Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 7 – Improvements, A Cats love or two and Millicas*

A lemon followed by a lime... Or should it be renamed to another lemon?


Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

Jin Skyward

"I shall continue with the preparation of dinner then."

Grayfia bows and starts to walk back into the kitchen.

"Do you need help?"

"No, I will be fine."

She answered back without turning around. I shrug and go into the living room.


I stand there and look at what's happening in front of me… Which was nothing out of the ordinary, with the exception of Kuroka not being here.

"Hey I'm back, where's Kuroka?"

Everybody turns to me when they hear my voice, but they just blush at me instead.

…? Did Kuroka say something about what's going to happen tonight? That's the only reason they'd look at me and blush.

"Er— I take it that she told you about what's happening and… She's preparing?"

They all nod and I sigh.

"Talk about being hardcore… I did tell her to prepare but I thought it would be a bit more… Well, less."

"She's just looking forward to it."

Akeno giggled and gestured for me to sit. I nod and sit in between Reni and her. Shirone who was seated on another couch eating silently got up and plopped herself on my lap as soon as I sat down.

"How was school?"

Reni asked as she leaned against me, Akeno doing the same thing.

It was normal; my hate club continues to grow, as usual. Oh, a Fae from Ireland did approach me today which was surprising. It was on my way back home."

"A Fae? Are they finally planning to form an alliance with the other factions through you?"

Ingvild asked as I shrugged.

"That seems to be the case, a Fae did approach me when I was in Ireland last month, this is what they probably meant by being contacted."

I pull out the letter and give it to Reni. She read it, nodded, and passed it on to Ingvild. She did the same thing.

"Hmm? It doesn't say you have to go alone… Are you bringing someone or multiple people with you?"

Ingvild got up and gave the letter back to me, she went back to her seat afterwards.

"Yeah, I have two people in mind. But if any of you want to come along then tell me before I go in a week's time."

They all nod. I could see Asia staring at me in awe not saying anything… She hadn't started going to school yet; she will start tomorrow though.

Now that I think about it… Isn't she destined to be in the same class as Motohama and Matsuda? Oh, and Aika Kiryuu… She'll be corrupted faster since I'm a year above her… Xenovia when she joins won't be of help since she's as clueless as Asia…

Should I ask Rias to switch her classrooms to Kiba's?' I pondered the thought… Asia did make friends with her and others within the class… Am I being too overprotective? Ddraig, Albion, what do you guys think?

[Asia will be subjected to perverted things eventually, whether it be from Aika or yourself, or even your harem. It will happen, you're just delaying the inevitable.]

{Mmm, the same thing will happen if she is switched to Kiba Yuuto's class, you said it yourself. Kuoh Academy— No, this world has an overabundance of perverts, you are one yourself. A closet pervert, but a pervert nonetheless.}

[Right, Asia Argento is naïve and innocent, but that will change over time. Hell, she's been glancing at you and blushing since you walked in.]

I look at Asia and she is doing just that. She sees me looking at her and averts her gaze. Did Kuroka talk about things with her? She was the only one home other than Asia…

[Then it's already started, haha, tasked failed successfully, Partner.]

"Ufufufu, it's okay Asia-chan ~ you'll get used to this."

Akeno tries to comfort Asia but she just nodded silently.

"How was your day, Asia?"

I stop talking to the dragons and turn to the newly added family member.

"A-Ah, yes! It was great?"

She answers with a question.

"Kuroka-san and I spoke about a lot of… Things… Auuu…"

She blushed as she remembered whatever she spoke to Kuroka about.

"S-She brought me on a guided tour around Kuoh today… She's a lovely person, she even bought me new clothes… I need to pay her back."

"It's fine, I've given the girls more than the necessary amount of money needed to live a day-to-day life… Kuroka probably didn't spend too much, so it's fine."

I reassure her that she wasn't being greedy or selfish, though not she's a devil she can embrace those sides of her a little more.

"Really…? Well… If you say so, Jin-san. Thank you very much."

I should probably not give her a card for a while until she adjusts fully. This is because she did live in isolation for a long time, being used for her healing powers.

[Give her an allowance, that's easy for you.]

Yeah, that's what I had in mind, but I don't know how much…. Maybe one hundred thousand yen?

[Isn't that like seven hundred euros? I would say it's fine.]

I nod and turn back to Asia.

"Do you have a wallet?"

I ask her and she nods as she takes it out.

"I'll give you a weekly allowance then, I'll give you your own card when I think it's appropriate, you did just start living a more… Modern lifestyle."

I make the wallet float towards me, summon the previously mentioned amount, and put them into the wallet.

I changed the wallet's properties to allow the amount to be put in… Should I make this into a product? Seems convenient… But being robbed and having your life savings in this flexible wallet will bankrupt you… Once I was done, I gave the wallet back to Asia.

"I change your wallet to be more… 'Flexible' anyway, there's 100k yen in there."

When I told her the amount, her eyes threatened to come out of their sockets.

"T-T-T-This is too much!"

She was obviously panicking as she opened the wallet and saw the amount in there.

"It's fine, I can just make money on the fly."

I summoned a stack of dollar bills that equaled to one thousand dollars.


I dismissed it and sighed. I'll destroy the economy at this rate... Well, as long as they don't spend too much... I look towards the stairs and think about how much Kuroka eats and then to Ingvild who has been buying more things. They're small things but they do add up. She notices me and blushes.

"I-I don't spend that much…"

She mutters and I laugh.

"I didn't say anything In, but please be moderate about it."

She nods and turns back to her phone. I grab Shirone and get up. I place her on Reni's lap as she starts to hug the girl. Shirone deadpans at me unamused.

"Sorry, Shirone I have something to do. It's imperative."

"Where? What? Huh?"

Reni kept hugging Shirone as she also had a strange expression on her face as she looked up worriedly at me.

"Just need to improve some of the defenses I have around the house, I'll be doing the same thing with your rings later. I won't be long… I think."

"Oh, I'll be heading to the Underworld tomorrow, Venelana Gremory requested for me, I'll be using an Avatar for school again, relay this to Kuroka when she comes down, please?"

"Okay ~"

After my explanation Reni relaxes and turns back to hugging Shirone. I make my way to the backyard.

Once I was in the backyard I looked around. My house was solid…but the front and back gardens were not. Anyone could just waltz in, maybe I did get too… Soft. Sighing, I erected multiple barriers around my home. These barriers could tank an infinite number of Omniversal attacks.

In addition, I also added a self-repair/regenerative effect on them, which was instantaneous. Once they take an attack, they automatically repair themselves.

In order to go past this barrier, you need my authorization or be a normal human without any type of energy or magical properties. Otherwise, if you are a part of the supernatural world, you'll walk into it and be unable to go any further.

Furthermore, I incorporate sound-cancelling and sound-proofing into these barriers. The sound from within won't be heard, the sounds me and my girls will make, or anyone else that comes here. But we can hear 'relevant' sounds from the outside, normal car noises or other disturbing sounds will be blocked.

But cries for help or things along those lines will be heard. I also add a summonable panel anyone can use to control the weather and temperature in the outside. You can change the temperature to whatever you like, as well as the weather. So, if we're in winter you can just add an artificial sun, that only the residents in my home can see— Well anyone in here can see.

But to the outside… It will look like normal— Apart from us being in bikinis or something, if we do it in the winter… We'll look crazy. With that said, I increase the height of our fences and walls, I'll keep the front gardens the same, but change the backyards.

If these barriers somehow break... Which is impossible, but I can't be too paranoid... I created fifty combat android fairies. Each fairy's power level is at a Multiversal level, anything below them will die easily. They are designed primarily with combat in mind.

Much like the panel, they will only appear when danger is present otherwise, they're in a separate dimension in sleep mode. They follow my commands first and foremost. Whenever they see a target, they perceive it as a threat, but not me, and I tell them not to attack them, so they stop.

These fairies are red and white, resembling the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing] Scale mail color schemes.

[Heh, nice choice, Partner.]

These combat fairies will materialize from anywhere, they don't just appear outside, they can do so inside too.

{Will your harem have control of these? What happens if someone they perceive is a threat, but your lovers don't?}

Point taken. I'll add them as admins too, so they can control them. I do that immediately, now the fairies will also listen to the girls.

I look at my house and nod. It's time to add some underground sections to my house. I create three additional levels. The first section is a regular swimming pool. The girls might want to use it. I was thinking of adding it to the back garden, but I'll ask them about it so we'll have two options. There are also changing rooms and showers there, like an ordinary pool center.

The second level was a training area. I should have added this sooner since I know some of them want to train. Among them are Akeno when she doesn't have training sessions with Rias after school and Ingvild who looks like she's been itching to train.

I made it very large; it had some indestructible training dummies and normal ones that would regenerate themselves. Normal gym equipment for some basic physical training, a section to train your magic, that area has mana regeneration properties. I added an effect that increases mana regeneration at a rate of ninety-nine billion, so they can abuse it as much as they want.

[That's a lot, what about the rings?]

It will be upgraded, but the effects will be less, but will still feel instantaneous.

The materials used on the equipment can't be destroyed until you reach Omniversal levels of power, the same with the ground and walls. They can cut loose here.

Cut loose… Teleport back outside to my barrier and add an aura and mana sealing barrier that will block out my full power as an Outer God.

I will reveal my real identity to my girls soon, but not now, I need to do some things first. I teleport back to the gym and add another panel. This can change the time dilution within the gym. I set the max settings since I don't want them nearly killing themselves if they set it too high.

The maximum output is 100 years, both inside and out.

100 years inside, 10 minutes outside, or 10 minutes inside 100 years outside… Though I don't know who would choose that latter.

Finally, the third and final level for the time being. A core that will also act as a jamming or interference signal, much like what Darcel had planned.

Now that I think about it… I snap my fingers and destroy the jamming circles around the entirety of Kuoh. Additionally, I created a 'core' that was shaped like a small dragon, and it was glowing like Goku's Mastered Ultra Instinct.

[What the hell is that, Partner?]

{It feels like…unlimited energy?}

It is. This thing will power this household, so we can say goodbye to electricity bills for the foreseeable future. As I said earlier, this will also jam or interfere with anyone looking for me or my girls. It will be nearly impossible to find us.

If they try to, they will be given a random location somewhere around the world instead. If they did come to Kuoh and approach the general direction of my house, their senses and brain will be changed and altered. This will be so that they will be convinced that nothing is here.

But the downside is… If they already knew beforehand then I can't do much except wait to beat the shit out of them. However, I already have some barriers in place. So, we will be fine.

[Now this is what I was talking about, Partner. It's over the top, hell you can make it even more over the top! But I like it!]

Well, you did tell me to do this. Anyway, I need a way to connect the underground part so I'll make an elevator inside. I chuckle and make my way back inside. I choose the place near the stairs as we all go through there after all.

Within the entrance hallway, I add an elevator for us to reach the underground level… We can always teleport in there, that's probably what we'll do most of the time. But if one chooses to use this, it's there as an option.

Rumble! Rumble!

The creation of the elevator made a bit of noise and shook the area a bit, this caused everyone to run to where I was.

"Wh-What happened?"

Akeno asked as everyone was staring at the elevator doors I made.

"Oh nothing, I just made an underground area for our home. There are three levels. I'll explain what I did during dinner when everyone's here."

They expressed curiosity, but accepted my reasoning and agreed to wait until dinner. I teleport back to the room with the core and turn it on.


It was shining even brighter than when it was in its idle state, it was pretty mesmerizing to look at.

"This should be fine for now…"

I look at the core again.

"Next is the girl's rings… And our clothes."


"Yeah, it'll be like a last line of defense. I'll enchant and upgrade our clothes too, if whoever attacks them somehow gets past the ring's defensive capabilities…then the clothes on them will stop anything lethal from happening."

Am I going over the top? Probably? Will they feel insulted? I have no idea, but I hope not.

During dinner


I start—

"I want everyone to go to the living room after we're done. I want to do some… Upgrades to your rings, make more rings, and to your clothes."

Everyone stops eating to stare at me.

"I understand the rings part… But our clothes?"

Akeno was confused, and the rest of them expressed the same sentiment.

"Yeah, you'll understand what I mean when I get to that part later."

They nod and resume eating.


Ophis calls out from my lap. She had brought a spoon near my mouth with the dinner Grayfia had made.

When she offered me food, I smiled wryly and opened my mouth. It seems like she's become a little more affectionate lately. I'm not sure if that's the right word, but I hope it was. I could feel that Ophis was feeling happy on the inside, so she genuinely wanted to do this and not copy anyone.

Nodding, she takes more from her spoon, and eats it. I could see Shirone and Asia looking at Ophis. Asia nearly fainted when I explained to her who she was. But now those two— Well more akin to Shirone, she looked jealous.

She notices I was looking at her as she averts her eyes and continues to eat. I see Asia pat Shirone on the shoulder as the white-haired cat girl shakes her head.

The rivalry will increase once Ravel and Kunou come here…

[Probably, even more, Partner. Your lap is kind of Shirone's sanctuary. The Phenex, Nun, Nekomata, Kitsune, and Dragon will be fighting for it in the future.]

I guess so, well, I can have two at the same time… They'll need to settle it like Kuroka and Shirone. A game of rock paper scissors.

"Jin? What about the newly added areas to our home?"

Akeno recalls that I would mention that.

"Yes, about that."

I tell everyone what I did, the upgrades I made, the underground area, and how they all functioned. They were all quite shocked by the sudden improvements to the home.


Ingvild asks.

"I can defend myself, because of my own power. I know there are threats that are in hiding right now, their power rankings are unknown. You girls are slowly becoming powerful, but they won't care about that. They'll end your lives as they see fit."

"I made the training area for those purposes. The [Pocket Dimension] is just another way to get stronger much quicker. The training area is just a slightly downgraded version but functions the same but without any monsters."

"With my fight with Thor out and about, I— We'll definitely get more visitors in the future. Having dealt with a few myself. The jamming feature is for convenience for any future pests, the rest can't get past the barriers."

"Anyway, I'll bring you guys there again soon enough. I also have a few other women I need to upgrade to…"

Yasaka, Kunou, Natsume, Gabriel, Shigune and Rossweisse, maybe even Suzaku as well…

I feel another tug on my sleeve and accept Ophis's offering. The rest of dinner progressed smoothly with a few topics of conversation that were brought up.

After dinner

I clap my hands to get their attention.

"Alright, Akeno, Kuroka, and Reni, can you give me your rings first?"

They comply and each gives me their rings. I take them into my palm and begin the process of upgrading, Cúntóir a bit of help to make this process faster.

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, Jin.

Cúntóir: Answer: Beginning upgrades… Upgrades successful.

Cúntóir: Answer: Upgrades are as follows:

50% increase in mana regeneration changed to 5 million % increase in mana regeneration.

Inventory/pocket dimension function added:

Max item limit is set to 1 million items. Each slot may hold x999 of a single item. Time freezing mechanic removed.

Example: If one puts a corpse in there, it will rot, it will not freeze. Add magic to the ring to activate.

Communication function added:

Once activated a red and white see-through transceiver will appear on the individual's right ear. Anyone with a similar item or the same function may be able to communicate freely with one another. Add a small amount of magic, to activate.

Protection function added:

A defensive barrier will surround the individual if the ring feels that the power or attack sent to them is beyond their current abilities and may prove lethal.

Example: Akeno Himejima – High Class in power, anything in Low Class or Middle Class, the ring's defenses will not activate, but High-Class and up it will. As long as the individual can avoid or dodge. It will not deploy.

Max Barrier Output: Dragon God Class beings.


Is it really?

{Why Dragon God, Jin?}

I do not believe Azrael's max power is at the level of Peak God-class. However, much like Darcel he may be able to breach Dragon God levels of power. Also, both Ophis and Irene are in good standings with me, so I won't worry about them.

{I see, wise choice.}

"Alright, I'm done."

I hand them back to the girls and they put them on. I then explained what I did with them, and they were obviously shocked.

"I-Is this really necessary?"

Reni asked nervously.

"Yeah, like I said earlier, there are many unknowns. I don't want to take any chance; I want to keep you all safe."

I sigh and turn to the other girls.

"I'll make rings for the rest of you."

They were a bit surprised by this but nodded since they knew of the benefits it gave. Ingvild's ring was silver, just like the other girls. I'll do the same for the rest. The Gemstone being Ametrine. Ametrine, one of the rarest types of transparent quartz, combines two colors: amethyst's purple and citrine's orange-to-yellow.

Grayfia's ring has the Gemstone set to red ruby, much like her eyes. Asia's ring is silver with the Gemstone being Emerald with a small gold piece in the middle a nod to her hair color.

As a complement to her hair, Shirone's ring was made of diamonds. Finally, Ophis, the gemstone being black obsidian as it's her overall color scheme. Quite literally being 'The Jet-Black God of Infinity'.

I then add the same functions onto their rings, once done I gave them each one. Asia was a bit surprised that she was part of it, but happily accepted it, along with Shirone. She had a rare smile on her face.

Ophis tilted her head but put it on immediately. She seemed happy with it, even if she didn't show it outwardly.

"Th-Thank you, Jin-san."

Asia thanked me nervously as she put it on.

"Mmm, thank you, senpai."

I'll visit Kyoto and do the same thing with Kunou and Yasaka, heaven with Gabriel. I'll do the same with Shigune and Natsume when I bring them with me to the Faerie Kingdom in Ireland. I'll also give Rossweisse one on our date/outing, and Suzaku one when we meet. I'll do the same with Shuri but with a necklace or bracelet.

[Upgrades! Woooooh!!]

"Jin, what about the clothes?"

I turn to Grayfia and nod.

"Yeah, about that. I'll do the same for your clothes. It's another line— The final line of defense. Go upstairs and bring me back clothes you will wear regularly. I'll enchant and upgrade them."

They were stunned, but complied with my request. Ophis was dragged along with Reni even though she can just shape-shift her clothes.

{Jin, what do you plan on adding to their clothes?}

I'll tell you when they get back. I'll summon a school uniform and add it to it since I'll be using it often too.

{Very well.}

Also, if an Outer God is watching me, I better be prepared.

Cúntóir: Answer: The Outer God is not targeting your lovers… For now.

For now, it's better to be prepared than not. I'm just basing these guesses on the strongest levels in this world, so Dragon Gods for now. I'll upgrade them again to Omniversal defenses.

Inform me when they change their target, I'll probably upgrade them before that happens but it won't hurt to find out if they do.

Cúntóir: Answer: Of course, Jin.

I touch my necklace and then upgrade the barrier around it. I change it to my Outer God power level; I would rather not have to keep erecting a barrier every time I make a new shadow.


I stare at the mountains of clothes they all brought. Dear God, why do women wear so many clothes?!

[You're just a slob, you just clean your clothes on the fly and you have a weird fashion sense.]

A dragon telling me I have a weird fashion sense? You're practically naked, Ddraig.

[Hey, screw you! I have my own fashion sense, alright?!]

Let me guess, it's mostly red or crimson.




{….Touché, Ddraig, touché.}

I shake my head at their small squabble and turn back to the girls.

"So, this is all of them?"

I get a nod from them. I sigh.

"Alright, let's get to it! But before that, let me explain what I'll be adding."

I summon another Kuoh uniform. Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: Enchanting and upgrading clothes.... Enchantment and upgrades successful.

Cúntóir: Answer: Enchantment and upgrades are as follows:

All size fits all – The clothing will change according to the individual's size.

Aura & mana suppression – Aura and mana will be sealed, making the individual seem like a normal human being.

Indestructible – Can't be destroyed unless it is subjected to Dragon God-level attacks.

Self-cleaning – Won't need to wash them anymore, as they'll clean themselves after each day.

Increase healing effects – Much like twilight healing or healing magic, it will automatically heal injuries to the one that received them. This is less effective than Jin's healing slimes and Phenex tears, but faster than normal healing magic.

Temperature regulator – If hot, keeps you cool. If cold keeps you warm. Simple enough to understand.

Penetration prevention – Any attacks that can 'penetrate' will be stopped and nullified. Max output is Dragon God level attacks.

Absolute defense – Any magical and physical attacks will be nullified and stopped. Max output is Dragon God-level attacks.

Once I finished enchanting and upgrading my uniform, I turn to them and tell them what I put on the uniform.

"Those really sound convenient nya."

The girls nod at Kuroka's remark.

"So, you'll do it to all our clothes…?"

I smile wryly at Shirone's question.

"Well, I did say to take out what you usually wear so I can enchant them. Your clothes will also act like a line of defense if an attack or being gets past the ring's defenses."

I pull up my sleeves.

"Let's get started then."

So, I did just that. I went around to each girl and enchanted the piles of clothes they brought down. Shirone, Akeno, Ingvild, and Asia had school uniforms so I started with those. They only brought one pair as they said they'll only use this one from now on since it can clean itself.

Grayfia…well, Grayfia brought down mostly her French maid outfits, and a few casual wears as well.

"We really need to get you more clothes…"

I said but got a pinch on the cheek in return. I turn to the girls.

"I'll leave it up to you guys. I have no fashion sense."

They nodded and giggled as Grayfia kept pinching me. Asia brought her nun outfit as well as what she bought today with Kuroka. Kuroka had a few obis and many revealing outfits and a few casual wears with her.

"You really like obis, huh?"

She responded with a happy nya. I turn to Asia

"These suit you, did Kuroka help pick them out?"

She shyly nods.

"Praise me nya!"

I chuckle and pat her head. It was the same for Ingvild, she brought her noble dress and a few casual clothes, and she seemed nervous for some reason. I do notice a few newly acquired clothes… Maybe these were from the time she went out with Kuroka and the other girls?

Akeno had her shrine maiden outfit and other future outfits she would wear.

"Ufufufu, you're seeing our clothes before we get to wear them for you, Jin ~"

She has a point, but as she said, I haven't seen them in it, so I won't know how much of an impact it'll have on me.

"True, but clothes are clothes. Every person who wears them brings a different type of charm. So, I'll just wait for the day when I see these on you guys."

I was nearly done when Ophis was the only one left. My hand is grabbed by her and she puts it on her Gothic Lolita dress.

"I, created this. I did not shape-shift it."

She pulls out two more clothes, the pink jumper casual clothes she'll wear and the Kuoh uniform I saw her in before.

"I see, alright Ophis."

I pat her on the head and enchanted her clothing. She's already powerful so having these on her, the ring, and clothes… Is overkill times ten.

"Haah. That should be all of it then."

They nod, store the clothes in their rings and make their way back to their rooms. They should be safe then… Like I said earlier, I'll go do the same things for the rest of the women I've met. I pull out my phone and send them all a text that I'll be giving them a present sooner or later.

With Natsume and Shigune I told them I'd just upgrade their rings since they already knew about it. I got a few quick replies saying they're looking forward to it.

…Will Natsume request to fight with me in Ireland…? If she does, I wonder if they'll allow it. I wonder what's bothering her. I'll find out when we get to Ireland.

Speaking of upgrades… I took out the whip I made for Shigune around a week ago. I feel like it's still lacking.


[Evolutionary weapon]:

Shigune's Whip (No name set):

Durability: ∞


1. Devour effect, much like Poh, Shigune's Sacred Gear, this whip can devour attacks. It will also grow along with the power of the wielder. The more powerful they get, the stronger attacks or things they can devour.

2. Flames of Rebuke – is an effect where the wielder can ignite their weapon with golden flames. The spell's strength will also grow in accordance with its wielder.

…Maybe it's up to Shigune? I did add an evolutionary effect to it.

[Perhaps, Partner. Leave it to her.]


I feel Kuroka shake my shoulder. I turn to her and see she's back first. She leans towards me and whispers

"I'll be in your room waiting…"

She pulls away and smiles. So, the time has come, huh?

A few minutes later everyone had settled down and was relaxing. Some of them were still staring at their rings. Rings… I then add the colors of everyone else into my own ring. I look at it and it already has many colors; I wonder how this thing will look in the future. Yexal… Huh. I got up from where I was sitting.

"I'll be heading up now."

I announce my intentions and they nod.

"Good luck ~"

Akeno wished me luck as I stepped outside the entrance hall. I walk up the stairs…

Third Person Point of View

Lemon Start

Jin had arrived in front of his room's door, for some reason he was feeling nervous. Why? Kuroka probably expected him to be a pro or something along those lines. He had done it with Akeno twice, so he did have some experience, but not a lot.

'I should start doing it more with them…'

He did promise that to Kuroka, so he'll keep it. But actions speak louder than words, so this will be his starting point.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling Jin pushes the door open and found Kuroka sitting there in very revealing lingerie. Her nightgown was see-through and purple, her bras, and panties had holes cut… Showing her nipples and her womanhood. She also kept her ring on her.

Kuroka jolted as she looked up at Jin when he entered the room. He closed the door behind him and was staring at Kuroka who was blushing.


Jin was obviously speechless as he silently gawked at her.

"...You're staring too much… Come here already…"

Pushing aside her embarrassment Kuroka pulls Jin out of his trance-like state.

"Uh… Right, yeah, my bad."

As Jin walked over to her, Kuroka took off her nightgown and threw it to the floor.

Jin covered the room with a time dilation barrier as well as a sound canceling barrier. He set it as 1D:10Min, 1 day inside of here, and 10 minutes out there.

Jin sits down beside her while taking off his shirt. The two stare at each other before closing the gap.

Kuroka puts her hands on Jin's chest as Jin wraps his arms around her waist. The two of their lips connect as they kiss. The normal kiss slowly turned into a heated one, as Jin started to rub and fondle Kuroka's delicate body.


She let out a soft moan as she felt Jin's hands squeeze her ass. Jin repositioned himself and brought Kuroka on top of his lap as he sat cross-legged.

Kuroka removed her hands from Jin's chest and unhooked her bra, tossing them to the floor as well. After she did this, she broke their kiss, confusing Jin.

"I've waited for too long nya."

She grinned at him, she got off Jin and put her upper half between Jin's legs. She gestures for him to remove his pants. Jin complies, snaps his fingers and they disappear, leaving only his boxers.

Kuroka grabbed Jin's boxers and yanked them down.


As she did this, Jin's member smacked her on the face.


She yelped at the sudden contact but quickly recovers herself as she stared at his member in its full glory.

"Who… Else has seen this?"

She asked still staring at it.

"Apart from Akeno? Probably Grayfia, Ingvild, and she only felt or seen it as a bulge in my pants."

'She already knows about Reni and Shirone after all…'

Kuroka nodded and kisses his member, making Jin shiver.

"I haven't done this before… So, if I'm bad…"

"Don't worry about it, Akeno only did this once to me before, so I don't really have much preference."

Jin reassured Kuroka with his words and started to pet the cat girl. She nods and licked the tip of his member, she does so a few times as she checks Jin's reactions. He would make a face that said it felt good, so she continued. But knew that this wasn't enough for him.

Lick~ Chu~


She steeled herself and swallowed the tip into her mouth.


Jin groaned as he felt Kuroka slowly take more of his hardened member into her mouth…. Until she couldn't anymore.

She looked up at Jin, teary-eyed with as much as she could take, which was around half of it.

"Yeah… That's fine, take your time, Kuroka."

Kuroka couldn't answer as her mouth was full, but she withdraws a bit, letting her tongue slide along Jin's length, she immediately went back down.

Kuroka started to bob her head up and down, creating a slow rhythm for herself, she also tried to swirl her tongue around his length but didn't have much luck. She pulls herself up and licks Jin's shaft as well as the head of his member.

"This… Is a bit… Tough nya…"

She said in between licks.

Slurp~ Lick~

"Ish… Dish… Good nya?"

She asked and Jin nodded. She smiled and took back his member into her mouth.

Suck~ Lick~ Suck~ Suck~

Kuroka increased her speed, as she wanted Jin to feel good from her first blowjob, she knew she wasn't that good yet, but promised herself she would be in the future.

'I did do some research beforehand…'

She continued to suck Jin off.

'How did Akeno suck this…?'

It felt impossible to her, well, suck it comfortably. Unknown to Kuroka, she had to start to suck him even faster, surprising Jin a little.

"W-Wait Kuroka! That's too fast!"

Jin tried to warn the cat girl, but she didn't hear him… She looked like her mind was somewhere else as she continued her mouth's assault.

'…It's fine, right…?'

Jin was nearing his limit, mostly thanks to Kuroka furiously sucking him off.


Jin put his hand back on Kuroka's head and let loose.

Splurt~ Splurt~


Kuroka's eyes widen at the sudden intrusion of sticky warm liquid going into her mouth.

"Mmphh…. Mmhfhhm…"

She tried to swallow all of Jin's seed but had a bit of trouble as he let out quite a lot.

Gulp~ Gulp~

A little bit spilled from her mouth as his release finally ended.

"Warn me next time nya!"

Kuroka lightly glared at Jin. She didn't really mind; she was curious as to how it tasted.

"Sorry, I did though… But you didn't hear me."

"Ahh…. Anyway, onto the main event!"

She shook her head

"Wait, why does it taste like strawberries?"

"I uh… Didn't want it to taste awful so… I changed it; Akeno didn't say anything about it… So I guessed it was fine?"

Jin explained himself, only for Kuroka to laugh at him.

"Nyahahaha! You're worried about that? Well, thanks for being considerate, Jin."

She got up and pushed Jin down, she seductively removed her panties as her womanhood was in full glory now, she was also quite wet.

"Did sucking me off turn you on? Also, you shaved?"

Jin stared up at Kuroka, taking in the view of her full body at that moment in time— Burning it into his memory.

"Yes, it did nyan, also, how did you know nya?"

Kuroka cocked a brow as she sat on Jin's member, letting it go flat onto his belly, she started to rub her slit on it slowly. This was easy to Kuroka, as she was already wet.

"Akeno whispered it to me before I came up…"

"Well, she also shaved herself recently, so payback nya!"

Kuroka had a weird competition with Akeno, but Jin just shook his head.


Kuroka lifted herself up and grabbed Jin's member.

"Enough… Waiting…"

She lined it up to her own hole and slide down onto it.


She let out a hot breath as she felt Jin's things slowly slide into her, it spread her out quite a bit.

'So big! Or was that random human just tiny?!'

Kuroka held her tongue as she knew some guys didn't like being compared, even if they were bigger.

"You can take your time you know…"

Jin told Kuroka but she shook her head and kept going.

"Gah!... Haah…. Haah… It's… All… In…"

Kuroka was relieved, while she wasn't a virgin, this was the second time she's had sex, so her body wasn't used to it.

"You're… Way too… Big…"

She could feel his tip snugly pressing against her womb entrance.

"Thanks…. I think?"

Jin's response made Kuroka laugh.

"Let me, do it all. You lay there and watch!"

She announced her intentions and pulled herself back up, once she felt the pressure release, she slammed herself back down.


Kuroka let out a weird sound as she felt Jin's thing slam into her deepest part. While she felt a bit winded, she did it again, but with a little less force… She didn't want to pass out before she could feel his seed inside her.

Shlick! Pah! Pah! Shlick!

"Haah… Haah… This… Feels amazing!"

Kuroka slowly started to get used to Jin's length as she started to bounce herself up and down on Jin. She grabbed the sheets beside Jin to get better control and started to rotate her hips to get a different stimulation.

"Nya?! No! I said I'd do it— Aahhhnnn! ~"

Kuroka let out a moan as she felt Jin thrust forward to her own bouncing. He had timed it perfectly and hit Kuroka's womb again, she was intentionally avoiding going too deep as she might have that reaction from earlier.

Thrust~ Thrust~ Pah~ Pah~

"Nyoooo ~ Jiiinn ~ Ahhhh ~"

Kuroka's attempts at a protest fell on deaf ears as Jin started to fuck Kuroka back.


Jin suddenly pulled himself out of Kuroka, throwing the cat girl onto the bed, as he made his way behind her. He turned her around and made her ass stick out.

"J-Jin? Is— Is this the infamous… Doggy sty—OHHHHHHH?!"

Kuroka was cut off when Jin slammed himself back into her.

Thrust~ Thrust~ Pound~ Slap~ Pah~ Pah~

"Hyaaaa?! Haaah!! Ahhh!!! Nyaaaa!!!"

Kuroka's mind was in overdrive as Jin wildly and with a fast rhythm, thrust and pounded his member into her womanhood.

Again, without warning, Jin grabbed Kuroka's tail and lightly tugged on it.


The poor cat girl was started as she looked back at Jin not sure on how to respond

"W-Wait Jin, don't do that my tail's sensi— Ahiiiiii?!?!?!?"

Jin matched his thrust and pulled the tail at the same time, eliciting a very sensual and loud reaction from Kuroka.

Thrust ~ Tug ~ Thrust ~ Tug ~

"Ohhhhhh??! Whast isshh diiiisshhhh nyaaaaaaa!?!?! ~"

Kuroka had felt pleasure like nothing else before. She didn't know being fucked and having her tail be pulled at the same time could feel so good.

Thrust ~ Tug ~ Smack ~

"Ughk?! Cumming nya!!!!!!!!!"

Kuroka's eyes rolled back into her head as she felt Jin slam against the entrance of her womb while timing the pull of her tail, making her temporarily blackout.

"Woah… That's tight…"

Jin felt Kuroka's insides almost trying to crush his member as she had an intense orgasm.


Jin pulled back

"I didn't cum yet, Kuroka."

He slammed himself back in and slapped her ass.


This brought Kuroka back to life as she jolted back up.

Thrust ~ Thrust ~

"Nya nya nya!"

Jin could see Kuroka's tongue idly dangling as the Nekomata had a glazed-over look. Jin leaned over and lightly bit her ear.

"Hyaaa ~ Jinnnnn nyaaa~"

"Kuroka! I'm!...."


Kuroka moaned desperately. Jin obliging to her request, sped up his thrusts as he could also feel Kuroka reaching a second orgasm. He added some slaps to her ass and pulls her tail to hurry her along.

Thrust ~ Thrust ~

"Shit! Here it comes, Kuroka!" Jin grunted as he did one final thrust into the girl.

Splurt ~ Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Cyumming nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"


Jin let out his pent-up seed directly into Kuroka's womb, the two of them came hard, Kuroka breathing heavily as she experienced her second creampie of her life. Kuroka's insides tightly squeezing Jin for every last drop he had.

Their orgasms intensity finally faded away as Kuroka breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haah… I'm so…happy nyaa…"

She had finally done it, she had sex with her boyfriend and it felt damn good.

Rustle ~ Rustle ~ Shuffle ~

"Hya ~ J-Jin?"

Kuroka felt Jin remove his member from inside her, she turned around and couldn't read his expression.

"W-What's wrong?"

Jin silently stared at Kuroka, but finally says…

"Kuroka… You don't think this is where it ends, do you?"


Kuroka suddenly remembered what Jin said a few days ago… That they would be doing it for a full day.

"W-Wait… You were serious?!"

Jin grinned at her as Kuroka realized he was…

"Oh nyo… Ahhnn~"

"This feels weird nya…"

Kuroka watched Jin thrust his member in between her armpits

'I did say we try it though…'

Splurt ~

"Ahhh… Don't waste it."

Chu ~

Kuroka kissed the tip of his member and licked up the seed.

Splurt ~

"Hyaa ~ my thighs are covered in your cum ~"

Jin and Kuroka had tried the 'thighjob' she had said before… They had many more to go through…

"Well, this is a lot easier nya ~"

Fap ~ Fap ~ Stroke ~ Stroke ~

Kuroka was currently jerking off Jin's member with her hand, the simple handjob, she liked it as it wasn't too taxing on her body.

Splurt ~

"Ahhh ~ what a waste!"

Kuroka moved her mouth towards Jin's currently spewing member.

"Nyahaha, whose boobs are better, Jin nya?"

Kuroka was currently giving Jin the famous titjob or boobjob and she wanted to know who was better at giving it.

"I can't answer that… Kuroka, you're both big and great at it… Ahh shit, cumming…"

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Nyaa~ my face is covered ~ my chest too ~ naughty boy ~"

Kuroka licked up the cum from Jin's member's head, as well as a bit of his shaft.

Rub~ Stroke~ Rub~ Stroke~

"Is… It just me… Haah… Haah… Or are you harder than the previous times nya?"

Kuroka asked as she had Jin's member currently sandwiched between her feet.

"I'm sure I'm the same as earlier…"

Jin was currently getting a footjob from the Nekomata, it felt strange but he didn't hate it, he liked it like the previous sexual acts they've tried.

"No… You're definitely harder… Maybe you are into feet?"

Kuroka snickered as Jin rolled his eyes.


Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Ahh… My feet and legs are covered in your cum nya…"

"Hya!! We're really finishing it with this?! Ahhhn~"

Kuroka asked as she felt a bit weird… But good at the same time.

Thrust ~ Thrust ~ Pah ~ Pah ~

"Yeah… I haven't done this with Akeno yet…"

Jin was holding Kuroka up as he thrust into her.

"Yesh! Ahhhn ~ I beat Akeno in something ~ haah… Haah…"

Kuroka was currently doing anal with Jin. It felt weird at the start, but she quickly got used to it, she had some trouble in getting his thing into her since he was big.

"I wonder what would happen if…"

Jin's eyes went towards Kuroka's tail.

"W-Wait Jin don— OHHHHH!??!"

Kuroka tried to protest but was cut off by a sudden jolt of pleasure. Jin had placed Kuroka back on the bed, he continued to thrust into her ass but started to pull her tail again.

"Not…. This again! Haah!! Haah!! Too gooooddddd!!"

Kuroka started to shake her head—

"I can't!! I'm sorry!!"

She apologized sounding horrified with herself.


"…? Oh!?"

Jin was surprised at her sudden shouting, but when he heard a strange noise, he looked below Kuroka… She was pissing herself….

'Did we fuck for way too long?'

Thrust ~ Thrust ~ Tug ~ Tug ~

"Hiiii?! Jin?! Wait I'm still peein— Ahhh~"

Kuroka was startled by his new vigor

"Don't worry Kuroka! Just let yourself loose!"

Jin continued to fuck Kuroka wildly as she was still pissing herself.

"Nyaaaa this is so embarrassing nyaa!!"

Kuroka covered her face out of embarrassment but still liked being fucked.

"Here's the last load for the night, Kuroka!!!"

Jin announced as he released his seed into her ass.

Splurt ~ Splurt ~


Kuroka also had an orgasm… She actually…


"Oh?! You're squirting! Wow!"

"Ahhhh!! Jin! Jin! I love you! But also hate you for making me pee myself! I love you!"

Kuroka screamed out her feelings out of embarrassment and bliss.

"Haha! I love you too!"

The two shared one last kiss. Their night ended…. In a little strange way…

Lemon End

Jin Skyward


I may have gone a bit overboard… Once we finished our last sexual act for the night… She passed up, ass sticking up, with my cum dripping off her everywhere. No place was safe, face, mouth, arms, hand, legs, thighs, armpit, feet, her vagina, and ass.


I call out to the Nekoshou but she didn't respond, seems like she passed out…. In her own pee.

I'll… Clean that up. I put my hand out and got rid of the pee-soaked sheets. Who would have thought of her as a squirter? Also peeing herself… Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: 6 hours passed.

Well, that was a lot quicker than I imagined. I turn back and look at Kuroka…. I'll let her sleep it off then. I teleport to one of the bathrooms and quickly take a shower. I cancel the time dilation barrier and go back downstairs.

When I get back to the living room, they were a bit shocked.


"That was rather quick…it's only been around six minutes…"

Grayfia comments.

"Yeah, I put a barrier that changed how time worked. We were at it for six hours straight, she's just passed out right now."

When I said that, they all blushed, Asia fell backwards onto the couch steam coming out of her ears.

"Jin-senpai IS healthy…"

Shirone mutters as Reni giggles.

"Mmm-mmm, he sure is Shiro-chan ~"

For the rest of the evening, we had a pleasant enough evening… Well, Akeno asked about what Kuroka and I did, but I answered her telepathically instead, I didn't want everyone to be a blushing mess throughout the night.

Lime Start

Jin Skyward

…? Huh? What is happening… My lower half… Feels great, a bit wet but good… Cúntóir…?

Cúntóir: Answer: It is currently 5 a.m.

So early in the morning…. Oooh… That felt good… What? I finally look down and was greeted by the sight of Kuroka….. Sucking my member. She also notices me staring at her, she stops and winks and continues her fellatio.

…She's still horny after fucking for six hours straight? Or did that six-hour fuckfest make her want more? Or awaken something in her? Whatever the reason is, I'm not stopping it.

But it will be awkward if anyone else wakes up… Reni, Shirone, and Akeno are here after all…

"Kuroka… Why are you…?"

Plop ~

"I can't service my boyfriend?"

She asks as she continued to lick me.

"I mean… It's fine…but isn't it a bit too early for this…? You weren't satisfied with last night…?"

"Nyahaha… I just wanted to do it again, last night was fine."

She quietly chuckled and started to jerk my member off.


I could feel eyes on me, I slowly turn to my right and see Akeno staring at me with a grin.


She didn't even answer me, Akeno just winked and crawled towards Kuroka. Kuroka makes some space for her and the two grin at me while they let their tongues hang out of their mouths.

This… Has become… An interesting situation, she did say… She wanted to do that with Akeno… I waited with bated breath, the two slowly took turns licking the head of my member. It felt so damn good! Both their tongues felt a bit different.

Lick ~ Lick ~ Lick ~ Slide ~

I look back to see who was licking my shaft and it was Akeno. They both kept eye contact with me as they did this.

"He likes it."

Kuroka winks at me.

"Ufufufu, he does."

Akeno kissed my balls. I smirk and gesture for the two to continue. They chuckle and do so, taking turns licking or sucking the tip of my member, Kuroka then pushes Akeno to the side, getting an annoyed yet soft yelp from her.

Kuroka took my member into her mouth and started to suck me off pretty fast. Akeno huffed but started to lick, kiss, and suck on my balls.

Jesus Christ, are they trying to kill me here?! The two switched positions, as Kuroka worked on my balls and Akeno on my shaft.

Chu~ Suck~ Lick~ Slide~

I won't last long at this rate… I'm also sensitive since I just woke up… I wonder how long Kuroka was just sucking me off. But seriously… Double blowjobs are great… Maybe I should ask for more…

But, the two stop. I look back at them with a bit of a frown, Akeno whispers something to Kuroka and she happily nods, they look back at me and grin.



What the fuck?! The two of them started to lick me in sync, Kuroka on the left and Akeno on the right. They also kept their eyes on me, almost telling me to shoot right there and then, the two of them started to swirl their tongues on my tip… Occasionally hit each other's tongue while they frown….

They're really fighting against each other even though they were literally just working with each other just a few seconds ago…

"Nya… My turn Akeno…"

Lick~ Slurp~

"No…. It's mine, Kuroka…"

Akeno rebutted as she lightly pushed Kuroka off to stop her from sucking on my member. The two were lost in their own activities, completely ignoring me at this point.

The only sounds that could be heard throughout the room were licking, slurping, and the occasional moan from the girls.

Oh, no… I felt both Shirone and Reni waking up… Was it due to all the noise? Or the movement? Either way, they're going to see…


I could feel Reni's gaze to the left of me, I turn to see her blushing as she stared wide-eyed at me. I turn to my right again, Shirone who was sleeping on my chest had fallen over there when Akeno moved from her spot.

It was too late, Shirone was staring at her senpai and older sister blowing me, her eyes wide but she didn't stop looking… She almost seemed fascinated by it all. I see Reni also pull herself up and watch what the two were doing.

I could feel her breathing starting to slow down and become hot. Now that I think about it… This is the first time for the both of them to see my member in its full erect glory.


I whispered to her but she grabs my left hand and forcefully makes me grope her.


Reni then leaned in and kissed me. Oh my god… What is happening right now?!


Now what?! Using some of my powers, since I didn't want to pull away from Reni's kiss… I see that Shirone had grabbed my right hand and started to lick and suck two of my fingers… She had also brought out her cat ears and tail, her tail furiously wagging.

I'm in heaven.

Reni moaned as I started to actively grope her, our kiss turning sloppy and wet, our tongues danced around and on each other. I could feel her nipples harden as I continued to touch her, she wasn't wearing anything else under there, was she?

I could feel Shirone almost deep throating my fingers. Swirling her tongue at the tips, she was clearly turned on, probably from watching her sister and senpai.

Crap… I can't anymore… This is too much! And so, without warning, I shot my seed into whoever's mouth it was that was currently sucking me off. I also squeezed Reni's breast a bit tighter as she moaned into our kiss, shivering a bit.

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

Shirone also stopped as she felt me freeze up.


A voice sounded surprised, I finally pull away from Reni and see that I had came into Akeno's mouth, I hadn't stopped though… She pulled away as she couldn't swallow it all.


My member kept going as it covered both ladies down there. Kuroka was quite happy with it. I finally stopped cumming.

"Nyahaha, we're both covered…"

Kuroka laughed as she licked up some seed off of her.

"Ufufufu, yes we did."

Akeno giggled and did the same thing, both slowly cleaning themselves of my cum.

I turn back to Reni and she was staring at me teary-eyed, clearly turned on by this whole event, she was still breathing heavily.


I breathed out—

"That was one hell of a way to wake up…"

I muttered out, I turn back to look at the ceiling and sigh in relief. I could see Shirone was completely red, she probably just regained her senses and was embarrassed.

"Ufufufu, that'll be a lot more common from now on, mister ~"

"Yes, yes it will be nya ~"

Great… Even more so with more girls in the future. What a way to live. Hmm? Shirone had stopped looking at the bed and had been staring at my still rock-hard member that was still covered in semen.

Without warning, she crawls over and scoops up some semen on her finger, then puts it in her mouth.


Kuroka was also startled as she stared gobsmacked at her little sister.

"Ara ara, Shirone's interested in this kind of thing?"

Akeno had put a hand on her cheek and giggled at what her junior just did. Reni finally sits up and stares at the scene still blushing. I turn to her and ask if she's alright. She nods.

"Mmm… I just didn't expect that…"

She lays her head on my shoulder.

"Hey… Jin… We can do lewd stuff too, you know…?"

She had turned to look at me while still laying her head on me.


Huh?! I thought she wanted to wait until a certain time? Did— Did this just speed it up?!

"A-Are you sure…?"

I stuttered out and she nods.

"W-We can't do it… You know… Sex until you turn eighteen or when you graduate, but… You can use the rest of my body as you see fit…"

Reni… She-she gave me a look that I did not see normally. A look that was full of both lust and love.  Hold back, soldier! Or else you might push her down right now and end up fucking her! Isn't the age of consent in Japan 13 or something?!

But I still have 18 and up in my mind! I can't change it that easily?!

"I-I see… If you're okay with it, then I'm more than happy to comply."

"AHEM nya!"

Kuroka coughs interrupting Reni and I's little moment. We both turn to her as Akeno and Shirone were staring at us.

"Early morning bath! We're sticky… Also, Shirone! You too! You didn't even ask to taste it!"

"All fair in the game of love Nee-sama…"

With that Shirone crawled up to me, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and hopped out of bed.


The other three were speechless.

"Did— Did Shirone just…?"

I start as Kuroka finished my sentence.

"Confess to you? Shirone nya! There's an order to these things nya!"

Kuroka jumped up as she followed her sister.

"Ufufufu, see you two in the bath ~"

Akeno was amused by it all and left the bedroom too. I sigh and rubbed the back of my head.

"Let's get going, Reni."

I got up and summoned some towels for all of us. I helped Reni out of the bed and we went into the bathroom.

Lime end

After the early morning bath


Reni and Shirone had left earlier since the two weren't too far involved with the early morning activity. They did ask me to help wash their hair though. Shirone had gone back to normal, but she did confirm our question by saying yes, she did confess to me.

I guess I got someone new then? Even in a very unconventional way… I like Shirone too so it's no problem…

As for Kuroka and Akeno? They gave me a double blowjob again, we also had sex, but only for an extra hour, I had to make a time dilation barrier. The two of them had just left and I cleaned myself up properly this time.

Horny, horny and hornier… Haah… I wasn't tired but, I didn't think I would be thrusting my hips this early in the morning. I summoned some clothes on myself as I made my way downstairs.

The girls probably went back to their respective rooms to get changed, when I got to the kitchen, I see Grayfia. I start to approach her when she says something.

"Did you have fun?"

She asks me without turning around, diligently continuing her prep work. I freeze in place.


"I mean, both in the bath and bedroom."

Grayfia continued. I nervously laugh.

"Yeah… Yeah, I did."

If Grayfia heard us…. Then Ingvild and Asia definitely did. She didn't sound angry or anything, just asking me a question, I guess? I sigh and hug Grayfia from behind.

"I can say the same thing to you, you're up early."

"Yes, I woke up due to all that commotion."

I laugh again and apologize to her. I grab her left hand as she looks at me confused. I bring our hands up into the air and intertwine them.

"It really does fit you, huh?"

I had put my chin on her shoulder, Grayfia looks at me as I stare into her red eyes. She slightly blushes and cutely nods.

"Thank you for this, Jin."

She thanked me, as we were about to kiss, we were interrupted.

"AHEM nya."

I turn around and see everyone, with the exception of Asia and Ingvild had come downstairs.

"Oh hey, you guys already decided to come down?"

They nod to my question.

"Ah don't mind Grayfia, she's a bit shy about showing her affection to me in public, we usually just flirt when it's between the two of us— Ow, ow, sorry, Fia…"

As I tried to explain to the girls, Grayfia had started to pinch my side as she blushed.


Grayfia sighs as her secret was found, even though it wasn't really a secret. The girls giggle at this side of Grayfia they hadn't seen before. She shakes her head and gives me a quick kiss and goes back to cooking.

We all sit down as we wait for breakfast. Just then Asia and Ingvild also come down to join us, looks like everyone is getting up early today.

"Morning you two, sleep well?"

I greet them, they look at me and blush. Guess not then.

"G-Good morning, Jin-san…"

Asia greets me as she blushes.

"Yes, good morning, Jin. I see you had a very active morning."

Ingvild seemed slightly annoyed as she shook her head at me disappointedly. I don't think we were that loud… But I guess we were. I was caught up in the moment so I didn't get a chance to put up a barrier.

"Asia, if you have any questions feel free to ask your new peerage, Ingvild, or even my Avatar. We're here to help you assimilate faster, alright?"

"Y-Yes! I'll be in your care!"

She bows to everyone. They reassure her that they'll be there and hopes she has a good first day.

"Well since you guys are here, I'll be going to the Underworld like I said last night."

They tiredly nod and we just sat around waiting until breakfast was ready.

After breakfast

"Jin nya."

Kuroka called out to me, everyone was ready to go on with their day. But stopped when Kuroka spoke up.

"Hmm? What's up, Kuroka?"

"So, is Shirone part of your harem now? She did confess this morning."

I nod at her question and turn to the cat girl in question. She was blushing but nods at me.

"I want to be with senpai."

"Haha, well you heard the girl…"

I walk over to her, kneel down, and kiss her on the forehead. Shirone immediately turns red, but a happy smile was on her.

"J-Jin-san, can I speak with you for a moment?"

Asia asks and I nod, I follow her into a different room.

"What's up?"

I was curious as to why she brought me here.

"I… Thank you for everything."

She bows again at me. Ah, it's about that? I wave her off, it's not a big deal…

"As I said, don't worry about it. We're friends, aren't we? That's— This is what friends do for each other."

I reach down and pat her on the head, I could see tears starting to swell up.

"Really? We're friends?"

She shakes her head—

"No, you're right… We're friends… You helped me back then, you were my first friend in this new country."

She smiled brightly at me; tears long gone as she reaffirmed my statement to her.

"Everyone in this house is also your friend, Asia. Your new peerage members, Ingvild, Grayfia, Kuroka, Ophis, and I. Even more in school, you'll be making a ton more there. So, you won't be alone anymore."

Again, Asia starts to tear up…

"J-Jin-san I… My past… I..."

I stop her as she tries to tell me her backstory.

"It's fine, Asia. You can tell me about it tonight, let's start the day with a happy tone, shall we?"

She wipes her tears away and nods. We go back to everyone who was waiting.


I snap my fingers and my Avatar joins them.

"Good luck, Asia. Keep an eye out for her, ya hear me?"

My Avatar nods at me as they all teleport away.

"Kuroka, you busy today? Want to go to the Underworld with me?"

I ask the cat girl but she shakes her head.

"I'll visit Khaos Brigade, Vali's been silent and I'm curious about the situation back there. I wanna catch up with Le Fay."

"Le Fay, huh? Alright, good luck. Tell me if anything serious happens."

She nods and kisses me on the cheek, she then teleports away.

"Looks like it's you and me then, Grayfia."

She stands beside me and nods.

"Yes, it is, Jin."

I snap my fingers and we teleport to the Underworld.


Gremory Territory

We had teleported just outside the home of the Gremory's. We both were greeted by the guards.

"Grayfia-san, Jin-sama, welcome!"

The two guards by the gate greet us. Grayfia puts her hand up and they go back to their previous posture. 'Sama?' When did they start referring to me with that? Grayfia apparently saw my confused look and spoke up.

"You have been here time and time again, Jin. It is inevitable they would recognize you."

She grabs my arm and pulls me towards the home. I let myself be dragged and nodded along.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it will happen more and more in the future, you must get used to it."

"I guess so."

I start to walk on my own and Grayfia lets go of me. It didn't take us long to reach the big doors into the home, when Grayfia opened it, I was again in awe at how big these places are.

Cleaning and maintenance would be a bitch, unless I literally make it autonomous, or have android cleaning fairies. I glance to my side as Grayfia leads us to a different room. Grayfia wouldn't be too happy about it… Maybe I can speak to Venelana about it…?'

Grayfia and her maid fetish…

[You like it though.]

Well, yeah, but I want to lift some burdens up for her, you know? Ddraig didn't answer me so Grayfia and I walked silently to our destination.

A bit later we finally come across another big door, Grayfia pushes it open and I see three individuals there. Venelana Gremory, Millicas Gremory, and Asteri Gremory.

Interesting, I felt her aura earlier but I thought she would be busy… Seems like she'll be with us during this request?

Now that I look at her again, it's our second meeting… She really does look like Priscilla from Re:Zero, I look at Millicas and it looks almost identical in canon, with the exception of his hair, it had some red-blond streaks around his sides and the tips of his hair.

"We have arrived, Venelana-sama, Asteri-sama, and Millicas-sama."

Grayfia announces our presence and bows to them. After she finishes her bow we go over to them, all of them smiling at us.

"Hey there, nice to meet you Venelana-san, Asteri-san, and Millicas-kun."

I greet them as we arrive by them.

"Ara ara, it's finally nice to put a name to a face."

Venelana puts a hand on her cheek.

"How do you do, Red Dragon Emperor. I am called Venelana Gremory, Rias's and Sirzechs's mother."

"I did not get a chance to formally introduce myself to you last time, Jin-kun. As you know, I am Asteri Gremory, formally a Bael. It's a pleasure to meet you again."

She smiled at me, which was a bit weird seeing as how I have a personality set for this person because of her appearance… I need to stop that, they're basically different people. Millicas was staring at me all… Starry-eyed but came out of it and introduces himself.

"How do you do… Jin-san, I am Millicas Gremory, it's nice to meet you."

He gives me a curt bow and smiles at me.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you all."

I nod and look at Venelana.

"So, this request is about supervising and training Millicas-kun here, yes?"

Little man, you gotta stop looking at me like I'm some kind of role model… I'm far from it, especially after my recent fuck ups… No, this is a long-time incompetency on my part.

"So, Millicas-kun, why did you choose me to… You know supervise you? I'm sure the Gremory's can afford to choose someone more… Appropriate for this job? Qualified, I guess is the word I'm looking for?"

"I-It's because I've heard of your most recent tale!"

He excitedly says, his grandmother and mother smiling at him "To be able to fight the God of Thunder Thor… And your other achievements as the middleman! I wanted to be trained by a person like that! Ahh— Excuse me for my… Unsightly behavior."

Millicas caught himself acting like a kid his age and corrected himself. The troubles of a high-class devil, huh?

"Don't worry about it, Millicas-kun, you may be a High-class devil, but you're still young. Enjoy that part of your life. But I'm glad I'm seen in such light by you. Shall we get going then?"

He nods vigorously, Grayfia leads Millicas away as they both leave us.

"I shall lead Millicas-sama to the training hall."

She bows and they leave. I turn to the two female devils

"I'm guessing you guys relented to Millicas's request on me being his supervisor?"

"Ufufufu, yes, Millicas was quite insistent on you being the mentor. As you said earlier, we could have chosen anyone, but he chose you in the end."

"He even refused to be trained by his own father's [Knight], he is quite famous in the human world, no? He goes by Okita Souji."

I knew that already but pretended to be shocked.

"As in THE Okita Souji? Oh man, who would have thought he was reincarnated as a devil! But I am flattered by Millicas-kun's insistence then. Will Sairaorg Bael join me today?"

I get a nod from Asteri.

"Yes, he will. I personally requested him; he will try to teach Millicas the use of touki."

Touki? If Millicas learns to use that and masters it… He'll be a monster.

"I see. I'll get going then…"

I stop and turn back…

"Actually, can you guys lead me there… Grayfia didn't give me instructions… Haha…"

I could just locate their auras and find them that way, but I wanted to talk to these two a bit more. Especially this Asteri person. They both nod and I follow them. We start walking there but we mostly stay silent.

"Asteri-san, do you have your own peerage?"

She turns to me and shakes her head.

"I do not, I do have my evil pieces though. I never wanted to compete in the Rating games, so I never used mine. I have had many devils offer themselves to join my peerage, but I declined all of them… Even my own husband at one point."

She sighs as Venelana giggles at her. Who would have thought that the all mighty Sirzechs would do that? Though it was probably hundreds of years ago at this point…

"My only goal, once I was engaged to Sirzechs was to start a family, become stronger and protect it, as well as myself. We are childhood sweethearts after all…"

She turns to Venelana as the two smile at each other.

"This also extends to my family as well. Everyone who is dear to me."

She turns back to me.

"We promised to support each other through it all, we had a few ups and downs throughout our marriage, but we came out of it stronger… This amplified when we found out I was pregnant with Millicas."

She smiles—

"Protecting what's dear to you is a wonderful thing, wouldn't you agree, Jin-san?"


I was flabbergasted, this woman— This devil, was deeply in love with Sirzechs Lucifer! Holy crap what a lucky guy! Man, finding someone like this… It's one in a million, the fact that they were also childhood sweethearts is even rarer!

"Sirzechs is quite lucky to have such a devoted wife."

She chuckles at me and nods.

"I also want to thank you for giving my husband that android fairy, his paperwork has become so much easier to manage. It's also given him more time to spend with Millicas and I— His family."

"It's no problem, Asteri-san. I'm glad I could help."


Venelana calls out my name and I tilt my head in her direction.

"What is your opinion on Grayfia, right now?"

I didn't expect this… But I'll be honest with them.

"I knew from the start why Grayfia came to live with me, it was to monitor me, report back to Sirzechs, I wouldn't blame them, I did kind of show up out of nowhere."

"Grayfia also had her own reasons for going. But over the course of a month, I think we have gotten closer. I mean, I hope we did. I really do rely on her a lot though, from cooking to cleaning and other things around the house, even emotional support. She's done a lot for me. Makes me wonder where I would be without her."

"Like with the cleaning android fairies I suggested…"

I tell them on why Grayfia is against them and they laugh.

"Yes, that does seem like Grayfia, she likes being a maid after all, so I suggest you give up on that pursuit… However, Jin-kun. You haven't fully answered my question."

Venelana stops and stares at me seriously. The Gremory really do value their servants like family, huh? I sigh and look at her seriously too.

"I love her. As I said earlier, we've become intimate… So, I plan on asking Sirzechs for her through one of his favors."

They both smile at me and continued to walk towards the training hall, the conversation ended there.

Training hall

Once we enter the training hall, I see Grayfia, Millicas, and a huge bulky figure— Sairaorg Bael. Millicas had changed into some sort of jumpsuit, Sairaorg in his usual clothing, he spots us and waves towards us. Grayfia bows at us as we arrived by them.

"Forgive me, Jin. I forgot to mention where the training hall is."

"It's fine, these two lovely ladies were kind enough to lead me here."

They giggle at my compliment.

"I also could have just located you through your aura, so if they said no, I would have been fine."

"My, flirting with two married women?"

Grayfia stared at me with cold eyes.

"Er— No, we were just talking…"

Grayfia smiles at me.

"I was joking, Jin."

It was?! You rarely do that! I turn to Sairaorg and we smile at each other.

"It has been quite some time, Jin."

He holds his hand out for a fist bump, I happily bump fists with him.

"Yeah, it has, you doing good?"

He nods and we catch up for a little bit.

"You've gotten stronger since last time."

I grin at him and he grins back.

"Of course, it was a one-sided battle, I wish not for that to happen again. My loss to you motivated me even further, as well as my peerage. When we start playing in rating games, I am confident we won't lose to anyone who doesn't regularly train."

"I see, good luck with those then."

I turn to Millicas as he had been waiting patiently.

"Alright Millicas-kun, show me what you can do."

The young devil nods and proceeds to give me a showcase of his current powers. I'll be honest, this guy— This kid will be a major powerhouse in the future. Born from Sirzechs and Asteri? Both monsters in their own right?

Born into greatness, huh? I glance at his potential… My god.

Millicas Gremory – Potential: Dragon God – SSS

Is this his potential in this world? I would guess he would be a Super Devil in canon then. His hand-to-hand combat is decent, with the help of Sairaorg he'll improve drastically. His control and power with his normal demonic energy and as well as elements? Very high for his age.

His control and power for his [Power of Destruction]? A lot better than Rias, well his control is, his power output is a little bit below since I've started to train her, but still… This little monster… Sheesh. He can control their direction too once he fires them off.

"Incredible, to be this talented at his age."

Sairaorg said beside me and I nodded along.

"Yeah, he'll be a monster in the future, a Super devil like his father? Or maybe even higher?"

I knew the answer but I gave Sairaorg a small hint.

"Add you training him in touki and my general advice, as well as whoever else, trains him. He's set up for great things."


A few minutes later Millicas started his training with Sairaorg, true to his nature, after being taught the fundamentals by Sairaorg he could start to produce a little bit of touki from his body… After a few more minutes, Millicas achieved it. He covered his body in touki.

I had given some general advice to him as the two of them trained, seeing as how he wanted to learn touki first I left it in the hands of Sairaorg.

"Haah… What a monster…"

I sigh as Sairaorg begins to coach Millicas in his close-quarters combat. He obviously went a bit easier with his punches, otherwise, the kid would just explode on the spot.

Fwoosh!! Booom!!

Sairaorg sent out a punch and created a shockwave from it. The dust settled and Millicas nodded, he copied Sairaorg's movements and…

Fwoosh!! Booom!!

Created the same shockwave, a little weaker, but he managed to do it. Even Sairaorg looked incredulous at what he had witnessed, he turned to me and we both grin at each other. I could hear the ladies behind us cheering on Millicas, he already has his own fan club.

The two of them take a quick break and walk over to me.

"Jin-san! Can you tell me how you got so strong?"

Millicas asks enthusiastically. My lip twitched as I haven't come up with a cover-up story. I'll just make it up as I go.

"Well, like yourself, I was just born a bit lucky, I have the [Boosted Gear] for one. But I also trained my butt off, I practiced every day. What I am today is a result of blood, sweat, and tears."

God, I felt awful lying to him, but this little white lie should help motivate him.

"You are quite talented, you know? Being able to use touki already without prior training, having that power and control at your age… You really take after your father— No, you'll definitely surpass him in the future. I just know it."

Millicas was brightly smiling.

"Can you use touki?"

I froze but recomposed myself, I never tried too before but I'm sure I can.

"Sure, I can, just watch."

Touki is, in essence, the external manifestation of one's life force, in other words, their Ki. I breathed in and breathed out.



Touki surrounded my body, the color was slightly different, it had the colors of red, white, and… Gold?

Gold? Why gold? I can see why the red and white, it's Ddraig and Albion… But who the hell is gold?

[Now that's quite peculiar, Partner. Perhaps it has something to do with your past? Or maybe the incident?]

{That's the only conclusion we can come up with for now.}

I'll leave this for another time. I undo my touki.

"See? I can do it too."

"Hahaha! You're a monster too, Jin!"

Sairaorg laughs as he pats my shoulder.

"Jin-san, may I request a short mock battle?"

I was caught off guard again, I wasn't sure on how to answer so I turned back and asked with my eyes.

"I see no problem with it."

Asteri says as both Grayfia and Venelana agree.

"Millicas, put your all into this, yes?"

"Yes, mother!"

"Then it's settled."

I turn to Sairaorg.

"Can you be the arbiter?"

He nods and I turn back to Millicas

"Give it your all as your mother said. Let's say this is your first evaluation from me then."

He nodded determinedly.

Third Person Point of View

Millicas and Jin stand at other ends of the field, Sairaorg waiting patiently as he looks at the both of them.

"Then let this mock battle between Millicas Gremory and Jin Skyward."

He gives the signal by swinging his hand down.


Millicas instantly covered his body with touki and dashed towards Jin, he appeared beside Jin and fired a point-blank ball of [Power of Destruction]. Jin smiles at Millicas aggressive nature, Jin casually dodges the attack.

'He's really going all out from the start then? Good!'

Millicas smiles as he flicks his hand, the [Power of Destruction] attack that had seemingly missed Jin had done a complete 180 and headed back towards him.


Jin smiles as he swats the [Power of Destruction] attack out of existence. Millicas was a bit surprised when his attack was destroyed but gained a giant smile.

Millicas charged back at Jin, he used what he just learned with his close combat on Jin. Millicas's power and accuracy on his punch and kicks were on point, Jin smiling at all of this as it happened.

Swish! Swoosh! Don!

Jin notices that Millicas has good battle instincts, perhaps he'll become a battle maniac in the future? The thought of it made Jin chuckle because he really can't see it.

"Not bad, Millicas, but since you're young… You're lost in the heat of the battle so you're expending more than what's necessary!"

Millicas had good control of his demonic energy output while training, but he was slightly expending more as he was fighting.

"Yes sir!"

Millicas tries to correct himself but Jin sends out a punch forcing Millicas to block it with a defensive barrier.


Unfortunately for him, Jin broke it, he held back obviously, otherwise he would hurt Millicas.

Millicas rolls backwards but quickly recovers. But this repeats, with Millicas trying to correct himself, using more touki, demonic energy, and [Power of Destruction] attacks. Jin didn't want to destroy the training area, so he destroyed the balls of [Power of Destruction].

The mock battle ends soon enough with Millicas sitting on the ground panting heavily.

"Haah… Haah… It is my loss, Jin-san…"

Jin walks over to Millicas and taps his shoulder, suddenly the young devil's stamina and demonic pool were restored. His fatigue was also gone, a bit surprised but he bows to Jin again.

"Thank you very much!"

Jin Skyward

I help Millicas up after the little mock battle. I didn't attack much, but he just ran out of steam over time. But he kept at it for a little longer than I thought so he has the stamina. I'm curious about who would win if Rias and Millicas went at it.

"Well fought, Millicas-kun. As Jin said earlier, you have a lot of potential. I wish you luck with your future training."

Sairaorg came over and praised Millicas as he thanked him back. We make our way back to the female devils, once there Asteri hugged Millicas.

"M-Mother… I'm still sweaty."

He was embarrassed but accepted his mother's affection.

"My baby! You did well, I'm so proud of you! I don't care if you're sweaty!"

Asteri kept on hugging Millicas, showering the young devil with lots of love.

"Asteri-san is quite affectionate with Millicas-kun."

I point out the obvious and Venelana laughs.

"Yes, yes, she is. Dare I say, even more so than her own husband."

She giggled again, Asteri didn't even try to deny it, so it probably has some kind of truth to it.

"Jin-kun, will you stay for lunch? The request has ended with this."

"If that's the case, then I'll happily stay for it. Thank you very much, Venelana-san."

She smiled as she walked away with her group, Grayfia turn to me and nodded as she follows them. Millicas is still being showered in his mother's love.

"…So, wanna talk outside?"

I ask Sairaorg and he nods beside me. Since he has more knowledge of how the Gremory home worked I followed him, we end up at a little verandah as we looked out at the view… Which was mostly trees and what seemed like a lake far in the distance.

"So, any development on your part, man? Maybe… Romantic?"

When I asked this question Sairaorg laughed.

"Since my defeat to you, I have reflected on many things. So, yes, I have noticed a certain woman having romantic feelings for me."

He keeps staring out at the view in front of us as he answered my question.

"I see, will you be pursuing it?"

He shakes his head.

"I am not sure of my own feelings, so for the time being I will keep the status quo. But when I do find out my own feelings. I will confront her with it, just how I usually do things."

"That's just like you, well I wish you luck then. I may know who it is, but I'll keep my nose out."

"Is that so? Haha, I appreciate it, Jin."

[Wow look at you, not forcing someone to confess like a certain Ikuse we know.]

I know, I know, jeez do you really need to hound me about that? I'm trying to change here, Ddraig-sama, it will be a slow process. I'll still make mistakes, but please bear with me.

I'll back off a bit with Tobi too, though, it seems a bit too late with it. Since he does plan on confessing to Sae, probably when I visit her.

"I can say the same thing with you, Jin. You seemed like a changed man."

He finally looks at me and smirks, I chuckle back at him.

"You can tell? Yeah, I did go through a bit of a change, I'm still working on it."

I proceed to tell Sairaorg about my fuck ups and incompetency, he silently listened and occasionally nods.


He sighs through his nose.

"Well, I do agree Jin. You were insensitive, but you say you have corrected this, no?"

He laughs—

"To think the [Welsh Dragon] would scold you, that is unheard of. Jin, at the very least you are not a robot with no feelings."

I look at him confused. Seeing my reaction, he continues.

"When one is confronted with criticism about themselves, how do you think that person would react? I believe they react in two ways. Deny and double down or accept, reflect and improve."

He smirks at me.

"I believe you are the latter, which is good. A lot of devils or other beings can't come to terms that they aren't perfect, they believe what they are doing is right most of the time… When in reality it is not."

"…I guess I can, I mean I have so far…? But I do feel like I'm lacking or missing something, it's just a nagging feeling."

That's my past, my memories, why an Outer God is messing with me and that incident…

"That's what it means to live, Jin. You will find these answers as you keep on living. Do you think our parents found their answer to life when they were our age? I do not believe so. We will find those answers over time. Just live in the moment and enjoy it."


Man, this guy… I look up to him, haha. I can see why he's so likable to so many people.

"Yeah, you're right…maybe I'm just overthinking all of this and I'm forgetting to live in the moment."


He puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Let us go and join my relatives for lunch."

I smile and nod, we slowly make our way there as we chat about the more mundane and less heavy topics. When we got to the dining hall, thanks to Sairaorg's directions we had a very delicious lunch courtesy of the Gremory cooks.

I enjoyed it so much that I had Cúntóir analyze and keep the recipes in my head so I could recreate some of them at home. Once we were done, Grayfia and I bid them farewell, I also promised to try to come more to Millicas training sessions.

Third Person Point of View



Slam! Crash!


Kokabiel screamed, he has been throwing things around as he just found out that Darcel was killed, Raynare's group was captured, and Freed was also killed off. The middleman was still alive as well as the two heiresses.

"I expected this outcome, calm yourself, Kokabiel."

Azrael spoke as he gazed out a window.

"Expected it?"

Kokabiel was still pissed but asked Azrael the same question in a calmer manner.

"Yes, once we confirmed the Red Dragon Emperor's true strength, I expected Darcel to lose."

"Still, who the hell will wield the Excalibur pieces then? Not any dumb stray priest or exorcist can just wield them."

Kokabiel sat down and frowned, Freed was made for it and was a genius in his own right.

"We have many disposable exorcists; however, I have my eye on a certain individual."

This catches Kokabiel's attention.

'A human caught Azrael's attention? Now that's a surprise.'

Kokabiel cocked a brow as he kept staring at Azrael.

"Valper kept a backup… A more, perfect specimen. In case Freed did die, we have someone else we can use."

Azrael grinned and turns to Kokabiel when he did the doors opened and a young man stepped through.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear."

Kokabiel turns around to see a human enter the premises.

"This is Ajamu, a young man Valper came across after his research was stopped by the church."

"What's so special about him?"

Kokabiel observed the man named Ajamu intently. Azrael grinned

"That's the thing, Kokabiel… This human… Is a natural wielder."


Kokabiel was surprised and grinned at Ajamu.

"Well, well, well. It seems like our luck never truly left us."

"Even more amazingly, he perfectly fused with my blood. Ajamu's current power is True Satan-class."

Again, Kokabiel was shocked, he couldn't believe their luck. Someone, this powerful was just…. Out there?!

"His swords skill is also beyond Freed; I would even compare his swordsmanship to the legends of the knights of the round table."


Kokabiel kept on being impressed the more he heard about this new subordinate.

Ajamu is an average-sized man with short, bristling yellow-green hair, he's around the age of 24, if not slightly older. Ajamu is adorned in a tight, black set of armor, which he covers with a sandy-colored cloak, likely to not attract attention. His facial expressions, physique, and the overall air he gives off have all been described to be as sharp as a wire.

"He's an amusing individual."

Azrael continued.

"Most of the time, Ajamu acts professional and follows orders without many complaints, however, his temper is rather short which makes him appear very tense and quick to blow up, often causing him to make impulsive decisions mere moments after hearing an unwanted reply."

"When subjected to scenarios he isn't fond of, Ajamu doesn't refrain from speaking his mind, be it to someone of a lower rank than him or to myself, haha!"

Azrael was clearly amused by the young man, it seemed he even liked him.

"So, the perfect replacement for our plan?"

Kokabiel grinned.

"Our plans have never been stopped or slowed down! It's been going smoothly! Our attack shall begin once Avezza has completed her Divine Beasts!"



The name Ajamu is a boy's name of Nigerian origin meaning "He fights for his desires". Pretty ironic since he's a subordinate of Azrael's.

Rhythmic name sometimes associated with calypso singer King Ajamu.

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