Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

030 : I Don’t Mean To Be Rude But That Is Intentional (Part 2)

If not for suddenly becoming out of character, Lin Mian Mian will surely throw out a feast for Yin Mei Mei for winning a title on the Guinness book of records for having the thickest face of all. Her capability to look over something sensible is very high praising, almost making Lin Mian Mian want to smack the confetti on her face.


As what he can remember, the two of them separated in bad terms.


Because of Lin Mian Mian, Yin Mei Mei is under probation, shaking her most protected position from falling. If not due to the crises the empire is facing, she would be as good as those concubines on the cold palace. She must be very careful in her every actions since one more mistake is enough to push her away.


And yet, with all those red warning, she still courted death without fail.


Does she think that Lin Mian Mian is just a dog who only barks but cannot bite? You think his teeth are for decorations?


Only by just thinking of her makes his head hurts.


The rotten maids beside her notice his grim expression and could not help but to sigh. They wanted to at least help Lin Mian Mian in dealing with the harem but they don't have the ability oppress. They can only stand on the side to keep supporting Lin Mian Mian on his hardships.


While they were waiting for Yin Mei Mei to arrive, Han Luli took this time to look at the gift Fu Xiao San handed earlier. The gift was incased in a wooden container that has a slider lock. One only needed to push the upper part lightly to open the sealed object, - to which is what she just did.


An earthy scent of sandalwood coming from the container wafted to the surroundings. The discomfort coming from Lin Mian Mian's face suddenly changed as he subconsciously shifted his attention to the container. The two other maids who were stunned by the scent also looked at Han Luli. It seems that she was also surprised as she openly showed the gift towards their master.


In a single look, the object can be mistaken as a tea bag. If not from the fragrant scent it releases, Lin Mian Mian would not consider dipping the object to warm water. Zhao Yue inspected the scented pouch to see whether some unwanted herbs were placed inside. However, prior to earlier's surprise, her face contorted more as though disbelieving something.


Lin Mian Mian watched the funny expression of his maids and could not help but to ask, “What is it? Is there something wrong on it?"


"There's none," the maid honestly answered. "Actually, this is something unexpected."


"What do you mean?" Lin Mian Mian was intrigued.


"Master Lin, you see, this scented pouch is one of the Fu Family's best creations," Zhao Yue narrated smartly. "Even though they were business-related family, the other side of the Fu Family mainly deals with medicine. This scented pouch is filled to the brim with scented herbs."


"And these herbs are not cheap. They are often come with a very high price," Han Luli agreed. "And guessing from the smell, the herbs weren't young. They must have been century-old herbs!"


"Is it bad to my body?" Lin Mian Mian frowned. He somehow liked the smell. Don't tell him that there's a drug added inside?


"No, master. It is actually the opposite!" Shao Yue exclaimed. "This scented pouch will not only make the bearer smell good, it can also relieve stress and pains. Isn't master feeling bad earlier? After smelling it, did not your body feel better?"


"Indeed, it does," Lin Mian Mian nodded. Only by the first wave of the smell is enough to erase his nausea. However, why would Fu Xiao San give something like this? Is she not here to give him ill intentions?


While the beauty is busy contemplating, a bitch- coughs - a lady in red robes arrived on the scene. Lu Mao is standing before her, greeting Lin Mian Mian with a courteous bow. He waited for Lin Mian Mian's permission to go before leaving with another bow, leaving the two 'ladies' to have their chat. Yin Mei Mei sat on the opposite side of the table with her servants following closely behind.


Yin Mei Mei did not fail to highlight her colors again. As usual, her tempting face is enough to earn a place inside the harem. Even Lin Mian Mian has no reason to refute on this fact. Her best asset is her beauty so there is nothing wrong in using her face to her advantage.


But that is just it. She had no other advantage whatsoever to use.


Lin Mian Mian did not want to greet the hateful woman but it would be inappropriate for his image so he casually thrown out a greeting. Yin Mei Mei also did not waste any time and pretended like she was sincere in accepting the greeting openly praising Lin Mian Mian like some holy god or something. He just only smiled as though giving face to the woman.


"This place is really beautiful," Yin Mei Mei suddenly announced, her eyes sweeping pass to the hanging decorations down to the lotus pond. There was a strange glint coming from her eyes as she continued, "Though the place looks dilapidated, it can still be called decent at least. I hope Sister Lin is sleeping well with such environment."


"Lady Yin needs not to worry," Lin Mian Mian smiled brightly. "This place is very fine. The area is big and spacious. At least, I could move around and explore. However, this can't be compared to the flower garden inside the quarters. Surely, Lady Yin is living her life to the fullest."


The empty words the two people are exchanging is all about the issue of space allocation towards the harem. It was already introduced that the harem lived on the quarters. However big, these quarters are a lot smaller compared to the Jade Lin's courtyard.


There were jealousy at first, but when the harem learned that the courtyard is found on the edge of the palace, they somehow suddenly felt good. It has been said that the people the emperor did not want will always be thrown aside. Does it mean that Yan JinLong actually disliked the new wife and even throwing him farther away?


Well, this is their first thoughts. It gradually changed after a few days of observation.


Now, seeing the courtyard, it still often leads the women to feel envy. But that did not last longer since they already know that Lin Mian Mian already secured his position. This courtyard could only be considered as a small amount compared to what riches that he will receive in the future. All they could do now is to earn the favor to be protected. There's no use to get their hopes up.


But it is different for Yin Mei Mei.


"You flatter me so much. I am only faring well," Yin Mei Mei smiled sweetly. "Compared to the Jade Lin's courtyard, how can the flower garden compare? Even the lotus pond looks very promising."


Lin Mian Mian did not answer. He did not want to question the lady's mock impression. Yin Mei Mei also did not continue the subject and proceeded on showing her objects. She presented a small pot of clay container. The servant on her side took the job of setting the boiled water to the kettle.


"My father just delivered a new set of tea. The harvest is great this year so he spared me a few sacks. I shared a few pounds to our sisters and they told me that you also liked this tea. So I am here to share it with Sister Lin," Yin Mei Mei poured two cups of tea. She placed one cup before. "Would you like to take some taste?"


"Lady Yin is really generous. I'm afraid I could not refuse the offer," Lin Mian Mian covered his mouth with a light chuckle then touched the rim of the cup.


Lin Mian Mian already prepared some precautions. He had the maids to place a plant on the side of the table where Lin Mian Mian is expected to throw the drink. Li Hui, the little scholar, prepared it with Lu Mao. They said that this plant has the ability to detect poison. Once fed, the plant's leaves will change color.


Though, he can't find the time to throw the drink away so he remained touching the rim of the cup as though waiting for it to get cold. Yin Mei Mei did not force him to drink it instantly; instead, she then offered another object. This time, it was a basket filled with wheat cookies.


"This recipe that Sister Lin created is really good. I tried making one myself. I wanted to know what Sister Lin's thoughts after tasting it," then again, Yin Mei Mei placed a platter of cookies before Lin Mian Mian.


There were three pieces of brown colored biscuits topped with raisins. Basing from the colors, it is obvious that this was created by a skilled cook. Lin Mian Mian obviously knows that Yin Mei Mei isn't the one who created it so he was slightly at ease. However, he did not dare to taste it. Who knows whatever things Yin Mei Mei had sprinkled over it?


Yin Mei Mei tried to chat a lot of things starting from whatever fancies her. Lin Mian Mian just listened, would occasionally answer a few words or two. He did not like Yin Mei Mei's persistent character but he was amused by her pestilence. He almost thought that she is tougher than a cockroach.


Time went by and Lin Mian Mian remained stuck on his position. Yin Mei Mei noticed that he still did not touch the tea and biscuit and questioned him. Her innocent expression highlighted her sweet smile, almost resembling a child being bullied.


"I apologized," Lin Mian Mian gently responded. "Lady Fu chatted with me earlier. We were having a 'nice' chat and never thought that I ate full. I think I could eat no more..."


"Don't worry," Yin Mei Mei shook her head lightly. "This tea helps for digestion. It will lighten your tummy quickly."


"Really?" Lin Mian Mian twitched. This scheming bitch is really something!


"Really," Yin Mei Mei took the cold tea form Lin Mian Mian and threw the contents to the nearby pond. She poured another steaming cup to Lin Mian Mian. "Here, take some drink."


"My pleasure," Lin Mian Mian replied with a smile. "Lady Yin is really very generous."


Lin Mian Mian brought the warm drink on his mouth. The scent of fresh leaves wafted through his nose. Suddenly, Lin Mian Mian's face contorted and his lips quickly paled. Han Luli and Zhao Yue noticed the sudden change as they hurriedly went to his side.


Lin Mian Mian can no longer hold the tea cup and let it go, having the porcelain fall without fail. The shattering sounds of glass echoed through the whole courtyard alerting Lu Mao and the guards on the gate. It only took a few seconds for people to crowd the gazebo.


Yin Mei Mei did not know what happened. She stood up to help Lin Mian Mian but she was blocked by the maids. She was forcedly pushed away before someone escorted her out the place. Zhao Yue took the tea from the kettle and threw it down to the designated plant. It will take a few seconds to see if the tea was poisoned so they waited for a while.


However, there was no change on the plant. It remained green and vigorous as though a panacea was given to it. The three maids looked at each other and wondered. What caused such a strong reaction towards Lin Mian Mian if there is nothing wrong with the tea?


"What happened? Did that concubine made something wrong?" Lu Mao asked the ladies that were present on the scene.


"No, nothing happened," Han Luli gulped. "They were just chatting and Lady Yin gave Master Lin her tea."


"The tea is poisoned?" Lu Mao instantly paled. "Why did you not stopped him from drinking it? No, before that we should look for a physicia-"


"Hey calm down," Lin Mian Mian suddenly spoke.


The children that were panicking looked at their master. Lin Mian Mian is still pale, his forehead wet from sweat. His breathing was short and hurried, as though he had run a ten-kilometer race. The maids took a towel to wipe the sweat away while the other took a fan to at least cool him off. Lin Mian Mian gradually gained his color as time goes by.


"Give me the scented pouch," Lin Mian Mian asked.


Han Luli took the container where the scented pouch was placed and handed it to Lin Mian Mian. He only opened the container slightly to let a small scent of sandalwood to come out. Instantly, the weak feeling he experienced earlier lessened as he took more of the good smell. Lu Mao watched his master's body relaxed.


"What... what is that?" Lu Mao asked as he pointed to the box. "What actually happened?"


"You see..." Zhao Yue narrated the events accurately. After listening, Lu Mao inspected the plant on the corner and placed the plot on the middle of the table. Looking closely, there were no changes on the leaves neither a slight coloration. It only means that the tea Yin Mei Mei gave is indeed harmless.


But what is with Lin Mian Mian's strong reaction?


"However, we are still not sure. I will have Li Hui to take these tealeaves to a poison master to see if there are traces of medicine. These cookies will also be brought away," Lu Mao decided.


"It would be best if nobody will know what happened today. It will not be good if the Empress Dowager will come to investigate," Lin Mian Mian suddenly interjected. Everyone knows that the Empress Dowager is currently favoring Lin Mian Mian so if ever she learned about this incident, who knows what will happen to Yin Mei Mei.


"I did not want to admit but I also agree on this," Lu Mao said. "But Master Lin, you have to see a doctor. Your reaction is weird. There must be something wrong with the tea to make you react like that."


"Don't worry," Lin Mian Mian shook his head. "I must be only tired. I have been walking around lately. My body isn't used to this."


Lin Mian Mian had become lazy since day number one. To suddenly become so energetic will surely take a toll on his body. Lu Mao and the maids also knows about Lin Mian Mian's previous constitution and did not ponder over it. They just told Lin Mian Mian to drink the herbal medicines to increase his immunity.


Zhou Ning who has been silent since earlier suddenly made a thought. Her intuition is telling that there is something more than that. She recalled all the events that transpired on the recent days and somehow made a sudden conclusion. Han Luli and Zhao Yue noticed her thinking and asked her what is on her mind.


"I think Master Lin's condition... don't you think the symptoms are almost the same?" She asked.


"Symptoms? Symptoms of what?" Lu Mao asked worriedly.


"Um... Master Lin... does he not suddenly become more lethargic recently?"


The children nodded.


"He also suddenly has a good appetite... but just a few days ago he started to eat CERTAIN food and avoid his usual favorites."


Another nod came.


"He also faints and gets pale without reason. And today, we all witnessed it."


They could only agree ba!


"What do you mean? Do you think that..." Lu Mao is also familiar with the words and almost blurted a cursed word out. He stopped before he could say anything before turning around to face Lin Mian Mian.


Lin Mian Mian noticed the three children looking at his face curiously, and then suddenly shifted their attention to his stomach. He was caught by their action and looked down to his own body. What is it? Did they see something that he could not see?


One question dropped by as though a sudden wind caused havoc to the light environment. This made the people who were listening to become silent. Lu Mao took his words carefully without holding back.


"... Master Lin, are you pregnant?" He asked.


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