When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 78

Chapter 77: Fallen? Do Not! Monsterized!

Chapter 77 God’s Fall? Do not! Monsterized!

Something is wrong, there must be something wrong.

Gu Mo sternly waved the ninety-nine weapons in his hands, and the infinitely shining snake sword burst into a remarkable brilliance. Things are cut in two, which is far from being able to describe it by cutting iron like mud.

I just wanted to hitch a ride, how could it suddenly become a personal feud between Yato and Bishamonten, and then they were still fighting each other here…

Who is to blame for this situation!

With this thought in mind, he looked back at Yato who was behind him. The other party winked at him with a grin, and his face was full of pleading. Beside the other party was Iki Hiyori, who was at a loss, followed behind him. A faint translucent tail.

Now she is in a state of being out of the body, probably when she teleported over with Yato, and dropped her body in that restaurant…

I don’t know if it will cause any commotion if I just passed out suddenly, but I can’t care about that much now.

Gu Mo took a deep breath. At the beginning, Bishamonten attacked directly, and then Yato also responded decisively, Chaoyongchao would fight… But soon fell to the disadvantage, probably as an artifact As for the issue of Hiyori Iki, she has not yet consciously and deeply comprehended as an artifact.

After knowing that the other party was the famous **** of Bishamonten, he was a little disturbed, and with the risks that Yato had told her, he was more or less afraid. Of course, I can’t blame her. There is no reason to require a middle school girl to have the literacy and confidence of a battle-hardened soldier.

This is not Academy City, and the students’ courses and extracurricular activities are also very normal. Although her hobbies are relatively unique, she has never fought, and there is no fighting spirit in her personality. .

And probably because the divine artifact and the master are of the same mind, the sway of Iki Hiyori naturally also affected the state of Yato. The current poor God of poverty was not the opponent of the revenge-minded Bishamonten, and soon fell into the disadvantage. If you don’t ask Gu Mo for help in time, even the owner of the artifact will be beheaded!

“Who are you?!”

The blond goddess opposite was also stern, staring at Gu Mo angrily. She finally found such an opportunity. She thought she could easily complete her revenge, but she didn’t expect to kill such a guy in the air. Felt outraged.

And the other party seems to be worse than her, what is this? !

“Why meddle in this matter?!”

She shouted angrily, and at the same time she waved the long whip that can be retracted freely in her hand, whipping the atmosphere, causing the wind to make a tearing sound. Hit the ground directly is the result of a bumpy, earth and stone debris flying.

Wherever    passes, even if it is only lightly brushed, it can cut off the thick trees of adults!

Obviously it is just a plain looking whip, and there are no dazzling special effects. It is just that every blow that is unpretentiously swayed, the power of the direct hit is no less than the launch of a rocket launcher.

But with such a terrifying whip, when faced with the Sword of the White Snake, which is simply the incarnation of the **** of another world, it has no advantage at all… The attack range is larger, and the long hand may have been a good advantage. However, the essential difference between the artifacts is too great.

As long as the whip touches the dazzling dazzling edge lightly, Bishamonten can instantly sense the huge impact on his wrist and the accompanying scream of the divine weapon, which seems to be overwhelmed…

This naturally made her startled and angry.

“Is it a blessing device? But how can it be… Damn!!”

Feeling this terrifying shock and pressure came again, Bishamonten gritted his teeth, and heard the painful scream from the whip in his hand again, he could only quickly retreat and pull a distance away.

You can’t go on like this, this kind of heavy pressure is not something that Kouba – that is, the divine weapon in the form of a whip in her hand – can bear it, but it’s already overwhelmed after only two touches. If it goes on like this, she will I don’t doubt that another artifact of my own will be beheaded neatly!

The opponent didn’t seem to be targeting this point specifically, but the light bursting out of his hand was still too terrifying. If the ordinary divine weapon had to be hit hard, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be disabled at once, or die twice.

After all, artifacts are, in the final analysis, the undead after death. They are tools made by the souls of human beings. They are used as tools by gods. In fact, they are rare, not uncommon, or special. Yedou often replaces artifacts. Those gods who are a little bit better have no shortage of artifacts at all.

In a situation where all gods will die out, it is difficult to expect that the divine tools that rely on the power of the gods will be indestructible, immortal and immortal, and they will also be destroyed and beheaded.

“I don’t want to intervene in this matter, but isn’t this what you called? Can’t I fight back?”

Gu Mo sighed and said, and was pulled over together. From the time he got into the wrong car, he had been involved in this situation. Besides, they were all preparing to eat together just now, how could he be watching from the sidelines now.

“Then don’t stand in front of them! Get out of the way!”

Bishamonten felt violent, pain, self-blame, guilt, hatred, all of which supported her hundreds of years of chasing and killing Yato, vowing to bring down the other party’s bones to ashes, she never dared to let go or forget this one day. paragraph hatred.

It is said that revenge brings only emptiness, but she never thinks so, only urgency! Can’t wait to taste the sweetness of revenge – this time is the closest to success, catching the weak period of that **** calamity, and I was about to succeed, but now I am messed up by this guy…

How could she calm down? !


Without waving the long whip in his hand, Bishamonten directly stretched out his hand and held it in the air, and in the blink of an eye, a silver pistol appeared in her hand, and she pulled the trigger decisively. , thunderous gunshots resounded through the surrounding forest!

Because the nine tails are possessed at this moment, and the physical fitness has also been greatly strengthened temporarily, thanks to the sharp dynamic vision and super neural reflex ability, Gu Mo can clearly capture the air. That flashed by, drawing the bullet trajectory of the death spiral.

So the very decisive wrist flipped, and the knife light of the ninety-nine weapons swept horizontally, with a momentum of sweeping thousands of troops, more than ten meters away, seven or eight sturdy trees remained the same. After a second, it slowly staggered along the smooth cut surface, and finally collapsed like a cut straw.

Smoke all over the floor.

It’s not strictly a knife’s edge to split bullets, but the sharp edge of the snake sword is too strong, not a material entity such as limited gold and iron materials, but a burst of shining light itself, as if the light is lit up, and it shines directly in the past. Dissolve everything in front of you within the reach of the attack!

Naturally, it also includes the shooting attack by Bishamonten just now.

“I said you are really keeping up with the times…” No ordinary person had the lingering fear of being shot suddenly, but looking at the revolver in the hands of the blond Valkyrie, Gu Mo couldn’t help twitching the corners of his mouth.

This is also an artifact.

He knows, but he just thinks this style of painting is too strange…

“Stop talking nonsense!!” the blond Bishamonten shouted violently, “I want to see how many times you can stop it!”

While speaking, she had another pistol in her other hand, but it was no longer a revolver, but an automatic pistol. As she pulled the trigger, there was a violent sound at the muzzle, and the sound of gunfire continued one after another. The sound is endless, echoing in this forest area for a long time.

If it wasn’t for ordinary people who couldn’t see or hear it, it is estimated that a police car would have been roaring by now.

“Hey hey hey, it’s still two spears…Aren’t you a **** of martial arts? Do you have the dignity of martial arts, what kind of warrior is a spear?!”

Gu Mo quickly waved the sword light, but under the speed of fire of the opponent’s modern mainstream weapon style, and under the double-gun attack, he only relied on the sharpness and sword energy of the snake sword incarnated by the white pit viper. Going out, what kind of sword dance is too watery, that kind of words are good to listen to, and it is not a realm that he can reach right now.

Fortunately, the flame protection of the nine tails is strong enough. He is enveloped in a dense layer of light flames. His hair seems to float gently as if there is no gravity. There are no flaws in his body, as if wrapped in a layer of light. In the battle armor built by the flames.

The moment the    missed stray bullets approached his body surface, they would be mercilessly vaporized and burnt out, ensuring that no impact would fall on him.

It’s just that this is not free. Just maintaining the enhanced state bonus brought by the nine-tailed possession is already an invincible black hole that devours a lot of Gu Mo’s energy at the same time, and every time the nine-tailed power automatically defends Counterattacks will consume additional energy.

“The **** of war is nothing but a general term for the **** of battle, and the battle is to win! How can you stick to the form! The sword you recognize, but it also evolved from the stone arrow and stone spear of the primitive era!”

Bishamonten said in a cold voice, she didn’t use such a low-level aggressive technique at all. With the help of ear studs, she quickly aimed and fired at the key points of this hateful enemy. Although the double guns in her hands were in the form of modern hot weapons, But very powerful.

In the current state, she can only use dual spears to pull the distance, grab the attack, and use the long to fight the short.

It’s not that there are no other artifacts to choose from. She has a lot of artifacts. The reason why she is the strongest **** of martial arts is because Bishamonten is armed with artifacts, including the lion she rides and the ear studs on her ears. The naked jacket he was wearing at the moment was an artifact, and it was truly armed to the teeth.

——That’s why he was called “walking arsenal” and ‘strongest **** of war” by others.

After all, there are not many gods who can adopt a large number of artifacts, and she may be the only one who can do this at the same time.

But quantity doesn’t mean quality. Her only gift at the moment is the ear studs incarnated by Zhaoma, but they are still auxiliary. She adopted so many artifacts, which caused great exhaustion and burden to her body.

Just like in the current stalemate, she couldn’t find an artifact that could directly confront the opponent, and could only fly a kite with two spears at a distance, but when other artifacts were not useful, they were still burdening her… …I don’t know if this full armor made her a success or a drag on her.

“Everyone is a gentleman, how bad it is to fight… Let’s sit down and have a good talk, how about it?”

Gu Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, and a sense of urgency rose in his heart, this is not the way to go.

The opponent’s momentum is not even as big as the previous monster, but it is more powerful, and the pressure on him is even more terrifying. The speed of his energy loss is a bit scary, and it can’t last for too long. Not only because of Bishamonten, but also because his skills have been upgraded.

“Ninety-nine Weapon Mastery”, the level displayed by this skill badge is LV1, which is exactly one level higher.

Maybe it’s because he used this skill too much during this time. The number of enemy units killed by this skill has accounted for more than 99% of the number of monsters he spawns, and it is still rising… Maybe it’s this With a deeper experience, perhaps the increase in proficiency.

After all, apart from the skill badges that spawned monsters, according to his current experience, the skill badges usually condensed through self-practice, or the skill badges drawn through the lottery method provided by the system, seem to be from LV0 The starting point is itself a non-ranked item.

Perhaps in the definition of the system, the skill badge itself represents the level of stable mastery, but it is limited to this, just like he has just started to learn the spell skills in the yin and yang way, he has not been able to condense the proficiency. Before the skill badge is issued, it does not mean that spells cannot be made.

It only succeeds occasionally, fails frequently, and is unstable most of the time. Until the proficiency has accumulated to a certain level, and the skill badge can be condensed, he can really reach the point where he can play stably. Basically, if it is not intentional, there will be no skills. Use failure case.

So——LV0 is the skill badge that has just been obtained, which means the entry level of basic mastery. What should the skill level of LV1 mean?

Skilled? proficient? But no matter what, it should be an advanced level relative to LV0.

Although there is no more detailed data such as attack power values, the skills that have been upgraded are obviously more powerful, and the light beams that extend out are obviously much more than before, and some are already 40 meters away. Great knife style.

——However, even the consumption has increased accordingly!

After finally raising the level and strengthening the energy aspect, Gu Mo, who relieved the pressure a little, naturally fell into the situation of being stretched again. He is indeed quite numb at the moment. If he can’t end the battle as soon as possible and continue to be so stalemate, he is afraid that he will not be exposed.

“There’s nothing to say, that **** of misfortune must die today! I’ll kill him and his artifacts here!”

Bishamonten’s reply was only murderous, looking at the two who were hiding in the distance, neither running nor helping, their eyes were cold.

If Ikihikazu had nothing to do with this matter, she naturally wouldn’t accidentally hurt innocent people, but since it’s Yato’s artifact, it’s all within the scope of revenge… This is a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye!

It seems that there is nothing to talk about…

Gu Mo felt a headache. He actually knew that the reason why Bishamonten was chasing and killing Yato was because the latter seized the opportunity to come to her door when she had fallen into a **** in the past. All the artifacts she possessed were all smashed!

Bishamonten is the strongest martial god, who can adopt a large number of artifacts, and because of a large number of adoptions, he has become the strongest martial god, and the two complement each other. But she is not purely utilitarian, she really treats every artifact she adopts as her family… So that incident at the beginning was a huge blow to her.

This has become her inner demon.

What should we do now?

The other party couldn’t take him for the time being, but he couldn’t help her either, and the other party was very vigilant and didn’t give him any chance to get close…

Gu Mo feels that she has encountered the biggest crisis in this dungeon. It seems that she has fooled Bishamonten, but in fact, it is the other party who has pinched her biggest weakness. She may not know it yet, but she will not let go. , invisibly forcing himself toward a slow death.

I can only run away quickly, while I can still support myself…

Such a thought flashed in his mind, Gu Mo was about to wink at the two behind him, fight and retreat, and then run away when he found an opportunity, but at this moment, a familiar broken noise suddenly sounded in his ear, mixed with The feeling of electric current passing by.

next moment–

The physical quality, which had already been strengthened by a powerful increase due to the blessing of the Nine Tails, suddenly soared again, and the huge demon power in the body was already huge enough, and now it has doubled. And there is a steady stream of more demon power flowing in from the channel between him and the guardian spirit!

There was a bang in his head, as if a flame was ignited, and Gu Mo’s eyes were unconsciously dyed with a layer of flame-like blood, but it was not too obvious when the whole body was covered in flames.


This feeling……

The remaining trace of Qingming in Gu Mo’s thinking is trying to persevere, not wanting to be overwhelmed by the instinct that seems to be violent from the bloodline level, feeling the demon power that seems to be endlessly surging in his body, and trying hard to control this sudden power.

The power of the nine tails is far more than that. He only uses a small part of it every time, limiting the borrowed power to the safety threshold, because not only consumption is not allowed, but also “relying on the combination”. Once the synchronization rate is too high, it will become “monsterization”——

So, he was very careful every time, always controlled the power limit of Reliance Fit, and never took risks, why this time…

wait wait wait! It seems that during this period of time, what I used the most was the guardian spirit power, and I used it at the same time every time. Since I have always used the white pit viper to upgrade the “Ninety-nine Weapon Mastery”, then the power of the nine tails is a combination of reliance. , is it also in the current stalemate with the strongest **** of war, has accumulated enough of the last part of the experience?

“What? This, this is… a demon?!”

Bishamonten, who was flying a kite in the distance, heard Zhaoma’s warning, and she was stunned for a while. She seemed to sense an extremely terrifying aura on the other side, her head quietly bowed, and the body of the standing man slowly rose. rise.

Different from the aura of a divine weapon with awe-inspiring divinity and a faint reflection of the outline of a huge white snake in the swing…

is a demonic energy that burns like fire.

——This is… a fall from God?

She thought of this problem for a moment, because she had encountered such a problem at the beginning, and her whole body suddenly became suspicious, what a joke, obviously the situation of the other party was so good, how could it suddenly become a horror from a degenerate **** the demon? !

(end of this chapter)

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