What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 67. Everyone Deserve Second Chance

A/n: I can't decide who I must enter the group chat! Damn'it!!!

Please Vote and Give me your reason why I must enter him or her because I need to learn their character first before entering one of them here.

Happy Reading 🐤🐤🐤


Naruto Mansion

Forested Massachusetts, Boston

Satria and his family follow Naruto until they see a classic homestead with European style.

"Nice house. I do not expect you to have this sort of preference. Where did you learn this style of architecture?" Satria praised him, He expected a Japanese or modern house but the building in front of him spoke differently.

"Thank you, It was given by my old friend the first time I arrived in this world. This house was built in the old era and belonged to the order that protected humanity's free will, freedom, and peace." Naruto explains to him.

"How old?"

"Long before the Roman Empire."

"Huh?! You must be kidding me. What kind of materials do they have to build this house?" Satria was struck in awe, the old house is always more durable for some reason.

"Speak of the devil, where is Kurumi? Have you not invited her hubby?" Valiana asks him about her sister's wife's presence.

"I am inviting her princess perhaps something comes to pass in her..."

The white mist suddenly emerges in the forest disturbing their vision.

"Guess who?"

A hand covered Satria's eyes and bit his ears, It felt larger than a girl's hand but from the aura, it was his emo girl but the sound of the person behind him was male.

"I don't have any idea how you can change your gender but please don't use this form to do this, it feels super weird Kurumi." Satria let go of the hand that covered his eyes and turned around to the figure behind him.

The black-haired man has a tall figure wearing a slim-fit suit, colonel tie, single-breasted long trench coat, and knee-high boots.

He has the same eyes as Kurumi and is very elegant. Someone worthy to be called Astonishing Beauty.

Kurumi snapped his finger and the mist was gone instantly.

"Do I succeed in surprising you dear? What do you think about my form now?" Kurumi held Satria's hand and pulled him into his embrace like a proper gentleman. 

"He is Kurumi? How?" Valiana was shocked at her sister wives male form.

"What you want to do to him Evil Spirit?!" Fran speaks with an irritating tone, it's still hard for her to accept these shared concepts.

"Who... is he?" Koneko asked Kiyohime about the mysterious man who looked intimate to her boyfriend, her boyfriend did not go that way too right?

"She is one of the women my Danna-sama tied the knot to, I don't know if she can transform into a male," Kiyohime answered her.

"Why? Why have you girl always treated me like this? I demand some respect!!!" Satria throwing a tantrum only gets shushed by Kurumi's finger.

"How cute~ makes me want to kiss your cute lips now." Kurumi held his chin and looked at him with passionate eyes.

"No, If you want to kiss me please use your woman form." Satria has a pleading face to prevent her action and closes his eyes when Kurumi get close to his face instead of stopping.

"My... My... Is this what they call BL? It's surprisingly very lovely." Fatalis sees the scene as full of novelty.

Others see their sisters' wives turn into handsome hunks dazed by Kurumi performance flirting with Satria and success taming him. They secretly begin to root for the couple.

"Just kidding~ I'm sorry to startle you all." Kurumi turned back to her woman form and lovingly held Satria's arms.

"It's so unreal! That hot dude turned into a very cute girl. What kind of world I'm living in now?" Bobon wondering.

'I... I am safe. I thought gonna experience that shit. She is dangerous, I don't want to experience that again! Has someone perhaps cursed me? Why all the ladies near me is so weird and scary?' Satria is frightened and doesn't understand why he always attracts the odd one in his life.

"What... actually hell is going on? Is this a normal occurrence in your family?" Naruto asks Satria, looks like not only he but his family members are weird too.

"No! What do you think my family is? We are not a bunch of weirdos!" Satria denies him and receives a deadpan look from his girl rather than support.

'If you don't want our family to be called weird by others, please reflect on your actions first stupid Satria.' All his girls said together internally.

They entered the mansion and the inside building was like a colonial American house. It feels aesthetic and amazing. They liked to travel in the past when entered Naruto's home.

"Where is your family?" Satria didn't see anyone living here.

"They are not living here for now but you will meet them soon, you know America is not a good place to raise a family because countless dangerous threats are coming here recently to disturb the peace," Naruto said.

"I agree, this place is not a good one with every shit your team Avenger facing outside there." Satria understands his point even without the threat of metahumans, terrorists, war, and aliens. America is not the ideal place to raise a normal family. He doesn't want to judge but in his past life, they forced people to embrace the abnormality that is already unreasonable to him. Like Japan, it's a great place to vacation but for living? Nope. His experience living in Japan is the people are too individual, serious, dislike foreigners, and are very ambitious. One time I went alone outside the house people stared at me like they hated my presence because I looked like a foreigner but not everyone liked that don't worry about it. Everything here is so fucking expensive and I who live with many girls must think of one thousand ways to feed them. Do you think I have an easy and fun life? You have no idea pal, because in this world I'm just a normal high school boy want it or not I must think out of the box to pay the cost of living for our household but what I love about Japan is they are very disciplined, their public facility is the best, good infrastructure, and very safe living there. Well? Every country has their plus and a minus. For my romance? Uh oh... I suffering but in happiness. It's not easy to handle a strong woman like them. Their libido is absurd almost every night they desire me to have sex with them and the hardest part is to give my girl equal treatment. I don't recommend having a harem. Seriously... Just don't do it learn from my experience and search normal one as your life partner. That's my perspective don't know about others.

"Apa iya? Di Anime tidak begitu?" Fatalis teasing him.  

"Iya Sayangku~ Cintaku~ Abis ni nambah satu lagi makin pusing kepala abang," Satria replies to her.

"Kalo pusing nanti bunda pijitin papa, ingat... banyak istri banyak rejeki harus banyak bersyukur," Fatalis said with a cute tone.

"Nguawor! Wes-Wes sudah lelah abang nih."

They entered the basement room and found many purple portals that possibly led to places far away from here.

"What is this?" Bobon is curious.

"This is the portal I created connecting this house to another place, now follow me through the portal guys." Naruto passed the portal followed by Satria and others, they were now in a wooden townhouse or what Japanese people call Kyomachiya. It's quite big and adequate for a big family to live here.

"Kyomachiya huh? Are we perhaps in Kyoto now Naruto-san?" Kiyohime guessed.

"I never dream on will come back to Japan again after being reincarnated in another world. Life sure has many surprises." Bobon said.

"You right Kiyohime-chan! How do you know?" Naruto asks her curious how she can guess right instantly.

"Only Kyoto have this refined culture and tries to keep our people's culture alive in the modern era. You got an exquisite house Naruto-san." Kiyohime praised him and loved the design of the house.

"You're right, as Japanese people's Naruto-san house is my liking. Dear~ How about we renovate our house to be similar to this?" Kurumi enticed Satria with her charm and tried to sway him.

"You need more than that to motivate me, my beautiful lady," Satria said using a playful tone. 

"My~ Is that challenge? This girl can be so persuasive when the moment requires her to do..."

Koneko holds Satria hand and searches for his attention, she doesn't want out of the place in the order of his family.

"I have not forgotten about you, sweetie." Satria carries Koneko in his arms and rubs his face on her cheeks. "So Soft~  this girl's name is Koneko Toujou. Our family members too. I want you to get along with her from now on Kurumi." He introduces the cat girl in his arms.

"Satria... don't do this to me." Koneko was embarrassed her boyfriend treated her like a kid.

"Is she not too young? However... She is undoubtedly a cute little kitten." Kurumi love cat and having a cat girl as a sister's wife is wonderful. 'I want to taste and pamper her, same with Fran-chan too. They are both so cute and delicious.' She licked her lips.

"I'm just one year younger than Senpai, Please... don't treat me like kids." Koneko was offended by her words and shuddered when she saw Kurumi face. 

'What is this strange feeling? I feel this woman plotted something bad for me' Fran's instinct warns her to take her distance from Kurumi, she is dangerous in many ways.

They are now already in the living room where Naruto's family gathered and see a familiar face present here too.

"Jiraiya? Esdeath? What are you both doing here? And..." Satria asks their reason for coming here and sees the main reason he visiting Naruto place.

"Long time no see Shin. I am simply paying a visit to my fated one nothing more nothing less." Esdeath answers him, she now wearing a black military uniform.  

"I want to see my grandchildren Shin-kun, They are precious little ones and all his wives are very attractive. I bet the old man and his father will be proud and jealous of Naruto here hehe." Jiraiya tells his reason with a perverted face.

Satria walks to certain someone, it's a handsome black-haired man with a black suit.

"So... You are Uchiha Itachi."

"Hn, You must be Shin who Naruto-san told me."

Satria does a swift attack and punches Itachi's face with an unreal speed.

'Ugh... As Naruto-san told me this guy is very fast.' Itachi is thrown into the garden and it's the first time his eyes can't follow the movement of his enemy.

Everyone is shocked when see an unexpected violence occurring now.

"What? Why did he attack him?!" Bobon asks his wielder.

"I believe it's because Itachi is someone who murdered his family and entire clan to protect his country from his clan who want to revolt because discriminated  and accused as perpetrator of disaster that happened in their village, Satria loves his family and hates someone like him who sacrificed them," Fran answers him.

Bobon doesn't know how to react to that information. Why do they do that? Is there no other way to solve their problem except by doing that? That was insane.

"Naruto stop him!!! Don't fight in front of children and inside our house!" Naruto wife, Uzumaki Saeko ordered her husband to stop the conflict between them.

"Shin stop this!!!" Naruto stands in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

"I don't have business with you dobe, answer my question Itachi. If I give you a second chance are you going to repeat your foolishness?" Satria asks him with a cold tone that rarely can be heard from him.

"Keep continuing this attitude and I will stand up against you without hesitation. Itachi now is under my protection." Naruto warns him and unleashes his demonic aura.

The children cry and others only freeze when Satria and Naruto antagonize each other.

Itachi is coughing blood and some of his teeth are broken, he stands and touches Naruto's shoulder.

"I... deserve this Naruto-kun allow me to talk with him." Itachi requested Naruto to let him deal with his problem, He nodded and moved away. "I understand your anger toward me Shin-kun, what I did to my family can't be forgiven but please let me clear the misunderstanding with my little brother first before you kill me. I don't want my brother to put his fang on my village because of me." He tries to persuade Satria to not kill him now.

"I don't care about your pitiful plea to protect your fucking village who force you to do horrible shit to your clan and dying not gonna solve the problem you moron, It's just an easy way to escape from your guilt!" Satria punched his stomach very hard because this idiot still talking nonsense.

"Aghhhhh!" Itachi groans painfully.

"Stop!!! Don't hurt Itachi onii-sama more than this!!!" the purple-haired little girl stood in front of Itachi protecting him from Satria fury.

"Masaki?" Naruto was concerned about his daughter's safety and ready to move.

"Ma... saki-chan." Itachi surprised Naruto daughter defending him from Satria.

'What? Since when is Masaki on there? Naruto do something!' Saeko worried her daughter would be hurt, she was truly similar to her father always jumping without thinking to protect others.

Fran and Kurumi quickly stopped Satria before he could go far more than this.

"Puppy! I know you are a man who cherishes your family more than others but you taking this too far." Kurumi said while holding his left arm.

"Just stop this Satria! Are thou not ashamed of your action? Remember where we are right now. There are children in here watching you and I don't want a man I love to act this arrogantly." Fran said while holding his right arm and trying to stop him.

"Don't interrupt me you two. This my business with him, not yours. Behave!!!" Satria speaks with a commanding tone and radiates his conqueror aura, both girls quiver in fear and kneeling to him.

"We're... sorry beloved." Kurumi and Fran apologize together, the pressure he gives now is so heavy that even raising their head is extremely hard and forces them to obey.

"I asking you again, are you willing to change Uchiha Itachi? Your family won't want you to follow them I assure you." Satria asks him again.

"What do you want me to do? I don't have a goal to achieve, my life is too grim for me to be happy in this world." Itachi doesn't have any reason to live longer in this cruel world and his only goal is to be killed by his brother.

"Let me be blunt if your goal is only to be killed by Sasuke and done with your life. I rather end you now than help you. You are a Genius, Strong, and have a sense of justice. someone willing to sacrifice yourself for other's sake. Go use your fucking talent and brain to change the world instead of dying meaninglessly!!! If you want to redeem yourself, you must keep living to prevent another case like you from happening again. Reach my hand and become my Nakama Uchiha Itachi, I will provide you with a new path and together we will pave a better future for everyone including your clan." Satria promises and offers his hand to Itachi. 

Kiyohime has a small smile, she always knows that choosing him as her husband is the best decision she made in her entire life. This is the Satria she wants to see, the man who inspires others to follow him.

'Hubby truly knows how to make moments, this is the gentleman I heed and trust myself entirely. Why can't he operate like this every day? Seeing his dominant side makes me so hot inside~ I want him! I want him to break me!' Valiana feels so horny now.

Koneko is speechless. Who is Satria? What is his true nature? The playful one? The cunning? Or this? He now exudes an aura of a monarch similar to Buchou brother the difference is he radiates brilliant light that brings warmth and serenity instead of fear, it makes people near him want to follow and trust themselves to him.

'This is bad! What you will do Itachi? Are you gonna betray the village and join his side? I didn't expect he would recruit Itachi. Damn'it! what should I do now?' Jiraiya doesn't want talented ninjas like Itachi to defect from the village, the old man not gonna like this.

'Hoo... What surprise you will show us in the future Shin?' Esdeath is curious.

'Does he possibly have another personality inside him? The way he quickly switched his gear, undoubtedly it's dangerous to have him as an enemy.' Arthuria is cautious of Satria.

'What is this problematic brat planning now?' Naruto is interested in this path he promised to Itachi.

Itachi astounded by his speech, the man in front of him is unlike anyone he has met in Shinobi World. It's like standing in front of the Supreme Being. Deep in his heart, he wants to change but the sin he carries is too heavy to bear. He doesn't know if someone like him deserves a second chance to live but what he says is true. He can't be a coward forever and must try to create a better future for everyone. Maybe... Following this man is the right decision.

"I... I want to change... to be a better person than I am right now." Itachi answered him and accepted Satria hand to help him escape from the darkness.

"Good answer." From Satria hand golden beam enveloped Itachi curing all his wounds and diseases.

"What did you do to me Satria-kun?" Itachi felt his body become very fit and many times better than before, It's a miracle.

"I healing your illness. As a boss, I must create a healthy environment for my mini... I mean Nakama after all." Satria answered him.

"Thank you for trusting and giving me a second chance, I promise to be loyal to you Satria-sama and help you to achieve your goal." Itachi bows to him and Satria doesn't find any falsehood in his heart.

'As you wish, I will give him a chance. I hope this not gonna bite us later.' Satria said.

"Thank you for pardoning him puppy." Fatalis thanks him, her first plan is to succeed. 'Hehe... All according to my plan.' She smirking.

Satria sees the little girl in front of him shivering and kneels to her. "I am sorry to scare you, little lady. Who's your name?" He smiles and asks her name.

"My name is... Uzumaki Masaki." She tells him her name.

"Masaki... That was a pretty name." Satria takes out a paper and a pen from his pocket. "Want to play games? Write what you want in this paper and hide it from me."

Masaki nodded and took the paper wrote what she wanted then hid the paper in her palm.

"Now close your eyes and count from three to zero."

Masaki followed his instructions and began counting.





When Masaki opened her eyes the paper she was holding turned into a purple plushie unicorn.

"Eh! How did the paper become a Unicorn I want? Is this for me Onii-chan?" Masaki loves the reward she receives from Satria.

"Yup~ It's my apologies for you little princess, Please accept it." Satria pat Masaki's head and smiles handsomely at her.

"Thank you." Masaki blushed and hid her face with the plushie Satria gave her.

"Satria!" All his girls looking at him with dangerous stares.

"Don't you dare to steal my little princess from me bastard!!!" Naruto hides his daughter from Satria and glares at him.

"Huh? What's my fault?" Satria is clueless as to why they looking at him like that, he just wants to apologize to this little lady nothing more. What are they taking me for? It's hard to be a good person.

"Because... you are lolicon," Fatalis tell him the reason.

"Huh?! Unbelievable!!! I am not a Lolicon, the proof is I rejected Fran like a proper gentleman before." Satria denies it.

"But... You gonna accept her at some point in future, right?"

"I mean... I give her a choice and time, If in future she still has not changed her answer what can I do unless take responsibility for her." Satria answered.

"Yes... That is enough proof, You are indeed lolicon."

"No! Fran not forever will be Loli you know? Stupid Fatalis, meaning I am not a lolicon!!!" Satria protested but no one believed him.

'Geez... He is back to his usual self again, baka Satria.'

To be continued.

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