When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 132

Chapter 128: For What?

Chapter 128 for what?

After seeing what was going on, and being sure what he saw, Higuchi Kagome felt that the whole person was not well, and stood in place dumbfounded.

what happened?

She has only been away for two weeks, how did the real world become like this… No matter what, she doesn’t understand, even if the war broke out, how did the situation evolve in just two weeks to such a bad level.

She felt a chill all over her body, looked around blankly, and then finally reacted, stumbled and turned her head and ran to the room behind the main hall of her shrine.

“Mom, grandpa, grass too…”

Hope nothing happens!

and many more! This terrifying demonic energy… She suddenly felt something, and suddenly raised her head to look in the direction of the sky. In that keen spiritual sense, she could feel the rapid approach of a powerful and somewhat visual demonic energy. With a clear goal, he came to his own shrine.

“This is!”

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and then she looked in the direction of the mountain behind her shrine. The demonic aura seemed to fall straight down from the sky, and instantly swooped into the forest behind the mountain!


In the dense forest.

Although it is impossible to observe it normally due to the shielding of the powerful demon energy, the huge nine-tailed demon fox has already landed on a relatively flat and open space in the foothills of the mountain, and is covered by tall trees all around. In the distance, you can vaguely see the buildings of the Higurashi Shrine and the tall sacred tree.

The huge demon fox bent down gently in the clearing, and lowered its huge head, allowing the shrine maiden to get down from its back calmly.

Campanulaceae landed on the ground, turned around and looked up at the behemoth in front of him, raising his eyebrows slightly, but there was no expression on his face.



The air seemed to be quiet, like the silent melody of the forest.

At this time, there were hurried footsteps in the woods outside. After a second or two, a girl in a sailor suit with a large backpack ran over panting.

When Higaka Kagome noticed the situation, her body had already reacted faster than her brain, and she subconsciously ran towards the back mountain, even completely forgetting that she was still carrying a heavy backpack. It’s too late to put down the backpack.

No matter whether the visitor is malicious or not, she has already arrived at the back of her house. She must figure out what is going on. If something goes wrong, at least she can delay her family for a while.

This is purely a subconscious reaction. After all, she has been practicing for so long in the Warring States Period, and her ability and xinxing have been greatly improved… So she did not hesitate or consider anything at all, and went straight to the back mountain by herself. .

Passing through the outer cover forest, the scene in front of him is bright and bright, and Kagome at night can clearly see the scene in the open space in front of him.

The shrine maiden in white clothes and a scarlet hakama calmly raised her head and looked at the huge demon fox in front of her.

And the latter also lowered his head, as if he had golden and red eyes that were burning with raging fire, and quietly overlooked the witch.

The background is the forest at the foot of the mountain with dense foliage and shady trees. Even the wind seems to be as quiet as the air. The sun is falling through the gaps between the leaves. There was an elusive sense of stillness.

This scene was very impactful, and Kagome was stunned.

And the unexpected harmony of this picture does not give people any sense of oppression and suffocation. It is clear that the monster fox is extremely large, but… at least the girl in the sailor suit did not feel any pressure, unlike the giant monsters she faced in the past. That way, there will always be a feeling of heaviness that is hard to breathe.


Limited to the influence of the atmosphere at this moment, if she was here alone facing this behemoth, she would definitely feel breathless.

And at this time, the witch over there was also aware of Kagome’s appearance, she turned her eyes slightly and cast a glance in this direction.

The girl in the sailor suit finally came back to her senses, remembering why she came here, and a look of astonishment and disbelief appeared on her face:

“Biankyo? It’s you! You, you…why are you here?”

Before waiting for the shrine maiden to answer, she couldn’t help but look back. Because of the trees, she couldn’t even see her own shrine, and naturally she couldn’t see the city outside. But she knew exactly what happened, so she gritted her teeth tightly, and said in a trembling voice: “What happened outside… It’s not because of you, right?!”

Why did    Kikyo appear in his own time?

What is    for?

And the city outside just became a mess, it is really difficult to let Kagome not associate with the other party… Because it was all good before, but after the other party came over, such a major accident happened directly. , to be reasonable, anyone can only think of it this way.

At this time, a mirror suddenly appeared in front of the huge demon fox behind the witch, and then disappeared quickly. The next moment, the body of this behemoth began to shine, and the huge outline quickly shrank in the light, finally showing a normal come in human form.

Just as the reliance fusion needs to consume the power of the host to maintain, the monster transformation is only a reliance fusion with a higher synchronization rate. Naturally, it is impossible to say that the void exists, and it can be activated and maintained without any cost… Just think about it. Knowing is impossible.

The examples in Niwang’s world often rely on the power of a large number of spirit stones to transform ordinary humans into big monsters, while Gu Mo relies on the power of himself and the jade fragments of the four souls… So of course, the form of monsters is not If it cannot be removed, as long as the huge consumption cannot be continued, all the continuously activated abilities can only be forced to terminate.

It’s just that once most of the examples enter the state of monsterization, they either have lost their minds because of some conspiracy, or when they are completely insane, they are not clear thinking and rational choices made by their true will, so Basically the process appears to be irreversible.

Until it is forcibly interrupted by an external force——

When life comes to an end, and the fusion with the guardian spirit cannot be maintained, the demonization will be released naturally.

However, Gu Mo himself has not reached that level, and the nine tails will not pull him into the abyss, but simply choose, assist, and guard his spiritual existence – otherwise, it will not be a guardian spirit, but a demon haunted Now, in many cases, the host drags the guardian spirit into the devil together, rather than the guardian spirit affecting the host to become evil.

In such a situation, the only thing that can confuse him is the fragments of the Four Soul Jade, but fortunately he has only two fragments in his hand, which can be worth the huge amount of spirit stones for complete monster transformation, but not enough. As for the side effects brought about by the evil side of the unstoppable jade, after all, his highest attribute is spirit.

So he can consciously dismantle the monsterization… It doesn’t matter even if he is locked, because there is a similar experience before, and you can forcefully remove the Four Soul Jade from the “equipment” state directly through the system panel. Cut off the transmission channel of demon power and forcibly exit this state.

But a complete monster transformation does not mean that it is the ultimate form. In short, it is the gap between Sesshomaru and his father. Sesshomaru is indeed a complete monster, but even if it reveals its original shape and changes into the appearance of the original giant monster dog, its size is far from the realm that is bigger than the thousand-meter mountain like his father.

And the nine-tailed form that Gu Mo is showing for the first time is, after all, just the power of the guardian spirit that is combined with the power of himself and the two fragments, and then leveraged. If there are more fragments, or even a complete jade of the four souls… Shen Jiuye probably still can’t understand what happened, and the person will just disappear.

The restored Gu Mo looked down at his palm, and answered Kagome’s question in a very calm tone:

“It’s not our reason, but a demon that was sealed 500 years ago just today, in this era, broke out of the seal… We originally wanted to stop her.”

“It’s really you…”

Hitsuka Kagome’s tone was inexplicable, although she had already guessed it before, because the demonic aura was somewhat familiar, and when she saw Kikyo, she naturally immediately thought of some bad guy.

took a deep breath, she tried to calm herself down: “What kind of monster?”

“Shen Jiuye…Well, it’s hard to explain to you. You can go back and ask that lecherous mage to find out. It’s a powerful demon that was sealed by his grandfather, and it has been sealed until this era before it recovers.” Gu Mo replied calmly. Said, “When we came over, we happened to meet her recovery, and naturally we had to stop her.”

“But…but why, the outside looks like this? And why did you happen to meet, and what is the reason for you to come to this era?”

Higuchi Kagome still has a strong skeptical attitude. What the other party said seems very legitimate, but in her opinion, there are many doubts. The simplest question is why these two people came to her for no reason. In the age of 2000, it happened so coincidentally that this kind of thing happened?

Such a “coincidence”… Don’t you think it’s too deliberate?

“Isn’t this normal? We have some scruples, but the opposite side is not afraid at all, and it is impossible to cooperate with us, so naturally it will cause a big trouble…” Gu Mo spread his hands, “and Tokyo Bay is right there. Next to it, it didn’t take long for the fighter jets from the military base to come over, and they dropped bombs directly, and we have no way to do this.”

He is not so maddened, even if he only takes into account the views of the witch, he naturally has to restrain himself. Even after the complete monster transformation, there is no major damage… However, the huge monster fox he incarnates walks and fights in the city without causing much damage. On the contrary, the US military directly washed the ground with missiles as soon as it arrived, which is simply a hero among ghosts and animals.

But think about it, even the lives of the people of your own country are not at stake. The direct use of people to test the virus does not only happen in movies, how can you expect them to pay attention to the human rights of other countries.

“As for why we came to this era…for this, I just want to come and get this sword.”

He explained slowly, this was his original intention from the beginning, as for why it happened to happen to Shen Jiuye in the future, it was really a coincidence… Maybe it was because the restraint force was activated. Like in the original plot, when Shen Jiuye launched his ultimate move five hundred years ago, he stopped the time of the entire earth.

But the protagonist’s destiny is added, either from a time period that does not belong to the current world, or it has something on it that does not belong to the current world…

But now the trajectory of fate has shifted. Shen Jiuye only awakened five hundred years later. He was still preparing to launch a big move to stop the time of the entire earth, and then it happened on this day… He and Kikyo came to this era again, Such a “coincidence”, maybe it’s the world’s defense mechanism that is quietly affecting fate.

Through all kinds of coincidences, at the right time and at the right place, let the “hero” who has the ability to prevent the disaster appear?

“For this sword…”

Higurashi Kagome looked at the quaint straight knife in Kikyo’s hand, who had been silent, and her pupils contracted slightly, because she happened to see the knife carving on the wooden scabbard – the three words “Cong Yunya” were very obvious, and just before coming back , she just happened to hear the old grandpa Dao Daozhai said about this sword.

“Yeah, it’s been accumulating dust in your home, so I’ll come and take it away.” Gu Mo said confidently.


This sword has been collecting dust in your home? Higurashi Kagome was really shocked: “Wait, why do you want to take something from my house!”

“What’s your thing, it’s mine…” Gu Mo chuckled wickedly, still so righteous, but he bought it with money, the money and the goods are both, the old man is innocent, no matter who He can’t even say a word, it’s already his thing.

“Your stuff…is it yours?”

The girl in the sailor suit muttered to herself, remembering what the old man said.

It is said that this sword is different from Iron Broken Teeth and Natural Teeth. It was not made by Inuyasha’s father’s teeth, but a demon sword that has existed since a long time ago. No one knows who made it and who it belonged to. The weapon… Inuyasha’s father also only got it in his day.

Is it the person’s sword…

Remembering the “real body” he just saw, Kagome Nigiri bit his lower lip lightly, with a sudden feeling that this person is probably an old monster who has lived for a long time.

Huh? Has the reaction been a little dull?

Gu Mo raised his eyebrows. Why didn’t Kagome refute at all? He just waited for her to argue, and then told her that this was the fact that he bought it from her grandfather. Admire her mask of pain… But with this kind of reaction, his bad taste is really not satisfied.

“This this……”

Hitsuka Kagome gritted her teeth, only to feel that her heart was in a mess. She tried her best to sort out her mushy head, and couldn’t help but ask, “Is the situation serious now? How about the casualties?”

“I don’t know, but at least your classmates didn’t have an accident… Even though they weren’t killed by missiles, Shen Jiuye got what she wanted.” Gu Mo laughed heartily, thanks to the help of the U.S. military , In that chaotic situation, only Shen Jiuye was like a duck in water, grabbing the opportunity to grab something and running away.

“Wait, wait! My classmate?”

Higurashi Kagome was stunned, why did he get involved with his classmates, and why did this person know about his classmates?

“Yeah, you can investigate the specific situation yourself… You don’t have to ask them. They don’t even remember the details. Believe me, it’s for their own good.” Gu Mo said noncommittally, he could help There is only so much busyness.

Fortunately, this was the end of the 20th century, information and communication technology was not so developed, and new media and online platforms such as live broadcasts had not yet appeared. Even on the streets of Tokyo, there was no surveillance. He also released a large-scale charm before he took the witch around in a large circle and quietly returned to the Nippon Shrine.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that this matter is forcibly erased, and people think that everything does not exist. It has already been so big, and he can’t have the power to do mental interference involving the whole world.

So I just cut off the clues, so that the real world can’t be traced. No matter how I investigate, I don’t know how this matter was carried out, and who or what was it aimed at, because the parties themselves have vague impressions. I felt like I didn’t see it clearly.

Hitsuka Kagome clenched her teeth tightly, her mind was in a mess, she managed to sort out her thoughts, and then she thought of a very crucial question.

She hurriedly asked, “Wait! You just said God… That God Jiuye got what she needed?”

“Yeah…” Gu Mo said slowly.

“What are the consequences of that?”

“Well, the world will be destroyed…” Gu Mo pondered for a while, and gave a very old-fashioned plot development, but it may be unusually old-fashioned in his opinion, but for a girl in a sailor suit, it is tantamount to rumbling. The thunder exploded in her ears, causing her pupils to shrink to the limit.

“Are you kidding?” The voices were shaking.

“No, Shen Jiuye can really do it, and it will be done soon… If you want to save your era, go back and shake people immediately.” Gu Mo shook his head and pointed out to the girl kindly. If they found a clear path, and brought the protagonist group five hundred years ago to the current era, they can still be immune to Shen Jiuye’s ultimate move based on the current time.

Anyway, the opposite side doesn’t talk about martial arts, so I have to have some righteous group fights on my own side.

“Yes, yes! Go and call someone…”

As if waking up from a dream, Kagome turned around and ran away. She felt that her body had become extremely heavy due to the enormous pressure, and she was swaying almost out of breath. Is this the feeling of suffocation that the world is about to be destroyed? ? Is this the enormous pressure to shoulder the burden of saving the world?

Seeing the girl in the sailor suit carrying the backpack twice the size of her entire body and running out staggeringly, Gu Mo opened his mouth, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

Gently exhaled, he turned around and looked at the shrine maiden who had been unusually quiet since just now with a smile on his face:

“The real lair of Shen Jiuye is Dream City. I remember it should be on the other side of the Fuji Five Lakes. We can go there and take a look.”

Kikyo nodded lightly, but just stared at him without saying a word.

Seeing this kind of gaze, he felt a little guilty, and Gu Mo tried to get away with haha: “What’s the matter, why are you looking at me like this?”

“…You are not a half-demon.” Kikyo said calmly.

“This… I’ve never said that I’m a half-demon, so I’m not lying to you.” Gu Mo laughed dryly, explaining that he never took the initiative to say such a thing.

The witch frowned slightly.

“Then let me put it another way…” She gently lowered her long eyelashes, “What is the purpose of a big monster like you doing this?”



“For the jade of four or four souls?” Gu Mo said cautiously.

Why is this uncertain tone? Don’t you even know what you want? The witch still lowered her eyes, she couldn’t see Ji Fa’s expression under her bangs at all, but she already understood that this person was definitely lying, and the other party was not for the jade of the four souls at all.

Although he told a lie, he also indirectly proved something.

This is something that she has always been worried about before, because she doesn’t know whether to trust the other party or not, and she always wants to find a chance to test… After all, she died for this. After paying a painful enough price, naturally he will not trust others easily.


She finally fully confirmed that this person is indeed not for jade…

However, the shrine maiden felt that her heart was getting heavier. She didn’t know how to deal with this situation… The other party might as well have come to Yuyu.


(PS: The cold has intensified…sad)

(end of this chapter)

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