Satria is not satisfied for some reason.

"Missing? What missing?" The sword didn't understand.

Satria opened Dimension Chat and bought something from there.


[Welcome to Dimensional Chat Shop]

[Your coins: 32.500©]

[Rice: 10©]

[Fried Rice: 20©]

[Nasi Bakul (For 5 people): 30©]

[You successfully purchase Nasi Bakul]

[Your coins: 32.470©]

[Teh Pucuk Jumbo (1360 mL): 10©]

[You successfully purchase Teh Pucuk Jumbo]

[Your coins: 32.460©]


Satria took out the Asian bullet wood with rice inside it and Teh Pucuk from his inventory.

"Nah... Ini baru mantap, tanpa nasi artinya belum makan." Satria put the rice and fried chicken on his plate and then ate with his bare hand. "Feel free to take the rice Fran, If you want it."

Fran sees that wants to try to eat her fried chicken with rice and uses her bare hand to eat the food like Satria but halts by her sword.

"Nope... You are not allowed to eat with your bare hand like him. It's not... Hygienic." The sword forbids her.

"How rude... It's a tradition in my country to eat with a barehanded and it enhances the taste of our food. Anyway, your cooking is a delicious stupid sword. How about I call you Bobon from now on?" Satria is pleased with the taste of his food so instead of pranking him, He will give the sword name of the legendary grandmaster chef from his country.

"Bobon? Who is that?" The sword never heard that name but it felt so stupid.

"He is the Grandmaster chef from my country, You know TV programs like cooking competitions? Nah he is a master of all masters of chefs in my country. For me, you are worthy to have his name. How about it?" Satria asks his opinion.

The sword thinking deeply. "Hehe... You finally acknowledge my skill as a chef is unrivalled. Sure... You may call me Master Bobon!" He speaks proudly.

"Congratulations on having a new name master Bobon." Satria applauded him while holding his laugh. "Fran agrees with this too right?"

Fran nodded. "Shin is right, Eat master Bobon fried chicken with rice and barehanded make it better."

"See? But... Don't speak while you eating Fran. Understood?" Satria advised her.

Fran nodded and continued to eat her food with a happy feeling.

Satria, Fran, And Bobon discuss the skills Fran must learn first.

Bobon thinks healing skill is the most important and she should learn them first.

Fran feels sleepy when listening to her sensei boring conversation and sleeps on Satria lap.

"She already asleep? I am not done yet..."

Satria silent him. "Idiot... Girl this small certainly will be bored listening to your enthusiasm for the RPG live-action version." Satria said with a low voice and pat her head gently.

"My explanation is not boring! Now go away don't think I let you sleep with her stupid." The sword chases away Satria from his room. 

"Shin... Shishou... I love you both please don't fight and I will become stronger for you both." Fran doing sleep talk.

"Fine." Satria put her on the bed slowly leaving his embrace. "Bobon... can you protect her when I'm not here? I think Fran not gonna accept our proposal to provide her with our protection and she wants to be strong in this world through her hard work. You know right this world is not kind to children and death can happen anytime."

Bobon deep down knows the man in front of him truly cares about Fran and it is impossible to break their bond.

Even with all of that, he has a feeling this guy is not like what he showed to him or Fran it's hard to describe him.

What he fears is Fran obsession with him and she will do anything for his sake that can endanger her life.

"Don't worry, As her father I will protect her no matter what until she evolves and becomes someone strong enough to protect herself," Bobon promised to him.

After caring for Fran until she is asleep, He reads the journal of the Emperor where all begins.

What is inside the journal is his past life, his goal, his way to rule his Empire, his secret technique, his love life, and his regret.

For seven years he was alive to be kept as a hostage alone on the outskirts of Handan.

Loathed by people there, live full of suffering and despair but everything changes when that person changes his life.

His saviour, mother figure, and hero.

Her name is Chun-Yan.

His new caretaker and last guard.

For the first time, he feels like he has family when she is with him.

She protects him from every hate he receives from everyone in the city.

He cannot blame them too because their precious people are killed by the kingdom that abandoned him.

Hate, curse, grudge, sad, revenge, resentment, every bad emotion accumulates into one directed toward him.

Only him.

No one protects him.

What he can do is smile at them.

"How he is still sane and becomes a great emperor is incredible. Even Naruto suffering cannot be compared to him." Satria respected him.

Because of everything Zhao people do to him, He has a special condition to transfer the pain of others would become his own.

He always thinks he is a cursed child but Chun-Yan never thinks about him like that and wants him to be a better person.

"Better... Person." Satria reminds Cosmos Word who wants him to be a better person. "Yes... I remember I didn't want to see any innocent children like him experience this... Madness and have a peaceful life."

But... His happiest moment came to an end because Ying Zheng or Qin-Shi-Huang was chosen as crown prince.

When he is on his way to Qin, a Soldier from Zhao ambushes him and wants to take revenge by killing him.

Because of a surprise attack, it's costing the life of his mother figure who protecting him instead of helping the Zhao soldier to kill their enemy.

He always blames himself... Blame himself because too weak to protect his mother.

He promised to be stronger.

To be the Greatest King.

This was the beginning of the First Emperor who united all of China.

"Path of Emperor huh? It sounds troublesome yet..." Satria is glad to read this journal and think about his dream.

What does he truly want in this life? He not thinking of that yet but something sparked inside him and Fatalis was delighted because of it.

'It has begun huh? Don't worry my love this one will assist you in achieving your Ultimate Goal.' Fatalis smirked.

Adventure Guild

Alessa City

"To the point, Why did we call here urgently?" The black-haired woman with elf ears asks the guildmaster. 

"An army of monsters soon will come to this land and we need everyone to protect this city." The guild master explains the situation.

"For real? Where did you receive this information?" One of her party members asks the guild master.

The guild master smiled. "They are great people who gonna save our beloved city and new members of this guild."

Not long three people entered the meeting room.

They are Satria, Naruto, and Fran.

Everyone has no idea who are they but for guild master believes them this much.

"They what you mean? Why too we must believe to rookie." Men with tanned skin and white hair looked down on Satria party members.


Kazuma-sama: "They perhaps rookies but can kick your ass anytime."

Spider-man: "Yep! Just don't upset Shin and you will be fine."


"You sure they can save our town? I mean they are just nameless adventures and why bring children here? This is not a good place for you." The blonde elf mage is not sure about them.

"They are so handsome and if you prove yourself to be useful. I gladly reward one of you with... something... Fun." A long-haired red female warrior winked at them.


King of Knights: "Stay away from him you Bitch!"

Pervert Sage: "My student makes me jealous!!! It should be me who is surrounded by a sexy woman 😭."


"Bah!!! If someone useful here that was me." The white-haired man declared confidently and walked to Satria group. "I do not see anything impressed from you two, Only pretty faces and No skill. Go home or you prefer to fight me and experience some pain?!"


Spider-man: "Here we go again."

Robin: "I already feel bad for him."

Kazuma-sama: "Ouch... Shin not gonna let this narcissistic bastard have an easy life for sure."

Evil Spirit: "Fufu... What is he gonna do to him I wonder?"

Cookies Maniac: "I don't like arrogant people like him."


"I am not impressed with you too, Big talk and small Pepe." Satria takes off his pants and makes his bottom part show in public.


Cookies Maniac: "Wa.... Wa... No!!! I can't married after seeing this 🙈."

King of Knights: "How filthy."

Esdeath: "Pitiful."

Spider-Man: "Oh No!!! Where is the censor when you need it?"

Robin: "If that was me, I definitely would never show my face to everyone ever again."

Evil Spirit: "Fufu... He is an amusing guy indeed."

Pervert Sage: "Hahaha... That was a fitting punishment for a cocky brat like him."

Kazuma-sama: "Amusing because you never experienced his prank and this guy's life is done now."


"That was undoubtedly... Small."

"How shameless."

"Fran, don't look!!!" Bobon covered her eyes, He never let her see this unholy thing.

"What?! How? When? You!!! Are you the one who does this to me?!" The White-haired man accused Satria while covering his private spot in embarrassment.

"No? You see... I just stand here and you for some reason show off your small Pepe to us. Are you not ashamed to have this exhibitionist as part of your party member?" Satria looked at the black-haired elf or the leader of this party.

"I... I KILL YOU!!!" He is very mad and tries to pierce Satria with his spear only stopped by Naruto who holds the tip of his spear only with a finger and breaks his weapon.


Kazuma-sama: "He is still not done fanning the flames."

Robin: "I don't want to be his enemy, that's for sure."

Spider-man: "Same."

Pervert Sage: "Same."


"Is this the best adventure you have Mr Guild Master?" Naruto asks him with a disappointed face.

"Unfortunately... Yes." The guild master replies to him.

"Don't look down on..."

Naruto displays his demonic aura making some people tremble in fear and some furniture in guild cracks.

"Hmm~ So sexy." The black-haired elf licked her lips.  

"Do not test my patience." The white-haired man fainted when facing Naruto demonic aura. "Now let's talk about the army of monsters, They have a thousand powerful monsters ready to make mayhem outside here and let's be real no one in this room can defeat them except me or him." Naruto implication at Satria.


King of Knights: "Good Naruto, I had enough of Shin stupid joke."

Esdeath: "Yes... He so sexy indeed."

Kazuma-sama: "Thousand monster? You must be kidding me."

Cookies Maniac: "Mr Naruto act like a true hero 😊."

Spider-man: "Agree... No wonder he is part of the Avengers."

Robin: "At least he knows his priority, unlike certain someone."


"What should we do then?"

"Instead of wasting your life, I need you all to evacuate and protect all people in this town. We two going to the front line and take care of them all." Naruto tells his plan to them.

"Naruto-san! Please allow me to join and help you." Fran pleaded to him, She didn't want to be a burden.

"Allow me to help you too, My name is Amanda the A-Rank adventure. Who is your name handsome?" She asks Naruto identity.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto."

"You sure to let Fran join us?" Naruto asks Satria insane decision.

"Why not dude? It's a good time for training." Satria replied to him.


Everyone was in despair when they saw the army of monsters and a black dragon who only appeared in myth.

It's one of the S-Rank monsters the Divine Dragon.

"We... are done."

"No way we can win."

"Fuck with this, I am outta here."

Some adventures begin running away to escape from this town.


King of Knights: "What a coward!!!"

Kazuma-sama: "Even the amazing me will run if see something like this."

Evil Spirit: "You are an amazing coward."

Esdeath: "This is good training indeed for that kitten."

Cookies Maniac: "They are so much, How do they defeat them? Is Fran gonna be okay?"

Pervert Sage: "Relax young lady, They both will protect her from any danger."


"Fran-chan you sure about this? It's very dangerous in here." Naruto doesn't want Fran to participate in this battle.

"Yes! I try my best to help you both." Fran unsheathed her sword.

"Show me what you made of handsome and don't worry, I will protect her with my life." Amanda standing beside Fran.

"Thank you Amanda-chan." Naruto smiled at her. "Let's go, Shin!"

"Malas bang."

Naruto dashed to the army monster alone while Satria watched him from behind.

"... You not help him?" Amanda asked Satria who now drinking Coca-Cola without care.

"Huh? He can solo this without my help. Don't bother with him." Satria brought a chair from the city and relaxed there while enjoying the show.

Fran sighed. 'Why is he so silly and lazy?'


Kazuma-sama: "How he can be this calm when facing a dire threat in front of him?"

King of Knights: "Just forget about him, He was lost cause."

Evil Spirit: "Really? For me he is cute."

Robin: "It's impossible to predict his move, He is just too random."

Spider-man: "I don't know why but Shin reminds me of Dead Pool."

Esdeath: "This is his method to teach Fran."

Emilia: "Why did he train her in this unsafe situation?"

Esdeath: "There is a lesson people can learn only in near-death situations and now is the right time."




Naruto uses the sand elements to make gigantic sand waves ready to demolish many monsters in front of him.


"What an Insane Power." Bobon was struck in awe when witnessed Naruto overwhelming strength.

"Who... Are you people? No way humans can use this kind of magic." Amanda was shocked when seeing Naruto power.


"Ah~ Shin..." Matatabi peeks in Satria direction with a dreamy face.

"Excuse me... we are now in battle. Can you please help me first Matatabi-san?"

"Kyaa!!! Don't surprise me like that brat and go finish this quickly then introduce me to him." Matatabi lent Naruto her power.

Naruto imbued his Rasenshuriken with a blue flame and threw it to the enemy burning them until they remained nothing.

Giant Cyclops is ready to strike him and Naruto eyes transform into a ripple pattern. "Shinra Tensei!!!"


Emilia: "Naruto-san is very strong."

King of Knights: "As expected from my Naruto."

Robin: "To think the laid-back Shin defeated him in a duel, Unbelievable."

Esdeath: "Naruto is holding back when facing him brat."

Evil Spirit: "Ara-Ara~ lost is lost Esdeath-san, No need to be denial."

Kazuma-sama: "Yep... perhaps? I mean we do not see him using this skill and his weapon."

Pervert Sage: "That eyes... same as Nagato."

Spider-man: "What with his eyes?"

Pervert Sage: "Rinnegan, it is said that in times of disorder, one who wields the Rinnegan is sent down from the heavens to become either a "God of Creation" who will calm the world or a "God of Destruction" who will reduce everything to nothingness."


His jutsu destroyed the army of monsters leaving only one monster.

The Black Dragon.

Fran and Amanda kill every monster who approaches them.

"Don't give up and show them the GIRL POWER! I always help you with prayer never forget it, my companion." Satria cheers at the duo from his relaxing spot.

"You MORON!!! Help us instead of talking nonsense." Bobon was annoyed at him.

"Sure~ I summon you Vaporeon! Bask us with your cuteness!" Satria summoned Vaporeon and she instantly snuggled on him. "Hello~ Daddy needs you to help Daddy friend to defeat the bad monster, Can you help us, my proud girl?"

Vaporeon has a 'leave it to me' face and jumps to the battlefield helping Fran and Amanda.

"You... How could you send this cute monster fight instead of you?!" The sword questioned his sanity.

"Is he always like this?" Amanda asks Fran about Satria weird attitude while killing a monster with her whip.

Fran blushed very red. "I... I am sorry about his behaviour but he is a good guy when you know more about him."

(Explosion sound)

Not long they heard a loud noise from Naruto location and thousand monsters were already defeated by him.

"This is... The Power of God." Amanda had never seen something like this in her life and was very impressed at the blonde magic.

"We not needed huh? I feel useless now." Bobon said. 

Satria is amused when seeing Pain Jutsu. "A Rinnegan huh?"   

"Grrrrrrrrrr!!!" The Dragon showed his sharp fang and leapt forward at Naruto.

"Kurama! You ready?" Naruto creates praying motions and a yellow aura radiates from him.

Kurama smirked. "This is the right time to test it."

From behind Naruto, something huge emerged. "100 Type Guanyin Bodhisattva, Asura Kurama Mode!!!" Golden Asura Kurama who have a hundred hands materialize. "First Hand!"

An invisible golden hand slapped the Dragon making him thrown to the ground.

The Dragon stood up in anger and charged black energy at his mouth then shot a dark ray to Naruto.

Naruto teleported to another place to dodge the Dragon attack and made a prayer gesture once again only his hand made a sign that looked like the number ninety-nine.

Golden Ashura Kurama rain blows to the Dragon with his multi-armed inflicts heavy damage to his opponent.

"Graaaaa!!!" The Dragon starts to feel pain all over his body and stands again.

"You strong... Allow me to use this to end your life." Naruto prayed with all his heart and focused his aura into one. Kurama Asura Mode howled out an enormous flare of aura and obliterated his enemy without mercy. "Zero hand... Mastered."


Spider-man: "What is that? I can't see anything yet the Dragon is damaged by an invisible force."

King of Knights: "This is... the result of training Naruto do every morning?"

Pervert Sage: "What training? Maybe I can apply his training to Naruto from my world."

King of Knights: "He throws 100,000 punches per day and prays as gratitude, He did that every day without stopping even under heavy weather."

Kazuma-sama: "That was hella dedication he has to become stronger."

Robin: "Praying as a method for training? This is the first time I heard that kind of training."


Satria is suddenly beside him when Naruto's success defeats the Dragon.

"Excellent work, Now our work is almost finished. Let's go find the caster now because I'm very exhausted after fighting them all." Satria said.

'But... You do nothing.' The male bijuu inside Naruto said together.

Naruto uses sage mode and searches for the caster's location.

"Follow me."

Satria followed him and found an old man with a horn who had a painful face.

"You... What had you done? You disturb my plan to save our world." The Devil have a frightened face.

"Yep, That was a fantastic plan to save the world. Now come with us. You can choose the easy way or the hard way sir and explain to us everything ya know?" Satria wants to know the reason behind this.

"Something wrong with him, Be careful." Naruto has a bad feeling about him.

"You... You don't understand, The only way to save our world is to be under their rule. Now our world is finished... Ahhhhhhhh!!!" His body explodes and a gigantic creature comes out of his body, The thing flies to Alessa city.

"Demi sempak Neptunus, What the fuck is that?!"

To be continued. 

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