What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 59: You lost against a little boy

“How old were you when your mum was hurt?”

“I was 4” He showed me 4 fingers like he was taught at that time. He is currently 7 years old. He looked younger and malnourished but he had good survival instinct to be alive until now 

“Ok Li-er let me explain to you. The men with me are good ones. They did not know that the flowers were bad just like you and your mum at that time. They are good people who protect the weak and hurt bad guys”

Even if they lost to a little boy. I was planning to tease them so much later on!

“If you come with me, I promise that I and everyone else with me would work hard to stop the evil witch and find your mum” or her body but let’s keep his hopes up for now

“As for the stone, keep it with you. Do not give it or show it to anyone else or others might try to steal it from you” This stone should be a stealth stone similar to what Wu…, the one who I don’t want to name, bought in an auction with MY money. His first f*cking golden finger. 

That stone was so good that even uncle Huai, a Nascent Soul cultivator, could not find Li-er observing us during the day. 

As for Li-er being able to kidnap me, my protection artifacts and talismans worked against evil and killing intent. Li-er only wanted to save and not hurt me so they did not activate.

As for how a 7 year old who looked malnourished and 2 years younger could carry me; with his 4th level of Qi condensation, he could carry 200 kg easily. Welcome to the cultivation world! 

Grrrr. GRRR that was the sound coming from Li-er’s tummy. I had some pastries and candies in my pouch so I shared them with him. He ate them and thanked me. Mmm, his mother did a good job educating him.

“OK. Could you take me to my friends? I need to contact them so they could help us hunt the evil witch” I asked

“Yes, follow me” we walked for a while, the exit was pretty far. An adult would have had issues coming in because the ceiling was low but it was perfect for Li-er who was more than a head shorter than me. After a while, I found out why my guards and the evil witch could never enter this cave; there was an array. I stopped and took out my analyzer.

“What is this?” asked Li-er curiously. The analyzer was a piece of green Jade in the form of a small stele.  

“This is a tool that identifies… things for me” I replied. With an impulse, I chose to lend it to him “Do you want to try it?”

Li-er took it with both hands with an excited look. For him, it must be a toy to play with. I showed him how to use it but he could not activate it. This was weird because the first time I activated it I had to only pour in my spiritual energy while pointing it to something. Li-er returned it and I used it on the array; 

8th level array. Stops all animal killers.

Mmm, what an amazing but weird array… Stops all animal killers, it should mean it stopped all those who killed animals. Are humans included? Most beasts killed to eat but Li-er must have killed beasts to survive, no? 

I kept the analyzer running to see if I could get more information and it worked!

8th level array. Stops all animal killers. Recharge with ambient spiritual energy 

Ok. This was an AMAZING array. Auto recharge! It can go on for thousands of years by itself! Unless it was not working anymore

“Tell me Li-er, did you hunt small animals for food?”

“No, there are no small animals here, the bad plants ate some and the others left. I eat leaves and what is inside mum’s pouch”

Now I understood the malnutrition, I felt bad for him as I knew how it felt. I did experience hunger and died in a similar cave but I was an adult at that time. Li-er, being a child, had it a thousand times worse.

Moving on

Us being able to pass through this array made sense. I did not kill any beast or human in this life.

“I wonder who made this array” I mumbled

“There is a scary thing in another cave. I don't like going there but I think it is the one who made this light... I mean array”

The light he was referring to was the array. Every time you passed through it, there was a light that scanned you. It delayed you by a second. I was going back and forth to test it for a while and it was still running!

Now I had two choices; first go find the guards or investigate the scary thing

I could come back later to investigate but I was pretty sure no one would let me as they could not follow - the chances of my entourage not having killed any beasts in their life was slim to none - 

But I really wanted to check the scary thing if it could help me understand this level 8 array. This was too good to be missed.  

… Well, better ask for forgiveness than permission

“Li-er, could you take me to that scary thing? You don’t have to go in, just show me the way” Li-er was smiling in silence while I was playing with the array then timidly waiting when I was thinking. He answered right away “I will go in with you. With you I will not be scared anymore” 

I felt a pang of pity, what a lonely child. Maybe this was why he saved me; to have someone by his side. We were alike this way…

We went back on our steps but chose to turn left on a fork halfway. This took us to a much bigger cave. The array at the entrance was much more complicated and beautiful. While arrays were usually drawn in 2D, this one was 3D. It was the first time I saw something like this in all my 3 lives. Li-er passed through it without a problem so I decided to tempt fate and do the same without checking with the analyzer. I knew it was a dump decision but except for a 2 seconds delay it let me pass through.

“It also took longer the first time I came here, but since then, I could pass faster”

I still had the light talisman activated so I saw right away a skeleton of a monk sitting in a lotus position. Li-er pointed it to me and said “This is the scary thing” 

It made sense. At 4 years old, he did not have the sense of death and now, at 7, even if he saw the siren plant killing people, he might not have seen the skeletons buried below. For him the scary thing was not a dead man

“Li-er, this is a dead monk. What you see is his skeleton”

“A monk?” Li-er asked curiously

“Euh… a monk is a type of cultivator. He is a man just like you and me but does not eat meat. He died a long time ago and his skin and flesh went away. The only thing left is his bones... skeleton…we all have skeletons” I tried to explain

“I know what a cultivator is. Mum was a cultivator…and me too!” he said proudly

“Good, this is why you are so strong" 

A dead old monk and amazing arrays in a cave, it was time to check for treasures!

Hello everyone,

Li-er is an important character in the story. Our MC will relate to him often from now on

Thanks for reading!

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