When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 131

Chapter 127: Today Is Also A Day Of Peace

Chapter 127 Today is also a day of peace

“All demon blood? Oh, whatever you think…”

There was a chuckle that didn’t know whether it was disdain or ridicule, and Gu Mo, whose eyes became more and more red, suddenly retracted his arm, and pulled hard, the palm that passed through Shen Jiuye’s chest tightened. The tightly clenched hearts were pulled out together, and the scene looked extremely bloody, suitable for all ages.


With a painful groan, Shen Jiuye, who had a big hole in his chest, quickly stepped back and pulled away. The suspicion and anger in his eyes were all mixed together, and he didn’t hide it at all.

Although his heart was pierced by a claw, this kind of injury is still nothing to the body of a goddess. Maybe the pain is very painful, but Shen Jiuye is not Naraku, and the heart is not the fatal weakness.

She devoured the goddess to gain immortality. She is a very tenacious being, and her strange immortality is also reflected in the fact that even if her body is completely destroyed, her soul will not be easily destroyed. Rebirth. In the original plot, the protagonist group and a group of people are equipped with destiny, plus the target of Naraku’s conspiracy and tricks——

She finally destroyed the body of Kamijiuye, but as soon as her soul turned her head, she wanted to occupy the body of Kagome Higyou, who had powerful spiritual power…

——Almost succeeded.

Of course, that was when the protagonists were completely unprepared and didn’t know anything about it before such a thrilling situation occurred.

At this moment, Shen Jiuye didn’t even care about the **** hole being pierced in her chest, because something more worthy of attention was happening in front of her eyes.



is constantly ascending.

Indifferently staring at the opposite Shen Jiuye, Gu Mo carefully experienced his own changes and feelings.

Because there is a huge demon power in each tail, at this moment Pang Pang nine tails are manifesting at the same time, this unprecedented huge demon power is added, so that he even has a weird illusion, it seems that he has become a complete head The nine-tailed demon fox… No, maybe it’s not an illusion.

His perspective is getting higher and his field of view is stretching.

In the field of vision, Kamijiuye, who was originally a normal body, began to become small, and it looked like he was shrinking along with the surrounding streets and buildings…

This is the way it is. Both sides of the war feel that they have some powerful hole cards, and they think that no matter what, as long as they are aggressive, they will never suffer.

Shen Jiuye is like this, and Gu Mo is naturally the same. For example, he has never exerted the power of the Nine Tails to the fullest. From the most basic “reliance fit” to the in-depth “monster transformation”, all of them are actually brought by the possession of guardian spirits. The power, whether in principle or in essence, does not make any difference.

– Only in degree.

And when the degree of monsterization reaches the extreme, there will be a situation like the host chosen by the nine tails in the original fate… Simply put, it is the example of Chacha Asai. After she was forced, she directly From a frail beauty who is powerless in her own hands, she is transformed into a real nine-tailed demon fox.

This has already proved that complete monsterization can indeed be achieved.

The guardian spirit is such a bug, as long as the host has enough determination, it can exchange enough power.

Gu Mo is naturally the same. He can borrow the power of the Nine Tails, but most of the time, he will control the degree of monsterization within a safe threshold, and will not exceed the dangerous critical point… But it depends on the situation. When Shen Jiuye was such a ruthless enemy, and she herself was not an opponent at all, the witch was also tied up.

The thigh tactics that have always been particularly effective are not useful, and they are pinched by the opponent by seven inches. When the situation becomes extremely critical, what is there to care about.

Of course, you can use whatever trump card you have. No matter how dangerous it is, you have to use it. That’s the meaning of existence. It’s not that you can’t use it until you’re beaten to death. Killing the enemy is better than killing the enemy!


In the pupils of Shen Jiuye, a terrifying figure was reflected, standing up from the city.

With the flame of the red lotus burning fiercely…

A magnificent sight like a blooming lotus flower…

That is Pang Pang’s nine tails slowly unfolding behind it…

Against the background of the tails that are more than ten meters long, the figure standing up from the city does not look small at all, but it also gives people a sense of giant. In fact, it is not too huge, but even in modern cities, it is impossible to be a skyscraper.

Buildings with a height of three or five stories are common. In contrast to this background outline, this prehistoric beast appearing in a modern city is very abrupt.

is very oppressive and gives a more huge feeling.

It seems that the breath with the smell of sulfur is swaying in the atmosphere, and the air becomes distorted and distorted. The huge and amazing heat makes the outline of this behemoth blurred, and everything is like showing an out-of-focus image… But because of this, it is possible to more clearly feel the power that it is like coming from purgatory, stepping out of the fire of karma.

In other places in the distance, there is basically a clattering sound everywhere at this moment, like a domino toppling over. I don’t know how many people fell in unison. to an indescribable horror.

Even people who didn’t see what happened, because of the distance and angle, people who didn’t see anything at all could feel this sense of terror that appeared for no reason, and the moment they were hit without any precautions. , naturally like being protruded from the face by a monster while playing a horror game.

That was the great horror felt from the instinct of the creature, like being targeted by a natural enemy, people were covered in cold sweat and terrified.

Even because of the previous riots in this area, the people who were scared away a long time ago were the same. They rolled back with their hands and feet, and didn’t stop until they bumped into someone else or reattached the railings and walls on their backs. . They looked at the scene over there from a distance, just like everyone else in the city, they were all dumbfounded.

In the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, lingering among the buildings.

In the sky above the city over there, the huge figure of the behemoth appeared above people’s heads.

was shocked to the point where their brains went blank, and they couldn’t think calmly at all. They even felt that the whole world had become illusory and unreal, and there was a strong feeling of doubting that they were dreaming…

“What the **** is this…”

“A special film? But, but…”

Only when you see this scene with your own eyes will you understand how shocking this is, especially with the contrast of high-rise buildings, the sense of giant that is set off is really happening in reality, plus that no matter how far apart it is. The terrifying breath that can be felt from far away, the suffocating feeling of nervousness and fear swept over…

I don’t know how many people left a serious psychological shadow at this moment, probably suffering from a phobia of giants.

As for Shen Jiuye, who bore the brunt of the brunt, she was naturally under even more terrifying pressure. Even her injuries had already healed at a high speed visible to the naked eye in this short period of time. There is absolutely no sign of injury on the outside.

However, at this moment, facing the nine-tailed demon fox in front of him, and being stared at by those huge golden red eyes, Shen Jiuye still felt a lot of pressure, and even felt that the body of a goddess was not safe.

Despair is not to mention…

But the anger has broken through the sky!

Does this monster have a brain problem, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger or something? Is he so outrageous!

Especially when he recalled his previous self-satisfaction, his self-righteous tactics, full of revenge and pleasure, thinking about how to torture the two of them, he felt that he had decided the words and deeds of the other party… This sinister and cunning monster felt that the whole person was not good. I almost exploded my lungs.

This kind of situation where you feel that you have a chance to win, you are complacent, and then the situation turns sharply in the next moment, and it is really easy to make people feel that they are a clown. Ordinary people would feel extremely humiliated, not to mention that even a goddess like her can be calculated, and she always feels that she is the most special person.

Shen Jiuye’s plump chest kept heaving and he gritted his teeth and said fiercely:

“Okay! That’s great! This time I misunderstood! But your Excellency really took great pains, obviously you have such a status, but you can actually condescend to do such a thing…”

As she spoke, she glared at the witch opposite her, her eyes full of anger: “But to do this, is it just for this dead person?”

It’s impossible for the other party to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and wait for him here. What’s more, even this witch seems to be extremely shocked at this moment. , and probably misjudged it like myself before.

So what else is there to say, isn’t it obvious enough to follow this shrine maiden with such a disguise!

On the other side, Kikyo, who was also surprised when she heard Shen Jiuye’s words, seemed to be stunned for a moment.

The golden-red eyes of the nine-tailed demon fox were burning like fire. It stared at the small figure in its eyes, and then flicked its tail gently. Shen Jiuye felt his heart skip a beat, his figure suddenly blurred, and he disappeared into the air. At the same time, a raging flame ignited violently and flashed past.

It was like in the void, a long fuse was ignited, and the flames burned from here to there in an instant.

It penetrated the original location of Shen Jiuye, and the space of thousands of meters behind her. On the empty street below, the glass of the buildings on both sides suddenly burst, and countless fragments were scattered, and a strip appeared in the center of the street. The long deep ravine is no longer a simple flame and scorching traces, but a crystallized crimson.

At the end of the gully is an empty crossroad, and there is also a huge crater that looks like a meteorite impact. I don’t know how exaggerated the depth is. There is also only a crystalline red in it, which is a crystalline protrusion where the soil and stone melted and re-condensed. , and the scorching heat and redness of melting, the flowing lava…


The figure was dancing with the cherry blossoms and appeared in the mid-air in the other direction. Shen Jiuye was angry and anxious: “Obviously you have such power, you can’t get anything if you want, if you and I join forces…”

The words were not finished, and even at the moment when she just appeared, a **** mouth was bitten fiercely!

Frightened in his heart, Shen Jiuye subconsciously made the life mirror in front of him shine, and made a pentagram pattern flashing with purple light, like a magic circle branded in the void, rapidly magnifying… The tail demon fox smashed it in one bite!

doesn’t work at all.

Damn! Dangerously and dangerously, he turned his body into a ball of cherry blossom petals, fluttered in the wind, and moved quickly to another place, Shen Jiuye clenched his teeth tightly, unable to get the goddess feather clothes, and he couldn’t play the “mirror’s method of stopping water” at all. The true power of ‘, both in scope and intensity, is simply incomparable.

Especially the opponent’s demon power is too strong, it is impossible to stop the time of this vicious demon fox!

The thoughts in her mind flashed, and she continued shouting loudly: “Listen! We can cooperate, no matter what you want, as long as we join forces, this era is ours, and we can let it go. You ask for anything…”

The nine-tailed demon fox turned around and stepped lightly on all fours, walking through the buildings with its huge body, but it didn’t look clumsy and heavy at all.

It looked at Shen Jiuye, who was gnashing his teeth, and there was an obvious humanized expression on his face, as if he was disdainful, his eyes seemed to be mocking, and the next moment he raised a front foot and slapped it directly on the head. It has the power to open mountains and crack rocks!

With a terrifying karmic fire, the speed and power of this blow is no less than that of a meteor that flew from the sky and smashed it down, enough to blow all the surrounding blocks into the sky!

But this kind of power is controlled by consciousness, so it can converge more efficiently and concentrate the power… In order to kill the target more efficiently, instead of spreading the power out. It looks very cool, and the grand scene is cool, but in fact, 90% of the power is wasted.

“Damn! I’m afraid you won’t succeed!”

Shen Jiuye’s face sank, this lunatic can’t communicate at all, and he doesn’t seem to be interested in the cakes he draws… In this case, he can only fight, he is immortal, no matter what, he will live to the end will be yourself!

Even if you drag the other side down! !

Her figure was blurred at a high speed. At the same time she avoided the attack, she appeared behind the huge nine-tailed demon fox without any warning. She raised the golden sword transformed from the hairpin in her hand, and instantly set off a storm-like storm of dense blades, which is not inferior. The blade of the ordinary demon sword easily smashed the atmosphere, and the moment of staggering appeared on the other side of the shredded space.

The demon fox didn’t seem to have time to defend, and a huge tail was cut off and fell heavily on the ground.

“But so… eh?”

With a happy expression on her face, Shen Jiuye’s smile suddenly froze, and the joy of easily cutting off one of the other’s tails disappeared, because in her wide eyes, the reflections were that the two ends were almost identical. The figure of the nine-tailed demon fox.

The giant demon fox incarnated by the cut tail stepped gracefully from the other side, forming a joint attack with the other demon fox on the opposite side, with an undisguised mockery in his eyes.


Shen Jiuye clenched his teeth tightly and felt a sense of powerlessness.

But at this moment, if she felt something, she subconsciously raised her head and looked into the distance. Small black dots appeared in the sky first, and then there were objects dragging flames and trails whistling, and quickly from the distance to the distance. Near, it was a missile in flight!

After all, it has been a while since the trouble, no matter how slow it is, it should be able to react.

By the way, this is Tokyo, and there is the closest and the largest and most important U.S. military base in Tokyo Bay not far away… Under the urging of not knowing how many urgent calls from the mainland, the first batch of fighter jets Has arrived at the scene at the fastest speed, and launched an air strike brazenly.

Besides, this is a disaster, these things fighting in the city will cause huge damage, and it will only be more serious without them!

Well, how sweet, even the reason has been thought out…

Nigga Shrine.

In the ancestral hall diagonally opposite the main hall, in the dim environment, a hand suddenly stretched out from a dry well inside. The next moment, the girl in the sailor suit leaned out of the well with some difficulty, got up, and then turned around to I dragged my big backpack up.

Although her movements were a bit slow due to her lack of strength, she could see that she was already very proficient at it.

“Damn Inuyasha…I will never bring him instant noodles next time!”

The    girl complained angrily, then breathed a sigh of relief by the well, then put on her backpack and walked up the stairs, pushing the door out of the ancestral hall… Ah, long time no see, the real world! Back in her own time, she suddenly felt that her tense nerves were relaxed, and she had the urge to open her hands and shout.

The sun was shining and the wind was quiet. Looking at the outline of the city with fire and black smoke in the distance, and seeing the fighter jets whizzing past, dropping something, and then moving away, she breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Today is also a day of peace…

The peaceful and stable world turned out to be so beautiful.

There is no era when monsters are rampant, and human beings no longer have to be afraid, which is really great…

wait wait wait!

suddenly reacted, and the girl felt that something was not right. Hearing the distant sound of an explosion, the whole person froze in place.

(end of this chapter)

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