Why I Can’t Die : Ressurected in Another World With Unlimited Life

Chapter 7 : System

It's been a year since the demon killed me, and I'm already 5 years old. After everything that happened, I've come to realize something unbelievable... I can't die. The demon genuinely killed me back then, but maybe he thought I was really dead and just went back to his bat cave or something , leaving me behind. I only realized I was immortal by accident when I electrocuted myself. Lian told me she was panicking at the time, trying to heal me using her light magic. My pulse kept getting weaker that night, and eventually, my heart stopped completely. But then, I suddenly came back to life.

Lian never told Gustav or Stella what happened because she was too scared to be scolded by Gustav. That's when I learned that Lian was actually Stella's student. When Stella and Gustav first arrived in this village they met Lian, along with Sario and Stink, they become part of a group of troublemakers. They were orphans who caused trouble in the village, stealing and misbehaving. and i bet you would never guess who's their leader, right?

Well the leader is my sweet loving mother... "Stella Ishtar"

Stella would often teach Lian magic, but Lian wasn't skilled with elemental magic. However, she was blessed by the gods, which is why she can use light magic.

Over the past year, Lian has been acting as my temporary master. She's taught me not only the fundamentals of light magic but also how basic elemental magic can be used for healing. While it may not be as effective as light magic, we discovered that water, fire, air, and even earth magic all have some potential for healing. For example, when dealing with wounds, water magic can be incredibly useful. The liquid portion of blood, called plasma, is 90% water, so by manipulating water magic, you can stop bleeding temporarily or even re-route blood flow to avoid danger.

Despite all this, I still don't know if my immortality has any limits. In my original world, after dying multiple times, I was reborn here. What if dying too often here causes me to be reborn in a different world? I don't want that to happen. I've grown too familiar with the people here in this world. They're warm, kind, and I've become too attached to them. I don't want to leave this world, or worse, give Stella and Gustav the pain of losing their son. And yet, despite these attachments, there's still a part of me that longs to return to my original world, back to my sister. I miss her, but im stuck here in this world.

Back to the present. We just received a letter from Uncle Enchu saying that a Magus named "Lili" will be coming here to teach me magic, though I already know a lot of elemental magic and how it works.

Anyway, today is supposed to be special because Gustav promised he would take me on his next adventure. I've been waiting since morning, but now it's afternoon, and I still haven't found him anywhere.

That jerk. Maybe he never intended to take me at all.

So, I decide to sneak out of the house and search for him in the village. I bet he's probably in the guild, drinking beer or something.

This is my first time going into the village alone. Every time we come here, Stella either carries me or uses her wind magic to make me float. It's strange walking here on my own.

The houses and establishments seem so tall—not quite as tall as the buildings in my original world, but they're definitely imposing. The design feels very medieval, like something straight out of Warcraft 3—if you know what that is.

Despite being a small village, it's lively, especially in the market area. There are only five main areas in the whole village: three residential areas, one large crop field called the farm area (the biggest of them all), and this market area. We live between the residential and farm areas, so it's much quieter where we are.

After a bit of walking, I finally reach the guild. As I enter, the people inside look tough and intimidating, their eyes staring at me like they could kill me with just a glance. Everyone seems to be watching me when suddenly, a man near the reception stands up.

--Hey, kid! Where do you think you're going? You're not supposed to be in here.--

-I'm looking for my father.- I respond calmly.

--Your father? Why not check the list of dead adventurers? Maybe he's one of those who got eaten alive by a silver wolf.-- He chuckles at his own words.

I don't get these side characters. Why laugh at your own nonsense?

Suddenly, someone shouts from the back, --That's Gustav's son!!--

The man from earlier looks shocked, his expression changes from amusement to fear.

--Oh Young Master!! Hahahahaha, so you're Mr. Gustav's son, I'm Deo. Im Just kidding about earlier. If you're looking for your dad, he's out with his party on a job to slay a Moon Bear in the forest.-- He smiles awkwardly.

That bastard! He left me behind to have fun on an adventure.

Before I leave, my eyes catch a sign on the guild board: Exterminate Goblins. Goblins are supposed to be weak creatures in manga and anime, right? Maybe I could take on that job and try to exterminate some.

Deo notices me staring at the poster.

--Young master, are you interested in this job?-- he asks.

-Yes.- I nod, curious.

--Unfortunately, kids aren't allowed to take guild jobs until they're 16 and pass some tests.-- He explains.

Then what was the point of asking me? These people are really getting on my nerves.

--Well, I'm 32 already.-- Deo winks at me.

Wait is he planning to get this quest for me?

He grabs the poster and takes it to the woman at the counter. After a moment, he turns and gives me a weird hand signal, gesturing for me to follow him. I head outside and wait. After a few seconds, Deo comes out, now armed with an axe and shield. He's not as bulky as Gustav, but he's got decent muscle.

--Come, young master. I'll show you the strength of Deo, the "Goblin Slayer!"--

We walk together through the outskirts of the village until we reach the forest.

--Young master, have you ever been in this forest before?--

I shook my head.

--You know, this forest is home to some pretty dangerous monsters. My family used to live on the outskirts, near the forest's entrance. Monsters attacked us almost everyday. I'm a wanted man for selling Sandmite, a material that dissolves metal. It's illegal in the Eastern Kingdoms, so my family and I weren't allowed to live in the village. Life was tough. My wife and I struggled to survive. I couldn't get a job because I was wanted man, so we relied on nature to provide for us. But, it was always risky.

Everything changed when Mr. Gustav came back from his journey with the Hero party. The first time I saw him, I was filled with envy and hatred. He had this aura of arrogance, like a hero who knew he was better than everyone else. Then, one day, a horde of goblins attacked our home. 

They kidnapped my wife and daughter. I ran to the guild, begging for help, but no one cared. They ignored me, treating me like an insect—or worse, like I wasn't even human.

At that moment, I wished everyone around me would die. Why did my family have to suffer? I knew I had done bad things in the past, but my wife and daughter were innocent. Why did they have to pay for my mistakes?

Then, out of nowhere, Mr. Gustav walked up to me, placed his hand on my shoulder, and asked what had happened. After I told him, he sprinted toward the forest.

 I couldn't even keep up with him. By the time I got there, blood and goblin guts were everywhere. Gustav had killed hundreds of goblins, hobgoblins, and even the Goblin Lord. 

He saved my wife and daughter. Not only that, but he convinced the village chief to lift my sanctions and let me live inside the village.

 He even gave me a job at the guild. After training with him for years, I became a full-fledged adventurer dedicated to slaying goblins! Hahaha!--

That was a long-ass story, but yeah, I guess Gustav is a pretty good guy.

--Are you tired, young master? I can carry you on my back.--

I show off my magic skills by floating in the air. Deo looks stunned for a moment before laughing.

--You really are Mr. Gustav's son! Hahaha!--

I smile back. After an hour of walking—or rather, floating—we finally reach the goblin cave.

--So, they're building their little kingdom again. Goblins breed fast, so we need to exterminate every last one.-- He says, assessing the cave.

The cave is small, maybe only 1 meter in radius, more like a tunnel than an actual cave. Deo starts a fire at the entrance, using leaves and pouring some kind of liquor over them before setting them ablaze. Smoke begins to fill the cave.

--By doing this, young master, goblins will suffocate and come out. Unless there's another exit hole, which we'll spot when the smoke starts coming out of it too.--

Suddenly, I sense tiny footsteps with my detection magic. The vibrations grow louder, meaning there are more than 50 goblins headed our way.

The first goblin emerges, rushing at Deo with a dagger. Deo dodges and slams his shield into the goblin's face, signaling for me to float higher. More goblins surface and attack, but Deo is quick. He takes them down, one by one, with his shield and axe, moving with surprising speed. He even uses some kind of martial art to redirect their attacks, making them stab each other.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see a flash of light. A goblin with a bow is aiming at Deo. The sun reflects off the glass-tipped arrow he's fashioned. Before the arrow can hit, I cast an earth wall to block it. Deo notices and nods his thanks before I cast a fire arrow.

The goblin archer fires at me, but I shoot my fire arrow back, using air magic to amplify the range. The spell hits the archer and a few goblins around it. They scream in agony before finally collapsing.

And then, something strange happens…

A flash of light appears before my eyes.

I'm not hallucinating.

A screen appears.

*/ System: +10 Exp

 */ System: +10 Exp

 */ System: +10 Exp 

*/ System: +10 Exp

What the hell is happening...

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