When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 79

Chapter 78: Late But Arriving

Chapter 78 Late but Arrived

This is the case with many things, and it doesn’t immediately open the mind to the real truth.

Instead, people will try to give their own convincing statements based on what they are familiar with or what they think they are.

For example, at the moment, it is clear that the power brought by the possession of the guardian spirit exceeds the safety threshold, resulting in the “monsterization” of relying on the combination, but it is impossible for anyone to immediately understand the truth and know that this is actually a mystery from another dimension. Power manifests.

Even the senior **** Bishamonten in this dungeon will explain from his past common sense and cognition, thinking that this is the most terrifying phenomenon for gods of the same kind on the opposite side at this moment. Everyone gasped and took a step back subconsciously.


At the same time, Ye Dou also felt terrified. He protected the girl behind him and slowly retreated step by step, as if the explorer found a giant dragon sleeping at the end of the cave. He held his breath and took careful steps. Step back, not daring to make a sound.

I’m afraid that as long as it makes a little noise, it will attract the attention of the wild beasts.

He is neither the terrifying hand-held crimson weapon that he used to kill all directions, nor is he in a state of taking off in the future. The current stage belongs to life… ah no, it is the trough of God’s life, and naturally he has no confidence to solve it. This matter is also full of bitterness in my heart.

It was fine just now, why all of a sudden…

After all, it is a bit familiar, and even sitting opposite to each other not long ago, talking and laughing, such a similar kind suddenly went to the end of the soul erosion before his eyes without warning, which naturally made him extremely uncomfortable. The pressure to face at the moment, he even more only feels sad and desolate.

He only sees the other party’s ambition and urgency, and sees the other party’s grand plan, but he doesn’t know that the other party’s situation is so bad. struggle…

The rabbit died and the fox was sad, and things hurt him. Yatou seemed to see his future fate in a trance.

Maybe this world has really collapsed to such an extent…

Of course, this is also understandable, and strictly speaking, there is no big mistake or essential difference between the two people’s cognition and thinking about what happened at this moment—

Monsterization is the fusion of human beings with guardian spirits, which leads to the transformation of themselves into monsters… And in this dungeon world, there are also similar precedents for humans or gods to fall and assimilate into monsters.

In this dungeon world, most of the undead of people who stay in the world have only one fate, that is, they are degenerated and assimilated and become demons.

Moreover, the gods also have the risk of degeneration. Although the possibility is not that great, it is not impossible to say that there is no precarious situation. There are risks all the time, and this kind of thing is not very common, but after all, there is such a possibility… Just like the artifact will remember its real name because of , and was instantly eroded by the regrets of the memory before his death, degenerating into a monster.

—and the gods who are of the same mind as the divine tool are naturally easily implicated.

Because the mental state of the artifact will affect the **** as the owner, and this special connection is a one-sided transmission, the **** can feel the emotion of the artifact. If the artifact dies, the **** will be very painful, and if the artifact has evil thoughts, the owner will be stabbed as a matter of course.

If this situation continues to worsen, action is required…

At that time, the gods generally cut off the relationship with the artifact in question, swept it out of the house, and left it to fend for itself, because as long as there is no connection with each other, it will naturally not be affected. Some gods who are more ruthless and ruthless will even directly execute the artifact that stabbed themselves to avoid future troubles.

After all, this situation is often irreversible, and the gods also have to consider the sunk costs. If nothing is done and no action is taken—

The    artifact will probably turn into a complete demon at the speed of light, until it can no longer cross that line irrevocably, and drag its owner down together until death in madness.

Bishamonten was like this hundreds of years ago, she once encountered a crisis of divine fall.

The main reason is that she also adopted a large number of artifacts at the time, which caused her physical and mental exhaustion to be extremely heavy, and the burden on her soul was extremely heavy, and although she treated the adopted artifacts as her relatives, she could not guarantee that the adopted artifacts would do the same. . Or they are both loyal to the master they serve, but not necessarily so trusting of each other.

—perhaps out of a competitive mentality…

—Maybe it’s the dislike of other people’s characters…

—Perhaps it is enough to have oneself, and the existence of other artifacts is the burden of the master…

and so on, and so on, such factors are possible.

After all, people have thousands of faces, and their faces are different, and the same is true for the artifacts raised from the dead souls of people. They also have their own minds, so there is an inevitable problem. Maybe that is also the artifact family. If it is too large, it will inevitably lead to the same fate.

The many artifacts that Bishamonten led at that time were suspicious of each other. When there was internal discord, the evil thoughts generated by the artifacts stabbed her and became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel… There was a problem with the artifacts, which also caused her to fall together at that time. become a monster.

That was not a good memory. When she recalled it, she could not understand her state at all, so she naturally understood very well how troublesome it would be for a **** to become a demon after the fall.

But right in front of his own eyes, right in front of him, that guy is undoubtedly in the process of this drastic transformation.

“It’s such a strong demon, I’m in trouble now… Lord Bishamon, let’s get out of here!”

The sound of the congratulatory ear studs is warning his master at this moment.

Although it is an auxiliary weapon, its main function is to track the enemy, scan the target, guide the accuracy of hit accuracy, adjust the attack range, etc., and assist other artifacts to maximize their combat effectiveness, but because of this, he was the first to perceive the opposite. The level of danger soared in an instant.

When he was wielding the divine weapon normally, it was already terrifying, and now if the other party is going crazy, then who sees it and can’t go around the road?

“Yes, damn…but, but…”

Very unwillingly, she clenched the two spears in her hands, and Bishamonten looked at the real target behind the guy who exuded a strong demonic aura. Although the other party also looked shocked and horrified, she was still unwilling and did not cut it with her own hands. Killing the other party, and did not complete the revenge personally, just left here?

Especially this time, he was so close to his goal, the first time he was so close in hundreds of years… If you miss this opportunity, you don’t know how long you will have to wait! And if the other party is vigilant, will they still expose the weak period caused by such an artifact’s lack of access in the future?

“Master Bishamon, the situation is very dangerous now… Please be more rational. If you want to continue to stay, not to mention your own safety issues, even the babes will be in danger. Are you planning to use the current artifact as a sacrifice? , to avenge the former artifact?”

Zhao Ma’s voice was extremely calm, and the angle of the cut was unusually sharp, which made the blond Valkyrie stunned for a moment.

The enemy on the opposite side is very dangerous. Before, it was just a passive defense and counterattack. The unknown artifact in his hand has already shown extremely terrifying lethality. Ordinary artifact is confronted with a head-on face, which is basically the result of scratching and dying…

And now that the other party has lost control and fallen, who knows how crazy it will be next, if Bishamonten insists on staying, he will inevitably make his subordinates pay huge casualties as the price.

She squeezed the dual spear artifact in her hand tightly, her slender nails also sinking into the white flesh, and at the same time bit her lower lip tightly. Although she was extremely unwilling, she had to admit that Zhao Ma was right and she couldn’t take such a risk.

It is because he treats artifacts as close relatives, not just tools, that he absolutely cannot accept the once massacre, the revenge that lasted for hundreds of years, and the endless grievances, all from this. But if now, I want to use my current relatives to sacrifice, so that I can solve the hatred of my former relatives…

What is this? !

“-let’s go!”

With a book it is long, without a book it is short, gritted her teeth fiercely, the blond Valkyrie made a quick decision, and suddenly she was like an ancient famous general who turned on his horse, riding on the giant next to him fluently and fluently. On the lion’s back, he shouted angrily—

“Baba! Withdraw!”

The majestic lion let out a howl and flew straight into the air.

Full of confidence, he came prepared, thinking that he would kill with one blow, and he was bound to win. In the end, she retreated in embarrassment, and the goal was not completed. This was naturally one thing that made her very angry. Sitting on the lion-shaped mounted beast artifact, the blond Valkyrie who quickly ascended into the sky stared angrily at the bottom.

For a while, she didn’t know how complicated her mood was.

She hoped that Yato would not be able to escape after a while, become the target of the indiscriminate attack of the fallen god, and die directly in this place; but she also hoped that the other party would not die here in such a humiliating way, and hoped that the other party would run away , so that I can still have the opportunity to personally kill each other and complete revenge in the future!

But at the next moment—

“Everyone has come, so don’t leave.”

A strange voice sounded, but there was no movement just now. He kept his head down, and his body was shaking slightly. It seemed that he was trying to restrain something. Gu Mo, who was fighting against something, finally raised his head. At the same time, he The sound became very strange.

It was his own voice at first glance, but there was another voice overlapping, faintly echoing.

It seems that two voices are ringing in the same body. Although they are both implementing a will and saying the same thing, there is a subtle delay between the two voices, so there is a phenomenon of overlapping mixing. A voice was slightly vague, and the specific gender could not be discerned.

The blond Valkyrie who was already riding a lion artifact and flew high into the sky suddenly froze in her heart. When she looked down subconsciously, she found that the man was also looking up at the sky.

The eyes of the two touch one.

It was a pair of ruby-like pupils, which seemed to be burning with hot flames, and the flames flowed. At the same time, there was an inexplicable sense of ethereal depth, which could attract people’s sight and devour people’s spirits like magic. Once it falls into it, it’s like light being captured by the gravitational pull of a black hole.


His mind went blank, and Bishamonten’s sharp eyes suddenly lost focus and became blurred. This heroic Valkyrie was originally sitting firmly on the lion’s back, but at this moment, it seemed that she could not stand the height of the sky. The strong wind was blowing, and the figure swayed suddenly.

Not only her, but the lion under the seat is also swaying, it seems that it will fall down from the air at any time!

“Master Bishamon! Master Bishamon!”

Fortunately, Zhao Ma, who is the earring of the blessing device, always pays attention to the state of the owner, and wakes her up in time to get rid of the state that looks like a nightmare. She is shocked and angry, and at the same time, she is also terrified: “This is this. What kind of demon? Isn’t he also a **** of war?”

Even if he degenerates into a demon, he should specialize in the field he is in charge of. The performance of the other party just now is also the same. He is no different from that **** of misfortune, and he is also a **** of martial arts who is good at sword fighting.

But how could she suddenly use such a terrifying means of confusion now? It was because she hadn’t thought of this for a while, and she said that she didn’t take precautions mentally, but it also seemed very terrifying.

However, Bishamonten’s question, naturally, will not be answered by the other party, and the other party not only did not answer, but found that he did not confuse the other party, he frowned slightly, and then lightly raised his right wrist—

Originally, in the absence of drive, the sword light of the ninety-nine weapons, which was instinctively swallowing sharp-edged weapons, has shrunk to a length of several feet, like the size of a normal sword, but at this moment, in Gu. The moment Mo raised his wrist, it suddenly skyrocketed to an unimaginable level.

In an instant, it was like a sword light formed by the brilliant brilliance of ninety-nine weapons, and suddenly cut through the sky, savagely dividing the sky into two, under the dazzling light, even the sky in the sky. The midday sun seemed to be dimming.

It is also like a huge and illusory white snake appeared in the void. The sinuous body does not know how maddening the length is, and the fierce flames show long poisonous fangs, towards the target in the air like lightning. The bite to go!

Under the infusion of the huge power from the nine tails, the snake sword incarnated by the white cockroach has not only achieved a qualitative leap in power, but also undergone some subtle transformation in its properties.

Because the guardian spirit is originally one and two sides, the white cockroach itself is a guardian spirit that tends to behave with the soul, but under the urging of the huge and pure demon power, it will naturally reveal the demonic side of the desolate soul!


His pupils contracted violently, and Bishamonten felt a huge danger coming. He waved a long whip with one hand, and stretched out his hand in the void to hold the summons. With the light flashing, it was another divine weapon in the form of a single-edged sword. in her hands, and more than that—

The air around her distorted, flashing light instantly, and the outlines of artifacts emerged, including the previous revolvers, automatic pistols, and broken mirrors.

“Zhao Ma!”

With a loud shout   , Bishamonten’s naked jacket was instantly covered with a robe in the shape of a Western armor with a long skirt, and he was fully armed to the teeth.


The    congratulatory ear studs also resolutely implement the master’s will. As the congratulatory implement and beacon of all artifacts under the commander Bishamonten, he can guide the master’s other artifacts to exert the greatest power!


The sound that mortals can’t hear exploded in the sky in this area like thunder, and the rumbling noise swept the entire forest. After the dazzling light dissipated, Bishamonten remained in the air in full bloom, watching. Appears to be unscathed.

She almost burst out with her strongest strength, because it is not difficult to simply resist the blow or escape, but she must be perfect – because she does not allow her artifact to be in front of her eyes again , once again encountered the fate of being beheaded.

So this blond Valkyrie can only do her best to force herself to take the blow head on.

However, it is also the strongest martial god. With all his strength, he will not be killed by an easy blow. At least Gu Mo can’t do it now. Even in the current state of monster transformation, Nine Tails Online fights according to his requirements, and still only Being able to use part of its power at the tip of the iceberg…emmmm, the current level of liberation probably has a tail?


He waved his other empty hand directly, the terrifying demonic energy seemed to boil, and behind him appeared a huge phantom silhouette, which had a body like a hill and a long horse face. A huge demon, its eyes shone with a scarlet ominous light and let out a long hiss.

Then, the thick unicorn arm full of muscles swung like a steel horn, and the 40-meter-long serrated broadsword made a whistling sound and swept straight to the sky!

The power of the soul core of the great demon named Horsehead Demon!


It has been a long time since I got it, but because of its own power, I can’t use its power no matter what. At this moment, it is directly used by the monster Gu Mo for the first time.

Simple and rude, with explosive damage, sweeping away thousands of troops!

He had just faced the splendid blow of the Ninety-Nine Weapon, the Snake Sword, and before he could take his breath away, Bishamonten was stunned to discover that in the forest below, a 40-meter broadsword suddenly pointed in his direction. Waving it, the surrounding trees fell in large slants, splashing smoke and dust!

This made her overwhelmed. Although this terrifying demon stood up, the serrated broadsword wielded was not as terrifying as the white snake just now, but it still could not be underestimated. She was biting her head again, encouraging her strength to meet it head-on!


It was like the sound of hammering iron tormenting people’s hearing, and a violent wave of air exploded in the air!

Under the huge impact, the blond Valkyrie grabbed the long mane of the lion below, and even the man and the mount were repelled by a distance of more than ten meters. After rolling in the air for a few times, she regained her balance and stabilized herself. shape.

However, at the moment when the serrated knife dissipated, there was another terrifying flame with a burning danger, like the traces dragged by the rocket launcher, with a thick smoke of gunpowder and sulfur, and it was too fast. Covering his ears, he bombarded the lion that stood up to help his master resist the attack!

“Do not-!”

Bishamonten screamed in shock, she sensed the strong demonic energy, and immediately understood the nature of this attack.

She knew very well what would happen to an artifact that was touched and corroded by a demon, so she naturally felt her heart sink for a moment.

In the wind, the painful whimper from the lion was very dull. It could no longer maintain its shape and fell from the sky, followed by the blond Valkyrie in panic.

fell to the ground, and she checked the situation of the lion in shock and fear, and looked forward at the same time.

His eyes turned crimson, a pair of red fox ears grew on his head, and a handsome young man with a fiery red tail like a flame loomed behind him. That burning flame streamed, and then moved the left hand that was restored to its original state.

“How, how is it possible… how did you do it?”

Even though there was a mixture of anger and anger, at this moment, Bishamonten was still a little unbelievable. She stared at the other party’s left wrist that had returned to its original state. The essence of the attack just now was a monster, and now she has discovered it even more. That was the opponent’s left wrist!

Could it be that the other person’s body is actually composed of different monsters? What the **** did this madman do to torment himself like this?

In fact, this is the case with the soul core of the outlander. The ghost who has the power of the monster in his left hand can launch an iron-clad flying fist to attack the enemy at a long distance. It looks like he is firing a cannon with his left hand. It’s like a monster resides on the left wrist, or the left wrist itself becomes a monster.

So it’s no wonder that Bishamon misidentified so much.

When using the foreign soldiers’ soul nuclear power to reproduce their abilities, such strange and funny similar situations will naturally occur, but it is really useful as a raid.

First was the mighty blow of the Ninety-Nine Weapon, then the slaughtering slash of the horse-headed ghost, and then an outlandish cannon was released in an instant… With such qualities, even the strongest Martial God suffered a big loss by accident. .

However, Gu Mo didn’t intend to explain the essential principles of his moves to her. He just walked over and said lightly, “How did you do it? You can do this kind of thing if you have a hand.”

(end of this chapter)

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