What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 78. Mine Once and Forever

Hydra Base


In the secret control room, there is the figure who watching the fight between the ace of Hydra and the Wolverine group.

He has a red skull and wears a Nazi uniform with the logo of Hydra sitting in his seat like a boss guarded by his elite guard.

"What a useless struggle, they never have a chance to bring us down yet they still trying to resist. Do you agree with me?" The man with a red skull asks his recent prisoner who now got crucified after being captured by his elite guard to try to assassinate him.

"Oh Fuck! It's hurt asshole! You not gonna have it easy to do this on Marvel Jesus!" The man with red spandex keeps swearing and receives a beating from the guard.

"What a loud mouth you have dog but your regeneration ability must be applauded. I will dissect you later and share this gift for my army, with it Hydra will rise from the ashes and become the ruler of the world!!!" The red skull declared openly in front of his soldier.



"Just wait until my prince charming comes to save me retard, by the way, can I go to the toilet for a second?" He asks them in a joking tone to only receive another beating by them. "Fuck, man! Don't blame me if it's gonna leak to everywhere."

Not long they can hear a commotion outside the room that getting closer to the control room.

"Say hello to my little friend!!!"

Someone destroyed the door that was constructed with special metal making everyone inside the room surprised.

"Don't move!!!"

Satria ignored them and walked in slow motion toward a group of armed soldiers.

"KILL HIM!!!" A man with a red skull commands his subordinate to finish the intruder.

The soldiers released a rain of bullets from their guns at the intruder but even all of that was not enough.

"You guys boring me." Satria catches all the bullets in his hand and throws them back to their head leaving one person alive. "Soul Eater." Dark hand pulled the soul of the enemy he massacred to a pit of darkness that released horrifying screams before being eaten.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!" The last man standing is cautious of the enemy in front of him, and when he wants to strike him, Satria without effort puts his enemy off balance and grabs his body before throwing him to the ground.

"It's not in the script but whatever~ is he perhaps my knight in shining armour? Sorry Wolfie but he is more handsome and cooler than you." The man in tattered red spandex is amazed by his skill.

"Hmm~ I am your honoured guest who kinda loses here and is interested to know more about this Hydra group, how about you guide me and tell me your story, brother?" Satria smiled innocently at him and locked his movement.

"I don't have anything to tell you! Even if you kill me you will get nothing!"

"Is that so? How unfortunate indeed. You know? I'm... someone who doesn't like to do violent things except in cases like this and you leave me no choice." Satria touched the last survivor's head and sent a wave of dark energy to his soul that made him experience endless nightmares that felt like lasted for one hundred years when in the real world it was only one minute.

"Make it stop!!! No!!! Just kill me!!! End my suffering!!!" The man can't endure the torture, it feels like he was sent to a dark place and tormented forever, first, he gets peeled until no skin is left after that he will receive a new skin only to receive the same torture. Next something big skewered him alive before boiling him in a very hot blood bath, and much more torture until a radiant golden light took him out from the darkness. "W-What? I'm back? After a long time, I am finally free!" He was very happy to escape from hell but it was not long last when the red skull saw the man who sent him to the darkness. "Aghhhhh!!! Please... have mercy on me." He begs him with a hysterical voice.

"Welcome back~ It's only 2 minutes for god sake don't be a drama queen, just tell me what I want to know and everyone will be happy. How about it? Or do you want another vacation?" Satria asks the man with a red skull.

He was pleased the new skill he obtained from the system was working. It's called Reality Rift, which brings the victim's soul to a dark dimension the user created in his mind.

The man shook his head in fear and kneeled on him. "No... Please not another of that. I'd beg of you master!" For him, this guy is not human, He is a monster.

"Good, first who orchestrated this operation? From your side and Japan's side. You both are best friends in World War 2 right? If I'm not wrong?" Satria asks him in the German language.

"The leader is me, my name is Red Skull and Japan has many hidden hands inside the government, the next World War is near and they just preparing to strengthen their country in hiding. We had an alliance until now and there is a new association named League of Villains, the leader's name is All for One. He recently contacted us to collaborate to mass-create a super soldier called Nomu. In this age where people are born with super power of course the government will be more active in creating weapons to protect their country. The peace they have now will end soon and the era of chaos will begin. We the earthlings must work together under one banner because the real threat is something outside here!" Red Skull uttered with a serious face.

"You Nazis never give up on ruling this world huh? So you the leader, I do not expect will meet you this soon. Why Is always either you or America the source of problems in this world? But... You're right there is a threat outside here, if humanity does not work as one, only doom awaits."

In a world like this where many powerful beings exist, uniting all countries into one is a good idea to protect the planet but first, you need to solve racism, unify policies for many issues, fix the common language, environmental protection, and much-complicated shit. It's almost impossible to create such a world because not every living being wants to understand each other. The only way to achieve that is for someone to have power that can bring miracles from nowhere and have absolute authority, face the enemy that forces humanity to work together to avoid extinction, and lastly, brainwash everyone to obey their supreme leader.

"You agree with us, right? What are you gonna do? With your power, we can control this world together. I can tell you are someone destined for greatness and together we will triumph!" Red Skull tried to negotiate with him, he didn't want to die in a place like this.

Satria sits on the chair and steps on Red Skull's head.

"Rule this world? It sounds wonderful but tiresome work, to be honest." Satria took out his cigarette and smoked inside the room without care. "I don't have a grudge against you but you already bring much suffering to this world and I won't let that slide. The question? What should I do with you?" He thinks about what he must do next and sees all possible futures with his speed force ability but is interrupted by someone.

"Excuse me... You the handsome white-haired gentleman in there." The man in Crucified trying to get the attention of Satria.

"... Who are you? Is he your friend?" Satria asks the red skull but this guy is feeling familiar somehow.

"No, he is an intruder I caught recently." Red Skull replies to him.

"Who's your name?"

"People call me Deadpool nice to meet you, these horrible people abused the innocent me and thanks to you I was saved from this evildoer. I hope you can free me from here my hero. If you do I maybe will reward you with a kiss." He asks him with a blush making Satria disgusted.

"Ew, stay away from me idiot! Why people I meet are always creepy bastards and weirdos?" Satria doesn't want to get closer to this guy and takes a distance.

On the cruise ship, a couple is enjoying their holiday while capturing the sight of the sunrise.

They are Satria and Valiana who are now at the helm of the ship, Satria helps Valiana step up to the railing of the ship with her eyes closed. As the two established an unbreakable bond, Valiana opened her eyes to see the beautiful blue ocean.

"I never knew the sea could be this beautiful." Valiana is someone that already ventured into many parts of the world but it's the first time she enjoying her trip. 'So it's true, in life, it's not where you go, it's who you travel with and I am so happy to travel with him hehe.'

She now wearing a choir-style Christmas outfit with mixed colours of blue and white that suited her.

'My god! She is so beautiful. How I can have someone like her as mine is a miracle of my life and this moment reminds me of the Titanic scene. I need to memorialize this moment.'

"What's wrong Hubby? Valiana asks him because he behaves strangely.

"Nothing~ As the ocean is never full of water so is my heart especially when I saw how lovely you are right now my princess," Satria flirting with her.

"Mmm~ Hubby is such a charmer as always, how about we add one more day and enjoy ourselves to the fullest?" Valiana asks him in a lewd tone.

"Are you not satisfied enough? We already spent two days straight in our room you naughty girl." Satria was surprised even from all that she had not done yet.

'This bad girl still wants more punishment from you Daddy, frankly, the bondage play we played last night is fantastic even recollecting that moment almost makes me wet in delight but that is not enough. I want more of you in me hehe.' Valiana whispers to him.

Satria doesn't know what to say anymore, this girl is too hyper.

"Great! Wake me up when this is done." Albion doesn't want to watch these two rabbit in heat pleasure each other.

"Wait for a moment, I need to confirm something first." Satria carried Valiana back to their room and checked private chat in the dimensional chat.


Satria (2): "When are you guys back to DxD world? Have you forgotten we must return Koneko to Gremory in two weeks? It's already one month idiot!!!"

Satria (1): "Lupa njir, mau bagaimana lagi?"

(Translate: "Fuck! I forget about it, what else we can do?")

Satria (3): "Behold me with my white dragon princess on a cruise trip! Udh persis kek jack and rose di titanic belom?"

(Translate: Do you think we are just like Jack and Rose in Titanic?)

(Satria uploaded the Video)

(Author: Well, that the illustration of video Satria uploaded 😗)

Satria (1): "Who ordered you to take a vacation with my princess dog? It should be me, not you!"

Satria (5): "You already spend time with Kiyohime, Fatalis, Koneko, and our pet still not enough? Look at me, I must take care of complicated shit on this criminal island and I never complain."

Satria (1): "How about Fran? Is she okay?"

Satria (4): "Aduh!!! tiba-tiba sakit perut nih, ijin ke wc bentar ya gan nanti login lagi."

(Translate: "Auch! My stomach is suddenly hurt, I need to go to the toilet and log after done my business")

Satria (1): "Mana ada kau bisa sakit perut badut, ga jelas si bodoh satu ini."

(Translate: "How the fuck you can have a stomach ache stupid clown?)

Satria (5): "Udah pasti ada sesuatu itu, aku gak ikut ikutan ya."

(Translate: "I'm sure something went wrong there, I am not part of it")

Satria (1): "Ga ngaruh tolol, ujung-ujung yang kena omel ya gue pasti. Kerja yang bener la, bodoh kalian."

(Translate: "Nothing change idiot! In the end, I will be the one who gets blamed. Work properly you fucking moron!")

Satria (2): "Kau yang bodoh! Ini urusin lah masalah lu, kau aneh-aneh jadi Dark Flash. Bapak kao Dark Flash! Pening kepalaku ini, udah gitu ga ada yang nemenin gue pula disini."

(Translate: "You the one who is an idiot! Handle your own problem and you are the one who created this mess as stupid Dark Flash. My head is hurt take care of your problem and worst? No one accompanies me in here")

Satria (1): "Ya Elah... Masalah sepele itu, otak kau bucin mulu sih manja amat. Kau bilang sama mereka Dark Flash pulang kampung atau apa gitu yang bikin mereka percaya."

(Translate: "Geez... It's a simple problem, stop to be spoiled brat. Just say Dark Flash is going home to his birthplace or something until they believe you")

Satria (2): "Karena ini orang Indo susah buat maju karena manusianya kek kau ga jelas babi! Cuma bisa protest gak kasih solusi!"

(Translate: (This is why people in our country have slow progress because their people are like you pig! Only can complain without giving a solution!")

Satria (1): "Ye... Mala marah ke gue, tau ah mending aku rakit Gundam sama doi, jomblo nyimak aja ya gan."

(Translate: "Why the fuck you angry with me? Whatever, I'd better build gundam with my girl than argue with you. Bye lonely man)

Satria (2): "Ya udah pergi sana, ga guna juga ada kao disini."

(Translate: "Go away! We don't need you here idiot!")

Satria (5): "Gini amat hidup 😔"

(Translate: "Why did my life turn like this?)

"What goes on?" Valiana asks her mate in curiosity.

"The original is forget he must return Koneko to Gremory 2 week ago, how about you? Is your friend not searching for you? You went missing in one month." Satria talking about the fallen angel and her group in Chaos Brigade.

"Who cares? I do what I want and none of these morons can control me because I am a White Dragon Emperor and more importantly~ let's do morning exercise now." Valiana strips off his clothes and rides on top of him.

"This soon? More than this you maybe can have my... Ya know?"

Valiana makes an evil smirk. "I don't care, you gonna take responsibility if that happens, right?"

"Of course, the moment you become mine I'm already prepared for everything including that," Satria said.

"Then nothing can stop me now, just relax and enjoy it, Daddy."

Savage Land


The battle between the cat and the giant crocodile continues, at first the duo has an advantage but due to the beast having superior strength it does not make it easy.

"This mode depletes your mana very fast, you need to end this soon Fran!" Bobon reminds her wielder.

Fran agrees not only does Absolution deplete her mana, but it overlooks the heart's cardiovascular output to rapidly boost metabolic rate, increasing speed, acceleration, torque and in turn, damage output. Because of its effects, it is most effectively used against opponents with superior physical abilities to more efficiently defeat them with less risk.

"Moon Walk!" Fran kicked the air with the help of her wind magic and moved quickly to the head of the giant kaiju. "Taste this, Dragon Tail!" She extends and contacts her blade to continue the assault, its skill can cut everything in a one-kilometre radius.


Unfortunately, the beast already has an instinct this attack can harm him and dug a hole in the ground to dodge Fran's attack.

"This fella is smart, use observation to detect him, Fran."

Fran used her new skill to predict her prey's next move, From behind something enormous jumped from the earth and wanted to swallow her with his large mouth.

"Gleipnir!" Fran summons the legendary chain to leash her enemy.

"Graaaaaaa!!!" The beast roaring in fury tried to escape from the binding but was unable to do it because the binding was too strong.

'Finish him my champion~ Let's plague all of our enemies.'

"Give up, this binding is forged with impossible means to seal ancient evil. Now it's time to put an end to thou." Fran touched the head of the crocodile Kaiju and infected him with something, suddenly the kaiju had a scarlet mark on his entire body.

"Gyaaaaaaaaaa!!!" The beast is shrieking in a horrific voice because of the unimaginable pain caused by Fran until he breathes his last breath.

"Fran? What are you doing to him? What magic is this?" Bobon does not receive an answer from her, he can't identify the magic Fran casts on the beast.

Satria who observes this not remain silent and calls the original.

The real Satria ran from Japan to here in an instant and was surprised by what he saw now.

"Don't tell me... it's the Scarlet Rot? Fran? Since when you can use this power?" Satria asks her in a worried tone.

Fran feels guilty for hiding this from him. "On a certain night, a woman is approaching me in my dream. She claims to be an outer goddess and offers me power in exchange for entertaining her. I... I want to be strong, this is my way to be useful for you my lord."

"I... What you must pay for this power? It can't be free, I don't believe that bullshit." Satria gritted his teeth, he didn't want Fran to have the same fate as Malenia.

"My Lord hold thou worry, in Dimensional Chat there is a way to utilize the Scarlet Rot without harming my body. Trust me, I can handle this power okay?" Fran lovingly hugs him.

"Let me check on you first." Satria is not convinced enough and scans her entire body with his ability. 'I don't see any rot or anything like that residing on her body, fortunately.' He is very glad Fran is okay, for now. "Never use that power except in danger, Understood? I don't want to lose you, Fran."

"Yes... I understand my lord." Fran replies to him.

"Good girl and congratulations for passing the test." Satria pat her head in pride and Fran is happy her lord praises her. "Now we gonna have dinner first, I have a special curry you surely will love to taste Fran and you clean this mess now." He orders his clone and the clone nods in understanding, they don't want the rot spread to this world.

"Really? Yay! Curry~ Curry~ hehe." Fran can't wait to eat the delicious food her beloved cooked for her.

"You... We need to talk after this." Satria communicates with Bobon via telepathy.

"Sure, you need to tell me everything you know regarding her condition. I will not forgive you if something bad happens to Fran." Bobon said to him.

Guest House

"Where do you think Danna-sama is going now? It's rare for him to dash away without our permission." Kiyohime asked her sister's wives concerned with the safety of her mate.

Fatalis now concentrating on building her Gundam not paying attention to Kiyohime's question, many tools are lying on the floor and table. "Wait... I almost... Finally! My own Gundam is complete haha! What's up Kiyohime? Do you need something from the Amazing me?"

Kiyohime peeved up and slapped Fatalis head with her folding fan.

"Auchh! What's my fault?" Fatalis rubbed her head.

"Then... don't ignore someone who talking to you." Kiyohime scolded her.

"Sorry, For Satria in a hurry like that, it means something is wrong outside here and has the potential to endanger our family. He will be back soon don't worry sis." Fatalis explained to her. "How is your practice with Esdeath? To think that the ring Satria gift to you is Teigu. You are in luck Kiyohime-chan."

"That woman is dangerous, I can't believe there is a human-like her outside my world," Kiyohime replied to Fatalis, for her facing Esdeath is like fighting a demon lord itself.

"She that strong huh? With the help of a group chat, how far that crazy woman can reach? Fascinating." Fatalis for some reason feels bad for the residents of Esdeath World.

Golden lightning entered the house, showing Satria with Fran in his embrace.

"Where? It's not Naruto-san's house right?" Fran is not familiar with the place but this building is so captivating, The inn in her world cannot be compared with this room.

"I rent this Guest House for our stay in this world because I don't feel comfortable living in other people's houses. I prefer a place where we can move freely and not bother anyone outside our family. If you want to stay in Naruto's house feel free to..."

"No! I want to stay in here with you." Fran answered immediately.

"Ara~ Welcome home Fran-chan." Fatalis greet the kitten her mate brought home.

Kiyohime checked Satria's condition, his heart beat faster than usual and his blood pressure increased.

'Something surely happened outside there to make Danna-sama this distressed.'

"Anything you want to share with us?" Fatalis ask him.

"Scarlet Rot," Satria told her in simple words which Fatalis understood what he says now.

"What is this Scarlet Rot? Care to explain?" Kiyohime is clueless and wants to know about this.

"I want to know about this too." Bobon is the same as Kiyohime, even the system is unable to explain anything.

"Where to begin? Scarlet Rot is something that can defined as a blessing or curse gifted by Outer God. The effect of this Rot can even affect the God and drive them insane before killing its victim. What is dangerous about this rot is it can infect anything that has contact with it. Is my explanation clear?" Fatalis tell them the horror of Scarlet Rot.

"This little kitten has such power? Are you can control this rot? What are you going to do with this Danna-sama?" Kiyohime hopes her husband has the solution for Fran, this burden is too heavy for a girl this young.

"Then... How about the monster we killed before? If something that Fatalis-san told us is true..." Bobon feared the monster her bearer killed with rot would create catastrophes in this world.

"I already take care of that and Fran is currently healthy, My clone now is experimenting with this rot outside this planet and finding a cure in case something happens," Satria reassured them making others relieved.

"I am sorry, because of me... everyone is in trouble, I'm so sorry." Fran apologised to them and regretted her action, everything that happened now is caused by her hunger for power.

The family feel bad now and looking at Satria intensely tells him to do something.

'Good Grief.' Satria gets closer to Fran and puts her in his lap. "Fran? Look at me please."

Fran stopped sobbing and turned her attention to Satria.

"Remember what I said before? We are family Fran and in my book. Family must help each other no matter how difficult the problem is. There is always a solution to every problem and we will find it together. You... Me... And others." Satria tried to soothe her and it seemed to work.

"Thank you beloved, I always know you're my fate one. This once and forever." Fran leaned her head to his chest. 'So warm~ Family huh? Yes... They are now my family.'

'Beloved... This stupid lolicon!'

When Kiyohime is furious at Satria, Fatalis prevents her from disturbing them.

'Let them have their moment Kiyohime-chan, they are so cute now hehe.' Fatalis calm down her sister's wife and takes a picture of Satria with Fran using her new phone.

"... Okay, just this once." Kiyohime is not used to this, she is still easily jealous when her Danna-sama is with another girl.

"Now everything is under control, allow me to cook something delicious for you all. To celebrate Fran passing her test we will have Curry with my special recipe tonight!" Satria announced to them with enthusiasm. "Help me prepare this curry Bobon, I will kick your ass from my kitchen if you cannot keep up with my awesomeness."

"Huh?! What you can do I can do better! Let me show you how to cook like a pro chef!" Bobon doesn't want to lose to this joker.

"Yay!!! I want my curry to have extra spicy dear." Fatalis love spicy food and can't wait to eat her mate's delicious cooking.

Kiyohime sighed. "They are like children."

Fran smiled in happiness, now she had a place to go home, having someone to love. She is very grateful to join the Dimensional Chat.

To be continued. 

Sorry for the long update, the work has been so busy lately but I will try my best to update the chapter faster now. 

I hope you enjoying the story and feel free to give your thoughts so I can improve my story 😉 

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