When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Guardian Spirits And Phases

Chapter 23 Guardian Spirit and Aspects

The morning sun gently shone through the earth, and the golden morning light not only disintegrated this long night, but also seemed to dispel the lingering resentment of Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village.

But it’s just like.

The fire burned for a whole night. Although the houses were relatively scattered and not dense, so the entire village would not be burned to the ground, but there were still many places burned to the black and collapsed ruins, and the **** blood caused by the overnight killing The smell is still so strong that it lingers, so that the blowing wind seems to have a strange fishy sweetness.

The blood of humans, the blood of monsters, the whole village has been down in such a night, basically there is not an inch of land that is not stained with blood.

This season is when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the flowers are fragrant and beautiful. However, the once prosperous Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village has no longer seen the light of day. The language is dead.

The remaining living people in this village are probably not in the mood to appreciate the cherry blossoms at this time.

Considering Axiu’s situation, Gu Mo found a room that was fairly intact and clean, cleaned it up, and put the unconscious girl down. It can be regarded as a feng shui turn. Not long ago, he was incapacitated and could only let the girl bring him down from the mountain, but now it is his turn to bring the incapacitated girl down the mountain.

means that the interval between the front and back is less than half an hour. This Feng Shui is turning too fast.

Looking at the sleeping face of the black-haired girl in a coma on the thatch that he had spread, Gu Mo exhaled and wiped the sweat on his forehead a little. Of course, the girl’s weight is not heavy, it can even be said to be very light, but it is still the weight of a person, and the mountain road is quite difficult to walk.

But he carried Hidechiyo off the mountain by himself, and the current body sensation is just a little sweat, and there is no sense of fatigue at all… If you think about it carefully, it is probably because he has worked hard not long ago to improve The reason for the strength value of one point and the constitution value of three points.

One point invested in the former made him significantly stronger than a normal person, while three points invested in the latter made his physical stamina very amazing. To put it simply, it allows him to carry heavier weights and at the same time make the weight-bearing process last longer.

Sure enough, I still add some fragrance…

Gu Mo sighed with emotion, just one night, he seemed to be reborn, maybe those who persisted in exercising for a long time would not reach his current physical level.

Although it is said later, the speed of upgrading will probably inevitably slow down, but from the perspective of the range of ability growth, the changes brought by each point are precious. It seems that the growth range is not a fixed share, but a current On a proportional basis.

Of course, this is his current guess. There is no evidence to prove that this is the case. The guess is also from the experience of feeling that the upper limit of physical strength increases every time after adding physique… Well, yes, it is purely Just feel.

But it’s not a senseless theory, but he did perceive some clues, so he thinks so. Because in general, Gu Mo invested three points in physical attributes, but only added points twice, the first time he added two points, and the second time he added one point.

And what he felt was obvious that the growth rate of physical strength brought about by investing one point for the second time was higher than the growth rate of investing two points for the first time… even higher.

“Its daybreak…”

Watching the sunlight outside come in through the crack of the dilapidated door, and sprinkle a little spot of light in the front not far away, Gu Mo leaned his head against the wall behind him and closed his eyes.

There is a feeling that the long night is finally over, but he still gains a lot, and because he hugs his thighs, it can’t be said that there is no danger, but it is indeed a fluke to get through this difficult novice village. , and upgraded to four levels in a row, accumulating a certain amount of novice capital for his early stage.

At least the later dungeons or something, he doesn’t have to start a game without a dog, just a level 0 white board new number to start a group in a difficult body.

With a light breath, Gu Mo, who opened his eyes again, couldn’t help but look at Xiuchiyo next to him. The girl still closed her eyes tightly, her breathing was long, and the rhythm was very stable… It doesn’t matter if the situation is not a big problem, just not. Knowing how long it will take to wake up.

He felt that the situation had become a little more subtle. The plot that he had mastered, or the established “track of destiny” had shifted to a certain extent. In the end, there was no problem with Axiu. Strong will takes back the id.

This is of course a good thing, but the price is that her mental consumption may be a bit large. Compared with the original plot, she recovered with the power of the spirit stone, and it started as if nothing was happening. She has not woken up until now.

I may be running out of time…

But if you just leave like this, I’m really worried.

Gu Mo looked at the empty window in confusion. From the angle he was sitting on the ground, the scenery outside the window seemed to be very beautiful. The blue sky was as clear and clean as water. The petals are flying like snow, fluttering in the wind.

From there, it should be the main gate of the village. After going out of the main gate and walking along the road by the river, you should be able to successfully return to the original path and return to the “birth point” where you entered the dungeon.

This is the end of it all. If you are agile, you may be able to sneak back home without being noticed before the people in the community get up. Otherwise, if they see yourself so embarrassed, it will be a bit awkward. hard to explain…

touched the shattered front of his chest, and then looked down at the mottled blood that had been splashed on his body, Gu Mo twitched the corners of his mouth.

I don’t know if the clothes on his body will be repaired by any magical power when he leaves the dungeon. If not, it will be really troublesome. He’d better change his clothes and go back, saying that he is going to cosplay, and always Better than being rumored to go out at night and kill a few people…

Of course, the premise is that the girl can wake up as soon as possible, so that he can leave with confidence…

Well, or change your thinking, can you take Axiu out too?

A flash of light flashed in his mind, but after thinking about it for a while, he still sighed, shook his head and denied the idea… Maybe it’s better to be cautious about this kind of thing, at least until he is sure.

Just when he felt quite distressed, a harsh electrical noise ran through his nerves, tortured as always, causing him to frown tightly, pursing his lips, trying to suppress this unpleasant feeling.


The harsh and tortured noise seemed to be ringing in his ears, and it seemed to be echoing in his consciousness, but it was different from before. At this time, Gu Mo could roughly hear some broken fragments, and distinguish useful ones from them. information content.

He was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, and hurriedly concentrated his attention to distinguish carefully, as if people in the past had no entertainment, and could only listen to the tormenting sound of an old and broken radio, and try to extract it from it. to the content fragment.

“Scene: Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village…Zizi…%¥#@&…”

“Difficulty: Hard.”

“Current scene exploration: 87%.”

“Ziz…Field…$#%&…Mode: Not Peaceful.”

“Triggered quest: Find out the problem that led to Thirteen Sakura…Zizi…$#%&… and destroy the evil ghost.”

“Completed the task… zi zi…$#%&…”

“Comprehensive evaluation: B-.”

“According to the comprehensive evaluation, additional rewards…%¥#@&…General experience, golden key × 1.”

“Unlock the achievement “First Blood (Gold, the achievement badge buff is activated by default…”

Although there is a lot of ambiguity and inaudibility, the key information is fragmented.

But it’s much better than before. Gu Mo, who already understands some of the mental retardation system’s urination, naturally won’t expect too much – just cherish the moment, maybe one day there will be another classic demolishing the east wall Repair the west wall, and then even those that can be heard can’t be heard.

The over-inductance passing through the nerves disappeared, and the vague interfering noise gradually subsided and disappeared. He blinked his eyes, convinced that this part of the settlement content had come to an end, and suddenly heaved a long sigh of relief. Just now, he even subconsciously screened. Hold your breath.

Then again, is this a delay, so the settlement isn’t happening until now? The horse-headed ghost has been cold for more than half an hour, and the corpse may have melted like ice and snow in the sun, and it is impossible to find it. Is it a bit late to jump out of the customs clearance settlement now?

Although it is also possible that the calculation mechanism is more complicated, and there are many factors affecting it, it is not until now that it is judged that it is a real customs clearance and settlement. But considering the outrageous frequency of bugs and failures of his mentally retarded system, he still believes that this is caused by the delay problem…

is absolutely amazing, and I don’t know where to find the complaint hotline.

As always, he slandered the dog system in his heart, and after venting his dissatisfaction, Gu Mo thought seriously about the information he just got.

This scene is indeed a customs clearance, although it is only limited to the scene of the Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village, not the entire dungeon world, but it is a matter of course. Just as he just cleared the scene of Koping Restaurant, it does not mean clearing the copy of the entire Shiji worldview.

The    scene should only be a specific scene in the dungeon. The process and span are relatively suitable, but if it is the entire dungeon… it will take too long.

—It is now March 1555, and the story of Axiu has just begun in this Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village.

—And at the end of everything, it should be 1616 AD, sixty-one years later.

Gu Mo can’t imagine the time span of a full Jiazi before and after. It will take a full 60 years to play a serious game… Then he should use the second method to publish the book, and he doesn’t even need to. Trouble the enemy to do it himself.

“Comprehensive rating B-, um, it doesn’t sound like it’s very valuable, and this golden key…”

Frowning, Gu Mo pondered the information he had just obtained, and felt that the comprehensive evaluation seemed to be easy to brush. After all, his on-hook behavior was serious, and he just passed the test with his thighs, and he was able to get a B-level evaluation.

I just don’t know how much experience I have paid, but it shouldn’t be enough to go up to LV5 by myself, and there is a golden key, is it for opening the treasure chest? But if you only give the key, do you need to brush out the corresponding treasure chest to use it?

This pattern is a bit familiar…

Checking his inventory, he found something extra inside. The pattern is indeed a golden key, but according to the instructions, it can be used directly. Open the dungeon treasure house of the corresponding level, and get any random item from it. award.

stunned for a moment, then Gu Mo looked at Xiuchiyo next to him again, thinking that the black-haired girl might not be able to wake up for a while.

So the key appeared in his hand, and the moment he started it, he felt that his hand was sinking and a little heavy.

The length is like a baby’s arm, the style is very simple, and the whole body is golden, and it exudes a sense of luxury…

He was silent for a moment, looked at the large key in his hand, and wondered if it was really made of pure gold, and how much did it weigh? Having said that, is it a good choice to use it by yourself, or if you bring it back to the real world and find a way to make a shot, can you make a fortune?

This bizarre thought flashed through his mind, but aside from other concerns, how could the player endure the temptation to open the box? Almost in the next second, Gu Mo chose the bright interactive option—


Immediately afterwards, not far in front of him, the air in the center of the room rippled like water waves, with golden light, and finally the void outlined lines, and the texture became three-dimensional from scratch. After a few seconds, a line appeared. It was as if a gate made of gold appeared in front of him.

The gate was closed, tightly locked by thick chains and a huge door lock.

Is it necessary to be so full of ritual…

Looking down, Gu Mo stepped forward a little confusedly, inserted the big golden key into the keyhole of the door lock, twisted it lightly, and only heard a click, the key in his hand shattered and turned into a The light, along with the door lock and chain, dissipated.

The door opened slowly. Of course, it was not the other side of the room, but filled with dazzling golden light. Inside the door seemed to be an unknown space.

He was almost blinded by the blind dog’s eyes, and subconsciously reached out his hand to stop him. After a while, the golden special effect did not disappear. After realizing it, he gritted his teeth and stepped into the door, engulfed by the overflowing golden special effect.

When the dazzling feeling disappeared and the vision returned to normal, Gu Mo found himself in a strange room, surrounded by mountains of gold and silver jewelry, which was unbearable, but the color, light and jewels reflected by the precious metals were a good foil. Out of the theme of this room – “treasure house”.

There is a cylindrical high platform in the center in front of him, a big red fox sitting on it, the tails behind him swaying gently, visually like a flame burning…

The next moment, when Gu Mo looked at him in surprise, he stood up from the high platform, his eyes became extremely sharp, and he just rushed forward.

The    zoomed in rapidly in the former’s field of vision, and seemed to slam into his face at once…

As if awakened from a dream, Gu Mo suddenly opened his eyes and found himself half-relying against the wall as before, resting.

The house is old, with four walls, and there is no furniture at all. Before he cleaned it up, it was a mess, and all kinds of objects were knocked over and messed up. It seems that when the incident happened last night, the owner of the house hurriedly packed up and wanted to escape from the village.

On the thatched pile beside   , the black-haired girl still had a long breath.

Everything that just happened, the process of “receiving random rewards in the treasure house”, does not actually exist in reality? He was a little surprised and looked around.

“Come on, I found something to eat, brother, come and taste…”

At this time, the voice of Tokichiro, who was already a bit wretched uncle, came from outside the door. The next moment, he pushed the door and came in with a familiar smile on his face.

But then, Toujiro’s voice stopped abruptly, and his pupils shrank slightly. In his eyes, he could see that beside the strange young man, a huge fox covered in flames was lying quietly, with nine tails behind him. Flick slowly.

Is this the other party’s guardian spirit?

But why nine-tailed fox?

Tojiro was instantly amazed. He was possessed by Shan Wang Quanxian’s messenger, the ape, and he had been honed for so many years as a spirit stone merchant. Naturally, he understood that not everyone can have guardian spirits, and guardian spirits will only look for those fates. In particular, they are possessed by those who are compatible with them.

And the nine-tailed fox…

is a feared symbol of “the existence that brings about a world of chaos”, and on the other hand, it is also revered as a totem ‘symbol of the arrival of a peaceful world”.

But no matter which statement it is, it seems to indicate that the young man in front of him is likely to be a great person in the future. Maybe it is a pivotal existence that can affect the whole troubled world…

In an instant, Tokichiro’s eyes became hot.

(end of this chapter)

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