When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Failed To Send?

Chapter 3 Failed to send?

The uncle guard was alone in the duty room, watching Gu Mo go out so eagerly.

I don’t know what the psychology is. He found that the other party gave up so neatly. Instead, he felt a little lost, and there was a tension in his heart that he didn’t even notice.

Xiao Gu was really nervous tonight.

He thought to himself comfortably, and at the same time felt a bit chilly in the middle of the night. He looked around subconsciously, and once again felt that the community was too quiet and empty at night, and what had just happened made him unavoidable. He looked down at his phone. He quickly turned off the frozen horror movie still displayed on the screen.

At this time, Gu Mo, who had not gone too far, couldn’t help but turn around and stared at the community duty room behind him.

He hesitated, concentrating a little.

So the interactive frame that said “Send a message” flickered slightly, and then a new page replaced the original frame and appeared in front of his eyes, which looked like he had clicked a new link on the computer. So the new pop-up page jumped out like that.

Looking at the translucent input box in front of him, he found that there was a flashing vertical line in the upper left corner. Gu Mo twitched the corners of his mouth. He felt that he really seemed to be seeing the same interface when typing on a computer. , especially the cursor in the input field is no different…

It is so real and so clear, why is it my own imagination? Why do you have such hallucinations?

Very depressed sighed, Gu Mo turned around and walked towards the opposite road. He hadn’t decided whether to try again, or should he tell Uncle Ding first and let him test it with him?

After a little thought, Gu Mo rejected the idea.

Don’t look at the amiable appearance of this uncle guard. In fact, everyone in the community knows how difficult this stubborn old man is, especially when it comes to troubles. He is very loud and likes to point behind his back. Once he finds out, it will spread throughout the entire community within half an hour…

—often improvised by the old man, the adapted version of the joke…

Don’t look at the fact that the two sides were still greeting each other just now. It’s mainly a matter of politeness. After all, you usually don’t see each other when you look up, and it’s not easy to show them face-to-face even if there is a conflict. In fact, I really don’t know them that well. When Gu Mo just moved here last year, he was rumored because he was a house.

Although it is not a big deal, it is not a good experience after all.

So he thought about it and let it go. If he went out for a late night snack and came back, the news that he was mentally ill had spread throughout the community, which would be really bad enough.

Let’s see for yourself.

Well, it’s good to have a test, at least to be able to confirm whether it is his own problem… As for whether it will be exposed, Gu Mo thought about it and felt that there is no need to worry too much, not to mention that old man Ding is well known for his big mouth. Do anyone who says something that’s obviously absurd and it won’t be believed.

What do you say? Then why don’t you go to heaven?

As long as a few passersby find out a little secret, it is the most absurd thing to be wanted and sliced by the state immediately, unless the whole country is a hive consciousness… What’s more, as long as he doesn’t admit it, then even old man Ding himself , will suspect that it is their own problem-

Gu Mo is very experienced in this.

“This little Gu is really, come to play tricks on me in the middle of the night, oh, the young people today are really not as good as the next generation…”

I don’t know what the master who was slaughtered was thinking about. The uncle of the doorman who was still alone in the duty room was talking to himself at this moment, as if he wanted to relieve his tension a little bit. .

What just happened really made him feel a little fuzzy. Although he refused to believe it rationally, he couldn’t help being a little distracted, and all kinds of thoughts ran through his mind. I just feel that the more I think about it, the weirder it becomes, and I even subconsciously think of some particularly weird directions.

“How is this possible…” The uncle guard shook his head vigorously, dispelling the increasingly unreliable runaway thoughts in his mind, why couldn’t he help himself thinking wildly.


Exactly at this time…

“Ding Hongxuan…”

A somewhat familiar voice rang directly in the ears of the doorman.

Um? Didn’t Xiao Gu just walk out of the entrance passage in front of the duty room?

When did he walk into the duty room and stand behind him? ! And it’s really rude to call your own name directly!

The uncle of the doorman was naturally stunned for a moment, and then he was about to turn his head and scold him in displeasure, but his eyes swept across the monitor screen on the side of the table, and it was like an electric current running through his spine in an instant. When he turned his head, he almost didn’t twist his neck.

Because from the monitoring point of view, he was the only one in the duty room, and there was nothing behind him…

What happened to the sentence you just heard?


After reacting, the uncle guard’s pupils shrunk to the size of pinpoints, and his complexion turned grey in an instant.

He felt cold air from the soles of his feet to the heavenly lid, his scalp was numb, the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze, and his heart was pounding in his chest as if it was about to fly.

It was like going back to the day when I was a child, when I saw a vicious dog roaring and rushing towards me, my mind went blank, and I didn’t dare to move.

Sweaty palms, numbness on the soles of his feet, and weak legs, the uncle of the doorman felt that there was something standing behind him, waiting for him to turn around or respond – just like a folklore, someone suddenly called his name at night , once you turn back or agree, the person is gone…

“Ding Hongxuan…”

The faint voice sounded in his ears again, as if someone was calling him right beside him. If it could be explained that he had heard it wrong before, then this time there was no way to deceive himself anyway, and the monitoring However, it shows that there is only himself in the duty room.

Could it be that Xiao Gu really saw it just now?

Is there really something in the duty room, and now he is calling himself from the back following Xiao Gu’s voice?

Uncle   ’s face was bloodless, his body was trembling slightly, and he didn’t move. He made up his mind not to turn back or respond.

“Sure enough, what am I expecting?”

Under the green trees on the sidewalk some distance from the duty room, Gu Mo used the shadow of the night to cover himself, and sighed in disappointment again.

Obviously I think too much, why not give up.

Look at the doorman over there, sitting in the duty room with his head down and staring at the table in front of him. He must be playing with his mobile phone. He is so focused and motionless that he doesn’t seem to be affected at all. This proves that he sent it over. The information does not appear at all, and it is not a real phenomenon.

has been posted twice in a row. If it can be seen, it won’t be without any response, right?

Hmm, wait, could it be because you haven’t added friends, so you can’t send messages?

Want to try again?

Staring at the “Add Friends” option for a few seconds, Gu Mo finally shook his head, and at the right time, there was another obvious growl in his stomach.

No, I have to find a place to eat quickly, I feel like I’m going to starve to death… Gu Mo quickly gave up the pointless temptation and accepted the cruel reality that he was simply sick. At the same time, driven by hunger, He turned decisively and walked towards the night market next to him.

Only the uncle of the guard on the other side of the duty room was clenching his teeth and insisting, not daring to move at all, like a sculpture.

Can’t move!

Can’t go back!

Never make a sound!

About half a minute later, on the night market snack street.

“The rice bucket is here again.”

—I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Gu Mo always feels that many stall owners are looking at him with such eager eyes, but it seems right to think about it, after all, he has always acted like a starving ghost on time for the past week. Come on, appear here.

After thinking about it for a while, although Gu Mo was already very hungry, he didn’t follow the previous principle of proximity, and just ate it all the way, because people want some face, and he was no exception, and he didn’t want to let people Look at yourself with the eyes of a rice bucket.

It’s okay to say once or twice, if the number of times is always seen by the same people, then this label is estimated to be confirmed.

So he ignored the eager gazes of the surrounding stall owners. Although the greetings and shouts from both sides became obviously more enthusiastic and diligent as he walked through the stall, he did not stop, and It was ruthless and walked over.

Snack Street is very busy, especially at this time.

Leaving the road in front of the community that he was most familiar with, Gu Mo looked around and continued to move forward.

Probably because it was too lively, the snack bars and supper stalls on both sides were full of people. Even if he wanted to find a place to eat quickly, it seemed that the queue would be long, so after hesitating for a while, he gave up. .

Go further and find a shop with not so many families.

He thought so, and continued to walk along the street, but when he walked from the street to the end of the street, he found that there were the same number of people everywhere. It seems that there is no way out, you can only honestly queue up and wait for your turn…

Gu Mo, who was disappointed, suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at the small alley next to him. The alley was a bit dark and there were no street lights. It seemed that there was another street opposite to the end. There were many shops, which made him subconsciously feel a sense of urgency. Subtle sense of disobedience, when is there another commercial street next to the snack street?

But this is not the point, the point is that there is a faint aroma coming from there.

What is the taste? ! So fragrant…

Gu Mo couldn’t even control himself for a while. He was already hungry. He suddenly smelled this fragrance. Naturally, he couldn’t bear it any longer. He was almost in a daze. action was taken.

Walking into the dimly lit alley, there was a sudden buzzing in his ears, a murmur mixed with electric current, and there seemed to be some fragmented information in the sizzling sound. He felt a harsh frown, what the hell? Why didn’t the situation occur at the whole hour, did the auditory hallucinations start to become irregular?

This time is not the time to explore, and it doesn’t make sense to stop and think. After all, the situation has been going on for a long time, so after Gu Mo disappeared with the current-like noise, he frowned and continued to walk through the alley. On the other side of the street, I followed the smell to a shop and stopped.

This seems to be a Japanese style restaurant and the taste comes from it.

Gu Mo subconsciously raised his head and glanced at it, then froze for a moment, because the sign on the sign was in Japanese and he couldn’t read it… Hey, wait, did he just get dazzled? He blinked suspiciously.

After the vision became clear again, the text on the signboard was clear and clearly telling him that the name of the restaurant was “Kingping Restaurant”.

Could it be that I was really hungry and dizzy just now, and when I saw a Japanese-style restaurant, I subconsciously made up my mind and felt that the signs were all in Japanese that I couldn’t understand? But when you concentrate a little bit and your mind clears up a little, do you realize that’s not the case?

Probably…Because he knew his own situation, Gu Mo didn’t think too much about it. Anyway, his hallucinations were already so serious, and it wouldn’t be surprising to do it again now.

However, the name of this restaurant seems to sound familiar.

—Have you seen it somewhere?

He couldn’t think of it for a while, and he didn’t think about it much, but walked directly into the restaurant and looked around quickly. On the wall behind the counter, there were neat and orderly wooden signs with simple Named handwriting on the name of each dish and the price.

Gu Mo has no difficulty in choosing, especially when he is too hungry now, his eyes quickly swept away, and he immediately excluded those choices that looked more expensive and had more bizarre names. Among the options, he tends to know what he knows.

“Chuangzhen, go and put out the fire of the charcoal stove after cleaning up over there.”

The man behind the counter was washing the dishes at the sink, and at the same time remembered something, and shouted without looking back.

didn’t respond, he turned his eyes slightly, and found his son standing not far away, wiping the tea set he had just cleaned, and muttering something to himself in a trance.

“Today’s fried rice…should be fried three times in the wok…”

The    man was stunned for a moment, then showed a reassuring expression.

next moment-

“Boss! Here’s the egg fried rice! Here’s the duck soba…”

He didn’t even look at what the two people behind the counter were doing. Gu Mo had already selected the supper he ordered. He reached out and patted the table, pointed at the corresponding menu, and started ordering in one go.



The father and son looked at each other, and they couldn’t react for a while.

(end of this chapter)

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