What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 75. Gorgeous


"Don't stop... that's the spot... I almost... Yes~ You are not bad for humans."

"I swear you girl somehow always used me to do something like this." He pours some oil into her soft skin and begins to pamper her to the fullest.

"Don't complain and move your hand, not your mouth. It's your fault to be so good at this and how dare you living in this adequate place when I'm must try to survive outside here?" Fatalis is angry but his touch make her unable to do so, she can feel an intense and strong hand rubbing her entire body.

Inside the cave that has already been modified by Satria to be a place good enough for living, Fatalis' other side is getting enjoyable treatment from him.

"Hold on, this may hurt." Satria is having a chiropractor to her back to manipulate her source of pain and improve her range of motion.

"Hmmm~ How... can you be talented? I feel my youth is returning after you do this to me. We must often do this puppy." Fatalis love the massage her mate does to her.

"You sound like an old lady now."

Fatalis glared at him sharply when she called an old lady by him and Satria did not dare look into her eyes.

"Sorry honey, I don't mean like that! On the opposite, you look younger than usual and your beauty is... Magical?" Satria tried flirting with her to avoid her fury.

"Idiot... I'm satisfied enough, now it's time for me back to sleep. Goodbye, my little pups." Fatalis other side kisses him on the cheeks and returns the other her. "... Satria?"

"Hey? How are you feeling?" Satria asks her with a nervous face.

Fatalis fidgeted in anger and punched him in the face making him thrown to the wall of the cave.

"Ugh! Again? You must be kidding me." Satria can feel throbbing pain on his face after receiving such a blow from her.

"Fitting punishment for an irresponsible man who leaves his wife alone in a dangerous land for three weeks! Hmph!" Fatalis pouted and was angry at him.

Satria sighed and went to her. "Sorry... I definitely will make amends for you my black dragon Fatalis. Will you forgive me, my love?" he hugged and apologised to her.

Fatalis smirked in victory. "You should be dear, I will be waiting for my compensation."

"By the way I want to introduce you to our new family member Fatalis," Satria's face became brighter after told her this news.

"New Family member?"

Fatalis see two colossus wolves with immense power standing in front of her.

"So... You say my other half permits you to take care of them? It's not like I'm against you adopting them but they are so big. How we keep them in our house and explain this to Kiyohime?" Fatalis ask him.

"Let me show you, I want to test something too." Satria transforms into his ultra form and gathers energy from across the universe then fires a beam that reduces the size of the wolves to normal size and turns himself into the size of a normal human too. "Tamer Skill: The Golden Order! Do you promise under my name you both will help me when I need your assistance and agree to be part of my family? No need to worry it's not a slave pact or something like that because I dislike shackling anyone's freedom. If you agree to be part of us I promise you both more power, safety, love, and release from your imprisonment by God." Satria told them the benefit of following his leadership and the wolves somehow understood his words, they are howling meaning agreed to be part of his family. "Good from now on you are part of my family and allow me to do this first." His hand shone brilliantly and cut the chains in their neck that shackled them in this realm with his new technique named Emperor Blade. "You two are free now from any influence, as a way to celebrate this moment allow me to rename you if you both permit me to do it?" The twin wolves shook happily and wanted to have a new name from their owner. "Your name now is Dawn for Skoll which means you are the bringer of light instead of the devourer of the sun and Selena for Hati which means your presence will evoke the image of nature and celestial beauty."

The twin wolf was pleased with the name and their body was glowing meaning the pact was successfully bonded.

Dawn's fur was white and now turned yellow colour like the sun and Selena had the same colour but there was a shade of purple on her fur, not only that their power increased after completing the pact.

"You never cease to surprise me, dear. Is this not gonna bring a problem to us? I mean... They are part of the Norse for them to begin the Ragnarok or something like that?" Fatalis ask him.

It's true what she said but who cares? As a man who loves fluffy and unique creatures, I must protect them with all of my heart. 

"I know the consequences but I regret nothing, nobody can't separate me from my children!!!" Satria hugs both wolves tightly and doesn't want to separate from them.

"You... Idiot." Fatalis does a facepalm when sees her mate's weird behaviour.

Uzumaki Training Ground

Forested Massachusetts, Boston

Satria watching Koneko from afar with Kiyohime had already come back from their holiday.

He now relaxing with Vaporeon while Kiyohime feeds him some snacks.

"Tell me Koneko... Do you know what is more important than physical strength and magic or chakra power in you? Name one thing." Naruto asks while attacking her to learn Frog kata.

Koneko defended from his attack and thought of the answer. "Love and my will to protect my important person?" She answers him.

Naruto smiled and flicked her forehead. "Almost right the answer is the strength of your willpower, the strength of your character, the strength of your bond with others, and the will to protect people you love. You have a good answer at least."

"Hubby is right~ You almost learned senjutsu now it's my time to teach you our spell craft called Youjutsu. Prepare yourself Koneko-chan." Kuroka said then creating some magic circles before giving her some lessons.

"Yes, nee-sama." Koneko is ready to learn everything they gonna taught her.

Not long two people and two dogs with different fur colours appear on the training ground.

"Yo! I'm here to deliver them, goodbye." Satria clone said to the original before disappearing and sending all his memories to him.

"Wuuf!" The twin wolves approached Satria and stood in front of him wagging their tail.

"Nya!!!" Vaporeon hissed to the twin wolves who didn't want to share him with these feral dog.

"Be nice to your new brother and sister my little girl. You are both cool and cute. As expected of myself." Satria loves the gift his clone brings to him and pets their head gently.

"Danna-sama~ you got another pet? And they are not like ordinary pets. Are you sure to keep them with us?" Kiyohime feels great power over both wolves.

"Eh... We can't? I mean... Look at them. I can't abandon this poor thing." Satria has a puppy face and begs her to allow him to keep them.

"Better give up Kiyohime, he not gonna stop after he gets what he wants." Fatalis sighed.

"Fine but... you must take responsibility for them not me like this little one case." Kiyohime hugs Vaporeon in her embrace because, in the end, it's always she who takes care of his pets.

"Trust me dear, I know and I'll take all responsibility for them," Satria spoke with an assured face but his wife was not convinced enough by his words.

"Is this perhaps... The children of Fenrir? How the hell do you tame them?" Naruto suddenly appears and checks the legendary beast brought by Satria to his home.

"I only can answer love solves everything, right?" Satria asked the wolves with a proud and they both nodded with happy faces.

"That does not answer anything you damned brat!" Naruto feels annoyed and others are sweatdropped by his explanation.

"By the way what is that on Kiyohime's ring finger? I never knew she was the type that would use jewellery." Fatalis interested in golden rings mixed with purple colour in her hand.

"This you mean? Fufu... Let's just say Danna-sama is the one who gives me as customary our love." Kiyohime answered her with a smug face that made Fatalis jealous of her.

"Huh?! Satria is stupid! I want a ring like Kiyohime too. Do you forget? The rule in Polygamy is you must be fair and it's not fair! Hmph!" Fatalis throwing a tantrum.

"Ara-Ara~ Is this to be expected? I'm after all his favourite. Open your mouth Danna-sama." Kiyohime said while feeding Satria a Japanese snack.

"Delicious and I don't have a favourite. Please wait for your turn next Neet Dragon or do you prefer I propose you all together? I don't have an objection to that and it is gonna save me trouble like when I'm with Kiyohime." Satria asks Fatalis about what she wants, a woman is troublesome.

"No! I want only two of us when you propose to me on a romantic night and don't act like a grown-up you spoiled brat." Fatalis pouted cutely in jealousy.

"Don't call me a spoiled brat in public!" Satria was embarrassed and chopped her head.

"Auchh! It's hurt idiot!" Fatalis rubbed her head.

"You are though? Last night you drank so much like a baby~ No need to be embarrassed to act like that in front of us Danna-sama." Kiyohime speaks about her experiences last night.

"See? Even Kiyohime agree with me. If you hate that nickname, how about Lolitria?" Fatalis ask his opinion about the new nickname.

"Especially that! You want to taste my wrath that badly huh?" Satria begins to be annoyed by her teasing.

"As if a small puppy like you scares me hahaha." Fatalis patted his head and laughed resulting in getting pinched in both cheeks by him. "It's hurt!!! I'm sorry hubby!!!"

Satria stops his punishment to Fatalis and changes his attention to the blonde guy.

"Naruto I want to talk about something with you and Itachi in private. Only we three."

Three men gathered in a living room discussing something, They are Satria, Naruto, and Itachi.

"Dobe... Do you have a place to accommodate some people I want to evacuate from a certain country? Recently my clone with Kurumi discovered cruel experiments by Hydra and Unit 731 from Japan in Madripoor to create superhumans as soldiers." Satria tells him about the situation.

"What?! We must save them quickly and I have one in mind. The Island I visited with Lara before after defeating the immortal queen now is the home for mutants in Yamatai maybe they will accept them." Naruto gives a solution to solve the problem.

"Sounds good and it's Japan's government problem too, are you gonna tell your friend? You know from the Heroes Association?" Satria is surprised to find Boku no Hero exists in this world too and it's not in that green crybaby but the hero All Might era.

"I will tell him to help us, I'm sure Toshinori not gonna be silent to find people from his country participating in this crime." Naruto agrees to tell him too later.

"Is Jiraiya already come back to his world?" Satria asks Naruto and gets a nod in answer for yes. "Itachi, I want you to do something for me regarding your world."

"What you need from me Satria-sama?" Itachi is curious about what his new superior wants from him.

"I want you to be my eyes to gather information in your world and prepare everything so I can meet or talk with the leader of Akatsuki," Satria told his first order.

"You want to meet the Pain?"

"No... but I want to meet him too, what I mean is the real leader of Akatsuki who with a mask."

Itachi was surprised he knew about him too even the other members of Akatsuki didn't know his real identity.

"That guy huh? What do you want from him?" Naruto knows who this guy is and is interested in his objective too.

"It's a waste for such talent to pointlessly die, they are a fine guy at the beginning but because the world hurt them. They become someone that gonna create a mess in the future if not stopped from now on. What they need is someone who can guide them to the right path to create a better world, Not only that I already have an offer they definitely can't refuse and I will test that when I come back to my world." Satria tells them his intent with a straight face even behind that there are other motives. 'I wonder if in that world they have untouched natural resources? With ninja-like wizard help, I'm sure it's more easy to find and manage them. If I can convince them to be my subordinate it's not impossible to create a super business and I can export it to another country even other worlds. Fran world too... I make sure to exploit that primitive world for my benefit. Yes... Their resources are mine.'

'That face... What is this brat scheming?' Naruto has bad feelings about this, it's similar when he forces him to connect that stupid well to Fran's dimensional storage.

"Your wish is my command," Itachi said.

Savage Land

In the deepest part of Savage Land that is untouched by anyone.

Fran facing a weird giant crocodile in the swamp as part of her last test.

It has had a height even reaching 50 M and is not so friendly.

It is heavily armoured along its back and head. The "head" itself is a tripartite jaw that encases the creature's bioluminescent head for protection. Its feet are bent, enabling it to swim quicker through the water.

"What... the hell is this creature? Everything on this island is so weird! What should we do Fran?"

"Shishou... Be ready to enter that form." Fran begins to concentrate, the white and black lightning can be seen all around her body. her sword changes its colour to blue mixed with white similar to the blue giant that saved her. "I call upon the light that bestows me unrivalled power to protect my lord and his people, with this power I will vanquish everything that disturbs his order and protect the innocent from every injustice! The ABSOLUTION!!!"


After receiving too much damage, Fran body begin adapted to this abnormal situation and her level keep increasing for every beast she slay in this hell forest make her become more stronger.

"Grawrr!!!" Three sabertooth charge toward her but Fran eyes don't have any sign of fear.

She fired three wind blade that imbued with fire magic with her claw.

"Hell Claw!!!"

The tiger sliced into three pieces and scorched by her deadly attack leaving only ashes.

She closed her eyes and dodge giant worm that reaching 20M long and want devour her from underground.

Even with malnutrition, extreme fatigue, and injured so badly.

She not give up and keep pushing her limit to the point she now exhibited extraordinary level of concentration after endure the training provide by her lord.

Fran will prove to everyone even without anyone help she is strong warrior and not someone that need to be pitied.

'I can see his movement... Even I closed my eyes not only him but the surrounding area too with my five sense. Is this what my lord mean? Is this what he want to teach me?

She keep dodging the giant worm attack and  call upon her sword, without waiting long the sword flying toward her hand immediately.

"FRAN! Finally you call me! I'm so happy to see you again." Bobon is happy to meet her again after separated from her for long time by that evil guy.

"Me too Shishou." Fran feel the same and infused her sword with unknown energy turned the sword colour into black and white lightning can be seen shroud the sword too. "One Sword Style: Dance of the Byakko!" She charges to her opponent and decapitate the giant worm with one strong slash.

"How... can you be this strong only in one month Fran?" Bobon is amazed by his wielder improvement.

Fran smiling softly. "It's because of love."

Satria checked the dimensional chat while watching the girl he considers a little sister training very hard.

He thinks of ways to apologize to Fran and wants to reward her hard work.


ID Name: Shin

Coins: 103.000

Recent Match:

- Killed 40 Frost Giant (8000© + 1 Dimensional Travel Ticket)

- Taming the children of Fenrir, Skoll & Hati (20.000© + 2 Suprise Box)

- Killed the Great White Snake (8.000© + 1 Suprise Box)

- Defeating the Kraken (2000© + 1 Suprise Box)

[Suprise Box: 6]

[Dimensional Travel Ticket: 2]


Satria smirked. "Finally... This is the moment I'm waiting for babe."  


[Unlock Legend Form: 50.000©]

[Description: Ultraman Legend is a figure of great power who fights for justice and people regard him as the greatest God of his Universe. It's said he possesses the strongest attack in the Universe]

[You successfully purchased Legend Form]

[You have 53.000© remaining]


Satria saw his Cosmo plug upgraded to a new form and it's made him very happy.

"Now... Where do I test this power? If I remember in DxD there is a place called Dimensional Gap, yep which is the perfect place for me to work out." Satria already decides where the best location to test his new power is but forgets there is something mighty residing there. "I have a feeling of forgetting something but I'm sure it's not important, time to open the box!" He didn't care about the consequences of his decision and opened his reward.


[You opened the surprise box]

[Congrats, You obtained one packet of SPAM]

[Enjoy the best-canned pork meat with delicious flavour]


"Wa... Haram nih, I remember this food when staying at boot camp in the Philippines team. Does Fran want it? My friend says it has had good taste and lasts longer even if not kept in the refrigerator so It's suited for adventure like her. Yes... I have a great plan with this hehe." Satria's business instinct screams this gonna bring him great fortune.


[You opened the surprise box]

[Congrats, you obtained Pistol Laser Gun]

[Educational Children's Laser Gun Sound Light Pistol Toy - Shoot Shots Laser Gun Toy Pistol that emits shooting sounds with laser light and vibrations]


Satria so speechless when sees his reward and plays with the pistol, it lets out a sound as described.


"What... the... fuck?! I defeat an enemy like that giant fucking snake or Kokabiel for this?"

He continues opening the box hoping the next is better than this shit.


[You opened the surprise box]

[Congrats, You obtained Gusion Underwear]

[It has 100% Polyester fabric material for men’s fit boxer briefs, a High elastic waistband and a non-pilling style for daily wear, With moisture-wicking fabric and strategic banding, they stay dry and in place, Comfortable stretch material, and raise your charm for the opposite sex make them madly in love with you]


The underwear landed on his hand and Satria had a furious face after receiving his reward.

"CHAT JANCOK! KU RATING BINTANG 1 KAO BAJINGAN! WHOEVER CREATED THIS Chat IS ANTEK DAJJAL!" He throws the underwear to the ground and stomps it to vent his fury. "Is... Is my luck this bad? What's my fault?! I have a feeling someone is laughing at me from somewhere." Satria is crying and throwing a tantrum now.

________________________________, _________

[Congrats, You obtained James Bond Rolex 5513]

[Owned by a Famous actor called James Bond. The stylish 1973 watch was given a typical Bond makeover, including removing the movement of the timepiece to install a razor disc with a small pinhole and magnetic field generator, both of which were used in iconic scenes in the film. The watch itself features a white-on-black dial, a stainless steel strap and chassis, and classic British details]


Satria face brighten up when see the prize, to think he get this rare watch to be part of his collection.

"Hehe... You not bad but don't think it's enough to raise my opinion about you stupid."


[Congrats, You obtained Nikyu-Nikyu no Mi]

[Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, allows the user to repel anything he comes into contact with, including attacks and even intangible substances like pain and memories]


He grabbed the weird examining fruit resemble of cat paw with deep face.

He suddenly remember the owner of this fruit one of the warlord and revolutionary.

Bartholomew Kuma.

He is the very definition of Great Father and man.

Someone I deeply respect to the point I want jump to other world and help him to have beautiful life.

"I'm sorry to ridicule you before the creator of this Dimensional Chat. Whoever are you thank you. She sure will be happy with this reward and Kuma lets hope we can meet in future because great man like you are not deserve to have that fate." Satria wiped his tear from his eyes and opened the last surprise box.


[Congrats, You obtained Legend Driver]

[The Legendriver is the transformation device of Kamen Rider Legend. It resembles a gilded closed gate, with a card slot in the right side to insert a Ride Chemy Card]


"You must be kidding me, it's overkill dude!"

Not only he have ultraman legend, he now have fucking Kamen Rider legend too. Fatalis and perhaps boss must be happy when they discover this though.

I actually have crazy idea now but don't have any idea will this work?

The Combination of Ultraman Legend and Kamen Rider Legend!

Just imagine what will come out from their fusion make me feel ecstatic.

"As expected of myself, my luck is overwhelming and I am truly man who destined for Greatness!" Satria push his chest out and strike a weird pose.

(Illustration Pose)

To be continued. 

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