What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 58: Woke up somewhere else

The guards could stay awake for a few days and be alert but it was different for me. They made me sleep in the previously built shed and I added a heating array to it… this was when I remembered today’s warmth during my nap so I had to call everyone back.

“I forgot, the juvenile Siren Plants need warmth and this is autumn. I felt hot during my morning nap. How is it possible?”

“We found heating stones buried under the bed of the siren flowers” answered AnEr

“How many? Was the distance between them equal?” I asked

“... there were about 10 all different sizes at different distances but never close to each other” AnYi said after asking the guards dealing with the napping area

“It is normal to not be close if they have different sizes” I said. Sh*t! We were looking for something smart enough to set it up!

“Everyone needs to be on high alert! It is a cultivator we are looking for. A female one!” Exclaimed AnYi

Brother Wen looked at me for an explanation “It is too smart to be a low level beast or plant, high level ones don't need help from siren plants. It is not a partnership, the plant has a master-slave contract with a cultivator. To avoid witnesses, the cultivator would get rid of the females and everything else. This way, it would be harder to find them out"

This female cultivator could be a demonic one or simply a thief. The human skeletons were all naked so after they were killed she took all their possessions

“I was asleep. I don’t think she saw me under all those flowers and the green blanket. When I woke up and walked toward the road, she could have been dealing with the horses and carriage. The carriage was of excellent quality so it took her a while to destroy it. She must have used a sound talisman or an array to avoid making noises. By the time she finished, I found you and woke you up. She must have felt the backlash of the plant’s death. She is either far gone or hiding somewhere healing herself”

“The way she was farming siren plants, I believe her base home is close by” added AnYi 

“If she is a cultivator, she could have more than one contract beast or plants” I warned          

“We will be moving in groups of 5. AnEr, you stay here with 2 groups for master Bai's safety. Send red signal flares to call for backup. White ones every 30 minutes to show you are fine” Ordered AnYi

After almost everyone left and my guards in position, brother Wen asked me to sleep. I could do nothing now and was very tired so his suggestion was the best one I had in ages.


When I woke up, I was in a dark cave.

I really had to stop sleeping like the dead.

When I opened my eyes and saw I was in a cave, I did not move or make a sound. I checked my body to make sure there was no problem with it and my spiritual energy. I could hear some breathing close by so I slowly, very slowly turned around toward that sound. There was a small dark body sleeping next to me. I was not sure if it was a human or a beast. I touched it lightly and it moved. 

“You are awake!” a human boy's voice said excitedly

“Hi…Where am I?” I asked

“Don’t worry, you are safe” said the little boy

I stood up and hit my head “ouch”

“Sorry, the ceiling is very low” 

“Are we alone? How did I get here?” I said while touching my aching head  

“Yes, no one can come to hurt us here. I freed you from those who forced you to sleep on the bad plants” said the boy

“Forced me? No one forced me to do anything. They were there to protect me” I said, confused “Wait let me turn on the light” I was not scared of the dark but it was better to talk to someone while looking at them. I used a light talisman - Better keep all my spiritual energy for the next emergency -

The little boy was younger than what I expected. He looked around 5-6 years old. He was very dirty. His clothes were full of holes and too short for him, I was not sure what was the original color. His hair was like a bird nest. He must have lived by himself for a long time to turn like that. At least he could talk and understand me so he lived in a civil world for a while before ending up here. 

I asked him a few questions to understand how we ended up here. It seems that he saw me yesterday morning getting out of the carriage and puking. Then a bad man - from his point of view - made me sleep on top of bad flowers. Later, all the people with me walked toward the big bad plant to die. He used the time while the evil witch took the beasts and carriage to follow me. He saw me hitting bad people with water and they killed the plant before calling more people so he had to run away.

He observed from afar until most bad guys left. When I was alone and sleeping he tried to wake me up. He could not so he took me away and hid me in this cave, his home.

I was not sure if I should laugh at myself for not waking up or tease the guards for not finding him. 

“My name is Bai YuShin, you can call me Shin-ge. What is yours?”

“You can call me Li-er… or LiLi this is how my mum calls me” he said 

“Nice to meet you Li-er, how long have you been living here?” I did not ask for his parents. With his current state, I knew they were not with him for a while

“I don’t know… but I passed 3 winters here” he said while showing 3 fingers up

“How did you end up here?” I asked

“I was with my mum, we were running…I don’t know why… we stopped where I found you to rest. Then the evil witch came and hurt mum. Mum asked me to run. She gave me her stone and pouch and the evil witch took her from me. I was scared so I ran until I found this place. It is too small for the evil witch to come and get me.

With the stone she cannot see me when I am outside. I went to the same place mum was hurt but I could not find her. I saw a lot of people getting eaten by the bad plant but never women. I don’t know where they go. The evil witch would take them but she runs too fast for me to follow”

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