Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 133

Chapter: 133

A week’s time.

Honestly, I’d love to just rip his bones apart right now. But then the fool’s woman might end up dead, too, and we can’t have that.

So, I decided to give him one last chance.

“Ugh, sis. That was terrifying!”

“Huh? Terrifying?”

“Yeah! I’ve never seen you look so angry before. Plus, that terrifying silver aura you created was enough to make anyone faint just by staring at it… Honestly, if I weren’t as strong, I would have passed out right then.”

“Hmm… was it that bad?”

The hero nodded and continued.

“Even I, who’s often by your side, felt that way. So those people… especially that woman, must have felt it, too… Well, I guess there’s no need to explain further.”

Considering that, it’s impressive she didn’t faint and still stood between us… Hmm.

Could it be that the thought of that idiot dying scared her more than the fear of death itself?

Enough to push through her instincts?

Tsk. I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

“What a waste to have such an idiot by your side.”

“Don’t say it like that. He’s my lifesaver.”

“But you don’t really think that, do you?”

At my words, the hero awkwardly smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, he had the audacity to hit on you, sis. Honestly, I kinda wanted to beat him to death…”

The hero shook his head slightly.

“Seeing that woman made me think of my daughter.”

Hmm. He’s linking that idiot and the woman to himself and his daughter.

Well, they do look somewhat alike. Around the same age, too.

That’s probably why he stopped me from killing that idiot indirectly.

“But if he really doesn’t apologize… are you going to kill him?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

I’ve given him enough chances, and I’ve been patient enough. But if he’s going to keep acting like a fool, there’s no reason for me to hold back anymore.

I’m getting tired of this.

“And what I said I’d do was just to lift the curse.”

I didn’t mention what comes after lifting the curse, though.

Once his immortality curse is lifted, I’ll do whatever I please.

“That’s terrifying.”

“Honestly, since he disrespected the Goddess of Life, I’m already being generous by not annihilating his soul.”

I took a sip from my steaming cup of tea.

The bitter taste of coffee. The coffee I made with my ability tasted just like the one I remembered.

The hero often asks why I drink such bitter stuff, but strangely, I find myself missing it.

Is it nostalgia? I’m not sure, but…

Sometimes I think about my original world. Even after all these years.

The memories don’t seem to fade, staying vivid and clear.

Thanks to that, every now and then… I think about wanting to return to that world.

“Well, that can’t happen, though.”

“What can’t happen?”

“Oh, nothing.”

I shouldn’t carelessly talk about the stories from another world.

So I waited for a week, waiting for that fool’s fate to unfold.

I have no idea what choice he’ll make.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

A week later.

“I’m truly sorry…”

To my surprise, the fool was bowing and apologizing in front of my statue in the Temple of Life.

Is it genuine? Is he just faking it? I peeked into his heart just to be sure, and lo and behold, it was a sincere and desperate apology.

But wait, why is this guy—who’s been wandering for decades—apologizing now?

What kind of magic did that woman use on him?

The hero and I were just staring in disbelief at the sight of the fool bowing his head and apologizing to me.

“This should be enough, right? Since he apologized sincerely, my uncle doesn’t have to die, right?”

The woman spoke urgently, and I nodded slightly.


The woman looked so relieved at my words, but her complexion was quite pale, and she had bandages wrapped around her in several places.

Did she actually hurt herself… or was she using her own life as leverage to convince him?

Even risking her life, to change the heart of that idiot who hasn’t changed for decades—it really means she’s very important to him.

“Oh, thank goodness… This means my uncle doesn’t have to die…”

Then she collapsed, as if her legs gave out beneath her. Must have been the relief loosening her tension.

“You fool! Acting all stubborn!”

The idiot hurriedly picked her up, biting his thumb to draw blood and letting it flow to her mouth.

Gradually, her body started regaining vitality. Not just filling up, but the idiot was actually transferring his own life force to her.

By using blood as a medium… they can exchange life force? Just like some vampires!

“Phew… after all that stubbornness…”

“Who do you think caused this mess?”

The idiot let out a soft sigh before speaking.

“Honestly, I’m nothing, what do I know…”


Though he’s a benefactor, he’s still just a useless idiot. Tsk tsk.

But hey, he loves himself, so he probably wouldn’t listen to anyone else’s opinion.

“If you hadn’t been so stubborn, she wouldn’t have fallen like that.”

As I grumbled, the idiot looked as if he wanted to say something but then just shut his mouth tight.

Right. Sometimes silence is golden.

You finally got forgiven, so best keep quiet before you mess things up again.

“Well, since you’ve apologized as promised, I’ll lift the immortality curse.”


The idiot’s expression lit up with joy at my words. Tsk. If he had just apologized earlier, none of this would have happened.

I gathered my magic and erased the traces I left on his soul. At the same time, I left another trace behind and canceled his ability to absorb life force willy-nilly.

Now that he’s no longer immortal… let’s throw in a little mischief to cap it all off.

Not that it’s anything too fancy.

I got an idea from that whole blood-sharing thing he did earlier.

“Now that you’re mortal, because you used life force recklessly, your body has become unhuman.”

His face shifted to one of confusion at my words.

“And because you’ve incurred the wrath of several gods, this affliction has turned into a weakness of your now non-human race. Hmm. I’ve never seen a case like this before.”

Of course, it’s all a lie.

He’s not changing on his own; I manipulated him to fit my backstory.

“What… do you mean…?”

“A race that can absorb or transfer life force through blood. They have weaknesses to sunlight and running water. They’ve got a ton of weaknesses, but if they can gather enough life force, they can extend their lifespan indefinitely.”

“Extend… their lifespan…?”

“Yeah. And apparently, they can regain their youth with life force. So, a rather interesting new race has come into existence. I’m not too fond of you myself, but the birth of this new life is something to celebrate.”

His expression turned complicated, and in what seemed like surrender, he asked just one question.

“Can I… still die?”

“Of course. The immortality curse is lifted, so now death will finally pay attention to your soul.”

What happens after that? Not my problem!

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


They’re often referred to as bloodsuckers, and they call themselves “emi-nos” or something fancy.

They drink blood to absorb life force and make it their own.

Their roots date back to ancient times, and they were even mistaken for demons at one point.

Back in the days of the first nameless hero.

The second prince of the kingdom of Arcad, who grew up under the king’s favor, was a super arrogant dude who thought his country was top-notch, even believing that gods should be under the authority of the state.

Due to this arrogance, Arcad, known as the first empire, ended up collapsing, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss, so let’s move on.

So, the immortal prince finally could die, but because he used life power recklessly, he transformed into a different race—completely not human anymore.

The backdrop of this story implies that at that time, the nations’ powers had gotten overly strong, challenging the divine authority of various temples, including the Temple of Life.

Unable to tolerate this, the Goddess of Life used Arcad as a cautionary tale and quickly brought about its downfall, solidifying divine authority.

Afterward, Arcadia arose as the successor and revered the Beast God as their national deity, producing generations of chief priestesses as a sign of respect for the gods.

Thus, the temples and the royal families kept to their own domains.

– Ancient history revealed through myth.

The claims made in this book are not the mainstream view of academia.

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