Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 124

Chapter 124: The First Hero – The End of the Adventure (4)

The wedding of the hero and the girl was going smoothly, without any major issues.

Before the ceremony began, several doors appeared at the beach wedding venue I had set up, and the guests who received the invitations made their grand entrance.

By tearing the tickets attached to the invitations, a door that transcends space was created, and the guests sauntered through that magical threshold.

The guests were left in shock by the existence of this space-bending door, particularly the mages from Procyon.

Of course, the dwarves and elves were equally stunned, but the mages of Procyon, who figured out that the door was conjured by magic, were genuinely more horrified than the others.

Standing in front of the astonished guests, I gave a little bow and began to speak.

“Welcome to the hero’s wedding, everyone!”

This time, I actually dressed up in a pretty decent outfit! It was amusing to watch the guests’ eyes pop open in surprise.

Usually, I just wear some baggy white clothes, but this time, I managed to wear a proper dress!

Well, in an era with only rough leather or coarse fabric, seeing such clothing is incredibly rare, so it’s understandable for them to be taken aback.

“Please take your seats. We’ll start the ceremony soon!”

Let’s see, I have my children in human form here, representatives of the dwarves and elves, a handful of mages from Procyon… not to mention the king and queen of Arcadia, and even the god of beasts made it!

And of course, since the representatives wouldn’t just show up alone, the number of guests is multiplied several times over the original invitations!

For some reason, I also spotted a few mermaids waving at us from the beach side.

It seems that Thetis, who got mixed in with the guests, passed the info to the mermaids, inviting them to come and celebrate the hero’s wedding.

Hmm, I almost forgot about the mermaids! Well, the more, the merrier, right?

After all the guests were seated, and the bride and groom were ready, it was announced, “We will now begin the wedding ceremony.”

And just like that, the hero’s wedding began.

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The girl saw the ocean for the very first time.

The vast sea, glowing a brilliant blue, with white foamy flowers blooming and vanishing.

In this magical scene, humans with fish-like lower bodies leapt from the water, showcasing acrobatic feats before diving back into the depths, creating a surreal atmosphere.

For a girl raised in a tiny mountain village, this sight probably felt like a dream.

But, as it turns out, everything she saw was real.

“Now it’s your turn.”

Behind the girl stood the Dragon’s Priestess, her life-saver and the hero’s family.

The Dragon’s Priestess reached out her hand, guiding her. It was finally the girl’s moment to shine.

She glanced at her reflection in the mirror set up in the bride’s waiting room—a sight she’d never seen before.

Wearing a soft and beautiful dress, not stiff or awkward, and adorned with pretty makeup that made her face unrecognizable. It was as if she’d been transformed by magic.

Actually, she had been magically transformed, so saying it isn’t wrong!

Taking a deep breath, the girl stood up from her seat.

The pure white dress made of delicate fabric elegantly swayed with her movements—a lovely sight indeed.

However, the girl couldn’t shake the feeling that all of this was far too extravagant for her.

Marrying the hero she idolized, donning such a gorgeous dress, witnessing the sea for the first time, and getting married in such a beautiful location—I mean, seriously, why was she being treated like royalty?

What had her past self possibly done to deserve such good fortune?

The girl couldn’t wrap her head around the immense luck that seemed to pour down on her, but eventually, she gave up trying to understand it and accepted it.

Watching the girl, the Dragon’s Priestess simply gave her a gentle nudge.

All she could wish for was that this girl would make the hero happy.

And so the girl opened the grand door and stepped forward.

She walked through the open doorway, past throngs of guests, directly toward the sharply dressed hero.

And thus, the hero and the girl lived happily ever after.

– The end of the first hero’s adventure.

Now, the wedding ceremony of the hero was nothing like the typical weddings of that era, so there are many theories about it.

One suggests that future generations embellished the story, while another claims that the hero’s wedding style spread and became the norm.

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In fairy tales, they could end with “and they lived happily ever after.” But reality isn’t so easy.

Even when the tale ends, people still have to go on living.

The hero, finally free from his duties, laid down his sword and chose to live alongside the girl.

And I, too, started residing in the same village as the hero, keeping my promise to stay by his side until he died.

While they said it was okay for me to live in the same house, I really didn’t want to intrude on their newlywed bliss.

So, I built a cozy little cottage nearby and began my peaceful existence.

With the monster threats greatly diminished, my only job left as the Goddess of Life was to manage things overall.

Oh, and creating a paradise—I still had that on my to-do list.

Well, I already caught a glimpse of the right path, so I could take my time figuring it out.

For now, let’s just enjoy a leisurely life in this quaint little village.

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A year after the hero’s wedding, a child was born to the hero and his wife.

Given they were having passionate nights, it wasn’t a surprise that a child was on the way.

Sure, they were a bit older, but their physical ages were still young enough for baby-making to not pose an issue!

The newborn was a delicate baby girl.

She was considerably smaller and frailer than an average newborn, making her debut about two months early.

And in this age, a baby like this had a tough time surviving.

I carefully cradled the breathless baby in my arms.

The hero’s wife was out cold with exhaustion, and the hero was losing his cool upon realizing their baby wasn’t breathing.

In this moment, I was the only one who could keep it together.

“Uh, sis… will she be okay?”

The hero looked at the baby in my arms with worried eyes.

“Don’t stress. Have you forgotten who I am?”

In this era, the chances of a baby born a couple of months premature making it through were exceptionally slim.

Well, that was the case if I hadn’t been there.

I examined the fading life force within the little one’s body.

Hmm. Being a newborn, her body was far too frail. Plus, her vitality was weak, making it hard to boost her easily; I had to be careful not to cause more harm than good.

But how could I call myself the Goddess of Life if I couldn’t save this little one?

I carefully poured my magical power into the child’s body, reinforcing her incomplete frame.

The baby, unable to catch her breath due to her early arrival, was slowly stabilized by my magic.

“Now you don’t have to worry anymore!”

I could feel the baby’s breathing return to normal.

Hmm. If there had been something like an incubator, it would have made things a whole lot easier, but in this age, that was a luxury we didn’t have. I had no choice but to use this tedious method.

But honestly, I wouldn’t mind putting in any effort necessary to save this child.

“Th-thank you, sister…”

“Ah, no need for thanks. She’s your kid; she’s like family to me as well. This is nothing.”

I smiled softly as I watched the newborn baby finally breathe peacefully.

Now, this child should be perfectly fine.

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I once thought that too…


“That’s right, you little troublemaker!”

I gently ruffled the hair of the little one clinging to me.

The baby who had teetered on the brink of life and death, born long before her time, had now blossomed into a cheeky young girl.

“Why is my hair the same silver color as yours, Auntie?”

“Good question!”

What could it be? Perhaps due to the side effect of reconstructing her body to save her as a newborn, this child was becoming increasingly similar to me, to my avatar.

For now, it’s just her hair color, but who knows? As time goes on, she might start becoming something less human.

That future would most certainly not be a good one for her.

Hmm. I definitely need to talk to the hero about this.

I can’t just leave things like this.

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