Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 6 – An angry Ddraig, More blondes and A Death of a Fallen

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward


As I lay in bed, I was preparing to go to sleep for the evening... But things aren't progressing as smoothly as I'd hoped.

Rustle ~ Rustle ~

I turn to look at the only girl with me tonight. Lavinia Reni, normally Akeno would also be here, but what I did earlier today might have put a small strain on our relationship. Truthfully, I don't know. Everything I did today was questionable…

I sigh. During the week leading up to Asia's arrival, it hasn't been full of sunshine and rainbows. This is the day after Kuroka's outburst about me sleeping with her… She's… I sigh again.

Avoiding me, or at least keeping her distance, I felt like it would be rude if I read her mind during this, so I didn't. It's also quite obvious how she feels because of the way she's been acting towards me.

I know what it is, it was obvious as hell as to what it was, my complete dismissal of her feelings during that time. She's hurt and probably pissed off at me. Shirone joined Kuroka in her room, but she hasn't been that dismissive of me but it's obvious she favors her family— Her sister more.

Akeno… Found out I revealed my identity to Rias, they had a talk and she hasn't changed too much? I mean she hugged and kissed me but wanted time alone so… I don't know.

Also, it's been tense with Ddraig since. He was the one that gave me the verbal beat down, with Albion and Cúntóir staying silent, but that's them confirming that they agree with him.


I sigh again today; I should keep a counter, it's probably over one hundred times already…


I hear Reni mutter in her sleep. I turn to her and see a single tear fall from her cheek. She was still asleep but was probably having a not-so-pleasant dream. I reach my hand over and start stroking her hair. Her frown slowly faded into a smile and her breathing returned to normal.


What was that? Cúntóir has emphasized the 'incident' as a major thing… Did that influence me earlier? Or did my past self's emotions affect me that much…?


Jin Skyward

As I led Asia to the church, we strolled past a park…


We both turn our heads and see a little boy sitting on the ground as he clutches his knee. The boy must have fallen, scraped his knee, and started to cry.

"Are you alright, Yoshi-kun?"

Another boy came over, worried for his friend. Suddenly I saw Asia walking over to the boy and kneeling in front of him. She waves at him and the boy looks confusedly at her.

"Are you okay? Boys shouldn't cry with small injuries like this."

Asia says as she strokes the boy's head.

The kid clearly didn't understand what she was saying, but Asia had a very kind and calm expression on her. She put her palm where the boy had been hurt and… The next moment a green light orb appears from Asia's palm as it flashes on the boys' knee.

Twilight healing. The child's injury slowly started to disappear.

"Here, your wounds are healed. The pain should be gone now."

She smiles at the boy and turns back to me.

"I'm sorry, I had to."

The boy's mother had arrived and saw what had happened. She gained a shocked look as she hurriedly grabbed his hand and left.

"Thank you, Onee-chan!"

The boy thanked Asia as his friend followed them. Asia was clearly confused and turned to me.

"He said, thank you Onee-chan."

She smiled even brighter as I translated the words for her.

"But that power…"

"Yes, it's the power to heal. It's a wonderful power that God gave me."

She said so while smiling, but her voice was sad.

"I see, it's a wonderful power."

I offer my hand up to her as she was still kneeling, she happily grabs it and I pull her up.

"Let's go to that church then."


I had brought Asia to Raynare's group's hideout.

"This is it. Good luck, sister— No, Asia-san."

"Yes, thank you for your help, Jin-san."

She bows towards me. She then trots over to the doors, and pushes them open. She gives me one last wave and smile as she closes the door.

Time to get going then…


I had slowly left the area and had arrived back at the park. Ddraig called out to me, so I headed to one of the park's seats and sat on it.

What's up?

[We need to talk, a serious one.]

What? Why? What does Ddraig want to talk about that has been sounding serious like that?

….Okay? About what? I was confused, I don't remember doing anything too audacious

[Partner, I and the others usually hang back and let you do what you want. Most of the time you do things that are… How do I say this politely?]

Cúntóir: Answer: Stupid?

[Yeah, stupid.]

????? Okay what. I mean, yeah, I do stupid things, that's a bit obvious. I mean, I did accidentally drop that bottle of water… But that's just me being clumsy…

[That's not what I mean, Partner, and you know it. This past week, hell— Even before that. What the hell was that?]

…Oh, it's about that… I was planning on confronting Kuroka about it… Eventually.

[Let me guess, you will confront her about it eventually, not go out of your way to ask her? Make it up to her with the way you treated her? Why are you so dismissive of her?]

[Partner, I know you had a genuine reason to reject her at the start. That's too obvious, but you've made progress with her, she has genuinely fallen in love with you— Beyond just wanting kittens thing. Why haven't you at least fulfilled parts of her new wish? She's young and wants to make love to her lover.]

[Everything you've done recently… No, maybe even all of the things you've done… Have been quite half-assed? Superficial? Shallow? Whatever the word is, it hasn't been up to the scale of your status as an Outer God.]

What? Half-assed? I don't think I have.


A car drove past the park as I was having a conversation with Ddraig. I'll move from here since I'm technically skipping school and the authorities will make drama out of it. I go behind a slide and teleport to the outskirts of Kuoh, find a log, and sit on it.

I've done a lot of things that have benefitted the girls though? They increase their mana regen by wearing rings, training in the [Pocket Dimension], and I don't push them too hard, I think.

[You're too passive at times, they clearly want to do things with you. I know you're being considerate, but grow a pair, partner.]

[Also, the rings are shallow, you haven't added storage to them, you haven't added better benefits for them. Increase that shitty fifty percent to five thousand! Or even more! It's just mana regen, you're not turning their powers to Omniversal states. Add some kind of barrier to protect them as well, at least God Class beings can't piece through hit, that's what Azrael is, isn't he?!]

[You've barely brought them to the dungeons and so they've remained stagnant for almost a month—no, two months? Ingvild's training and powers have escaped your attention. You haven't given Grayfia the pocket watch to stop time, brought Ophis to the dimensional gap, nor significantly advanced your relationship with Shigune and Natsume.]

[You're literally bugging Tobio Ikuse about his romance. You're an Outer God, but it's really none of your business. It's fine to encourage and give him advice, but what you're doing is just outright annoying— Almost like harassment.]

[Use your powers more! I know you don't like to look flashy or whatever, but why not employ them wisely?! You barely used your mind reading against your opponents, the same with Observation Haki, but I guess the future attack prediction from Cúntóir is already doing it passively.]

[Back to Kuroka, what you did was out of line, she wants your love. She's clearly frustrated and that outburst was one of them. When will you do something about it? The longer you hold off, the greater the chance that her feelings for you will diminish.]


[That won't happen, right? You've done so much for her that it's impossible right? Please, Partner, what are you? A child? Do you seriously believe that's how relationships and feelings work?]

[Or are those the exceptions you choose to make? Just reverse time, and change their feelings back? Didn't you say you wouldn't use them that way? Quite a hypocrite, aren't we?]

I— I— The timing has just been bad; I plan on talking to her soon…

[Bad timing? Fucking bullshit, Jin! You've had plenty of opportunities within that week, but you didn't! I— WE! We've seen you being aggressive before; be more like that! Talk to her, comfort her, and apologize to her?! What's wrong with you?!]

Jin… That's the first time Ddraig has used my name and not Partner…

[First Kuroka, who's next? Akeno? The thing with her, Shirone and Rias is that they are teetering on the line of betraying their King. Rias— Her clan, the Gremory value their servants as family. You know that, we know that.]

[She has been clearly honest with them about many things, of course there are some things she keeps secret. She is the King, the owner, so that's quite obvious. If you continue to have Akeno and Shirone keep this secret from Rias… Who knows how she'll react? It might even damage their relationship with her!]

[Again, this ties into your shallow and superficial ways of looking at relationships. Do you expect everything to always go your way? The world doesn't work that way, Jin. Shouldn't this work less for you? You're not tied to fate or anything else. You're free.]

[YOU make your own future, I think Cúntóir's been quite explicit about this, and this is regardless of whatever the fuck that 'incident' was or your own past.]

[This isn't going to stop at Akeno. Grayfia, Ingvild, Ophis, and even Lavinia Reni. They all have their own minds, consciousness, and feelings, Jin. They're not puppets that will do your bidding or stay with you if you keep fucking up.]

[Hell— Even potential future love interests might be put off by your way of doing things. Stop hesitating! Stop being an insensitive asshole, cut the crap with Rias. As well as keeping your identity a secret, you have no reason to keep it up other than 'looking cool', like really?]

[You've built a meaningful relationship with her and her peerage. You might lose all that, you know? Especially with Rias. She clearly thinks of you as a trustworthy friend. Would you be willing to throw everything away? What about Kiba? Gasper?]

[Haah… All I'm saying is, you're acting like a child, stop underestimating everything just because you can literally do anything. You haven't clearly used any of them after all. Stop looking at relationships so superficially. Grow up, Jin.]

{….Well said, while harsh, it has been a thing that's been brewing in the background. We are but souls trapped here, Jin. We can only interfere so much before we can't. We can give you advice, after that, it's up to you to take what we say and put it into action… Or ignore it and keep doing things the way you are.}

[If you don't do something with Kuroka, she'll pull out first along with Shirone. She'll clearly follow her as Kuroka is the ONLY remaining family member she has. You, on the other hand, are just a guy giving her sweets. Then Akeno and then the rest. It's all up to you, Partner.]


Click! Click!

"You've become an asshole these past few years, you know, ====?"

"I can understand you're hurt, very much so, but treating everyone like this… Even the ones trying to help you… It's pushing everyone away from you."

"I've stuck with you this long since you're my best friend since we were both 8 years old… But I have to be real with you ====, I think I've had enough…"

"After you get yourself out of this rut and improve yourself, your life will improve as well. I'll consider reigniting this friendship. I'm sorry, ====, but I can't take any more of this. Please, get help slowly heal."

"If you continue down this destructive spiral… You'll be alone, I was the last.... I guess, you really are now, aren't you?"

"Goodbye. I hope we do become friends again, ====."

Click! Click!


I clutch my chest, what was that?! That voice… I-It seemed familiar somehow…

[What? What was that?! A memory?]

{It seems it was triggered due to your angry ramblings, Ddraig. Whether this is good timing or not… I do not know.}

[I just want my— Our partner to be a better person. What's wrong with that? Still, if that memory is of your past self, then it's even worse. You're just repeating what you've done, whatever the hell that was. You'll be alone.]

…I kept on clutching my chest, I didn't answer them because…. There's a one hundred percent chance what Ddraig said was true. Maybe I am in denial? Did my ego really get worse even though I don't express it directly? … I'll just wander around the outskirts for a while… I need to process all of this.

[Anyway I—]

{Leave it be, for now, Ddraig. Jin's emotions are going wild right now, save it for later.}

[Tch, fine…]

Kuroka, Rias, and that memory… Where do I go from here… Leave… They're going to leave me…?


….That makes me sick, just thinking about it… It feels like a giant hole just appeared in my stomach. I don't want that to happen… I need to stop that from happening…

Click! Click! Click! Click!

Outskirts, Kuoh

'I' could feel the Avatar's memories entering my head... It was a certain time and he had been dismissed, a routine day at school, nothing of note had occurred.


{Jin… Haah…}

Cúntóir: Answer: Jin.

The three entities that reside in 'me' have been trying to communicate with 'me', but 'I' have been ignoring them— Going completely silent.

'I' felt the presence of something nearby, so 'I' went to investigate it. As 'I' ran to that place, when 'I' reached it, a white-haired man with a very pissed-off expression was there.

"Are are are? OH!!! What do we have here?! Is that…. The super famous awesome Middleman I see?!"

The man spoke.

[Freed Sellzen.]

'I' had donned my mask before confronting the man, who was called Freed Sellzen. He is as crazy and psychotic as ever.

"Heheheheahahahahaha! Perfect! I wanted to fight a big shot like you! You fought and won against the almighty God of Thunder, right?!?!"

"You also want a harem, right?!?! No, no, no, no, you have one! I'll kill you here… Because I feel nothing from you. That rumor has to be a piss ants lie! Lie lie lie! Kill you and then violate your harem."

Freed started to laugh even more and lick his lips. He started to spout and mutter incomprehensible things until he turned his gaze back to 'me'. Freed without notice lunged towards 'me' with his pistol and sword.

'I' put my hand out and destroyed them both.



"….Y-You… Bitch…."

After 'I' destroyed his weapons and before he could jump away, 'I' punched a hole through his chest— More specifically where his heart is. On the other side of his body, 'I' held his beating heart, then crushed it. Freed coughed up blood as he looked at 'me' with fright.

"F-Fuc..king… E-motional..less bitch…"

He managed to say as the light in his eyes slowly started to fade. He laughs.

"Is… how…I g..o…out?"

Before he truly passed 'I' used my mind reading skill on him.

Darcel, Avezza, Prototype Divine Beasts, Dragon Killer, and Asia.


He bellowed out one last time.

When 'I' removed 'myself' from the corpse of Freed Sellzen, the body fell to the ground with a loud thud. Blood started to seep from the hole that had been made. There was a blank expression on the man's face.

'I' turn to face the direction of the abandoned church that 'I' led Asia too.


'I' hear the two Heavenly Dragons that reside within me, Ddraig and Albion scream 'my' name.

Yes? Since they have been quite loud for a while now, 'I' answer them.

[What the hell was that, Partner?!]

{Jin, you have been ignoring our voices for quite a while now, why?}

Please forgive 'me', but 'I' have been lost in thought for the last few hours. Then 'I' look at the dead body of Freed Sellzen. In short, 'I' just took care of a future pest, that is all.

[Not what I meant, Partner. Why did you do that to Freed? Isn't he essential for the future?]

Ddraig was clearly agitated by 'my' actions.

Whether he is essential now, or later with Kokabiel is irrelevant. Did you not tell 'me' to be more active and not passive? 'I' simply chose the fastest route. 'I' tell Ddraig 'my' reasons, for one, 'I' think it was the right choice.

[Fine! You are, so I'll commend you for that. But who will wield the Excalibur's now?]

Perhaps a new stray exorcist? They have an abundant number of Stray exorcists within their rankings.

[W-Wait… Did… Did you read his mind before you killed him?]

The Dragon seemed quite shocked.

'I' do not understand, isn't this was he told 'me' to do? Yes, Ddraig, 'I' did. Did you not convey these thoughts to 'me'? So, 'I' thought 'I' might comply with your suggestion. 'I' explained 'my' reasons to the Red Dragon.

[You're acting strangely right now, Partner. What is wrong with you right now?]

'I' shrugged; some words seem alien to 'me' right now. With that said… 'I' turned back to the position 'I' was facing. 'I' gathered condensed wind around my fist and cocked it back.

Zuuun!!! Swshshshs!! Swooosh!!!!

'I' punched the area in front of 'me'. 'I' launched an attack with one target in mind. Which was Darcel.

Third Person Point of View

Raynare's group, Darcel, and Asia were in the abandoned church. Asia Argento had arrived a couple of hours ago and they were now planning their next move.

Raynare had been working on the ceremony preparations, but she was quite slow.

"Raynare, will you fucking hurry up?!"

Mittelt was annoyed by the slow pace her leader was going at.

"Mittelt is right, you should hurry up with the preparations, Darcel is getting impatient."


A feminine scream resounded above them.

All of the group rushed upstairs to see why the nun screamed. When they got there Darcel had grabbed her hair and was holding her up with it.

"The fuck you say to me, you little bitch?!"

Darcel's eyes were bloodshot. Following his small loss to the Red Dragon Emperor, he had been irate. Asia had tears streaming down her eyes as she was held, a painful expression on her face.

"Auuuu... I had sincere intentions when I said it... I'm sorry…"

"Fuck off!"

He threw Asia to the ground as she let out a yelp.


Kalawarna started only to be viciously glared at by Darcel.

"Take that dumb cunt away from me!"

He ordered, the group complied and grabbed Asia and brought her to a room.

"What did you do to piss him off?"

Mittelt asked confused. The others also gave her a questioning look.

"I… I just asked him if I could help heal his injuries… He refused, so I tried reasoning with him… And then he grabbed my hair…"

They shake their heads at her reasoning.

"Don't. Just, don't. He's unstable right now, he just wants to fight the Red Dragon Emperor."

Dohnaseek explained.


Asia didn't know who that person was, but the title was quite intimidating.

"He just does, it's like a life ambition. Anyway, don't antagonize him, or else we all die."

The nun answered with a meek nod as she shivered.

Boooom!!!!!!!! Rumble! Rumble!


Mittelt screamed as she and everyone else ran towards the sound. Raynare also joined them.


Darcel was clutching his eye as he was embedded in the wall. When he stopped clutching his eye, it was missing, and not just his eye, an entire portion of his face was missing.

"Heheheh… Hahahahahahah!!!!!!"

He started to laugh maniacally as blood gushed out of it.

"Red Dragon Emperor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


The group and Asia stared at the Fallen in shock, had he really gone insane with what had happened and what was happening?


Raynare starts to speak but was cut off.


He launched killing intent towards them and they all fell to the ground; Asia was doing the worst as she had peed herself.

"Kuoh! Will be my battlefield! Let the corpses begin to pile up! HAHAHAHAHA!!"

One day left before Darcel's wish is fulfilled.

Jin Skyward

…'I' will take your advice Ddraig.


The dragon was confused.

'I' will speak with her right now. 'I' shall teleport to the Occult Research club.

[Wait what?!]

{Jin, you are being too hasty!}

'I' ignore them as 'I' was about to teleport to the ORC, Cúntóir appeared in front of 'me'.

Third Person Point of View


'Jin' and Cúntóir both stare at one another without saying a word.


She slapped 'Jin' on the cheek.


Cúntóir ordered 'Jin'.

'Jin' gave her a smile and nodded.

"I will, once I teleport into the ORC, Cúntóir."

Cúntóir glared at 'Jin'.

'Why did 'he' come out? It was impossible.'

Cúntóir felt uncomfortable in the presence of this individual.

'Jin has black hair and black eyes, but right now….'

Cúntóir squinted her eyes at 'Jin'.

'His right eye is red…'

"He is unstable right now, so I took over. I can do this one more time, after that. I shall fully vanish; my time was meant to end years ago because of my own recklessness after all."

'Jin' bitterly smiled.

"I failed as a ruler, failed to do 'that' and failed 'her'"

'Jin' gazed up at the sky and then back at Cúntóir.

"I will have him— My, no, our brand-new body— This new person, a mix of 'us' do the right thing this time."

'Jin' chuckles.

"She surely is looking for me, as the other 'parts' of me disappeared when both our souls fused."

Cúntóir stayed silent, she knew all this. She also cut the link to the two dragons as she appeared out here, they didn't need to know this yet.

"Founder and Emp—"

Cúntóir started but 'Jin' put his hand out.

"I do not have those titles anymore…"

'Jin' smiled bitterly.

"'I' am known by Jin, or perhaps his old nam—"


Cúntóir glared at 'Jin' as he put his hands up.

"Okay, I won't but he is immature, like the Dragon of Domination said, he has done many foolish things, is quite childish, and has wishful thinking."

'Jin' smiled.

"Like how I was."

He laughed.

"Our personalities do mix well, don't they? I can see why Azathoth didn't stop the merging of both souls during his reincarnation."


Cúntóir stayed silent as she waited for 'him' to leave.

"In any case, I have taken care of things for him now. He was semi-conscious during it. So, he will be aware of the actions I've taken. I will give back full control when I teleport to Rias Gremory. The next time I emerge will be the final time."

'Jin' turned his back to Cúntóir.

"Goodbye, for now, Cúntóir. I do hope he does turn it around, otherwise… He will nearly lose someone."

"You looked into…?"

"Of course, he doesn't do it often, but I have. I suggest you create a barrier around Kuoh Academy when the time comes."

He turned his back to Cúntóir with a smile.

"A power of an Outer God in a state of pure rage is quite difficult to control, after all."


'Jin' teleported away. Cúntóir shook her head and disappeared. She didn't like 'him' but liked Jin, even if they are one and the same… 'He' will disappear but Jin will stay…. Jin's personality is slightly influenced by 'him' after all.

"Especially the part of 'uniting' everyone…"

"You heard both of their voices, after all..."


[And create a world where everyone can live with a smile.]

[--hy—…-ov---ays---...nd---...f.. —ime]

[That's why, I will always love you, forever—until the end of time.]

A love from a being that transcends time, space, and universes. That's what was waiting for Jin.

A fated one you could say…

Fated Ones – 2/4

Kuoh Academy

Occult Research Clubroom

Click! Click! Click! Click!

Jin Skyward

…? Huh? W-What? I looked around me when something painful passed through my head— My thoughts…

Huh? W-Why did I? I look at my hand, a small patch of blood on my clothes. I killed Freed…? It felt so foreign. Like, I wasn't in control, like I was just the backseat driver to it all. Why…?


I heard Rias speak in front of me. She looked surprised at my sudden intrusion into her club, it was already far after school as she was the only one left in the room.

Looks like she was reading something… I take a peek at the book she had, some kind of war tactics, so she wasn't reading manga.

[Do it.]

Ddraig said to me, and I sighed inwardly... I'm here now... I might as well.

"Rias Gremory."

I call out to her; her attention focuses on me.

"We should restart."

I tell her, and she looks at me with confusion.


She repeats the word, I nod and put a sound barrier around Gasper's little hole in the wall.

"What are you…?"

"He doesn't need to know right now. He will find out in a day or two."

She still looked confused at me, so I took off my mask.



Once I did, she dropped the book she was holding as she stared slack-jawed at me.


While I waited for her shock to subside, I breathed through my nose.

"J-J-J-J-Jin?! You were the masked man all along?!"

She screamed and got up.

"W-Wait, w-why did you lie to me?"

She frowned at me. I silently nodded at her.

"Truthfully, I had worn the mask as a little precaution at the start, but I had no real reason on why I kept my identity as a secret."

I sigh.

"I guess, I wanted to surprise you? Show off a bit… As childish as that seems."

She had a blank look on her face and they started to laugh, she was clutching her stomach as she laughed harder.

"Show off... Just for that reason?"

She wiped a tear from her eye.

"Yeah… It's dumb."

I had no reason to lie here, maybe my own teenage hormones were taking over part of myself? But that was really the reason, nothing more. Rias stopped laughing, and the smile disappeared from her face.

"Wait… Then… Akeno…"

"I told her to keep it a secret. Shirone probably just followed along since Akeno kept it a secret, or maybe Kuroka told her? But yes, two of your peerage members kept it a secret from you."


Rias had a complicated expression, she looked like she was thinking of something.

"If you want to blame anyone, blame me. I take full responsibility for Akeno and Shirone."

"But they—"

"I know."

I cut her off.

"Please forgive them, hate me all you want instead. I don't want to see either of them sad or hurt… Even if it's because of my own incompetency."

Rias sighs loudly and rubs her forehead.

"I… I will think about it, thank you for your honesty, Jin."

"Being lied to for almost a month by my childhood best friend and [Queen] is a lot to take in. Especially with something this… Important. But rest assured, Koneko— Or Shirone won't have any repercussions from this…"

"I appreciate it, Rias."

She nods.

"I will discuss this with her tonight."

I nod again and turn away.

"I don't outright hate you, Jin. But… We may need to 'restart' our relationship as you suggested."

Her voice was neutral so I didn't know how she truly felt, I also didn't want to face her.

"Yeah, we do. I'll see you tomorrow then or something."

She didn't answer me back so I canceled the sound barrier on Gasper's room and teleported away.

Third Person Point of View

With Rias Gremory

Rias clutched her head as she had to process so many things in such a short amount of time. She was just relaxing and having a calm evening after her club members went away.

But for her 'human' friend to randomly surprise her with 'Oh hey, I'm the guy training you guys haha.' All of a sudden…

"Was my time with Jin… All a lie?"

Rias shakes her head.

"No… It can't be. Jin's usually truthful about things… He did decide to tell me the truth just now…"

'Why?' was the question, she didn't understand why he would do such a thing all of a sudden.

'Can I really trust a word he says from now on? He did lie for an entire month…but he was also truthful just now…'

Actions speak louder than words, was a phrase that Rias heard time and time again, she had recently been abiding by this rule, so, she'll do the same for Jin. She'll see his actions in the coming days, weeks, and even months and decide if she can fully trust him.


The other thing too…

"Akeno and Koneko…"

Jin said he told Akeno to lie to her… But Shirone may have been told by Kuroka or just followed suit with Akeno.

"Time for a talk then…"

Rias summoned a communication circle.


"Oh, Rias, how can I help you? It's not that often you call for me after club ends."

Akeno sounded the same as usual.

"Yes, can you come back to the club? Just you, it's… Urgent."

"Yes, very well, Rias."

Akeno as per usual agreed to her King's request.

A magic circle appeared in front of her desk, Rias had made her way back to her usual spot and sat on her chair. Akeno Himejima appeared from the teleportation circle as she bowed towards the Gremory heiress.

"Good evening, Rias, how can I help you?"

Akeno asked her King.

'Should I be subtle about it? Tell her straight to her face?'

Rias stared at her [Queen], unblinking, and thought of ways in bringing up the new information she received.


Akeno called out to her King again, as she sat there staring at her, she became worried.

'She did say it was urgent…'

Rias Gremory sighed.

"I'll be blunt, Akeno."

She finally spoke as Akeno tilted her head confused.

"Jin revealed to me just now that he's the masked man— The Middleman of the three factions."


Akeno stared dumbfounded at her King. She wasn't too sure on how to react.

'Is that the reason for Jin acting strangely when he came home?'

"I… See… Rias… I..."

Akeno was at a loss for words. She knew this day would come, she didn't know when but it would eventually come out. Whether now or later, Rias— Her King would find out.

Akeno was also worried about how their relationship would change. They were childhood friends, the first piece of her peerage, and she saved her during a difficult time in her life. She owed Rias— The Gremory clan a lot… But also Jin.

She was worried that Rias would hate her, their friendship might crumble from this—or at least become strained.

"Akeno. How long?"

Rias's voice wasn't any different than when they usually speak in private, she was calm collected and elegant. A hint of her more relaxed and childish tone there too.

"A week after we met…we were attacked by some rogue fallen. He killed them, revealed some details, and… Well, we started dating… He did a lot for me, my parents, my heritage, and my hatred for men…"

Rias looked shocked.


Akeno smiled and nodded to the question.

"Jin revived my dead mother; she's currently living with my father in Grigori. I visited them quite recently; we also keep up through texting on our phones."

Akeno took out her phone and showed her a group selfie.

The photo had Jin, herself, Baraqiel, Shuri, and Lavinia Reni. Both herself and Lavinia were happily clinging to Jin. Shuri pinching Jin's cheek as Baraqiel had a complicated expression on him as he tried to calm Shuri down.


Rias stared at the screen— The photo Akeno was showing her.

'Revive… The dead…?'

She was quite shocked, to be able to revive someone like that…

"Did it have any complications? For Jin? Your mother?"

Akeno shook her head.

"No, he can seamlessly use it. No drawbacks whatsoever."

"I see… Incredible…. Akeno, please be honest with me…. What details did he tell you?"


Akeno nodded and told Rias what Jin had revealed to her so far. The only thing she cut out was him being a human dragon god hybrid... Even then Akeno knew that it was a lie. She— Everyone was just waiting for Jin to tell them the truth.

"[Boosted Gear]… Haah, so, the reason Jin rejected my offer was because…"

"It's impossible to reincarnate him as a devil, to begin with."

"Sona also knew…."

"She accidentally met her when he and Ingvild were about to go to Kyoto, it was pure coincidence. She was ordered by Leviathan-sama to keep it a secret for the time being."

"I see… I can see why, but— The recent rumor has been spreading like wildfire, he can't keep it a secret forever."

"Mmm, Jin says he won't actively try too anymore, it's already out in the open."

"Anything else?"

Akeno thought for a moment before shaking her head.

"No, well, not that I think is relevant."

Like Ophis and the pocket dimension as well as other minor things.

"Grayfia-san told you everything that was relevant. Jin has been hired— Or requested by Satan Lucifer— Your brother to train your peerage, us. So, Jin is aware of 'that'."

"I see…. So he knew…"

"Jin respects that you didn't want to share so he didn't push for it. Jin is honest 70% of the time, but he isn't perfect. I was honestly worried about him revealing all of this… Our friendship might be damaged…"

Akeno lets her worries be heard by her King; Rias nodded along sadly.

"We have been friends for many years, Akeno. We've been through many things, our friendship grew, you were my first piece, and I have shared many private things with you."

Rias walks up to Akeno and hugged her.

"If, I was the same as before I may have had a childish outburst, but I can understand why you did it."

Rias pulls away and smiles at her best friend.

"Please don't underestimate our friendship, and don't underestimate me either. I forgive you… I also understand why Koneko did it, she won't be punished. Please convey that to her."

"But… I will need to rebuild my relationship with Jin, while he did tell me the truth…he still did lie for a long time. He also helped you and me in various ways, so I can't hate him."


Akeno became teary-eyed and hugged her King again. They shared a tender moment before pulling away from each other.

"I still have a few questions that pertain to his past, and his real goals for being the middleman."

"Jin's past? He hasn't spoken a lot about it, but from what I know, he found out about the supernatural at the age of 7-ish, he trained and dealt with what supernatural came his way in Ireland, and his parents died from an accident before moving here."

Rias cocks a brow.

"He hasn't revived them?"

Akeno shakes her head.

"No, I also wondered why he hasn't, but I assumed he tried and they rejected his offer."

"Rejected his offer?"

Akeno nodded and told Rias the rules or conditions that Jin gave himself with how to use his resurrection abilities.

"I see… And his true goal for being a middleman?"

This is when Akeno giggled, confusing her King.

"It's an excuse to meet women and gather a harem for himself."

Rias stared at Akeno slack-jawed.

"A-Are you serious…?"


She cheerfully replied as Rias facepalmed.

"An Irish otaku…. He really was interested in having a harem…"

Rias laughed softly as she remembered her conversation with Jin in the club.

"He has the power to do it then…."

"Achieving peace with all the factions and pantheons is secondary. If he doesn't have peace, how can he get more women or spend time with them— Us, so he wants peace as much as everyone else…maybe even more?"

She ended it with a question as she wasn't too sure. Rias sighs

"A harem… Well, it's his dream, so I guess it's fine. Akeno, let's get back to the other topic we discussed earlier. If Jin waited longer… Maybe I would have hated him and our relationship may have been damaged…"

"So, I guess it was the right call from him…. But, Jin was acting a bit strange."

Rias looked concerned as she informed her Queen.

"Strange? Is it about the blood? I haven't asked him about it, but I can definitely say it wasn't his blood…"

"No… He felt… I guess, tired? Fed up? Sad? He was in a negative emotional state, but I am not entirely sure how to describe it. Even when he tells me to put all the blame on him and hate him, I still worry about him…"

"….That may be because it's been a bit tense at home."

Akeno sighs sadly.

"Tense at home? Did something happen?"

Akeno nods and explains the 'little' incident with Kuroka and how Jin handled it.

"We— The girls, held a small meeting when Jin was out, without Kuroka of course. We concluded he was a bit… Insensitive. But we left it up to Jin to sort it out."

"And he hasn't done anything for over a week?"

Akeno nodded to her question as Rias shakes her head.

"Well, at least he's not perfect, huh? I did think of the masked man as such…"

"I guess it was eating away at him too, maybe he'll do something about it soon? He did reveal himself to me…"

"Yes… I believe he will, if he did do this today, maybe even tonight? Or within the week?"

Akeno bows again.

"I shall get going then, Rias, and thank you."

"Yes, have a good evening, Akeno."

Rias waved her [Queen] off as she disappeared.

"Not perfect… I guess… That 'humanizes' you in a way, Jin, huh?"

Rias shook her head as she picked her book back up.

Flashback end

Jin Skyward

I did that... But I haven't had a chance to speak with Kuroka yet... Again, it was bothering me... When I had blanked out, and was just watching from the sidelines as the Breast Dragon offered advice about being more aggressive and honest.

[Hey! Don't call me that!]

I shake my head and ignore Ddraig. Akeno looked like she wanted to talk to me after coming back from being called by Rias, she said she wanted to think for the night, that's why she also slept in her own room.

Greyfia was in an awkward situation and did her best to comfort me, but I didn't want her to worry. I had to fix this myself since I caused the problem in the first place.

The same with In, but I just apologized to her, she's close to Kuroka too after all…

I look back at Reni, she was the one who stuck to me like glue all week though. Probably the number one reason I didn't go insane… Maybe she's being too indulgent with me… I don't know.

Even more so today, after I apparently looked like shit. Maybe I still do? I sigh again and slowly wriggled myself out of Reni's grasp. I gave her a kiss on the head and left the room.

I need some fresh air… I made my way to the backyard. When I got home earlier, I decided to upgrade my defenses. I had them in my house, but not in the garden or around it. Only beings who are close to my power can enter without permission, which are Outer Gods, but they still need to use all of their power.

I also upgraded the house too, they need the same amount of power to get in, the only exceptions are my women and beings that I gave my trust to, even then it's only through magic circles.

I didn't get around to with the rings as Ddraig suggested… Since I want everyone to be present when I upgrade it. Kuroka avoiding me, well, that's just not possible.

I got to the door and slide it open; I step outside and close it.


When I look in front of me, I see a silhouette of a girl, the same girl that had been avoiding me all week.


As she turned to see who had come out to the back, I whispered her name, and her eyes widened. The way she was looking at me… I didn't like it, it made me feel uneasy. I need to apologize to her and make it up to her. If I don't then… What Ddraig told me will come true.

I start to approach her and she starts to leave, when she walks past me, I grab her arm and don't let go. She stops but doesn't turn to look at me.

I really fucked up big time…

[Fix it now! Do it!!!!! JUST DO IT! MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRU—]



Albion reprimanded his fellow dragon.



Was the way I handled things the right way? I was unsure. I impulsively and stubbornly stuck with it, but it's been almost a week.

Jin nya also looked tense. He tried to act the same as usual, but it's been bothering him. In the last few days he seemed like he was going to confront me… But he hasn't.

I felt complicated by it. I'm happy he's been reflecting but didn't think it would go this far… I also roped Shirone into this. She wasn't happy at all, she told me it was dumb and might damage both our relationships if it goes wrong.

In her words: Nee-sama, this is stupid. I agree that Jin-senpai messed up… But getting back at him like this is immature… I don't want to lose either of you.

But I was stubborn and went against her wishes. I'm sorry Shirone, I love you but I must go through with this.

I was looking out at the night sky as I didn't have much time to relax and breathe the past week.


I heard the door slide open and turned around to see Jin, who was surprised to see me. He looks like he wants to say something… Isn't this the perfect time to make up?!

Oh! He's walking towards me! But I must persist! I start to walk past him but he grabs my arm, quite hard too…

It hurts a bit nya…

I finally turn around to look at Jin...huh? Why does he look so... Dead, so tired…. Did I take this too far?

I-I was just teasing him a little bit?! I wanted Jin to feel how I felt when he brushed off my concerns at the time! Distance myself from him a little, you know nya?! He was an asshole that day, and everyone else too… But I guess, we're just young and stupid right?!

A learning experience! Yes, it's a learning experience nya! I distanced myself, kept contact to a minimum, and see how it went… I really felt lonely nya, I didn't like doing it but had to prove a point to Jin nya.

I acknowledge it's cruel… Maybe I went too far? I didn't want to see Jin like that nya…

Jin… Jin always looked desperate to have women— No, desperate for love around him. It's like… He's been starved of it all of his life. Why? I didn't know, I doubt anyone knows, maybe Jin himself isn't even aware.

I played with that insecurity of his, I'm a cruel woman for that. I took that away from him, and this was the result.


I probably had an expression of shock on my face as I stared at Jin.

"I fucked up big time."

Yes, you did nya.

"I've been an insensitive asshole."

Yes, you were nya.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

Jin bowed his head down but didn't let go of my arm.

I was about to say something, but Jin kept going.

"If you want to break up with me… I can understand that, and I won't force you to keep being with me…"

Nya?! Nya?! Wait a damn minute nya! I didn't think it would escalate this far!!!!!!!!

"Nyaaaa!!!!! Waiiittttt Jin!!!!!"


I lunge at Jin and hug him tightly.

"This isn't what I planned!!!"

Jin Skyward

"This isn't what I planned!!!"

Kuroka screamed at me as she had tackled me. Planned? Planned what? What was she talking about?

"Yes! I was mad at you! Mad at everyone else for brushing off my complaints! So, I wanted to make everyone uncomfortable! Just rile them up a bit, make you a bit sad, only a bit!"

"No way in hell I would break up with you nya!"

She started to headbutt my chest over and over while muttering out 'nyas' over and over again.

"It was wrong of me to play with your insecurities like that! I'm horrible, I was immature like you!"

She stops and looks up at me.

"So, let's just blame each other, okay?!"

She started to shake me wildly.


I stare dumbfounded at the cat girl in front of me, but a sense of relief and a weight that I had been carrying lifted off me.

It was a joke… A test? I was worrying myself to death all week and this was the real reason? A bit of revenge? Hahaha! I deserved it, I can't— More like it's impossible to be angry with her after how I've treated her!

[I guess, I was wrong.]

Damn right you were, but fuck, you really had me worried!!! I hug Kuroka tightly as she did the same back.

"Let's call it a truce then… But I still fucked up. I'll try being better from now on… Obviously, it won't be instantaneously, but I hope you stick with this moron for a little while longer."

"Yes, we're immature children! Let's stop this now…"

She sighs loudly.

"Now with that out of the way."

She pulls down her obi as she shows me her chest.

"Let's do it!"

She announces happily, staring expectantly at me. I again stare a bit surprised by the sudden development.

"Sorry, Kuroka, but we can't tonight. But… Let's do it two days from now at night instead. I have some things to take care of first before some peace comes back."

Kuroka froze and stared at me surprised. She starts shaking.

"You're not pulling my leg, right nya?"

"No, I'm not."

"You promise? You're not making false promises again, right nya? If you do, I'll really get pissed off!"

"I promise you I am not. How about a little taste?"

This confused the cat girl as she tilts her head at me.


"Yeah, like this."

I leaned forward and lightly bit her nipple.

"Nyaaaa?!? ~"

She moaned a bit surprised.

"W-Wha— Ji— Hyaa!"

I didn't let her continue as I started to suck on her right nipple and play with her other breast and nipple with my other hand.

Slurp~ Lick~ Slurp~

I put a sound canceling barrier around us, and continue my assault on the girl, Kuroka panting and shivering in my arms.

"Haah…. Haah… Jin nya…. Wait…"

She started to squirm, I moved my left hand down to her ass and gave it a hard slap.


"Nyaaah?! ~"

I stop sucking on her nipple

"Not wearing any, huh? What a lewd cat."

With that I resumed sucking her nipple, lightly biting it and swirling my tongue around her areola.


Kuroka bit her lip trying to contain her moans, because of this she started to drool. Wanting to move this a bit more, I picked her up as she reflectively wrapped her legs around my waist.


I brought her to the wall and continued my previous assault, but instead, I moved my hand back to her thighs from her butt.

"J-J-Jin… That's so close…."

She muttered out softly. I finally stop and let her down.


Her gaze at me was full of disappointment and with a slight pout.

"I did say it was a taste test… Or you can call it a preview of what's to come."

I lean my body more into her. I take her hands and put them on my bulge.


When I did so, Kuroka's eyes widen as she tightened her grip on my member through my pants.


She didn't answer me as she started to lightly stroke me. I chop her head— Getting her attention back.

"No, not yet. I promise, in two days from now."

"Okay nya… But… It's as big as Akeno said… And girthy…"

Kuroka blushed as she kept her grip on my hard member— Still lightly and slowly stroking it. When I kissed her on the lips, she happily responded, but I broke the kiss and told her.

"Kuroka, all those vulgar words you said last week, we'll do them. Better prepare yourself, both mentally and physically."

Kuroka's face became even redder at me mentioning what she had said.

"R-Really? H-Huh? You're into all of that?"

I shake my head.

"I don't know what I'm into, but I'll try them all. But no pegging or anything, since I really am not into that. OR using my Avatar or Clones. That's a big no."


"I'll also a time dilation barrier, we'll fuck for an entire day, and only ten minutes will pass outside."

This again, makes Kuroka even more embarrassed, as steam was coming out of her head.

"I'll add an effect that you won't need to eat or drink, as well as extra energy. I'll fulfill that wish for you."

I take her hands on my still hard member.


She let out a disappointed noise. I pull her towards the door.

"Let's get some sleep for now."

"Mmm… Thank you, and sorry, Jin…"

[Partner, are you doing all of this because of what I said or because you want to do it?]

Both. Ddraig was right about a lot of things, but I won't improve instantly, it will be a gradual thing from here on out.


The Dragon snorts.

[Experience is always the best teacher after all.]

Yeah, I guess so.

[I just scared you a little, but you better keep that promise, not to myself but to you and your mates.]

Yeah, I will. Don't worry, Ddraig. I'll be relying on you guys more from now on.

[Sure thing, Partner.]

{Of course, Jin.}

Cúntóir: Answer: Anything for you, Jin.

[Rebuild the trust and friendship with Rias Gremory, since she was troubled by the news.]

That was the plan. We weren't near any kind of intimate relationship, so this came to light at a better time…

[What about Darcel and Raynare?]

Next evening, I'll attend classes myself since I've been skipping too much. I can rid of Darcel and that Dragon killing prototype Divine Beast.

I finally reached my room, Kuroka wanted to keep sleeping with Shirone for the night and told me that she'll join me tomorrow night.


Jin Skyward


Hmm, not a dream, so it's…

I turn around and see both Dragons there casually napping.

[Hmm? Oh, hey partner, what brings you here?]

{Welcome, Jin.}

"Greetings, Jin."

Cúntóir also waved to me.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Better, but I'm still bothered about not being in full control of my body earlier. What was that about?"

Both dragons shrug.

[Cúntóir cut our link when she appeared outside, so we don't know.]

{We can assume she won't tell us, so save your breath, Jin.}

"Probably. But… Can I ask you about the memory I got earlier?"

Cúntóir smiles and nods at my question.

"That memory was from your past self."

She confirmed our theory.

"It was during your teenage years, you…. You were in a dark place, that's all I can say."

"I see, thank you. But I wonder what happened?"

It's super vague but a starting point.

[Heh, you were an asshole back then too, huh?]

Ddraig snorts and smirks at me.

{Jin did lose someone dear to him, apparently. Teenagers are not known for having common sense or tact.}

[Well, that part of his past personality did show up, even if he wasn't aware of it. If we weren't here, he'd be going down that path, figuring it out by himself further down the road. Super Edgelord Jin, what a time to be alive.]

I sigh and ignore Ddraig and turn to the other two.

"Anything else, Cúntóir?"

"…You passed away at the age of 26."

She smiles at me.

"Twenty-six, huh? So around the prime of my life, my twenties."

I nod, looks like I died relatively young, as to what? I have no idea, but I was in a hospital, because of those beeping noises.

"I'll guess you can't tell me how then?"

She nods at my question.

"You had a rough time as a teen… Your parents…"

She trails off and had a sad expression.

"None-existent? Neglectful? Narcissists?" I finished for her, and she only responded with a sad smile, confirming it for me.

"….Around your 20s, you picked your life back up… It was only getting better year by year… But…"

She smiled sadly again.

"Life is never fair. You soon met your end."

I nod.

"So, the voices were never part of my old life then, so it's whatever the incident was?"

[It seems so, Partner.]

Again, Cúntóir nods confirming my theory.

[Hahaha! Maybe whatever the incident is merged with your soul, making the complete mess that is you, right now, Partner.]

{Two different personalities, strange, whatever it was hasn't emerged yet.}

"Maybe… You're on to something."


Cúntóir calls out to me.


"Azathoth isn't the only Outer God that is currently awake, while the rest are asleep… Another is watching. Aware of your existence."

Now… This was troubling…

[Perhaps they're messing with you, Partner? Maybe even directly!]

"Maybe… We don't have evidence though; we also don't know which Outer God… There's quite a few of them."

"Haah… How troubling, I already have other crap to deal with…"

The next day

Rub! Rub! Rub!

"Nya nya nya ~"

It was breakfast and Kuroka had refused to leave my side, she was currently rubbing herself against me, everyone was a bit surprised by the sudden development.

"Um… Kuroka…?"

Akeno finally spoke up.


Kuroka didn't even turn to her but kept on flirting with me.

"W-What happened…? Is everything alright?"

"Hmmm? Oh yeah, everything's fine again nya ~"

She licked my neck as she answered Akeno.

"Okay… That's enough."

I lightly chopped her. She pouted but got off me.

"I'll be going to school today and not my clones. I'll be busy tonight too."

They all nod and got on with our day. Reni… Was smiling brightly at me, a relieved expression on her.


Before Akeno teleported with Ingvild and Shirone I called out to her.


She trots over to me as she tilts her head waiting for me to continue.

"About Rias—"

I start but she cuts me off by putting a finger on my lips.

"It's okay, Jin, I forgive you. Our relationship is okay, but you may need to rebuild the one you had with Rias, and her trust too."

I sigh and rubbed the back of my head.

"Yeah, I guessed as much. Thank you though, most girls would be mad at this point, you know."

"Ufufufu, I guess I'm a little bit calmer than others then."

Shirone then stands beside her.


She beckons me towards her, I comply and crouch to her level.

"Thank you for making up with my Nee-sama."

"Haah… Yeah, it all ended a lot better than I thought. We've made up and will hopefully have a better relationship from here on out."

"Mmm, I love my sister, but if I had to choose... I would go with her if you two… You know…"

I nod as I knew what she meant.

"Don't worry about it, I know what you mean."

I turn back to Akeno.

"Akeno, inform Rias there's some rogue fallen in her territory. I'll be dealing with them tonight, if she wants to be there then you can all come along. But I won't wait, if I see the opportunity to rid of them, then…"

"Of course, I'll tell her."

She kisses me and she teleports away with In and Shirone.


Abandoned Church

School was nothing special, it was slightly tense with Rias but we spoke the same to each other, I don't think Sona and Tsubaki noticed at all, the same with the rest of the school or her peerage.

I had lunch with Ingvild, and she had told me her friends were busy, but I knew she was lying... She wants to spend more time with me, maybe...?

The usual shenanigans happened at school, the usual death glares, Gasper's Fan club increasing even more. After school, I dropped by the ORC and told them I was busy so I had to go home today.

Seems like Akeno already told Rias, I'm guessing sometime during lunch? Because she was fine with me skipping, the others were also fine as two of them knew while the others assumed I had other human duties.


I was just outside the Abandoned Church, Invisible, Asia was in no danger, as I heard Raynare and her group screaming at each other at her slow pace at preparing the ritual to remove Asia's Sacred Gear.

Did she really have a change of heart? I don't understand how though, if I take what Ddraig said that day… But it didn't make sense, it was way too quick!

[You'll find out soon, Partner.]

Darcel was inside too, but was silently waiting, seemed like he was looking forward to our fight. I'll not give him a fight. It will be a one-sided beat down. I promise you that, fallen.

…I see a group of devils approaching the church, seems like they're here.

Third Person Point of View

"So, this is where the rogue fallen are?"

Gasper asks as he looks at the abandoned church. He shivered.

"We're still not welcome here…"

"Yes, but we must be ready to confront them and rid of them if necessary."

Rias nods in agreement, feeling a bit nervous in front of it. In the event that they are hit by light... They turn into nothing.

"Took you guys long enough."

An unknown voice says, alerting Gasper and Kiba.


Gasper started to shriek but Koneko covered his mouth with her hand, stopping him.


Kiba summoned a demonic sword from his [Sword birth], readying himself, but was confused by the rest of his fellow peerage members' actions.

Suddenly Jin appeared in front of them leaning against the abandoned church.


Kiba asks shocked as he lowered his sword.

"W-When did you learn magic?"

"Quite some time ago, Kiba. Anyway, we have some rogues to stop."

Jin smiles at him as he pushed himself off the church's walls.

"Senpai, please stand back, there are dangerous people in there…"

Gasper tried to grab Jin's arm but was pulled back by Koneko.


Gasper was confused but Koneko just shook her head.

"Talk later, let's do this."

Jin cocks his arm back and punches the abandoned church.


The building shattered into pieces, Jin knew Asia was underground and was safe, so he had no problems doing this.


Kiba was shocked but didn't have time to continue his words.

"Heheheheh… Hahahahahaah!!!!! Red Dragon Emperor! You came to play!!!!!!!!!!"

A crazed male flew out of the rubble. One of his eyes were missing and he had a crazed smile stretched across his face.

"Yo, Darcel, been a minute."

Jin waved to the fallen as the fallen put his arms into the air.


He screamed and creatures of all shapes and sizes started to appear around the surrounding area, they ranged from small to large in size.


A different creature stood out; it was large… Very large. The Dragon killer was a giant monster with a Wyvern's head, a Lion's body, and Tentacles for its hand and feet. It stood at 93 meters tall, the size of the Statue of Liberty.

Before this happened, before the Gremory group came here, Jin had put up a barrier, so the residents of Kuoh wouldn't see this. But he was going to transport them to another dimension since fighting here would be too much of a hassle as he'd destroy the surroundings.

And he did just that.


"N-Now what?!"

Kiba kept getting more and more surprises.

"W-Where are we…?"

Gasper asked as he looked around.

"Another dimension, but… It looks like Kuoh, a one-for-one re-creation."

Akeno explained to both her juniors.

"Who did it?"

Kiba asked, but Akeno only turned her gaze to Jin.

"J-Jin-senpai did…?"

She nodded to his question.


Rias stared at Jin with a complicated expression.



A blonde nun screamed as she was suddenly pulled by an unknown force. She looks up and sees Jin.


"With this, I won't need to worry about destroying the actual town of Kuoh."

Jin had finally spoken again after his long silence. Jin also pulls Raynare's group as he ties them up with magic canceling rope.

"W-What the fuck?! I can't get this crap off me!"

Mittelt screams as she struggled to destroy the rope.


Kalawarna was also struggling to break free, the same with Dohnaseek, but Raynare was the only one who had a sort of relieved look on her. She did not try struggling. Jin again puts his palm towards the four fallen and removes their power.

"W-What the hell did you do?!"

Mittelt demanded an answer from Jin. He coldly looks at her and tells them.

"I removed your powers, you're as powerful and useful as a newborn human baby."

"Yeah, like fuck we are!"

Mittelt didn't believe him at all, she tried to break free again but noticed her strength was even worse than before… Visible cold sweat instantly appeared on her head, the same with the other two, except Raynare. Seems like she accepted her fate.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck! No, no, no, no!! WHY WHY WHY?!!?"

It looked like the small blonde fallen started to have a mental breakdown.

"I can't summon my wings…"

Dohnaseek says to the group, Kalawarna tried to and didn't have any luck.

"I really can't…"

The blue-haired fallen muttered defeatedly.

"Just shut up and stay there until I bring you back to Grigori, Azazel is looking forward to questioning you guys."

When Jin told them that they started to shake violently, they were scared… Horrified at the thought. They knew how cruel Azazel can get, so they didn't— They weren't looking forward to being brought back.

"A-Azazel? The leader of the fallen?"

Gasper was being informed of more and more news, more than he could keep up, the same with Kiba, he looked at Jin and asked.

"Jin-senpai, are you affiliated with Grigori— The fallen angels?"

"No, hey Rias, care to explain to your members? I'll take care of the psycho over there."

Jin asked the heiress and she nodded.

"Akeno, watch over her group and Asia, alright?" Akeno also nodded to Jin as she helped the blonde nun up.

"Th-Thank you… Akeno…san?"

"Ufufufu, no problem, Asia-chan ~"

Jin started to walk towards Darcel as Rias turns to her [Knight] and [Bishop].

"Jin Skyward, is the middleman that has been training us the past few weeks… And the Red Dragon Emperor, apparently."


The two are slack-jawed as they looked back and forth between their master and Jin.

The cryptids that Darcel summoned ranged from Middle-class to High-class in Power. The Dragon killer was the peak of True Satan-class, this is the power it got to, as it was put together quickly by Avezza. It also had dragon slaying capabilities, it was made with one thing in mind, kill the Red Dragon Emperor.


He bellowed out.

"Make this interesting, [Welsh Dragon]!!!"

Darcel brings out his wings, all 8 of them.


He ordered the cryptid, they all roared and charged towards Jin and the Gremory peerage. Darcel also charged towards Jin.

"Battle stations!"

Rias announced to her peerage, but Akeno and Shirone didn't move, Gasper and Kiba did, their King was confused.

"Akeno? Koneko?"

"It's fine, President, Jin's here."

Koneko nodded along.

"Senpai is strong…. He'll blow them away…. Literally."

Jin raises his hands, when he did small droplets of red water appeared everywhere in the new dimension, the only exception is the giant Dragon killer, Darcel, and the area around the ORC.

"Red water… Drops?"

Rias was confused as she tried to touch it, Akeno stopped her as she shakes her head.

"It's better to not touch things Jin makes without him explaining to you."

Rias complies and takes her hand away.


Jin stared at Darcel with cold dead eyes.

"May the wrath of the gods pierce you…[Megiddo]!"

The small water droplets shaped by Jin created lenses that focus light into laser beams that are deadly, these small droplets can kill God-class being with ease, if Jin wishes, he could wipe out beings stronger than that…. Smaller water droplets are then used as mirrors to redirect the lasers toward the targets.

The process is very energy efficient as the attack that ends up striking the target itself uses no form of energy due to Jin's race, as he's an Outer God. Any anti-magic barriers are entirely useless against the beams as well.

Shhhwiiip!! Pang! Pang! Shwwiipp!! Ping!

The weaker cryptids started to fall like flies, each water droplet, the attack killed them as efficiently as possible, aiming for the weak spots— Which were most of the time, the head.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

The attack continued until nearly all the cryptids were killed.

Cúntóir: Answer: 80% of Cryptids were killed.

'Good enough, the rest can be dealt with…'

Jin looks to his side.


A shadow figure emerged from Jin's shadow as it kneeled beside him.

"At your service, my King."

"Kill the rest of the cryptids, leave the fallen and giant one to me."

Jin ordered the shadow.

"At once!"

Igris eagerly replied, this was his first official assignment that had combat involved, he wanted to impress his King after all.

Fwoshhh!!!! Slash! Slash! Slice! Splat!

Igris, swiftly and efficiently sliced and diced through the weak cryptids like they were butter. Once Igris killed a cryptid, he seemed to 'teleport' behind the next one and kill it instantly. But he wasn't using any magic, his speed was just that fast.


The Gremory group, Asia, and Raynare's group watched in awe at the spectacle in front of them.

"Hmm ~ I've never seen that shadow thing before…"

Akeno put a hand on her cheek, Koneko nodding along.

"That new attack as well… [Megiddo], was it? Ufufufu, it's quite efficient. I could hardly notice any mana from it, but they killed those things so quickly."

"Jin-senpai didn't show him before…"

Koneko had pulled out a bag of sweets from somewhere and started eating.

"This is… The power of the Middleman?"

Kiba was staring at Jin's back with admiration.

"Is— Is this Jin-senpai going all out?"

"No. But just enjoy the show, Kiba-kun."

Akeno knew seeing him try at all was nearly useless, so they all— His harem stopped trying quite some time ago.


Darcel summoned thousands of light spears behind him and launched them towards Jin.


Jin simply slapped the light spears and 'broke' them.


The Dragon killer bellowed out, it sent a mist towards Jin from behind it.

'Mist…. Poison? Probably lethal to dragons.'


Darcel starts laughing at Jin as he saw that he didn't try avoiding the poison.

"Stupid boy! This is your end, thanks to your arrogancy!"


Jin keeps casually walking towards Darcel— Seemingly unaffected by the poison.

"W-What?! How can you keep moving?!"

'…Idiot, I used the same thing back then in Spain… My [True Infinity]. I can choose what hits me or not with it. Like I would let lethal poison come into contact with me… Also, I'm immune to it all, idiot.'

Jin shook his head at the dumbfounded fallen. As Jin got closer the tentacles from the Cryptid covered itself in all types of elements and attacked the young man.

'They're coated with Dragon slaying properties too… They're prepared…'

But the attacks never reached him, Jin this time touched the tentacles, 'breaking' them again.


The Dragon killer roared in pain, the cryptid starts to throw out attacks everywhere as it had been injured heavily. It didn't discriminate as some nearly hit Darcel too.

"Tch, fucking useless…. But I'm in deep shit too…"

Darcel clicked his tongue, the Dragon killer was useless and the monster in front of him— Jin seemed invincible, what should he do?

'…Let's check him out.'

Name: Vārnu Karalis (Darcel)

Age: 500+

Potential: Satan Class - Ex

Rank: Ultimate Class - Ex

Gender: Male

Race: Fallen Angel

Titles: Head Hunter

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 66 (67%)

Hp: 78,120(Hp Regen: 8,239 per minute)

Mp: 95,219 (Mp Regen:13,598 per second)

Str: 190

Vit: 210

Dex: 199

Int: 222

Wis: 90

Char: 320

Luk: 76

'He has a lot of potential… Too bad it's wasted since he's psychotic.'

"No choice then."

Darcel clicked his tongue again and pulled out something… A vial? He opened it and drank it.



'…His rank and stats went up.'

Darcel: Current rank: Satan Class – Ex+++

[It could be Azrael's blood Partner; he is working with him.]

'That's a possibility.'

Jin nodded to himself as Darcel flew towards him, an extra two pairs of wings on him, he became a 12-winged Fallen.


With his newfound strength— Also came newfound ego. Darcel covered his fist with light energy and sent a punch at Jin.

…The punch connected with his barrier of Infinity…

Break! Splat!


Darcel screamed because as soon as he made contact with his fist it shattered and blood started to fly everywhere. Panicked, Darcel tries to fly away.

"You bi—!?!"

Darcel began to speak but Jin appeared behind him.

Snap! Tear!


Darcel howled in pain again, as Jin had ripped all of his wings off of him. Jin then kicks him in the face— Sending the fallen into the Dragon Killer, both being pushed back further away.


Jin threw the wings he tore off to the side, burning them with fire magic afterwards. The Dragon killer screeched again and fired a flame breath attack at him. As per usual, Jin is unharmed, this was confirmed when the fire dissipated after the attack.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck! What the fuck?!"

Darcel was limping towards Jin, his body was in pain— His entire body, every part of him ached. Darcel was furious, he glared so hard at Jin, if looks could kill… Then his definitely will.



Jin didn't answer as he silently glares at Darcel. There wasn't any point in explaining himself to a man that's going to be dead soon.

"Fuck it… Enough, I knew I didn't stand a chance… I loved every bit of it….. But at least Avezza was useful…."

Darcel muttered as another massive grin appeared on him. He pulled out a… Syringe with a long tube and a sharp nail on the other end. They connected to each other.

Darcel stabs himself with the syringe and the Dragon Killer with the other end.



The area around Darcel and the Dragon killer is covered in a bright white light. Darcel's crazy laughter is heard throughout the light show.

"Seems like the magic jamming things he set up were useless since I transported us here, huh?"

[It's better to destroy them after this, Jin. Or it might be used during 'that'.]

Jin nodded as he knew what Ddraig meant. It was going to be used during the Kokabiel events, so if he destroys them now then he won't need to worry about them down the line.


The light slowly died and what was in front of him was just…


Jin squinted his eyes at the now fused Dragon Killer and Darcel.

"Not the brightest idea, you know."


He screamed. So, there was a chance of him dying? How dumb can you be…?

{Beings desperate for power can and will do anything for it…}

'So, he became stupid after I punched him? Maybe I shouldn't have then…or he's always been like this…?'

Jin sighed and used a binding technique on Darcel, as he was stuck to the spot now.

"W-What did you do?!?!"

Darcel tried to move his big body, but it didn't move an inch. He tried and tried again, with varying amounts of power, but he didn't budge.

Darcel was starting to become nervous now… This… This has never happened to him before.

'Is this how I die…? Not even a godly fight with the Red Dragon Emperor… But a one-sided beat-down…?'


He demanded to know, but as usual, Jin doesn't answer him. Jin starts to float and points his finger towards the sky. A giant magic circle appears, covering three times the area of Darcel's body mass.


The fallen was in a panic now, he was desperate, he didn't get the legendary fight after all…it was almost like Jin was bullying the guy.

"Jio… Graze."

Jin muttered as a jet-black sun appears from the magic circle and slowly descends onto Darcel, the fallen cryptid hybrid starts to scream and struggles even more as the attack slowly approaches him.

"NO!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!! I WAS MEANT FOR MORE THINGS!!!!!"


Jin read his memories before his life ended. What he saw sickened him… But… Azrael was in contact with something…or someone, they were powerful as it made Azrael reach the peak of God Class in power.

'He calls that thing his 'Goddess' what is it…? Is it from another world… Or…'

He didn't want to think of it, but there's a small chance it might be an…

'[{Outer God.}]'

Jin, Ddraig, and Albion muttered the word together.

'So, they've been messing with me all this time the…? Tch, why though? What do they gain from it…?'

What annoyed Jin more was that every time he— Darcel teleported to the base they never said the name or place, they kept it a secret.

'Is this why I couldn't locate him? The Outer God was helping hide him…who else is it hiding away from me…? Ghidorah…? Other DxD villains…? Fuck, I have more questions than answers then…'



The attack finally makes contact with Darcel as he screams in anguish. The attack fully consumed him, leaving nothing behind.


Once the attack was gone… The area in front of Darcel was gone, no it didn't just make a giant crater, the area, law, concepts, time, space… Existence itself, was erased. It was as if the artist of his art, took an eraser and started to erase their drawing…or burned the entire paper with fire.

It was completely annihilated.

'It's over, huh?'

Jin Skyward



A figure… A figure of someone…. Was in front of me. It…. He had their back turned from me, so I couldn't see their face. The figure stood with an aura of confidence and authority, almost imposing in a way…



[Partner?! What was that?!]


What? What in all that is fuck happened?! That person…. The only thing I can see was… Blonde! It— He had blonde hair!

The figure had blonde hair!

[Blonde hair…?]

{That doesn't necessarily narrow it down that much…}

I don't know the gender… since they had their back turned from me.

[Were you blonde in your previous life, Partner?]

Hell no! Er… Maybe? I really don't know… Cúntóir, do you know?

Cúntóir: Answer: You had black hair in your previous life.

Okay, you heard the lady… then, who the fuck was that? Whatever, I'll deal with it later! I have to sort this mess out first…

I turn back to see the Gremory Peerage were looking at me in awe, the same with Asia and Raynare's group.

I hate being in the center of attention… I thought they might have had a chance of fighting… Guess I was wrong. Igris was standing beside them as he waited patiently for me to return.

"Welcome back, my King."

Igris was already kneeling as he welcomed me back.

"Yeah, good work."

I gesture for him to return to my shadow and he complied.

"Who was that, Jin? Something new you created?"

Akeno casually asks and I nodded.

"Yeah, he's one of my… Shadow soldiers, there's another one, but he's in Ingvild's shadow right now. Anyway, let's get all this sorted out, alright?"

I turn to Raynare's group.

"So, the real reason you recruited Asia into your group was to kill and steal her Sacred Gear, [Twilight healing], yes?"

"Fuck you! Bite my juicy fat ass!"

Mittelt cursed at me as she glared at me, her attitude didn't change after being nerfed down to the ground.

"We ain't saying shit!"

I stare at her with cold dead eyes, while also directing some killing intent at her, the female fallen starts to shake uncontrollably, tears streaming down her face.

"WAIT! I'll tell her…"

Raynare shouts, I wasn't going to do anything, but at least we have someone willing to tell the poor confused nun. Raynare turns to Asia and explains to her why she did what she did. Asia's eyes widen as she listened to her leader.

"Tch… Why are you being like this all of a sudden, Raynare? What the hell is wrong with you…?"

Kalawarna was confused, very much so, her leader was acting so strangely all of a sudden… It didn't make sense to her. Raynare ignored her and continued, once she was done Asia had a complicated expression.

"In the supernatural world, power means everything… Without it… You are nothing, you're fodder, something to discarded away."

"I was a Low-class pure angel; I fell because I envied the Ten Seraphs and the Four Great Seraph's powers…"

"I joined Grigori because… Well, I fell, and also to impress Azazel, if I managed to get a Sacred Gear, my value would change! Right?"

She sighed….

"That's impossible now…"

Asia had fallen silent as she listened to Raynare's reasons.

"I… I— Kuh…."

"Raynare-sama, even if you can't say those words now… I forgive you."

That's so like Asia… Even after someone tries to literally murder her and get her power… She's still going to forgive her… What a kind person, she's way too pure…

"This also extends to everyone else in your group…"

The other fallen were also dumbfounded by this, the same with the devils on Gremory peerage.

"Even if you didn't get to start the ceremony because of her hesitance, even if you didn't hurt me yet… I still forgive all of you."

Dohnaseek snorts.

"This kindness will be your downfall in the future, you know that right?"

Asia answered his question with a silent nod.

"Even still… This— It won't change."

She turns to me as well.

"Jin-san, once again you helped me thank you!"

She smiles brightly at me.

"…..Yeah, it's no problem."

I turn to the ORC and point to the tied-up fallen.

"I'll be bringing these lot to Grigori."

They nod and I turn back to Asia.

"What you decide from now on is solely on you, you decide your life, your decisions. But if you need a place to stay in Kuoh. My home is open to you, Asia."

She nods happily

"Yes, thank you, Jin-san!"

I turn to Rias and nod at her, she was confused for a moment before understanding what I meant and nodded back. Gasper tilted his head confused by what I did.

"G-Good luck, Jin-san!"

Asia wished me luck as I made Raynare's group float towards me.

"I'll see you at home, Akeno, Shirone."

I cancel the different dimension and we were all transported back to reality— Back to Japan, Kuoh. I turn to the destroyed church and repaired it by reversing time on it. Both girls nod at me and I teleport away with the fallen.



I put my hand up and greet Azazel, Shemhazai was also there with him in his office.

"Hmm? Oh, hey Jin… Ah, you're done with it?"

Azazel greets me, and Shemhazai also nods to me. They both see the fallen I brought with me.

"Yeah, it's done."

I let them fall slowly to the ground, all of them had gone silent once they saw their former leaders.

"They can't fight back; I removed their powers and the only way to get them back is through me."

"If they somehow rehabilitate and I deem them no longer a threat to Grigori, then I'll restore them. If not, they'll stay like this, forever. They're in your hands now."

I turn back to Raynare's group.

"Reflect on your actions. I can at least see one of you that's willing on doing that."

I glance at Raynare as she curled more into herself. I look at Azazel too.

"Good luck."

Before I could teleport Azazel calls out to me.

"You seemed like you aged up a few years, what's up with that?"

Azazel seemed amused by it. I shake my head.

"Just got scolded by Ddraig, that's all."

"Pfft— Alright then."

Azazel laughs and waves me off.

Japan, Kuoh.

When I teleported back into my home, the living room, everyone was there, alongside Asia.

"Hey there. I'm back."

They all turn to me when I announced myself.

"Welcome back!"

They greet me as Reni attached herself to me like a Koala.

"Yeah, I'm home, so, how's everything for you so far, Asia?"

"Ufufufu, welcome home Jin, this is Asia Argento, Rias's new [Bishop] ~"

So, she did accept her offer in the end… Well, whatever, it's Asia's decision. I did tell her to decide for herself.

"Y-Yes! I became Rias Gremory-sama's new bishop. Please take care of me!"

"Mmm, welcome to my— Your home, well I guess our home."


I feel someone bump into me from behind, when I turn to that person, it was none other than Rias Gremory. We awkwardly stare at each other until I step to the side and gesture for her to come into the living room, she nods and steps in.

"So, Jin… Why the sudden change in personality…"

Akeno publicly asks me the question that's been in their minds. I chuckle.

"Just got a little verbal lashing from Ddraig, nothing else."

Just then my right arm glows and his mark appears.

[Damn straight!]

He quickly appears and disappears, everyone laughing at him.

"Haaaah…. It's exhausting though."

I slumped my shoulders and sigh loudly. I go to sit on the couch as Akeno giggles at me.

"Well, we all mature at different rates, I guess."

I nodded along as I plopped my head down on Ingvild's lap, she's stopped yelping at this point and just starts spoiling me, she started to stroke and pat my head. This feels nice.

"Oh, right, welcome to my humble abode, Rias. What are your impressions?"

I turn my head towards the Crimson-haired princess, as she looked amused at me.

"Thank you, Jin. It's…. Homey, very comfy but simple."

"Great, because that's what I was going for."

I could feel Reni climbing on top of me and snuggling into me. Geez, what's with her… I know she was worried… But I'm fine now, maybe she wants to be spoiled too?

"Asia, did you pick a room yet?"

She shakes her head, looks like she hasn't then, I turn to Grayfia and nod to her.

"Can you help her, Grayfia?"

"Yes, of course, Jin."

She gestures for Asia to follow her and the nun trots behind her like a lost puppy. I sit up from my lap pillow as Reni's incessant cuddling is making it a bit difficult. I tap my right thigh and Reni gets her own lap pillow, Shirone also takes residence on my left thigh almost instantly.

"So, about Asia and school…"

I start but Rias shakes her head.

"I already have plans for that, she's my [Bishop] after all."

I nod, good she's on top of things.

"I see, that's reassuring."

I sigh and get up as I pick up Shirone, making the girl a little bit annoyed. I notice Kuroka was sleeping on a different couch in her cat form. Reni also got up, slightly pouting. I place Shirone on her lap and she quickly recovers as she hugs her tightly, Shirone glaring at me for doing such a thing to her.

"Sorry, Shirone, it won't be long."

I turn back to Rias.

"Rias, can we talk? The backyard is this way…"

I start to walk to the door and Rias nods.


It was night already so when we arrived at the backyard, we were staring up into the night sky. We stayed like this for who knows how long, just the night sky and silence.

"What you said yesterday, was it all true…?"

Rias broke the silence and asked me a question.

"Yes, I just wanted to look cool, I have no other excuse. I'm stupid like that."

I confirmed her question without looking at her.

"Haah… You're dumb."

I could see her shaking her head.

"You could have seriously damaged my relationship with my servants you know."

I silently nodded. I know, I'm stupid. Ddraig has said that a lot already.

"It also put a slight strain on our friendship…"

"Yeah, it did."

We fall silent again, it wasn't awkward per se, but it was a bit tense. We both turn to each other at the same time, surprising us a bit as we smiled at each other. I put my hand out for a handshake.

"Let's start over then, fresh, and not keep secrets from one another. A real friendship and nothing superficial."

Rias smiles and nods as she grabs my hand and shakes it.

"Yes, I would also prefer this arrangement."

Our handshake lingers for a moment before we break it off.

"I'll also explain to Kiba and Gasper, they were looking pretty confused by it all."

I chuckle and Rias nods.

"Yes, please do. I'll be there to answer questions for them if needed."

The next morning

I had woken up earlier than usual, so I had gone downstairs to get breakfast started earlier, Grayfia was also still not here.

Kay, let's do this…


I heard Grayfia's voice behind me, I hadn't kept up with the time, so a good bit had passed as Grayfia was up. I didn't turn to her as I kept cooking.

"Hmm? Oh yes, Grayfia, can you help me here?"

She swiftly does so with the small instructions I gave her, though she seemed at the top of it as she didn't have any problems with the simple breakfast I made.

During the small downtime we had, while the food was cooking, Grayfia had hugged me from behind… Which I found kind of funny since I'm usually the one that does that.

"You seem very… Touchy-feely with me today, care to explain?"

I chuckle as she kept hugging me.

"But I like it, so I'm not really complaining."

"I've been alive longer than you, Jin… I have seen countless devils and other beings change over the years… I can see someone change almost immediately."

She explained as I felt her hug me tighter.

"I see…"

"I'm here if you need me, Jin. I always will."

I turn around and hug her back, we were left in a very comfortable silence.

"Yeah, thank you. I'm just a bit 'tired' after all that, trying to balance it all is a lot harder than it seemed in theory."

"Mmm, your dismissal of Kuroka was quite… Impertinent of you. But you must move on and learn from that."

I laugh and tell her the real reasons why Kuroka avoided me, she sighs heavily and shakes her head on my chest.

"You're both immature as you're both still young. Next time, talk it out, or else your harem will never work out."

"Yeah… I have a lot of things planned in the coming days or weeks…"

More features to the rings, the barrier Ddraig told me, and the other crap I promised everyone else… Ahhh… I love hugging this mature maid…

After school

I had explained myself to Gasper and Kiba and they were fine with it, surprisingly enough. They did say the same thing, being more honest with them from now on, I also said the same thing. Honesty went both ways after all.

Hmmm…? I felt a being with a high magical signature approach me, they had disguised themselves with illusion magic. It was quite high too; they must be skilled.

A Fae…? What the hell are they doing in Japan? They gave me a letter, nodded and disappeared. Thankfully the area I was at was empty or else that would have caused a ruckus.

I open the letter and read through it. It basically said I was invited to the Faerie Kingdom in Ireland in a week's time.

I nod as I didn't have any problems with that… It didn't say I couldn't bring anyone with me…so I want to bring two individuals with me, Ddraig did mention them… Also, gotta ask for their opinion of how I have done things…

More verbal beat downs? What is wrong with me… I'm not a masochist. I could hear Ddraig snicker at me.

Skyward household

I had arrived back home after my quick encounter with a Fae. I was surprised to see Grayfia waiting for me in the hallway entrance.

I walk over to her and we greet each other with a kiss.

"Hey Grayfia, what's up? This is quite rare of you."

"Yes, a request came your way, Venelana-sama has requested your help to watch over Millicas-sama's training, another individual will accompany you with his training… You two are already well acquainted, through a battle."

"I don't mind, but through battle, huh? It's probably Sairaorg then."

I nod and accepted the request; not every day you get requested by Rias' mother…

"When is it?"


Tomorrow, huh?

"I'll use an Avatar for school then. Sure, I'm game for it."

I didn't think they thought of it as that urgent.



I turn to my side and see a circle from Azazel.

"It's one thing after another… Hey, what's up Azazel? Need something from me?"

"Yo, Jin. I got some info for you. You can come by and see Sae in two weeks, I just need to work out some stuff before you can enter her room."

"Uh sure, anything else? Like info from Raynare's group?"

"Nah, nothing yet. We've just locked them up, for now, we're gonna get started with them tonight."

"I'll tell you when you visit here in two weeks, or earlier if you drop by. Anyway, that's all from me!"

Azazel announced and the magic circle vanished.

What happened to Sae…? So much stuff is happening… Millicas and Sairaorg tomorrow, I'll visit Ireland again in a week, one week after that I'll be in Grigori to help Sae, then Riser events along with Suzaku…. I haven't gotten an answer from the Himejima family too…

This is exhausting! Well, whatever! Have at me!!!!


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