Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 123

Chapter: 123


They called it a “youth venture”… but when I think about it, I really don’t know what to do myself.

Have I ever dated? Have I ever been married? I have zero experience, so what do I know?

So, all I could do was to nudge the two of them closer together and keep an eye on them.

If there was something to be done, I would subtly signal the hero to help out, or I’d go out and catch some decent prey in the forest to share with them.

I also tried to give them a little push to help them get closer.

Especially on the girl’s side… it seemed like she was too aware of me to approach the hero easily, but when I awkwardly explained my situation to her, her eyes lit up for some reason.

I don’t know if the hero’s unrequited crush is really something worth all that interest, but anyway.

After persuading the girl, I encouraged the hero to be more proactive in approaching her.

“I may not be able to replace the Dragon’s Priestess, but I think I can still be a support for you, hero. So, please date me with a promise of marriage!”

On the seventh day of the hero staying in this village, the girl approached him first.

But seriously, I can’t mention myself here! During her confession, of all things!!!

And “replace”? Sure, it’s great she found the courage to confess, but it’s just… different, right? I can appreciate that she condensed her usual long-winded speeches into a few meaningful words, but still!

Ugh. If I were to give it a score, I’d say it’s about 50 out of 100. I wonder if that’s enough to win over the hero’s heart!

And what did the hero say upon hearing such a confession?

“I’m sorry.”

Well, that’s a disaster!

Okay, sure, it wasn’t the most stellar confession ever, but to cut it off so abruptly like that! Hero! That’s just cruel! That girl gathered her courage for this!

Did I raise you like this?! I never raised you to be so foolish!

To reject all the heartfelt effort she put into her confession so coldly! That’s just too much!

As I contemplated giving the hero a smack on the back of his head later…

“I’ve been preoccupied with a lot, and I think I made you feel uneasy.”

The hero said with an awkward smile.

“It should have been me confessing in the first place.”

But wait, the hero’s mood seems… good? No, after rejecting the confession, to say that… now I’m filled with some strange expectation!

“So, I’ll say it instead. Please date me with the promise of marriage. Of course, I’m not trying to replace Sister… the Dragon’s Priestess. I just want you to be by my side.”

Oh, oh?

Ohhh! Ohhh!!! Ohhhhhh!!!! Ohhhhh!!!!

This guy did it! He actually did it!!!

Hero! You pointlessly rejected her before and now you’re the one confessing?!

Well, it does seem like it looks better when the guy makes the confession, rather than the girl going for it first!

At the hero’s words, the girl’s face turned beet red.


She just nodded shyly, her face burning with embarrassment.

And just like that, a new couple was born in this little village.

They may be an old bachelor and old maid couple when you consider their ages.

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From the day they met until they became a couple took just 15 days.

Then, from there, it took 9 days to get engaged.

And another 6 days until they got married.

All totaled, that’s about 30 days. One month.

Isn’t that human life a bit too fast? I mean, I understand that human life is as fleeting as a flower blooming and wilting, but seriously, this is too fast!

It’s as if their relationship was preordained, quickly deepening, dating, and then promising marriage!

That’s just way too speedy!

Well, I suppose they had some kind of connection from the start, and the girl was a fan of the hero, who also had feelings for her!!

I thought a little nudge would quickly link them together, but still!!!

“Oh my, are those mermaids over there in the distant sea?”

“Yes, there were mermaids with human torsos and fish tails. They were serving the sea god.”

And what was the biggest cause of their relationship speeding up?

Hearing the hero’s adventure stories straight from the hero himself!

For the girl, who had been a fan of the hero from the beginning, hearing his adventures in his own words was devastatingly charming.

He traveled around the world, encountered many people, and defeated tons of monsters—each adventure of the hero was also pretty captivating on its own.

In the end, the girl fell headfirst into the swamp of the hero’s tales.

And for some reason, the usually chatty girl became quieter whenever she listened to the hero’s stories.

Is this what they call love?! The power of love?! Is it so immense that it suppresses her overflowing chatter?!

“It’s the sea. I’m curious about what it’s like.”

“Hm. It was a vast lake stretching out as far as the eye can see. Just endless sea in every direction.”

“I’ve never even seen a lake before.”

The hero smiled lightly at the girl’s words.

“I’d like to show it to you someday.”

Hmm. The sea, huh.

Okay! I’ll give you a hand!

Since they’re engaged now, it’s time to prepare everything needed for the wedding! There may not be a proper wedding ceremony in this world, but…

It’s a one-time event in a lifetime—how could we skip it entirely?

First things first, we need wedding rings, a wedding venue, and a bunch of other stuff. Hmm, gotta prepare a lot!

The hero’s worked hard for me, so I want him to spend the rest of his life happily!

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Time flew, and the day of the hero and the girl’s wedding quickly approached.

Well, it’s not a grand event, just a wedding with the village folks as the audience, I suppose.

Ideally, I’d want to invite all sorts of people to have a splendid wedding, but how easy is that?

It’s only been 12 days since they met, so there wasn’t exactly time for the news to spread, either.

No post office for sending invitations! And emailing or messaging isn’t something mortals can do without divine intervention!

So, I decided to pull a little cheat.

First, among the folks the hero met during his adventures, who could attend the wedding… Hmm…

Let’s invite the Beast God, who was a travel companion, and also the King and Queen of Arcadia, who look after him.

Then we’ll contact Yggdrasil and Sagarmatha. Also, let’s inform the representatives of the dwarves and elves.

Oh, and I should also let Thetis and Ifrit know. Shamash too… Hmm… better make sure to reach out.

When I contact them, I can’t forget Sylphid. If I talk to everyone else and leave her out, she’ll be sulking in no time.

And since I practically raised her, the other kids are practically her siblings too. Yeah.

Hmm, other places… Procyon too, huh? Should I contact them? By now, everything should be set in motion.

As for the human kingdoms… eh, I’ll skip that. Don’t want to politically entangle the hero.

To be honest, it’s a bit awkward since I just left Arcadia, but… what can I say? The Beast God is there, after all.

Anyway, after putting together a rough guest list, I sent out wedding invitations.

I let them know about the hero’s wedding and included tickets for a portal to the wedding venue.

Honestly, they don’t need to bring gifts. I just want them to celebrate the birth of the new family together.

And just like that, time sped by!

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Rings made of mithril and diamond? Check.

The wedding venue set up on the coast, all beautifully decorated? Check.

Not sure how many guests will show up, but I’ve prepared some seating! Check.

The bride and groom’s attire, including wedding dress and formal suit from Earth? Double check! Seeing them clueless in those unfamiliar outfits was rather amusing.

Also, the preparations for the post-wedding reception? Check! Great! All set!

I’m not sure if there’s anything else needed, but… Well, I’ve never seen a proper wedding ceremony in this world. As long as a man and woman live together, that’s practically a marriage.

Even a king would throw a bit more pomp, but since the hero isn’t one, this is probably enough.

And so, the day of the wedding arrived.

“Um, is it really okay?”

“It’s totally okay, seriously.”

I looked at the girl, who was nervously fidgeting in her wedding dress.

Hmm. That dress really fits her well. I even clumsily applied some makeup for her.

In an era without proper makeup, it’s amazing how flawlessly it makes her skin look.

Hmm. Isn’t that great? I mean, putting something on one’s face is kinda normal, right?

“I still feel it’s weird that I, of all people, am marrying the hero!”

“Oh, here we go again.”

I gently tapped the girl on the head, who was sounding so uncertain.


“None of that wobbliness. You’re perfectly suitable as that child’s bride. Have some confidence!”

I gave her a gentle push from behind once more.

If you don’t make the hero happy, I’ll be in trouble!

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