What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 74. Our Reason

(Kurumi POV)


"This smell reminds me of that place where my old man brought me once in my past life. It smells like danger, smells like life is worthless here. How refreshing indeed?"

Satria and Kurumi walk in an alley in the city without the law, where they can see many miscreants, drug dealers and drug addicts, people living in absolute poverty, slaves, prostitutes, murderers, mafia, terrorists, and many more.

Kurumi narrowed her eyes and was interested to know more about his past life. So... His parent is not an ordinary person from how he explains it. Why did his father bring my boy to a place like this? Is he losing his mind or something? She wants to put some sense into her soon-to-be father-in-law.

"Don't take it wrong Kurumi, my old man is indeed an odd guy but he does that to teach me the harshness of the real world and ethics. What I mean by this ethics is to study my morals and strive to ensure that me not take the wrong step in my life. He prefers me to not turn blind to this matter and wants me to be the man who is capable of surviving outside of my safe zone. My mom gonna beat his ass if she knows about this topic though hahaha." Satria told her about his past experiences.

Kurumi sighed when knew his father was similar to him. "Now I understand where you get this attitude from Satria-kun. If we have children you not gonna do the same thing as your father does to you to your children right?" She doesn't want her children to experience or know this sickening side of the world.

"No... Of course not. What are you taking me for Kurumi? If I become a parent I will be a good daddy to my princess and never let anything dangerous near them." Satria said positively to her but Kurumi was not sure about that for some reason.

"How does someone like you die by truck in the first place?" She still can't believe her problematic boyfriend is someone who reincarnated from another world. It's just like the mainstream plot in the anime she watched in her country and to think someone like him oddly meets his end by stupid truck.

"I don't know too? When I want to dodge the truck after saving the kid who almost crashed by truck-kun there is a strange force that makes me unable to move my body. Shit happens and I'm done but I hope there are ways for me to back to my original world to meet my family and friend. I have many regrets that not accomplished yet in my past life after all." Satria uttered his regret to her.

"I am so sorry to hear that but you have us now Satria, just tell me what you need and I will do my best to support you to achieve your dream," Kurumi promised to him discreetly holding his hand.

"You know? Sometimes I wonder what kind of luck I have to meet a wonderful woman like you Kurumi even you and other girls are..." Satria closed his mouth immediately before speaking the next word before trouble came upon him.

"Ara~ What's this about me and other girls? Please... keep going?" Kurumi demands he continue his words with a scary smile.

"It's a secret~" Satria winked at her and acting innocent made his girlfriend's eyebrows twitch. "Now... Now... Let's hear what you find and learn in this town first." He wants to see the result of her training when she stays in this town for one week.

"Fine... Clone I spread all around this city finding there was a syndicate of human trafficking, a dangerous ninja association called the Hand, illegal weapon or drug traders, and a cruel experiment on the human or mutant body. I find it's not wise to seek problems with them now without preparation." Kurumi felt like throwing up when mentioned the last one, to think humans could be that evil. She never finds this kind of evil in her home world or perhaps she is that ignorant to not notice.

"Good judgements my love, if you can't handle it alone what you must do? What do you want to do next? And how we solve this problem from your perspective?" Satria asks her with a proud face.

"I want to save the people that are involved in this human experiment, I can not bear to see their suffering, especially the children. You are right dear, what I suffered is just nothing compared to others and I regretted my action. Truthfully... I don't know what to do for them." Kurumi feels her past self is foolish and she never faced this kind of problem so she doesn't have any idea how to operate in this situation.

"At least you finally realize your error, in my homeland, no matter how small our fortune we must be grateful for everything we have in our possession and be happy because outside there are many people who have suffered more than us. Gratitude is great but we must push ourselves to be valuable people so others can't look down on us, humble to anyone, and use our power wisely to make the world become a better place for people we love." Satria speaks full of wisdom and confidence which makes Kurumi look at him with awe. "Let's move to the main problem, as I thought you were a kind girl Kurumi. What I said now may sound like I'm an asshole but it's impossible to save everyone in the world and you must accept this fact."

"Huh? Do you mean we gonna ignore them? Let these people be tortured and killed?" Kurumi sounded a bit angry.

"Remember it's reality, not a hero movie. Let me ask you if we successfully save them what are you gonna do to these people we save? First problem? They don't have a citizenship identity and we can't drop the problem to a random country. Second problem? We don't have a connection to high authority for accommodating refugees in this world, Do you believe they gonna treat or accept illegal immigrants nicely? I am sure they gonna be deported to this country again by the government or they gonna meet the same fate. Third? Are you ready to take responsibility for them? Money, safety, access to housing, healthcare, education, and..." Satria gave her the harsh truth and spoke with a firm attitude but stopped when he saw his girlfriend crying.

"I... I never thought that far but... Can we do something?" Kurumi begged him, she knew what her boyfriend said was a fact and she could not deny his statement but deep inside her heart, she wanted to save them.

"Don't cry, my sweet emo girl." Satria pats his girlfriend's head and wipes her tears. "You have a good heart and a great sense of humanity Kurumi. What I said before is just to remind you to be responsible for every choice or decision you make. To answer your question I can give you my assistance, my dear. Same like you I can't abandon the children who suffering because of the asshole that resides in this town and get ready because we gonna be busy." He turns his body and examines it in a certain direction with a complex face thinking what the right action he must take for this case. 'What should I do? It's not an easy matter to deal with because it's an International crime that happening here and it's gonna be a pain in the ass to enter the dispute of this world. This country is so fuck up there is no hope to fix this unless I take over this country and then rebuild it from the beginning after I destroyed the system that works here. I need to talk with Dobe and search for a reliable connection first.'

Kurumi had a small smile when heard his confirmation to help her, she never had feelings for a man as she had for Satria. Satria is a different type of man and someone you can rely on when you are on his side. He kind of person who infused logic and love and who did not hesitate to correct us when we made the wrong step in life. Now I'm certain to dedicate my life to him forever.

(Kiyohime POV)

Satria pampered Kiyohime to the fullest like shopping, relieving tension in spas and beauty treatments, and taking many pictures in beautiful spots in Kyoto. They are now inside a private restaurant in Japan accompanied by Meiko and Geisha who dance and play music for them.

In the table set of meals and alcoholic drinks found, everything looks delicious and authentic.

(Illustration Room)

It's the night of a lifetime for the couple.

"Are you enjoying the date, my dear?" Satria asks the opinion of his wife.

"My~ My~ You never fail to make me happy dear, It's surely cost us much but I will let it slide for now." Kiyohime is in a very good mood after being pampered by her beloved husband, he always never holds back when spoils her or other girls.

Satria has a nervous face, it's indeed cost him much and the system of their payment is very complicated. You need to have an acquaintance with people who have a connection with this business first to have this service and luckily the blonde playboy has a friend in Takamagahara to help us prepare all of this with some conditions as payment later.

"Everything I will do to make my beloved wife happy, excuse me but we want to have our private moment now," Satria asked the Geisha and Meiko to leave them alone in the room.

"Sure dear customer, enjoy your time." The Meiko bowed to him and closed the door.

Satria stared at Kiyohime for some time without saying anything resulting in her looking away from his passionate gaze.

"Is there anything you want from me Danna-sama? It's awkward for me if you not saying anything and looking at me like that." Kiyohime's cheeks reddening when asked this.

"It's your fault to charm me with your beauty and here is for you, my love." Satria pulled out something from his pocket, it was a small red box. When he opened it there was a ring with mixed colours of gold and purple it was crafted by scientists from Esdeath World with Greater Beast and fine gold as material, not only did it look beautiful and unique the ring granted the owner poison resistance. "Thank you for always supporting me from the beginning I arrived in this world, this was the proof of my love for you. Would you become my wife officially Kiyohime?" He utters his feelings and romantically proposes to her.

(Illustration Ring)

When he spilt the bean it gave a butterfly inside her, the first time she experienced this feeling and made her feel valuable because of her man's effort to make her part of his family. Her heart was racing and she never dreamed this moment would come this soon.

She watches her beloved slip the ring onto her finger, a rush of happiness that she never experienced so overwhelming. It was like my life was finally complete.

"I... I... I gladly accept you as my husband Satria-sama, I may not yet meet your expectations as your ideal girl but I... Kiyohime will swear to devote my life to you forever and become the wife you can be proud of, Danna-sama." A tear of happiness can be seen on her face.

(Satria POV)

It's already ten days since I with Kurumi arrived in this country. It's easy to get money here for me, my first objective here is to be one of the underground fighters. It's a big success? As a newcomer, there are a lot of restrictions but as people say strength is victory.

I gathered quite a lot of attention from a big figure from many countries in this city who were amazed by my performance.

I'm not a narcissistic person but what do you expect from the humble and handsome me? I can't blame them for fighting over the finest warrior like me.

Many events are triggered when I'm coming to this country.


In the underground stadium where the strong prey on each other and bring the name of their patron to have more influence in this world.

It's an underground fistfight named Armageddon led by someone from the central bank in America to settle the disputes and business deals between large companies in the world by sending fighters to determine the victor in an organised fight.

Now the first phase of the tournament is battle royale where many fighters from all over the world are here and many eyes watching us.

"You are quite unlucky to face me in your first debut, I recommend you renounce your loss now if you don't want to waste your life here trash."

Satria sees the big muscular guy with green steel armour to be his first opponent, for an ordinary person he indeed looks intimidating but unfortunately for Satria who already wearing his new sacred costume, this guy looks like nothing in front of him when he has this.

"Some people told me there would be danger but strangely I didn't see or feel anything resembling that here. Do you agree with me, old man?" Satria responds with a cheeky tone.

The big guy was very annoyed and flexing his muscles trying to intimidate Satria, he gave him a sharp gaze that spoke he wanted to squash the guy in front of him.

"You... Dead and I make sure you have agonizing pain before you meet your end clown!"

A gorgeous woman with tan skin, long black hair, and wearing a red gown suddenly appears in the middle of a fighter.

{The first match we waiting for is about to begin!!! I'm Esmeralda will become the referee of this tournament. On the left side, we have the legendary and fierce fighter who comes back to the battlefield after a long time! Represents the Oscorp Industries, The KRAKEN!!!]



"WHO LET CLOWN ENTER THIS MATCH?! End this faster and process to the next match!!!"


All the people's cheer can be heard all over the stadium directed to a man named Kraken.

"You have many fans eh? I am jealous to see them cheer on you not me even when I already wearing this great costume. it should be me, not him." Satria said with a childish tone, he now wearing the mascot costume with the shape of a green owl and black robe.

"Originally my mission here was to search for fresh talent or my successor but you already failed the qualifications to be one of us and will be disposed of now," Kraken said with a furious tone.

"... Should I be scared or regret my action? Ugh... You are too strong Kraken! His power now is over one thousand!!! Help me, anyone!!! I'm dead by cringe now." Satria pretended to be scared in front of them and ran around in the arena increasing his enemy's wrath.

Esmeralda has an uneasy face when this weird guy without fear keeps taunting the Kraken, he has a ball at least.

{On the right side, the origin? Unknown! Pass? Unknown! A practitioner of the mysterious martial art called Patok the Owl! He suddenly appears in Armageddon to create a new storm!!! Represent the Tokopedia company from Indonesia, this fighter's name is Satria the Honoured one!!!}

"Satria the Honoured one is in your service~ and I have a feeling this one will be in the bag."

Kurumi watched Satria with a poker face trying her best to be used by her boyfriend Antic with black-haired Chinese guy wearing a formal suit.


"Is he... can win this? No... Is he can fight? I'm sorry but your friend does not look like someone who belongs to the battlefield." The CEO of Tokped feels sceptical when sees Satria's strange costume, after getting dragged by this woman, he has no choice but to join this tournament against a bunch of big figures. 'Fuck! This is the most gambling decision I've made in my whole life if he loses my life as a businessman is done but if somehow he wins my company will... As if that happens!!!'

"Freed, not Mr. William. No one can be more dependable than him here, you just need to ignore whatever is in front of you and enjoy the results of your success." Kurumi reassures him but she can understand what he sees from his viewpoint.

{Are you two ready?}

Both fighters make the battle stance and prepare for their first move.


The armour of Kraken creates a loud rumble and he is ready to make a first move. "Tremble in the might of the KRAKEN!!!" He dashed to Satria without wasting his time with impressive speed.

"He finished." the founder of Oscorp Norman Osborn smirked in triumph.

"It's as to be expected and this clown deserves death to disrespect Master Kraken." A beautiful woman with long green hair and green spandex with a robe on her back said without emotion, she is a student of Kraken and one of the top agents of Hydra.

Satria imbued his costume with armament haki and activated his stand dark platinum.

"The World!!!" Time stopped and he struck his enemy with an uppercut sending his enemy flying and buried in the ground with head first. "Time will be continued again." He nullifies his ability.




Everyone in the stadium drops their jaw not being convinced by what they see now.

The referee girl walked nervously to the Kraken and checked his condition to make sure.

"Sir Kraken... Can you continue?" Esmeralda asked him but got no response. "3... 2... 1... 0... The winner is Satria the honoured one!!!" She announced the result of a fight with a loud voice.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! KU KIRA KERAS TERYATA KERTAS!!!" Satria laughs and celebrates his first win in this tournament by doing a weird dance.

[Translate: I thought you were solid as a rock but you were just as fragile as paper]





"No way... He won!!! I am sorry to doubt you, Miss. Nightmare, Mr. Satria is an outstanding person!" William is very pleased with these results and can't wait to obtain the reward.

Kurumi makes a small smile. "It's to be expected from my precious sweet boy."

"Right? Just trust me and I will help you to reach a new height in this world brother." Satria pats the shoulder of his patron from behind.

"Mr. Satria! Since when are you behind me?" William jolted by surprise to see his benefactor suddenly appear near him.

"Don't ask useless questions and remember our deal. I want you to provide me with the identity of a citizen of your country later and a bank account to deposit my money prize, prepare everything for my holiday with my family in Bali, and lastly I want you to distribute 15% of my money for charity to people who needed. Are we clear Brother William?" Satria reminds him of the deal they had before entering this tournament.

"Is that all? Not a big deal for me because I have a good friend in the immigration bureau. Why do you want to spend that much money on a stranger? And why do you reach me from all people in the world?" William is curious about his reason, it's an unusual request for powerful people like him and with his power it should be easy to gain sponsors from a big company in 1st world countries like America or Japan instead of him.

"How to explain this? From when I was young my parent always taught me to share some of my fortunes with people who needed no matter if they were family, neighbours, friends, or strangers. It's just part of our culture to do that and it's the right thing to do. For the question of why must be you? It's just a coincidence hahaha you can say the lady luck is on your side now." Satria answered his question honestly.

"You have a good parent Satria and leave it to me, I make sure your money will reach in right hand." William was touched by his words and saw him in a different light now.

'Good boy~ And Good boy deserves to get a reward from mommy later fufu.' Kurumi said internally while licking her lips.

Without warning someone does a surprise attack on Satria but blocks with no effort using his martial arts, she keeps attacking without stopping until Satria chokes the attacker's neck and then slams whoever is this to the wall.

"Who? Reason? I give you 10 seconds to explain, not answer? Say goodbye to your head." Satria warns his attacker with a cold tone, he can catch sight of darkness in her heart and realises she is an orphan raised as the killer. 'I see... This is one of the successful results of the experiment for creating a human weapon, she is strong by human standards.'

"So... It's not a fluke, you can call me Viper. I... I am not your enemy and am here purely to test you nothing more." She introduces herself to him quickly and tells her reason before suffocating to death by him. 'So... strong! Even with all the modifications in my body... I hardly can catch up with him in strength, speed, and technique. Who... Is this guy?'

(Illustration Viper)

"You lucky I'm not a man with a high ego or this moment gonna be your end lady." Satria throws her to the floor after detecting no lie in her words. "Word of advice, Never say words like test to someone who more stronger than you next time. Think and observe before you take action."

"Haa... Haa... I take that on mind and quite the opposite you gained my respect Satria for defeating the Kraken or my mentor. Where do you come from? I never seen nor heard your name in this region. Are you perhaps one of the mutants? Superhuman? Or maybe God? Or Alien? I wonder what kind of man is inside that cute costume~?" Viper asks with a seductive tone that makes the black-haired woman beside Satria annoyed.

"Ara-Ara~ He is an off-limit snake. You can't touch things that belong to someone." Kurumi releases some bloodlust to chase away any thieving snake that trying to get closer to her puppy.

"Is that so? I didn't notice you before you interrupted our moment my apologies. From what I see you are too young and are you perhaps a Japanese little girl? I doubt you know how to satisfy your man properly. How about some little contest to decide who is more suitable for him? What do you say?" Viper does not back off and wants to know more about this mysterious man called Satria.

"You wanna die that badly huh?! It's probably the right time to exterminate some pest." Kurumi sounded very angry and began to dislike this woman.

"Sorry, but I must refuse your offer Viper. As you can see I have a partner and no way I betray her trust in me." Satria refuses her and hugs Kurumi from behind making her comfortable at his side.

"Is that so? Well... I've tried at least. If you change your mind feel free to call me fufu." Viper throws identity cards that have her number inside. "Mr William my superior Mr. Osborn wants to meet you to discuss important things about your share. You can meet us in the meeting room tonight in the Grand Hotel to talk more."

"You mean Mr. Norman?" He was very nervous to meet the CEO of such a big company.

Viper nodded and left the group after leaving the message to them.

"What should I do?" William asks Satria about his situation.

"Ehmm... Good luck" Satria thumped him up.

"You ready Satria? Here is the place I've told you before." Kurumi asks her boyfriend before they infiltrate the enemy base.

"Of course, it's those Nazis and your country again. Lead the way, my love."

To be continued.


A/n: Long time no see guys 😉

Do you enjoy the training arc? Sorry, this is gonna taking a while time to complete this arc.

I need to re-read the story many times, especially Kurumi's story and put some made-up events An example is Armageddon and some OC characters but hope you love the chapter.

Any more questions feel free to ask anything here.

Enjoy your day 👍

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