Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 132

Chapter: 132

“First, take a good look at your own mistakes! A fool who doesn’t even understand what he did wrong won’t be able to break the curse even after thousands of years!”

The fool who got hit by the hero’s punch—the kind that would normally chop off a monster’s head—slowly returned to his original state because he couldn’t die.


“Ah, uncle!”

“And you over there. Stop babysitting this fool! If you keep following after him, you’ll end up living in disaster for the rest of your life!”

At the hero’s words, the woman bristled.

“No, Hero! Aren’t you being a bit too harsh?!”

“Too harsh?! The real harshness is this idiot’s stupidity! Do you even know why this fool is cursed with immortality?! Why can’t life be born in Arcad’s land anymore?! Why do the refugees of Arcad have to leave their homeland and live in other countries?! It’s all because of the sins committed by this fool!”

The woman’s mouth gaped open at the hero’s outburst.

“Immortality curse…? Arcad? Ah, uncle. What does that even mean…?”

The woman didn’t know the details of the curse hanging over that fool.

Since he hadn’t bothered to explain anything, how would she know?

“A-Are you saying your curse isn’t just about natural disasters and suffering under the sun…?”

“That’s not a curse either.”

I said to the bewildered woman.

“Those are just other gods venting their frustrations and punishing that fool for what he’s done.”

“So, the natural disasters are just… venting of anger?”

“Yep, not a curse at all.”

It’s just like kids throwing a tantrum over the rude behavior of this idiot.

“If you won’t say it yourself, I’ll spill the beans here. I’m talking about everything you’ve done. The curse you earned. Your entire life.”

“Please, stop…”

“Why? Wasn’t it you who kept silent until now? Is it too pathetic even for you to admit? Then why did you do such a regrettable thing back then? Why did you willingly dive into regret?”

I looked down at the fool with a cold stare.

“Were you hoping to be a good person for this kid?”


Hmph. Such a pathetic loser. He doesn’t even have the guts to own up to his mistakes.

I clicked my tongue.

“The reason this fool is cursed is…”

“S-Stop it…”

The fool reached out, but his hand fell short.

As if that pitiful hand could possibly touch me.

“On the day the hero drew his sword and became the hero, at the Temple of the Goddess of Life.”


He screamed like a banshee but to no avail.

A foolish, foolish man. A man who can’t fully reflect.

If I pushed the truth onto the woman who’s sticking up for him, what would happen?

Would she despise this fool? Or…?

“He coveted me, the one who appeared before the hero, insulted the Goddess of Life, and desecrated the Temple of Life.”

I said in a soft voice.

“At that time, he used his privileged status as the Prince of Arcad to eye the hero’s sword. Unbelievable, right?”


The woman’s eyes were wide with shock.

The fool couldn’t say a word.

What a stupid loser. A complete dolt.

A dude who can’t even admit his own mistakes.

Even after suffering for decades, he hasn’t changed, stuck in his foolishness.

“And so, the Goddess of Life placed the curse of immortality upon him, and cursed the land of Arcad so that life would cease to exist there.”

“T-That can’t be…”

“That’s the truth. This fool isn’t someone you should idolize. He’s just endlessly foolish and incapable of accepting his mistakes.”

I thought he might embrace his mistakes and reflect, so I cursed him, but if I had known he wouldn’t change this much… I should have just sent him straight to the afterlife.

Wouldn’t everything have been hunky-dory then? Arcad too, and this fool. Everything would have been perfect.

I was a fool. So foolish…

Should I go back in time and deal with this idiot? But then everything I’ve built would vanish?

The hero’s adventure, the prosperity of Arcadia, the hero’s daughter, and her family.

If I rewinded time, everything I’d achieved would be gone. Is it right to turn back time for that?

To stomp out this fool, is that sacrifice worth it?

No, it definitely isn’t. The price would be way too great for that.

Even if I had a time-reverse cheat, I shouldn’t be reckless with it.

So then.

“I thought cursing him would make him reflect on his mistakes… I was completely wrong. I guess the only option left is to deal with this here.”

I raised my hand to gather magic.

Wiping him out here might just be the best outcome.

The silver sphere of power that formed in my hand crackled ominously.

It was a menacing energy capable of obliterating anything it touched.


The hero shouted in panic at the sight of me, but I didn’t halt.

Just moments ago, when he tried to slap that idiot on the head, it was probably him hoping to rein me in before I exploded.

It’s a bit sad that his efforts might go to waste, but there’s nothing that can be done.

That fool truly is too foolish.

“You wished for the hero to kill you, didn’t you? I’ll grant that wish. But don’t expect any peace after death, because the gods of death are waiting eagerly to claim your soul.”

If he genuinely repented, I might’ve considered forgiving him, but there’s no more room for forgiveness now.

So, I’ll just erase him and forget this foolish creature. I don’t want to think about him ever again.


“Step aside.”

I said to the woman who was blocking my way.

“That fool isn’t worth protecting. It would be better for a foolish being like him to vanish from this world.”

But even after my insistence, the woman stood firm.

Her lips pressed tight, tears welling in her eyes, she shook her head defiantly.

“Why? Why do you still protect him? You know his wrongdoings, yet you shield him?!”


The woman’s voice quivered with emotion.

“Even if he did something terrible… the fact that he saved me still stands…”

Her voice was laced with fear.

It seems she instinctively grasped the danger of my silver magic.

Yet, she was still risking her life to stand in my way.

“You’re being foolish too.”

“Even though he made such a huge mistake… he is my benefactor… someone important to me.”

I see. Because he’s her benefactor, someone precious.

She wants to protect him even if it costs her life.

Honestly, he doesn’t deserve someone so devoted.

“Step aside! This isn’t worth your life! I can finally die!”

From behind the woman, the fool howled.

Before him stood the chance to end his life.

The fool transformed, becoming like someone who’d found what they had long been searching for.

“Let me reiterate, if you haven’t been forgiven, you won’t find peace even in death. Do you still want to die?”

“At least it would be better than my current suffering!”

Hmph, better than suffering now, huh?

“You can say that because you don’t realize how terrifying it can be to shed your physical limitations.”

Compared to the torment in the afterlife, the pain of this life is just a speck of dust.

This life is like a cup of coffee, while the afterlife is like T.O.P… Hmm, is that analogy a bit dated?

“You can say that because you don’t know how painful it is to be tortured directly on the soul.”

I smirked.

“Especially in the afterlife… there are experts who specialize in torturing sinful souls. It’ll be oh-so-enjoyable. Very much so.”

Those fiends are practically sharpening their knives, eagerly anticipating the arrival of that fool who mocked me.

“More… painful than the current life?”

“Yep. It’ll be a blast, especially for you.”

“S-Sister… that’s a little too much…”

“For this fool? It’s just the right amount. Otherwise, he won’t reflect at all.”


“Please, step aside.”

I looked at the woman still blocking my way.

Trembling and with tears streaming down her face, unable to calm down in the face of death.

Yet, she refused to move.

“Ah, no. I can’t let my uncle die…”

“Even if it costs you your life?”

“Even if I die, I can’t let my uncle die… Please, forgive my uncle…”

Forgiveness. Oh, sweet forgiveness.

I clicked my tongue briefly.

I wish I could make that foolish idiot disappear right now… but I definitely don’t want to harm the woman before me.


“I’ll give you one last chance.”

“A chance…?”


I said to the woman.

“If that idiot sincerely repents and apologizes to the Temple of Life, I won’t kill him. If not… regardless of how you try to intervene, I will erase that fool from this world.”

An ultimatum. If he sincerely repents for his mistakes, I won’t kill him.

I didn’t mention it, but I’d also lift the immortality curse as well.

But if he fails in that… I’d wipe him from existence, without a trace left behind.

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