When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Life Is Always Up And Down

Chapter 19 Life is always ups and downs

The first time the loot was revealed, Gu Mo was of course happy, but he also knew that he couldn’t expect good equipment from the trash, so it might be a consolation prize.

He gently stretched out his hand to fish, and the moment the prop light point touched his fingertips, it disappeared immediately, as if it was absorbed by his skin… At the same time, Gu Mo peeked at the show behind him. Chiyo found that the black-haired girl didn’t seem to have any special expression on her face.

It’s more because of what happened just now, and he seems a little absent-minded.

Sure enough, other than myself, other people can’t see what these gamified mechanics show, otherwise it would be too strange.

Huh, wait, what about your loot? Where did it go?

Withdrew his palms and looked at his palms and fingers, Gu Mo’s eyebrows were about to tangle, did they melt or something? Even if he knew it, it couldn’t be any kind of grand prize. It might be a symbolic reward of consolation, perhaps the material or soul core of the hungry ghost.

But that’s also his own thing, how could he be swallowed so vaguely?

Besides, if this kind of thing can happen for the first time, then there can be a second and third time. If it is like this in the future, how should I count my loot?

Calm down and think about it. Maybe there are other explanations. For example, such items are directly incorporated into special spaces such as “backpack” and “item slot”? But how should that function be used, I didn’t see any options.

Gu Mo pondered, and subconsciously reached out and took out his pocket, then the expression on his face was slightly stunned.

No way, it went so well this time?

As soon as his palm reached into his pocket, he “felt” the existence of a peculiar space, and saw an interface with a non-visual vision. The grids were neatly arranged row by row, just like the warehouse interface in the game. Just empty and nothing.

There is only the first square, which is occupied by a pattern, and the number 1 is also displayed in the lower left corner.

About the prop light spot you just picked up?


At this time, Xiuchiyo also walked quickly to his side. She first looked down at the corpse of the little hungry ghost on the ground, then looked at him and uttered a syllable expressing doubt, as if she did not understand why he stopped suddenly, and The expression on his face was so complicated.

“Sorry, I just suddenly remembered something. When I came out, the gas in the house was not turned off. I have to go back and have a look…”

Gu Mo looked at her, blinked his eyes, came back to his senses and explained this, by the way, he wanted to give a reasonable reason for running away with a bucket.

Of course, he just thought it was reasonable.

Axiu couldn’t understand. He was talking nonsense about something, and those rose-red eyes were still full of doubts… What is turning off the gas?

It can be seen from this that although the languages of the two sides are not unable to communicate due to the incompatibility, they are converted and understood extremely smoothly under the real-time translation mechanism provided by some mysterious force, and even both parties feel that the other party is saying that they are the best. the same as the familiar language.

But there are still some things that can’t be helped, limited to worldview, knowledge, etc. Even if you understand the pronunciation, it is difficult to understand a new word you have never heard of before, and the mysterious translation mechanism derived from the mentally retarded system will not speak When translating, make sure that both parties can understand concepts that have not been touched before.

That is not the concept of mere translation, maybe this part is the most excessive and outrageous…

“Yeah, maybe the water and electricity are not off, I have to go back and have a look…” Gu Mo nodded again and again, and continued to walk towards the mountain road ahead.

At the same time, he also paid attention to this special space that suddenly appeared, or his inventory.

It seems that it does not exist in the pocket of his own clothes, but is linked to this function through the concept of a pocket, which itself has the ability to hold things. The pocket itself just provides a transit medium… He tried to put the He took his palm out of his pocket, and put his other hand into the other pocket at will.

After losing the link for a short time, he successfully “felt” the existence of that special space again.

And from before to now, his mobile phone wallet, etc. are also inside, but it is not the case now, that is, he stays in his pocket and does not enter that special space… So now he can feel the two completely different Different “pocket spaces” exist.

One is normal and one is abnormal.

For such a thing, he tried to make a reasonable guess. It should be because this inventory has special restrictions. Only the props that are recognized by the system can be stored in it, not that everything can be put in… So It wasn’t until now that he killed the monster and revealed the first loot, which was stored in it, did he realize that he had an inventory?

Well, it’s a bit difficult to evaluate. He also thought that if he had the function of a game backpack, it would be much more convenient, at least he had to get some weapons for self-defense in the first place…

Now it seems that it is indeed convenient, but only a little bit more convenient.

Because there are no reality items recognized by the system, you should not be able to put them in or not. If you want to carry them, you may still have to carry them on your body, not to mention the inconvenience. It is inconvenient to run around with controlled items in the real world. A very realistic thing.

Disappointed, he continued to check the props he just obtained while paying attention to the road ahead.

It was a small prismatic crystal, exuding a faint golden yellow light like firefly. According to the description, it was a small high-density essence fragment called “Little Spirit Stone”. According to the system’s annotations, it can be used to supplement certain The health value or energy value of a certain degree can also be used simply as a material for some special purposes.

Sure enough, it was this thing, Gu Mo pouted.

Spirit stones are the unique products of this world and this era. They are called “essences” in the west. Alchemists believe that they are miracle stones with great power, but they can only be collected in the bloodshed. And just at this time, and for the next few decades, this island country is in a world of unprecedented wars and turmoil.

That’s why the story happens here…

The first loot of the monster-killing explosion is this thing, which is true, but it is indeed pure comfort.

Gu Mo sighed, and at this time, he also saw a solitary building in front of him on a flat terrain on the half hillside. It should be the ancestral hall of Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village, but this important place is now polluted by Chang An. , looks eerie and gloomy in a dark world that is similar to black and white.

At the end of the mountain road further up, it is blocked by a solid gate, and you can vaguely see that there is still a short road at the gate. It seems that there is a temple or something standing above it, but the gate is also closed, and you can only see A wall built around the hillside.

It can also be seen from this point that Shisanying Village was indeed a very prosperous and wealthy village before. Not only did it provide cattle, horses and post stations, but it also had a waterway business. Ordinary villages could not save this wealth.

The black-haired girl clanged, pulled out her dagger, stepped forward and reached out to stop Gu Mo in front of him, making him retreat behind her. At the same time, her eyes sharpened, and she locked onto a certain target in the ancestral hall.

In the courtyard of the ancestral hall, there are many ghosts wandering, even the hungry ghosts are not the little hungry ghosts before, but they are bigger than adults, and their heads are like a basketball body…

In the deepest part of the black-and-white field where the flowers on the other side are constantly blooming, there is a burly ape, standing upright, holding a wooden gun that looks like a crutch in his hand, which seems to be simply processed from the hard wood in the mountains. weapons, as well as vines and leaves and flowers embellished on the wooden gun…

An ape ghost that has surpassed ordinary people so much that it can expand the realm of darkness.

found the source, Xiu Chiyo felt the rush of the monster blood in her body, and knew that it was not appropriate to continue to drag it on. She wanted to solve this ape ghost as soon as possible, and relieve this Chang An. She turned her eyes and gestured to the person behind her to keep him away from here.

“Do you want to feel so safe…”

Gu Mo muttered in a low voice, but he still followed the girl’s wishes, pulled back a little distance, and did not approach the ancestral hall.

The ghosts in    are really nothing to Hidechiyo, and it may be a matter of one knife and one knife together. But it’s not the same for him. Even the hungry ghosts are big hungry ghosts, and I don’t know how much the fighting power has improved compared to the little hungry ghosts, so don’t go up and drag your feet.

Be a war correspondent in the back and take pictures…

Watching the black-haired girl walk into the courtyard of the ancestral hall with determination, Gu Mo was about to take out his mobile phone and stopped again. Forget it, it seems that this is not a good choice. The ambient light is not good, the tone is too dark, and you can’t shoot anything without the flash.

But if you turn on the flash, maybe it will play a role of mocking and attracting monsters…

So forget it. If you can’t help, don’t be a pig teammate who is holding you back. Gu Mo still has a B score for this. Although it’s a pity, he doesn’t seem to be able to take more photos to take home, but he Resist the urge to take out your phone.

Howling, howling, roaring, and screaming in panic…

When the first flashing arc slash tore through the dark black and white world, all this sounded like a chorus in the ancestral hall. , and the monkey-like screeching sound from the ape ghost!

The delicate golden and luxurious ghost horns appeared in front of her forehead, and the girl’s figure was like a ghost dashing into the courtyard of the ancestral hall. Her beautiful black hair was flying like a dance, and she easily avoided the vicious siege of the ghosts. Taidao reflected a frightening cold light, drawing one splendid silver arc after another.

With a low whistle that broke the air, he chopped off the heads and arms of those demons like lightning.

The stump and the broken arm flew high, and the blood-stained head was left with the ferocity of the last moments of his life. With a frozen expression, he flew out and fell to the ground, and then rolled out a few times.

Lightning-like sword swing.

Thunder-like slashing stabs.

Not to mention how gorgeous and eye-catching, but it is neat, swift and fast. This is the girl’s own style. The so-called swordsmanship is to give full play to the advantages of her own strength and speed, relying on the strong to bully the weak, and use her own strength to attack. The enemy is short, solve the battle in the fastest and most efficient way.

is also pleasing to the eye. Anyway, it is in stark contrast to Gu Mo’s current style of fighting with fuss and fuss.

The sharp monkey’s cry became more and more rapid, and the ape ghost, who unfolded in the dark, looked at the girl with anger and fear, and while commanding the ghosts under his command to attack, he also waved the rod, which was simple and primitive, but full of lethality. The shot was attempted to inflict damage on the teenage girl.

Maybe it’s because of habit, even if it becomes a monster, it can’t be changed. The attack method of this giant ape is to jump high, waving the spear in its hand and throwing it at the enemy.

is not really throwing the only weapon, but it will transform into a spear attack composed of demon power, which is relatively more powerful and ferocious.

However, it didn’t work. The spear shot by the ape ghost grabbed every gap, but it failed to hit… No, there was a hit. For example, the afterimage of the girl just disappeared, and another ghost just happened to slam on it. The position was just pinned to the ground by the demonic spear of the ape ghost.

Under the tacit cooperation between the enemy and the enemy, ordinary demons were slaughtered one after another, burly and strong headless corpses fell one by one, while the ghostly figure of the girl was still going back and forth in the yard, and the rapid drawing of the sword attacked every time. A single knife can definitely injure a ghost, or even kill the opponent.

“Tsk tsk…”

On the edge of the junction of the mountain forest and the mountain road outside, watching the scenes in the ancestral hall over there, Gu Mo nodded repeatedly, feeling leisurely and fascinated, and he didn’t know when he would grow to this stage.

However, at this time, Axiu seems to have not transformed to the fantasy level in the future. This level of combat power does not seem to be too outrageous. To be optimistic, maybe wait until the investment in terms of strength, sensitivity and other aspects reaches fourteen or five points. , maybe it can be close to a certain extent?

Gu Mo thought so.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from behind.

At the same time as his heart froze, he quickly turned around and wanted to wave the weapon in his hand, but just as he turned his head, he was smashed to the ground by a black shadow with a violent force… making his eyes glow with gold stars, The blood in the chest rolled, everything was so sudden!

Gu Mo also had a momentary stagnation in his thinking, but his body struggled instinctively. The moment he fell to the ground, he subconsciously crossed his arms in front of him. The next moment, a red, sturdy arm that looked like an adult’s thigh was stunned. Grab it for his head.

The huge force made his arms go numb instantly, he felt that his arm bones were almost cracked, his arms were also torn apart by the sharp claws, and blood spurted!

But Gu Mo gritted his teeth and insisted, after all, he still didn’t let his head explode for the first time, and he tried to calm down amidst the chaos, what he saw was a hideous-looking monster suppressing him.

Fortunately, it’s just an ordinary ghost…

The thought of    came into his mind, and it flashed by, so fast that he didn’t even notice it himself.

At this time, the demon who suddenly appeared roared and waved his other sturdy arm, and he was about to slash his claws down again. They had no special ability, but their limbs were extremely powerful, and they should be much higher than ordinary people. As soon as his paw came down, Gu Mo’s two arms were almost unblocked.


His pupils shrank suddenly, and without thinking about it, Gu Mo tried his best to use one arm to push upward with all his strength, resisting the monster’s pressing down ghost claw, and released his other hand and quickly picked up the edge that had just fallen off. The falling knife, condensing all the strength, stabbed the double horns on the demon’s head fiercely first!

The thing in his chest was beating violently, like a drum, at this moment his heart was struggling, almost jumping out of his body.

He will have to hold his thighs all the way through the border, and he must not capsize in the sewer at the end!

(end of this chapter)

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