What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 61: LiLi, I am here

“Li-er took me. He thought that he was saving me from bad guys. His mother was taken by someone he calls the evil witch 3 years ago and he has been alone since then” I replied

“I need more details but it is good that you are safe and unhurt. Let me take you both to somewhere else before we talk about it” That sounded ominous. 

Uncle Huai bent down a knee to shorten the distance between his eyes and Li-er's “Li-er, we found the evil witch and we already ki…stopped her. She will not hurt anyone anymore” 

“And my mum, did you find my mum?!?” Asked Li-er excited

“We found some women in her compound. I will take you there to see if your mum is there” answered uncle Huai

“You found some women?” I asked. Alive or dead? I could not say that out loud to avoid Li-er hearing me but uncle Huai understood and mouthed ‘both’. I felt bad for some reason.

“Yes, they are hurt and weak. They have been kept in captivity after that cultivator blocked their spiritual abilities” continued uncle Huai

By the time he finished his explanation AnEr and a few more guards had arrived. 

Uncle Huai insisted on holding me. Li-er insisted on being with me so he used his other hand to hold him too. I put my hands around uncle Huai’s neck to prepare for him speeding up. Li-er did the same while looking at me but uncle Huai did not speed up too much. 

Was he scared to drop us? When I asked him he just increased the speed a little and did not answer. I saw AnEr in the back trying to hold his laugh. The ones behind him were outright smiling. Adult cultivators could be crazy this way.

I asked a few questions during that time. It seemed uncle Hei was called by AnYi right after they found out about my disappearance. In the end they did not find me but they discovered a compound that had few women serving an injured female cultivator. Three female beasts were watching them. They stopped - meaning killed - the beasts and the female cultivator who attacked them crazily. 

The other women explained that they were kidnapped by her and any traveling male were killed by the Siren plant. She kept telling them crazily for years that male were bad and they should not exist. She said some crazy other things not suitable for kids our age to hear and AnEr was able to hold his tongue after a cough from uncle Huai.    

Basically, those women were being treated for their injuries right now. The compound was near a small spiritual vein. They had to mine with little food and equipment under the watch of few contracted beasts.         

The compound was not very far. There were a lot of guards, some maids and aunt Yan directing them. When she saw me she came running and took me from uncle Huai to give me a hug. Li-er climbed down from uncle Huai, saw aunt Yan hugging me gently so he left running around the compound calling “Mum! Mum! Where are you?” A few times

“LiLi!!!! My baby, I am here!” said an emaciated woman with bandages in her hands and neck. Li-er stopped for a second then ran to her, hugged her and buried his head in her neck. She hugged him back while crying.

I cried too. 

I cried for him, his mother and myself. I thought his mother was long dead, I was preparing myself to help him with his grief. 

He believed that his mother was alive and she was. 

If his mother could be alive after even me thinking it was not possible. Then my parents could be too. 

I was crying because I was happy for him. 

I was crying because I was sad for myself. All the pent up emotions I had since I came back almost 2 months ago were pouring out with my tears.

After the initial thought about my parents in this life, I drifted toward my feelings for my 2nd life’s family. I missed them the most. Them being alive and well in another world calmed me down after a while. Aunt Yan kept hugging me and, eventually, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I felt ashamed. I was known for my thick skin but crying in front of so many high level cultivators was embarrassing. There were at least 40 guards who watched me cry! …hgrr, kill me someone please… 

My cheeks were hot… I was on a bed so I hid my head under the cover. I was not getting out until…Grrrr grrr… I was hungry. 

I had only snacks as a meal for 2 days. I got up, cleaned myself and changed clothes. When I walked out of the room, I found that I was in a nice inn   

I met aunt Yan and brother Wen. They took me to have brunch. They told me that after I fell asleep they took everyone to the nearest inn.

Li-er was still with his mother. They already had lunch and were resting in a room. Just like the other 7 women found at the illegal low level mine.

Luckily, no one mentioned my red puffy eyes and shameful behavior of a few hours ago. Uncle Huai, AnYi and uncle Hei came not too long after.

“How come you disappear and we find another mine in the area” asked AnYi jokingly

“How come a 7 year old could kidnap me under your nose?” I attacked back

“You wound me master Bai” AnYi said. “Li-er is too young to explain that. Could you give more details?”

“Call me A-Shin or Xiao Shin like everybody else” I was changing the subject but I knew it would not work so I sighed

“It is simple. He has a magic artifact that helped him survive until now. He was trying to find his mother all this time but his speed was not good enough to follow that crazy female cultivator. 

He saw me sick when getting off the carriage and brother Wen letting me rest on the juvenile Siren flowers and thought they were forcing me to be there. Later, he took a chance to save me when there was no one watching”

“Then why did you follow him without a sound? You did not even let us know” said uncle Hei

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