What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 62: New mine

I sighed, I couldn't get out of this “... I was asleep. I did not wake up when he took me” I said with a low voice

“Hahahaha” laughed AnYi

Aunt Yan was hiding her mouth with her sleeves and uncle Huai closed his eyes - maybe to meditate? -

I could not see the others as they were behind me but I had an idea of their reactions. This was more embarrassing than the crying session...

“Are you done laughing?” I fumed. And when that did not work I asked another question “What would happen to the victims?”

It was uncle Huai who answered “They illegally mined under duress so they will get a part ownership of the mine. We are waiting for experts to come and evaluate. Right now, they are all busy with the first mine you found

Evaluation process was mandatory before the auction but that reminded me of the map

“I have the mapping of the Golden Bee mine. I already told you about it. I could create one for this new mine too. For a fee, off course”

“And the fee…” started uncle Huai 

“Depends on how many parts the victims are getting” I finished

Uncle Huai sighed “Show me the mapping”

I took out the analyzer, played with the settings I learned earlier on and displayed what he asked

“The darker areas are the part of the most concentrated spiritual stones. There are some big stones that we could sell to big sects as batteries… I mean for their sect level protection arrays. They would pay much more than if we cut the stones into smaller sizes. The size is displayed here. It would take maybe 500 years to finish mining everything but you see this area here? I think we should not touch that, that helped create the spiritual vein so if we keep it, it could generate more spiritual stones and we could mine forever” I showed an area above ground full of plants and green boulders. Analyzing the map was simple thanks to the tool adding details and legends everywhere.

“We could either show the mapping during the auction or advertise that we have one for a better price” suggested AnYi and I agreed

Usually, experts checking a spiritual vein would only know its level. This mapping could save a lot of energy and money. Why search for an area when we already know where all the spiritual stones were?

“You could do the same for any spiritual vein?” Asked uncle Hei

“I don’t see why not but I rather avoid advertising that my analyzer can do that” I answered. I would get so many requests that I would not have time to do anything else even if I added a high usage fee. Major families could also try to steal it from me

“How about this, you map this new spiritual vein for the sake of the victims. It seems that it is not very deep if they could mine with their bare hands and it should be a low level one. Based on the results, we will decide what to do. Exploit it right away or wait after winter” Sometimes, a low level mine was not worth auctioning for exploitation

“Let’s go back then” Better now than later. Uncle Huai wanted to hold me but I asked for a carriage instead. He seemed a bit disappointed but he did not need to come with me. Aunt Yan insisted on him going though. Who knew what was going to happen if he left me again? 

I finally agreed with her as last time I got drunk, had almost all my guards eaten by a plant and kidnapped by a kid younger and weaker than me.    

The carriage idea was scrapped and I found myself being held once again.

When we arrived back at the evil witch compound, I took my time mapping. I even moved a bit around to make sure there were no clusters missed by the analyzer. The vein was a low level one that was not worth auctioning but there were enough spiritual stones to mine for maybe 10 years with a small scale exploitation team.

The initial investment would not be much but there was no way the victims had that amount and the city was struggling. I offered to lend it and part of the income of the mine would be used toward repaying the debt. 

As there were 8 women, Uncle Huai decided that each of them would get one part, as a compensation, while the city would keep the remaining 2. I was considered to be a bank that lends money with no interest. I would get 20% of extracted stones until the debt was fully repaid. I signed a contract with the head of the financial city department before leaving the mine area. I also gave the estimated 500 low level stones as the initial funds. The exploitation would not start until after the freezing winter so part of that fund was to pay security guards and make a protection array until then. 

When we went back to the inn, the head of the financial department made the victims sign a contract after explaining to them the rules and expectations. Most were happy as this income would get them rich. The higher level ones did not care or signed a waiver for the city to buy their part for an upfront sum. They were planning on going back to their families after healing. I advanced the purchase money once again.

Li-er mum chose to sign a transfer document to give me her part. She contacted her husband via message talisman and he was planning to come and get them. The reason she left was… well for adult reasons but what happened to her and her son in the last 3 years made her decide to go back and fight for whatever she was planning to fight for. 

She told us that her husband was well off and that he will take care of their son. I was skeptical because she ran away from him but aunt Yan told me that sometimes, couple problems were complicated. As a mother, if she thought that her son would really suffer, she would have never gone back. I was never in that kind of relationship so I just trusted aunt Yan’s judgment.   

I would be missing Li-er even if we were together for only 2 days. I gave him all my old clothes still in good shape. I knew that his family was wealthy but I told him that he could just donate them to someone else if they were not up to his family’s standard

I also gave him a message talisman to keep in touch even if his mother told us that they lived too far away to work. We still had time for his father to come and get them. It would take at least 2 months so he would arrive just as the freezing winter would start. I invited them to come to my courtyard to live.

“Please help me buy a residence in the meanwhile” Yep, I played the pitiful kid guilt card toward victims of an evil witch. 

I also did not ask for permission from aunt Yan and uncle Huai as technically it was their residence. The other women were either escorted to their families directly or decided to move to the city to get ready for the freezing winter. Aunt Yan already invited that group to stay in the city lord’s residence temporarily.


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