What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 77. The Requiem of Darkness

The Patron of Satria goes toward the meeting room and meets one of the most influential in the world, the Founder of Oscorp Company.

He was escorted by four bodyguards to protect him in case something happened to him.

"Mr William! Glad to meet you in person." Norman greets him. "You bring some company huh? Where is the guy who defeats my fighter?" He notices the guard William brings with him to the room.

"Thank you, sir Norman, I feel the same as you too and he is... Busy? You two please leave us alone." William said to his guard and they are doing as ordered.

"How thoughtful... are you? Want to drink first before we start this discussion? We have fine wine and top-grade liquor. Any request?" Norman asks William preferences.

William was not that fool to accept a drink from a stranger, his instinct told him not to trust the man in front of him. He is too... cheerful? For someone that gonna lose 12% of his share in his company.

"Thanks for the kind offer Sir Norman but I'm not in the mood to have one right now." William respectfully refuses him.

"Your loss." Norman takes one of the wines from the hotel collection stockpile and pours it into his glass before drinking it by himself. "It's very surprising for someone from Indonesia to participate in this kind of event. What is your reason for joining this tournament? Do you not realize if you lose this your life is done?"

"To be honest I'm joining this because in particular, someone forced me at first but I don't regret it. As a businessman, you surely know if you want to achieve something bigger you need to trust your heart and instinct and then take a leap of faith."

"Good words and let's go to the point, I afraid you can't survive in this harsh world kid and as a good senior let me offer you something."

"What is this offer?"

"Tell me the real identity of your fighter and I guarantee your life will be basked in wealth, not only that I will assist you to reach the top of your country too. What do you think Mr William?"

"Why do you want to know about him?" William asks him.

"The top is interested in him and he does not look like someone that serves anyone... Yet? We want to recruit him as part of ours." Norman answers him.

Norman clapped his hand and instantly William was encircled by a group of ninjas, not only that two of the four guards he hired were part of this too after killing the other guard with a gun.

"Since... when?"

"Sorry Boss~ What he offers to us is more appealing. You better do what he says or else not only you will face trouble but your family too."

"Seize him!" Norman ordered his subordinate.

'Oh, crap! What Bro Satria told me before is true. I'd fuck up! Help me, Bro...' William lost consciousness after getting shot with a tranquillized bullet.

"Sir! You must watch this!" One of Norman's subordinates shows him a video of a surveillance camera in the lab of Hydra.

Norman saw an unexpected person on this island and then smiled sinisterly.

"You here too huh? Spiderman!"

Hydra Base


Three people move carefully so they cannot be detected by the guard or surveillance camera around them.

"Master... Should I do it?" Baobhan asks her master.

"No need to do unnecessary bloodshed, let me handle this," Peter replies to her.

Peter effortlessly web the guards and hangs them in the ceiling then cracks the code in the device to pass the gate not forgetting he disabled the camera in the room.

"Well done Master~ and Kurumi where is your boyfriend? I just noticed he is not with us anymore." Baobhan does not see the white-haired guy everywhere.

"He wants to check at something interesting, that's the only thing he told me before separating from us. Don't worry he can take care of himself." Kurumi replied to her before continuing the mission. 

Satria POV

For speedsters like Satria, the wall means nothing and the knowledge inside this facility is incredible. He is an idiot if he wastes this golden opportunity to steal... Learn everything that can benefit him and confiscate stuff that is too dangerous for the world.

Everything that is forbidden by morals, ethics and codes of modern science exists here.

"Not only the medical field that can benefit the world but there is also the blueprint and formula of dangerous weapons, expensive stuff, maps to undiscovered regions on this planet, and even magical items. They gather a lot huh?" He kept throwing everything that looked valuable to his dimensional storage until he found something that piqued his interest. "What is this book? Is this created by human skin? This book has a bad vibe somehow." Satria grabs the shady book like the Devil's Bible and then reads what is inside it, it's written in an unknown language about how to enter and summon something from the dark Dimension.

'Read! Kill! Conquer! Destroy! Let's be one with us! We are Unstoppable as One!'

"Of course, something weird whispered to me again." Satria ignored the voice and continued reading the disturbing book, he closed his eyes and connected his mind to the one who created this book because of curiosity. In his mind, he sees the cliche fiery pits and brooding castle. In the middle of it, he can see powerful beings reside in this dimension and without warning Satria is dragged forcefully to this realm by the dark entity.

"To think there is someone as fool as you who dare peek at my domain without my permission. I hope you can amuse me or prepare to be erased from existence."

'Where did these idiots find this book? Crazy shit coming out of nowhere. Now... Be your usual self Satria, it's not time to create problems.' Satria is cautious about the existence in front of him but he must not show that, if we cross paths what he is afraid of is this guy can target his family and their world, they are not ready to face something like this. "Greeting dark lord~ My name is Satria the most reliable person everybody can trust. I'm sorry for trespassing on your domain but let me make it clear this is just a coincidence. You have... Nice castle and an overwhelming power in you."

"Hm! Usually, people are terrified when I show up in front of them like this but you are different. I can sense an annoying light on you that brings positive energy to my realm to my dislike but behind that, you have great darkness on you too that balances the light inside you. What are you?" He feels what is in front of him is not a common varmint, something screams to him if he lets this outsider free now he will evolve and become something that perhaps can be a threat to him.

"I born as human? Raised normal? I don't know what you see in me but I can consider that as praise perhaps? What I can tell you is I'm that I'm nothing more nothing less. Now it's your turn to introduce yourself and maybe we can be... Pal? It's not every day to meet an outstanding individual like you dark lord of the dark dimension." Satria said without hostility and releasing a friendly aura.

"Hahaha!!! You are wise to compliment my supremacy. My name is Dormammu the sole ruler of the Dark Dimension, tell me What is this pal? Do you want to be one of the followers of my cult for whatever reason? Or are you the same as others who seek my immense power? Which one are you?" The dark lord wants to know his reason for coming to him.

"No... What I mean by pal is a friend? Do you have a friend bro?"

"Friend? What is a friend?" The dark lord never heard such a thing from anyone.

Satria smiled softly. "A friend is someone that respects, supports, and where someone can build trust to each other. Someone you share a deep level of understanding and communication. Now you understand? What do you think?"

"What a foolishness! Let me tell you something, insignificant creature. Soon... I will conquer your world when I find a way to manifest my true form to your universe and make them all bow to me including you!!! Even with all of that you still think the same as you now? Now tremble with..." Satria transforms into his God of Ultra form and punches the dark lord. "You... How dare you?! Insolent! Do you have a dead wish?!" It's the first time someone punched him in the face and made him furious but shut by another uppercut punch by Satria. "Stop! How your punch can hurt the great me?" It's surprisingly hurt and he did not give a sense of being terrified of me. 'Honestly? It's quite fresh for someone to do this to me. He possibly can be more fun than him.'

"Shut up for a second will ya? Because no one can reject a punch with love that's the reason and I see... What you crave is a taste of defeat huh? Sure winning is fun but after the continuation of that, you grow bored and tired with your life. Now in case you already conquer the world then what? You know ruling these moron is... Pain in the ass? Take as an example your followers in your stupid cult. They are just lifeless dolls that only heed your commands without fighting or objective? I hardly find where part of that is fun. Live is to seek thrill and what you do is just to cover your insecurity, Your tone and facial expression told me you want the acknowledgement of someone close to you, your family member possibly?" Satria asks him and the dark lord pauses because this stranger caught him out of the blue. "No worry, It's normal to seek that kind of recognition, my friend. In my case, I often do something amazing to impress my family too. Sometimes they are proud, and angry when I do foolish things. You can let out everything because I can sense a connection between us." Satria offers the dark lord his hand to reach him.

"Don't think it's enough to gain my trust human." Dormammu turned his body after reaching Satria's hand but still paid attention to him. "I don't have anything other than my power and the only thing I know is to use it to conquer the multiverse. My sister always doubts my vision and calls me stupid, and my mother is always cold to me. She was always my parent' favourite. They hardly believe in me, what I want is the best for my family and race but they never appreciate my work. I want to show them the will of Dormammu is invincible and no one can stand a chance against me!" He tells Satria his issue, and for a reason, this stranger exudes an aura that makes him comfortable and never he feels like this in an aeon with anyone. 'Why do I tell him all of this? We just barely meet damned my loud mouth!'

"That's the Fire! You are great just the way you are flame head and your family still interacts with you right? It's what they call as tough love. How about celebrating this moment? I have a special dish and I want my new friend to taste it. Do you want to try it?" Satria pats the dark lord's shoulder.

"Hm! I didn't expect much from you but go ahead. This Dark Lord not gonna tolerate disappointment, remember this puny human."

The minion of the Dark Lord Dormammu brings dish after dish to the presence of their leader.

It's the giant crab Satria caught recently, Its body is fried until becomes crispy and used as a plate for the main dish, served with fried rice and extraordinary curry using a secret recipe that originally he created for Fran's sake but with extremely spicy, Do not forget a drink that looks otherworldly. It's a cocktail named Shined in the Darkness that is made with a secret ingredient too, the drink glowing in the dark place.

"Have a seat~ and taste my finest creation, Please give me your honest review after tasting my cooking," Satria said to him with a bright smile.

The Dark Lord gulped even the cosmic entity did not need food to survive, the fragrance of the food this guy made was very mouthwatering. He spoons one bite and the taste leaves him in shock. The food in his realm is always bland and unappealing making him refuse anything that is served to him and the drink is refreshing to the point his fire turns cold because of it.

"It's so... good!!! I never had this kind of food in my entire life, you are not bad for puny humans." Dormammu eats the food vigorously, not even his mother cooks for him and this guy appears from nowhere to serve him this delicacy. "Why do you do all of this? You know right? I'm the embodiment of evil? Are you not afraid of death or me?"

"Nah~ As I mentioned before life is a thrill and to have dark lord as a friend sounds cool to the point I can brag to others hehe," Satria told him the reason with a carefree tone.

"You think so? Hahaha! Well? What you can expect from the mighty me? As a reward for amused me let me bask you in my power." Dormammu gives him some of his power, and fiery black fire can be seen in the envelopes Satria.

"Yeah... Yeah... I'm honoured and thanks, Now I'm excusing myself to back to my world. Do you know? Handful people are waiting for me there." Satria said to him ready to leave the dark realm.

"What? Are you gonna leave? At least stay for... One hundred years? Who gonna make me this feast if you are gone?!" Dormammu enjoys his company, everyone always fears him but this guy is not the same as the others.

Satria sighed. "Listen, bro. I'm needed in my world and don't worry because I definitely will visit your place again." He leaves the dark dimension after saying goodbye to him.

"Fine, you better hold your promise. Be stronger than you are now because I still have not given up conquering your world and taking you as mine hahaha." 

Satria opened his eyes and saw his watch. He only spent one minute when it was one day in the dark dimension.

'Damn! That is a crazy experience and somehow I have a chill now. Who gonna expect this book to be the gateway to the final boss? I must not let this fall to the other hand.' Satria throws the book to his dimensional storage.

Not long golden ring shone on his finger, he didn't know what this ring was because some of his memories were locked. What he knows it's a gift from a person important to him.


[Ultimate Skill: The Golden Order Activated]

[Receive the blessing of the Dark Lord]

[Host can choose one job to evolve and acquire a new skill]






[The Darkest Ultra]

[Dormammu Herald]



"Huh? Huh? Huh?! How? I thought... Have I already sold the system? Where is this coming from?"

Uzumaki Kyomachiya


"Satria Onii-chan play a new song! We want to hear more." Naruto's twin children ask him to play more music with his guitar and singing together with them.

"Right? Satria has a musical talent. His voice is so hypnotic, that it makes people drawn to him when he starts singing." Fatalis enjoyed the lovely tone of his voice. 

"Danna-sama have many talents, if he not acting weirdly occasionally he will be the perfect husband." Kiyohime praised his talent while patting his head.

"I'd agree but Senpai is better this way, he's more fun to stick around hehe." Koneko snuggled to him while sniffing his pleasant scent, it was her new daily routine.

"First... can you boys and girls give me some space?" Satria sweatdropped when he saw many people and his pet too close to him.

"Nope." Everyone close to him said together.

Satria sighed and felt something happened to his clone, not long he could hear a voice in his head and the screen appeared in front of him but not a dimensional chat screen.

"Alright... that was unexpected?" Satria spoke out making others curious.

"What happens?" Fatalis ask him about the situation.

"My clone finds a strange book that allowed him to meet with the dark lord called Dormammu and I suddenly have a system that allows me to gain new skills?" Satria told her what had happened outside.

"Do-Dormammu you say? It can't be..." Kuroka does not expect will hear that name this soon.

"You know something Kuroka?" Rhea the Titaness asks her sister's wives who have terrified faces.

"Yes... He is the ruler of the Dark Dimension and seeks to invade this universe. My teacher, the ancient one who always watched this entity, risked herself to not let this monstrosity enter our realm. This is bad news... If he already has a way to connect to this world." Kuroka must give this information to her husband and teacher later.

"Another one huh? Can we take a break seriously?" Saeko is tired of facing problem after problem when joining this family, she wants her husband to take a break and her children to have a normal life.

"Is he that dangerous senpai? Compared to Buchou's brother, who more stronger?" Koneko asked him what made Fatalis hold her laugh.

"You... Compared that Siscon Maou to the real dark lord? Even if everyone in your world is united as one it's not enough to bring down this demonic creature little kitten." Fatalis told her the truth making Koneko shocked.

"Unfortunately what Fatalis said is true but this guy's power is reduced when fighting outside his domain. No need to worry, he not gonna initiate the invasion so soon." Satria said to make others relieved but he must create a plan and train more to be stronger. 'Haa~ I just want to laze around for god sake, damn them!'

Hydra Base

Four people are sneaking around in the base Hydra to rescue their fellow mutants but one of them does not heed the plan.

"Stick to the mission! Don't move as you like you stupid brat!" A man with yellow spandex lecturing a certain girl, he is Logan or Wolverine.

"Shut up old man! I can handle this myself!" The black-haired woman with a similar costume to Wolverine and a rude attitude rushed to the guard attacking them with her claw. 

"INTRUDER! Active the ALARM!"

"As I expected bringing her is a very bad idea." Ronin woman the ally of the X-men named Yukio's backup the daughter of Wolverine followed by the Wolverine himself.

(Illustration Yukio)

The woman with the red spider costume called Spider-woman doing a facepalm sees the wild attitude of Logan's daughter. "Geez... Like Father Like Daughter, No choice then."

(Illustration Spider-Woman)

The army of Hydra is overwhelmed by the group combination until the higher-ups of them show up and close all entrances to escape.

They are Viper, The Kraken, Daken, Blood Scream, Cyber, and Green Goblin.

"Hello, Logan~ Already decide to join us?" Viper asks him with a seductive tone.

"You don't know when to give up huh? Now release our students before I reach my limit." The Wolverine warn his enemy to not ignite his fury.

"How scary~ fufu." Viper ready her battle stance.

"What a pathetic threat old man, do you not realize your situation? Finally... this day is coming." Deken or the illegitimate Son of Wolverine makes an evil smile.

"Let's wrap this up! I still need to find that owl bastard!" Kraken cracked his fist wanting to finish this quickly.

"Are you that mad defeated by him? Maybe it's time for you to retire..." Daken teased him but was shut out by the immense amount of bloodlust from Kraken.

'Where is that guy? Are they not together?' Green Goblin didn't see his nemesis.

"So... It's true the Kraken is defeated? Who is this owl man?" Yukio is interested in the man who defeated this monster.

"Only idiot and weakling defeated by someone in a stupid costume. This means he is not a big deal, let me handle this old-timer!" Laura dashed to the Kraken.

"Wait, Brat! He is not someone that you can face now." Wolverine tries to stop her but fails and she receives a clear hit in the stomach by her enemy sending her flying.

"Vampire, I leave her to you. Even amateur she has regeneration ability like Logan be careful." Kraken ordered his crony.

"Sure~ I after all want to see his expression after I suck her dry hehe." The Vampire with the nickname Blood screams going to Laura.

Not long the backup army of Hydra arrived too surrounding the Group from all sides.

"Any plan Logan?" Spider-woman asks her partner.

"Just be ready for the worst," Logan replies to her.

"Shit! He's strong, How did that idiot with an owl costume defeat him?" Laura not expecting this outcome, lucky she has the regeneration ability to make her not pass out.

"Now~ Now~ What should I do with you? Cut your body pieces to pieces? Suck you dry until nothing is left? Or..." Blood screams approach Laura while licking his sword.

'Damn! My injury is still not fully regenerated, this is bad.'

"No answer? Then... How about skinning your skin? Do you think it's sound nice? Do you agree with me? First..." The blood screams ready to slice Laura but is shot with a gun by someone.

"WHO? SHOW YOURSELF?!" Blood screams disliked his fun to be interrupted.

Some Hydra soldier bodies explode and from the puddle of their blood, handsome men with Victorian outfits show up helping Laura from danger. She is Kurumi in her male form.

"Are you okay?" Kurumi smiled at her and made the girl blush.

"Y-Yes... I'm okay. Thank you." Laura thanks her saviour.

"No way! That Laura is thanking someone? Do you believe this Logan?" Spiderwoman asks the Wolverine with a surprised face who has the same expression as her.

"That brat, she not even thanks me for saving her ass every day," Wolverine complained in jealousy.

"Focus! We still have not yet defeated our enemy." The Ronin woman reminds them and they are all back to focus on the enemy in front of them.

"I am the bone of my sword."

Everyone suddenly has a chilliness when hear the chant.



Something spiralling in the air mid-flight, twisting space and blowing up the defence of Hydra Army.


"From where?"

Someone gushing the blood of a fallen soldier causes the enemy to erupt in blood.

"What... Is this?"


"Over there!"

They all see a Man in a samurai spider costume together with a red-haired girl.

"Sorry, we're late."

"You... So it's indeed you!" Green Goblin focus attention on the new presence.

"Hey, Green Goblin or perhaps I can call you Norman Osborn. Your not-friendly neighbourhood Spiderman is here!"

To be continued.

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