Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

031 : Back to Chapter One

"... Master Lin, are you pregnant?"

Five pairs of eyes stared at each other before a peal of heartfelt laughter filled the courtyard. The careless words that echoed through their ears sounded like some silly joke. Lu Mao, as the one who asked the question, thought that he made the funniest joke in history. There is no way that his Master Lin is pregnant, right?

Well, after all, with their knowledge of a certain future, they were able to avoid a lot of things. This includes Yan JinLong's 'merciless' copulation with Lin Mian Mian and some other harassment that the ger is supposed to receive. There is no way that such an event that they purposely avoided will happen without notice.

Lin Mian Mian also agreed on this matter. He knows that even though there are males in this world that can get pregnant, they were still not asexual beings that can reproduce by themselves. At the least, they needed some 'seed' to impregnate them. The same with the women - nobody will get pregnant so suddenly without the second parent cell.

Lin Mian Mian is pretty much sure that they haven't made it to the next level yet... right?

While the group is recovering from the obvious laughter, Lin Mian Mian made a short trip back on his memory. This is to show that nothing 'important' happened between him and Yan JinLong.

The scene went like how those movies rewind from the start. Lin Mian Mian looked at them with a slight blush as he remembered what kind of embarrassing things that he has done all the way through until now. Even though they were no 'planting' that happened, it doesn't mean that sexual lust isn't present.

Let's take the nights in his first weeks were his defenses are slowly being trampled by the Emperor's teasing. Lin Mian Mian generated a smart plan that the Emperor will surely applaud for his cleverness. Probably, even Minister Chang will also join the fun and award him with some honorable titles.

However, this could only be effective if the person that he was handling is a commoner. Against Yan JinLong who had experienced long-term poisoning since young, that little sleeping drug is just barely a tiny candy. He did got knock off on the first few nights but it only lasted for a few minutes. Yan JinLong had long gone immune to it on the third day.

This...Lin Mian Mian isn't aware of it.

He still thought that the emperor is still getting affected by the drug so he made a nice level-up experience of his 'handjob' skill. Well, it was tiring at first - first times will always be like this. But as he does the job longer, he realized that he could do any pleasurable 'hand gestures' and found some nice 'rubbing spots' to quicken the 'milking' of the Emperor. He even enjoyed it-

Ahem, well, as Yan JinLong is "slowly" getting immune, Lin Mian Mian is being teased longer than expected. This led the adorable ger to almost gave in and give the pearls. That last night where he almost executed the cowboy pa pa pa made him want to punch his past self.

Whose fault is it that made his body very sensitive to touch?

After that period, due to the war, Yan JinLong had become busy. But it doesn't mean that he never has the time to annoy Lin Mian Mian. If Minister Chang is not guarding the door twenty-four/seven, Yan JinLong had long eloped with Lin Mian Mian.

The single dog hated the dreamy figure of his irresponsible boss so he must tightly hold on the leash to stop the rabid dog from escaping. Who knows what kind of miracles will that stupid fuccboi do without his watch?

Lin Mian Mian combed through each important event and didn't see anything wrong. There were close encounters but Yan JinLong never forced his way to do him. Well, this is quite surprising for Lin Mian Mian. From the old memories that he received, the former Lin Mian Mian portrayed Yan JinLong as a decisive man that exuded a dominant vibe.

Yan JinLong does have that vibe but there is something different. He is sticky and likes to touch Lin Mian Mian but never goes beyond without Lin Mian Mian's consent. It is as though he is afraid of breaking something...

Well, whatever. Seeing from the memories, they didn't do anything dangerous.

It is impossible for Lin Mian Mian to get pregnant.

Aside from that vague memory on the night of consummation, there is nothing else...


While the adorable Lin Mian Mian discovered a very interesting plot twist, Lu Mao and the three maids already made their fill. They took their breaths back as they slowly calmed down. It was a good joke and maybe the best that they heard but they still have to tend on their master. Lin Mian Mian feels unwell so they should go back and bring their master inside the house.

It is not that they did not like Lin Mian Mian to have a child; actually, they all witnessed how Lin Mian Mian wanted to have a child in their previous life so they wished that this time he will give birth to one. But it doesn't have to be the Emperor's child. It doesn't have to be royalty - all they wanted is a husband that will forever cherish Lin Mian Mian, and nothing else.

Lu Mao patted his cheeks for being sentimental, then walked towards Lin Mian Mian to help him walk. However, instead of helping the ger, Lin Mian Mian who stood up suddenly kneeled to the ground. The children were surprised by his sudden fall that it took them a few seconds to react.

Lu Mao tried to ask Lin Mian Mian what is wrong but the ger placed both of his hands on the kid's shoulders and shook him lightly. The usual pale yet composed face of Lin Mian Mian suddenly became dull as the hollows under his eyes became visible. His image that can bring countries to fall suddenly wilted giving off a haggard image.

It is as though he was trapped in a mistake that he could no longer correct.

"M-master Lin! W-what is wrong? A-are y-you hurting s-somewhere?" Lu Mao tried helping Lin Mian Mian to stand up. But the helpless image of the kneeling Lin Mian Mian made him weak on his knees. He is still a child so he has no power to lift Lin Mian Mian.

The three maids surrounded Lin Mian Mian with panic faces. Zhao Yue made an effort of searching some fan to cool Lin Mian Mian down in case he is feeling hot. Han Luli took the mission of bringing a warm glass of water in case Lin Mian Mian is feeling dizzy. Zhou Ning helped Lu Mao as they tried to make Lin Mian Mian sit back to the cushion. The whole process looks like they are tending a very weak patient.

Lin Mian Mian accepted the water and drank it in one gulp. The sudden realization of some facts made him sweat in no time. Earlier, he was just casually riding on his memories to search for some answers when he thought that it is entirely impossible for him to be pregnant. If anything else, this feeling of nausea might just be one of the original Lin Mian Mian's illnesses.

However, as he goes back further to the earliest time of his memories, he realized that there is something amiss. He thought that the difference between him in this world, and him on his previous life, is that Lin Mian Mian is no longer a virgin.

Yes, that's right, in this world, Lin Mian Mian is no longer a virgin... but how?

And that's when that obscene scene replayed on his memory. The [PA PA PA!] that happened on their first night concluded that from the very start he is already pregnant. Well, this could be a different matter if he is an average ger. But Lin Mian Mian's cinnabar changed its color the moment his soul transferred.

This only means that he is very fertile - very, very fertile that one shoot is enough to make him pregnant.

That time when he transmigrated is also the moment when the whole story shifted to a new turning point.

A different story that emerged from the change of souls.

Lu Mao asked his master repeatedly what is wrong when Lin Mian Mian finally opened his pale lips. He looked at the young eunuch and worded his words very carefully. He made sure that his voice isn't loud just in case somebody is eavesdropping. His voice floated in the air as though he is whispering the world's greatest secret.

Well, it is the world's greatest secret.

The eunuch listened very well to the ger's voice. It took him a few seconds to understand his master's words as his eyes widened in shock. Now, both of them have the same pale complexion. They could not help but feel terror from the news.

"I thought that I have been careful," Lin Mian Mian muttered slowly. "But I think it is possible that..."

It is possible that he is pregnant.

Lin Mian Mian's hand trembled as he touched his still flat tummy. The concept of pregnancy that never occurred on his mind haunted him like a mystery - he is scared. It is not that he is prejudice towards the birthing males in this world but for a person who had always thought that he is a man suddenly becoming pregnant...

To be scared of such a situation is normal.

"B-but how?" Lu Mao could not get the point. "How did Master Lin..."

"It's the night of consummation," Lin Mian Mian replied weakly. "Something happened between us..."

It was only that time when he was not able to protect himself. He is not even aware that he transmigrated so he just indulged with the pleasure. Men are said to be weak on pleasure and Lin Mian Mian is top on that list. For a virgin guy who only has his right hand to accompany him, being touched roughly yet seductively will surely arouse his sexual tension.

Who would have thought that it will tie him on that fuccboi?

"W-what are we going to do? Should we call the doctor over?" Lu Mao suggested.

"Wait, not yet. We are still not sure if I am really..." Lin Mian Mian tried to swallow the words. "...pregnant. So... so, it would be good if we check if... if there is some life here..."

For the modern man, pregnancy tests can be done by just buying a kit in a pharmacy. Also, it is done only by women so Lin Mian Mian's knowledge about it is just knowing that two red lines mean that the woman is pregnant. He has no idea if such a technique existed in this world so he has to look for an alternative if there is none.

Also, it might be different from the normal pregnancy tests since he is a ger.

"We can have the physician to look at Master Lin's pulse," Han Luli suggested. Lin Mian Mian has his physician so they could ask that person for help.

"No, that's impossible," Lin Mian Mian objected. "Once the physician knows that I am pregnant, he will tell the Emperor about it. I want... I want to keep this a secret for now. If possible, I wanted to only have us to know this and nobody else..."

Lin Mian Mian is afraid that once the Emperor knows about his pregnancy, that idiot fuccboi will do everything to lock him down in this palace. Even though his perspective towards that person changed after their multiple interactions, it is still a given fact that Yan JinLong's previous actions to the original Lin Mian Mian are unforgivable.

He made a vow to leave this place.

Zhao Yue remembered something as she approached Lin Mian Mian. "There is a famous physician outside the palace. That person stays on the slums once in every month to treat common people. I do not know if it is true but a lot of people say that he is a great physician."

"I heard of him too!" Lu Mao added. "He is famous because he never asks for any compensation. I heard that he is the son of a merchant in some other country. Maybe we could ask for some help from him."

Lu Mao faced Lin Mian Mian. "However, the end of the month has already passed by. I am not sure if he is still here in the capital. I would like to go outside to check for this person's whereabouts. I hope Master Lin will allow me..."

"Okay, I allow you," Lin Mian Mian quickly agreed. "Just make sure to be careful on your way."

Lu Mao gestured a nod as he promised to his master. The group conversed a bit more to discuss what they should do to bring Lin Mian Mian out of the palace undetected. Since he is the favored wife, everyone's eyes are all into him. Surely they will notice Lin Mian Mian if ever he will leave his courtyard to go out.

Also, Yan JinLong installed some of his men to watch Lin Mian Mian. They have to think of a way to escape their watch and meet with the physician. After finalizing the plan, the children helped Lin Mian Mian to walk into his room. Lu Mao made sure that Lin Mian Mian is already sounding asleep before he rushed out to search for that physician.

At this moment, please let the gods hear their prayers.

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