What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 58. God of Light and Darkness

Fran, Amanda, And Vaporeon doing tag team now and slaying every monster that attempts to enter the city.

"Sword Technique, Wind Cutter!"

"Whip Technique, Dragon Tail!"

Fran created an air slash while Amanda made her whip become like a sharp blade ready to shred them into pieces.

Vaporeon blasted huge volumes of water at her enemy too.

"Go create more water stupid sword! I want to show the world how amazing my baby girl is." Satria clone ordered him to supply water for Vaporeon.

"Dumbass!!! I cannot concentrate assist Fran if you keep bothering me, You already stole my spell do it by yourself." Bobon is back to focus on Fran.

"You two are not bad, What is your name girl?" Amanda asks Fran.

"My name is Fran."

"Fran huh? Let's know each other more when we are done here. What do you think?" Amanda smiled at her. After all, She is a Guardian of Children and to see talented children like Fran is rare.

"... Sure?" Fran is not sure but feels it was a mistake to give her approval.

"Hehe... From now on we are a friend Fran-chan." Amanda was happy when heard it. "How about the little one? Want to be my familiar?" She wants to make Vaporeon her pet because she is so adorable.

"Hey!!! I don't care if you are a woman but no one touches my little girl!!!" Satria glared at Amanda.  

Fran and Amanda sweating when listening to Satria childish tantrum.

Vaporeon shook her head and ran to Satria lap while smirking at Fran.

Fran for some reason feels irritated seeing Vaporeon mocking smile.

'Don't be proud of yourself you stupid catfish! Shin just be nice to you not you are special to him.' Fran said internally.

Everyone celebrates when the Black Dragon and army of monsters fall by Naruto thinking the disaster has ended sadly this is just the beginning of their nightmare.

Satria eyes turn sharp and sense something big coming here.

"Vaporeon, Enter the ball now," Satria ordered his Pokémon and she entered the Pokeball immediately.

The earthquake happened in the city and a giant monster landed in front of Alessa City Gate.

The creature has many eyes with big eyes in the middle and pink spiked skin.

It's size is bigger than the divine dragon and looks like a creature coming out of a nightmare.

The monster shoots a beam from his eyes destroying everything in front of him.

The wall, building, and living being in Alessa city.

"What... Monster is this?"

"This is a dream... Yeah... No way this is real hahaha."

"We are done!!!"

"Noooo!!! Rudy... Rudy, please wake up!!!"

Amanda was very terrified now but tried her best to harden herself and try to attack the monster with her strongest attack.

"Amanda-san!!! What are you doing?" Fran sees Amanda go forward to the monster and she wants to chase her.

"Appraisal!!!" Bobon uses the skill to peek at the monster status.


Name: Gan-Q

Species: ????

Hp: 85.000

Mp: -

Strength: 51.500

Vitality: 52.000

Agility: 5.000

Intelligence: 750

Magic: -

Dexterity: 15.000


Bobon is hopeless when sees the monster's stats even Amanda-san the A-rank adventure only has three-digit stats yet this monster has five-digit stats.

"Fran... You must run now!!! We can't defeat this monster!' Bobon doesn't want his wielder to get killed by this gigantic eye monster.

"I can't abandon her sensei." Fran refuses to leave Amanda.

"Heavenly Whip techniques!!!" Amanda whips emits white energy focuses all her magic into her whip and attacks the leg of the monster but it does not damage him at all.

"Hihihi" The monster looks at Amanda and wants to step on her.

'It's my end huh? Haha... I am sorry to fail you all.' She closes her eyes and remembers the children in the orphanage.

"FRAN!!! Don't DO THIS!!!"

"Acceleration!!!" Fran quickly grabbed Amanda and pulled her from there.

Amanda opened her eyes with a shocked face and saw her position now swapped with Fran.

'Shin... I'm sorry cannot be someone worth standing by your side, Father... Mother... I will soon be with you again.' Fran's tears drop from her eyes and closes her eyes waiting for her end.

"No... Why did you save me?! Someone, please help her!!!" Amanda screamed out for help hoping for a miracle.

(Loud sound of Kaiju stomp) 

Suddenly bright light dazed every person in the city and another giant figure was present saving Fran from danger.

Giant with blue and white colours exude an aura of kindness, peace, and gentleness suddenly appear shocking everyone.

It's like God is descending into the world.

"Who... is this guy?" Bobon stunned by the blue giant immense power.

At that moment Fran world changed drastically even fate couldn't predict her destiny and a completely new reality was presented to her.

Satria POV

The Ultraman power exceeded Satria expectations.

How much do they all hold back on earth? The power he holds right now is tremendous and it's simply his first form.

I can't imagine how powerful the Legend or Saga Form is. 

"Yes!!! Now kick his ass darling!!!" Fatalis command him.

"Darling your ass."

Satria sees Fran in his palm looking at him with an admiring gaze, He puts her in a safe place before fighting with this eye monster.  


Kazuma-sama: "Who?"

Emilia: "Thank goodness Fran is safe."

Cookies Maniac: "I'm already afraid bad things will happen to her, Thanks to this kind giant she is safe from danger"

Spider-man: "Is that giant is Shin?"

Robin: "What? Not only that super speed he can transform into this too? It's very unexpected."

Pervert Sage: "I can't wait to see what he can do with this form."

Evil Spirit: "Ara-Ara he man of many surprises did he? Now I can say Shin is also held back same as your favourite Naruto."

King of Knights: "..."

Esdeath: "..."

[Special Mission]

[Protect Fran's world from the invasion of the Alien Empera army]

[Destroy Gan-Q]

"Ahihihihi." Gan-Q laughed weirdly and ran to Satria to tackle him.

Satria stopped his tackle with his strength and smacked him to the ground.

Gan-Q jumps and fires a beam from his giant eyes.

Satria created barriers and protected him from such attacks.

Bright red glow encircles him and Satria transforms to his next form.

His body now has a red colour mixed with it which increases his power.

The name of his transformation is Corona form.

Naruto watched Satria from afar carefully and learned the every move of his new rival.

"To think he has a power like this inside him."

It's the opposite of Naruto power, The light he evoked exceedingly anything he ever countered just close to him brought serenity to everyone.

"Kyaaa!!! Shin-sama is so cool!!! Please pat me like a good kitty." Matatabi becomes a Satria fan girl.

"I want him to stroke my fur too It must be very heavenly brushed by him hehe." Kokuo sounds like a girl in love at first sight. 

"Stop!!! Don't say anything more!!!"


Kazuma-sama: "Looking at him fighting this giant monster reminds me of superhero movies in my childhood."

Cookies Maniac: "Go Shin!!! Beat the bad guy!!!"

King of Knights: "What is he anyway?"

Spider-man: "Maybe he heroes of light? Because when he transforms unleashes bright light."

Robin: "Genius... You are Goddamn Genius Parker."

Spider-man: "What's my fault? 😧"

Kazuma-sama: "What they mean is what kind of life form Shin is? Alien? God? Or something else."


'Why too the name of this form is Corona like Virus Corona? Bodo amat dah.'

Golden lightning sparkles from his body, It means the speed force cherishes him.

When he becomes Ultraman his power and speed are many times stronger and faster than his human form.

Satria punch the kaiju in the eyes but it passed his body like an illusion. 

"Ahihihihi." The monster's giant eyes smile like he is ridiculing Satria and kicks his stomach.

'Aghh!!! Why did my attack pass his body?' Satria took a distance and checked his surroundings. 'Did I trapped in power like genjutsu or is this one of his abilities? His voice is so fucking annoying too and what with that smug face? I want to kick this guy into oblivion very badly.'

The kaiju summoned many eyes from his body to surround him.

The eyes he summoned attacked Satria with a similar beam but in a smaller version.

Satria moves very fast and escapes from them.

"Let's test this." Satria created a golden spear and threw it to Kaiju's eyes only the spear absorbed his eyes. "I see... Then... how about this?" He moves to his enemy's blind spot and creates an air slash with his kick.

"Aiiiiii!!!" The monster shrieked in pain.

'As I thought, If his eyes do not see my attack he can't use his stupid power.' Satria begins to understand his enemy's ability.

The Kaiju were angry and shot strange purple energy absorbing everything in his giant eyes.

Satria dodged his attack effortlessly, The kaiju unable to follow his movement made him decide to change the target.

The kaiju teleported inside the city and targeted the civilians.

'Damn'it... he targeting people in the city!!!' Satria goes to the city immediately.


"Run for your lives!!!"

"The monster is here!!!"

"God of light please protect us!!!"

Satria shields the attack with his body and absorbs him inside the kaiju body.



Esdeath: "Why does he bother defending the weakling? I never understand."

Emilia: "Even from all he claimed, He still cares about others."

Robin: "What happened to him now?"

Cookies Maniac: "I hope nothing bad happened to him."

Kazuma-sama: "Where is Naruto when we need him?"

Pervert Sage: "You right... Where is he?"


"Shin!!!" Fran clenched her fist, once again she felt so useless and couldn't help him.

Satria woke up inside the monster and saw countless eyes staring at him.

The eyes create the loud sound of laughing that can make anyone crazy when hearing it.

'Cyka Blyat!!! His voice is super annoying. How I can escape from this place? Do you have any idea Fatalis?' Satria closed his ears with his hand or string but proved useless.

"Katakan peta! Katakan peta!" Fatalis already lost her mind too.


Kazuma-sama: "Low the volume everyone!!!"

[Emilia logout]

King of Knights: "What kind of grotesque is this creature?"

Robin: "Thanks for warning Kazuma."

Evil Spirit: "I... almost became crazy because of that sound, How can he endure that?"

[Emilia login]

Robin: "You okay? @Emilia."

Emilia: "Sorry... I surprised when listen to it and reflect to logout my account."

Fran: "Shin... Please be safe and win this."

Cookies Maniac: "Haha... Kill that asshole, Shin!!! Rip him apart!!!"

Esdeath: "... Is this brat get the effect of this curse sound and become wilder?"

Spider-man: "Someone gives her an elixir of mind."

Robin: "On my way."


"This not the time for making a joke dummy!!! We needed to search way to escape from here before we became Insane!" Satria thinks of a way to deal with this situation. "I don't have any choice, don't I?" He stabbed his ears making him temporarily deaf so the voice could not be heard by him. "Now... It's the show time babe."

Naruto POV

"Who are you? You think I don't notice you watching us?"

"I never knew monkeys could do what you do lowly god." The entity applauded him. "Because you entertained me, Let me offer you something. surrender this world to us and serve our Emperor or do you want this world destroyed by us right now? I am a gentleman after all and hate to force someone to obey me."

"I refuse you damn monster!!!"

Naruto took out his weapon Ame-no-Murakamo and tried to slash him only blocked by a yellow barrier.

"Be ease earthling but to think Ultraman will show up in this primitive world is an unexpected factor we have not predicted. My name is Mephilas and we will meet again next time, If you survive hahaha." He disappears leaving Naruto alone.

From Satria's fist golden lightning was generated.

He searched the kaiju's weakness and found eyes who always moving inside this nightmare. 

Satria moves very fast and flies up ready to give this stupid monster his most powerful punch.

He vibrates his arms at light speed to unleash the infinity mass punch.

Unlike Flash in the original who is a normal human, Satria is Ultraman with incredible strength making the technique deadlier than the average speedster.

His punch killed the monster and shook the entire planet the shockwave even reaching outside the planet too destroying stars or meteorites in his way.

He gets out of the monster body and looks up at space.

'You must be kidding me.'

Naruto teleported toward him.

"Shin! They gonna blow up this planet now. We must do something about it."

Satria nodded and flew into space immediately.

"Metamorphosis." Naruto transforms into a gigantic winged demon with ten tails following Satria.

When they reached outer space, Satria and Naruto saw the massive battleship ready to shoot an energy blast at the planet.


Kazuma-sama: "How we can survive or do something against that?!" 

Spider-man: "So BIG!!! It is the size of a small planet perhaps? If the attack came down Fran world would be destroyed."

Fran: "Something like this exists? Why are they attacking us? What's our fault?!"

Evil Spirit: "@Shin, @God, What are you gonna do with that giant battleship? Go escape with @Fran don't waste your life!!!"

Esdeath: "We... are so small compared to being outside there, I don't even know how to stand up to this if a similar case happens in my world."

Pervert Sage: "We must prepare if something like this comes to our world, Thanks to Dimension Chat we are aware we are not alone in this universe."

Robin: "They have a plan right? I... not gonna blame them even they have fled from that world with @Fran."


"That huge spaceship!!! Even bigger than Juubi. What you gonna do now Naruto?" Kurama asks him.

"Do you have a plan, Shin?"

Shin gives his fist to him. "Bump your fist on mine, I want to test something."

Naruto doesn't have any idea his reason for doing this but he follows his words, He doing a fist bump with him.

When they do it outbursts of power occur, merging the power of light and darkness. From their fusion, they begin to understand each other every memory, power, and energy united to be one entity.


Naruto watch glimpses the memory of Satria.

His childhood, family, hobbies, and many others.

Unlike him, Satria has a good childhood to the point that he is jealous of him.

As usual, all mother is scary yet full of love for their children. Satria mother reminds him of his mother, Uzumaki Kushina.

Satria father is questionable at best, To the point he feels sorry for him.

The most surprising matter he learned from his memory is... He is just a fictional character in his past life.

This is not easy for him to take, To think his existence created by normal humans with a pen.

"Now you learn the truth, How do you feel?" Satria asks him, He now sits on Fatalis body while patting her head gently.

"Haha... Of course, it's a shock to me. Find out you are a reincarnated person and I'm just a fictional character." Naruto said.

"Now we both already learned from each other, I hope you do not cross me and be sure not to tell this to anyone else. This is knowledge hard to comprehend with others, I don't want them to assume their lives are worthless because controlled by their writer." Satria warns him with a serious face which is rarely seen.

Naruto nodded in agreement. "Don't worry I'll keep this secret to my grave. You are a good guy, are you?" He grinned at him.

"Idiot, let's end this and save Fran world. We have work to do dobe."

When two great forces converge, a New identity of otherworldly power appears.

White and Black plasma shining brilliantly even people from the Fran world can feel it.  

"What... is this power?"


"To think such power exists in our world?"

"Send your Apostles to investigate this!!!"

"The power who surpasses God like us huh? How fascinating!!!" The God of Blacksmith smiling excitedly, For his creation has a connection to the owner of this unreal power. He must visit them later.

The light reveals a new warrior.


Kazuma-sama: "No way!!!"

King of Knights: "One of them already powerful now they are become one?"

Esdeath: "Yes... This is the real power I strived for!!!"

Pervert Sage: "At this point, No way Naruto from my world can surpass him."

Robin: "Unbelievable, They can do that?!"

Spider-man: "Yes!!! You both very amazing @God & @Shin, Now the time to kick their ass."

Fran: "His power is unimaginable even from here we can feel it and everyone is begin praying to him."

Evil Spirit: "Really? They are truly marvellous."


He has enormous wings and an eye slugger in his head.

His body has four colours mixed blue, white, red, and black symbolised the balance between order and chaos.

The wings have different colours too, Black is the left-wing colour and Gold is the right-wing colour.

He called as Ultraman Order.

Ultraman order gathers the hope and despair from Fran world to his wings then channeling the energy to his hand and firing wide L-Style beam to huge spaceship.

The twilight golden beam clashing with the energy blast from the huge space-battleship.

It's pushing the energy blast until reaching the space-battleship destroying it.

(Explosion Sound)


Spider-man: "They did it!!!"

King of Knights: "Good work."

Robin: "You two are incredible!"

Emilia: "This is miracle."

Pervert Sage: "As expected from my prouded student 🎉🎉🎉"

Esdeath: "You two give us amazing show."

Kazuma-sama: "We must celebrated this on my world @Shin, You are True Heroes who can defeat Demon King in my world!!!"

Evil Spirit: "You just want to use him for your business are you?"

Fran: "Thank you... Thank you for saving my world."

[Mission Completed]

[60.000© will be shared]

[25.000© + 1 surprise box for Shin]

[25.000© + 1 surprise box for God of Hope]

[10.000© + 1 surprise box for Kuroneko]

[Participants will returned in 30 minutes]


When they done destroy the threat.

Satria separated Naruto from his body.

"You are not bad dobe."

"You too problematic brat."

They both doing fist bump and smiling at each other.

Their legend will be spread and sing in whole world as the tale of God of Light and Darkness who fight together against evil.

To be continued.


A/n: Reincarnated as sword arc finished!!! Do you enjoy the story?

Give me your review here 👈

Now let's vote what anime you want to put in here.

1. To aru kagaku no Index

2. Youjo Senki

3. Jujutsu Kaisen

4. Otome game no sekai wa mob

5. One-Piece

6. Goblin Slayer

7. Kumo desu ga nanika?

8. Mahouka koukou no Rettousei

9. Classroom of Elite

10. Mushoku Tensei

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