When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: It’S A Big Problem, It’S Useless To Panic

Chapter 5 The problem is very big, panic is useless

“Hehe, guest, you are joking…”

Although I think this late-night diner is talking nonsense in earnest, but since it’s a joke, it doesn’t hurt. Seiichiro Seiichiro Seiichiro will naturally not be serious about it, so he just brought up this topic with a smile.

And because of this, Gu Mo only felt that the other party was humble, and he didn’t realize what the problem was.

Just like this, the boss and the diners praised each other a few more words, and the scene was friendly and happy.

“Guest, we have basically run out of ingredients…” Looking at the empty plates on the table, Yukihira Seiichiro said euphemistically, although he made an exception to continue to receive this simple guest, but the ingredients in the store have been used up. objective facts.

Having opened a restaurant for such a long time, he naturally knows how much ingredients he should prepare every day. Basically, it can be used up. At most, there is a little surplus, but more is waste, and he is not willing to hoard too much in the store. Many ingredients are basically changed fresh every day.

“This…is there really nothing at all?”

Blinking his eyes, although Gu Mo knew that this was the truth, he was still a little reluctant to leave like this. After all, eating 80% full means that he was not completely full, but he just ate the magic meal here. How could he endure those realistic-style food outside?

“Really no more…” Yukihira Seiichiro replied somewhat helplessly, being asked by the diners will indeed make the chef happy, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

“Cough, Dad, there are actually some…” At this time, there was a pretentious coughing sound from the side, and the two turned their heads to look at the same time, only to see the young man over the counter standing up, holding his hand. Holding a plate, like offering a treasure.

“I improved it after the evening, and this dish should be…”

“Hmm…I suddenly feel like I’m full again.”

Gu Mo blinked, convinced that the dishes on the plate he saw were in pale silver fonts, interspersed with some weird distorted black gas special effects, and the food just now even the fonts were all glowing with golden special effects. Different, so decisively changed his mouth and made a decision.



“Wait, I haven’t started talking yet…” Soma Kohei seemed to be taken aback.

So decisive? He hadn’t had time to introduce his innovative works, and he hadn’t even said the name. He was wondering if he could get some more useful advice from this simple eater.

“By the way, boss, are you open until this time every day?” Gu Mo asked him a question of concern. Such a good-quality and cheap restaurant, and it is so close to his home, that he can walk downstairs and go out less than 500 meters. He felt that if he could, he could help him more in the future.

“Maybe this…” Yukihira Seiichiro smiled and said, “It depends on the situation. Today is relatively late.”

“That’s it…”

Gu Mo raised his eyebrows. So, according to his current situation, he might not be able to catch up every day?

My daily routine is very regular. I wake up once every sixteen hours, and I always wake up on time at midnight every day. If the store is closed at that time, wouldn’t it be a waste of time? Well, I don’t know if they accept the service of pre-ordering takeout.

Thinking like this, he stood up and walked directly to the counter. At the same time, he reached out to touch the mobile phone—just glanced around the counter, but found that there was no payment code at all. He shrugged and didn’t care too much, after all he had cash on him.

Because sometimes it is always needed, for example, some elderly people set up stalls or keep stores, and they do not approve mobile payment very much. Gu Mo didn’t want them to be embarrassed, so he kept some cash on his body. Needless to say, it’s better to be prepared than to be prepared.

Just like now, this store obviously does not support electronic payment business.

As soon as Gu Mo took out his wallet, he saw that there was an extra interactive frame in front of the counter in his field of vision.




didn’t think too much, just like all cheap people, he just hesitated for a moment, then he subconsciously focused his attention, so the new interface popped up in front of his eyes.

The new list was listed, and the long strings of menus were neatly arranged, and the top one was the egg fried rice and other dishes he ordered before, showing a selected color, and next to it was marked. price. And at the bottom, of course, is the “payment” option, and the total price is also marked next to it.

Gu Mo focused his attention on the payment option, watching its icon color quickly turn from yellow to darker, and after a second of gradation, another line of fonts appeared in the middle…


The whole process is like this, which makes him feel very familiar, and the whole person can’t help but be slightly distracted.

“Ok, thank you for your patronage…”

Just when Gu Mo was in a daze, Xingping Chuangzhen, who was behind the counter, had already skillfully counted the money, collected the coins and put them in the cashier. At the same time, he thanked him loudly in a spirited voice. Although he was a little bit shocked, he was very happy. Adjust your mind soon.

Then, the young man saw the guest in front of him blink his eyes, as if he had just woken up from a dream, with a subtle expression on his face.

“What’s the matter, guest? Is there any problem?” Kohei Soma asked strangely, was he waiting for his own money?

But the other party just gave enough, not a penny, where can I find the change?

“No, I just… um, just thought of something else, so my mind wandered.”

Gu Mo reacted and explained this, then he glanced at the wallet in his hand, and seemed to be hesitant to slowly turn and walk away, one step, two steps, three steps…

He was not stopped until he walked out of the store, which made him particularly surprised. Did he really pay like this?

looked back inside, and found that the two of them were already packing their things. It would seem embarrassing to go back and ask at this time.

So he looked around and walked towards the other side of the street. After avoiding the Kopei restaurant, he used the light of the street lamp on the side of the road to open the wallet still in his hand and count it, and found that he had brought The change was indeed exactly 65 yuan less, which completely matched the situation just now.

Gu Mo’s expression suddenly became a little dignified, he hesitated for a while, and called out tentatively, chanting words in his mouth—


“Dark blue?”

“Come out! I want to add some!”

In the next few minutes, I tried to call out my golden finger to prove that I had no problem with my brain… Of course, nothing happened, only the passing pedestrians subconsciously accelerated their pace when they passed by, and the surroundings gathered A circle of people pointed at him with neurotic eyes.

Gu Mo sighed dejectedly and gave up his unrepentant delusions. He looked at the people around him who pointed at him. Sure enough, the happiness belonged to others, and he had nothing.

Looking at the phenomenon just now with rationality again, Gu Mo forced himself to calm down, feeling that there was a more reasonable possibility – if it was just his own imagination and brainstorming, maybe he actually paid the money honestly. The money is paid, but it is another matter in my own imagination.

It’s like some mental illness. He once saw an example. You are too paranoid and poisoned. Holding a kitchen knife, he insists on saying that he is a martial arts supreme with a dragon-slaying sword. absolutely…

Maybe in the eyes of others, this kind of behavior is absurd and ridiculous, but the most terrifying thing is… The client really feels that way, and believes that his logic and worldview are correct.

Is it a bit similar? In the eyes of others, the mentally ill had the knife, and the mentally ill knew that he had the knife, but the latter felt that he was actually holding the Dragon Saber… And what about Gu Mo’s current situation? It may be that he just took out the money, but he feels that he has completed the payment through a method similar to ‘system transfer”.

So, what is the difference between you and the mentally ill you used to be? It’s just that the other party thinks that he is a martial arts master, and he has just begun to doubt that he has any golden fingers…

Well, it all seems reasonable.

After such a profound self-analysis, Gu Mo felt that he gradually understood everything. So is this the world of people with mental problems? He used to feel very puzzled, but now he finally understands that the world of the mentally ill is really completely different from what normal people see.

If the world a person sees, hears, and feels is always different from normal people, and their cognition is also different from normal people, then it is normal to be incompatible…

Looking at the people beside him pointing, Gu Mo rubbed his cheeks and left quickly.

Speaking of which, the doctor once suggested that he take a look at the psychiatric department, but he did not follow the advice at that time, probably because he had read too much bad news about the mental hospital, so he was a little worried that once he was checked out, something went wrong. If it is very serious, I am afraid that I will be sent in…

High wall power grid, closed wards, forced sedation, abuse, beating and scolding…

And so on, or not all situations are so dark, the current era is not as chaotic as before, but whether it is prejudice or stubbornness, since he has already preconceived the information he received before and left such an impression, Naturally, this possibility is very much excluded.

No, I can’t go on like this, I have to save myself…

Gu Mo secretly made up his mind, maybe it was because of the positive emotions that the cooking just now inspired him. He is now full of determination and full of energy, so he has decided what must be done… Continuing to see a doctor should help or not. Big, he kept psychiatry at a distance.


“First adjust your regular work and rest to ensure your health, and see if you can get better after a while. At the same time, you must continue to play the role of a normal person, lest people find problems and end up being sent to a mental hospital. ”

He made a quick decision and formulated guidelines for future actions.

“In the end, my situation is not serious enough that I believe it, and I don’t feel like that person. I feel that I am a martial arts master. The discrepancy between cognition and behavior is not too big. There should still be a chance. Corrected…”

Well, he feels that his advantages are relatively large, and he is very optimistic.

in a minute.


When returning to the original path and re-traversing the dimly lit alley, Gu Mo heard the harsh auditory hallucination torture again.

As if there was an electric current running through his brain nerves, he frowned and felt very uncomfortable. This feeling was much worse than the experience of sharp fingernails scratching on a blackboard.

“What the hell…”

murmured in a low voice, he walked out of the alley and returned to the soft lighting of the snack street in front of the community, and then he felt the harshness and discomfort in his mind quickly recede like a sea tide.

Is there something wrong with this alley? He turned his head and looked at the dark and dim alley behind him, a little puzzled. After all, it was like this when he walked in just now, and it is still like this when he walked out now. He couldn’t help but be surprised by such a coincidence.

tilted his head, reached out and scratched his cheek, he turned and left.

The snack street here is still lively. According to experience, this situation will continue until one or two in the morning. At that time, people will gradually disperse, and various food stalls and stores will gradually close their doors. This is a rule that Gu Mo has gradually summed up over the past week.

touched his stomach, which was only 80% full, and he went straight to the nearest food stall.

about five minutes later.

Looking at the barbecue with a bite in his hand, Gu Mo frowned with a solemn expression. He knew that it would be like this. From simple to extravagant, from extravagance to thrifty, it was difficult. For the taste of such a delicious and shocking taste just tasted, the threshold of stimulation was raised to a somewhat exaggerated level in a short period of time.

—so much so that ordinary food tastes like **** to him now.

Unconsciously, the time came to around seven in the morning.

Gu Mo only returned to the community. He didn’t go to the hospital overnight to register. He went to the queue early in the morning to take the first place, but he didn’t want to waste the little activity time left in the day.

“Xiao Gu, why did you go out so early in the morning?”

“Director Zhang, good morning.”

Looking at the middle-aged woman in the duty room next to her, Gu Mo, who felt a little tired, stretched out her hand to say hello, and then took the initiative to explain: “I didn’t go out early in the morning, but at twelve o’clock last night. Well, I’m just back now… Well, I’ve got a job, and I’m going to start working night shifts during this time.”

He wants to play the role of a normal person, so considering his current situation, he feels it is necessary to explain it first, so that he will not be so conspicuous and suspicious when he goes out at night in the future—going out at night to work at night , It’s reasonable to come back to sleep and not go out during the day!

“So…” Director Zhang nodded, not seeming to be surprised, but hesitantly: “Did you talk to old man Ding when you went out last night?”

Gu Mo suddenly froze in his heart: “Yeah, what’s wrong?”

No way? Could it be that he didn’t say anything last night, he just acted a little strange, old man Ding was so big mouthed and went around saying that he had a problem?

Sure enough, I knew that the old man with the loud voice was uneasy and kind!

“It’s nothing, it’s just… When you were talking, you didn’t say anything strange, did you?” Director Zhang hesitated before saying so.

Last night, the old man on the night shift was hit by an evil spirit. Although he was not in serious trouble, he was frightened enough. When I asked him what was going on, he couldn’t tell what was going on. , Director Zhang felt a little hairy.

She looked at the surveillance camera early this morning, and found that at 12:00, only Xiao Gu left the community alone, and she talked to Lao Ding for a while at that time. At that time, Lao Ding didn’t seem to have any problems. , and after that, Lao Ding has been sitting in his seat staring at his phone—

seems to be acting normal, if not for the next hour or so he won’t dare to move.

Of course, just looking at the monitoring still can’t find anything, and Director Zhang has no way to promote feudal superstition. He can only ask Gu Mo in a side-by-side manner to see if he said something at the time, which may have stimulated old man Ding. .

Said strange things yourself? Sure enough, this is it! Old man Ding must have made up his own rumors like this!

Gu Mo was very vigilant in his heart, and became more convinced of his guesses. At the same time, he frowned and pretended to be dumbfounded: “No, I didn’t say anything, I just said hello…”

He will never admit it!

And from now on, no matter what bizarre and confusing brain supplements appear, he must continue to play the role of a normal person!

(end of this chapter)

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