When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 76

Chapter 75: “Encounter” On The Day Off

Chapter 75 “Encounter” on the day off

Maybe this is what the heroes see the same way.

One felt that he was in the dark, and the other party was bright, so I would definitely have an advantage if I had the intention to calculate without any intention; while the other, for some reason, didn’t have any foresight in the autumn wind, but when he saw a face demon, he immediately thought of the suspect’s true identity and prepared for it. went to report it.

That’s probably the case, anyway, only the world where Takamura was treated as a knife was completed.

In this way, time has passed and two days have passed.

in the morning hours of the day.

“By the way, Yato, are you really a god?”

In a certain street and alley, Iki Riga stared suspiciously at the purple-haired and blue-eyed youth in front of her. Although everything had proved the truth, she really felt that the sense of disobedience was so strong that Now I am more and more suspicious that there must be a problem between myself and the other party.


With a lollipop in his mouth, Yedou held a can of spray paint and sprayed graffiti on the clean and tidy walls of this alley. He didn’t even hear what Ikihito said.

Ichiri and some helplessly looked at the wall, the name and phone number of Yedou painted with bright red spray paint, and there was no divine majesty at all, just to promote how hard he was running errands, and the completion of the task. How fast, how cost-effective is the advertising slogan.

This looks like a **** who helps people realize their wishes!

She pursed her thin lips and repeated the question suspiciously.

“You… what do you mean? I don’t look anything like me?” Yato’s body froze, and he turned his head blankly. Although the girl didn’t hold any malice and simply asked questions like this, it was just like this that made him feel hurt, mainly because it seemed that many people would think so after getting to know him.

Not to mention being a believer, even divine tools will be disgusted, and it seems to be the case now, even Iki Hiyori… She has only been with her for a few days!

Could it be that he really lacks the majesty of a god?

At this moment, Yato couldn’t help but have some kind of self-doubt.

“Ahahaha, don’t be so depressed, I just asked casually… After all, the way you look is very different from the gods I imagined.”

Seeing that the purple-haired youth suddenly turned gray, Iki Hiyaka quickly waved his hand, squeezed out an embarrassed smile, and quickly explained: “I usually wander aimlessly on the street. , I go to a dilapidated small temple at night, and I have to pick up garbage on the street…”

Although it is a part-time artifact, he has been on duty a few times these days, so Ikihika naturally knows what kind of life this poor guy who calls himself a **** lives every day. understand its law of action.

It’s basically what she said, just looking at the surface, it’s completely idle homeless, idle homeless, gangsters just getting by… So she will be suspicious about this, it’s a normal thing, and it’s not deliberately aimed at The blow is pure doubt.

It’s just that the girl didn’t explain it, but after explaining this, Yato felt like he was pierced by a javelin in his chest——

Immediately, the whole person was not well, and he received extremely serious crit damage.

Listening to what the other party said, from the perspective of bystanders, it seems that he is really a parasite in the society, and it does not sound like a god’s majesty at all! But, **** it, is it because of this reason that I have never been able to collect stable beliefs, and that the artifacts in my hand always change jobs, so I can’t do it for a long time?

Thinking of this, he clenched his fist tightly and covered his heart with the other hand, almost having the urge to burst into tears, but still tried his best to defend himself:

“I…I don’t want to, I don’t even have a shrine, and I haven’t left any names and legends. Even if someone remembers me, it’s impossible to live in this era…”

——Why is it a “nameless god”?

–naturally, because in this era, his name has not been passed down in a fixed manner.

When all those who knew him, those who remembered him, and those who were associated with him died, he naturally became a nameless **** in this era. And when the thread of faith anchoring his existence no longer exists, he is left with only two choices, either accept the fate of dying slowly, or start from scratch…

Starting from scratch is not to challenge oneself. It is simply that there is no way and no background. No one knows him, does not know him, and does not believe that he is a god, so how many choices are there?

Besides, there are only a few people with predestined relationship, and people who would come to him for entrustment or pray with the idea of “just five yen, trust a little” anyway, it’s hard to expect how important the entrustment they give is. , which are often just trivial things that are just as trivial.

Either looking for cats and dogs, or looking for lost things, what can he do in the face of such a situation… There is no room to be picky, if he can be decent and make some serious prayers, he also doesn’t want to wander around the streets and alleys every day, everywhere Looking for trash!

If he had his own shrine, he wouldn’t want to spend the night in a dilapidated temple!

All in all, it is the kind of bitter tears that make those who hear it sad and those who see it weep.

Listening to this sad story, and looking at Yato’s reminiscence of the past, the corners of Iki Riwa’s mouth couldn’t help twitching: “Okay, so miserable… It turns out that the world of gods is also like this. Is it cruel? The competition is really fierce…”

“You can’t understand it, the pressure in our line is too much…”

Yato said with a sad face, with an expression you don’t understand at all.

“After all, compared to you humans, we are really precarious. If no one is attached to us, no one remembers our name, we will disappear soon…”

“This, this is it…” Iki Hiyaka put her hands together in front of her apologetically and apologized apologetically, “I really don’t know, I’m really sorry for accidentally reminding you of unpleasant things… ”

She really didn’t know that God’s current employment environment was so bad, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty.

Seeing Yato’s lack of interest, Ikihiro looked around anxiously, and then he didn’t know what to think, so he changed the subject unnaturally: “How about this? I invite you to go. How about having something to eat, I’ll take it as my apology…”

“Really?! Treat me to food?!”

Ye Dou immediately restrained his expression, and his eyes became bright, as if he had just been sad and helpless, exhausted and other emotions, but he left it behind in a blink of an eye, and only the next big thing was left in his eyes. meal.

‘s mood changed too fast, so hasty and sudden, the girl was stunned for a while, and nodded subconsciously.

After confirming this, Ye Dou immediately clenched his fists and waved excitedly: “Of course we’re going! Since it’s your offering to this god, then I’ll reluctantly give you some face! Are you going now? ? Lead the way, lead the way!”



Iki Rihe opened his mouth, looked at Yato who suddenly became arrogant, and finally sighed, without trying to explain that this was not his worship, and he was not the other party’s believer relationship… First That’s it, just make him happy.

Although the other party’s face changed too quickly, she always had some doubts that what she just said was actually sympathetic, and she felt deceived, but considering her physical problems, she still had to rely on the other party to solve it… Just have a meal, it’s no big deal of.

“By the way, what about… that Fei? Isn’t she coming?”

Looking around, the girl didn’t notice the whereabouts of the strange girl wearing the sky crown before. If she thought about it carefully, she woke up early today, because she didn’t have to go to school on the rest day, so she came directly to Yato.

It seems that since then, I have never seen that girl in a kimono named Hii.

“Fei Ah… Leave her alone, she has something to do right now and won’t be back for a while…”

Yato twitched his eyebrows and his eyes became slightly subtle, but he still pretended to be nonchalant.

Fei always seems to be busy these two days, and today is the same. He left early in the morning, just told him that he would not go too far, as long as Bishamon came to the vicinity of this land, She can find out and will come over in time, so that he doesn’t have to worry…

——But that wasn’t what Yato was struggling with.

Fei is her father’s artifact as well as her own artifact, but in the end, it is still her father’s artifact. She may have many masters, and she even has various names engraved on her body, but the only one who truly owes her allegiance is her own father… so she is usually not there. When I was by my side, I just went back to my father to report, or ran around because of some task that my father gave me.

Fei’s actions in the past two days have also revealed some meanings in Yato’s view – that is, his father is likely to be in this city, or at least near this land.

And it is very likely that he is planning some conspiracy to revolve around this city – after all, he knows the ruthless man too well.

But Yato can’t do anything about it. He can only pretend to be an ostrich, pretending to be invisible. Anyway, as long as the other party doesn’t come to the door, he seems to know nothing… Maybe it’s quite cowardly, in his heart. Such a self-deprecating laugh, but it’s true.

It is very difficult for a person to muster up the courage to resist the authority in his mind, at least no matter how disgusted, rejected, or resisted Ye Dou right now, but he is really not prepared for that… Like going out on his own, starting his own business, or Sever the father-son relationship with that man or something.

“Oh, did you ask her to do something?” Hiyori Iki didn’t think so much, just nodded slightly regretfully.

“That’s it… Okay, let’s go eat now, don’t talk too much.” Yato vaguely blurted out, and at the same time kept urging the girl, wanting to bring the topic to the past.

“Okay, then you come with me, I remember that there is a store nearby that feels good. My friends and I have been there a few times… Let’s go there.”

Iki Hiyaka waved his hand, turned around and walked towards the exit of the alley, and took the initiative to lead the way, at the same time motioning for Yato to follow.

“By the way, then again, you… How old are you, Yato?” the girl asked curiously as she walked. What Yato said just now made her subconsciously think of this aspect, so I couldn’t help but ask.

“Ah, this…”

The young man with purple hair and blue eyes followed behind the girl, stretched out his hand and touched the back of his head, thinking seriously, but the tone on his mouth was also very uncertain, “I don’t remember much about this matter, I was born not long ago. , in your human terms, it was the time of the Heian era…”

“… Heian, Heian era?!”

Iki Hiyaka’s mouth twitched violently!

If her history is not mistaken, the Heian period was more than a thousand years ago, right? Even if it is calculated according to the year of the end, it has been more than 800 years since the 21st century… But this guy still said that it was not too long ago?

——”Compared to you humans, we are in a precarious situation”…

– “We will disappear soon”…

The words that Yato had just said flowed through her mind, the girl’s face was tense, she clenched her fists to make her face expressionless. What will disappear soon, and they have lived to this age, they should be content.

Damn! What a waste of feelings… I feel guilty just now, but now I suddenly realize that the other party’s concept of time is not what mortals can imagine.

Yato didn’t notice any subtle changes in the girl, but he didn’t know what he remembered, and there was a hint of nostalgia on his face.

The two walked out of the alley in silence, one after the other, Ikihikata identified the two sides a little, and when he was about to walk in the direction of the shop he knew, his eyes suddenly lit up:

“Huh? Isn’t that the god-sama from before…”

She saw a figure on the other side of the street who was also not too familiar, but was very impressive. It was another **** that night.

“Oh, that’s quite a coincidence…” Yato glanced at it, then nodded, disapprovingly.

There is nothing surprising, after all, everyone has been in the vicinity of this place for a while, and it is normal to meet them right now.

“Then let’s call him together… By the way, ask him what he wants to do.” Iki Hiyaka said after thinking about it.

She heard Yato talk about the horror of going outdated, and she knew that the city where she lived had been seeing such phenomena recently, so she probably had something to do with this god.

Although it didn’t spread every time, unlike the famous example that Yato said, some tragic disasters were not suppressed in time, but it also made the girl feel terrified.

She had wanted to ask each other for a long time, but she hadn’t seen each other since that day, so she had no choice. Now that she has finally met by coincidence, she immediately took action decisively.

“Hey, isn’t it an offering for me?” Yatou was stunned for a moment, looking at the back of the girl hurriedly trotting over, unable to react.

“This… this… Hey! Wait a minute!”

rushed forward to catch up, Iki Hiyaka waved to the front again and again, wanted to speak, but found that the words came to his lips for a while but forgot the other person’s name, didn’t know what to call, and could only shout anxiously.

“Oh, it’s you…Is something wrong?”

If the person in front turned around and saw the appearance of Iki Hiyori, he seemed to remember it, stopped and waited patiently for the girl to catch up, while casually complaining:

“I’m not called Hi, my name is Chu Yu…cough, I should have told you my name that day.”

“Ah, I’m sorry, Mr. Mo… I didn’t think of it for a while.” The girl was a little guilty, and she knew her name clearly, but it was really embarrassing that it was stuck in her mouth when it was about to happen.

“Is there something wrong?” Gu Mohao looked at her calmly, glanced at Yedou who had just come over, and asked this question knowingly.

They probably thought it was a chance encounter, but it wasn’t, it was just a coincidence made by Gu Mo himself.

Because he remembered that as the exam week approached, the **** seemed to have something to ask Yato for help. If he wanted to get in touch with Gao Tianyuan, this was probably a good opportunity.

He didn’t know the exact date, but he only knew that it was during this time, and in the original plot, Yiqi He was also present, indicating that that day should be a rest day, and there was no need to go to school…

Based on these clues, he probably confirmed the time, so today he came out on purpose to create a chance encounter… As for what if it wasn’t this day off? This problem, Gu Mo said, is not a problem at all.

——It’s not this day off, so we can continue to meet by chance on the next day off.

“This…this…I’m really thankful for that day, I want to invite you to dinner and talk about my feelings…” Yiqi and racking their brains, carefully organized the language.

“This, it’s actually nothing, you don’t need to eat…” Gu Mo blinked, this proposal is very good, it suits him, but he can’t be so eager.

“Yes, yes, he may still have things to do, so don’t disturb others…” Ye Dou, who came over, nodded again and again, he felt that he was not sincere, and he clearly said that he wanted to worship himself, why? On the way, I was ready to pull this man again.

A sacrifice for two gods is really insincere!

“No, it’s not… I, I mainly have something I want to ask, please.” Ichiri waved his hands anxiously and bowed deeply at the same time, indicating that he was making a very serious request.



“That’s it… Then let’s go, where are we going?” Gu Mo thought for a while, but nodded.

Yi Qi Rihe breathed a long sigh of relief, and at the same time asked happily: “Mr. Mo… um, and Yedou, what do you want to eat? You decide, I should have no problem.”

After all, she is also a rich woman, and her family still runs a hospital, so she is very confident to say this.

“Hey…” Yato looked unhappy next to him. He felt a clear difference in treatment. Even if he looked at him at the end of the day and looked at him in time, he was included in the question, but he still felt like he was attached.

Is    an illusion?

But looking at the girl’s appearance, there is no intention to reflect, Yeto can only mumble dissatisfied: “Then I want to eat well, I want to eat a big meal, I want to eat hard vegetables…”

“Oh, then I’m just the opposite. My stomach is not very good. The doctor said it’s better to eat soft.” Gu Mo said calmly.

(end of this chapter)

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