What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 48: Hunter village

I woke up hungry hours later. Brother Wei gave me my lunch - a variation of a sandwich with rice bun instead of bread, my personal recipe - then I spent the afternoon reading the books given to me by AnBa. We did not stop until we arrived just before dusk. We were greeted by the village chief and some hunters. The weakest of them was the late stage of foundation establishment. There was an Inn in the village and we had our rooms ready for us. The inn was for cultivators who came into the village before entering the mountain to hunt. Those travelers were the second income of the village. 

Master Kui politely declined the banquet proposed by the chief - not that I was invited - We all needed to be fresh and well rested for tomorrow’s work. After a quick dinner with the village chief, we all went to our rooms. 

Half an hour later, master Kui called for me. I went with Brother Wei, his two disciples were already there.

“Ah Bai YuShin, come sit with us. Every night after dinner, we all meet for a few hours to study and answer questions. Here is an introductory book for level 1 arrays. I cannot allow you to take the book with you but feel free to copy it here for future reference. If you have questions ask my disciples.”

“Thank you, master Kui” I took the thick book and started reading right away. I was not in the mood to talk to them or to anyone. It was not their fault, I wanted to be alone but could not go to my room to not be impolite. I suspected uncle Huai sending me out was due to the news of my parents' disappearance. 

It took me over an hour to finish the book. It was thick but easy to understand. The thickness was because the last section was an appendix of the different graphs explaining their function and how to connect them. On top of heating arrays, there were sound, defensive, offensives, spiritual energy collectors, amplifier arrays,...

With my perfect memory recall, I did not need to copy the book but to avoid suspicion, I used the copy spell and gave back the original book. When Master Kui saw it, I was already done. He asked me a few questions to make sure I was not faking it. He even asked me to draw some arrays which I did without problem.

You see, if you ask me to draw an animal or even a flower I would struggle but I had no issues drawing a geometrical shape. It was much easier for me to draw straight lines and circles. Maybe that was why my bamboo drawings looked like spikes1Bai Yu Shin, remove the Maybe in your sentence.

Master Kui asked me to make a heating array for his bedroom as a last test. After checking it he was satisfied. He gave me a book with the equations to calculate spiritual energy and how to apply them to different arrays. I made a copy first this time and was about to use it to continue reading. He stopped me and asked me to rest - my aunt must have warned him - I thanked him and went to sleep.

Brother Wei chose the trio’s method to wake me up. Luckily I slept enough and was pretty energetic when I had breakfast. I had time so I sent a message to aunt Yan

On my way out, I saw the old official. It was awkward because he never told me his name even when I told him mine. I greeted him with a “Good morning official”        

“Good morning young master Bai. Call me official Hei we need to work together for a while this time” He answered while showing the sign to follow along

“We are not waiting for anyone?” I asked

“Your attendant is enough. The guards are hidden right now” answered official Hei

“How about array master Kui and his disciples?”

“They have their own officials to deal with. They came late last night”    

All houses I was assigned to were in the middle of the village. All high level cultivators lived in the outer area while everyone with lower cultivation would live in the middle as if being protected. There weren't many of them, I finished within a day. The day after, I was asked to make arrays in the wooden shed, gardens and chicken coops. Hunters in the village were definitely richer than any other villages I visited - not that I visited much so far - They could not ask master Kui or his disciples to make those arrays there. They would not have asked me to do them if they knew I was this young but after testing what I made, they were satisfied. I distributed some candies and included older women and elderly as there were not a lot of children. Hunters were not sought after husband materials even if they have a higher income. 

They had a dangerous job and lived in a dangerous place. Maybe this was why those who were married or had young children were ready to use points and go into debt to make extra arrays for their family’s convenience. Beast meat and spiritual core were sold for a high price in the city    

We stayed in the village for 3 days in total. I always went to master Kui’s room with his disciple to read and copy books after dinner. By the 2nd day, I knew how to make other arrays so I tried some and showed them to master Kui. He praised me and suggested making some for the villagers after I was done with the main objective. That would help me practice and help others at the same time. I added an amplifier to the heating arrays I already made to increase its temperature with little extra energy - free of charge - that made everyone happy. On the day we left the village, everyone I met came to give me something - from a flower to local food - I was happy that my help was appreciated

The 2nd village was pretty much the same. We stayed there 5 days as it was bigger but there were much more cultivators with higher levels than the previous one. After 2 days, I had nothing to do so I followed master Kui at his suggestion and read more books. I had moved to the 2nd level of mostly known arrays but my cultivation did not let me make more than one per day. I had to make it in 3 steps even - luckily heating arrays were one of the few arrays I could do that -

By the 3rd village, I could do some, very easy, 2nd level orders arrays so master Kui’s disciples, who did not like talking to a 10 year old brat, started to warm up to me. I also found out that all my roots increased a bit in size and that I was in the late stage of 5th level of Qi condensation. Master Kui explained that making an array was another form of cultivation. I knew that but I did not know I would gain that much with just level 1 and 2 array making. 

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