What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 49: Solo mission

We finished this mission after two weeks. During that time, I woke up, made arrays level 1 and some level 2 until my spiritual power bottomed up, meditated to increase it, made more arrays, then repeated it all until the list was done.

As usual I was only needed the first and second day in each village so I used the rest of the time to cultivate, read, make some pills and explore. 

Exploring was fun at the beginning. I gave candies, cleaned and healed some minor scratches and even distributed some fire pills I made during my down time. Children would surround me to ask me questions about AnNan city and school. Villages with good chiefs had a room dedicated to giving lessons to children even if there were not many of them.

Those makeshift classrooms were not as good as the city school's and they were lacking in resources and books. Luckily, I had my school books and personal notes so I would copy everything to donate. I was thanked so much the first time that I decided to do it at each village I visited. I even asked official Hei if there was a way to send copies to previous hunter villages I went to. The answer was ‘yes’ and he dispatched one of the guards to do it. 

The exploration was always done with Brother Wei and sometimes official Hei. That was until I got almost attacked one day. Not by beast - I saw none during this mission - but by seven cultivators who spent one night at a village inn. They were supposed to have come to do some hunting but their side job was thieving. They came very late at night so they did not know who we were.

The next day, they just saw me with a young adult (brother Wei) and an old man (official Hei) walking around the village while wearing nice clothes - low key clothes but of good quality - They assumed I was an easy target and wanted to rob - or kidnap - me. This was when I found out that brother Wei and official Hei were very good at martial arts and that there were 7 hidden guards that protected me at all times.

Those thieves' did not even have the chance to get close. Not that I needed any of it, I had a lot of protection tools on me to not get hurt by them. After that, four of the 7 guards started following me in the open at all times. Many people started to avoid me because of it. They did not go back to their old positions despite my complaints to aunt Yan who called me soon after that incident...

During those 2 weeks, aunt Yan sent me messages to say she and uncle Huai were very busy so daily chat would be interrupted. With this I knew that they wanted to hide something for me. I trusted them so I decided to not dwell on it and not ask about the secret realm. The snacks and food delivery did not stop, it even increased to every other day thanks to grandma Li's hard work. I would contact her once in a while to thank her and get news and progress about the Li boys. I never asked her what was going on in the residence. I would learn about it when I came back.

Array master Kui’s disciples took time to warm up to me. One day, they told me over a tea break that they disliked me at first because they heard  some rumors that I was an arrogant rich child who believed that everyone else was trash. They thought I forced their master to tutor me using the city lord’s power but “...The way you behaved so far showed that those rumors were all false. We see you working hard everyday to help and to learn” finished explaining Ding Qian and Tao Ning

“Not all rumors are false, I am rich and arrogant” I answered back. They smiled at that.

“Really” I insisted

“We believe you” said Tao Ning with a look to his fellow disciple.  

At the end, they gave me their contact information in case I had questions and their master was too busy to answer. Array master Kui gave me array books and notes to copy until level 5. Even if I could not use them right now, due to my low level cultivation, I could in the future. The calculation complexity until level 5 was not that bad. It was equivalent to second year of high school in my previous life

We parted ways after two weeks, their nest mission was in hunter villages that were much more powerful - and dangerous - than the one we had been to. There was no one there who needed a level 1 or 2 array.

As for me, official Hei told me that we would be using carriages to go back and we would be taking care of the villages on the way. My cultivation reached level 6 already so I could make more arrays per day and it would be more cost effective for me to do it. I also learned that there were 7 more heat array makers from school who were dispatched and that the city already hired more low level array makers and alchemists- level 2 and 3 -

They were able to secure more necessities and constructed more emergency shelters around the city walls. I got that information from official Hei as he was in constant contact with the city lord

It seemed that the preparations for the freezing winter would be finished earlier than anticipated. I was just happy that this catastrophe would pass much easier than the first life.

For my first solo mission, the villages we went to were all farmer villages. My fame reached some of them so I was greeted warmly. Those villages were much smaller than the ones near the city but I was much busier than before. I would stay about 3-4 days in each. During transportation time, I would make copies of my school books for the next villages to save time - and energy -

I could not take too much time making extra arrays for free as per official Hei’s orders. Hunter villages needed more protection arrays because of beasts but the villages along the road were initially safer. They were much smaller and existed purposely as an access point for travelers and merchants using the roads. When I asked about villages away from the main road, official Hei told me that those were assigned to other array makers hired by the city.

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