What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 60. Darkness Lurking

Satria leaves his house taking a night walk outside and searching for a spot to smoke far from his wives.

'I am still interested in how Clint created the Dragon Armor in a short time and how much my coins are now.' Satria checked the Dimensional Chat and his coins now are 57.000. 'I need 30.000 more to buy Legend Form, It can wait because nothing dangerous here.'

Satria kept walking and saw a girl sitting on the road alone.

"You okay? A brat like you should in home instead of outside like this." Satria asks the high school girl.

"The last train already departed and I cannot go home." She answers him.

"Hmm... You will stay here until morning? It's dangerous for a girl outside at night alone you know?"

The girl smiled. "How about you let me stay in your home onii-san?"

"Wow! Are you not scared I do something to you when I bring you to my home?" Satria tested her.

The girl stands. "I... I don't mind actually, If you want us to do it hehe." She blushes because never seen a man this handsome. White hair, handsome face like a prince from a fairytale, tall, and looks kind too.

Satria is not a fan of this type of woman, He understands something must be happening to her but for her to throw her body to a stranger this easily is not the right thing.

Japan and their free-sex culture are terrific.

Someone definitely will pick her thoughts, I hope the one who picks her is not a pervert.

He doesn't want to be killed by Kiyohime too.

"That was an unfortunate smile, Just go to the hotel or internet cafe tonight and here is some money for you." Satria gives her enough money to live for one week in Japan.

"You sure? I don't want to take your money and I can do house choir for you too." She sees the money and branded outfit he has, This guy is surely rich.

"Sorry... I don't want to die young and be careful out there. You are a girl's treasures yourself more did you hear me?" After done lecturing her, He leaves the girl alone.

"Wait!" When she wants to chase Satria, He is gone from sight. "Where is he?"

Satria is smoking in a park near where he leaves the girl.

He senses someone following him when he meets the girl on the road.

He takes out a weird-looking fruit and eats it because wants to test the power this fruit will grant to him.

"Ew... Disgusting and now Room!" Satria creates a blue sphere and takes the stone below him. "Shambles!" He swapped the stone with the person who followed him.

She is a woman with a gothic dress and twin-tailed black hair, She has red eyes and her bangs cover the other eyes.

"Ara~ Once again you surprised me Shin-kun. I didn't expect you can do something like that."

"What do you want for coming to this world?" Satria asks her reason.

"Of course to meet you, Do you remember your promise to help me?" Kurumi reminded him.

"... I almost forgot, You want to use your power without consuming your boyfriend... Who's his name? Shomay Kusuka?" Satria tried to remember the name.

"It's Shidou Itsuka and he's not my boyfriend!!!" Kurumi denied it.

"Shidou will be sad if he hears this, I thought you were part of his harem." Satria has a confused face.

"I am not his girlfriend let alone part of his Harem! There is my clone who has feelings for him but I'm not!!!" Kurumi clears the misunderstanding even though deep inside it's not true because she has a bit of interest in him. "Can we talk about my problem first rather than this?"

"Travel back to the past to change the future huh? Do you know the consequences of your action?" Satria asks her.

"It's not your business, I will kill that woman no matter the cost and prevent all spirits from existing in my world!!!" Kurumi answered him with a furious tone.

"Are you certain you are strong enough to kill her? Are you certain your will is yours and not played by her scheme?"

Satria hates to be involved with this type, The blonde bastard definitely can handle the Emo type better than him.

Kurumi raised her eyebrows. 'I... Played by that woman scheme? No... My will is mine! I am not some doll who can be controlled by others!'

"Your expression tells me, You do not accept my remarks. Even if you are successful back in the past, You only create another timeline and it's not guaranteed you can win against your enemy. Let me tell you a story about someone who wants to save her mother from death, He has the ability you desire and success in saving his mother. You know what happens next?" Satria wants to know her answer.

Kurumi shakes her head means she doesn't know the answer.

"He makes the world worse than before and the world where his mother is alive is destroyed because of him, Is that what you want Kurumi?" Satria told her about the consequence of time travelling and Kurumi began to hesitate. "I know you are a good girl but because of the trauma you experienced, You acting as the bad guy in your world."

"Then... What should I do? No way I can forgive that selfish bitch! Because of her, my friend Sawa is Dead!" Kurumi speaks with full of wrath.

Satria chopped her head. "Calm yourself, Did I already tell you? Your friend is still alive even not in this world."

"Ouch! It hurt Shin-kun and are you serious about it? Where is she now?!" Kurumi wants to know this information.

"Where... Let me remember." Satria acting thinking hard. "Fatalis!!! Help me search for this information!!!" He begs his partner.

"Good grief my boy, Wait for a second." Fatalis search the information in his memory. "I found it, Here catch!!!" She sends the information to him.

"Ah yeah... I remember. The keys word Neighboring World and White Queen." Satria answered her question.

"What is this Neighboring World? White Queen?" Kurumi doesn't understand.

"Story for another time when I'm in the mood. Do your best to make me motivated enough to help you, emo queen." Satria teased her.

"Ara-Ara~ Is that challenge to conquer you to be mine Shin-kun? Hmm... You are more fun and interesting than him when I think more about it." Kurumi moved closer to him.

"Huh? Conquer me? How can this conversation lead to that? If you want with me ask the mother in my household first because I don't want to be killed by her." Satria wants her money or coins, not this.

"You... have a girlfriend?" Kurumi asks him with a surprised face, She almost seduces the man with a girlfriend.

"Yeah... I have three girlfriends. Sorry, to disappoint you and I don't recommend you join us if you hate this kind of relationship." Satria warns her to not pursue him.

Kurumi thought this very deeply. 'What should I do? He unfaithful man huh? But... A man this strong and scared of his girl is strangely cute.'

"I want to test something."

"Huh? Test what?"

Kurumi stroked him under the chin and saw him enjoying that.

"Ara~ Do you like it Shin-kun?" Kurumi asks his opinion.

"Yep~ that's the spot." Satria enjoyed it until he back to his senses. "What are you doing to me?! Don't touch me damn you." He brushed her hand away from his chin.

'My... How precious. I want to poke fun at him more.' Kurumi said internally.

"No need to be embarrassed Shin-kun, I just want to test nothing more unless..." Kurumi whispers to his ears. 'You beg me for more of it.'

"Beg? I never beg!!! My name is Sat-Shin the Honoured One never show any weakness even to You Evil Spirit!" Satria announces.

(10 minutes later)

"There... There... Who is the good boy?" Kurumi patted his head.

"Hehe... Yes~ love me more." Satria smiled blissfully until she stopped her hand. "Why did you stop?"

"You need to ask me first my dear puppy, Go on." Kurumi smiled at him.

"I... want you to... do it again to me." Satria blushed and covered his face with his hand.

"Stupid Satria, Honoured One my ass." Fatalis facepalm herself.

"Too cute! I want to kidnap and make you mine alone Shin-kun." Kurumi hugged him once again and caressed his cheeks, Their forehead touched each other. "How about it? Don't worry I promise to take care of everything you need. Be mine and forget about others."

Satria is mad and pushes her.

"Don't get carried away, lady. I already promised to never leave my girl forever no matter what. Sorry, but I must refuse you." Satria said to her.

Kurumi instead of being angry, was glad when heard it.

"Good boy, You pass my test." Kurumi stood up and kissed his forehead.

"Pass? What do you mean by it?" Satria doesn't have any idea what she means by it.

"You know? I hate betrayers like that bitch and you are loyal to the people you love. If you accept my offer to leave them, I even think of eating you right now." Kurumi's shadow is already below Satria ready to eat his time.

(Play OST)

"Hmph! Something like that cannot kill me, stupid girl." Satria said.

"Then... How about this?"

From Kurumi's hand, a red pentagram shone transforming her into something wilder, It's like looking inside the darkness.


"Interesting, I want to test something too." Satria makes a finger gun hand gesture. "Shigan: Rain of Bullet." He rapid-fires Kurumi body multiple times.

Instead of an injured, Kurumi body begins to regenerate and the darkness transforms again into many black hounds' heads.

"That was not good Shin-kun, Do you understand a fragile young lady like me must be treated as gently as possible?" Kurumi smiled sadistically at him.

"For you? No~ What is this power you get from the chat group? Have you become a vampire or something like that?" Satria is curious.

"How about you get closer to me and find out by yourself my darling?" Kurumi shot her revolver at him.

"Dark Platinum!"

Satria summoned his stand and wanted to block her bullet unfortunately the bullet penetrated his stand hand and the bullet success hit him.

"Fufu~ I don't know what's that invisible thing who tries to block my bullet but it's useless, My attack can penetrate any defence my darling," Kurumi explained her ability.

"My apologies for underestimating you, emo girl." Satria hand emitted a glow and healed his wound. "Let's continue shall we? I want to know how much your regeneration can keep up with my attack." He vanished from Kurumi sight.

'Where is he? I can't detect his presence.' Kurumi tries to find him.

From far away black arrow pierced her body from every side and exploded when successfully hit her.

"The weakness of a person who has regeneration power like you is too overconfident in your ability and always thinking nothing can harm you. Even now I already created many plans to checkmate you, emo girl." Satria speaks from somewhere trying to drop her mental state. "Seal you, bury you alive, throw you to outer space, and many more. There is a fate worse than death and I know how to do it."

Kurumi stood up again and ran somewhere using her shadow to escape from him, She was now hiding in an abandoned building.

'What a terrifying man, I am in a bad spot now. I should create a clone for...'

'What you want to say next is... You want to create a clone to buy time. Am I right beautiful?' Satria whispered to her from behind while vibrating his body to look menace.

"How... could you?" Kurumi was surprised to see him already found her.

Satria shows the green string connected to her body and is ready to crush her heart from the inside.

"The first time you let me hit you, I already marked your body with my magical strings and... This is the result, emo girl." Satria smirked.

Kurumi raised her hands in surrender. "You amazed me Satria-kun, now you found and defeated me what do you want to do to me?"

"Go home now, It's already night not a time for a girl like you to roam around," Satria tells her to go back to her world.

"But... The last train already did not operate Shin-kun. Are you the type who gonna abandon helpless girl like me outside alone in the cold night?" Kurumi makes an innocent face similar to a girl he met before her.

Satria was annoyed when listening to her sarcastic words.

"Bla... Bla... Fine, I play your game emo girl, What do you want?" Satria gave up and decided to listen to her.

Kurumi smiled at him. "How about you let me stay in your home darling?"

Kiyohime and Valiana now glaring in Satria direction demand him explain this.

"Ara-Ara~ You are the one who Shin-kun feared huh? My name is Kurumi Tokisaki one of his friends from the group chat and let me be clear I'm interested in this puppy." Kurumi grabs Satria's arms. "He told me to ask permission from you first before we can process further."

"Don't call me with that nickname! I don't know about this and I do what you said to me, girl. Now it's your decision, not me." Satria doesn't want to join this conversation and wants to sleep.

"What are you? You smell weird... Are you perhaps a mixed-breed vampire?" Valiana never smelled this scent, This woman was undoubtedly from another world.

"I am Half-Vampire and Half-Spirit Valiana-san but my original race is Spirit and I got this Vampire blood from Reward on Dimensional Chat, is this satisfying your curiosity?" Kurumi answered her.

"Spirit? Is this similar to the celestial spirit of Gaia the Earth Mother who always lives in peace hidden from everyone."

Albion is interested but the woman in front of him does not feel like that kind of person, he can even smell blood on her.

"It's different bro, The spirit in Kurumi world is extraordinary being from a different dimension. Whether their own will or not is unknown, but each time they come through to this world, they create a Spacequake that is similar to a bomb explosion which destroys everything that it engulfs. Each Spirit is unique in personality, power, and knowledge of the world." Satria explained to him.

"You strong then?! I don't need a weak woman to join my hubby's family so... FIGHT ME Kurumi!!!" Valiana suddenly challenges her only result getting pinched in the cheeks by Kiyohime. "Kiyohime-san stop!!! It's hurts!"

"Is she always like this?" Kurumi asks Satria.

"Yep, Valiana is... Battle Maniac and Edgy Girl but deep inside she was just a spoiled girl." Satria replies to her.

"No fight inside the house and what makes you interested in my husband?" Kiyohime turns to ask Kurumi.

"What makes me interested in him?" Kurumi looked in Satria's direction and thought about it seriously. "He is not a boring guy, someone who can help me fulfil my wish, has self-confidence... Too much of it makes him more like narcissistic, he loves and cares about his family, he is financially secure, the last... he is handsome and adorable like a puppy."

"Adorable your head!!! Never call me puppy!!!" Satria complaining.

"Danna-sama behave!" Kiyohime stared at him.

"... Sorry," Satria growled.

"Don't be too harsh on him Kiyohime-san and Shin are good boys, Right?" Kurumi patted his head gently and Satria answered with nods. "I am making a good ally to this family too, My ability allows me to manipulate time, cloning ability to spy on our enemy, I have the vampiric ability that made me almost immortal, And last I am good at any house chores too with my cloning ability... Take care this big house is a piece of cake for me." Kurumi explained the benefit of having her as part of this household.

"That sounds very useful, What do you think Kiyohime-san? She will be a great help to our family!" Valiana approved her.

Kiyohime sighed. "I accept you but you must prioritise our family over any other and be free from every influence. Do you agree with this?"

"Don't worry I was the villain in my home world and no one put a leash on me. Take care of me from now on senpai." Kurumi bowed to Kiyohime and Valiana as a symbol of her acceptance.

"Why every girl on my side is not normal?" Satria wondering.

Family Restaurant

Kuoh, Japan

Satria, Kiyohime, Valiana, and Kurumi eat together in the family restaurant.

"Sometimes it's not bad to eat together outside," Valiana said.

"Yup, Go order as you like my princess. This is a celebration for Kurumi joining our family hehe." Satria declared openly.

"Thank you Satria-kun for accepting me as part of your family and telling me everything about you." Kurumi kissed his cheeks.

Kiyohime pouted because jealous. "Not fair, I should sit beside Danna-sama."

"Where you will stay from now on Kurumi?" Satria wants to provide her private room in his house if she decides to stay with him.

"I want to finish business in my world first, after that we can stay together as a proper family," Kurumi answered him.

Not long after, Dimensional Chat rang and there was a mission in Naruto world.

"What you gonna do darling?" Kurumi asks him about the mission.

"No... If I joined this mission. This Uchiha Itachi will die by my hand and it's not a good death." Satria told her with a cold tone.

Other is guarded when see Satria like this.

"What... happened between you and this Itachi?" Valiana was interested in why her hubby sounded mad at this guy.

"Traitor of his clan, someone who betrayed his family for his country when there was surely another way to solve the problems. He is a coward who is scared to change the world to be a better place and chooses to be a puppet of his country. Genius my Ass, He's just a spineless man who deserves to be trashed like a Trash! I just hate this type of person no personal problem." Satria told them about the man called Uchiha Itachi.

"What kind of betrayal is this Uchiha Itachi doing to his family?" Kiyohime rarely sees this side of her husband, She sometimes forgets Satria is a very powerful individual and his power now keeps growing.

"He killed everyone in his clan as a way to anticipate a coup d'etat from the Uchiha Clan to take the village leaving only his brother alive," Satria answered.

'So... There are more like me outside here who have fate even worse than me.' Kurumi said internally. She bet this Itachi brother would be like her before meeting Satria.

"Finally I found you!!! Where is my Excalibur?!"

"Xenovia stop!!! We are in front of the populace."

Two exorcists and three devils walk closer to Satria table.

"Shin-san and Kiyohime-san! What are you doing here? Who are they?" Issei sees two unknown beauties accompany him.

"Hee... So this is the popular Shin, Ice prince of Kuoh." Sona pawn named Saji looking at him with full interest.

"Ara-Ara~ Ice Prince huh? That was the unexpected title coming from you." Kurumi chuckled and leaned her head to his shoulder, He is not fit for that title.

"Senpai..." Koneko not expecting will meet him here and seeing another woman flirting with him made her jealous.

"Yo Issei, Koneko, Blue Ranger, Orange Ranger, And... Who are you?" Satria greets them and asks for the blonde man's identity.

"My name is Saji, remember that."

"Don't call me Blue Ranger!!! My name is Xenovia Quarta and give back my weapon!!!"

"And my name is Irina Shido the Orange Ranger!!!"

Both exorcists introduced themselves.

"Hahaha... What a stupid duo. If you need your sword that badly go open X-Bay and search for my account named Gacor Kang and bid on my auction in there, Good luck." Satria told them where to find the weapon.

"X-Bay? What is that?" Xenovia is clueless.

Saji opened his phone and searched his account. He sees the weapon price now reached 3 million dollars USD.

"You sell Holy Weapons to the Online Market on the Internet, Are you crazy?!" Saji asks him.

"Not crazy but smart~ Man needs to feed his family ya know? Something brat like you never understand." Satria picked sunglasses from his pocket to look cool and put his hand around Kurumi shoulder then kissed her cheeks.


Issei and Saji are jealous of him.

"Darling don't do this in front of others, you make me embarrassed." Kurumi blushed so red, It was the first time the man had done this to her.

"You... seriously sell Weapon of God to the internet? There is a limit on disrespected GOD!!!" Xenovia is furious at him.

"I don't care~ You want your weapon? Bring me the money and I will give it to you now." Satria said without care.

"Who is the top bidder Saji?" Issei asks his friend.

"Account with the name Arthur, AzL, Magical Girl, Mark, and The Great Kokabiel," Saji replied to him while checking his phone.

"Ko-Ko-Kokabiel joined too? Shin-san is there no other way?" Issei tries to persuade him.

"Shin, please return her weapon. We need it badly to defeat Kokabiel and prevent the war between factions." Irina begs him.

Satria took off his glasses and wiped his tears. "Sigh... You leave me no choice because of your eagerness to bring justice to Kokabiel, I will..." Four people make expectancy faces thinking Satria will return the Excalibur. "Sell it to the highest bidder!!! Wahahaha!!!"

The four have desperate faces and don't know what to do because the man in front of them is many times stronger than them.

The six-woman who falls to this guy only can watch with a deadpanned face.

"You... Heretic! The church will mark you as an enemy, Are you okay with that?!" Xenovia threatened him.

"I can speak the same to you to Tapir and does my face look like I care?" Satria grinned at her making the exorcist more annoyed at him.

"Long time no see Albion."

"Yes... You too Ddraig, is that pervert brat your bearer now?"

"Yes... You can't imagine my suffering, This brat every minute always thinking about oppai." Ddraig sighed.

"That was better than me." His bearer always thinking about extreme play with her mate.

"What do you mean by I'm worse than this Pervert!!! Take back what you said Albion!!!" Valiana refuses to be described as a pervert.

"Is this beautiful girl my Rival?! How I can defeat her?" Issei doesn't want to hurt a beautiful girl with a voluptuous body.

"What is your relationship with Shin, White Dragon Empress?" Koneko asked her.

"Who knows?" Valiana shrugged her shoulder. 'She is too weak, Why does hubby bother himself with this weakling?' She is not impressed with Koneko.

"... I already held this long enough, Can you all leave us? You disturbed our family time and dare threatened my Danna-sama. Do you want to die that badly?" Kiyohime releases a dark aura that even affects her surroundings but is calmed by Satria who acts fast.

'So... So strong, How I can compete with them?' Koneko feels down when senses how powerful Satria harem is.

He sits beside her and lends her head to his chest while caressing her hair.

"Oh, My~ I suggest you kid leave now or Kiyohime gonna do something to you all," Kurumi warned Issei Group.

"Partner go away now! She is serious." Ddraig said the same too.

"Kay... Goodbye Shin-san."

The five leave the Satria group and search seat to dine.

When Koneko wants to sit, She finds a small candy in her pocket.

Each candy has its quote.

[I am sorry]

[Do you love me?]

[Please say yes]

[I love you]

Koneko looked at Satria and he gave her a wink.

Koneko was happy to see him still looking after her.

"Baka senpai."

To be continued. 

Kurumi joined the Satria Family 😎 

I release faster because you guys already helped raise the rating score to 4.0 again many thanks for following this story

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