When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Magic Food

Chapter 4 Magical Food

The two fathers and sons inside and outside the counter looked at each other, then turned their heads again, and looked at the customer who didn’t even look at himself or the others, just clicked his fingers, and seemed to be reciting the name of the dish in one breath, and simultaneously appeared on his forehead. A few black lines.

The interrupted son hesitated for a while, took a few steps forward, and greeted this seemingly reckless guest, with a sunny smile for business use on his face: “I’m sorry, this guest, now this point… It’s late, we’ve just closed…”

“What did you say?”

The expression on Gu Mo’s face, who was reciting the name of the dish in one breath, quickly solidified, and his voice instantly soared by at least a dozen decibels.

The ups and downs in life are nothing like this. His feelings at this moment are very unacceptable. It is like working hard in the game for several days, and finally sees the dazzling golden light from the props opened, and then waits for the special effects. Dispersed, but found to be ordinary quality garbage.

—Isn’t this cheating feelings!

“Cold, calm, sir…”

The boy named Chuangzhen was probably frightened by Gu Mo’s aura. He took a step back subconsciously and raised his hands to block his face. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his smile became extremely reluctant. Why did he always feel that this guest was not Those who come to eat come to eat people.



After being silent for a while, Gu Mo took a deep breath, looked around the store and found that it was indeed as the opposite said, obviously the stall was closed.

The tables, chairs, etc. have been set up, just waiting for the final cleaning work to turn off the lights and close the door.

Since I came a step late, there is nothing I can do.

He sighed, with an undisguised look of disappointment on his face, and waved his hand: “Sorry for disturbing you…” Although he was very disappointed, the hunger and the strange aroma he had never experienced made him almost unable to hold back. himself, but in the end, he couldn’t do anything unreasonable.

turned around, and walked out the door, determined to find a restaurant to sit down and eat right away.

Or just look around, they say that people are divided into groups and things are grouped together. Since they all open stores near this area, then the level should not be much different, right?

“Wait a minute, Chuangzhen…” The man behind the counter was just watching and didn’t say anything, but now he suddenly spoke up, “Since it’s a guest, how can we push it out… It’s just this time, we The ingredients are basically used, and I can only watch how many samples you can serve to the guests, what do you think?”

The last few words were spoken by the man looking at Gu Mo who had stopped.

“But… well.”

The young man named Chuangzhen seemed to want to say something, but seeing that his father had already made such a statement, he didn’t continue talking. Of course, most people are not willing to work overtime. That’s because work is just work, not liking. hobby.

But he is different. These are his hobbies and interests, and it is his life goal that he will always pursue in the future, so… Now he has no opinion on extending the business hours a little bit.

“Of course it’s fine, I only have one request, and that is as soon as possible!” Gu Mo nodded again and again, although it was a little different from what he thought at first, but at this time there was no way to force too much, he just wanted to eat well Just a meal.

“Okay, okay…” The man nodded with a lighthearted smile on his face.

At first, he thought that someone came to play in the hall late at night and deliberately found fault. , claiming to build a garden-style high-end residential real estate, and opened a land acquisition plan for the townspeople.

There are already many shops in the vicinity who can’t resist the temptation and sell the land. If they don’t pay a lot of money to buy this set, the developers will threaten and obstruct their business in various despicable ways. If you are fined for drinking, you have to grab the land.

In the past few days, people from URBANLIFE have always come to disturb the door during business hours. The next thing will soon be the set of changing the next three-indiscriminate tactics.

But now it seems that this is a very simple diner who just came to the door when he was hungry and panicked, and didn’t notice that they were closed, rather than deliberately looking for trouble…

This is good, simple chefs often like this kind of simple diners.

The Kohei restaurant in the middle of the night was busy again, and the stove that had not been completely extinguished was rekindled. The father and son worked together with a quick division of labor, quickly stir-frying the food, and using the few ingredients to prepare food that could be prepared for the last guest.

A mouth-watering aroma wafts out.

It smells so good!

Really delicious!

Sitting at the table in the middle of the restaurant, Gu Mo, who was facing the counter patiently, felt anxious at the same time. It was difficult for him to describe the several smells he was smelling right now. They were intertwined and distinct, as if Just by smelling the smell, you can already imagine their own taste.

It is either tender and refreshing, or spicy and fragrant, or sweet and soft.

Gu Mo has never had such an experience in his life. He has never smelled such a food aroma, and it is still in the process of making it. It is hard to imagine the quality of the final product… Having said that , Can food really reach such an amazing level?

It’s almost like magic!

Gu Mo was very restless, feeling that every second of waiting was an unimaginable torment, and at the same time, he subconsciously felt an unreal sense of disobedience—

Are you really so ignorant and don’t know what real food is like? Just smelling this smell feels like it’s impossible in the real world!

Well, having said that, it seems that I read a strange news a few days ago, saying that some guy was addicted to the nearby restaurant and was addicted to the food in the restaurant, so he suspected that the restaurant owner had done something wrong. one thing…

Don’t you encounter this kind of thing yourself?

But that kind of thing is addicting to eating, not that you haven’t eaten it yet, just smelling it is already so outrageous.

“Here, guest, take your time with the egg fried rice you want.”

Just when Gu Mo was thinking about it, before he knew it, the restaurant owner had come to the side, and swiftly placed a plate of golden-yellow, fragrant, steaming egg fried rice in front of him. Servings are plentiful.


Gu Mo was almost unable to control himself, and his body responded on its own. All kinds of random thoughts and worries just disappeared in an instant, and it was completely unimportant at this moment.

He reached out and picked up the tableware next to him, and at the same time his eyes were focused on the egg fried rice in front of him, and… in his field of vision, this plate of egg fried rice, like other people or things, had something similar to “ID” and “” “Blood bar” similar “attributes”—

“Egg Fried Rice. (100%)”

“Origin: Kohei Restaurant.”

“Quality: Rare.”

“Effect 1: After eating, it can slowly restore a certain degree of health value, and slightly enhance the physical fitness. It is invalid for the physical attribute more than 12 points.”

“Effect 2: After eating, because of a strong sense of happiness, there is a small probability of randomly obtaining a temporary positive buff. The duration is variable. Repeated consumption in a short period of time will reduce the probability.”

“Additional effect: You can get a certain amount of experience points by eating it (the same dish can only trigger this effect once every three days).”

“Remarks: Although it won’t emit light, you should be more suspicious of whether the dishes in this department are medicines, rather than worrying about radioactive elements…”

What the hell?

The corners of Gu Mo’s mouth twitched, looking at the flashing golden font, his problem is really getting worse, he feels that the way the whole world is opened is not right.

“What’s the matter, guest?” the man asked with some doubts, obviously this man was too hungry just now, like “I don’t know who I am, I don’t know where I am, I only know that I am going to kill” Appearance, how can I really start eating now, but I am stunned again?

“No, nothing…”

Gu Mo, who was already somewhat familiar with it, shook his head, dug out a spoonful of fried rice and put it in his mouth.

The next moment, his mind went blank, and his whole body was struck by lightning.

After about ten minutes.

Thoughts and rationality have just returned, his eyes are a little confused, and he stares blankly at the plate in front of him, only to see that it is empty, not knowing what just happened, nor when he has finished eating, and more than that, There are three other empty plates on the side.

He didn’t know how to describe the feeling he had just felt. The shock-like experience was so shocking that he temporarily lost his ability to think when he experienced this shock for the first time.

something wrong! There is a big problem… Is it really possible to have this level of food in reality?

Such a thought popped up in his mind subconsciously, but Gu Mo, who had already eaten 80% full, couldn’t control himself to lean back lazily on the back of the chair, and even his eyes became sullen, as if Satisfied enough to not want to move at all.


Extraordinarily strong sense of happiness…

The whole person seems to be soaked in the hot spring, soaked in the heat flow, the warmth is not sure whether it is psychological or what, and there is a feeling of falling asleep almost at any time. Under such circumstances, even rational Instinct constantly reminded him that there was a certain sense of disobedience, and he didn’t want to move.

“It’s really good… It’s a rare happiness to simply enjoy food like this.”

The boss was not in a hurry to rush people, but took advantage of the situation and sat down at the table. He looked at the last guest with a vague look in his eyes, and couldn’t help but chuckled softly, in his tone. Somewhat emotional.

Although he has long been used to it, after all, there are so many guests every day, and every guest will always be full of praise when they eat his cooking, and are very intoxicated and immersed in it. But like this evening, such an exaggerated reaction from this guest is rare.

This made the man recall the time when he was still young, the first time he cooked food that satisfied him, and the first time he received the most genuine praise from others… The bearded man sighed. , with an expression reminiscent of the glorious past.

“Yeah…” Gu Mo nodded again and again, agreeing with the boss, and at the same time not stingy with his praise, “I have never eaten such delicious food, I feel like I was living in vain before, if I had known the boss earlier If you are in a restaurant, you will definitely not order takeout every day…”

Speaking of which, he really feels like he has lost 100 million yuan. If he knew that there was such a restaurant outside the community, he would not stay at home and eat takeout.

However, a restaurant of this level should not be obscure anyway. I feel that it is possible to build a business district just around this shopping point… It’s a very strange thing to think about, and he can’t do it after gradually recovering. to ignore this.

“Haha, too much reputation…” The boss laughed, although he looked very modest, but his expression was somewhat happy. As a chef, when he heard the praise of the diners, despite being exaggerated, he was so sincere. I feel comfortable.

“By the way, boss, the name of this restaurant… is it always called that? How long has this restaurant been open?”

Gu Mo hesitated, but still asked, he chose to face his doubts and wanted to check – if this restaurant has been open for a long time and it has always been called this name, judging from the level shown by the boss, it is absolutely impossible to remain unknown. …

If you really don’t have any fame and no one else knows about it, then the problem will be serious.

It is very likely that this restaurant is actually at an average level, but it is not only the vision and hearing that have problems, but even the taste and smell have begun to undergo some kind of mutation…

“Yeah, I’ve always been called this name. My name is Seiichiro Yukihira. That’s my son, Soma Yukihira… That’s why the restaurant was named like this.” It’s been a long time, it seems like a lot of years…”

Yukihira Seiichiro, Yukihira Soma…

Gu Mo raised his eyebrows, watching the “???” on the father and son’s heads quickly blurred, then became clear, and finally became the two names that the man just said.

—”Ichiro Yukihira (93%).”

—“Xingping Soma (97%).”

He was a little surprised: “This, are you from District 11?”

Xinghei Seiichiro was stunned when he heard the words. The person who asked this question…has already come to the 11th district, and asked himself if he was a local person or what? However, the other party’s inquiries also made him aware of something. He glanced at the young man opposite him up and down. He nodded and replied with a smile:

“Yes, but the guest, you seem to be from the Celestial Empire?”

Gu Mo blinked, this is what he’s asking… It’s a bit strange to come to Tianchao to open a shop and do business, and to ask if the locals are from Tianchao.

But he didn’t think too much, just nodded in the same way, glanced at the young man who was busy by himself by the stove, and couldn’t help saying: “Boss, your father and son speak Chinese really well, I just I didn’t even realize that you were from District 11, which is quite amazing…”

It seems that he has come here to open a shop for a long time, otherwise he would not be able to speak so fluent Chinese.

is so authentic that he doesn’t have the strange feeling of the crooked nuts speaking Chinese at all, so that he just didn’t have the first reaction at all, and he thought the other party was a local.

Gu Mo made an objective evaluation.


Yukihira Seiichiro was stunned again, and there were several question marks on the top of his head. Why is this person talking nonsense all the time?

No matter how you look at it, it should be that this strange guest from abroad is too fluent in Japanese, how can he praise his father and son in turn…

(end of this chapter)

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