When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 80

Chapter 79: Righteous Partner! Demon Seal Wave!

Chapter 79 The partner of justice! Demon seal wave!

Of course, strictly speaking, this is not wrong either.

The power reproduction form of the soul core of the outlaw soldier is the “outlaw gun”, which is to launch the entire left wrist and turn it into a rocket flying fist for long-distance attack. If you don’t mention any skills, there will be consumption, its only rigidity The condition of use is that the user must be left-handed.

This is indeed something that can be done with hands…

It’s just that Bishamon doesn’t think so, this hateful demon is just playing tricks on himself! She stood up angrily, protecting the lion that fell on the ground motionless behind her back, dragging a single sword in one hand, and holding a simple and unpretentious long whip in the other hand, her aura increased rather than decreased. , filled with a sense of determination.

Lion Bubba and she had already reached the end of the battle after they took the splendid blow of the snake sword and the slaughter of the horse-headed demon one after another.

Just now, he was conspicuously calculated by that heavy blow, and he was caught off guard by the sturdy blow of the entire rocket flying fist, so that the whole body fell from the sky…

Therefore, the current situation is naturally not very good. This lion, which used to be majestic, seems to be dying now. It has become like a gossamer and has no reaction… And the head of this beast is close to the left corner of the eye. , also revealed a strange shadow like a bruise, spreading at a slow and almost imperceptible speed.

This is “Child”——

The essence of    is the infection of impure air brought by demons. To put it more simply and understand it better, it may be regarded as a contact-type infectious disease, and the residents who are caught in the gap are terrified.

Because the impure power of demons can corrode artifacts and even gods, as long as they are attacked by demonic power, or even just touched, erosion and assimilation may occur. This is that even the gods need to be careful to deal with the infection problem, so the artifact is naturally more so.

Basically, it can be said that the degeneration of many artifacts was caused by the erosion and assimilation of the impure aura of the demon power.

When infected by “chi”, the color of a certain part of the body will become darker and gradually spread to the whole body, and the affected part will also become very hot and painful. However, this is not irreversible, as long as it is dealt with in time, for example, using the purified water in the shrine to wash the affected area for healing…

So at this moment, Bishamon felt extremely anxious and angry in his heart——

Woba’s situation is undoubtedly very bad. If you don’t want to watch him become demonized and degenerate due to infection, you must get him a good treatment as soon as possible, and eliminate the infection caused by the erosion of the demon’s impure power.” ill”.

However, the problem that needs to be faced is obvious. If you don’t defeat the opponent here, then you will never be able to easily take away the baby and find a suitable place to eliminate the infection… If the monster on the opposite side will let her go If so, how could she be beaten down now?

As a result, Bishamonten’s aura became extremely astonishing, like a beast in the Colosseum that was ready to fight to the death.

If there is no way to survive, make a way to survive!

She is the strongest **** of martial arts, and fighting is the nature symbolized by the emergence of her vocation. She is not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice. Even in difficult situations, she will only burst out with more terrifying potential… How, if you can’t destroy your opponent, isn’t it a matter of course for yourself to be broken?

“Don’t look at me like that, if you didn’t see something you shouldn’t see, I don’t really care if you run or not…”

Gu Mo, who continued to walk over, said casually.

He looked at the big lion by the way, and found that it was really rough and fleshy. No wonder Yato used the divine weapon to directly punch the head, leaving only a shallow scar instead of splitting the entire lion’s head… …My own outlander gun or rocket flying fist, under the blessing of the nine tails’ demon power, is like a tank cannon.

But after slamming up like this, there are only traces of this…

Although it should be due to the full blessing of Bishamon’s divine power, but we cannot underestimate the special features of the artifacts in this world… Although in Gu Mo’s opinion, the artifact group is simply unworthy of their name, it is completely a rotten street the same existence.

It is not so much the artifact of the gods as it is a tool man and a thug.

It’s like those who have been well-trained are gold-medal thugs, double-spend red sticks, and facade signs, and those who don’t have such a background can directly go to the street to pay some money when they need it, and they can also pull a few to fight. Feels like a punk doing some dirty work.

“So you’re scared too…the demon!”

The blond Valkyrie stared at him with sharp eyes, and a mocking angle appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if she was not at all conscious and worried: “You have fallen to this level, and you must be unacceptable to the eight million gods. , even if I die here today, I will be waiting for you in Hiraizaka on the day you come down!”

“That’s a pity, I’m afraid you will never be able to wait, my account is not in Gaotianyuan, and you think that even if I die, I will really fall into your Yellow Springs Hirazaka?”

Gu Mo converged his thoughts, the fiery red fox ears on his head moved, and then he shook his head indifferently, and said so casually.

He didn’t care what the other party said, he wasn’t afraid at all.

After all, the barefooted are not afraid of wearing shoes. This has always been the principle of the world. When there is nothing that you have now, but you need to worry about losing it, you will naturally have no scruples.

He doesn’t eat Gao Tianyuan’s public meals, and he doesn’t even have a symbolic name. In addition, he is not an aborigines of this world. Naturally, he is not afraid of what the other party said about the afterlife… Maybe, even this world The underworld will not accept him, what should he be afraid of?

And based on experience, he will soon pat his **** and leave, leaving this dungeon world with his own gains… And if there is an accident, if he accidentally dies before that, he will probably be killed by the dog system. It is judged that the mission failed, and then exit the copy directly, but there will be no loss…

No, there should still be losses, Gu Mo thought thoughtfully, but he had nothing before—

No levels, no skills, no equipment items… Even if the death penalty may be a random drop from any level, or a random loss of equipment skills or something, it can only punish a lonely person, and there is nothing to lose…

But that is to say, if this is really the case, I will be more and more cautious in the future. The “immortal body” in the new era may be a source of confidence and reliance, but in the later stage, it is best not to use it, otherwise , I am afraid that using it once will cause heavy losses, but if I use it twice, I will be able to return to the time before liberation…

For example, if you die once, your level of hard training is directly halved, or you invest in countless resources and energy to strengthen important equipment, key skills, etc., and you will be wiped out like this…

——It’s scary to think about.

“…Are you an Ability God? Dare to sign up?”

didn’t know the other party at this time, and was even in the mood to think about something, the blond Valkyrie opposite just frowned.

Wasn’t it a member of the group of eight million gods, but a foreign **** who came from other places, other countries, and other lands and cultures across the ocean? It’s no wonder that Bishamon felt strange before.

Such a Martial God should not be unknown, but she has no impression at all, and she can’t recognize who the other party is.

“What is there to dare, this uncle is a partner of justice, and his name is Zheng Zha!” Gu Mo blinked, and the flames circulated in his eyes, which seemed to reflect a world of burning flames.

“Just you a demon? Also a partner of justice?” Bishamon seemed to hear a big joke, a fallen god, who has become a demon who doesn’t recognize his six relatives, and dares to call himself so, how does this keep her from laughing?

“It’s rude… Okay, now I’ll give you a choice, as long as you hand over all the artifacts, and then be obedient…”

“Delusional! If you have the ability, get it yourself! Just step on my body!”

Blonde Valkyrie didn’t wait for him to finish, she sneered angrily, and at the same time clenched the sword whip in her hand, and entered a state of preparation for battle. All the artifacts on her body, whether it was weapons or armor, were all glowing with light, and all the power was ready to be released, and it would burst out only when she gave an order.

Although this monster seems to be very rational, she is a little uncertain about the other party’s state.

But she still preconceived that the other party was just becoming more terrifying. Even if she looked rational, she was thinking about the problem from the perspective of a demon. All in all, she was no longer the **** she used to be. Now let yourself hand over everything, isn’t this waiting to be slaughtered?

She wouldn’t do such a stupid thing. No matter whether there is a chance or not, she always has to fight for herself first, rather than surrender before a battle.

“Hey, why do you fight and kill… I’m a pacifist.”

Gu Mo sighed suddenly, it seems that there is no way to discuss it properly, but no matter what, he must keep the other party.

This time the plan went a bit unexpected. I didn’t get the anonymous reporting channel of Gao Tianyuan. I also had a fight with Bishamon inexplicably, and I was forced to perform the first monster transformation-although this was originally It’s his trump cards and backhands. When it’s really necessary, he will do it himself.

If that’s all, Gu Mo doesn’t really care too much, but he vaguely remembers that one of Bishamon’s artifacts has betrayed… Although the master treats them as relatives, the artifact only thinks that it is hypocritical, And he planned to kill Bishamon and replace him himself.

Artifact backlash is not a particularly rare thing, but this artifact was decided to backlash because of the instigation of the father of Yato, which means that it is related to the father of Yato.

Gu Mo is not going to give up the idea of killing that guy now, and even regards this matter as the biggest gain that can be obtained in this dungeon. Whether he can earn one or two more golden keys back, it depends on whether it is powerful this time… …If the other party doesn’t show up, it’s fine, but since they do appear and they’re staring at you, then you can swallow the other party in return. Is this considered a courtesy?

But when plotting against others, you must also be careful about plotting against others.

Don’t worry, before you can report the other party, the other party will report you first… Whether it’s a monster or a god, no matter what people in this world think, Gu Mo’s current situation is quite taboo. Yes, if it is exposed, it will attract the concentrated firepower of the gods.

Gu Mo knew this well, so it was impossible for Bishamon and his party to leave like this.

– they’ve seen something they shouldn’t have…

——and there are people inside who are undercover…

“Stop talking nonsense! Come on, let’s have a decent battle!” The blond Valkyrie shouted, and then got stuck, “You’re right, right… Bah!”

She subconsciously wanted to call out the opponent’s name, just like her previous battlefield habits, but she reacted suddenly and stopped abruptly. After all, she will never admit that the other party is a righteous partner, that is definitely used to disgust her by boasting!

“Did you not remember the name I just said?” Gu Mo nodded his head very kindly and thoughtfully. While expressing his understanding, he also added: “Then I will say it again, I am a partner of justice, Shirou Emiya… ”

“Soul Dan! Wasn’t it Zheng Zha just now?” Bishamon was stunned for a moment, and then burst into anger, the other party really did it on purpose.

Gu Mo no longer spoke, just raised his right hand gently, and the shining light between his palms and fingers was swallowed up, and it shot out again. The light that flashed in the air was the reflection of the illusory giant white snake’s fine scales. This behemoth circled around Gu Mo, and the faintly revealed figure was enough to make people thrilled.

And it is no longer the noble and awe-inspiring before, but with a strong demonic aura, and its icy vertical pupils are full of viciousness that seems to choose someone to devour.

The guardian spirit and the host have a relationship of mutual influence. When Gu Mo turned into a monster, even the white pit viper, who was more inclined to the “divine” and ‘soul” side, inevitably changed. It is naturally more aggressive.

In the eyes of Bishamon on the opposite side, the demon who claimed to be a pacifist waved the snake sword in his hand, slashing like a huge laser beam, and it seemed like an unimaginable giant snake stretching its body.

Accompanied by the rumbling muffled sound, the mountains and forests trembled slightly, the smoke and dust splashed high, and the sturdy century-old trees fell down like they were harvesting wheat.

However, in the gap between the lightning and the fire, with Zhaoma’s reminder, Bishamon avoided this unmatched edge, not advancing but retreating, facing the terrifying air waves and shock waves. The wind pressure that can cut through the iron and stone, the body shape is like a sharp arrow rushing forward!

The distance between the two sides was shortened in an instant like lightning.

I don’t know how many battles, big and small, I have gone through in my life. This Martial God is very clear about his disadvantage and his only chance. In the final analysis, the other party is now bullying the weak, relying on the arrogant and terrifying power of himself and the artifact, and wantonly bullying others.

I am powerless to fight against the terrifying attack damage and attack range, and I can’t run away. If I keep the distance, it is not flying a kite, but letting the opponent fight whatever they want… The only chance of survival is to die. Instead, fight in close quarters in order to break the game violently!

“Go to hell!”

“Waiting for you.”

Gu Mo took out an exquisite small box and put it in his hand, facing the murderous blonde Valkyrie who rushed towards him, gently lifted the lid of the small box printed with the platycodon pattern, and pretended to drink softly: ” Eat me – magic seal wave!”

One of the effects of the    soul core box is to seal the things of the eternal world, and the inhabitants of this world also belong to this category and can be captured.

“What…” Bishamon’s pupils shrank suddenly!

But it was too late, silently.

Accompanied by a clanging sound, there are other sounds, the single-person sword, the long whip, and those artifacts such as cherry blossom earrings, naked jackets, Western armor, etc. In one place, only the figure of their owner was lost.

This scene looks very scary, as if the body of Bishamon was evaporated in an instant, leaving only the artifact on the ground.

The next moment, the artifact all over the ground shone brightly, but a fiery red fur with smooth, huge and fluffy tail pressed down, strongly suppressing the group of artifact that wanted to riot.



After a lot of devastation, this mountain forest became riddled with holes and changed beyond recognition, it finally ushered in silence for a short time, and it seemed that the battlefield had come to an end.


Yato, who watched the whole process from a distance, swallowed hard, not knowing whether he should be glad that it was over, or should he feel bitter… Bishamon has been dealt with, and now it is his turn right?

It’s not that he didn’t think about sneaking away quietly, but there was a violent aura locked on him from beginning to end, making him feel that he had no confidence in his teleportation. After all, it takes a little time to activate. In that period of time, it was enough for the opponent to turn the snake-shaped sword around, and how many swords did he chop at him?

“Hey…you, are you okay now?”

In the silence, Yedou stared at the back of the other party and asked cautiously. Although it was strange to say so, he always felt that the other party didn’t seem to be out of control, not like those who became crazy after the fall. guy.

But this demonic energy couldn’t be faked, he was a little confused for a while…

“Of course it’s fine. In fact, I’ve never felt better than now.” Gu Mo replied calmly, while watching his tail resting on the pile of artifacts in front of him, he stretched out his hand again. Come, take a look at yourself becoming much slender, with some sharp nails.

Every cell in his body seems to be full of power, dynamic vision, neural reflexes, etc. are all raised to a terrifying level, and the surrounding troubles are completely hidden from his own perception…

The abundant demon power circulates in the body, not only the ninety-nine weapons can be swung freely, but also the spell skills of Yin and Yang Dao can be used normally. It is no longer a flow of props that requires preparation of spells in advance, but can be cast directly. sorcery…

And there is no longer the feeling of rapid loss of energy, like his own status bar is temporarily frozen, and he is currently using another set of templates.


If the price is not these normal “consumption”, what should it be?

Looking at his nails that became sharp, the fox ears on his head moved, and through the four-channel stereo surround auditory perception, he actually knew very well that he had an extra pair of ears on his head. However, this is still a very superficial level of monsterization, and only some of the characteristics of the nine tails are revealed.

instead of the whole person turned into a nine-tailed demon fox.

He slowly clenched his fists and tried to release the nine-tailed state of possession. He didn’t encounter any problems. It was just that the powerful force receded little by little, making him feel like he was falling from the clouds, from the bottom of his heart. There was a sense of remorse.

But the whole thing went smoothly. His nails slowly returned to normal, and the extra ears and tail disappeared. At the same time, he began to feel the sense of exhaustion, and the feeling of a lot of energy consumption came back…

All seems to be going well.

It was just that Gu Mo noticed that there was a subtle heat flow in his body. It was very weak, but it did exist, giving him a strange yet familiar feeling. This nascent power is still quite weak, but it is undoubtedly “demon power”, but it is not attached to the nine tails, but his…

Finally unlocked the real blue bar, which is indeed a good thing.

But normally, the human body doesn’t have the power of a monster… So, is this the price of becoming a monster? Gu Mo thought about it like this, and a trace of enlightenment surged in his heart.

He let out a light breath, glanced at the silent artifact on the ground, and then looked at the lion in the distance that was breathing more and less, then turned back and beckoned to Yedou, who was in shock: “Come here. Hands up, I can’t handle so many guys alone…”

“Do you want to throw the body?”

Yato’s expression became a little ugly, as if he saw his own fate.

“You have such a rich imagination, don’t you think about becoming a cartoonist?” Gu Mo said calmly.

“Manga artist, in fact, I did, although it’s not too serious…”

As long as he can continue to speak well, Yedou breathed a sigh of relief, and then he didn’t know what to think, he shook his eyebrows and looked at the small box in the other’s hand.

“Isn’t it too serious? Oh, I understand…” Gu Mo pretended to understand something, although he actually knew it, “I said that the reason why you were chased and killed by Bishamon seems to have such deep hatred and cannot be reconciled. It looks like she drew her book, right?”

“How, how could it be… Our hatred is not for this reason.” The youth with purple hair and blue eyes stiffened slightly.

“Then have you drawn her book?”


(end of this chapter)

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