Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

029 : I Don’t Mean To Be Rude But That Is Intentional (Part 1)

It was such a good day. The sun is already up but due to the skies that were still healthy in the past, the rays weren't painful when kissing the skin. It actually enhanced the beautification effect, creating a dream-like atmosphere that makes anyone want to just become lazy.

Well, Lin Mian Mian is only planning of sleeping for the whole day. If not only because of Fu Xiao San ''considerate' concern to his well-being, he didn't have any plans of going out today.

After sending Lu Mao away to accept the guest, Lin Mian Mian moved to the backyard where an old gazebo was constructed. The gazebo has an octagonal shape, with brick tiered roof, concreted posts, and balusters surrounding the stone deck in an open gate intervals. Originally, the deck was void with any objects so Lin Mian Mian had some people to place a carpet and a low table on the middle.

He discovered this place a few days after transmigrating and had the servants clean it for him. Aside from the old wisteria tree on the front yard, Lin Mian Mian also loves to stay on this place though he rarely uses it due to the distance. The gazebo is a bit far from the main house and Lin Mian Mian who never liked walking around will go directly to his favorite spot under the wisteria tree rather than detouring around.

Though, this time, he chose to gather his not so great energy and headed towards the area. After all, he can't allow anyone to enter the house since he is already married to the emperor. Even though it was a fellow concubine, he is still a man and two opposite genders staying in an ambiguous place might create rumors.

Well, this had become the usual venue for 'entertaining the green tea babies' so he has no say about it.

Lin Mian Mian traced the stone path towards the gazebo with light steps. Zhao Yue is already on the venue waiting for Lin Mian Mian come. She helped her master to settle down as they waited for Lu Mao to arrive. Lin Mian Mian spent his time eating the small snack given to him as he silently glossed over to the side of the gazebo.

He wasn't sure who constructed this place but he is sure that this one is built with thoughtful consideration to the inhabitant's comfortability. The location of the gazebo wasn't placed just 'somewhere' but in an area where there are trees crowding though did not cover the landscape of the backyard.

There is also a small lotus pond installed on one side of the gazebo. If one would move a bit, you will clearly see the abundance of the lutes pond with playful koi hiding under the palm-sized leaves. Sometimes, Lin Mian Mian would feed the fat fishes and would laugh lightly for being silly.

The dazed expression of Lin Mian Mian gave off a warm feeling. He was only wearing his normal clothes today but somehow the effect of the rays reflecting on his being exhibited a fantasy-like effect. Added by his mood, the whole atmosphere become unrealistic as though it was just a painting created by a famous artist.

This is the scene Fu Xiao San had seen and she could not help but sucked in some air. The distortion of reality made her feels a bit dizzy, causing her to suddenly become pale. The beauty that Lin Mian Mian holds is too blinding for a mere mortal to see. Fu Xiao San subconsciously took a step back creating a noise that destroyed the silence.

Lin Mian Mian was awoken from his lazy stupor and faced the direction of the pale slug. He wasn't familiar with Fu Xiao San yet so he just smiled lightly to show his 'willingness to make friends' and greeted the lady. His gentle voice flowed out menacingly, causing more burdens to Fu Xiao San's sorry figure.

Fu Xiao San nodded in recognition and followed Lin Mian Mian's servants for her position to the table. She sat opposite to Lin Mian Mian, beside her are her own maids. All of them bowed before Lin Mian Mian to show recognition. Lin Mian Mian did not spare any glance towards them and focused his attention to Fu Xiao San.

Nobody of them spoke. Lin Mian Mian is not the one who invited the woman so he has no responsibility of starting the conversation. Surely, Fu Xiao San is the one who requested entry, right? She must have a reason to do so. Lin Mian Mian calmly waited as he drank the warm tea on his hands.

Fu Xiao San is sensible enough to understand the situation so she first collected her thoughts before proceeding. She took a box from the servant beside her and placed it on the table. She pushed the object towards Lin Mian Mian's direction. With a smile, she started a heartwarming cry.

"It is such a good weather. This Shijie was taking a walk around when shijie came across your place. I haven't said my introductions so I decided to visit little sister. Here is a gift from your senior," Fu Xiao San said.

Lin Mian Mian placed the cup down and smiled. "Lady Fu is too courteous. It was such a good day; surely, I wouldn't feel bad to have this lady visit me."

Lin Mian Mian internally snorted. This Fu Xiao San is said to be refined and headstrong, but her appearance now only showed weakness. If it were the past, Lin Mian Mian would have believed her words. But considering it now, her whole sentences are just filled with lies.

So she decided to visit him since she was walking around and found his courtyard? Pfft- what a dumb joke.

For the information of everyone, especially for Fu Xiao San, the Jade Lin Courtyard can be found in one of the secluded areas of the palace. It is said to be very far from the center where the harem's quarters can be found. No one could just simply 'came across to your courtyard' without an intention.

The distances between two locations are enough for a carriage to be carried over. When Lin Mian Mian goes to the Emperor's study, he has to walk half an hour on foot just to reach the area. This is the reason why the servants are resolute of stopping their master for wasting his effort.

This is also the reason why they speculated about Yan JinLong's affection towards Lin Mian Mian. Since the place is far from the Dragon's room, then his daily 'mooching off food' to the Jade Lin's courtyard means that he placed a huge value towards the individual.

Surely, nobody will just come to this courtyard just to sleep overnight, right?

Surely, the 'mooching off food' is not meant literally but figuratively, right?

The silence once again returned between the two. Lin Mian Mian spent his time drinking his tea while Fu Xiao San observed his behaviour. She only stared at the warm cup of tea and ignored the snacks handed to her.

Lin Mian Mian thought that this woman is very dull. She is very different from the other concubines that were so noisy when they visit. Most of the time, those women would say a lot of beautiful things, describing Lin Mian Mian with the most wonderful adjectives to compliment him. They will do all the talking showing their enthusiasm towards the youth.

Thinking about it, he should really praise Fu Xiao San. She might be dull but her intelligence made her act mature. At least, she wasn't spouting false flowers and glitters. Her silence and fair temperament highlighted her high IQ.

So, Lin Mian Mian must be very careful towards this woman.

"Honestly, I am surprised from Lady Fu's visit. I didn't expect you to come," Lin Mian Mian suddenly admitted.

Fu Xiao San hid a smirk. "I know my visit is abrupt. I should have notified this little sister beforehand."

"You should not," have visited, is what Lin Mian Mian wanted to say.

"Why should I not? This little sister might become the next Empress. This humble Lady should have realized her position. I deeply apologized," Fu Xiao San said.

Lin Mian Mian chuckled. This person is really frank ah. She wasn't afraid of throwing speculations. Fu Xiao San openly saying Lin Mian Mian's status only means that she has a way to stop it.

"This Lady is too humble," Lin Mian Mian denied the fact. Though, in his heart, he already know that Yan JinLong already prepared for his coronation. He just recalled that Yan JinLong slyly called him Empress.

It's too sweet ah. He almost wanted to puke... like literally.

Zhao Yue noticed her master's complexion suddenly changing. Lin Mian Mian only looked at his maid and smiled weakly. It seems that he had eaten too much earlier. This is the result of eating a lot, then still eating snacks after lunch.

However, Fu Xiao San did not see any changes from him. Her hands reached out for the tea that has become mildly warm and rubbed the cup.

"It is true," she said directly.

"Lady Fu, really, it is not-" Lin Mian Mian pushed the feeling of nausea as he drank the new tea handed by Zhao Yue. This one is different from earlier. It relieved Lin Mian Mian from his feeling.

"It is," Fu Xiao San insisted. "Everyone can see it. His Highness had placed much importance to you. Surely, when His Majesty comes back, he will crown you as His Majesty's Empress."

Well, girl, you are damn right. Lin Mian Mian stopped his urge for blurting such modern words and shook his head. He still showed a rather innocent expression like a teenager not believing that someone has a crush on him.

"His Highness had treated me the same. Surely, His Highness also treated his other wives the same after their marriage," Lin Mian Mian said.

"It is different," Fu Xiao San announced. "And I am sure that you are aware of it."

"What does this Lady means?" Lin Mian Mian is really good acting like a dumb person.

Fu Xiao San chuckled. She is aware that Lin Mian Mian is just playing around. Of course, it is not her nature to back down. She continued on her words, highly emphasizing Lin Mian Mian's relationship towards the Emperor.

"Sister Lin, don't you think you are being dumb too much?" Fu Xiao San frankly exclaimed. "There is a limit on how you wear your thick mask before people. Do you think that I am easy to fool?"

Lin Mian Mian smiled, but his eyes say otherwise. He must looks like a hypocrite, according to his own self-assessment.

"Then, was I able to fool you?" Lin Mian Mian asked.

"Ha," Fu Xiao San exclaimed. "Don't take me on the same page as them."

The atmosphere between the two people changed. Earlier, it was filled with non-biodegrable smoke rising from the burning of plastics. Now, it was just simply the torrent of massacre residing on each other's temperament.

"You will become the Empress," Fu Xiao San stated, as a matter of fact.

"Don't talk nonsense," Lin Mian Mian aloofly said. "We all know that the emperor will only favor a woman in one month. The month just finished. I already lost favor before anyone realized it."

"Do you think that His Highness will really switch favorites after last month?" Fu Xiao San questioned.

"What? You're afraid that His Highness will suddenly realize that He only loved me?" Lin Mian Mian snorted.

Fu Xiao San didn't say anything but her silence means yes. Didn't she just say that Lin Mian Mian will become the empress? It only means that he is already chosen and nothing else. She controlled the sour emotion forming on her heart as she clenched her hands tightly.

If only Lin Mian Mian knows how the emperor acted the moment he realized that Lin Mian Mian can never become his Empress.

After His Highness left the Jade Lin Courtyard and never returned, is also the time the harem faced their greatest demise. It might look like Yan JinLong had forgotten Lin Mian Mian. But only the women of the harem knows the nightmare they experienced under the hands of the tyrant emperor.

In this time, Fu Xiao San will stop that event to happen. She will stop the emperor from falling in love further.

"I've been wondering," Fu Xiao San, mused. "Sister Lin always insisted that His Highness only liked Sister Lin in a trifling manner. Does Sister Lin did not love His Highness?"

"What are you implying?" Lin Mian Mian hastily replied.

"You wanted to leave this place, right?"

The place was suddenly engulfed with silence. The servants that were listening to their masters' bickering could not believe the sequence of the conversation. Even Zhao Yue who experienced rebirth is in a state of shock. She glanced at Fu Xiao San then shifted her attention to Lin Mian Mian. The latter is just calmly sipping his tea.

Fu Xiao San did not wait for Lin Mian Mian's response and continued.

"If you do not want to be here then I can help you to escape. With the Fu Family as your back-up, surely the officers will release you. The influence that the Fu Family carried is not low-"

"Lady Fu, what made you think that I want to leave the palace?" Lin Mian Mian cut her off.

She wanted to continue speaking but Lin Mian Mian's question suddenly halted her thoughts. What does he mean by that question? Isn't it clear from his actions that he disliked the Emperor that much?

Nobody might not be able to notice it but with Fu Xiao San's IQ, she could at least understand Lin Mian Mian's intention. She was about to retort when suddenly a young boy appeared on the side. It was Lu Mao looking for his master.

"Master Lin, I apologized for disturbing your chat," Lu Mao made his salutations. "But I have to report this important matter. Concubine Yin is requesting for Master Lin's audience. Her Lady is already waiting at the front."

"Is that so," Lin Mian Mian responded coldly. Having Fu Xiao San is already a headache. Then here comes Yin Mei Mei.

"Should this servant accept her invitation?" Lu Mao asked.

Lin Mian Mian pondered over the matter. He was still talking with Fu Xiao San. Having Yin Mei Mei join the battle will only make a mess. The other lady noticed the situation and quickly stood up. She wasn't done speaking but to have another person in their conversation will only complicate things. She already decided to go without any advance notice.

As she departed, Lin Mian Mian parted some words. His voice is still gentle but the words that got out from his mouth is not. Fu Xiao San could not help but to keep the urge of wanting to kill and stomp away. Zhao Yue followed the figure as it walked away further.

"Master Lin," the maid worriedly called out.

"Don't worry," Lin Mian Mian reassured. "If anything else, I will not ask anyone's help. They will only give us more trouble if we agreed."

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