What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 66. Holiday

Satria Mansion

Kuoh, Japan

Satria, Kiyohime, Valiana, And Fran now sitting in the living room after eating breakfast prepared by Kiyohime.

"Kiyohime cooking delicious right Fran?" Satria asks the little kitten in his lap.

Fran blushed and couldn't deny the white-haired woman's food was very good it was on the same level even surpassing Shishou cooking, she nodded to answer his question.

"Hey!!! Are you telling me you practising polygamy in Japan? How that was allowed in here asshole? Damn you I'm jealous... I mean you are forbidden to get close to Fran!" Bobon attempted to separate Fran from Satria lap but only got thrown into the trash bin by our MC. "I hate you... Satria!!!"

"What a noisy sword, Do you agree with me, Fran?" Satria asks her only to get pinched in his cheeks. "It's hurt, Fran. For a small girl, you are strong."

"Don't call me small girl and be nice to Shishou." Fran scolded him, her Shishou and Satria always quarrel when they meet each other. She must search way to make both of them come to be friends.

Kiyohime eyes twitched as she saw her Danna-sama get close to this kitten, it should be her spot in there.

"Ara~ You truly adore her are you Danna-sama? And who gives your permission to sit on my husband's lap feral cat?" Kiyohime throws a harsh comment at Fran.

"Does Satria look bothered by my presence? I sit here by the right and approval of him. Are thou perhaps jealous of me old lady?" Fran smirked and tried to show her superiority.

'Wow! Fran's words are sharper than before, is this effect of the fused memory of her and Melania?' Satria admires her bravery in facing up against Kiyohime.

"Old lady?! Fufu... What a rude kitten, You do not wish to see me mad cocky brat." Kiyohime smile turns into a terrifying smile.

"This kitten has fire on her. Young, brave, sharp, and talented. She definitely will become a strong woman in future." Valiana loves her attitude, it's not easy to stand up against furious Kiyohime and this kitten does not even have a hint of fear of her even dare to exchange attack.  

Satria sighed and wondered how two of his girlfriends were now.

'Will they come? I hope they want to join me on holiday in another world.'

(Kurumi POV)

"Baka Satria, How can I end up with someone like him?"

Kurumi rests on the bed in her apartment. Satria is weird undoubtedly, narcissistic, greedy, childish, spoiled boy, lazy, and a playboy. Even with all his flaws she can't bring herself to forsake him, living with him for one week is a blessing for her. He always pampered and showered her with love, made her feel safe when she stayed with him, never let her bored, and treated her like a queen. Only in one week, this man had already stolen my heart. Her face turns very red when remembers their moment and she rolls around in her bed while grinning until someone enters her room, it's the clone she left on this world to observe the boy called Itsuka Shidou and Wescott move.

"Where have you gone in this week?" Her clone watches the original has unusual behaviour now and is interested in what makes her like this.

"None of your business, Give me a report on what you accomplished this week instead of asking useless questions." Kurumi doesn't want to waste her time giving her clone information about her puppy, No way she wants to share him with her clone.

Kurumi clone is curious about the information the original is hiding but her order is absolute.

"Shidou-san searching for you after that incident and DEM as usual tries to hunt us. What do you want us to do next?" Her clone feels the original changed, she usually asks situation of Shidou-san at first and now she hasn't even bothered or cared about him.

"Do as usual, I am not yet planning my next move. Leave my room now!" Kurumi chased away her clone, her clone nodded and entered the shadow leaving her.

Kurumi doesn't have a reason to stay here, especially when she finds out her friend is still alive and her boyfriend is in the process of finding a way to fix the problem of her power which requires her to consume people's lives to use it.

Satria indeed allowed her to absorb people's souls but only bad guys, her Vampiric power grew stronger from each soul she stole from people's lives and what she badly wanted to test was whether she could absorb the ability of her victim.

'Imagining to have the ability of another spirit as mine certainly makes me invincible!!! No... Chase away that thought Kurumi. You are not that kind of girl. For Shidou-san my apologies but my Satria is More... More... Interesting man than you, unlike you who is naive and a late bloomer. My puppy understands how the world works, is romantic and cute, many times stronger than you, more cunning and dependable, and unpredictable. everything about him is so delicious if we ignore his weird tendencies. Satria... Ah~ I yearn for him so much! I want him to love me again! I want him to guide me to become more powerful than I am right now! I want to become one with him! Too many... There are many things I want from him.' Kurumi licked her lips and put on a sadistic face, she plans to have another bout with him.

The dimensional chat rang and there was a private message from Satria, she immediately read it because she wished to know what he wanted from her.

'Holiday to another world? Sound fun. What should I bring for our holiday? I want to surprise him hehe.'

Kurumi left her room and prepared her stuff to bring later.

(Koneko POV)

Issei House

Kuoh, Japan

Now in Issei's house, the Demon Lord Sirzechs Lucifer with his queen Grayfia Lucifuge discuss the existence called Shin, someone who can fight the Angel of Star alone.

"Interesting man, I want to meet him later and thank him for saving my little sister. Anything else you find from this Shin?" Sirzech looks at his wife.

"I cannot find anything else about him, as Rias-sama said this Shin is just a normal human born from a rich family and the son of the CEO of Lux-Group based in South Korea. After the divorce between his parent Shin was left alone in Japan only provided with enough money to live his everyday life and a house. What is he doing in middle school... nothing out of the ordinary? He is just a normal student who has a hobby similar to Issei here and dislikes interacting with others. There is a report from his classmates in middle school that he experienced bullying from another student led him to distance himself from others because of trauma and no support from his family." Grayfia reported every piece of information she gathered about a teenager named Shin made others widen their eyes because find it hard to accept someone like Shin having that kind of past.

"Wait!!! Shin-san bullied is something impossible to visualize." Issei refuses to believe the news that Grayfia informs them.

"I agree with my partner, He doesn't look like someone who has trauma and it's simply ridiculous for a man like him to be bullied." Ddraig does not believe that bullshit, She is more believes in the cow that has wings and breathes fire exists rather than this.

"Unfortunately it's true, my agent didn't find any trace of magic manipulation or misinformation. We asked the source person from the Shin circle of friends in his past so it's one hundred per cent accurate." Grayfia claimed that the information she gathered was legit.

Sirzechs sighed, it's too many questions mark happening now. The mysterious woman held Excalibur in her hand and this boy named Shin.

"We discussed this next time, it's already late night time for youths to sleep," Sirzechs said to Rias Peerage and they all left the room. "What do you think Grayfia? Is there a chance we can recruit him to be on our side? I prefer to have friends than enemies after all." The demon lord asks his wife's opinion.

"I don't know Sirzech-sama, From Rias-sama explanation she is already trying to invite him to be her peerage member but gets refused."

"Hahaha... To think there is another surprising factor in this peaceful era."

(Next Days)

Koneko is in her room typing something on her phone, she shares the information with Satria.


Koneko: "Senpai... My faction began to move and search every detail of information about you. What you gonna do now?"

Satria: "For now I just following the tide and letting them think I'm their ally."

Koneko: "Why do you not hide your identity? Now it's become more complicated than before senpai."

Satria: "This one hates hiding his awesomeness, I just let my action talk and guide everyone under my brilliant path. After all, I'm Satria hehe."

Koneko: "You and your overconfident personality gonna bite you later senpai, How come you get bullied in middle school?"

Satria: "This one never let such a thing happen to me. I will tell you my story later when we meet my little kitten, do you want to join vacation with my family for 3-4 days? It's a good chance for you to know each other."

Koneko: "I love to join but we can't stay away too far from our King, there will be a risk we turn or branded into stray devils."

Satria: "You know what? It's making me want to destroy this peerage system after read this. I have a plan to handle this kind of situation if you allow me to do it."

Koneko: "Sure? How do you do it?"

Satria: "OTW."


Black Flash came to Kuoh with unnatural speed and visited Issei's residence.

"Pizza Delivery!" He knocked on the door and someone opened the door, it was Akeno and she was surprised to see a tall man with black dragon armour standing in front of her house.

"Who are...?"

The Black Flash chopped her neck rendering her unconscious.

Everyone in the house goes down and sees an unknown figure enter the house uninvited.

"Akeno-san! How dare you do this to her?" Issei asks the figure with an angry expression.

"You dare harm my queen? Do you know this place is protected by the Gremory household?" Rias ready her stance to fight him.

"Buchou stay back, he is dangerous." Kiba summoned his sword and stood in front of Rias.

'What are you doing now senpai?!' Koneko saw her boyfriend with strange armour entering the house without permission.

"Who are you?" Sirzechs asks the man in front of him.

"Call me the Black Flash, I'm here to demand payment from Devil Race to create havoc in Shinto Territory. We demand money as compensation." The Black Flash uttered his reason with a deep voice. 

"You from the Shinto Pantheon? I never heard of someone with the name of Black Flash as part of the Shinto pantheon?" Grayfia never heard that name.

"OUTRAGEOUS!!! Have you never heard of the newly named champion of Amaterasu? I expect more from Devil looks like you guys are slow in getting news. I was disappointed, Why Ama-chan trusted you guys with this land is beyond me." The Black Flash look down on them and makes the Devil offended with his insult.

"It's beyond me too to know Amaterasu would have someone this arrogant as her champion. How much do you need?" Sirzech returns his insult and asks for the money he wants from him.

"We demand twenty-five billion USD as compensation or leave this land Devil." The Black Flash stated the price.

"Crazy! I am not bought that." Sirzechs refused to pay him that amount.

"Where is the proof this is an order from Amaterasu-sama?" Grayfia testing him, the price is ridiculous and no way they want to pay him that much.

"Only my word just ask her later or meet us in..." Satria raised a question to the Dragon inside him. 'Where the Yokai live Fatalis?'

"They live in Kyoto puppy. Hari-Hari adu domba." Fatalis said already been used by his antic, only he could turn an invitation for a date into this chaos.

"Yes... Meet us in Kyoto."

"If we refuse? You know this will stretch the relationship between our faction, right? Is this what you want?" Sirzechs warns him, that it's not wise to invoke the Devil Race's wrath.

"Is that a threat? Let me declare this to you puny devil. They have me the BLACK FLASH as their protector. If you don't heed my demand." Satria moves very fast and abducts Koneko. "I take her as hostage, Pay or... You know what I going to do with her hehe." He violates Koneko body in front of them.

"Ah~ Stop this." Koneko moans because of his touch.

'He's fast, I can't follow his movement. To think Shinto have someone like this in their pantheon.' Sirzechs worried about his family's safety, he may be able to deal with this man but not others.

"Bastard! Leave Koneko-chan alone!!!" Issei is angry when sees his friend get this treatment by this pervert.

"What are you doing to her pervert?!" Ravel is angry her rival is treated like this.

"Big brother, What should we do?" Rias is scared something bad gonna happen to her rooks and gives a pleading face to save Koneko.

"Fine! I need some time to gather that lot of money." Sirzechs forced agreed to his demand.

"Good, I'll take her with me now. In one week from now on if you are not set for the money just consider this girl lost forever and leave my land. I will visit again on the promised day. Sayonara Minna!" The Black Flash vanished from their sight with Koneko.

"No... Koneko-chan!!!" Issei cries out in despair.

Satria Mansion

Kuoh, Japan

Satria clone and Koneko arrive at their destination.

Koneko was infuriated at her boyfriend and punched him in the face.

"Why did you hit me, dear?" Satria rubbed his face because of the pain.

"Never do that again! Who told you to do something like that? Baka senpai." Koneko chewed out him.

Three sharp eyes gazed at the couple like a wolf.

"You must be my husband's girlfriend huh? Danna-sama tell me a lot story about you." Kiyohime has a dangerous smile on her face.

"Kuroka sister or should I call you Shirone? Welcome to our family." Valiana greets her.

"My name is Koneko Toujou, not Shirone." Koneko hates her name, it reminds her of the dark past.

"Another girl and she smells like a cat? Thou dare have another kitten before me Satria?" Fran turns around and sees him with a terrifying face, the dangerous aura can be felt from her.

"To be fair... I met Koneko before you Fran. You sure want to be with me? I don't recommend this relationship and let's wait until you are seventeen maybe? Think about this first because I don't want you to regret your decision." Satria at first only treated her like a little sister but Fran does not think the same as him. 

Fran shut his mouth. "My turn to talk. After everything thou showed and did to me. Thou think there is someone who can make me feel like when I'm with you? Nope... Thou stuck with me forever my dear Satria and seventeen is too long so nope." His presence can't be replaced by others, for Fran Satria is her light and the first person who gives her the warmth of family in the cruel world she lives in now.

"I am happy but this proposal gonna send me to jail directly." Satria doesn't know how to reject Fran after her passionate confession.

"NO!!! I do not accept! I do not accept! I do not..." Bobon does not approve of this unholy relationship and utters his disapproval repeatedly only to get glared by Fran.

"Shishou behave!" Fran said with a stern tone.

"My Fran become a rebellious girl now, it's all that bastard's fault." Bobon mumbles thinking of a plan to separate them.

"Who is this black cat senpai?" Koneko asks him in an unpleasant tone.

"She the one I'm told you about on our date, I want you both to be a friend with each other from now on. Alright?" Satria holds both his kitten's hands and gives them his puppy eyes.

They both sighed and shook hands.

"My name is Koneko Toujou, nice... to meet you."

"Pleased to know thou Koneko, My name is Fran and I hope we get along from now on." 

They smile at each other but inside they are fighting over him, they both want to be Satria favourite cat girl after all.

Satria is happy they both instantly become friends without knowing what went on between his kitten now.

"Bravo! Now everyone here let's go on our holiday. You girl ready?" Satria asked the girl at his house and they all nodded.

Satria bought a travel ticket from Dimensional Chat.


[Coins: 65.000©]

[World Travel Ticket: 500©]

[You successfully buy 5 tickets]

[Coins: 62.500©]

[Choose World to Travel]

[You choose God of Hope World]


The bright light enveloped them and sent Satria family to certain blonde world.

Forested Massachusetts

Boston, United States

They arrive at where Naruto reside, now they are in the forest and far from the settlement.

"Where we are right now Hubby?" Valiana asks her husband.

"Are we truly in another world senpai? It just feels not real." Koneko saw her surroundings, this area was very cosy, and for some reason, she could feel Natural Energy gathering at one point. it was very warm and her cat feature showed up because of this.

"No idea? For your answer, it's yes Koneko. Let me call this dobe." Satria sent a private chat to the blonde bastard.

Not long earth trembles and something big comes closer to them. It's a giant green T-Rex showing her sharp teeth to them. Everyone enters the battle stance instantly except Satria.


"Please... Let me fight this girl." Valiana smiled widely, she was too itchy to fight a strong opponent.

"She is strong Fran, be careful." Bobon inspected the creature's status, it had good status, mainly its strengths.

"It's the REAL T-Rex! Don't kill this baby girl, I want to recruit her as my Nakama!!!" Satria said loudly to them, he had glittering eyes on him.

"Where you gonna keep this beast in our house dear? Don't be foolish." Kiyohime forbade him to take this beast home.

"But... It's T-rex mom? Please... Please... Let me take care of her." Satria whines and begs Kiyohime with his puppy face.

"My answer is still the same, No!" Kiyohime said to him.

Gushed wind emerged in front of them before the battle began. The mature blonde man with whisker marks and wearing an orange jacket shows up.

"Rexy stop!!! Back to your home now." Naruto said to his pet, she nodded and back to her cave to rest.

"Where did you get that beauty? Can you introduce me to her sister or brother perhaps?" Satria loves reptiles, he badly wants to have one of those as his Nakama.

Satria girl's sweat dropped seeing their man's expression. How come that beast was capable of charming him?

"The story is long, I obtained her when I was going adventure with Hulk and his team in Nevada. There is a land called Dinosaur Land and faces lunatics who want to turn humans into dinosaurs." Naruto gives a simple answer.


"Yes Albion, this guy is very powerful. Hubby has many interesting friends, and I am very grateful to have him as my husband." Valiana looked at Naruto like a predator watching her prey.

Koneko was stunned when she saw the blonde man, he exuded unimaginable chakra inside him. No way this man is human, she refuses to believe this kind of human exists.

"Hello Fran-chan. You good?" Naruto greeted her and received a nod in answer. "Who are they Satria?" He sees many new faces beside him.

"They are my girl... Aghhhhh!!!"

Kiyohime and Valiana stomps his both foot. "My name is Matsumi Kiyohime, Satria wife. Pleased to meet you."

"My name is Matsumi Valiana, same as Kiyohime-san I'm his wife."

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, Kindly call me Naruto." Naruto introduced himself and came closer to Koneko. "Finally we meet Koneko-chan. Someone from my family longs to meet you. Thank you for coming to my home." He smiled brightly at her, Koneko was confused and wanted to know the person who wanted to meet her. "Now please follow me to my mansion dear guest."

To be continued.


Side Story: Shadow in Rose

Beacon Academy


A black-haired girl with a red robe talks sky-high with a teenage guy in front of her.

They are Dick Grayson and Ruby Rose.

After Dick or Robin gives the elixir of mind to Ruby because of the accidents, they have a conversation to know each other.

"So... You are the hero in your world big brother Robin?" Ruby did not expect will meet a real hero in her life.

"You can say so... I'm just a sidekick now but you can consider me as one if you want," Robin answered her with a smile, He liked her because of how pure, free-spirited, and kind the girl called Ruby Rose. She has everything required to be a Hero just needs some touch or training this girl will be a perfect candidate for his team member.

"How is life as a hero? Is it fun?" Ruby's dream is to be a Great Hunter and Hero like her mother, When she meets one of these heroes Ruby wants to hear their story and ask for some tips to be better.

"Life as a hero is tough, we always risk ourselves to danger for the safety of many people, normal humans like me need to train our bodies very hard so we can keep up with our friends or enemies who have superpowers not saying it difficult to balancing my real life with my hero live," Robin tells her how harsh Hero's job is, this is self-esteem job and no one pays him to do it.

"You have me now brat, Learn shinigami technique and my power from now on so you won't be another weakling." Robin Zanpakuto talking to him, She doesn't want this boy to waste his potential and have meaningless die but first, she must break his no-killing rule. Her power is best for an assassination or surprise attack, if he keeps holding back to enemy there is no reason to use her skill.

Dick gets what his Zanpakuto try to advise him but he still can't do it, harming other people with his ability feel wrong in many way.

"Superpower? Is similar to my Semblance?" Ruby is curious about it.

"What's Semblance?" Robin never heard of that.

"Semblance is a special power every person has in my world. My Semblance is named Petal Burst. With my power, I can do this." Ruby transform into a fast burst of rose petal.

"What? Where is she?" Robin can't find her and someone touches his shoulder from behind then he slams the person to the ground as reflect.

"Ruby?" Robin is now at the top of Ruby surprised the one sneaks behind him is her.

"It bit hurt... but you caught me hehe." Ruby smiled at him, thanks for the aura the slam did not hurt her that much.

Their face are close to each other and Robin can smell her body scent, it's a good smell like the fragrance of a rose. Her innocent and beautiful smile makes him have a small blush on his cheeks.

"You okay? Your face looks red, Are you perhaps having a cold Robin?" Ruby touched his cheeks with her small hanthey it felt soft and warm.

Robin in a hurry steps back and takes distance from her. "I am okay... Don't worry about me. I am sorry for doing that to you." He apologizes to her.

"It's okay my bad to spook you hehe, It's my ability that allows me to run faster than average human not as fast as Shin but I'm confident I'm fast enough and here is my baby Crescent Rose. What do you think about her?" Ruby explained her ability and showed her weapon to Dick, It's High-Caliber-Sniper-Scythe.

"That's a big weapon for someone as small as you little rose." Robin teased her.

Ruby pouted disliking to be called as small. "I am not small you and me are not that different in height Mr. Bat."

"Sorry... What this weapon you have can do?" Robin is interested, He never finds this kind of weapon.

"It's a war-scythe that can be turned into a sniper rifle, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." Ruby transformed her weapon into a sniper and shot the tree far away. "What do you think?" She except praise from him.

"Your weapon is amazing! It's very useful to have two kinds of weapons combined into one. Your world is indeed interesting Ruby." Robin was pleased to witness her weapon capabilities and Ruby was very happy he praised her baby girl.

"Amazing right?! You should show me weapons from your world too and maybe introduce me to your hero friend." Ruby wants to know more about Robin and his hero friend.

"Sure, I will be waiting for your visit to my world Ruby Rose." Robin patted her head.

Side End

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