When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 77

Chapter 76: The Plan Went Well, But The Results Were A Little Off

Chapter 76 The plan went well, but the results were a little off

In the end, I chose Ikihito and a familiar restaurant.

Although Yato shouted about eating good food, but it was just a habit of muttering a few words, and he didn’t have to kill Ikihiri and a sum, so he didn’t have to worry about going to a high-end place. As for Gu Mo, there are no special requirements.

He doesn’t have much interest in eating itself, and today is also a drunkard’s intention not to drink, but he skillfully whitewashed his true intentions, and even made the other party mistakenly think that they were looking for him for something, not that he was looking for them for something, no will raise any doubts.

“Are you two?”

The waitress came up and looked at the two people who were seated. She habitually asked and confirmed it. At the same time, she looked at the two of them. After she looked away from Yiqi Rihe, she fixed on Gu Mo’s body, and then she was unprepared. In this case, he couldn’t help but be slightly taken aback.

“No, it’s three!”

Yato, who was seated early, didn’t pay any attention to the young lady’s mood. He stretched out three fingers to correct the latter’s misunderstanding.

“Huh? Ahh, yes, sorry–sorry!”

The waitress was a little surprised and attracted her attention. She turned her head to look at the young man with purple hair and blue eyes.

She was suddenly at a loss, with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks, and she kept bowing and apologizing.

How could even the number of people be wrong? It’s really disrespectful!

I must have lost my head to make such a low-level mistake!

The waitress, who was screaming in her heart, felt extremely embarrassed. She quickly completed the basic process, and then fled the scene as if flying, and even looked back at someone subconsciously at the end. After all, people always subconsciously Looking for the reason for the situation, she is no exception.

I would suddenly lose my head. There must be something that attracted my attention, so it must be because of this… But this little brother is really good-looking and has a very special temperament. To be ashamed.

“Uh, what’s the matter with her…”

Ichiri and some doubts, she is no longer an ordinary human, she is essentially a half-demon, and she is still working as a part-time artifact, and her relationship with Yato is a one-hearted relationship, and now her mind is full of more important things. Thinking about how to ask or make a request, the focus is not on this at all.

As a result, the impact on her was extremely slight, and naturally she would not understand the self-doubt and cranky thoughts of the waitress, but she simply felt a little strange.

“That—did she not see you Yato just now?” Looking at Yato with a little surprise, Iki Hiyaka asked the question she had wanted to ask for a long time, “It seems like this has happened before, many times others have asked the question. I didn’t see you, but some are okay, what’s the reason?”

“It’s not that I didn’t see it, it’s that I ignored the past… But didn’t I tell you before, it seems that you didn’t listen to it at all.”

Yato scratched his head, feeling a little tired for this elementary question.

If it is a divine weapon, you should memorize what the master said, otherwise, how can you be the right hand of the master to serve it? It’s just that Hiyori Iki doesn’t seem to have this self-consciousness at all, and he doesn’t plan to hold this job for a long time. It’s just a stopgap measure for now.

Therefore, it is not easy for him to put on the air of the master – after all, it is like a serious artifact like the accompanying sound. It is said that if you carry a bucket and run away, you will directly carry a bucket and run away. Now Iqiri and Nature are even less burdened. If you don’t count Feiji, which he doesn’t want to use at all, he currently has just such a card in his hand.

So it’s impossible to drive people away like before…

Damn, the main reason is that he couldn’t find a suitable embryonic body of the artifact during this period of time. He didn’t know that uncontaminated pure undead were so precious and rare. It was obviously not like this before, but during this period of time, he was stunned. have not come across…

——Of course, the phenomenon of temporalization did not often occur in the same land before.

Looking at someone sitting next to him with slightly complicated eyes, Yedou couldn’t help but sighed in his heart. During this period of time when the other party was making such movements one after another, the “dead spot” where demons and gods and Buddhas inhabited was fundamentally impossible. It is no longer as quiet as before. If it was originally a quiet water, then during this time, people often come to fry fish.

So all the fish were scared away, so it’s no wonder that Yato couldn’t even find a spare artifact during this period of time, and it was rare to fall into a blank period for a period of time.

“Ah, sorry sorry…”

Hiyori Iki stretched out his index finger, scratched his cheek, smiled a little embarrassedly, and at the same time tried to explain to himself: “It’s not that I didn’t listen, I just didn’t understand what you said, I haven’t touched it at all before. Is this thing good or not, and you say it in such a general way.”



“Well, it’s actually a very simple matter, now I ask you a question, how many waiters do you think this restaurant has?”

Yato pouted, and then asked such a question with great interest.

Gu Mo watched quietly from the side, not rushing anything, but picked up the menu and continued to browse slowly. Anyway, he is happy to see it happen, he can delay it for a while, and the more he is able to meet the chance of the event entrusted by the gods, the greater the chance, right?

If you solve the problem resolutely, then you will have no reason to continue to be in the team of the two protagonists. It is easy to be suspicious if you continue to stay cheeky, but if you quit decisively, you may miss the key plot if you are not careful. The hard work of these days was in vain.


In the face of Yato’s question, Hiyori Iki was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously wanted to turn his head to look at the entire restaurant.

“Hey, don’t look at it at this time, what’s the point of that? Just tell me your answer directly, and haven’t you been here a few times? Why do you still need confirmation now?” Yato stopped in time of her cheating.

“This… should be two, right?” Iki Hiyaka pursed her lips, she thought for a while, and said in a low voice, not too sure.

I have been here several times, and I have some impressions, but it is not clear and cannot be specific to everyone.

She remembered that there was a relatively quiet clerk, and one who smiled softly, but no matter how hard she thought about it, she couldn’t remember any more impressions, so she could only give such an answer that she was not sure about.

“Wrong, you see, there are obviously four…”

Yato showed a smug smile, he pointed his finger at the waiters in the restaurant, “It’s that simple, you can’t see them, right? But you subconsciously ignore their existence, because There is no intersection, and if it wasn’t for the question I asked, you generally wouldn’t pay too much attention to them…”

He spread his hands: “That’s it, before I made a sound, it was basically regarded as a background board, and after I said it, the waiter suddenly realized my existence, but she didn’t know it was What’s going on, I just feel like I’m distracted, absent-minded or something, so I didn’t see anything like me…”

Gu Mo silently put down the menu in his hand, he suddenly felt that this feature seemed very good.

Before attracting other people’s attention, it will be ignored directly. Obviously, it will not pay too much attention to it. It will only be regarded as a background board… It seems to be perfectly in line with my current needs. Maybe it can solve the real world. The trouble of disappearing for a while at every turn.

Unfortunately, this does not seem to be a skill that can be learned and taught, but a certain talent-like nature belonging to the inhabitants of this world?

– Possibly racial passivity brought about by a unique form of existence?

Not knowing what the counterfeit **** next to him, whom he had mistaken for his own kind, was thinking, Yato rested his chin on the table with one hand, and continued to teach Ikihiro and Shinsun: “If you don’t bring your chin with you today. If the body comes out, it will definitely be treated the same, anyway, it’s good to get used to this kind of thing…”

“This is easy to say, how do you get used to it… and I have asked you for so long, when will you help me solve this problem?”

Yiqi Rihe frowned in dissatisfaction, she didn’t want to get used to this kind of thing, okay? God knows how much trouble her current physique has brought her. She always feels sleepy in her daily life. I want to sleep, but I struggle with drowsiness and feel uncomfortable.

But if you don’t hold on and fall asleep directly, you will most likely find yourself lying on the ground, and you are still standing on the side staring blankly… Classmates and teachers are also very worried, parents I am also worried, and I suspect that it is the sequelae of the previous accident.

Although that is indeed the case, she still hopes to solve this problem.

“Cough, it’s going to be very soon…” Yedou turned his face away in embarrassment, but it was still the same rhetoric, “Wait after this period of time, mainly because there have been a lot of things going on recently, and there are no artifacts. , I am inconvenient to move, and I can’t get away during this time.”

I can’t find a suitable undead in this city to give a name to, and he is really not suitable for running out of place recently, because it is not realistic to let Iki Hiyori follow her, she still has to go to school, and she has to take an exam recently. And what if he himself had no divine weapon in hand, but ran out of town and was attacked by Bishamon?

Although it seems that since Zhaoma came to tip off the news last time, there seems to be no movement until now, but Yuto still believes in this information, and thinks that there is something temporarily delayed for Bishamon, or he is waiting patiently. , to find the right time to shoot——

Once she is allowed to seize her own flaws, it will be followed by a thunderous lore!

Of course he couldn’t take the risk…

As for Feiqi, he still doesn’t want to use it very much, and he also knows that the other party will definitely not follow him to other places. After all, when he came to the door before, he specifically told him not to run around recently, presumably from his father. request…

Yato even had some doubts about whether the conspiracy and tricks his father had planned recently were aimed at the Bishamon lineage. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why the Bishamon side had just acted. Fei came to help herself.

——It is said to be help, or it is actually surveillance. Maybe my ‘son” is the bait used to catch Bishamon in his conspiracy… In other words, maybe Bishamon suddenly wants to Is it possible that he is also fueling the flames by doing it for himself?

Yato thought to himself in a self-deprecating manner.

“Okay…” Iki Hiyaka sighed, as a temporary artifact, Yato also told her that he might encounter risks in the near future, mainly about the matter of the strongest martial **** chasing him, so there are also many girls. It is understandable that Yato can only adopt a conservative strategy at present.

Withdrew her attention, she looked at the **** who was sitting quietly opposite, and found that the other party didn’t know what to write, then blinked, and suddenly thought of a question:

“Hey, why was Mr. Mo being directly seen just now?”

“What’s so strange about this, you see I just said something, and the waiter immediately noticed me…”

Yedou lay lazily on the table, waiting for the food to be served, completely disapproving of this, “The point of speaking itself is not the point, the point is that I want her to notice me, don’t ignore my existence, as long as it can cause her to notice me. Her attention is just fine, there are many ways to do it.”

Make a sound, look at him at close range, pat him on the shoulder, or be the first to push the door in… There are so many different ways to actively reveal one’s existence and attract the attention of others, because it’s not about looking at Not seen, but seen but not paying attention.

The natural transition at the junction of the psychological blind spot and the cognition just needs to simply make oneself from “unremarkable” to something ‘special”, and it will naturally break the state of balance and make everything change.

“Oh, that’s it…” Iki Hiyaka nodded vaguely, as if he understood, but at the same time as if he still didn’t understand.

Gu Mo didn’t take the initiative to say anything, but secretly gave Ye Dou a thumbs up in his heart and praised him for a good assist… Basically it’s the same thing, when some things form a preconceived perception, many things are unnecessary Explain it yourself, and others will take the initiative to help you round it up.

“This, Mr. Mo, I have something I want to ask you…”

Then there was a little silence, the girl organized the language, and spoke a little nervously.

“Well, what do you want to ask?” Gu Mo nodded noncommittally.

“It’s about the previous time-”

Iki Hiyaka took a deep breath, ready to express his doubts and uneasiness at one go, and by the way, he said his request.

Jingle Bell–

But at this moment, an untimely loud bell interrupted the topic she had just started.

Ye Dou’s eyes lit up, he immediately took out his mobile phone like lightning, and the moment he reached out his hand to connect, he was accustomed to the self-promotional slogan like a barrage of cannons: “Moxi Moxi, thank you for choosing this god. , no matter what kind of prayer you have, this **** is definitely your best choice, cheap, fast and assured…”

“Hey…” Iki Hiyori choked, then looked at the poor-looking young man dissatisfied.

“Shh! Don’t talk, I’m finally here to entrust, I have to rush over now and then I’ll talk about it…” Yato waved his hands to her again and again, and the outline of the figure suddenly became blurred, like the wind blowing through the neat wheat field, and the wind was blowing. Like the ripples of a wheat wave.

He is indeed very dedicated, and immediately wanted to teleport over to take over the commission.

“Just kidding, can’t you wait and go over there?” Hiyori Iki widened his eyes.

Gu Mo, who was next to him, was refreshed.


The plan went very smoothly, beyond expectations. This should be the entrustment from the god. As long as he follows the past, he can successfully reach the other party’s territory, and then he can start reporting the big plan – yes, he has already decided to report the night. Dou’s father, this is the best choice.

Gao Tianyuan has always regarded the puppet magician who can drive the face demon as a taboo, and has always spared no effort to fight… But under such circumstances, Yato’s father has been living and living well, I have to say There is indeed something special, and perhaps there is something hidden in it.

But Gu Mo made the same decision after synthesizing the information he had.

Because Gao Tianyuan’s policy is not negotiable in this regard, and it is also an absolute rule on the bright side, so even if the father of Yato has nothing to do with the high-level, or someone is deliberately turning a blind eye Anyway, this can only be done in the dark, and absolutely cannot be displayed on the bright side.

So just report it, as long as this matter is a big deal, then no matter who has any plans, they must be commended on the bright side, even if Amaterasu is covered, it is useless – resolutely fight against the puppet demon The magician is her, and it is impossible to say that when someone is revealed to be a puppet magician, they will immediately change their face and treat them differently.

Take ten thousand steps back, even if such a ridiculous thing really happened, Gao Tianyuan shook, “Tian” would rather damage his authority than deal with the father of Yato——

That’s fine…

Anyway, no matter which way it develops, this is a strong destruction of the established plot. Gu Mo can still make a lot of money. After muddying the water, even if he becomes the thorn in the eyes of some powerful god, he can just pat his **** and leave… The situation of the dungeon export is not as bad as the last dungeon, and there is no pressure on him.

That is to say, no matter what, either the father of Yedou was directly killed by his random punches, or Gao Tianyuan was forced to make a choice and a big turmoil occurred. Anyway, he must have earned it with blood.

Then what else is there to say? If you don’t report it, it’s still human!

“Hey! You wait for me!!” Iki Hiyaka looked at Yato’s blurred figure, and hurriedly stood up subconsciously, trying to reach out and hold the other party.

“That’s right, it’s okay to finish this meal first…” Gu Mo on the side also stretched out his hand silently, as if to persuade, but in fact he also put his hand on Ye Dou at the last moment. On the body, ready to use the other party’s teleportation to get on the ride of this trip.

The next moment, as soon as the eyes bloom, the scene is switched.

A group of people appeared in a lush forest.

Wait, the forest? Shouldn’t it be a misty, mysterious and solemn shrine? Gu Mo felt that there seemed to be a small problem with his plan, and he was stunned when he saw the scenery in front of him clearly.

“Hehe, it’s so embarrassing to bring it up so easily…”

In a cold tone, the one who spoke such words was a blond woman wearing a black hat, jacket and short skirt, and black high-heeled over-the-knee leather boots. There was also a huge lion sitting quietly.

“Bishamonten…it’s you.” Yato twitched the corners of his mouth.

He felt extremely annoyed, really careless… But there is nothing he can do. The matter of taking action in a hurry as soon as he is entrusted is already a memory of his own body, but he will actually take advantage of this. The other party is really despicable. , without considering how hurtful this is?


Beside him, Gu Mo lowered his head and stretched out his palm, and sighed from the bottom of his heart with his five fingers covering his face…

(end of this chapter)

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