When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: What Should Come Will Always Come

Chapter 24 What should come will always come

Gu Mo also noticed the side, and saw a faint red in the corner of his eyes, and most importantly, he felt a substantial temperature.

Just like sitting in front of a burning fireplace in winter, you can definitely feel the temperature and heat radiating from the stove, but it will not say it is too hot or too hot, but the comfortable feeling of being surrounded by warmth… He He turned his head to look, and then unexpectedly saw the big fox lying beside him.

It’s the same as the one I saw in the “treasure house” room before. So, this is the randomly drawn reward?

Did he actually draw a guardian spirit?

Is the gold level reward so powerful? Although the description is to randomly draw a reward, when you use the key to summon the “treasure house”, what will appear in the “treasure house” is completely face-to-face, but the guardian spirit can be drawn…

has already explained that the gold-level rewards are basically corresponding to this level of things, right?

As expected of a golden key and a golden treasure house, it is full of gold!

He also thought that the B-level comprehensive evaluation was easy to brush. He paddled all the way, and he did not exert much effort, so he could easily brush this evaluation, so it might look very high, but it is actually a standard that can be brushed with hands. , after all, it is not that they have not been exposed to similar things before.

is like the rating of an action game. In fact, you can get a B-level or A-level rating by rolling the keyboard. People who are just getting started may think that this is at least an upper-middle rating, and they are misled into thinking that they are also quite talented.

In fact, this is not even a passing line. After all, as long as you are not stupid and stand still and press the attack button a few times, you will get a score… If you really have a hand, it does not seem to be fine. It is because of this, and he feels that he has not suffered even 1% of the damage he has been going all the way. Gu Mo thinks it may be the same routine.

But now it seems that it may not be the same thing. After all, if you just brush it, you can have such a level of good things at the bottom, then he will wake up laughing from a dream.

Probably because the surprise came too suddenly, Gu Mo’s head couldn’t turn, he blinked his eyes, his face was very natural, he didn’t show anything, but calmly pointed at Toujiro by the door. Nodding: “Thank you uncle, it’s your job.”

looks very polite. Anyway, he didn’t show that he was the first time to see the guardian spirit. It seems that this is just a matter of habit.

At this time, the figure of the big fox lying quietly beside him gradually faded away, first the outline became transparent, and then completely disappeared into the air… However, Gu Mo could still feel its existence, as if from From the very beginning, he established a subtle and mysterious connection with it.

This fox is still guarding his side, not leaving an inch, but it is hidden and not visible. He has such a clear understanding in his heart, and at the same time, he has a strange sense of stability for no reason.

Maybe it’s because of the psychological effect, maybe it’s the influence of the mysterious power brought by the guardian spirit, it’s like knowing that even in the strange environment at the moment, I’m a stranger in a foreign land, but there will always be a friend by my side. .

Although this friend is taciturn, and others can’t see it, it’s as if he’s talking about air…

But he just knows its exact existence, and will silently provide support for his next actions and accompany him on his way.

“Oh, what’s your name, uncle, I’m not that old yet…”

At this time, watching the fox-shaped guardian spirit disappear, Toujiro came back to his senses, but the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he tried hard to justify himself:

“I’m actually still very young, I’m not even thirty years old this year, I just look older, don’t call me uncle…”

“Okay, uncle, got it, uncle.”

Gu Mo has always been a kind person, always able to quickly accept the correct opinions of others. He restrained his thoughts and knew that it was not the time to think about the guardian spirit issue. He nodded to show that he understood, and he also asked corresponding questions— —

“Then what should I call you, Uncle?”

At the same time, he pondered in his heart, if he was less than 30 years old, would he already be 30 years old?

It seems that this is indeed the case. He looked at the man in front of him. The face of the other party was a little mature, and the beard and bun were all carefully groomed, but there was still not much sense of heroism. The cunning look of thief eyebrows and mouse eyes.

Well, no wonder it is called a monkey, there is indeed that kind of taste between the eyebrows…

However, if it is a normal history, I don’t know how old Toujiro was at this time, but he should be very young indeed. Gu Mo thought about it seriously, but unfortunately, when he was playing games, he only learned some information about Xiuchiyo.

Of course, anyway, this dungeon world is not a normal view of history, but there is a considerable degree of magic reform, so it can’t be said in a single word, and some discrepancies are not surprising.

“Hey, you can just call me Toujiro, or you can call me a monkey. People you know will call me that. As you can see, that’s what it is…”

Toujiro came to him, and he didn’t mind the mess on the ground, so he sat down and put down the big bag he was carrying, while he said with a smile. When the big and small bags collided with each other, there were some crisp sounds, and the mouth of the bag that seemed to be intentionally unfastened revealed some gold and silver colors.

Gu Mo glanced casually and stopped paying attention. Instead, he looked behind Toujiro. Following the latter’s words, a little bit of golden light converged on his shoulders, and a golden ape protruded out and went straight. Gogo stared at the young man opposite.

It doesn’t have the dynamic feeling of ordinary apes, but exudes a cold divinity all over his body. It is Tojiro’s guardian spirit. He has been selling spiritual stones for a living, and he was possessed by the ape at some point.

“That’s right, that’s it, so many people also call me a monkey directly. If you think it’s convenient, you can also call me that…”

looked at Gu Mo’s expression and found that the other party didn’t seem to care about the gold and silver belongings in the package. Toujiro was a little surprised, but he still said so with a smile on his face.

——This guardian spirit, which looks like a monkey, is Sanno Quangen enshrined in the Hiyoshi Taisha Shrine.

Because of the protection of this guardian spirit, not only did Tokichiro turn evil into good fortune many times in this war-torn world, and protect him from demons and wars, it also gave this man a greater ambition. After all, not everyone can be protected by guardian spirits. Whether it is Hesoul or Desolate Soul, in the animist worldview of Shintoism, they can all be said to be “gods”.

If there is nothing special, ordinary people will naturally not have the “guardian” of “gods”, and get this exclusive VIP one-to-one service.

It is precisely because he understood these things that Tokichiro, who was unwilling to spend his whole life selling spirit stones, thought that he was also born extraordinary, and he should not continue to be constrained by the hustle and bustle of life, but to start pursuing poetry and the distance, simply. Saying he wants to do something big…

And he didn’t slap his forehead. He felt that he could accomplish things by himself, so he also began to try to find people who could benefit each other and like-minded people.

However, it is not so easy to find people who are really capable. Either they have already made their mark and are no longer easily accessible to people of his class, or they are indeed capable, but since they have not made their mark, there is often no such thing. Idea, it is difficult to be persuaded by him to debut together.

So after going around for a while, Tokichiro didn’t find a suitable good partner until he came to this area in the past few days——

He heard that there was a well-known demon slayer living in this area, and his skills were very extraordinary, so he came to his mind and wanted to see it, and just found out that there were demons in Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village, so he simply sent an invitation… …

Although there were some twists and turns on the way, such as sending an invitation, I pretended to be waiting under Ye Ying, but I didn’t know where I went to catch fish on the way. It was not until dawn that the whole village was swept away, and I just came back. …but the result was indeed very satisfying to him, even a surprise.

This is no ordinary skill. After all, terrifying ghosts like bull-headed ghosts and horse-headed ghosts, even if the army comes, it is not so easy to get good, and the result is simply chopped up…

And not one slayer, but two!

And both of them are protected by “gods”. No matter how you look at them, they are the kind of people who are born extraordinary, destined to achieve great things, and they will be expensive in the future!

is really great, this is the best partner you are looking for!

Tojirou suppressed the excitement in his heart, and did not express his request impatiently, but first pushed the small bag in his hand and said with a smile: “I found some food, but they are all dry food, I’m sorry, let’s deal with it first… It’s hard for you to come down this evening.”

“Well, it’s not hard or hard, I didn’t put much effort into the whole process…”

Gu Mo glanced at it and saw that the clean cloth bag was indeed filled with some rough dry food. Even though he wasn’t hungry at all right now, he naturally wasn’t interested, so he just replied casually.

He said the same thing, he was paddling from the beginning to the end, although there was a very thrilling episode in the second half, but other than that, there was nothing to write about, he is Just a **** following the boss.

But in Tokichiro’s ears, it’s not the same thing at all——

The man was stunned for a moment, but he didn’t have any strength? After reacting, he immediately laughed more eagerly. Sure enough, this is the real powerhouse. Killing ordinary demons is not something that ordinary samurai can do, let alone defeating such powerful demons, and there is no need to do so.” what effort?”

Listen, this is the surplus of the strong!

Toujiro smiled and glanced at the dark-haired girl who was sleeping quietly beside him. If he could get the help of these two, he would definitely be even more powerful, and he would definitely be able to achieve a career in this war-torn world!

He took a deep breath and looked at the large and small bags on the ground. It was something he had just scavenged from the ruins of the village. Including some valuable objects, jewelry and a little gold, silver or jewelry, etc. After all, Shisanying Village was so prosperous in the past, and the villagers naturally accumulated a lot of wealth.

And it was destroyed by ghosts, rather than being slaughtered and looted by bandits, horses and bandits. Nothing was left. Most ghosts are not interested in property.

Since it is already an ownerless thing, he will take it if he doesn’t take it, and Tokichiro will naturally not give up. He is going to do something big, just when he needs money… Originally, according to his idea, he directly took these properties. Give it to the other party, promise it to benefit, and pull the other party into his chariot.

But now, he has given up on this idea. If he wants to impress such people, it will not work with cheesy means. He had discovered just now that the other party really didn’t care about this.

took a deep breath and tried his best to brew his emotions. Toujiro stared at the young man opposite and said loudly: “By the way, I haven’t asked your names yet.”

“My name is Gu Mo, and she’s Xiuchiyo.” The young man replied calmly.

“Huh? You, are you Akito?”

Toujiro widened his eyes in surprise and blurted out.


Gu Mo was silent for a while, then nodded. He was thinking about this question, and felt that he should be considered a wise man, although he was not actually a person from this world at all.

He opened his mouth, and Tojirou, who was excited to ask questions, stopped in time. He was full of curiosity, but he misunderstood Gu Mo’s silence just now. Things, there may be something unspeakable-

I would be too ignorant if I asked.

“Cough, so that’s what I’m saying…”

laughed a few times awkwardly, and looked at the other party’s strange clothes. Toujiro wanted to skip this topic, but he didn’t know what to say for a while.

At this time, he saw that the black-haired girl behind Gu Mo seemed to wake up and was sitting up slowly in a daze, so he hurriedly asked—

“By the way, have you always been partners? I heard from people nearby that there is a very powerful demon slayer in this area. I don’t know there are actually two of them…”

“…Yeah, Axiu and I have always been good partners.”

Gu Mo blinked and nodded decisively to admit: “We have been working together for many years.”

He knows that if he tells a lie, he must continue to lie to make it happen, which is also a helpless thing. But fortunately, when he misled Hidechiyo before, Tokichiro didn’t know where he went, and when Tokichiro asked about it now, Hidechiyo was temporarily unconscious.

Although not as expected, in the ideal state, I have cleared the customs and ran away with a bucket, and I still have to face all this, but at least I will not be dismantled on the spot, and I can still have both sides.

And it’s true to say that, the span in the game is a full 100 years, and he and Axiu have indeed cooperated for 60 years… He comforted himself so much.

“I see…” Toujiro looked at the young girl behind the young man who had just woken up, so he nodded enviously and said, “Then your relationship must be very good.”

“Yeah, Axiu is a very special and important person to me…”

Gu Mo nodded again and again, that is the heroine created by himself, and he has participated in her entire life in a sense.

(end of this chapter)

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