When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Reach A Consensus

Chapter 18 Consensus

Gu Mo stood up and waved the knife in his hand a few times casually. I don’t know if it was an illusion. It seemed that the weight of the knife was also lighter.

He is not too sure that this is because his physical energy has recovered in an instant, and even becomes more abundant than before, or there is a certain linkage between physical attributes such as strength and sensitivity, strengthening any At the same time, it will also slightly enhance the other two to a certain extent?

Having said that, how should the occupation level be improved? Is it also to raise a level, just give an assignable point or something?

But there should be a difference, otherwise, there is no need to split into two upgrade systems…

These thoughts popped up in his mind, but Gu Mo didn’t think about it too much at this time, but turned around to look at Xiu Chiyo who was behind him, and waved his hand very energetically: “Okay, I’ve rested, let’s Go up the mountain now!”



The black-haired girl looked at him with weird eyes. This person is really strange. She just said that she wants to take a break, but she can understand it. After all, the other party cut from the beginning of the village to the end of the village and contracted all the little hungry ghosts one-on-one orders. Killing the service, cutting it all the way, is the growth visible to the naked eye.

But no matter what, it’s not bad to be able to support this long with the physical strength of an ordinary person. The girl also felt that he really needed to sit down and take a breath, otherwise he might not even have the strength to go up the mountain.

Fighting is really exhausting, not to mention this kind of fighting that really needs to be ruthless and deadly, even the fights between ordinary people. After a while, you will be exhausted. Just like boxing, it belongs to High-intensity exercise is quite exhausting.

But yeah…

I was really tired just now, and the tiredness on my face can be seen directly. However, after walking over to wash my hands, I immediately became refreshed. What is this operation?

Xiuchiyo tilted her head, as if a question mark slowly appeared above her head. She subconsciously moved her gaze to the water. Could it be that this strange person has some special secret technique or method… um, Can you quickly recover by washing your hands?

Gu Mo didn’t know that he was suspected by the girl to be the God of War because of his strange behavior. He just took the lead and walked to the stone steps of the back mountain.

In response, the black-haired girl could only hold a torch and follow quickly.

Before arriving at the stone steps, he looked at the winding mountain road above, covered with dense forests that could not be seen to the end, Gu Mo looked up at the sky, the brilliance of the stars and moon had dimmed, and the sky to the east had also fainted slightly. Showing fish belly white…

It was almost dawn.

Having said that, when I was about to go back to the community but entered this dungeon, it should have been just after one o’clock in the morning, and the time spent in this dungeon was more than an hour, it must be less than two hours—

This is also because I was cautious in exploring pictures, and only led a little hungry ghost every time, and the thighs I hugged were also very patient…

So no matter how you look at it, it shouldn’t be dawn soon. The only explanation is that there is a difference between the time in the copy and the time in the real world… This is a matter of course, the world view is different, but it may be due to coincidence, or For some other reason, every time he entered the dungeon, the time in the dungeon happened to be at night.

This also caused Gu Mo to have such an illusion inadvertently, and it was also an influencing factor that made him unable to distinguish between the real and the illusory realm at the beginning.

“It’s almost dawn…” With such a sigh, Gu Mo slightly quickened his pace.

According to the plot that he has mastered, Toujiro also arrived at dawn. Although he didn’t know what he promised to wait under Ye Ying, he ended up waiting for a loneliness. What did he do in the middle, but he passed by Axiu not long ago. Gu Mo subconsciously wanted to avoid the meeting with Toujiro.

It would be embarrassing to be dismantled in person…

So you should clear the dungeon as soon as possible, then carry the bucket and run away. Even if you wear it, your own people will probably not be in this world, there is nothing to be afraid of.

The black-haired girl behind him also looked at the sky, and it was indeed about to dawn. After all, after falling asleep in the middle of the night, she was woken up by a pedestrian who was attacked by a hungry ghost. After killing the little monster to save the pedestrian, she discovered that A letter was sent to his house, inviting him to come to the Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village here.

Because the distance was a bit far, she took some time to get there, and it was naturally very late when she arrived. Coupled with the delay of a lot of time just now, it is almost dawn, what’s so surprising about this.

And just now, you looked like you could squander a lot of time, why does it seem to be urgent now?

The    girl was a little confused, but she couldn’t ask any questions.

“Well, it’s always dark again…”

Gu Mo, who was walking in front, suddenly felt that his vision suddenly dimmed, turning into a tone similar to black and white. As the background and light became darker, I felt that my body was also much heavier, and my abundant energy began to be lost.

It’s just a little different from what he felt when he stepped into the Minotaur’s Changdang Realm before. It’s not so heavy, and the speed of energy loss is not so outrageous, and it’s relatively slowed down a lot.

Because his current physique attribute has reached 12 points, and he has increased by two points? Maybe it should be like this, but maybe the demons who have developed this dark realm haven’t reached the level of power of the bull-headed ghost.

The black-haired girl also raised her eyebrows slightly, stretched out her hand to hold the saber around her waist, and felt that the blood in her body that had just subsided not long ago became active again.

Using the demonic energy to influence the space of the present world, forming a normal domain similar to the normal world, is something that basically all ghosts can do, and it is an instinct that they are born with. They are inhuman things from the eternal world, and naturally know how to use their own power to influence and change the environment, making their actions and battles in this world more beneficial.

But this is generally a small-scale aura formed by the flow of demonic energy, and it can be upgraded to a constant dark, from the aura field to an inherent field, not only the area is greatly increased, but the effect is greatly enhanced. , itself also indicates that those who do this are no longer ordinary ghosts.

Although she has defeated many such lords of constant darkness, she will not say that she takes the enemy too lightly.

Because in the realm of darkness, her human side will be suppressed, but the bloodline of the monster will become active, making her body, mind and behavior more inclined to the side of the monster… She doesn’t like this, and she has no confidence to control it. The frenzy when he turned into a monster.

So now this Houshan ancestral hall has another constant darkness, she needs to be extra careful. If the monster bloodline that calmed down not long ago is triggered many times in a short period of time, if it is repeatedly active, she is likely to fall into monsterized.

Just at this time-

The black-haired girl frowning lightly saw that the person in front of her stopped at some point, and was turning her head to stare at her forehead. She was stunned for a moment. He turned his face away, pursing his lips tightly.

is here again, this strange look again…

Sure enough, this person is no different from others…

“Although it’s a bit presumptuous, Xiu, but I still want to ask, can I take a picture with you?”

The next moment, a somewhat excited voice came, the strange person held a small and delicate object that I didn’t know what it was, and shook it in front of her, and said to her with a smile.

Because of the angle, I didn’t see it before, but this time they acted together, so after seeing the girl walk into Chang An, a pair of golden and noble and delicate ghost horns appeared on her forehead, Gu Mo still endured Unable to resist his urge, he reached out and took out his cell phone.

Anyway, after a while, he should be leaving. Whether it is to commemorate the girl in front of him, or to commemorate his first serious book, he has to leave something behind—he thought so, and said Sincerely asked Axiu.


Hide Chiyo was stunned for a second, isn’t this person disgusted because he discovered his half-demon identity?

And a group photo…what is it?

“Oh, this, this is us… Well, a special product in our hometown, one of the functions is to take pictures, which is to preserve the scenery in front of you like a painting… Well, well, let me show you directly, It’s like this, wait for me to fire a flash, don’t be nervous, it will flash later…”

Seemingly seeing the girl’s confusion and confusion, Gu Mo approached enthusiastically and gestured with his phone to explain.

This matter is a bit difficult, he tried hard to use his brain, trying to convert this kind of thing that is normal for modern people into a statement that Hidechiyo can understand and understand.

It was just that the more he talked, the more confused the black-haired girl’s eyes became. He patted his forehead, switched to camera mode, and took a picture of the mountain road in front of him… With a slight click, the flash flashed. However, the dim light was briefly illuminated.

The photo was taken successfully. Although there is no signal or network, the basic functions of the mobile phone are not affected.

opened the photo and looked at it, he nodded with satisfaction, and at the same time handed it to the girl opposite to check.

The black-haired girl just glanced at it, and then her eyes widened slightly. She couldn’t hide her astonishment and looked at the mountain road in front of her, and couldn’t help but looked down at the picture displayed in the small box again… The obvious fact is that this To her, things were really too new.

“That’s it, come on, come on, let’s take a photo together and laugh – eggplant-”

Immediately after, Gu Mo stood next to the overwhelmed girl, stretched out his arms and held the phone in front of him, and took a selfie very quickly, as if he was worried that the latter would react and refuse.

He looked at the new photo displayed on his mobile phone. In the gloomy and gray forest, the back was a winding stone-stairs mountain road. The torii-like torii loomed high above, and he himself drew the tacky and old-fashioned V in the signboard. Word gesture, next to it is a black-haired girl with a mask and a saber, heroic and valiant…

It’s that her expression is somewhat tense and unnatural, and her eyes are a little overwhelmed, but this does not conflict with the heroic spirit between her eyebrows, nor does it bring much sense of disobedience, but because of this just right contrast. , which makes the girl’s temperament become a little more natural.

It’s a pity that he covered his face so he couldn’t see the whole thing…

Gu Mo felt a little regretful, turned his head and looked at Xiuchiyo who was still at a loss. After thinking about it, he still didn’t open his mouth again. After all, this is really too presumptuous.

Thinking about it carefully, it doesn’t seem to make any difference. Anyway, he knows her true face. After thinking about it, he no longer struggles. Instead, he looked at the road ahead and asked, “Speaking of which, I will wait. Can you take a few more pictures? It’s also for souvenirs.”

Anyway, it’s all for souvenirs, so you can take as many pictures as you want, right? And the first group photo just now can’t show more information. It’s better to take a picture of Axiu’s heroic fighting style. If you put it on the Internet, people can quickly recognize that this is the kind of “Niwang 2” real cos…

How many more pictures?

Hide Chiyo blinked, not knowing what to say for a while.

“It’s fine if you don’t object, then we’ll reach a consensus!” The man in front of him said happily, grabbing her hand and shaking it up and down a few times.

What is the consensus?

You obviously didn’t say anything, did you?

The girl bit her lower lip. All her life experience combined didn’t know how to deal with this kind of thing. This person probably didn’t know that she couldn’t speak, and she didn’t ask this question, or she just felt that she was unilateral. Is it taciturn, as long as it does not speak out against it, it is the default?

That should be the case. She looked at the other party while playing with the small box, turned her head and continued to walk forward. She sighed helplessly, and could only keep up with it, but her mind was still a little messy. Can’t help but think about the photo just now.

Just when the black-haired girl was slightly distracted, there was a sudden movement in front of her. She quickly gathered her thoughts, but found that the little hungry ghost who had jumped out on the mountain road in front of her had been cut open with a knife. The essence escaped in the air.

Gu Mo flicked the knife in his hand. This weapon was much sharper than the previous hatchet.

It is said that practice makes perfect. Anything will become skilled quickly after being repeated many times in a short period of time, and things like beating and killing hungry ghosts are no exception.

—He was also facing the enemy from the very beginning, and every time he fought terrible battles in a way that almost wasted his energy, just to kill a little hungry ghost in pursuit of safety…

—Now I have gradually gained confidence and some experience, I have begun to calm down, and consciously adjust and optimize my combat methods, and pursue efficiency to quickly kill enemies by targeting weaknesses, saving physical strength…


With sharp eyes, he suddenly discovered that light gradually penetrated from the corpse of the little hungry ghost on the ground, gathered into a ball, and finally formed a white light spot suspended a dozen centimeters above the corpse.

Did something explode? He didn’t even see the root hair when he chopped it all the way, he thought there was no mechanism for killing monsters and exploding loot!

(end of this chapter)

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