When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Different Changes; And Long Overdue

Chapter 22 Different Variations; and Long Overdue

Is it going to end…

Looking at the flowers on the other side, like a blood-colored carpet, instantly covered every inch of the yard of the temple, like the never-ending fire of Naruo burning in the scorched earth of hell, guarding the horse-headed ghost in the center, and experiencing it firsthand. Gu Mo, who had the shock of facing the powerful Lord of Darkness at close range, flashed this thought in his consciousness.

This is the last part of the scene of Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village. As long as this horse-headed ghost is eliminated, the first scene in the game will be cleared.

So… I should be able to go back by myself, right?

He subconsciously held his breath, watching the black-haired girl swiftly waving the knife to meet him, and the horse-headed monster with a huge body like a hill that was comparable to the previous bull-headed ghost was also neighing, waving the same The serrated broadsword, comparable to the tauren’s hammer and iron rod, swept over fiercely.

There is nothing fancy, that is, the attack range is particularly large, and the strength is particularly fierce and unparalleled—

Although it is not a 40-meter broadsword, the total length of the serrated broadsword is at least a dozen meters or more, which must be four or five stories tall.

Such a serrated broadsword, under the grasp of a monster of the size of a horse-headed ghost, can swipe the sweeping attack that is simply unstoppable, sweeping away thousands of troops! Even Xiuchiyo doesn’t want to be hit head-on, because it must be very painful…

Standing at the door, Gu Mo couldn’t help but squinted his eyes slightly. The strong wind rushing towards him was like a knife, cutting his face painfully. He stood so far away and didn’t get close at all. He still felt the serrated knife. It was as if from in front of him, wiping the tip of his nose and swiping it!

If you were a little further forward, you might be able to cut your body by the middle of the body if it wasn’t for the pressure of the airflow that was brought up!

Amid the shrill and whistling wind, he narrowed his eyes and vaguely saw the beautiful black hair flying in the gust of wind. The girl’s figure was as agile as a flying swallow. Not only did the horse-headed ghost’s sweeping attack miss her, but also Just as she was swiping, she jumped up.

At the same time that he avoided this powerful horizontal slash, which was enough to open the mountain and crack the monument, his toes also tapped on the serrated broadsword that swept through below—

As a result, he jumped high with the help of his strength, his body rotated and leaped, and elegantly and fatally drew an arc from the top of the horse-headed ghost’s head, and finally landed behind the ghost. He gently bent his knees to release the force, half-kneeling as if he had no weight. On the ground, the saber in his hand was already sheathed.

Immediately afterwards, as if the picture was delayed, a dazzling and dazzling moon-shaped arc burst out above the horse-headed ghost’s forehead. The pair of ghost horns on the forehead smashed into pieces in the dazzling slashing line!

The golden-yellow color like rice ears is dazzling, and a large amount of high-density essence has just emerged from the broken ghost horn, and it was blown away in the wind.

screamed, fierce and ferocious, the angry horse-headed ghost’s hoofs softened, and the whole body fell to the ground as heavy as a mountain, and the dust flew up under the heavy smashing.

The blood-colored light in its red-red eyes was no longer flaming, but dimmed in an instant. The serrated broadsword in its hand was unable to hold, and it also slammed to the ground, causing the surrounding ground to vibrate slightly.

The exact same process, it can be said that there is nothing new—

But it is precisely because of this that she can see how profound the basic skills the girl has acquired when slaughtering these demons. Even in the face of the Lord of Darkness, who ordinary people cannot compete with at all, she can make the battle more obvious. The taste of streamlined operations.

Gu Mo was slightly amazed in his heart. This neat and tidy fighting style is full of resoluteness. Although it was not the first time to see it, it still dazzled him.

Different from the perception of killing ape ghosts and ghosts with one knife, although the scenes in that scene also look very powerful, it is completely different from the giant monsters such as bull-headed ghosts and horse-headed ghosts, who are treated by small people in the same way The shock and impact brought by one-shot kills.

But at the same time he was amazed, in the normally dark world that was close to black and white, there was a burst of purple brilliance that was not dazzling, but definitely obvious enough!

Countless phantom-like purple flying blades soared into the sky, as if the fish in the sea were rapidly swimming in a dense and huge formation. When it falls, in an instant, the earth shakes and the mountains shake, and the land collapses and the mountains rush!

Smoke and dust spread all around, obscuring the sight.

Gu Mo subconsciously took a few steps back, and stretched out his hand to block the blowing wind pressure and the dust that was being carried up, but he still felt that the sand almost got into his eyes and could not open his eyes.

When the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, a tragic scene came into view. The entire yard of the temple was already bleeding into a river. The blade pierced into a sieve and was completely nailed to the ground, without any sound.

The ground was full of scorpions, and the corpses were riddled with holes. In that ferocious and shocking blood-colored hole, the surging fountain of hot demon blood, which cost no money, sputtered out, dyeing the ground of the surrounding yard with a strange red. !

At first glance, the sea of scarlet blood…

With the death of the horse-headed ghost, the world of Changsha also faded away, but the terrifying blood replaced the blooming and falling of the other side of the flower, and under some kind of terrifying pressure, the cold sweat on Gu Mo’s forehead suddenly came out. , he felt a heavier pressure than the Chang An just now.

It seems that people are facing the top predators. The pressure from the top of the food chain makes the soul tremble. It is not a question of courage and will, but simply because the world is like this – just like an ice cube will only survive in high temperatures. It evaporates and melts, and it will not make any difference in the result because of the ‘strong will” and ‘superhuman courage” of this ice cube.

My chest is stuffy, I can’t breathe, I know what’s going on in my mind, and my rationality tells myself not to be afraid, but the nerve cells are constantly producing the emotion of fear under the combined action of instinct and hormones…

Gu Mo gasped slightly, his eyes locked tightly on the strange and beautiful figure.

Suspended in mid-air, his toes are about half a meter away from the ground, his long silver hair is casually scattered, but there is a sense of elegance and nobility in the mess, and the delicate golden horns shine with a golden full moon. , the trails surrounded by purple illusory streamers are like fireflies flying…


—phantom form…

Gu Mo instantly recognized what it was, and at the same time felt terrified. Axiu was still a monster like the plot. As for whether it was because of the inertia of the plot or what, he really didn’t know.

Because the information given in the game is actually very small, and the time span of the plot is also very large, it may be a few years between the two tasks. Therefore, many questions are unexplained, at least he is not fully aware of it, so now he is not able to understand what is going on.

Why is it still a monster? It seemed that he had never been injured from the beginning to the end, and when he dealt with the horse-headed ghost, he was as neat and tidy as when he dealt with the bull-headed ghost before.

Gu Mo’s mind was in a mess, he had a lot of guesses, but he couldn’t be sure. And at this moment, he subconsciously did not dare to do anything.

Because, in a quiet atmosphere as if the air was frozen, the eyes of the monster-like figure cast a cold gaze at him, and she did not know when a purple monster pattern appeared on her cheek, and it spread from the horns of her head. The lower stratum corneum, like a natural mask, covered the right half of the face.

Noble, mysterious…

You can also vaguely see the outline of the black-haired girl’s previous face, so that it doesn’t make people feel completely unrecognizable.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

After several breaths of time passed, nothing happened. Gu Mo stared at the strange and beautiful figure, and frantically forced himself to calm down. He found that the girl in the monster state seemed to be trying her best to suppress it. what-

Although it was suspended in midair and motionless, after killing the horse-headed ghost, it no longer moved, but its body was trembling slightly.



The restless violent instinct, and the good character and rationality are fighting each other in the girl’s body. She is trying to regain her own will, but the process is extremely difficult, and she is also extremely hard to fight, and she feels that her self-consciousness is violent. The wind and waves were engulfed little by little.

Let’s go, let’s go…

Far away from here…

Run away from your side while you can barely fight…

The phantom monster tried his best to suppress the rage that was about to engulf him, his body trembled but he didn’t move, he just stared at the person at the door of the courtyard, praying that the other party could understand his meaning, or be frightened by himself. have to run away.

She really can’t hold on anymore, she will turn into an irrational demon at any time!


“Hold on, Axiu, I might have a way…”

The person opposite    took a deep breath, took out a spiritual stone from his pocket that shone with a faint golden-yellow essence like a rice ear, and walked towards her with gritted teeth.

I should turn around and run now, no matter what, because this scene should be considered a customs clearance, as long as I go back the same way, I should be able to leave this scene and return to the real world community according to my experience… With all the experience , levels, and loot.

This is a choice that can maximize my own interests. It has already been cleared. There is really no need to take risks at the end. Anyway, the girl’s role in herself is not as big as before, and although she is a little special to herself, But she doesn’t know herself…

I am a stranger to her, so I have no obligation to do anything…

At this moment, Gu Mo’s consciousness flashed many, many thoughts, which finally converged into one sentence, which kept reverberating in his heart.

has been cleared…all have been cleared…

He told himself that he should be a little selfish at this time, just clear the dungeon, and then the flood will not affect him anyway, so there is no need to care so much.

But… can’t do it.

He may not be noble, but he has his own bottom line, at least now he doesn’t want to become the kind of person he despises. Instead of leaving an unbearable knot in the future, regretting torturing your heart all the time, it is better to make a well-thought-out choice now.

One thought to this—

Although the heart was beating wildly, the terrifying and substantive pressure made me almost suffocate and couldn’t breathe… But I still felt that my thoughts were completely enlightened, my heart was peaceful and peaceful, and I felt an unprecedented sense of pleasure. .

He was under pressure step by step, walking over as fast as possible under the icy gaze of the phantom monster, his face pale but not afraid.

Coming to the strange but beautiful figure, Gu Mo held the palm-sized spirit stone in his hand, and tentatively handed it to the demonized Xiuchiyo. In the plot he knew, Toujiro used the power of the spirit stone to save him. Hidechiyo who was about to fall into the side of youkai.

Spirit Stones are useful, but how should they be used?

It should be enough to get close, right? But why is there no response?

Gu Mo was so anxious, he focused decisively and pressed the “use” option of the spirit stone in his hand. The next moment the spirit stone shattered, the pure essence penetrated into his skin like water in his hand, and it seemed to evaporate into the air. So absorbed.

His heavy body suddenly became much lighter, his physical strength recovered, and his mind was also cool…

Instant effect, but I don’t want this effect! It’s not good for yourself! Damn, how can you use this thing on others, there is no interactive option for you to choose!

He gritted his teeth and tried to calm his voice: “Don’t, don’t worry, I still have two pieces here, no problem…”

The phantom monster floating off the ground in front of him, looked down at him, his eyes were abnormally cold, the terrifying and fierce fluctuations of killing intent, the bloodthirsty light, constantly changing in his eyes, but her body trembled. More and more powerful, but did not make any action.

Behind this tranquility, an unusually huge wave is suppressed!

The second spirit stone was still held in Gu Mo’s hand, and there was nothing unusual about it, which made him even more impatient. Could it be that because of his own influence, Xiuchiyo in this world is really going to become a monster? ?

After all, if it wasn’t for her own intrusion, she should have arrived just in time when she had swept the Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village at her own pace, dealt with the horse-headed ghost, and fell into a monster transformation, right? But now… the monkeys haven’t come yet.

Thinking of this terrifying possibility, Gu Mo clenched the fist of his other hand tightly, and his nails were about to bleed.

But at this moment, the phantom monster in suspension suddenly landed on the ground, with his hands on the ground as if losing his strength, the purple phantom light circulating on his trembling body gradually disappeared, and the long silver hair that fell down faded again. , back to the original black.

The black-haired girl who returned to her original appearance let out a long sigh, looked up at him, just showed a relieved and weak smile, then tilted her head and fell directly to the ground.

Spirit Stone works…?

Gu Mo was stunned for a moment, but looking at the unresponsive spirit stone in his hand, he immediately denied the possibility. In that case, Axiu did not use any external force, but completely relied on her own will to complete this self-rescue?

He squatted down, lifted the girl’s body, checked and found that she had passed out, and her breathing was relatively slow, so she was relieved.

“Yo, I’m late-”

And at this moment, a greeting came from the gate behind him.

A middle-aged man with sly eyebrows appeared there, looking at the tragic scene of blood flowing into the river like hell, the whole person was startled. He looked intently, and saw a young man over there half kneeling on the ground, supporting a comatose girl.

“You…you are the famous demon slayer?” The man opened his mouth with a confused look, “I thought it was one person, did you all come here overnight?”



“Yes, I… We all came to this village last night.”

glanced at the black-haired girl who was still in a coma, Gu Mo was silent for a moment, twitched the corners of his mouth, and answered with consideration.

(end of this chapter)

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