Why I Can’t Die : Ressurected in Another World With Unlimited Life

Chapter 6 : Fear

I just woke up in my bed. What just happened? Did I die…? The demon. I should run away…

I jumped out of bed. I can sense footsteps outside in the garden. I should hide at once. Wait, what about Stella? I should at least warn her.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer. The door to my room opens.

— "Leon, you're already awake…" —

— "Mom, there's a demon!" —

Stella smiled.

— "There's no demon, honey. You were just dreaming, okay? Now, here's a book. Just stay in your room and read quietly. Let me finish my chores, and I'll teach you more magic later." —

I know it wasn't a dream. I can still feel the pain. I look out the window—nothing seems unusual…

I walk out of my room and start checking things. The clothes I'm wearing today are different from what I wore yesterday.

I saw Stella in the garden watering the plants. I can't see Gustav anywhere, which makes sense since he went to the capital yesterday. So, this doesn't seem like a time loop thing that i experienced in my previous life. Maybe I really was just dreaming?

As I went back to my room, I noticed a bump in the garden. Wait, that's the remnant of the magic I used to try to escape the demon yesterday.

So, everything really happened... I feel like vomiting. I can feel the sword slowly impaling my body again… everything is turning gray. I'm getting dizzy.

I can hear Stella's footsteps. Is that really Stella?

The footsteps slowly enter the house. I can't move my body, and I feel like I'm about to collapse.

Then, Stella appeared.

Good thing it was really her.

— "Is something wrong, Leon? Why are you standing there? Are you excited for your training today?" —

I nodded silently.

I don't know what just happened. Stella doesn't give me any hint—she's acting like her usual self. Is this part of some demon magic?

What should I do? What if the demon comes back and kills us all? No, Stella is a powerful mage. She can definitely defeat that demon.

I held Stella's hand, ready to tell her what happened.

— "Mom..." — I began, but before I could finish my sentence, Stella's appearance started to change. Her hand grew enormous, and her face morphed into that of the demon who killed me.

— "So, you're still alive, boy..." — He smirked, staring into my eyes with murderous intent. I couldn't move. My body felt heavy with fear, and I didn't want to experience death again.

He stabbed me once more with his sword and then choked me with his massive hand. I couldn't breathe. It felt like my head was going to explode.

I tried to beg for my life, but no sound came from my throat.

Suddenly, the scene shifted. It was as if I was sinking to the bottom of the ocean... then, in an instant...

I opened my eyes. I was lying in the garden, dirt clinging to my body. I could still feel the demon's presence. My body was cold, and I couldn't move.

What just happened? Was I dreaming?

Slowly, I started to move. My shirt had a large tear, evidence that what happened last night wasn't just a dream. Where was the demon? I immediately ran inside to check on Stella. She was still sleeping peacefully. Did I really die?

The last thing I remember was the demon snapping my neck, and then everything went dark.

I used my magic to detect movement in the area, but everything seemed normal.

I quickly undressed, burned the bloodstained clothes, and quietly snuck back into my room to change. Once dressed, I lay in bed, trying to calm down before Stella woke up.

The demon has some kind of gravity magic. How is that possible? Gravity isn’t even an element—maybe it’s dark magic. That’s way too overpowered. What should I do if the demon comes back? If I tell Stella, she’ll definitely think I’m making it up since I’m still alive. And who would believe a 4-year-old child?

I need to go back to my own world, immediately, before the demon comes back. Maybe if I die multiple times, I can return. Or maybe getting hit by a wagon would work. I have to find a way. The longer I stay in this world, the higher the chance I’ll run into that demon again.

I want to cry so badly. The door to my room suddenly opens.

I hear footsteps. I bury my face into the pillows. Then I feel something touch the spot on my back where the demon’s sword pierced me. I scream as loud as I can.

When I look back, I see Stella standing there, her face full of shock.

-- Is there something wrong, Leon? --

I shake my head. Stella picks me up and places me at the dining table, then starts cooking breakfast.

I can’t help but glance out the window...

Suddenly, the air feels heavy. A shadow watches me through the window. The demon’s smirking face flashes through my mind.

I scream and fall off the chair.

Stella rushes toward me.

-- Leon, what happened? Does it hurt? Is something bothering you? Do you miss your father? --

I can’t speak. I don’t understand what Stella is saying. My mind is full of thoughts of being killed again. I need to escape this world and return to my own. The demon can’t reach me there.

Stella picks me up and places me back on the chair, then serves a sunny-side-up egg. The yolk turns red... no, not just the yolk, everything is turning red. When I look down, I see the demon’s sword piercing my body again.

Suddenly, Stella touches my forehead, and everything returns to normal. Maybe she’s checking if I have a fever.

I feel like I’m losing my mind. Am I hallucinating? Or maybe I’m still under the demon’s magic...

I try to cast a spell. I create a flaming arrow. Stella is shocked and immediately counters my magic before I can release it.

-- Leon! What are you doing? Who taught you that? --

- Stop! You’re not my mom, you’re a demon! -

-- Leon, did something happen to you? Stop acting like that! --

I recast the flaming arrow, but this time Stella looks angry. She counters it again with a water spell and she beat the shit out of me.

Now I’m lying on my bed, realizing I’m not under a demon’s spell. The air feels lighter.

I think I’m hallucinating. If didn’t die yesterday. Does that mean the demon let me live? But that’s impossible—his killing intent was real.

If he really killed me, why am I still alive? I’ve experienced this before, but this time, I didn’t go back to the past or the moment before dying. I’m really confused.

Before sunset, I hear noises outside. Im hesistant to look, but when I do, I see Gustav and his party returning.

Stella opens the door, and they come inside while she prepares tea. Gustav notices me and picks me up, placing me on his lap.

Having Gustav here makes me feel safer.

-- Leon wasn’t a good boy today -- Stella tells Gustav about how I cast two flame arrows and my strange behavior.

Gustav and his party seem impressed that I could cast such a spell, but after a few laughs, the mood becomes serious.

Stella sits down, and Gustav begins to speak.

-- What we’ve discovered is catastrophic. Figon have appeared not just here, but across the entire human continent. In every city and village, there are varying numbers of them—some places have only a few, while others are overrun. We suspect the demon lord is either planning an all-out attack on the human kingdoms or searching for something. --

The demon that tried to kill me yesterday mentioned something about the demon lord. Could the demon lord be scared of something? Maybe they’re trying to locate Stella and Gustav since they were part of the hero’s party.

But the demon didn’t do anything to Stella.

-- We reported it to the capital, and the king tried to recruit me as a captain and honorary knight to lead a defense brigade in far Philos province. I refused. I can’t leave this village yet. The remaining provinces of Arthria are in dire state after the fall of the capital of Arthria, and other kingdoms can’t send reinforcements without weakening their own defenses against the demons. --

As they continue talking, night falls, and Gustav’s party stays the night. Having them here makes me feel less worried, even if the demon comes back...

I tried to secretly sneak outside. Lian is sleeping in my room, while Sario and Stink are outside.

As I jump out of bed, Lian wakes up. She has good reflexes and easily senses movement around her.

-- Where are you going? -- she asks.

- I’m going to pee. -

She picks me up and takes me outside. After I pee, I look up at the sky. I’m still scared and run toward Lian.

She looks up too.

-- Are you afraid of the dark? --

She weaves her fingers through the air and starts chanting. A ball of light appears on her fingertips like a bubble, floating. She pops each ball, creating a short burst of light.

-- This is light magic. When I’m scared, I cast this. It doesn’t do much, just lights up the dark. --

I try to do what she’s doing.

She laughs.

-- It’s impossible for you, Leon. Only healers and priests can do light magic. --

I weave my fingers, and suddenly, a huge ball of light appears.

I smirk at Lian, but her face turns pale.

-- Leon... that’s not light magic. That’s a huge ball of lightning! --

Before I realize what she’s saying, I pop the ball of lightning with my finger.

A massive current of electricity surges through me, electrocuting my whole body. Lian screams. My body feels like it’s on fire. I can’t move, and I feel like I’m going to explode...

*/ Dead

*/ Rebooting

*/ Leon's remaining lives: 8,199,999,998

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