Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 11 – Part 3 – Dearg Due and the Crepuscule Phantasma

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

Jin Skyward

I got up as Lavinia had knocked me down. She continued to silently hug me and a few of the girls were looking at us with strained smiles.

"So… I'll be heading back to Ireland again, like, straight away. So the ones coming with me are Asia, Scathach, Gabriel, and… Xenovia."

The blue-haired girl in question who was also there, and was still sulking became confused. She started to say something but started to fumble over her own words. Asia seemed to be expecting this, however, the third member of the Church Trio didn't seem too happy that she was excluded. Irina was frowning after all.

"After I'm back from Ireland, I'll be heading back to Russia. I'm assuming Lavinia is coming with me, and Valerie is also coming there with me. Irina, do you want to come along?"

She immediately perked up after I asked her that and quickly nodded her head. To my surprise, the twin tail drilled haired girl put her hand up blushing slightly. Ravel… She wants to go there, huh? I don't mind…

"Ravel, do you want to come with me to Russia?"

"Y-Yes, Jin-sama!"

"Sure thing… Anyway, let's go."

But as we were about to go—


Natsume's phone rang. She looked at it and sighed before turning her attention to Lavinia. I looked at the magician in question and she appeared pale.

"Please… Natsu…"

"I'm sorry, Lavinia… Azazel needs us for a mission."

She turned to me, actual tears streaming down her face. Man, I really feel guilty about this, but— Natsume came over and yanked her away.

"Azazel said he needed you for this, so you can't skip it."

"Nooo! Nooo! Aaron! Aaron! Help! Help!"

She cried for me, but I awkwardly smiled at her.

"I promise, you can come with me to Russia, so…"

"I'm telling Azazel that! I don't care, Natsu!!"

She stopped crying and then looked furious. Natsume nodded in agreement, not wanting to incur more of her wrath. Aurelia came out of my ring before teleporting away. I felt her go into the [Training Facility]. A bit selfish of her to leave the training of Raiko and Inaie to just Lianne, although she probably didn't mind…

Finally, the girls that were coming with me gathered around me and we immediately left.

Land of Heaven Falls

"Wha—?! J-Jin?! A-Asia?!"

As soon as we teleported in, we came across Áine who was holding a bunch of boxes. She looked a bit flustered.

"Do you need help?"

"Y— I mean, no, I'm fine— H-Hey!"

I wasn't really asking permission, I wanted to help her since the number of boxes on her was a bit too much. Asia also did the same thing, and so did Gabriel. I'm pretty thankful for two very helpful and kind people with me right now…

"…T-Thank you."

She awkwardly thanked us and she started to walk away, so we followed her. Xenovia and Gabriel who hadn't been here yet, were looking around and were quite curious about the place. As we walked along the streets, Scathach and I were greeted by the residents. Hell, even Asia received recognition.

Asia and I walk beside Áine as she focuses on the task at hand, although I feel like she is ignoring me a little.

"You seem to be doing okay. How have things been?"


A one-word answer? That's fantastic! I sighed and shook my head; I doubt she'd talk to me so I glanced at Asia for help. Áine may be more willing to answer the helpful and adorable nun, so I'll leave it up to her.

"Áine-san, how have you been?"

"A-Asia… I'm so tired… Living life without magic or divine powers is so inconvenient! I want to use it! Ugh!"

"Ahaha… You can do it! I believe in you!"

The two of them high-five and start to talk about topics that didn't really interest me, but I understood that she may hate me or just feel too awkward to speak to me about—


"I would prefer to do that to you, Scathach."

"Hmm. I will keep that in mind, Jin. I do not mind letting you pull on my hair. However, that isn't why I pulled you back."

Gabriel looked at us confused and tilted her head.

"Pull on your hair? What does that mean? Isn't that mean? Why do you want Jin to do that, Scathach?"

The innocent Seraph asked her, and she wasn't sure if she should tell her or not. She looked at me for help and I just shrugged, earning a glare from the woman.

"Jin! You shouldn't be mean to your lovers!"

The Seraph sternly looked at me and admonished me. I just chuckled at her and she puffs her cheeks. Scathach sighed and walked closer to her. She whispered something into her ear, and Gabriel's face slowly turned crimson red. After Scathach told her that, she looked at the ground and didn't say anything at all—

"…T-That should be forbidden…"

She muttered then glanced at me and blushed harder. Geez, talk about being adorable, Gab—

"Hmm? What do you mean by that, Shishō?"

I forgot there was another blockhead!! Xenovia looked at Scathach rather seriously and tilted her head slightly. Scathach looked at me with a smirk. Yes, yes, I know. I'm the one that has to explain it to her. I gesture with my head for Xenovia to come closer and she does.


As I explained to her in a very blunt and vulgar way, Xenovia's face also turned red. She sighed, looked back in front of her for a few seconds and then back at me.

"I don't have long enough hair for that yet?"



In response to what Xenovia said, Scathach just laughed at her, confusing her even further. Nova… That wasn't the response we were hoping you would have… Although I can understand what you mean by it. As we bantered back and forth, we eventually reached a building that Áine was walking to. She knocked on the door and it opened.

"I'm here for the delivery."

"Hmm-hmm, thank you again, Áine-dear. Oh? If it isn't the Middleman and Lady Scathach, huhu, come to grace our realm again?"

An old lady answered, and winked at Áine who just sighed at her.

"Come in, come in. Áine, you already know where they go, so just guide your friends. I'll make some coffee and tea."

Áine nodded and stepped in first, followed by everyone else. I decided to enter last and once I passed the door—



The old woman smacked my ass. I was utterly speechless, and so were the rest of them. We stopped to stare at the old woman who then chuckled at me before going into her kitchen. I— How do I even react to that…?

I awkwardly chuckled to myself and began walking again. Áine also came out of it and started to walk away, so we were walking side-by-side.

"Before you ask… No, she doesn't do that on a regular basis…"

"Good to know she's only harassing me then…"

I said rather sarcastically making her roll her eyes at me. We reach another door and I push it open with my body, and Áine steps in first. I followed after her and we were in some kind of large indoor garden.

"This may be obvious at this point, but… Are these like plants or flowers inside these boxes?"

"Yes they are, Skyward-sama. Anyway, please put them down here, and I'll take care of the rest."

She puts her down at a specific spot, and we follow suit. Once we all had put them down, she began to open them and they were all unique flowers. Áine worked and Asia and Gabriel started to help her.

"It's like a mini botanical garden in here. It's pretty impressive."

I said while looking around the place. It had many plants and flowers that ranged in size all over the place. The room was quite large too. Perhaps this old lady also used magic to expand the inside? Well, whatever the case it's still impressive as hell.

"Miss Zuzanna likes collecting plants and flowers that are from all over the world, and she is quite well off, so she can afford to do this. She's a regular customer at a place where I usually take jobs, so we've gotten to know each other over time."

Áine explained then started to place plants and flowers around the place. After she did that, she pointed at me, so I also started to help. Didn't she just say she didn't need help? Make up your mind woman... So, I walked over to the box and took out a certain flower in a pot. I brought it over to where she pointed to and set it down.

"You know, if Danu were here, it would be easier."

I said while looking around the place.

"Danu was the one who got this for her. Heck, most of these plants and flowers were purchased by Danu. Gods aren't just confined to their countries, Jin. If the need arises, we can leave it to attend whatever we need to in another. So yeah, Danu traveled to another country to get this."

Áine looked at me and sighed.

"Don't give me that look, Skyward, she's a Goddess, she'll be fine. Unless another supernatural being that is stronger than her tries to attack her, she won't have any problem defending herself. We're not all damsels in distress."

She looked rather unamused at me. I mean, I've barely met any of those in this world. To be fair, most women in this world can fight and defend themselves. The only time that they might become 'damsels in distress' is when they fight someone completely above their level in terms of power/rank, and even then, they could just get creative and defend or even escape.

"I haven't said anything, Áine."

She just smirked at me without saying anything else. For the next few minutes, everyone, and to my surprise even Scathach started to help organize and tidy up the place. Maybe Gabriel and Asia have passive abilities that make everyone around them want to help? Honestly, I would be surprised if that was a thing… Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: ...Who knows? Hehe ~

Seriously? I shake my head and continue my work. She knows something about it…

"Here are some drinks and snacks, sweeties ~"

Old woman Zuzanna came into the room as we were about to be done. She looked rather surprised when she saw the room. She giggled to herself and put the tray down as she summoned a table and a few chairs.

"My, to think you did this for lil' ol' me."

She walked over to me for some reason and started to draw circles with her finger on my chest… I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I'm not into this…! I gently pry her off me and back away. I'm sorry, Zuzanna, I'm not into that!

[…GILF, Partner, just shoo—]

Uh, why did he suddenly fall silent?

{Elsha and Amaris punched him in the gut and now he's on the ground…}

They're not that old…



Both Elsha and Amaris replied, however, Amaris' 'huhuhu' sounded completely robotic.

"My, I thought you wanted a harem, Sir Middleman?"

"…I… I'm sorry I can't, please don't be offended."

She asked and I replied while still backing away. However, Zuzanna started laughing at me.

"I was teasing you, geez, don't take it too seriously. Now come here, I made enough for everyone."

Everyone went over there, but both Scathach and Gabriel stopped by me.

"I'm older than her, Jin."

"Me too! Mmm!"

I felt my lips twitch. You two know that I wasn't targeting either of you! What is this injustice?! However, Gabriel started to giggle, and Scathach did that weird robotic laughter. I just sighed and we joined the others.

"This tastes wonderful, Zuzanna-san!"

Xenovia was about to agree with Asia when my necklace glowed and out came Ophis. The Dragon God stared at the plate before taking one of the snacks and eating them. I had arrived and she looked at me, almost demanding some kind of seat. I chuckled at her, summoned a chair, sat on it and she then sat on my lap.



Zuzanna asked but I immediately shut it down. I did it so strongly that she just laughed at me before she started to speak to the others. I sat there quietly while I ate my share and fed Ophis. She also fed me in return… Although it felt like she was a little taller, I guess? It almost felt like she was in a 'teenager' form, rather than her loli form. I wonder what she's been up to?

"Thank you for your help, dears. I'll order again, Áine ~"

"Yes, don't hesitate to call us again, Miss Zuzanna."

We finished eating some snacks and left Zuzanna's home. She gave me a wink and I awkwardly smiled at her. I'm sorry, I'm not into that…! However, Ophis decided to stick around and she was holding my hand as we walked away.

"By the way, Jin, Nuada wanted to speak with you. So if you have the time, head over and see him now… Something happened while you were away."

Áine said as she glanced back at me. Nuada? I wonder what happened…

"Is it a request? We were originally meant to go to Thine Ifreann Réimse, but I didn't set up a time or anything, so I can delay it by a day or something."

"It most likely is… It has something to do with the Deer God. After your duel with Scathach, he had gone missing… We suspect something or someone has him down in Waterford, that's where he was last spotted."

W-Waterford…? Where I once attended college…? Damn, ain't that a coincidence… I wonder if that college looks the same as the one in my previous life. I'll see once I get there, I guess?

"I see, I'll go talk to him then. Asia and Scathach, you two know this place so I'll leave Gabriel and Xenovia with you for now, and I guess Áine too, if you're not busy that is."

"Very well, leave it to me."

"Yes! I'll do my best."

"…I'm not busy, I'll go on my break then, so I don't mind."

All three of them gave me an answer, however... I looked at Ophis and it didn't seem like she'd be letting me go. Therefore, I decided to bring her along with me. I walked away towards the floating castle and waved at the rest of them as they also went somewhere else.

"How have you been, Ophis?"

"Good, I missed you, that is why I came out."

She squeezed my hand a little tighter… Damn that was adorable. We quickly approached the guards; they greeted us and we started to walk up the stairs… Now that I think about it, wasn't Nessa was pregnant, wasn't she? I wonder how she is doing.

Once we got inside, Nessa wasn't there, that wasn't—

"Jin? Welcome back."

Speak of the devil and they shall appear. Nessa walked around the corner and greeted me. She looked at Ophis before walking towards us.

"Yeah, I'm back, and it seems like everything is coming along well for you."

I point at her growing belly and she blushes.

"Yes, it's been an interesting experience so far. Are you going to speak with Nuada? There are only a few Gods in today, including Goddess Danu."

She wasn't here earlier. When did she come back? Maybe I was just a bit too distracted by a very old woman trying to flirt with me…

"Yeah, I do."

"Okay, follow me."

Upon arriving in front of the door, Nessa bowed before leaving. I guess we'll be the ones going inside, huh? I pus— I kick the door open!


They slammed open and the noise inside the room stopped as they saw me walk inside. The slightly angry and annoyed faces immediately changed into grins.

"Jin! I'm glad you could make it, but please don't kick our door open! I've been meaning to ask for you, so this is a perfect time. Come, come, have a seat."

Nuada, Brigid, Danu, and someone else were in attendance. It was a female wearing all black. She has black hair, blue eyes, elf-like ears, is draped in black clothing and quite pale. Using [Observe] on her, she was called Clíodhna, and her title was [Queen of the Banshees]. I wasn't expecting to see someone like her here…

I nodded and walked towards the table. I sat beside Danu who had been looking at me the entire time, and silently indicating to have a seat beside her. Ophis decided to sit on my lap, and changed back to her loli form.

"I heard the gist from Áine, does this have something to do with the Deer God Cernuous?"

I asked and Nuada nodded.

"Yes, it is. Usually, we let him be as he mainly looks after the deer in our country. However, in the last few months he has been acting strangely, and very recently, he disappeared. We are concerned, and so are the deer all over the country. So we, or I decided to request you to track him down for us, and if necessary, rescue him."

Rescue, huh? Last time Cúntóir scanned for him, he was still in Waterford, and he wasn't in any danger… I wonder if that has changed? Well, Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: It isn't anything serious… That giant masochist has just gotten himself entangled in something… Well, stupid. However, since you've been asked, you should accept it, Aaron.

So, it's still nothing serious, eh? I mean sure, why not? I'm still interested in seeing this version of Waterford…

"Sure thing, do you want it done by today?"

"We would appreciate it, Jin…"

"Sure thing… By the way, who is that?"

I pointed at Clíodhna, although I knew it would be better to introduce ourselves. The woman in question looked at me and walked over to me. She stood above me while silently staring at me before sighing and bowing her head.

"Thank you for helping Áine… That doofus has been running away for so long that I was getting worried. I was worried about her that I started to have some scouting teams search for her every few hundred years. She's always been quite elusive. Again, thank you."

"Ah, no, it's fine… I wasn't the one who really did anything, it was actually Asia…"

"One of your lovers. Yes, Áine mentioned her. Regardless, you still brought her with you, so thank you."

After that exchange, she returned to her seat. I wonder if I can visit her realm too…? She looked interesting. I wonder if all the other banshees look like her? The ones in the Faerie Kingdom looked different, so I wasn't sure if they varied in looks…

"Anyway, I'll get started then. Are there any Gods in Waterford?"

"No Gods are there that I am aware of, however, a certain group of vampires does reside there. I suspect that they may be the reason for Cernuous' disappearance, but I don't want to make assumptions and point fingers."

"Anyway, as you know or you may not know, there are two groups of vampires in our mythology, much like in Romania. The Dearg Due and Abhartach. The Abhartach are a race of predominantly male vampires. However, there are rare females that are born, and the Dearg Due is the opposite. They are mainly female vampires with very few males."

"While both of them are on amicable terms, there had been the occasional fighting, but everything has been peaceful for the last thirty-five years, so it would be strange for anything to be happening now. Anyway, go speak with their current Queen and hopefully you'll find a lead for Cernuous."

Nuada explained, and I thanked him before leaving with Danu following after me. Once outside, Danu hugged me without saying anything. I had to let go of Ophis' hand, making her a little irritated, but she allowed it. I hugged her back.

"Danu, it's been a while."


"Well, unfortunately I won't be staying for too long. You heard our conversation just now, so I'll be heading to Waterford. If you're curious, I'll be heading to Thine Ifreann Réimse to meet up with Queen Halloween after I see what's up with the Deer God."

"I will meet you there… I have not met the Millstein family in quite a while…"

After saying that, Danu separated herself from me, but looked hesitant for a moment, but in the end, she walked away without doing anything. Did she want me to kiss her or something? I mean she already did that before, so I don't get why she's nervous…


"Yeah, let's go."

Holding Ophis' hand again, she entered her teenage form, and we left the castle.

"What in the world…?"

As soon as Ophis and I arrived at where the girls were… Áine was playing some kind of tug-of-war game with Xenovia, although I don't think it's a game, they both looked equally frustrated with each other. The thing they were fighting over was some kind of shirt?

"Welcome back, Jin-san."

"Welcome back, Jin! They're fighting over a Dual Dragon Emperor T-shirt merchandise, hehe ~"

Both Asia and Gabriel welcomed me back. I nodded back to them, and Ophis let go of my hand to sit beside Asia, who handed her some kind of cupcake they were eating. Scathach was drinking coffee with her eyes closed. She briefly opened them to nod at me too.

I go over to sit beside her.

"So is what Asia said true?"

"Indeed. My stupid student and Áine are fighting over it. They can't use powers since Áine would be at a disadvantage. So they resorted to... This childish farc—"



As Scathach goes onto finish her sentence, the shirt they were fighting over somehow slipped from their tugging and smacked the Queen of the Land of Shadows in the face.

"It was Xenovia!"

"Wha—?! N-no, it was— W-wait, Shi-Shishō?!"

Xenovia panics as Scathach walks over to them, Áine who was smugly smiling at Xenovia immediately panics as it was also aimed at her.

"W-wait, violence to someone who can't properly— Aaaahhhh!!"

Scathach disappeared from their sight, only to reappear behind them. She raised her hands and then smacked them both on the ass. The sound was so loud that it could be heard all around the area. It also created a small shockwave. Xenovia who had her guard up only felt it a little, however…

"Aaaahhhh!! My ass!!! Scathach, what the hell?!?! Ow, ow, ow, ow!!! It stings…!!!"

Áine was on the ground clutching her buttocks as she was clearly in pain. With tears in her eyes, she immediately turned her attention to me, almost begging me to help heal her. Scathach with all the finesse in the world, walked back over to her seat and sat back down.

I sighed and got up, walking over to the Goddess. I crouched down and hesitated. She glared at me, and basically told me to hurry up. I shrugged, eh, free ass to grope, I guess? So I reached out and groped both her ass cheeks making her yelp a bit. She had already removed her hands from her ass cheeks and covered her mouth while blushing.

I heard Scathach snort behind me but I ignored it, and healed Áine's bruised ass cheeks. I will not lie; they were very soft. Once done I removed my hands, got up and walked away.


Xenovia limped over to me and I also healed her swollen ass cheeks. Although she purposely breathed erotically into my ear as I helped her. Jesus Christ woman, there is a time and place for everything, and acting like that isn't now…

Once I was done with all that happened, I sighed and told them our plans.

"G-Good riddance… Get that psychotic warrior out of here…!"

Áine muttered as she hesitantly sat on a chair, only to find relief. I turned to her—

"You're doing great, Áine. This punishment shouldn't last too long, so keep at it."

She blushed and turned away.

"I don't need your praise… I'm doing it for myself."

She muttered and I just chuckled at her. Is that so? Well, that's a good thing then. She's at least taking steps in that direction. Well, I think she'll get there at the rate that Raynare did, but maybe just a bit faster? Who knows? I'll see in a month or two.

"Alright, let's go. See you soon, Áine. I'll stop by here before heading home."

"Do what you want…"

Before we left, Ophis silently slipped back into my necklace. I wonder if she had other reasons for coming like that? Maybe she was hungry? She hasn't asked me about candy in quite some time, so I'll just put some in there just in case.

[Thank you.]

She thanked me from the necklace.


I had teleported to the small town I had gone to college in. Of course, I teleported to a small forest-y/wooded path so no one would notice us teleporting in. As soon as I got there, I felt a little nostalgic… But I did feel a lot of magical signatures everywhere. I didn't think Waterford was that active, but I guess Nuada and I were wrong.

We stepped out of that area and started walking down a man-made dirt path. If I remember correctly this was some kind of miniature garden to go on walks. Anyway, we followed the path as I looked around like the rest. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

As soon as we reached the streets, I saw the River Suir in the distance, and I was immediately nostalgic. I feel like I just sat near the water a lot back then and watched it flow, and with the occasional ducks flying into it... I'm pretty sure you can dive and swim in it, although Ireland's weather generally doesn't allow it or you'll just freeze your ass off.

We turn right, and when we do, we see someone— A female whose eyes widen in shock before they ran away. They were clearly part of the supernatural as they oozed mana out of them.

[Are you sure you shouldn't stop them, Partner?]

It's fine, they'll probably inform their Queen about our arrival which will be advantageous for us since it'll save time for us.

[If you say so.]

I looked at Scathach, whose face remained neutral.


"I am aware of where it is. I will lead you there. Follow me."

She grabbed my arm and hugged it and started to drag me away. She glanced back at the others and smirked at them. They obviously got jealous, especially Gabriel who immediately ran up on my other side and hugged my other arm.

"Asi— Wha—?! How did… Dammit!"

Xenovia sounded confused as Asia appeared in front of me and stayed relatively close. She couldn't hug me, so she opted to stay just in front of me. But Nova wasn't going to lose here, as I felt her just grab onto the back of my shirt. I swear these girls are a handful at times.

"Jin. I do not know how it was in your previous life, however, this version of Waterford has something called the 'Crystal'. It's a large white translucent diamond-shaped rock on display for everyone to see. It's what brings tourists to this part of the country during summer holidays/vacations."

Crystal? I know something similar was in my previous life, but I was mostly about cutting glass into very beautiful and unique ways, like into unique-looking glass/bottles/items. It didn't have a giant ass crystal rock?! The first major discrepancy!

"I will guide us in that direction. That is where the Dearg Due wait for visitors to their realm. Of course, we don't have an invitation, but you're the Middleman, and you received a request from Nuada who's quite well known in this country. Therefore, they'll be more than happy to let you in. We're just guests along for the ride, right?"

Scathach explained and then grinned at me. I wonder who the Queen is? I'll guess she's around at least Ultimate-class... As Scathach led us towards the 'crystal', the place was relatively the same, however, some shops were different or just replaced with something else. There were still some small boats coming in and out of the harbor, and the smell of the ocean was quite strong.

After turning a few corners, and climbing up some stairs, we arrived at the famous crystal, and it was as she described. It was very large, diamond-shaped, see-through and there were two females standing beside it.

When we got closer to this area, we felt some kind of magic that was meant to repel any normal human, so they were expecting us. They must have recognized both Scathach and me, so that vampire from earlier definitely warned them.

"Middleman, Lady Scathach, welcome to Waterford. How can we help you?"

"I'm here for a request… I need to meet your Queen."

I told them, and they both looked at each other, before the other disappeared. The one that was left with us looked back at us.

"She will inform the Queen. It won't take too long. Recently, we had our own problems, so we are taking precautions."


"Yes… However, since you are here, I believe our Queen has wished to meet with you, so this can be resolved. Everything will be explained soon enough. Please wait a little longer…"

She told us and we didn't have a problem with that. However, she gave me a strange look as all the women with me were clinging to me at this point. So we waited around for around four minutes, until the other vampire appeared again.

"T-The Q-Queen wishes to see you…! P-Please follow us!"

She said that while out of breath. I guess she rushed back? Is their realm far away from here? I didn't feel her leave too far, although it did disappear not too long after she left. Both vampires started walking away, so we followed after them.

We veered off the official path, and started walking on some rough wooded terrain and then they turned a certain corner that led us into some kind of cave? No… I don't remember this kind of thing in the Waterford of my previous life…

'It's made out of magic.'

Elsha? I wasn't expecting her to speak…

'Ddraig is knocked out. He accidentally spilled a drink on me.'

I-I see… Following after the vampires, we enter the cave, however—


"Is it always nighttime here?"

"Yes, that is how the Queen designed our realm. We also prefer it. We do get stronger at night after all, much like devils."

I asked and one of the vampires answered.

"So, what's your realm's name?"

"Maleia Cathair, 'Calm City/ Gentle Waters City', it roughly translates to that."

Maleia Cathairs, huh? Well, seeing that large lake in front of us, it makes sense. A large mountain in the background with a very colorful night sky. The entire town was being illuminated by the homes, and the lone castle in it is where I guess the Queen resides.

We walked down the path that was barely lit by the lights around the place. Perhaps they installed them for such an occasion. Also, will they be joining the Gaelic Alliance? I'll ask the Queen that then when I meet her.

"Uwa… Do vampires exclusively drink blood?"

Asia asked while clinging to me. Gabriel also felt a little tense. Only Scathach and Xenovia were fine with the atmosphere. Geez, those two are Universal threats, and they're scared of the atmosphere? Haha…

"We do drink blood, but we are not entirely dependent on it. We can eat normal food, unlike what the human media has portrayed. While some of us do not like garlic, we won't die from it, even if we eat a little. However, holy items, and attacks will definitely kill us. This is because we are creatures of the dark."

She explained, and I nodded along.

"Why do you guys have boats?"

Apart from blood, we eat seafood regularly, so with the help of... A certain God in the past, we created the river of our realm with his support. However, that God is…"

"Manannán mac Lir?"

I finished for her as she nodded. If memory serves me right, he's also involved in Áine's folklore legends and myths. I wonder if those two ever crossed paths? I'm tempted to ask her, but I won't since if he does and her experience with him wasn't pleasant, it'll just bring up sour memories.

But I didn't know the full extent of my anger towards that man at the time. Only in the future will I find out.

"Still… I didn't expect Irish vampires to be into seafood. Not many of my friends like seafood that much, and the most they'd eat was fish & chips."

I chuckle and I hear the other two vampires do so as well.

"Well, not all vampires eat them, but around eighty percent of us do. So you're not totally wrong."

The girls asked them a bunch more questions as we made our way through the small town, and we eventually arrived at the castle. There were guards there and they stared at us as we walked in. As Nuada said, it was primarily female vampires. We only saw a few male vampires. Most were kids or teens.

As we walked through the corridors of this castle, it reminded me of the castle in Romania. It was very dark, mostly illuminated by candles, and had a very dark and dreary atmosphere. They're really playing up the 'spooky vampire' thing, huh?

However, after around three minutes of walking, turning corners, and climbing up spiral staircases, we arrived in front of a very… Er… 'Vampire-like' door. If I had to call a door 'pop-culture-like' this would be it. Why the hell is there a 'Twilight' quote here? It's also covered with a bunch of bats, vampires and wolves designs on it.

The two finally pushed it open and stepped inside, with us following suit.

"Queen Saorlaith, we have brought the Middleman and Lady Scathach."

"Good work, thank you for coming."

Queen Saorlaith thanked them and looked at us with a small smile.

"Um… Why is that man there…?"

Gabriel points to a man underneath... The Queen's feet? He was panting like a horny dog, drooling and had bloodshot eyes. He also had… Deer-like ears? Wait, is this the… I used [Observe] on him and sure enough, it was the Deer God, Cernuous. I-I knew he was a masochist, but holy… He's worse than Baraqiel!

Cernuous has short brown hair, short deer-like ears, and blue eyes. He was wearing a red scarf, white jacket, and black-orange pants with brown boots and had red gloves on both hands.

Saorlaith has long silver hair that extends down her back and down her waist, and she keeps it in place wearing a dark red headband. She also let her bangs down. She wore a long black and purple dress.

"Well, I guess my request is done…"

I muttered, confusing the Queen.

"What do you mean, Middleman?"

She asked and I explained, and in the end, Queen Saorlaith laughed out loud. She wiped a tear away and looked at Cernuous who hadn't even noticed us yet, so she lightly kicked him and pointed at us.

"…S-Scathach?! W-What are you doing here?! And who are they?!"

Cernuous pointed at us while shouting, although he went right back to licking Saorlaith's foot who wasn't even bothered by what he was doing. Masochists are a weird breed of people…

{Akeno's is also a masochist.}

I never said she wasn't, Albion…

"Hmm, well…"

She glanced at me and I nodded. We were already here after all, might as well tell them, right? I mean I'm most likely going to be accepting a request from the woman too. So Scathach told them why we were here and that Nuada had asked me to look for Cernuous who was happily licking Saorlaith's foot while looking at us.

After her explanation, Cernuous got up and sighed.

"We are in love!"

"No we are not."

He got completely shut down by Saorlaith, however, that didn't deter him.

"Anyway, just tell Nuada that I'm fine, and the deer will know after that. I was just staying here for a little bit…"

He kind of just waved us off like it didn't matter. I mean, his masochism takes precedence, I guess? In a weird way, I respect it a little, just very little. Wanting to move this on, I took a step forward.

"So, I heard you had a problem and wanted to ask me for help? Before that, do you plan on joining the Gaelic Alliance, or…?"

"Yes, we do. I have spoken with a certain wandering musician goddess, and she has told us of some of the benefits of allying ourselves with the Gaelic Alliance. However, please help us. If this isn't stopped soon, our race may all be killed off."

Killed off? Wait, I feel like this happened somewhere else before…

"What do you mean?"

She sighed, kicked Cernuous away and started explaining.

"A few months back, a creature appeared in a large lake that is in our realm. I do not know how it got into this realm. This is because only people with permission can enter this realm, or unless they are stronger than me. However, that thing is much stronger than me. I have tried to kill it with next to no success. Please get rid of it, otherwise we cannot access that place for more food as that is where most of the fish comes from."

"So, let me get this straight. That lake is where most fish are, and you can't go there otherwise you'll be killed? How have you managed to feed your people?"

"We buy food from the human realm on occasion; however, we typically rely on the fish here. However, that monster has been eating and killing them, reducing the numbers that do manage to escape into the rest of the river. If it's any consolidation, we will immediately join the Gaelic Alliance after you kill it."

She summons something and makes it float towards me. It seemed to be a document. When I received it, I checked over it and it seemed to be a written document stating that they would join the Gaelic Alliance, and in turn the DxD Alliance. Well… I guess this works?

"Very well. I will kill it today. Just a quick question, that place isn't connected to anything, right?"

Saorlaith tilted her head in confusion before shaking it.

"No, I do not think so. Anytime in the past that our fisherman has gone there, there had always been a visible bottom, and it was solid. Nothing can go out of it except for the obvious entrance and exit to the river."

"I see…"

It sounds strange. Why doesn't it come into their village and attack them directly then? There has to be more to this. Let's investigate this…

"We'll get going then. Rest assured it will be done quickly… Hopefully."

I turned around and started walking away. It didn't make sense to me, so I needed to investigate it on my own. Everyone else ran up to catch up with me, and once I came back to reality, I was already outside. I looked up at the sky and sighed.

"Aaron, is something wrong? You left rather quickly."

Scathach asked as soon as she stood beside me. A few of the girls have started to call me that. Inaie and Raiko are still confused, but I already promised them I'd tell them the whole truth soon…

"It just seems suspicious, and I can't help but think it could be Khaos Brigade or something else. Hey… Scathach, what happened to Manannán mac Lir? I had expected him to be in the Tuatha Dé Danann, but he isn't."

After I asked them, I felt her anger slightly rise, but she quickly calmed herself. She sighed and looked back at the other girls who were curiously listening in.

"Ask Áine… Perhaps when she is ready to speak about that man, but I will tell you one thing. No God in Ireland, at the very least, no 'Good' or 'Neutral' God wants to associate themselves with him. No one knows what happened to him over the years, but he shifted from a responsible God, to… To put it bluntly, an asshole."

I was a bit stunned by what Scathach said about him. D-Did something bad happen between Áine and Manannán mac Lir? I don't think I'm that close to Áine for her to disclose that information to me, but maybe Asia can get it out of her… I looked at the girl and she appeared to understand what I meant.


"I'll go back and help Áine-san!"

"Thanks… But—"

"I know, I won't force it out of her."


I quickly walk over to her; we share a quick kiss before I teleport her back to the Land of Heaven Falls. All that remains is us. I looked at Gabriel and Scathach.

"Can I leave you two here?"

"You suspect something else is happening, and want us to stay here in case it ties back here?"

Scathach deduced, and I nodded.

"Very well, Gabriel, let us tour this realm."

"Okay ~ I wish I could go with Jin, but… Make sure to spoil me later! ~"

"Sure, sure, thanks."

I gave Gabriel a quick kiss making her blush and looked at Scathach who raised her eyebrow. What to do…? Eh, might as well. I rushed over to her and quickly captured her lips, surprising her a little. It was a quick kiss and when I took a step back, she smirked at me.

"Sex will soon follow… I look forward to it, Toole."

I just snorted at her and gestured for Xenovia to follow me. All we needed to do was follow the river, although now that I focused on it, that thing's aura was quite large. I flew over to the river and Nova joined me.

"Um, I'm happy you chose me to go along with you, Jin, but why?"

"I want to spend some time with you. I feel like something may happen in Queen Halloween's realm with Scathach, so I'm using this time with you. Also, don't mistake it for me not trusting you to defend that place. I think your offensive power would be useful here."

"…You both insulted me and praised me there… But I'll take it."

She chuckled at me and lightly hit my shoulder. I just grinned and started to fly away. She quickly joined me and it didn't take us long to reach it. The 'lake' was just around the large mountain near the town and whatever this thing was, it was large, angry and was already sending attacks at us.

It was a giant water blob monster with the eye of Sauron as its eye. Holy shit!

"W-What is that?!"

Xenovia pointed at the thing and dodged another attack from it. If I had any idea, I would tell you! Alright, let's just use [Observe] on it.

"It's, uh… Called Vrozhost, and…"


And it was created by Manannán mac Lir. He's apparently part of Khaos Brigade now… God dammit, why?! Does that mean he drank— Shit— They all drink it, is that even a question now?! …But I guess I get to make another shadow? Even if it's this thing…

"…I'll tell you later. Let's just kill it. I'll add it to my shadow army too."

"Then let me fight it. I feel like it's weaker than both of us."

Xenovia then takes out Durandal and faces the monster. I mean sure, it is much weaker than you… You're a Universal threat, Nova, and that thing is just a Satan-class monster. This won't be very fair, and it seems like you're planning on using the Ex-Durandal form. She has been training quite a bit in the [Training Facility] along with Inaie and Raiko, so I expected her to… Eh, I guess she still needs time. Maybe when we go to the [Pocket Dimension], I'll drop her some hints…

I cover the area with a barrier so she won't accidentally destroy the realm.

"Go wild, Nova."

She grunted an answer to me before flying towards the beast. It locked onto Xenovia and started firing multiple attacks at her, and she easily destroyed them with casual swings of her sword. Seeing as how its magic attacks were useless, it started to use its watery tentacles to attack her instead.

But just like before, she destroyed its tentacles just as easily, and Nova was quickly approaching the monster. She sure was taking her time, she could have easily reached it already… Suddenly, Vrozhost looked at Xenovia directly and halted her movements.

"Hmm. Interesting… But…!"


Vrozhost's eyes widened in surprise. I guess it was meant to permanently keep his opponents in place? Maybe if its opponent was weaker than it, it would work. However, Nova is way above it... She raised Durandal above her head with both her hands and then executed an overhead swing while also disappearing from its sight! She appeared behind the monster as it was slowly catching up to what had just happened.

Boom!! Fwshh!!

"Great Dragon Shock…"

Xenovia muttered, and turned around. Vrozhost suddenly split in two. A large shockwave occurred that tried its best to cut and destroy the barrier around the area, however, it didn't. However, everything else inside the barrier was blown away and destroyed.

Once the shockwave subsided, and the dust settled, I could see a tunnel beneath the pool of water. So there was something underneath it. It was either strong illusion magic, or a believable enough 'camouflage' rock face. Either way, Xenovia's destruction of the place worked to our advantage.

"I-uh, I'm sorry for destroying it…"

She flew back beside me while saying it. She was quite embarrassed by it, but I started petting her on the head.

"Nah, you did good. Hell, you just helped us, Nova. Anyway, Arise."

The monster quickly rose up again, but this time in a shadowy form. I'll give you a name later. For now, come into my shadow. It nodded and went into my shadow.

"I did?"

She asked and I pointed below us. Her eyes also widened as she followed my finger. First, before going in, I repaired the place, including the exposed area. After that, I carried Xenovia, surprising her a bit. I flew towards the rockface and phased through it. I won't remove the barrier yet, well, not until I finish this.

To my surprise, we passed through some kind of portal and were transported to a different place.


I let Xenovia down and we looked around the place. It seemed to be some kind of high-tech lab. I also only feel a few auras in here. There may be more, but I'll assume they took the blood and I can't detect them.

"We might be in a Khaos Brigade lab… Be on guard, Nova."


She summoned Durandal back as she had put it away after killing the monster. By touching her shoulder, I made both of us invisible and made us completely silent. There were also stairs that led up, so I took them up with Nova behind me. Following the auras I could feel, we quickly maneuvered through this place's hallways.

We passed by rooms filled with equipment and other miscellaneous items, but I'll get back to them later. I want to see who's running this place, and then maybe double back to store the items in my [Inventory]. It would be wonderful if one of the Seekers of Truth was here, or at the very least... Avezza. If I can get her… We can probably cripple some of their advances.

It didn't take us long to reach a spacious area, and multiple people were already there. There were some futuristic looking spacecrafts, and some seemed to be either cryptids or divine beasts. Honestly… Why would they hide this here of all places? Did they not think I would come to this place eventually? Or did they get too comfortable and cocky?

Cúntóir, cover this place with a barrier and disable any kind of teleportation method for them.

Cúntóir: Answer: Very well........ It's done, dear.

Thanks. I looked at Nova and nodded.

'You stay here and take them out, knock them out, if possible, I'll go to the top. Wait for my signal.'


Xenovia got into a different area where she could take out all the scientists there quickly. I jumped up to the second floor and scanned the entire area. I had to deal with eight, Nova had around eleven down there.


As soon as I said that, Xenovia and I quickly dashed towards our targets and knocked them out. I heard some thuds beneath me, so she definitely got her part done. I quickly gathered them all up and went down the stairs. I did the same thing to the scientists that Xenovia knocked out. I lined them up in a neat line and read their memories.

However, most of it were just things they were working on. Cryptids, Divine Beasts and artificial Sacred Gears. However, one or two of them did speak with Avezza, but she never disclosed anything to them. So I ran into a dead end. These guys were just disposable for them.

'Nothing, there has to be more of them, let's move up. There are two more levels up.'

I told Xenovia and she nodded. We quickly climbed the stairs and found the last two floors. Xenovia stayed on the third and I headed to the fourth.

'I'm ready.'

She told me, and we repeated the same process as last time. Once they were knocked out, I brought them down to the very first floor, lined them up and read their memories. But it's the same thing… Perhaps this place was just a random base they decided to experiment with? I would guess Avezza occasionally comes here, and so does Manannán mac Lir.

"Nova, stay here. I'll go check out the rest of the place."


Creating a small barrier around myself, so nothing would be destroyed. I wanted to get this done quickly. I increased my speed to match the speed of light and explored the rest of this place out. I saw many rooms filled with test tubes, rooms with gadgets and items that may be converted into artificial Sacred Gears, and other rooms like storage.

But in total, there were around seventy-two other people in this place, and there didn't seem to be any that looked particularly significant. Avezza was definitely not here, nor was Manannán mac Lir, or any other big shot. While it was frustrating, we could at least shut this place down, although I doubt they would be negatively affected by it.

After doing that quickly, I appeared in front of Xenovia again.

"Aren't you going?"

"…Huh? I'm done?"

She stared blankly at me, confused. So I told her what I had done. Did I go so fast that she didn't see me move from the spot?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.

Cool… Anyway, after my explanation Nova seemed astonished yet excited. I can already tell, based on her expression, that she would want to try to replicate this in the future. I won't try to stop her, but her nature is mostly built upon destruction, so she'll need more training. I just put a barrier around myself to prevent that. If I didn't, I think this place would have been destroyed, no, not just this place, the entire realm most likely.

"So, do we get rid of the rest, and then put them down here?"

"Yeah, that's the plan, hold on."

I face the sleeping scientists and put a sleeping spell on them. It would be problematic for them to wake up soon after being knocked out. After that was done, I poked Xenovia's head and showed her what I saw in that quick second.

"Which ones do you want to take on?"

"The test tubes and monsters. I don't trust myself enough to not accidentally use a powerful attack and accidentally hit those machines and destroy this place."

"Alright, sure thing. Tell me when you're ready and I'll start at the same time as you."


I started to walk away when she grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I turned around to look at her and she was sporting a small blush. I chuckled and stepped back to her and kissed her.

"Is that enough for now?"

"Y-Yeah! I-I'll get going then."

Xenovia ran away and began to prepare. I liked using that speed earlier... It felt kind of amazing, so I did just that and appeared at a spot where they couldn't see me. However, we still had our invisibility, so it really didn't matter.

I could see a few 'guards', although for some reason no alarms had—

Beeep! Beep! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!

'I'm sorry…'

'It's fine, just take them out.'

Alarms suddenly started to resound throughout the base. I don't know what Xenovia did, but I feel like I just jinxed myself. Therefore, I dispatched the scientists and guards in my zone using the speed of light and chopped their necks. I made sure to adjust it so I wouldn't just chop their heads off with a light tap at the speed of light.

I quickly finished up and checked on Xenovia. She was doing fine as she had knocked out at least three quarters of her batch, so I helped her finish it. Once I did that, I appeared in front of her making her crash into me.

"J-Jin?! Uwa?!"

Pomf ~ Boing ~

"Nice tits, anyway, we should be done, but how did you set that alarm off?"

Cúntóir, can you disable it? After I asked that, the alarms immediately stopped. Thank you. All I heard was a weird squeal/moan from her…

[Jin? Did something happen? A bunch of monsters started to appear over here…]

I heard Scathach through the [Communication Function] of the ring… Ah shit… Don't tell me that alarm did more than just make a sound?!

"Xenovia… I think you activated something since the town is being attacked."

"Then we should—"

"No, it's fine, Gabriel and Scathach can take care of it. Let's gather up the rest and I'll read through their memories… Ah, actually can you go to the other rooms and start gathering the equipment and other items? I'll have my shadows help you out."

"O-Okay! I'm sorry again."

"Don't worry about it."

I summoned around fifty other shadows and they all disappeared and started to bring a bunch of equipment back to where we had gathered those scientists from earlier.

"I'll get going then."

Nova also disappeared and I felt her appear down below. I should do my part with the rest of the scientists…



"Yes, I understand."

The Seraph brought her hands together and suddenly the entire place was covered in a wind barrier. The monsters that had appeared out of the river and sky couldn't get in anymore. The previously panicked citizens stopped and stared at her. She just smiled at me and gave me a peace sign.

"Great work. If any of them somehow get through, I'll leave them to you. I will deal with the rest outside."

"Roger ~"

Gabriel created a small hole for me to go through and I quickly left through it. Once outside, I summoned my spear and pointed it at the creatures that had appeared. They were small, blue, and scaley. The others were also blue, however, they had feathers instead and black beaks. I felt a bit of Manannán mac Lir's energy from them… But I believe Jin will tell us about it when he comes back.


They screeched at me before lunging towards me. Slow. They were very slow. Perhaps I had gotten used to fighting Lianne and Aurelia, but it felt a bit insulting to fight these slow and weak creatures. As they attacked me, I dodged them easily, then simply pierced them on the side, killing them instantly.

"Go, Sca-chan ~!"

Hearing some cheering from Gabriel behind me felt quite strange. Previously if someone did this to me, I would have just ignored them or scoffed at it, but it felt nice this time around. Perhaps Aaron and his lovers have been influencing me slowly?

Even the younger ones… No, I'm part of that, so I should say 'us'. Even Lianne and Aurelia have their own 'kinder' side when they speak about Aaron. He's still quite naïve, although he has apparently changed somewhat. I still need to see it. However, he has started to change a bit lately. It's subtle… But I can see it. I feel it in my gut, something will happen soon. Whatever it is, it'll give him a more strict stance on helping people.

Although… I doubt it will change him too much. It's as he said, he was born like it, and was also due to his previous life's lover, Aoife's influence… Aoife… My sister's name is the Aífe, it's the old Irish for the modern day 'Aoife'. He hasn't said anything about it… I wonder if he—

Pierce! Slice! Bam!

"Huuu… Do not interrupt my thoughts, pests."

I quickly killed the rest of these things that were in front of me, however, more started to appear. Will those two stop this soon? I certainly don't mind the exercise… Although I've been a bit sentimental. What happened all those years ago— It happened for a reason, and he and I came out victorious. That's all there is to it…

"…You've put me in a foul mood, repent."


Jin Skyward

"Well, they certainly are not that useful…"

I had finished gathering the scientists and guards, but they did not provide me with anything useful. Xenovia and the rest of my shadows were still bringing in a bunch of equipment that I'll drop by Azazel since he'll have a field day with them.

Zpt! Flash!


[Hello, intruders. Perhaps I can assume that it's the Middleman? He is the one trying to stop us after all. Well, regardless of who it is, you have found many dummy research facilities we have all over the world. Stopping this won't do any real damage to our research and armory, so whatever you have done has been completely useless. As an added bonus, this facility will blow up, along with this realm. Goodbye.]

In an audio message, Avezza's voice spoke through a blue screen that was pitch black. Blow up, huh? Cúntóir, can you find those explosives and chuck them into an empty part of this universe?

Cúntóir: Answer: Quite easily, one moment...… It is finished, dear ~

Thanks… Well, that solved that. Let's help them get the rest of those things then.

"Good job, you guys can come back."

We had finished gathering the equipment and I had stored it in my [Inventory]. This place had been cleared out completely, so I was left with a decision. Destroy it and seal it up permanently, or make use of it? I may use it myself or I may let Queen Saorlaith use it. Since I didn't really know what to choose, I turned to Xenovia and told her this. I didn't mind either, but the vampires would enjoy it more than me.

"Yes, I think they will benefit more, perhaps by having more space for storage or housing. But I think you should make a new way to enter it, maybe like those doors you have for Shishō and Yasaka?"

"Seems reasonable enough, I'll do that then. Let's get out of here…"

I turned to the still sleeping scientists and guards. I'll store them in my [Inventory] too and just put them in Grigori. I'm sure Azazel wouldn't mind, if not then… I don't know, I'll ask Zechs and Michael, or even the other Gods, they might have use for them.

After leaving the place, we arrived back at the town, and saw a lot of dead creatures. Scathach, Gabriel, the Queen and her guards were there. Most of them were just trying to clean up the place. I could probably use them as shadows too.

"Hey, they weren't too big of a problem, were they?"

I asked while landing down. All of them turned to me. Gabriel ran up and hugged me.

"No, they were quite weak. So what happened? Why did it take you so long?"


I told them what we found and what we did. I then asked the Queen if she wanted to use the facility. This may be in a different part of the planet, or even in a different dimension. She stood there and thought about it for the next few minutes.

"Did Asia contact any of you?"


While shaking her head in my chest, Gabriel replied to me. But I could tell Scathach was in a foul mood. I wonder what happened to make her like that? Also, where the hell is Cernuous? I can't see him anywhere.

"Tempting, but I will refuse, Middleman. We don't know who created that dimension, and we don't know when they'll just destroy it and we might lose even more when that happens. Thank you for the offer though."

Saorlaith refused in the end, and I didn't have any problem with it. With a simple snap of my fingers, I decided to erase the base myself. Once that was done, I looked around the area—

"Where's Cernuous?"


"My loooooveeeee ~~!!"

Saorlaith was about to speak when we heard the voice of the Deer God and he was being chased by an angry group of female vampires. What the hell did he do? Also, he couldn't help them defend when he'd fought Scathach before…?

As soon as he arrived at Saorlaith, she kicked him back to them and they started to beat him up. I don't know if their feelings are mutual, or if this guy does this to any woman he becomes obsessed with…

"Do you need that moron with you?"

"It would be better to drag him back with us, yes."

She nodded and called his name. The women reluctantly let him go as he came crawling back to us.

"Y-Yes?! H-How can I help you?!"

He asked rather enthusiastically and started to pant.

"Go with the Middleman back to Tuatha Dé Danann, and speak with Nuada."


He tried to protest, but all it took was Saorlaith glaring at him before he agreed. He left for the castle to get his bags.

"I have to ask… Is something—"


Saorlaith stopped me and denied it. Hell, Scathach started laughing at me.

"That idiot will become obsessed with any women he targets and will borderline harass them until he moves on to his next target. He did it to me once, of course, I beat him so it quickly stopped. It was beyond his usual 'pleasure', as he put it."

Scathach explained. But he also chased after her, huh? This guy sure does—

"He's not against lolis or young women."

—Is unhinged… I was about to say something else, but never mind… I felt Gabriel shake her head again and I heard her mutter something.

"…Pain and pleasure…? I don't understand…"

Oh you poor thing! It'll take her a while to understand this, won't it? I'll have to stop her from going to Akeno for it unless I risk her getting… 'Corrupted'. I just can't see it, but it will be inevitable…

"Well, alright then…"

We waited for Cernuous to come back before we headed back to the Tuatha Dé Danann. He had more baggage than I thought when he did come back, which was surprising.

Land of Heaven Falls

Boom! Boom!

"What the—"

The Land of Heaven Falls was under attack as soon as we teleported into the place. However, they were being protected by Asia as she had erected a barrier around the town. She focused on maintaining that rather than going out there to fight, and it seemed whatever was attacking them had been mostly attacking the barrier.


Asia spotted us and ran over with Áine. Asia seemed a little down so she hugged me as soon as she got to me. Áine just gave me a guilty smile.

"Woah, woah, woah?! What's happening here?!"

Cernuous asked a bit shocked at what was happening.

"Some strange creatures started attacking us all of a sudden. It happened just a few minutes ago. They almost seemed… I guess robotic?"

Áine explained and pointed behind her. We looked over and saw that one of them had been killed. I can guess Asia was responsible for that… I started to walk over to it and Áine continued her explanation.

"Lugh and the others headed to the other's homes to help defend them. Therefore, they left this place to Asia to defend. Honestly, Danu is doing her best out there, but she is mostly on the defensive as well."

"Elsa, Edel, you two come out and help Danu."

The two Electa immediately came out and passed through the barrier set up by Asia and quickly eliminated the creatures attacking us. When I used [Observe] on the thing lying on the ground… It didn't make any sense to me.

Name: C-DD-1382-42

Age: None

Potential: Low-Tier God Class – S

Rank: Low-Tier God Class – S

Gender: None

Race: Shade-Machines

Titles: Minions of the Crepuscule

Sacred Gear: None

Level: 150 (0%)

Hp: 500,000 (Hp Regen: 50,000 per minute)

Mp: 500,000 (Mp Regen: 50,000 per second)

Str: 3000

Vit: 3000

Dex: 3000

Int: —

Wis: —

Char: —

Luk: —

Minions of the Crepuscule…? What the hell are those? Cúntóir…?

Cúntóir: Answer: Much like the Gods of Evie Etoulde (ExE) and the beings of Fadir Ferdora (FxF), they belong to another universe. The Crepuscule Phantasma (CxP) are creatures of destruction much like the mechanical Gods of ExE. They were never meant to come here, unless Khaos Brigade made contact with them, or made them aware of the Draconic Deus. In that case, they must have also sent our scouts to this world.

Cúntóir: Answer: And unfortunately, or fortunately, they came here where they could be easily dealt with… Aaron, you have another pile of Gods and creatures to deal with. The Crepuscule Phantasma are Gods and Entities that use Darkness, mirages and illusions to kill and wipe out their enemies. In contrast to ExE's far simpler approach of invading and killing anything that stands in their way.

Cúntóir: Answer: The Crepuscule Phantasma will scout out whatever world/planet/universe first and slowly invade and brainwash the world's inhabitants. They are sly, calculating yet very strong Gods and Entities… You may be asking why, that's because of the 'Darkness', or also known as Magnum Tenebrosum, an Outer God.

Cúntóir: Answer: Before Magnum Tenebrosum went to sleep, he aided many versions of the Crepuscule Phantasma, and they invaded many worlds and universes. However, after going to sleep, their rate of conquering plants and worlds slowed down. They are as I said, followers of 'Darkness', and are very proficient at using it.

Cúntóir: Answer: As you can see, their scouts are quite strong. Anyone below Middle-Tier God-class will struggle against them. As for how they got here... I do not know. If they are working with Khaos Brigade, Lapis would have been responsible for letting them through the barrier.

Fuck, I knew that psychotic bitch was up to something! God, I have to deal with Khaos Brigade, Lapis, Nyarlathotep, ExE Mechanical Gods, most probably help FxF rebuild their universe/plant, and finally deal with CxP. I feel like I'm getting more headaches…

Hey, Cúntóir, so how long until they come back? We did just kill most of their scouts in a timely manner.

Cúntóir: Answer: They will analyze whoever battles their minions and will create a plan of attack. However, it will usually take quite a long time since they do not have the help of Magnum Tenebrosum. But it may take less time because if they are allied with Khaos Brigade, Lapis will just inform them of anything they desire.

So we don't have an estimated time… Tch—


I felt someone touch my shoulder and it was Gabriel looking quite concerned for me. I sighed and got up from the ground. I also stored the robot-thing in my [Inventory]. I'll deal with that later, let's just kill these things first.

"…Let's kill these things first, and also gather them up. I'll be taking them to Grigori."

I gave them my orders, and they followed my instructions since they could see my seriousness. I touched the ground and replaced Asia's barrier. After that was done, she and the rest of them flew around killing those shade-machines.

I wonder… Where Cross Times Kiss and Mitsuya Kanzaki stand in all of this? That guy seemed to know about ExE and the upcoming destruction of DxD. He also has beef with Tobio, although I don't know if the reasons will be the same in this universe as in Canon. I never asked Tobio about it. They're meant to protect Issei's parents, but since they don't exist here…

Grip ~


I glanced over and saw Áine holding onto my sleeve as she watched the girls killing the shade-machines. Right now, she feels pretty uneasy. I don't know why. It could be because of these things, or if it's due to her telling Asia about her own history. I'll ask Asia later, but for now I'll ease her anxiety up a little.

"These things are comparable to non-combat oriented Gods in terms of power. I'm surprised Danu defended against them for so long."

"…Danu has always been stubborn. She promised Asia to protect them, and was kind of reckless and went out to defend the town. The rest of the Gods moved to the different settlements around the realm. I believe Lugh, Dagda and Nuada are the only ones that are capable of keeping up with these things…"

She said while still looking concerned. I smirk and pinch her cheek confusing her a bit.

"That's not like you, Áine. Where's the usual sass that you normally have?"


She didn't answer me though. I sighed again, I might as well speed this up.

"I'll go help the other Gods; I'll leave these ones to the girls. It won't take long. See you in a second."

Before Áine could say anything, I left.

"Balance Break."

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!]

Donning my [Queen] form and bypassing my regular red armor, I located Lugh's aura and flew towards him. When I arrived there, I could see those things had adapted and were fighting Lugh on nearly equal terms, as he looked like he was struggling… Just slightly though.

As I flew towards them, I kicked one of the shades away, surprising Lugh.

"Need a hand?"

"I would appreciate it."

[Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!]

After boosting ten times, I touched Lugh's shoulder.


Lugh grunted again before dispatching the remaining monsters; I followed him and killed the other half myself. After they were killed, I stored them in my [Inventory].

"I will go aid Dagda; can I leave our leader to you?"

"Sure thing."

As I made my way to Nuada, I brought out the cannons and started to charge them up. Quickly arriving at the scene, Nuada was having a bit of trouble with his opponents and had some light injuries, but nothing serious. He had a scratch or two.

I put my hand out and teleported him to me, confusing him.

"Eh? H-Huh? W-Wait, Jin?!"

"X Blaster."

[EX Blaster Booster!]


The shade-machines were wiped out by the large draconic blast. The rest that managed to avoid the attack I quickly dispatched and then returned to Nuada. When I got to him, I also healed him.

"You have my thanks, Jin. Are the others…?"

"Lugh volunteered to help—"


"—He made it to Dagda; I'm guessing that big attack was his."

"Indeed it was. I lured away those things towards me when they tried attacking other settlements, so that should be all of them."

He informed me, I decided to check the rest of the realm since I could feel them like normal, so they don't have Nyarlathotep's blood, and it's as he said, there weren't any left. The girls also wiped out the ones they were fighting.

"Let's go back then."

He agreed, and told Lugh through a communication circle to meet us back in the town square.


When we arrived back in the town, Cernuous fell on his ass, seemingly tired. Did he perhaps decide to help defend it too? We flew down and he looked at Nuada with a slightly sheepish look.

"Uh, hey, Nuada, I'm glad to see you again…"

"You seem fine, Cernuous. Perhaps you embarked on your short 'trips' again? You do know you have to inform me before you do that. Otherwise, the deer of our country will panic with the random disappearance of their leader."

"I-I know! I just forgot this time…"

Nuada looked at the Deer God with tired eyes and shook his head. So this is a recurring thing, and they had a system set up? Well, I guess he assumed the worst since he didn't contact him. Did he do it in the past, and not this time? A bit extreme asking for help from me though…

Nuada then proceeded to scold him, so I just looked around until I found Danu covered in injuries, a few that appeared serious, but Asia was already healing her. She saw me staring at her and looked away… I quickly rushed over to her and chopped her on the head.

"What you did was noble, but you really should have stayed in the barrier, and waited for backup to arrive…"

"I'm sorry, but it was my duty as—"

I stopped her from speaking by putting a finger on her lip. She silently apologized again and I just sighed at her. I hope this won't be a regular thing then…

"We'll continue in a bit. I need to give Nuada something since it involves all of the current Gaelic Alliance."

I told her and left. She didn't seem too bothered and agreed with me. She was part of it, but she was being treated by Asia, so it's fine. Once I got back to Nuada, he was at the end of his scolding and the two other Gods had arrived, along with Brigid and Dian Cecht.

"Nuada, here, it's from Queen Saorlaith."

I handed him the document and he read through it. He seemed quite happy with it as he started to smack me on the back.

"I've been meaning to ask them to join the alliance! All that's left is the Abhartach since you got the Dearg Due to join. Oh yes, Clíodhna is also joining the alliance since she's the Queen of the Banshee, and thanks to you helping Áine, she wanted to become a member so she could keep an eye on her. They're good friends after all. At any rate, I will have a small meeting about the new alliance and contact the others. I will borrow Scathach and Danu for a short while."

He walked away towards Scathach then Danu. After that Scathach joined him, but Danu stayed behind. Áine was beside her and the two of them looked at me before leaving. Since they're having a meeting, I might as well try my luck with Asia then.

But before that, I checked the town and there weren't any major damages, only the surrounding area, so I repaired those, the same with the other settlements in the realm. They'll eventually find out that it was me who did that. I don't need to fly over there…


I walked over to her as the remaining women joined me. Both Elsa and Edel slipped back into my ring and Xenovia had apparently used Sacred Gear, as she put away [Carnage Incarnate: Grand Chariot]. Gabriel was walking around to make sure the residents here were okay, and once she saw that they were, she also joined us.

"Jin… Do you want to know about Áine-san past?"

She left the 'san' part out of addressing me, so it has to be serious. Although I already knew it would be since I knew some of her history from my previous life. I'm just wondering which one was… Well, relevant.


Asia nodded but gestured for us to go to a more secure and quiet area before telling us. So we walked away from the busy streets and into a small corner with walls that we could lean against. Asia had been frowning the entire time we walked over here.

Once we all got settled, Asia started. She told us everything Áine told her. From her early life, to the messed-up things that happened to her, how she got 'messed up down there', to what all her husbands did, and what Manannán mac Lir did. Safe to say, all of us were angry. Xenovia even accidentally broke the wall by punching it, so I had to repair it.

"Jin, do you think—"

"That base? And the Maleia Cathair? Yeah, I think he was responsible for it…"

Xenovia clicked her tongue and started to grumble to herself. Even though she hadn't known Áine that long, she didn't like what she heard, and how she was treated. Maybe it's just me rubbing off on all of them, but even Gabriel, who was usually all cheers and smiles, was frowning.

"That's wrong, no one should suffer through that… I want to help her heal, but it sounds like she's doing quite alright for herself…"

The Seraph muttered and I turned to Asia who was a bit teary-eyed after telling us all of that.

"I know it's a bit late to ask this, but it was okay to tell us, right?"

I asked her and she nodded.

"Y-Yes, Áine-san was okay with it. In her words 'He'd find out about it sooner or later, so go ahead and tell him… I owe him that much.' Is what she said."

"I see…"

I sighed and looked up at the sky. Two of her previous husbands are dead... Well, I know one is definitely dead, the other… I have no idea, but… Manannán mac Lir... I can't wait for our inevitable meeting.

A few hours later

"You should stay here for the night, Jin! You said you were going to Thine Ifreann Réimse, correct? Just do it tomorrow. Most if not all of them won't have the energy to do anything anymore!"

Nuada said enthusiastically. We were still in the Land of Heaven Falls, and he knew he was lying since most of them over there are creatures of the night, with a few exceptions... However, the others seemed to agree with him, so I wasn't too bothered.

It took them a few hours to complete the meeting, so we spent that time just walking around and checking out the town since Gabriel and Xenovia hadn't been here before. They enjoyed their time here and wanted to visit again in the future.


"Xenovia, Gabriel, Asia, why don't you stay with me? Jin, you and Scathach can stay with Áine."

Danu said to them and looked at Áine who looked mortified.

"My home is small? I don't have enough space!"

"I don't mind, I'll sleep on the floor or on the couch."

Danu nodded and led the other girls with her. All of them started to speak with Danu, and since Asia was already affiliated with her, it didn't take long for them to speak on friendly terms.

"Shall we?"

Áine's eye twitched but she couldn't do anything now. So she led us to her home. It wasn't that far away and it was quite small, and once we entered it, it had a living room, kitchen-dining room and an upstairs bedroom with a shower.


"I will sleep on the floor of your bedroom; Jin will take the couch. I see no issue here."

Áine didn't even try to fight Scathach on that and shrugged her shoulders. It was around nine at night, so dinner was the next thing we needed to work on, but—

"I'll cook. I have some ingredients with me."

I didn't but I could just create or summon them so no big deal. Both of them didn't mind, so I immediately started cooking. In the end, I had to ask Áine where she kept most of her kitchen utensils, but she answered me without much of a fight.

A few minutes later, I was done and presented them with dinner. Scathach should be used to the food that I make; she did get to taste it a few times in the [Pocket Dimension] and at home. Áine just looked lost after taking a bite but said nothing.

"I admit, you're a talented cook."

Áine muttered as Scathach and I just stared at her. We hadn't even said anything, and we weren't waiting for her to say that to me.

"Um, thank you?"

Áine just 'hmph'd' and said nothing else. We spent the rest of our time before bed just chatting about whatever topics that came to mind, although it was mostly Scathach and Áine speaking to each other, and they would ask me about something every now and again.

I can't sleep. Áine's past was still fresh in my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about it, but the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. So I'm on a loop of thinking about it, getting angry, then forcefully calming myself. Now repeat that for the last hour or however long I've been awake since we decided to 'sleep'.

Creak ~

Hearing a noise from the stairs I shot up and looked over at it. To my surprise I saw Áine. She looked at me a bit surprised, and sighed.

"So much for trying to keep quiet… I'm just here to get a drink…"

I silently nodded and watched her go into the kitchen, get a glass of water and… Come over to the couch and sit beside me? I was confused by this action, but I didn't hate it or try to stop her, I mean it's her house.

"…Nice couch."


"I'm not sure if you purposely act like an idiot at times, Skyward."

"I believe making people laugh and relax calms them down. You seemed tense after all. So, what's up?"

I told her my reasons and she just chuckled at me. However, it took her another minute to say something again.

"…You heard from Asia?"


She started to twiddle with her fingers, and became even more fidgety.


"What? If you're asking if what she told us changed my view of you… Well, it didn't. You're still the same Áine as I knew. You may have a sad and messed up past, but that's it. If I meet Manannán mac Lir in the future, I'll beat the shit out of him, for you and for other reasons."

I got a bit heated while saying that, so I turned away and sighed. After a few seconds of silence, Áine begins to laugh beside me and I felt her rest her head on me.

"I see… I'm sorry for everything by the way… I'm probably saying this for the one hundredth time already…"

"Yeah, you're god damn right! Stop apologizing!"

"So rude!"

After the strange exchange we fell silent again. Although it was a lot less tense and a lot more comfortable and calmer. But—


She fell asleep… I sighed and picked her up before carrying her up to her room. Was she so nervous that she was unable to sleep because Asia told us? Now that I told her how I felt, and probably how the others felt, she calmed down? That's the only way I can see it…

I pushed the door open and was met with a smug Scathach.



She came over and gave me a quick peck before going back to her bed on the floor. I shrugged and put Áine on her bed. Finally, I went back down to sleep. Even though my mind was still wondering about the new things I learned today, I managed to fall asleep.


Mitsuya Kanzaki

It doesn't make sense! Where is Hyoudou Issei?! Why isn't he here with his family? Any time I try to look him up or ask people, they just say 'Who?' or 'Never met him'. This has to be an alternate reality… Because for some reason, someone called the 'Dual Dragon Emperor' exists here.

Jin Skyward... I don't know who you are. You certainly don't exist in my future... I need to find out more about him. Fortunately, he's quite famous, so I can probably get information about him rather quickly.


"Wow, he's certainly a celebrity. Here look."

My teammate, Shizuka Kirino came over and showed me the things this man had done and I was flabbergasted. Revive the dead? Defeat Gods? Create the DxD Alliance? What is this madness? Is he also from an alternate reality?! But we hadn't been informed by anyone?!

But… I need to test him myself; I can't leave this world to him if he's too weak… Those Mechanical Gods will slaughter them all if he's weaker than Hyoudou Issei…!

"What do you plan on doing?"

Shizuka asked me. I looked back at her phone and sighed.

"Test him. If he's weaker than Hyoudou Issei, who's known to be the strongest Red Dragon Emperor of our universe then… Whatever timeline we came into is doomed."

"Hmm… So you're considering using both [Innovate Clear] and [Telos Karma]?"

"Yes, I wish to test him… This Dual Dragon Emperor… Even if this wasn't the right timeline, we can still try to save it…"

"Whatever floats your boat, Kanzaki-kun."

Cross Times Kiss won't fail in bringing true peace to this world. Even if we have to bring it to the brink of despair.

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