Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 11 – Part 4 – Millstein Family and The First Witch

Land of Heaven Falls

Jin Skyward

Sizzle ~ Sizzle ~

"So, why is everyone here in my cramped home?"

Áine asked after everyone arrived around the time my household would eat breakfast. They all probably did it out of reflex, although they probably had to rely on Danu to take them here. Of course, the woman who owned the home wasn't too happy, not because she had more company, it's because there was literally no space.

"Don't worry about it, Áine."

As I told her, I expanded the inside of her home. Every single room in this home began to expand and become more spacious. The previously cramped living room became more spacious and the ones waiting there had more room to move in, the same with the kitchen-dining room.

"I won't be long now, so just wait, alright?"

Asia Argento

"He didn't need to show off like that…"

Áine-san mumbled after Jin expanded her home. I think she appreciated it, but I don't think she's brave enough to admit it. She looked at me—

"By the way, are you heading with Jin to Thine Ifreann Réimse?"

She asked us and we looked at one another. I believe so…? Unless Jin wants to go back home first and then go over there. Only Ddraig-san and Lavinia-san have been there, so I'm also curious about it. A place with many witches and things related to the holiday, Halloween! Their leader and ruler is also called Queen Halloween, the progenitor of the holiday. I'm quite excited to go…

"Yes we are. Do you want to join, Áine?"

Scathach-san asked her. But I thought she was bound to this realm, so she can't leave, can she? Everyone including Áine-san looked over at Jin as he was busy cooking breakfast. I'm sure he heard us, but chose not to comment yet.

"I mean, can I? Sir Skyward is the one that can control that after all…"

"Could we get permission for a day trip?" You did say you have been tirelessly doing your job and punishment, maybe Nuada-san will allow it?"

I asked Áine-san after she sighed. If Jin can convince them, then it's definitely possible! Again, Áine-san looked over at Jin.


"I'll ask. Anyway, breakfast is ready."

I smiled; I knew he was listening from the start.

Jin Skyward

I pointed at the dining table and made it larger. After that, the plates and cutlery started to fly towards the table and organized themselves neatly. I personally put the food I made in the middle, and let them dig in first. I don't necessarily need to eat anymore, after all, but I still do since I've done it all my life. So I grabbed a plate for myself and joined them.

Áine seemed to be enjoying herself, so I didn't comm—

"Jin, teach me."


I was a bit confused by her request. She wants to learn how to cook? Er, well, cook a bit better? I don't exactly know how to teach someone. The simplest thing they can do is just cook more, follow the recipe, and then experiment. So I relayed that to her.

"…Then can you spare this recipe?"

"Um, I kind of made it on the spot. It's not really a recipe I took time to make…"

Áine just stared at me like I was joking, but I was quite serious. What I made wasn't anything special either, it's just a normal American breakfast… Well, she is an Irish Goddess, so she might not be used to their relatively large portions… What constitutes small can be a medium or even large at times…

"But I can write it out for you if you want."

"Please and thank you."

She said and continued eating. I feel like Áine has been a bit more relaxed with me now after our small talk last night. I think that's a positive thing.

"Here, that should be it."

I handed the recipe over to Áine. We had finished eating breakfast not too long ago. The girls wanted to rest a bit to let the food settle. I mean sure, I don't know if that actually works or what…

But we should get moving soon since time is of the essence!

[It is?]

You're the one guiding me today. You've been there before.

[Oh, right… Hell yeah!]

But don't come out until we're ready to go. I need you to teleport us there.

[Yeah, yeah, I get you, Partner. Gotta make that flash entrance.]

…Not what I meant, but okay…

Poke ~ Poke ~


"Show me."

Áine was being very touchy-feely right now. I mean I don't mind showing her, but still… It's an observation I made overnight. We walked over to the kitchen. I took the knife, summoned some ingredients and showed her how I prepared them. She tried to replicate it, and she did a pretty good job.

"Why do you even need help? You seem pretty competent at cooking, Áine."

"It's not illegal to ask for help, Jin. I mean you're going to be opening a restaurant. Can't you spare a bit of help for me?"

"I mean sure, I don't really mind, but cutting and all of this… You already have it down. You might not know some techniques, then yeah, I don't mind showing you, but this dish isn't that complicated."

We go back and forth with our discussion, with me standing behind her, grabbing her hands and guiding her... I feel a bit of déjà vu hit me since I did this for Reya when I helped Sona cook that meal for Serafall. I also feel Áine getting a bit too comfortable. I'm not a chair you know…

[Partner, at times I want to poke you in the eye.]

'For once, we are on the same page, [Welsh Dragon].'

[Shut it, Velgrynd… I'm going to be the star not too long from now, and you'll have to deal with it, fuahahaha!]

'…The way you act makes me want to kill you for some reason… It reminds me of a certain dragon…'


I'm not part of this, you do you, Ddraig.


"You've stopped moving, Skyward."

"Oh, don't mind me, I'm just getting a whiff of a certain Goddesses' smell."


"Oh come on! We were clearly joking there!"

Áine just snickered at me and I continued to help her while also getting back at her for that jab at me. But it didn't last long since I felt Scathach and Danu's auras coming closer to us.

"It seems like you two are getting along quite well now. What happened to hating all men, Áine?"

Scathach asked a bit mockingly and Áine froze in our weird position.

"I don't hate all men, Scathach. I can tolerate a few, and I…"

Áine couldn't finish the sentence and she started to tremble a bit. Was she having trouble saying that she trusted me? Or just men in general? But she surprised me with her next sentence.

"Right now, Jin is the only man in my life I have full trust in. Nuada and the other male Gods of the Tuatha Dé Danann are a close second. Of course, I trust others too, like you two and Asia."

She firmly stated stunning Scathach a little bit. I had been glancing between the three of them and Danu looked like a proud parent standing there.

"Aw shucks Áine, you're making me blush ~"

"I was being serious!"

As I started to banter with Áine, I felt someone hug me from behind and to my surprise it was Danu, who was slightly pouting although she was trying her best to hide it. Scathach just laughed at this and also decided to join in. She walked over to my right side and gave me a quick peck on the cheek and hugged my arm.

"Look at you, Too— Jin, having a harem of Goddesses spoiling you like this, what are your thoughts?"

"Hey! I'm not— Wha—?! S-Stop, Jin!"

Áine tried to refute what Scathach said, but I hugged her with my free arm and laughed. She responded by hissing at me which was a bit weird…

"Bring it on then. The more, the merrier."

In response to that, more of the girls appeared, and I was basically dogpiled by jealous women until Áine was forced to put the knife down and I dragged everyone down with me.

"Alright, I'll go and ask Nuada, but I do think I have around fifty percent of the say in this since I'm the one keeping you here. But don't be too disappointed when he says no!"


"Don't shout that in my face, I'm right in front of you. Ugh, why are you so unorganized?"

She asked a bit irritated and lightly glared at me. I was confused but Áine started to fix my tie, which made me laugh.

"It's just that I have trouble making ties. Thanks for your help. Anyway, I'll be back in a moment."

"Just leave already, I'm done, geez…"

As I turned around—

"Look at them playing husband and wife, is Áine actually a tsundere?"

Scathach shouted and then I heard Áine running towards the woman while screaming. I quickly flash stepped towards the guards, but I was surprised to find they weren't there. Was I too early in the morning?


I turned around to see Nessa behind me. I guess I passed by her when flash stepping.

"Hey, uh, are they in there yet?"

"No, they usually arrive there in an hour… Did Lady Scathach, Áine or Danu not tell you?"

She looked at me questioningly and I felt my lips twitch. Scathach and Áine probably somehow convinced Danu to keep quiet about this. I sighed and turned to face Áine's home…

"I can guess that they didn't… Please come back in an hour and they will be here. I'm sorry about this, Jin."

"No, no, it's fine. It's not your fault… Also, you better be careful, you hear me? Can't risk your life or that of the baby!"

At first, she looked stunned at me, but then she smiled.

"Yes, of course. When it's time I'll be taking my maternity leave."

"Great, I'll come by and give you a present. It'll be a Middleman protection guarantee."

She just chuckled at me and agreed.

"Very well, I look forward to it."

I waved at her one more time before leaving.

"Scathach! Áine!"

I burst into her home while shouting.

"He caught on already, man the stations ladies!"

"Aye, aye Captain!"

"Yes, Shishō!"


"Skyward is here to attack us, fire!!"

"Weee ~"

Pomf ~ Pomf ~ Pomf ~ Pomf ~ Pomf ~

I was hit with a bunch of large cotton balls. All of them were throwing it at me… What kind of situation is this…? If I told a random human this, they would think of me as some kind of crazy person. Three Goddesses, a Seraph, a nun and a high school girl were throwing cotton balls at me?

Although, Danu was the most reluctant as she gently threw hers at me. My, my, how cute…

"He's unfazed, Shishō! What are your next orders?!"

"Umu, very well… Xenovia, I order you… To fuck him right here, right now!"

"Yes ma— E-Ehhhh?!"


For some reason, Scathach gave Xenovia a really weird order. She just stood shocked. No, everyone stared at the Queen of the Land of Shadows like she had gone insane. Honestly, I feel like she was already a little bit insane. Well, I might as well play along. We have an hour to waste.

I covered my hands with clouds, confusing them.

"I call this… Cloud magic, and it will make you comfy and lazy. Try not to get caught!"

I announced then dashed towards them, a few of them playfully screaming in turn.

"S-Stop… I-I can't… I-I'm dying… J-Jin… You're being mean…!"

Gabriel gasped and giggled. She was the first to fall and I had been tickling her with cloud magic. After her was Asia, who was fast asleep. I didn't think it was that effective. Even Áine and Danu had played along and avoided me quite a bit, although I believe that the hour is almost up.

I put my hands together and created mini clouds that would hunt the rest of the girls down. They saw this and looked horrified. I set my eyes on Danu as I knew she wouldn't try to put up too much of a fight. I chased her around Áine's recently expanded home and cornered her near the bathroom on the second floor.


The famous Kabedon (wall slam) technique. Danu looked at me a bit uneasy. Did she think I was going to do something to her? Well, apart from tickling her… I looked behind me and heard some of the girls still running around downstairs. I swear we're acting like children right now…

I felt Danu put her hands on my chest and looked up at me. Now that I think about it… We were alone, and it would be… I know she isn't the type to demand something or is too pushy. I might as well, right? I gently grab her chin and tilt it up, an expectant look on her face.

I leaned down and kissed her. This was our second kiss. The first one was during the attack, although it came out of nowhere since Danu just randomly showed up. However, this time around, Danu was much more eager to kiss me back as she had already draped her arms around my neck and stood on her tiptoes.

Finally, we separated—

"Jin… I lo—"

"Ah, there you two are! Jin, Nessa told Nuada that you're looking for him so he's by the guards and waiting!"

As Danu was about to say something when Áine appeared and shouted at us. I turned around and she was impatiently waiting. She was tapping her foot and I chuckled at her.

"I'm coming back after my visit with Queen Halloween. Tell me then, okay?"

"…Yes, of course."

Danu looked at Áine then back at me, Áine looked confused, but became shocked when Danu stood on her tiptoes again and gave me a peck on the lips, she then lightly pushed me away.

"The leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann is waiting for you."

[Damn, that was some kind of power play on Danu's part.]

…What? I have no idea what he's talking about so I just ignored it. I walked pass Áine as she still looked quite stunned, but also annoyed for some reason.

"…Don't engage in flirting in someone else's home…"

I heard her mutter before I walked down the stairs.

[She's jealous…]

Thank you for the running commentary Ddraig… I finally arrived downstairs and Asia looked quite excited, even if there is a chance that Nuada says no.

"Asia, keep your hopes a little lower…"

"I believe, Jin-san!"

Well, I can't do much about that now, can I? I just shrugged my shoulders and left, flash stepping towards the castle. I arrived quickly and Nuada stood there drinking coffee tiredly. I guess he's not a morning person? The guards are also still not here…

"Yo, sorry about wanting to speak with you so early."

Nuada yawned before nodding.

"Worry not, Jin. So what did you want to ask?"

"You know I'm heading to Thine Ifreann Réimse today, right? So I was wondering if—"

He cut me off by putting his hand up.

"Unfortunately, I will require Áine for today. I have a few things she needs to run. I'm sorry, she can't attend. However, if it were any other day, I would have said yes, and yes, they are quite important. The other settlements need some items and I'll have her deliver it to them."

"Fair enough, I'll tell them then, thanks."


Nuada nodded and disappeared. I also turned around and arrived at Áine's home, once I was inside, they were all quite tense as they waited for the answer. Especially Asia, her pupils had practically changed into star-shaped ones.

"He said no."

After I said that, Asia instantly deflated on the couch. Xenovia and Gabriel tried to console her. Áine shrugged since she looked like she was expecting it, so I decided to explain.

"He needs you to do some important jobs today. It has something to do with delivering things to the settlements that were attacked yesterday."

"Yeah, I kind of expected that. That's why I said not to get your hopes up, Asia…"

Áine patted Asia on the shoulder while saying that. She really wanted her to go with us, huh? Well, maybe after finding out her history she feels even worse for her. I'm surprised that Gabri— Ah, no she's kind of crying, never mind…

"Geez, don't get so upset you two. Jin, Nuada said something about letting me go if it wasn't today of all days, right?"


Áine turned back to the nearly crying Gabriel and Asia.

"Maybe another time then…"

They cheered up a bit and nodded. But it is time to leave so—


[It's my turn!!]

Ddraig came out of the [Boosted Gear] and screamed as soon as he arrived. Everyone looked at him silently. He started to sweat since none of them reacted the way he was expecting. He looked at me pleadingly but I turned my head away.

[I-er, I'm the one guiding you all in Thine Ifreann Réimse… I'll teleport us all there directly…]

He slumped down and sat in a chair, sulking a little.

"So the [Welsh Dragon] is guiding us? To think he has fallen to that level already."

Scathach said with a smirk. Áine looked kind of intrigued by Ddraig but said nothing.

[Shut up, grandma.]

Scathach silently seethed, although she did start to slowly summon Gae Bolg, but I stopped her making her click her tongue at me.

"We should head out then."

I gestured for everyone to go outside, and everyone slowly left. The ones who stayed were Áine and Danu since they weren't coming.

"We'll be heading out now. I'll see you guys before I go see the Slavic Gods."

"Yes, see you soon."

"Get out of here already…"

I smirked at what Áine said and spread my arms out for a hug. Danu was more than happy and she trotted over and we shared a hug. Áine rolled her eyes, but still came over to hug me.

"I guess Scathach was right, fufu ~"

"Shut up, Skyward."

"It's an awesome feeling to be the one teasing you, Áine."


Finally ending our hug, I said goodbye to them one last time before leaving. When I got outside, Ddraig was being harassed by all of them. Scathach laughed at him for some reason. Xenovia and Asia were asking him a bunch of questions and Gabriel was just poking him, for some reason... I did notice her doing that from time to time when he was out and about in the [Pocket Dimension].

"Alright, Ddraig, let's go."

[Help me!!]

Thine Ifreann Réimse

"O-Oh?! It's the Middleman!"

"Hmm? Oh, the blonde girl from before."

"I have a name! And it's Minerva!"

When we teleported there, Minerva was already there. I had briefly met her along with Queen Halloween and her bodyguard not too long ago. I waved at her and she glared at me.

"Why are you here?"

"To speak with your leader."

She nodded and ran away. I'm going to assume she's about to inform Queen Halloween.

[Follow Ddraig-man, for I—]

Fwosh ~

"Middleman, Minerva contacted me…"

The bodyguard appeared in front of us, but she stopped talking and stared at Scathach. Scathach also stared at her with equal shock. I'm not sure what's going on, then I used [Observe] on her, and she's called Aífe, and she's apparently Scathach's sister.

I knew about it, but I've been wondering what happened to her in this world. The two women just stared at each other.

"I'm Jin, and yeah I'm here to meet up with Queen Halloween."

The two stared at each other for a few more seconds before Aífe turned to me.

"Very well, please follow me."

She glanced one more time at Scathach before turning around and walking away. We followed after her as Ddraig looked at the ground before turning into a ball of light and going back to me. He's sulking…

{Why are you back so early?}

[Leave me alone…]


'His spotlight got snatched from him and he sulked back here.'

[Fuck you Velgrynd.]

Velgrynd snorted at Ddraig before he started to yell obscenities at her. I ignored his deafening wails and started to look around the place. It hadn't changed much, but it felt like there were more candles and buildings, or it was just my imagination.

A few witches were flying around on their brooms, multiple creatures that I assume are their familiars were also out and about. Contrary to popular belief not all their familiars are just birds or felines. Some of them were dogs, even… A kangaroo? Last time I checked, that guy was in the hands of Ajuka. I wonder what he got out of him…

"Neat place you got here. Very spooky indeed."

"Mistress Maeve was aiming to truly scare any visitors, however that has clearly not worked. She may ask for your opinion once you meet her again. She tends to ask anyone that visits her realm."

Aífe explained in a rather robotic voice. Since the two sisters stared at each other, they've both become tense. I know that they were… Rivals, but I didn't think their own relationship was this strained. Something definitely happened between them.


Gabriel had been looking between them as she was quite curious.


'Hmm? Jin?'

'You've been looking between Aífe and Scathach for quite some time now.'

'Mmm… They've been very tense or hostile with each other. I wonder why? Scathach has been mostly neutral to everyone so far.'

While we spoke to each other, she was curiously looking around the place. For someone like Gabriel, something like this should be 'unholy' or something, right? I mean from what I've seen in the media, witches aren't exactly saints…

'They're sisters, and from what I read in my previous life, they were rivals. Maybe something else happened between them making their relationship strained?'


Gabriel squinted at Scathach and Aífe, she was really trying to see the resemblance between them. Although it's hard, it's still there…

'I-I think I can see it…'

Scathach noticed this and gave Gabriel a curious look, but she just retreated behind me. I shrugged in response to her gaze now directed at me. Xenovia and Asia chatted with each other and occasionally questioned about the realm, Aífe answered all their questions professionally, like someone giving us a tour in a museum.

However, the journey didn't last long and we arrived at the castle entrance.

"It's like the movies we watched…"

Gabriel muttered and the other two agreed.

"Have you been here before, Scathach?"

I glanced at her and asked her that.

"No, but I've met Queen Halloween before she made this realm. She always said she would make one eventually, and she did, but I did not find the time to come here until today."

"I see."

After a brief pause, Aífe started walking towards the castle and we followed. However, as we reached the door, someone came out of it…

She is a young woman with long sandstone colored hair and violet colored eyes. She wears a white and blue narrow profile dress that is split up the calf with black and gold edges, black and white lace trimmings and exposed shoulders. Black opera gloves and thigh-high stockings with similar black lace trims are also present, as well as gold bracelets, rings and chain belts adorned with blue crystals.

She also wears gold platform shoes. She has an ornate lace blue and black fan covered in swirling patterns. It appears to be made out of feathers and she had a bird familiar flying beside her.

"Lady Vita, are you heading out?"

"Aife ~ oh? I was actually coming to see the Dual Dragon Emperor, but it seems you guys just arrived here, huhu, I'm Vita, the oldest child of the Millstein family…"

Viiiiiiiitaaaaaaa?! I-I know I re-created Sharon, Aurelia, Celestin, Lianne and Edel from that universe, but I didn't think there would be characters from that universe here?! U-Unless they're just based on their appearances?!

"Why do you seem so shocked, Middleman? Did my beauty stun you?"

"Uh, no, I thought I saw you somewhere before. I probably made a mistake. I'm Jin by the way."

I put my hand out and she shook it. However, she pulled me into the building and giggled to herself.

"Then I will be taking you."

"Wha—?! J-Jin?!"

I heard protests from the Church Duo and Gabriel, but Aífe sighed and followed after us. However, Vita quickly let go of me and started walking beside me. The inside was certainly….. Fascinating, to put it in one word.

"So, do you have any idea what Queen Halloween might request from me?"

I asked Vita as she summoned some book and started to read from it, and for some reason, her familiar landed on my shoulder. She glanced at me when I asked that question, and looked at her familiar while looking a bit surprised.

"Well, before I say that… Grianos almost never lets anyone touch it apart from our Queen, Aífe, and my family. Fufu, you seemed to pique his interest and mine as well. But to answer your question, it may have something to do with two things. One, my family, we may need your assistance, and… Actually…"

Vita stopped speaking to think about something. She also seemed quite serious so I waited for her to speak again as we kept walking. I glanced back to see everyone still talking to each other. However, Gabriel tried her best to talk to Scathach who just teased her in return, distracting her a bit.

"Perhaps three things actually… My family's problem, Queen Pumkin and dealing with a certain man that refuses to leave the woods…"

Man—?! I turned to my left and finally felt it. I hadn't been actively looking for auras once we got here, but… Yeah, I felt it and it was definitely aimed at me. It was quite hostile too… Who the hell is this…? Hey Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: Mitsuya Kanzaki, he is here to test you.

Test me? However, she declined to elaborate. Well whatever, I'll deal with him first before tackling the Millstein and Queen Pumpkin problems. Well, whatever he wants from me, I'll deal with him appropriately when the need arises.

"Let's speed it up then. His hostility is aimed at me, so I'm going to deal with him first before doing the other two."

"Hmm, can we wat—"


She tried to ask if she could watch, but I refused. I feel like the topics we'll breach might be something that involves either this universe's future, or something from one of the infinite 'canon' timelines. I know he'll eventually ask if I'm from this world or not, so I won't risk others finding out, especially Vita. We're practically strangers at this point.

"I'll push—"


I kicked the door open and entered the room. It didn't come off its hinges, but Queen Halloween along with the Millstein family that were in there were equally surprised. Aífe came running to scream at me but I ignored her.


"…Don't 'Sup' me! Why did you kick my door open?!"

"I'm in a rush to deal with the guy in your realm. He's technically here for me, but he had the curiosity of not killing all of you yet, so let's make this meeting quick. I found out from Vita that someone called Queen Pumpkin wants me, and the Millstein family needs help with something?"

I told her and she huffed but still nodded. She sat down and Aífe walked to her side to pour her some tea. The rest of the girls piled into the room and started to look around.

"Queen Pumpkin is in the 'bottom' portion of my realm; in a way she's governing the 'underground' part of my realm. They recently had problems, but to be more accurate, this problem has been brewing for years. However, it has only recently grown into an unbearable situation."

She looked up at me and glared.

"Do you know who the God of the Dead is in our pantheon?"

"I'm pretty sure it's… Aed, right?"

"Yes, however, that's all there is to him. Humans have written many things that are false, at least to some extent. Yes, he was once part of the Tuatha Dé Danann, but after some time he left and ruled the dead in his own domain, however… Around twenty-five years ago, he simply left and destroyed that realm. We haven't seen him since, though, before that. He and Queen Pumpkin were in a relationship, but things turned sour and bitter."

"He has been trying to disrupt and annoy her ruling in her own realm... So she left with her followers and came here. But it seems like he has found out and is now harassing her? No, that isn't the right word. He is trying to kill her."

She paused to drink her tea and put it down. She looked at the table and sighed.

"We don't know how he got in here. You put a barrier around our realm, correct? So it confuses me as to how he could break through…"

[It's that Lapis-chick again, Partner. Beat her up! You said your hands were for all sexes and ages!]

…That's the plan Ddraig. She doesn't seem like the type to try to change for the better. Meruem is a blank state. Ignia is just a battle junkie, and Frieza was the other who couldn't be reasoned with.

"So... What would you or she like me to do? Stop these assassination attempts?"

She nodded.

"Something like that. You'll understand when you go down there, she will provide you with more detail… As for the Millstein family …they will tell you about the issue themselves. As for the man in the woods, getting rid of that man is a priority since my people are becoming uneasy with him being there."

I looked at Vita and she just smiled at me. Yeah, okay… I sighed.

"Alright, Millstein family, go get ready. I'll confront the man. I'll come look for you once it's done. Then we'll deal with whatever ritual you guys need to do... After that I'll head to Queen Pumpkin."

I turned around but then glanced back.

"Oh right…"


"Don't try and observe or listen to whatever me and that man talk about."

I blast them with some of my power and they become tense and weary. Well, I'll be putting up a barrier, so it doesn't matter… I'll ask the girls to stop anyone from going to us. Finally, I left the room. I'll ask Vita or someone from the Millstein family on how to get to the Underground part of this realm, but first…

Confronting Mitsuya Kanzaki.

Land of Heaven Falls


"Hey, Danu, what's up with you lately?"

"…What do you mean, Áine?"

I scoffed at her. Don't play dumb with me… I know that look, I once had it after all…

"You like him, don't you? Is he the 'one' you've been waiting for?"


Danu looked down and didn't say anything. They just left a few seconds ago, so she had been staring at the spot that Jin and the others had been. However, when she looked up at me, I was stunned into silence, Danu. The person I considered my parent, my mother like many other Gods and Goddesses of our pantheon… She was blushing with her hand on her chest.

All my life, including the times I was with her, I've never seen her blush. She may have been flustered once or thrice, but actually blushing…? W-Wait, so Jin is really…?

"S-Say something…"

But she only covered her face with her hands and blushed even harder. I think she was only partially aware of it, and I think I just made her even more aware…?

"I-I think I do…"

She admitted and I just sighed. Well, she did appear to me during my first and only wedding…

"…Then tell him. He already has a harem and he's coming back here before he's going to Russia, so tell him then. I'm rooting for you, mom."

I told her and headed into the kitchen. However, I felt a bit irritated at the thought, but didn't know why.

"I-I will, thank you, Áine… I'll get going then…"

Danu finally left my home and I fell to the ground and sighed. Dammit, I hate everything. Even though I complained my house was small, now it feels so hollow and empty with everyone missing. It had been fun for the last few hours…

And now I find out my 'mother' is in love with him? I don't know how to feel about this. Shit, dammit... I'm a strong person... I've built myself up from nothing, and even promised Asia I'd be stronger this time, I can't let whatever these feelings are put me down.

"Damn you…"


I felt my own cheeks burn and my heart rate increase when I said his name. I refuse to believe that I…

Thine Ifreann Réimse

Jin Skyward

"You guys wait here and stop anyone from going further. I'll add a barrier just in case."

"Make it quick."

Scathach was the only one to give me a verbal answer and it was quite abrupt and rude. I shrugged and flew away. Okay, Kanzaki, let's see what you want from me. I quickly arrived in a small opening of this dead forest, as a long man stood there.

I landed some distance away from him and he stared at me. To my right side was a female. I couldn't see what she looked like, but she was wearing a black robe to hide her appearance. I covered the small area we were in with a barrier.

"Mitsuya Kanzaki, what can I do for you?"

"…So you already know of me?"

"Partially. You and Kirino are from Cross Times Kiss, right?"

He didn't answer me but simply nodded silently. Cross Times Kiss was usually referred to by the abbreviation XxX. It looked weird to me the first time I read it. However, like most of this world, I don't know what's relevant to what I read, and what's not.

"Hyoudou Issei… He and his family do not exist here… What did you do?"

He asked me. So he suspects me of having killed them or something?

"You also possess both [Boosted Gear] and another [Divine Dividing] yet Vali Lucifer still exists… What are you? You seem to have knowledge of the future. What are you trying to achieve? Complete destruction of this timeline? Are you an agent for the Mechanical Gods?"

Agent of the Mechanical Gods? Damn this guy is really suspicious of me… Though I don't blame him. Hell, I could say the same thing about him…

"I could say the same thing to you. What did you do with Momiji Nakiri?"

He just squinted his eyes at me.

"You're not the original wielders of those two Longinus you possess. Even with whatever your plans are, they sacrifice too many lives."

"What you're doing won't be possible, you're too idealistic."

He quips back. Maybe, if I didn't have the power, but I do and will have more in the future, so it will simply be very easy for me.

"I can simply remove both of those powers from you, Kanzaki. Don't tempt me. But if you're here to test me…"


My aura was freed from the seals that bound it. If I didn't have this seal, this entire universe— No, probably most of the omniverse would feel my power on a constant basis. I believe Azathoth and even the other Outer Gods have something similar, or us simply existing near anyone would kill them.

"Boosted Gear. Balance Break."

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!]

I entered my [Queen] form and retracted my helmet. I stared at Mitsuya Kanzaki as a look of panic had appeared on his face.

"Bal— Ugh?!"

Don! Boom!

Mitsuya crashed into the barrier I created. The shadow woman that had been watching us rushed over to him. Now why would I let you use your Balance Breaker? I ain't gonna give you that time to transform! Unless we're sparring or fighting an official match, then hell no!

"K-Kanzaki-kun?! H-Hey that was a bit too much! We just wanted to see if you're part of the Evil Gods of ExE!"


[You pulled your punch there, Partner.]

Cúntóir: Answer: No… Aaron killed him as soon as that punch landed, but he also instantly revived him.

[W-Wait what? Partner, what the hell…]

"…I-I died… And was brought back to life instantly…"

"W-What do you mean by that…?"

"I felt both Sacred Gears trying to leave my body as soon as I died, but I came back to life almost instantaneously, and they stayed."

Mitsuya muttered and looked horrified at Kirino, who also looked equally disturbed. I walked over to them without saying anything. As I reached them, I stood over both of them.

"Like I said, this world, this universe, this timeline is safe with me. Now that you're interfering, you're almost certain to cause trouble. Truthfully, I should just get rid of both of you right now… But that would cause trouble for the timeline you two were meant to go to. Hey Cúntóir."


Cúntóir finally came out after a long time and stood beside and looked down at the other two.

"A w-woman…? I've never seen her before either… T-This has to be an alternate reality, Kanzaki-kun…"

"Tch… How are we supposed to…?"

"There are already another Mitsuya Kanzaki and Shizuka Kirino in the timeline and universe you were meant to go, in truth… You two serve no purpose now."

Cúntóir told them rather coldly, then she snapped her fingers and showed them a holographic screen of another version of them and they were working alongside Issei and the rest of team DxD.

"So what Jin said is true, you two quite literally do no serve any purpose anymore… Should we get rid of them, dear?"

She asked me. Now… I wasn't sure if what Cúntóir showed them was real or not. That could be from any number of realities and not the one that they were meant to go to… But it did a good job of making them panic. Kirino looked horrified at the thought.

"Impossible, how could… No, that can't be real, don't fuck with me—"

He tried to get up but I increased the gravity around them, and sealed up his powers. He realized what I had done, and his eyes widened even more.

"Look… Mitsuya. I'm friends with Tobio, and are on good terms with Ryuuta, or Ouryuu as he's called now… So, excuse me for a second."

Now let me see what's in that head of yours.




"Heh, at least your organization is smart."

I told him and he glared back at me. I saw most of what happened to him and Kirino, but when it got to the future he came from, an error message started to show. Maybe they already had a plan for when and if they get captured and if the ExE Gods tried to do this. I tried to force pass it but when I attempted to, some kind of timer started.

I believe it's some kind of bomb that will make Mitsuya detonate and kill himself if his memories were tried to be read. I gotta hand it to them, they're meticulous and ready for anything. Even any attempts at removing it will cause the same effect.

But it seems that Momiji Nakiri is safe and she's just being held captive somewhere in one of their bases around the world. I'll find her and get her back to Ryuuta, to improve relationships and have the Nakiri clan owe me one.

[So, what's your plan, Partner? This wasn't exactly a fight…]

Well, I can use them as subordinates… I pointed at both of them and then proceeded to mind control them. I'll have them act like they usually do, like the other ones I'm already controlling. It's been quite some time, so I'll ask for an update before we go into the [Pocket Dimension].

I tapped my head and sent them some instructions I wanted them to do. I also sent the info to my shadows in the Dimensional Gap. The instructions I gave them were as such:

1. Continue with their plans after their encounter with me turns out well. However, they will continue to avoid me and will keep working with Ajuka.

2. Look for the remaining Khaos Brigade bases across the globe/factions/pantheons and wipe them out for me. Report all results to me via communication circle, and afterwards forget about what they did.

3 (Temp). Return Momiji Nakiri to Jin Skyward, go look for Tosca and then return her to Jin Skyward's home when found. Once all these are done, they will be replaced with the (true) instruction 3.

3. They will tour the DxD alliance under the guise of being my subordinates. However, they will only answer to this once they are confronted, otherwise they will do this job without anyone noticing.

"That should do it… Alright, get out of here. Once you're gone, the first point should immediately take effect."

They nodded like zombies and immediately left through a teleportation circle. Once that was done, I left my Balance Breaker and sighed. Cúntóir gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving too. Now then… I'll deal with the problems in this realm and go back home then to the Slavic Gods.

"I'm done."

"How did it go?"

"Fine. Anyway, the Millstein family seems to be in the middle of town. Let's go."

As soon as I returned, I cancelled my barrier. The girls told me no one had tried to get past them, and Asia also had her own little barrier. I patted her on the head to give her a bit of praise.

We quickly arrived and saw the other members with Vita. They really did resemble Roselia, Emma and Isolde. But their names may be different so I'll ask just in case. We landed in front of them and started speaking to them.

"As you know, I'm Jin, the Middleman. Who are you guys?"

They looked at each other before the small blonde woman stepped forward with her staff.

"I'm Roselia Millstein, their grandmother. The woman behind me is Anastasia Millstein, my daughter. Of course, the one beside her is Emma her daughter, and you've already met Vita, she's also her daughter."

Roselia said while pointing at each of them with a staff. But… Anastasia, huh? I'm pretty sure her name was Isola Millstein in her original universe…

"Excuse you, but you're seriously going to not introduce me?"

I saw a black cat come from behind Emma and glare at Roselia. The cat sighed and looked at me.

"I'm Celine, Emma's familiar."

"Uh, yeah, nice to meet you… So what problem do you need help with?"

This time, Anastasia was the one who stepped forward and explained what it was about.

"After the attacks of Khaos Brigade, we were approached by the Gaelic Alliance to construct a large barrier around Ireland. We accepted, and Queen Halloween also wishes to join the alliance. She wanted to wait for you before joining it. She heard of a document, so…"

"I will take it to her. Jin, give me it."

Scathach immediately volunteered to go. Everyone with us looked at her before agreeing.

"I'll go with Shishō."

"Me too!"

Xenovia and Asia offered to accompany her. She was about to tell them not to, but once she looked at them, they looked quite serious and determined, so she relented. She knew how stubborn they could become.

"…Do as you wish."

I didn't mind, and tapped my ring against hers and transferred the documents. I hadn't gotten a chance to sort out the new ones, so Queen Halloween will need to read through all of the ones that Ra put in…

The three of them left, and I was left with Gabriel and the Millstein family. Anastasia then continued with her explanation.

"To continue, we pre-scouted each location we wish to put the 'pillars' up. We will construct that first, and after that, Roselia, Emma, Vita and I will empower them to create an invisible barrier around Ireland. We already have all the Gods and beings that are part of the Gaelic Alliance. Power this crystal…"

She took out a small crystal that was filled with a lot of divine energy. I could feel Danu, Nuada and the rest of the Tuatha Dé Danann's divine energy from it. This is in addition to others like Queen Mia, Darragh Mac Cumhaill, and others.

"In total, five pillars will power the barrier. One north, south, east and west. Finally, the last one will be in the center of the country... We have heard of your powers so, if possible, could we ask you to help power the crystal? It will be the basis of this barrier and will act as its energy source. The place we chose is… Under the town of Castletown Geoghegan. Vita and Emma traveled there around a month ago to create a room for the crystal to be stored in."

"If possible, we would like to get this finished today since you still have Queen Pumpkin's request to do…"


"North is the county of Tyrone, South is Cork, West is Mayo, and finally on the East is Dublin. Of course, the Castletown of Geoghegan is in the county of Westmeath. What would you like to do, Midd— Jin?"

She asked me and I thought about it. It would be faster if all of them went to one each, and I'd locate them myself, and help them that way. It'll make everything faster… I'll bring Gabriel along with me, I don't want to leave her all alone.

"All of you should proceed to where the pillars are supposed to be built. I will meet each of you there, and once it's done, we can teleport to the central point and activate them. I'll start north, then go east, south, west and finally to the middle."

The Millstein looked at each other before nodding.

"I'll be North."

"East for me then, I haven't been to Dublin in a while."

"I will be South."

"A-And I'll be West with Celine…"

Vita is North, Roselia is East, Anastasia is South and finally Emma is West. After confirming where they would go, they gradually teleported away. I turned to Gabriel who had been silent. She was also frowning.

"…Jin, do Scathach and Aífe hate each other?"

"Hmm? What makes you think that?"

"They… It just feels like it. They constantly glare at each other and openly show hostility towards each other."

Gabriel is the type of person who loves everyone around her. She was loved by all the occupants of heaven, but especially by her brothers and Big G before he passed away. She had been mostly sheltered by them and hadn't experienced anything until I came along and dragged her down here on occasion. Now she's living with me and has a multitude of friends around her that expose her to many things…

But she remained essentially the same, the same kind and caring individual. For her to come across such a situation involving family members, she must feel conflicted. Will she try to help them?

"…We're heading to Vita first, right? I want to ask them all about Aífe, and once we're back and before going to Queen Pumpkin, I want to ask them something…"

She said with conviction and looked at me with determination. I weirdly feel proud of her, so I'll support what she wants to do with this situation.

"Sure thing. Let's go north first then."


Country Tyrone

Village of Moy

"Hmm… I feel her aura. She's near the river Blackwater."

Moy is a village and townland in County Tyrone and their population is around 1200 to 1500. The highest recorded was 1598, but that was back in my previous life. I don't know much about this one. I hadn't visited this place before, but I believe some of my classmates had at some point.

We weren't here for sight seeing so I grabbed Gabriel's hand and started running towards the river. She didn't really protest and ran along with me.

We quickly arrived at the bridge near the river, and jumped down onto the bank and I turned us invisible. There was no one near us so it was safe to do that. I started walking on the water and caught Gabriel.

"Hehe, I'm being carried like a princess ~"

Gabriel said while snuggling up to me. It felt like she had forgotten about what she had just said and went back to being normal. I chuckled at her and ran towards where Vita was. Once I got there, it was covered by an illusion and was underground. I'll assume most of these pillars will be underground then.

We passed through a small entrance and saw Vita sitting on a stool reading a book. I undid our invisibility and she saw us.

"I'm glad you could make it."

She summoned a staff, tapped the ground and a small cylindrical panel appeared. In the middle of it was a handprint. She put her hand on it, and it briefly glowed and out came a pillar that was slightly taller than her.

"We just need to power this. Normally, I would be out of power if I fed it by myself…"

I see, they also want help with this, huh? But before I could move, Gabriel hopped off me and fired a light spear at it.


The pillar lit up and a small translucent pillar shot from it, through the roof and probably into the sky. Vita frantically pressed something and the translucent pillar turned invisible. She sighed once it did that.

"Thank you for the help, but that was too quick! I was meant to press that first before you fed it energy… Geez Lady Gabriel…"

"I-I'm sorry…"

"It's fine… Anyway, shall we go?"

Vita started to leave, but Gabriel grabbed her arm making her stop to look at her.

"C-Can you tell me anything about Aífe?"

"Aífe? Why do you want to know?"

Gabriel nodded, and told her about what she saw between Scathach and Aífe, her own concerns and her desire to help them. In the end, Vita chuckled and summoned a Chinese fan (shan) and covered her mouth.

"As expected of an angel, no— A Seraph… Very well, Lady Gabriel, I will tell you what I know. It's better to ask mother or Roselia about it since they'll know more about her, but this is what I know—"

She proceeded to tell Gabriel everything she knew about Aífe. To put it short, Aífe challenged both Scathach and Cú Chulainn to a death duel. So she challenged both of them at the same time, however, Cú Chulainn declined and the sisters fought. In the end the winner was Scathach and she left Aífe to die, but was saved by Queen Halloween by accident as she just came across her.

She had a lot of hate towards Scathach for the first few years, but then accepted that she had lost. However, she was still angry since she wasn't rewarded with a 'warrior's death', and was just left to suffer before dying.

But I think she was spared because they were sisters. I don't think Scathach could deliver the final blow. Maybe even Cú Chulainn knew about it, but that's just me speculating. Apart from that, that's all Vita knew. She just told Gabriel about her usual daily routine which was like a typical maid/butler.

"Fought to the death…"

Gabriel muttered; however, she didn't look upset like before, she just nodded with the same determined face as before.

"Let's go to the West then, so I can ask Roselia!"

"Ufufu, yes of course."

I walked over to Vita as she gestured for both of us to join her.


As soon as we entered an alleyway, I immediately made us invisible. However, it seemed uncalled for since Vita walked into a wall and down some stairs inside a building. I guess she teleported us right by it, so I won't need to worry about locating auras. After walking down a rather long staircase, we arrived in a basement room with Roselia waiting for us.

"That was rather quick of you. I already have it set up. We just need the energy. Hmm? It seems like the angel has a question for me. Speak, Lady Gabriel. What is it you wish to know?"

Roselia asked her. She seemed rather perceptive, so Gabriel with Vita helping told Roselia what she wanted to ask.

"Umu, little Aífe, is it? Well, since I've known her longer than most, at the same time as Queen Halloween and my daughter Anastasia, then this is what I know—"

Cutting to the chase, she told us that after her defeat, she mostly trained, and became Queen Halloween's bodyguard/butler. She refused to take the title of 'maid' because she found it insulting. Roselia said that Aífe wishes to challenge Scathach one more time— Another death duel.


[Doesn't that mean that she might have been challenged already, Partner?]

Yeah, that's what I thought, Ddraig, and knowing Scathach she probably won't tell me about it and most likely asked both Asia and Xenovia not to contact me either. But we know how strong Scathach is now, I don't think Aífe stands a chance… It'll be just a repeat.

'Unless she loses on purpose.'

I really doubt that, Velgrynd. But… Maybe, I don't know. Let's just hurry up. After Roselia explained that, I quickly walked over and powered it up and we left for Cork.


"That was rather fast."

We arrived at the exact place where Anastasia was waiting. I guess we'll be relying on Roselia with the teleporting after this. Roselia tells Anastasia what Gabriel wanted, but—

"She… Likes cooking? I'm sorry, I can't tell you much about her since both Vita and Roselia have already told you about her."

"It's fine, thank you though."

Gabriel answered and then marched over to power it up. Since that was done, we only had to go to the West and meet Emma.


"E-Eh? T-That was pretty fast…"

"Hohoho! Young Jin and Lady Gabriel are quite powerful after all. Now then let us power this up and go to the last stop and activate the barrier."

Roselia laughed at Emma's shocked expression and I went over this time and touched it. Once we were done, we teleported to Westmeath, and directly into the underground chamber. It was larger than the rest, and was rather clean, the others weren't.

Anastasia took out the crystal and placed it on the spot where the panel was already up and ready. The panel and crystal glowed, but nothing happened. I guess this is where I add my own power, huh? Maybe just a little more than the ones I helped with?

I summoned the [Boosted Gear]—

[Boost! Boost! Boost!]

—And boosted three times. Adding a little more with my own power, I finally touched the crystal—


Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! Fwssssssssh!

The area underneath us rumbled and trembled, but Roselia teleported us outside and away from the people's sight. We could see the skies of Ireland being covered in a green barrier, however—

"Only we can see it. The supernatural side of Ireland. To the humans, it's invisible. Only our future allies, the ones in the DxD alliance can also see it. Khaos Brigade or anyone affiliated with them won't be able to enter this land anymore, unless they are stronger than all the Gods combined and you, Jin."

Roselia explained and then started to stretch her body.

"Aaaahhh ~ we're finally done! Alright, time to go back! How about we stop by for lunch, my treat."

Roselia grinned at everyone and we all agreed. I hope we don't go back to complete Chaos.

Thine Ifreann Réimse

A little earlier


I don't know why, but I was compelled to go with Scathach-san earlier. I think Xenovia-san feels the same way. However, we were back inside the castle now and Scathach-san had been silent and looked quite determined about something.

I glanced at Xenovia-san and we made eye contact. However, we didn't say anything before nodding to each other. If we can, we can try to prevent some kind of disaster from happening. We finally arrived at the door and Scathach-san pushed it open and we entered.

"Scathach? How can we help you?"

Queen Halloween asked as she put down her cup of tea. Scathach-san aimed her ring at the table and many documents appeared and landed on it making a loud thud.

"These are the documents that you'll need to read through and then Jin will come back with the other one so you can sign it."

She explained, however, Queen Halloween's eye and mouth twitched while looking at it. But she sighed in the end and started going through it. The initial reason for coming here was finished, however, Scathach-san didn't move, she simply stared at Aífe-san.

Aífe-san also stared at her back. The room's atmosphere had become tense again, but it was quickly broken when—

Boom! Ting!

"What the heck?!"


Xenovia-san and I protected Queen Halloween and the documents as both Scathach-san and Aífe-san clashed. They both used spears. Perhaps they trained together at some point?

"Shishō! I don't think this is the appropriate place to fight!"

Xenovia-san shouted something very obvious. Queen Halloween who had fallen off her chair in fright and confusion, finally got up. She dusted herself off and glared at the two sisters.

"If you're going to fight… Do it somewhere else!!!"

She bellowed out and the two sisters stopped fighting and stared at her. Xenovia-san and I sigh in relief as they put their spears away.


"West forest."

Both sisters agreed, and Scathach-san turned away and left the room. Aífe-san quietly started to fix the room, and we helped her.

"Forgive me for showing you something unsightly. Middleman's lovers."

"No… It's fine…"


I answered her, however, Xenovia-san blushed at what she called her. Even though they haven't said those words to each other, it's quite clear that Jin cares for her. I've already told her to confess but she's hesitant. She wants to wait for the 'right' moment…

After fixing the room, we left and rejoined Scathach-san just near the gates.

"Sh-Shishō, are you serious…?"

"Yes, this duel is long overdue. Not even Jin can influence me. We will wait for him to come back."

Xenovia and I looked at each other. From the tone we could tell that she wasn't going to back out of this, so we waited for Jin to come back, but—



It didn't take too long for him to arrive…

Jin Skyward

"Hmm? Is something wrong?"

We had come back to Thine Ifreann Réimse after stopping by McWanalds and having lunch, though… I had to pay since Roselia forgot her wallet…

"I'll pay you back, Jin!"

"Don't worry about it… I already told you that for the fifteenth time…"

She just laughed louder and kept smacking me on the back. Well, she tried it earlier, but was too short, so she changed into her 'adult' form as she calls it. Now she is just a bit shorter than me. If her 'normal' form is around 5'1", then her 'adult' form is around 5'10" or even 5'11".

"Hmm? Oh Asia, Xenovia… Is something wrong?"

The two girls looked worried, or rather uneasy. So what I thought might happen, happened? That's the only logical conclusion since Scathach looked both pissed off and calm, like, way too calm.

"Haa… So, when is it?"


Scathach simply pointed westward and didn't say anything else. Tomorrow, huh? I mean, we can probably finish the last part of the request, so we'll have time for it… Although I doubt Scathach would wait for us. I don't know at what time it'll go down tomorrow...

"I see, good luck."

I told her and glanced at Gabriel who was staring at Scathach seriously, but I doubt she noticed her since she was very focused on looking west.

"Oh right, how do we go down underground? I forgot to ask Queen Halloween."

I asked the Millstein family and they all appeared confused but then looked at a certain building, so we did the same thing. The building didn't look any different or special. It was like any other one in this realm. However, it did have a sign that said: Welcome to Pumpkin Town.

"Hmm, how did we miss that? Eh, at least it makes this easier. Anyway, thanks, we'll get going."


I began to turn around and leave when Roselia shouted at me, so I stopped and turned around. She walked up to me and tapped my chest and a strange necklace appeared.

"This is?"

"Just a little something."

She then began to laugh to herself before walking away. When I looked at the rest of the Millstein family, Vita and Anastasia seemed amused while Emma was mortified. However, the cat— Celine just sighed at her.

"It's your responsibility to tell the rest of us so we can discuss. Ugh, even if you're the head of the family, you can't just…"

"It's fine, Celine."

Celine began to complain, but Anastasia told her it was fine. I wonder what that was about? I shrugged it off and started walking away again. This time the girls joined me. We quickly arrived inside and there was a single person in there, who looked to be like an employee, and some kind of purple swirling portal.

"Welcome… Only two people at a time can go through…"

She lazily said and never looked up from the magazine she was reading. I gestured for them to go first, so Xenovia and Asia, Scathach and Gabriel, followed by me.


"I know that she's called Pumpkin Queen, but… I didn't think there would be pumpkins everywhere. A lot of the lights are shaped like craved out pumpkins…"

When I arrived, I immediately started to look around and it was quite different from the town above. This place seemed like a city. At first glance, you wouldn't even think that anything bad was happening here, however, the ones living here looked tired and defeated.

I could also feel multiple auras emanating from that tree I see in the background. That's probably where all of this is happening at, but that's just me speculating because when I try to scan over there, I feel nothing. So I can assume Aed is really adept at hiding his presence or he drank the blood.

"Welcome to Spéir Oráiste, Sir Middleman, Lady Scathach. I am here to bring you to Queen Pumpkin."

A maid suddenly appeared. She had long wavy black hair, purple eyes and wore an old Victorian-style maid outfit. But… She called this place Spéir Oráiste? Orange Sky? I looked up but it was mostly dark and purple… It had nothing to do with orange…

"Queen Pumpkin does not like naming things, so she chose that name at random. Ah, forgive me for my rudeness. I'm Vilja, Queen Halloween's personal maid and bodyguard. Please follow me."

She introduced herself, bowed and started walking away. We quickly followed after her and crossed a bridge. Below us was a small river with a few boats. I wonder where it leads to since I couldn't see the end.

"This river flows in a loop. It is filled with fish that the Millstein family, Queen Halloween, Aífe and Queen Pumpkin have collected over the years. Now it has its own ecosystem and they breed quite fast, so we are forced to catch them on a daily basis. Our seafood down here is quite vast so even Queen Halloween comes here every week to eat them."

Vilja explained and we started to notice quite a few shops and restaurants that mainly sold fish, so there was some truth to what she said. We also saw many other shops that were 'fish-themed' as strange as that sounds. But they had fish-based products and souvenirs. I could see some Fae here too, so this may be a popular place to visit…?

Nevertheless, we made our way around town quickly and arrived at a home's door. I felt someone inside, and was confused… Don't tell me she lives here…? I looked at Vilja and she smiled at me.

"Yes, this is where Queen Pumpkin lives. She doesn't like living in castles or in her words 'fancy places'. So she decided to have this large home built many years ago. Please come in."

Vilja pushed open the door and we all went inside.

"Ah, Vilja welcome back— Hmm? Ah, Scathach and the Middleman. Maeve told me you were coming, and thank you for accepting the request, Middleman."

A woman with short red hair, orange eyes and wore a sumptuous black and red dress adorned with red roses.

"No problem… Queen Pumpkin…?"

"That is me, however you can call me Orla. I hate being called 'Queen' all the time."

"Orla? As in golden princess?"

I asked and she smiled brightly at me.

"Yes, yes, it seems that your origins never left you. I am glad to hear that. As for the request…"

Her smile quickly faded and she frowned. Vilja joined her side. Orla gestured for us to take a seat, and the girls did. However, I decided to keep on standing and wait for her to explain. Seeing this she continued.

"Aed, the God of the Dead, and my ex has started to try to assassinate me. We ended on bad terms as he wasn't the type of man I thought he initially was. To put it short, near the Efrithreaf, the large tree you may have seen, he keeps summoning zombies and ghouls that he can create. However, the occasional Abhartach—"

"Wait, Abhartach? I thought they were—"

"Not everyone in the Abhartach is content with how things are, so when Aed offered them something, they joined him. Now a small group of them work for him, and have come here on occasion. Today they have been quite relentless. However, Roselia created a barrier a few weeks ago, so we are fine, but I fear it won't hold."

"That tree, the Efrithreaf… It means a lot to me and the people here. In a way, you could call it OUR Yggdrasil. We wish it to be in no harm's way and for it to stay there, essentially, forever. Please lend us your aid, Middleman— No, Jin."

Orla bowed and so did Vilja. Jesus Christ, talk about putting pressure on me, but sure… If that place means a lot, and some douche keeps harassing you, I don't mind.

"Well, I won't waste any more time then. I'll add my own barrier to stop him from getting here. I think my other one only reached Thine Ifreann Réimse and not here since it seems like a different dimension all together, and not just underground."

"…Underground? Did Maeve tell you that?"


Orla seemed to get even more annoyed as her body was covered in orange flames.

"That damn old midget hag! I'm going to choke-slam her! While we do exist near each other, this isn't an underground section! It's my own realm!"

…She wasn't that small and now she's getting really riled up. Perhaps she has a short temper? I looked at Vilja and she shook her head. I guess there's no stopping this then. So I sat down and let her rant for the next few minutes. I needed more info about the tree, so I didn't leave yet.

"Sorry, I lost myself there, so you probably want more information about that place, right? Well, for one, it's a separate 'island'. This city is on its own island. I heard that the Norse realm is something similar? Well, there are only two here. This one and the Efrithreaf. Efrithreaf as I said is a large tree. It has the graves of our people, however, that pile of shit hasn't used them yet, thankfully."

She scowled but continued.

"My only request is that you take care not to destroy anything, especially the graves. Apart from that… Go wild, the rest can be rebuilt, we just want that asshole—"

Boom! Bang!

"Ugh?! W-What—?! T-The Middleman?!"

The house's roof suddenly caved in and someone fell through it. They immediately tried to attack Orla, so I stopped him by kicking him in the throat and grabbing his neck while sealing up his powers.

"A vampire? One of the Abhartach?"

I asked and looked at Orla and Vilja.

"Yes, he's one of them. Jacob, it's been a day since I last saw you."

"Screw you! None of this would have happened if you just got back together with Aed you fucking moron!"

Orla immediately punched him in the nether region, causing him to scream. I heard a cracking sound and even I winced.


"I would rather die and reincarnate as a clam than give myself back to that narcissistic sociopath!"

She screamed at him, however, Jacob just groaned in pain, but Orla kept screaming at him about a bunch of things. I took this time to read his memories. However, apart from speaking with someone in a dark room, there was nothing else useful, just his own rants and conversations with other vampires.

"Tie him up and leave him to me, Jin. I want to tortu— Interrogate him for a bit."


I tied him up with [Mana rope] and left him there. We said goodbye to Orla and Vilja before leaving for Efrithreaf. I summoned [Divine Dividing] and carried Scathach. I know she could fly now, but I wanted to speak to her a little.

"So, why the sudden duel?"

"I said it was inevitable. If she somehow survived that, then I will be the one to fight her again just like what happened in the past… But I will still be victorious."

She said bluntly while looking at Efrithreaf.

"Is that how you really feel?"


She said nothing and we quickly arrived at the island and passed by the barrier easily. Once on the ground, the zombies, ghouls and a few Abhartach that were there immediately attacked us. The girls immediately started killing them.

On the other hand, I created a new barrier over this one. Cúntóir, is there a way to prevent them from breaking through?

Cúntóir: Answer: Unfortunately, no, unless we somehow take the item that Lapis uses to break through the barriers then I can analyze it and prevent it from happening in future barriers.

Okay, so I just have to make do... Fine, I put my hand up and create the same barrier we just put around Ireland. However, instead of just this island, I made it for both islands. Once that was done, I rejoined them and—


"Ah, right, Gabriel-sama can just use her holy powers…"

Both Asia and Xenovia stopped attacking the zombies and ghouls, however, Scathach… She was still stabbing a long dead Abhartach. She was definitely frustrated, but I left her alone. However, Gabriel created a small ball of light in which hundreds of homing light spears kept on shooting out of it every second.

She eliminated all of them quite quickly… When did she make that? I didn't see her use that at all in the [Pocket Dimension]…

[She did, you just were busy with other things, Partner. She honed it, almost hit a lot of us a couple of times.]

Hmm, if you say so, Ddraig.

"Um, Shishō, it's already dead…"

Stab! Stab! Stab! Stab!


Scathach kept on stabbing the long dead Abhartach and ignored any attempts of telling her otherwise from the girls. But—


"I was wondering why my subordinates weren't saying anything, so the Middleman came here?"

Another person emerged from a magic circle. Did they teleport in here? But—

Cúntóir: Answer: They—

'They were already here, and just teleported from where they were previously.'

Velgrynd interrupted Cúntóir making her huff. Before the vampire could continue, Scathach appeared behind him and stabbed him through the heart.

"Wha— Queen of—"

Boom! Splat!

After stabbing him, she immediately blew him up. Uh, I can still read their memories, right…? I had no idea, but I still approached him and tried to, but no dice…

"I could have— Wait, never mind."

I touched his blood and revived him. The vampire just sat there confused, but I sealed his powers when I revived him and then tied him up. However, Scathach stabbed him in the neck again making me sigh, but I quickly read through his memories.

His name was apparently Kazimir, and he was the right-hand man of Aed, but now he's dead… They spoke about a lot of things, but the relevant ones were helping the attack on Grigori, joining the Alliance of Hell faction, and attacking the Gaelic Alliance. Manannán mac Lir was also with them, but he was sitting behind a chair, but they did mention his name.

However, they were planning to initially try to take over the other Abhartach, but decided to do that after destroying the Gaelic Alliance. Manannán mac Lir must hold a grudge against the Tuatha Dé Danann for him to go after them this hard.

"Well, at least I got his memories this time around, and we didn't destroy much, thanks Gabriel."

I thanked the Seraph who just gave me a peace sign in return. Queen Halloween, or Maeve played this up way too much, well maybe to normal people it may have been a big deal, but we took care of it quite quickly…

"Alright, time to… Gimme a second."

I need to check the entire island. If there are more that took the blood and were here, then they would still be here. Moving at the speed of light, I checked every nook and cranny of this place and didn't find anyone or anything else.

"Alright, let's go back."

"But… You didn't move, Jin-san?"

Asia looked confused, so Xenovia told her what I might have done and she seemed excited about it. I guess she might want to try doing something similar in the future… However, Scathach had become stoic again. This duel was all that was on her mind, huh?



When we arrived back on the main island, I felt for Oral's aura and they were at a different place, so we flew towards it and it seemed they were in the middle of a town square, and to my, or our surprise, they had tied Jacob up and were torturing him by... Feeding him garlic. Some were shoving it up his ass.

I felt Gabriel grab onto me and look both worried and mortified at what she was seeing. Oh dear…

"Er, is this your idea of 'torture'?"

I asked Orla and she turned around with a big grin.

"Yes, yes, it is. I take it you are finished on your end? I saw a barrier being erected a few minutes ago."

"Yeah, there are two barriers, on the island with the Efrithreaf and here."

"Splendid, you may grope me."


"That is your reward, now go ahead!"

She shoved her chest towards me and I took a step back. I wasn't expecting this, although I was expecting a slightly different 'reward' since she was quite eccentric when we first met her. However, to my surprise, everyone around us ignored their Queen's weird offer and kept on torturing Jacob.

I wasn't going to do it, but I felt Gabriel's grip on my arm tighten, and the other two glaring at me from the side. The only one who wasn't paying attention was Scathach, as she barely registered what was going on.

"I'll pass, thanks though."

"Hmm. I see, well you are welcome to grab it anytime since it is still your reward!"

"…Right, so what will you do with Jacob?"

"You have sealed his powers, have you not? Then he will stay here until he dies. We will force him to eat garlic until he dies, and that will be a very long and painful process for him."

She said with an evil grin. Well, alright then psycho pumpkin girl… We'll just leave then…

"We'll get going, goodbye…"

"Yes, yes, come again, Jin. You and your women are always welcome! And if you wish, you can—"

We left without letting her finish. I wonder if she's just as insane as Aed...?

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"I feel like I'm being sexually harassed at this point… Hey what time is it?"

"Five, we may as well stay here. Let's go tell Maeve. We have completed all her requests."

Scathach walked away after saying something to us. We looked at each other and followed her. As we made our way there, Xenovia and Asia pulled me back to tell me what had happened in detail. They also asked me to stop them if it came to blows again.

I said I would, but I doubt it would since they already have a set time to fight again… We eventually arrived in the room again, and Maeve, Aífe and Roselia were there.

"Oh? That was quick, Jin. As expected of the Harem King, you get things done rather quickly. What do you think, Mae?"

"Yes… Thank you for your diligent work. I did not think you would complete them all in a day."

She mumbled since she was still reading through the documents. Roselia was also helping, but she didn't seem so stressed. Suddenly, the door opened and the rest of the Millstein family appeared along with Minerva.

"Oh, blonde chick, what's up?"

"It's Minerva!!"

Bonk! Bonk! Bonk!

She smacked me a few times and I just chuckled at her. Roselia seemed suspicious of it but in the end shrugged it off.

"Will you be going, Jin or…?"

Maeve asked and looked at Aífe who was silently standing beside her.

"We'll be staying an extra day, sorry about that."

"No, it's fine… I'm nowhere near done with these… We won't be sleeping; we're pulling an all-nighter and reading them all! Go enjoy our small town to your heart's content!"

After saying that, she went back to reading along with everyone else in the room, and we also left.

"What will we be doing, Jin?"

Xenovia asked as we arrived back in town. Honestly, I don't know. All we're doing here now is waiting for Scathach and Aífe's duel.

"You guys can do what you want. As for where we'll stay… I'll find somewhere for us to stay."

"You three, can you leave us for a moment?"

After I said that, Scathach asked the other three to leave us. They looked at each other before agreeing. However, they didn't seem bothered as they walked away while pointing at things. They have been eager to tour this place, even if it's a bit small.

Scathach took my hand and we teleported somewhere else. When we arrived at the spot, there seemed to be a large opening and trees around us. I'm guessing this is where their duel will take place?

"It will take place here."

She said but then fell silent and walked around the place for two minutes. I stood in the same spot and waited for her. She eventually came back and stood beside me.

"We were normal humans at one point. Of course, that was years ago. I cannot remember my parents' names or faces anymore, and I doubt she does either. You know that many can ascend to Godhood, right?"

She glanced at me and I nodded. Most can ascend to Godhood, examples of this being Sun Wukong, the First Generation's Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie, and Nezha, the first three being youkai and the latter being a human. In other words, it is not impossible that Scathach and Aífe ascended, or at least Scathach did. I am not certain about Aífe's circumstances.

"The island we used to live on... It's now known as the Isle of Skyes—"

"Árd-Greimne of Lethra."

I stopped her to tell her the name of her father. She looked at me for a few seconds before nodding. She seemed a bit nostalgic after hearing the name, but continued on her retelling of her past.

"It was a large community, a normal place, but as we grew up… We drifted apart. My mother also vanished, so I was left to fend for myself. But I did not think we would pursue the same art, spearmanship. However, Aífe wasn't too adept at using runes, so she opted to use normal magic. However, she learned to use touki quite well."

"I can't remember when we first met each other again, but seeing as how we were both in the pursuit of the same craft, we sparred. We were mostly even, however, I usually won in the end. Anytime we saw each other, we would have a sparring match. Until—"

She squinted her eyes and looked at the ground. I can see that she both regretted that day and didn't at the same time.

"I have no idea why she asked me to a death duel, but since I am a warrior, I accepted. I was still in the midst of training Cú Chulainn at the time, initially Cú Chulainn wanted to take my place, but since I was the one who was challenged, I put him to sleep. And we fought."

"It was bloody. We were using everything we had at the time. My skills and runes versus her skills, magic and touki. In the end, I was triumphant. She wanted to be killed— Die a warrior's death, but I couldn't do it. Even though we were both warriors, we were and still are sisters. But…"

"I will end it tomorrow; I will give her that death she wishes for. After meeting you, my victory is guaranteed. I improved drastically, so it's a given that I will win against her…"

Scathach turned around and started walking away. I turned to look at her—

"Is that how you really feel? If you try to lose on purpose, then—"


She didn't say anything and left. If she does try to lose on purpose and let Aífe kill her, I'm stepping in. She can hate me all she wants, both of them can. But I won't let her die, and I also doubt Gabriel will let it slide. Someone like Gabriel values family a lot. She won't stand by while two sisters try to kill each other.



Aífe approached me earlier in the evening and told us that Queen Maeve offered to let us stay in her castle. I accepted since looking for an inn that could fit us all in one room was kind of difficult, but what surprised me was Minerva and the Millstein family all lived in the castle, so they were sharing the place with Aífe and Maeve.

We were in the same room, and Asia, Xenovia and Gabriel were all asleep. Meanwhile, Scathach was sitting on a chair still in her battle gear, tense and ready. I tried to tell her to sleep, but she had been ignoring me since then. Her mind was probably already running simulations of how the duel would unfold.

I wanted to find Aífe and ask her a few things, but in the end… It's really none of my business, but since it also involved Scathach I feel like I should try something. Although we aren't lovers, it's—


I scratched the back of my head. All of this crap and what I learned about Manannán mac Lir has been preoccupying my mind and it's annoying me. I glanced back at Scathach one last time before leaving the room. Once I was out, I just walked around the castle with no real aim.

Aimlessly wandering the halls, I saw a lot of portraits of Maeve. She must really like how she looks, huh? I don't think I was one for taking a lot of selfies in my previous life…

"Ah— Jin, are you not going to sleep yet?"

"Can't, Scathach isn't able to sleep either. How about you? How far along are you guys?"

I came across Maeve. She had a glass of milk in her hands, and some on her face. I approached her, summoned a handkerchief and wiped it off for her.

"No wonder Aífe is with you all the time…"

"Be quiet you fool… But we are nearly done with them. Once the Millstein family gets serious a lot of things can get done quickly. I rely on them way too much. But yes, Aífe is also very tense right now. Those two bigots are just too hardheaded…"

She blushed after I wiped it but still thanked me. True, but we'll just need to watch over their duel tomorrow and stop them from killing each other…

"By the way, is Vita adopted? Clotilde is a very uncommon surname."

I said to her and she looked at me a bit surprised but then chuckled.

"Well, you must ask her about yourself, don't you? I cannot divulge that information to you."

"Fair enough."

"I'll get going then Jin. We're about halfway through all of it. Before you leave, we should have it all done. I assume you'll have the document for us to sign ready, yes?"


She walked away while waving her glass of milk… And spilling some on herself. She looked back at me, blushed, and then ran away. What a clumsy leader. You wouldn't think that when you first saw her…

Another few minutes passed as I walked around the place, but this time… I came across a library. I didn't think she had a library here… However, I felt someone else in there, so I pushed them open and was surprised by the number of shelves and books around the place, but—

Immediately in front of me, I saw someone sitting in a chair reading a book by themselves. It was a woman.

She had pure white skin, almost like snow. She had long white hair, a butterfly clip, and black eyes. She wore a long black dress that covered all of her body. The only visible parts were her head, neck and hands. Even her shoes were covered by her dress.

"Hmm? To think someone would come in here this late at night, even more surprising… It would be the famous Middleman."

She said and closed her book. She then gestured for me to come closer, so I did. She looked like Echidna from Re:Zero… I wonder who this is?

"Forgive me, I am Alice Kyteler. You may know me as—"

"The first recorded person condemned for witchcraft in Ireland. Rumors said you fled to England and your servant, Petronilla de Meath was the one burned at the stake instead as they also suspected her of witchcraft."

I blurted out and she seemed a bit stunned as she stared at me before laughing.

"Yes, yes, that is indeed what is written in our country's history and folklore. However, I did not flee the country. I simply came across the supernatural, and was brought here by Queen Halloween. As for Petronilla de Meath… It saddens me that she died. She was a loyal servant of mine."

She looked down at her book then looked back up at me.

"So, why has the Middleman come here?"

"Can't sleep, the duel between two sisters is happening tomorrow."

There was a chair beside her and I took a seat and let out a long and tired sigh. But were the accusations true…?

"I see... I wish they wouldn't kill each other then, but I know that look, Middleman. Yes, it is true, the allegations against me were real. However, I only used a small spell and summoned a devil. They were apparently planning to turn rogue and used this opportunity to escape. I was just caught in the crossfire."

She explained… Huh, now that's just shit timing then. So she found out about the supernatural, dabbled in it, and nearly got killed. Talk about shit luck… But how did she live for so long…?

"Would you like to know how I've lived for so long?"

I nodded.

"Tír na nÓg, I did a little something for their Queen at the time, and was given permission to use the fountain of youth over there. Now I age very slowly ~"

Seeing someone that looks like Echidna be like this is very weird, but I welcome it since all these expressions are kind of a breath of fresh air…



The door suddenly slammed open and in came a very tired and irritated looking Minerva. She looked at us and stomped towards us.

"We need your help!"


"Documents the Middleman gave us; at this rate we'll need another day. You're a fast reader, help us!"

Minerva said quite loudly. Even though she was tired she was forcing herself. I summoned a pill and gave it to her. It's the same one I gave Azazel months ago; I told her what it did and she swallowed it with no hesitation. After that, she immediately perked up.

Alice looked at Minerva and back at me before agreeing to do it.

"Very well, I wish to see these documents for myself. I did just have a small chat with Sir Middleman here, excuse us."

She smiled at me one last time before getting up. Minerva had her energy back so she was talking quite quickly to Alice, but seeing as I had nothing else to do here, I left back for my room.

Once I got there, Scathach was not there. I felt that she was in the forest. She was already waiting for her, huh? Geez, what a stubborn woman. Why can't you just admit you love your sister and didn't want to kill her all those years ago?

[You know it's a very difficult thing to do, Partner.]

I know, I know, but still…

[The fact that she's thinking more about it shows she's changing and becoming even more hesitant. She may actually genuinely lose tomorrow's duel if it plagues her mind. Though, whether Aífe accepts that victory or not depends on her.]

'Oppai Dragon has a point, Aaron. You just need to leave it to them, but siblings have a way of understanding each other, so don't count that out yet. Like your fight with Sairaorg, some things can only be understood while pummeling each other with one's fists.'

Velgrynd told me, I'm guessing since she has her own siblings, even if they're not close… Although I don't know that since that version of Tensura might be as heavily altered like this Draconic Deus… You never know.

Taking the same spot as Scathach, I looked towards the forest where she was standing and sighed.

"This is going to be a long sleepless night…"

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