Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 9 – Part 1 – Amaterasu and Attack


Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward



As I teleported back into my home, Shigune was just there, arms stretched out asking for a hug. Her eyes were also closed. Rose and I look at each other before chuckling. I kiss Rose before she walks into the kitchen and I go to Shigune to hug her.

"Anything happen while I was gone?"

I ask her and she nods while her head is on my chest.

"…Gasper-kun wants to talk to you about something. He should be in his home with Kiba-kun."

"I see, I'll go and talk to him then, but did you wait for us or something?"

Shigune stiffens as I ask her that question.

"Uhm… N-No, I-I— R-Rossweisse-san told me that you were coming home not too long ago, so I waited here…"

She explains while embarrassed. Did she do it while I was being bear hugged by Misla? That's the only time she could have, or when Rose and Coriana spoke to each other. Well, whatever it was, I still need to speak to him.

"…I'll go do that now then. So I can come back and relax a bit before heading to Heaven."

She kind of deflates while we hug. I chuckle a little and she lightly hits me on the chest as a result. It would be rude to Gasper if I invited someone else, so I'm sorry, Shigune.

"It won't take too long, Shigune."

"Oh, actually, Jin?"


"Scathach-san also wants to talk to you."

Scathach? What would she want to talk about? She mostly spends her time down in the [Training Facility] since Lianne is down there, and either fights her, or trains Inaie and Raiko. Well, I'll see when I get back. A few more seconds of hugging Shigune reluctantly lets me go, she's like another Lavinia during our early days…

"I'll get going then, I'll be back in a bit...… Really?"

"Mmm. Hmm? Did you say something, Jin?"

Shigune seems confused, but I just shake my head. A certain Dhampir just jumped into my shadow… I hope my shadow soldiers don't panic or anything…

Once in the entrance hallway of Kiba and Gasper's home—

"Ah, Jin-sen—"

I stop Kiba by putting my hand up as he pauses to look at me. I take out a Pepsi bottle and a Coca-Cola glass, which confuses him even more.

"Pepsi bottle, a Coca-Cola glass… I don't give a damn."

And then I pour the Pepsi into the glass. He looks even more confused by this action; I could see question marks floating around his head. Haaa... I really need to share memes into this universe, they always go over their heads…

[I get it Partner! I gotchu!]



'You're both idiots…'

[Takes one to know one, Velgrynd!]


"S-So why are you here…? I-Is it to see m-me?!"

Kiba says while blushing. However, in response I just stare at him blankly.

"…No, I'm here to speak with Gasper."

"Would it be better if I become Yumi?"

Ignoring what I say he takes out something— It was the Raygun! How the hell does he have that?! I quickly teleport it from his hand and into my [Inventory]. He seemed shocked at first, but laughed in the end.

"It was a toy, Jin-senpai. I didn't have the Raygun, Azazel-sensei still has it."

[Ha! Got 'em!]

"…Don't scare me like that, anyway, is Gasper in his room?"

"Yes, would you like some tea?"

"Nah it'll be quick so you don't have to."

He nods and goes into the living room. I follow Gasper's aura, go up the stairs and stand in front of the door to his room. I then knock on it.

"Yes! Come in!"

I push it open and he was… Still cross dressing, Gasper was wearing a very revealing nightgown for some reason! I felt my mouth twitch, but I grab a chair, put it by his bed and sit on it. He was quiet as he waits for me to start.

"Alright, hit me!"



Gasper and I stare at each other before laughing. We settle back down before he sighs.

"So you probably know from Coriana-san, right, Jin-senpai?"

"Yeah, so do you mind telling me your current plans?"

Again, Gasper sighs but does continue.

"I was thinking of taking her to Lilith, the current capital of the Underworld for our first date. There are a lot of places we can visit there, and even an amusement park. I remember Lucifer-sama say that they might try to build an amusement park in the Gremory territory, you know, closer to the home? But it hasn't happened yet, so… What do you think?"


Lilith for their first date spot. Honestly, I have zero fucking idea. I've only been there for a limited number of times, so I don't have a thorough idea of the city's layout. Well… Hey Cúntóir, can you scan it and tell me any notable places?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, one moment, Jin...… It's complete, I will send it to you now.

I get a mental image of the entire city, with some notable areas of interest that many devil couples go to on dates. Thank you, Cúntóir. I turn back to Gasper and nod.

"Alright, there are a few places that you might want to take her. Listen carefully, alright?"


I relay back to Gasper what Cúntóir just told me, and some places he might want to go and some shops that sell appropriate first-time gifts. Once I was done Gasper seemed excited and less nervous. As a final touch, I summon some money and hand it over to him.

"T-This is too much! I can't take it all?!"

I just gave him ¥100,000. It's fine, the girls get it on a monthly basis.

"Just take it and keep whatever you don't spend. I mean you do have a hobby of collecting novels, the same as Rias, Kiba and me, Gya-suke. But yeah, go enjoy yourself."

"That's right, Gasper ~"


From my shadow, out came Valerie. She went in there earlier and she just came out, arms crossed and a smug grin on her face.

"V-Valerie?! Y-You were here all along?!"

Valerie sits beside Gasper and pats him on the head.

"Jin's right, just act like yourself. You've changed a lot since we reunited and I'm proud of you. Now you're taking another step in life, so go and make it the most memorable day of her life. You better get a girlfriend by the end of it! I won't accept any other outcome!"

Valerie declares as both Gasper and I stare at her a bit dumbfounded. I then just snort.

"You heard the woman, go get her, Dhampir!"

I would have said tiger, but I think that's more appropriate… Gasper then slaps his cheeks and gives both of us a determined look.


"We'll get going then, Kiba."

"Yes, goodbye, Jin-senpai, Valerie-san."

Kiba was a bit surprised when Valerie and I emerged from Gasper's room, but just shrugged it off. We finally left their home through the front door; I mean they weren't too far from my own home.

"You know, you could have just come with me normally."

"Didn't you say to sometimes have an over-the-top entrances?"


Valerie tilts her head confused, and then seems to remember something.

"Ah, Aurelia-san said that!"


[Don't tell her weird things, Aurelia.]

However, I only got another weird 'ha-ha-ha' from her instead of an answer.

"Jin? Are you going anywhere in the coming months?"

"…Like my jobs?"

She nods. I mean, yeah. It would be weirder if I didn't.

"Yes, I am. Do you want to come along?"

"Russia! I want to go there! I didn't get a chance before since I was… Well, that's a secret, so when you're heading there, I'm coming with you!"

She said quite excitedly, but she was busy doing something, huh? I did feel her in the [Training Facility] every now and again. I wonder what she's been up to?

"Alright, Valerie, that's a promise."

We do a little pinky promise and then I pull out my phone and text Coriana about what happened, and Gasper's plans.

|Thank you very much, Jin-sama!|

That was the instant reply I got. Once we got home, Kuroka was there with a look of panic. She suddenly grabs my arm.

"Jin, it's urgent! We have to go!"


"What do you mean? Urgent? What happened?"

Valerie and I share a look of concern.

"It's urgent, I want to have sex!"

She announces happily while grinning. I felt my lips twitch.


""How's that urgent?!""

Both Valerie and I were stunned and then shout at the same time, although I did let myself get drag up by Kuroka…

Flashback end


Present day




I was running along doing a small errand for the local flower shop when my phone buzzed. Ugh, let me get this done before someone starts texting me! I quickly run to the house and knock on it.

"Ah, Áine, thank you for bringing these to us."

One of our regulars opens the door to their home. She had ordered this a few months back, and Danu finally managed to import some from abroad. Agapanthus praecox, it hails from South Africa, well this subspecies, that is. It's also called the 'Blue lily', 'African lily' and finally 'Lily of the Nile'. This customer always wanted one, so she asked Danu for it.

"It's no problem, ma'am. Here's your receipt and I'll get going then."

"Mmm-mmm ~ thank you deary ~"

She says quite happily as I walk away. Finally, I take out my phone and look at the message.

|Yo, I'm coming back there in a few days to check up on you. Be ready or get jiggy.|

It was from Jin, also what the hell does that last part mean?! Get jiggy?! But… He's coming here. I'm strangely nervous, and my heart starts to beat faster. No, no, I'm just nervous. I do hope that I have made progress. Both Cana and Danu say I have, along with a few of the other Gods, but I think they're just biased…


…Why did I answer so enthusiastically? But he didn't text back so I guess that's the end of the conversation. I put my phone back into my pocket and sigh. I eventually got back to the flower shop.

"I'm done with the delivery, is there anything else?"

The shop owner looks at me, and then back at her list before shaking her head.

"That's all for now, you can go, thank you Áine!"

"Okay, thank you."

I walk away from the shop and head to get something to eat. But then my phone buzzed. When I check it again, it was… Scathach? That's rare.

|I will be accompanying Jin when he travels back to Ireland. We will be visiting somewhere else after our visit with you.|

Ah, she's coming with him? For some reason that annoys me, I just sigh. But where are they planning on visiting? During those attacks, the [Welsh Dragon] did go to Thine Ifreann Réimse Maybe there? But if Scathach goes there…

"That's going to be troubling for her. Does she even know that Aífe is alive…?"

As far as I know, after Cú Chulainn fought and beat her, they left her for dead. They're sisters, aren't they? Or did they agree to see each other that day as 'rivals' instead of sisters? Regardless, she survived thanks to Queen Halloween finding her and bringing her back to her realm.

"Haaa… I swear that idiot does this on purpose… It's like he's looking for trouble."

"Áine! Come here for a second!"



Japan, Kyoto

Jin Skyward

I was making my way to the spot where Amaterasu said she would be waiting at. I could also feel her aura there so there's no doubt about it. Although I have to accompany her on a short little date with her, huh? I'll try not to drag it out for too long.


Hmm? Oh, what's up Vel? Need something from me?

'Come here.'

What do yo—

Jin Soul

"...…You know I'm kind of busy."

"It will be quick. Sit down."

Everyone else was far away from us except Cúntóir who was standing by just a little distance away. I feel like I'm going to be interrogated or something. But I oblige her and sit down on a chair that was there.

"Kuisha and Raynare."

"Eranyar dna Ahsiuk."


Velgrynd and I stare at each other silently.

[Did he just say that sentence backwards?]

{I think he did…}

"Stop eavesdropping!!"

The two dragons run away while laughing, but then end up fighting each other. They sure do live quite freely… I turn back to Velgrynd as she is staring at me.

"So, what about them?"

"Why are you taking it slow with them?"

"…I mean, you heard my reasoning didn't you?"

She just sighs.

"Why are you like this? Those two clearly like you, dare I say love you, so just get into a relationship with them! You did it with Natsume didn't you?"


Well, she's got me there… But I can understand Kuisha, but Raynare, she'll take a little bit though.

"Okay, I get Kuisha, but Raynare, I think that's justified."

"…Fine, but you should ask Kuisha out."


She didn't elaborate and just stares at me. Why is she acting in such a manner? I sigh and get up, Cúntóir was just staring at us and I just sigh again.

"Fine, fine, I will. I guess I'm being too indecisive. But I'm staying at the same pace with Raynare. You're being really pushy about this, you know?"

I glance back at her as she crosses her arms and didn't look amused.

"Aren't I one of your 'Fated Ones'? And even though I've only known you for fifteen years, I would say I know a little more about you than you do yourself. Well, maybe I spoke with Cúntóir and she may have told me some things."


I look back at Cúntóir and she just bows. Geez, don't go around telling people my past, even if I have zero idea about it. Although I am surprised that she told you anything, and not the other two. I still don't know the last one.

"So, just trust me. I'm paving a way to increasing your harem!"

She points her shan at me and looks smugly at me.

"…I'll keep that in mind, Vel. Anyway, I'll go back now."


Jin left his soul and Cúntóir walks over to me.

"Are you sure it was wise to tell him that?"

"He needs to get over it. I mean, he's been working on it, but it's too slow. I know you said that people get over trauma, and their own troubles at their own pace. Despite this, since I'm here, I know more about him than the others, even more than Suzaku and Lavinia. I want to push him more."


Cúntóir doesn't say anything and walks away.

He's too caught up in the past. Even though he got through his depression not too long ago, he still has a long way to go before he can fully free himself from his past. I don't like negative people; they bring down the mood in a room or place. So when I first met 'Jin' I was put off by him, even if what he was struggling through was justifiable.

But seeing him grow was interesting to say the least, but I am not satisfied with it. I saw Rudra do it all, faster, better, and yet he still managed to come back, even if he was left like this. If I have to compare them even now, Rudra is still much better than Jin.

I have spent many years with him, and with Jin I spent at the minimum of fifteen years. It's like comparing a human to an enormous dragon. It's not even a competition. Rudra was and is still better than him.

"Asking Jin to become someone who isn't him isn't going to work. He and Rudra are fundamentally different. Even if they do have the same noble intent of helping people, with Rudra wanting to unite everyone back in your universe, and Jin uniting the supernatural world…"

Cúntóir stops to say that and turns around.

"Rudra has thousands of years of experience under his belt whereas Jin in reality only has a year of experience in that regard. He only spent those 21 years in the [Pocket Dimension] to train those close to him so he won't need to constantly worry about them in the future. He will probably even ask you to train in there in the future."

"So, yes, to you Rudra will always be better than Jin in that regard, not counting the time you two spent versus the time you spent with Jin. I think you're being too harsh on him, Velgrynd."

I was about to say something when Rudra arrives.

"I agree. I already told you, Velgrynd. I have no time left. I'm only here thanks to Jin accidentally merging with one of my soul fragments. If not for him, I would be gone forever. Unless some kind of miracle happens like one of my soul fragments being reincarnated in another reality. Anyway, give him a chance. You two were starting to get along. What changed recently?"

Even if you say that to me…

"I know, it's difficult, I understand, but please give him a chance."

He follows up with that, and then walks away.

"You did say, in your own words that you are one of his 'Fated Ones'. Suzaku Himejima and Lavinia Reni who have been with him for the same duration have better chemistry with him right now. How about you?"

Cúntóir asks me.

"They supported him and helped him. While Suzaku has spent a shorter amount of time with him, it seems she understands him even more than Lavinia at times. You are in his soul. You can hear his thoughts and feel his emotions. I understand you want to help him in your way, but being forceful will drive him away from you. That's all I wanted to say."

She then starts to walk away.

I can't help it. I was forced into this situation, had to accept that these two are stuck together, and then have Rudra tell me to try to like the guy? And he was completely miserable during those first few weeks! …But I guess I can try, there are still a few months left before he evolves…

"Change my mind then, Jin— No, Aaron Toole."

Japan, Kyoto

Jin Skyward

"Haaaa… That was tiring…"

I take out my phone and start texting Kuisha.

|Hey, got a minute?|

|Jim-sama, yes, I do. How can I help you?|

|So to be blunt, do you want to go on a date in a few days? I mean after I'm done with my requests.|

After sending that, she didn't reply for a few minutes. Therefore, I take note of a few places in Kyoto that Amaterasu might like to check out, maybe things she hasn't seen in a few years? I mean, I'm assuming she hasn't been here during the 'modern' era of Japan. Since we were quite close now, I'll just ask her about it.


|Yes, I would love to!|

|Great, let's talk about details another time. I'm actually on a job right now.|

|Yes, of course!|

Well, I guess she's quite happy with it. Finally, I arrive at the place where Amaterasu was waiting at. We decided to meet up at Tō-ji Temple also known as Kyō-ō-gokoku-ji. It's one of the biggest temples in Kyoto, and it wasn't too difficult to find her. This is because a lot, and I mean a lot of the people there, most tourists and some locals were looking at her in awe.

Amaterasu, the Chief God of the Shinto pantheon was wearing an orange sundress that stopped around her ankles. It has a lightning and cloud pattern on it. She also wore some bow sandals, and a matching straw hat, and she carried a small purse with her.


[You don't look right with her right now, Partner.]

'Go change, Jin.'

Even Rudra told me to get changed! I quickly run away and find a discrete corner and change into more appropriate attire. I was wearing my usual clothing, but decided to change into my Peace Conference clothing. It makes me seem stuffy, but it's more formal and should do the trick.

I pat myself down and go back to where she was. From where I was standing, I could see a few guys trying to ask her out but were rejected quite quickly but gently too. Hell, they seemed to be enlightened after the rejection…

Our eyes finally meet as Amaterasu walks down from where she was and I walk towards her. All eyes were on her.

"Good to see you, Jin."

"Hey, Ama. Are you ready?"

She seems surprised by the nickname, but people would question my sanity if I just outright called her Amaterasu. She seems to pick up on this and agrees with it.

"I am."

I offer her my arm and she gracefully accepts and we start to walk away. Of course, I got many envious and jealous stares from the guys. I'm sorry, it's just a small outing and tour, not really a date. But I won't say that out loud. She did get dressed up for it. However, I could also see that she was hiding her horns with illusion magic and the hat.

"You look great, by the way."

"Thank you, Jin."

"So, do you have any particular places you would like to check out? If not, I have my own plans, and at the end of it we'll be heading to the Himejima clan, but we'll meet up with Suzaku beforehand. Oh, she'll be the only one to meet us by the way, the other two—"

"I understand, Jin. But you don't need to explain every detail. Let us enjoy our time now as it is, and worry about that later, okay?"

…I— Well, that's a mature woman for you.

"Right, my bad. So… About my earlier question…?"

She smiles at me and shakes her head.

"I will leave it up to you."

"Roger that! Onwards and upwards!"

Amaterasu just smiled at my antics and I led us somewhere else.

"I wanted to start here, if you don't mind. There is where most of that disturbance happened not too long ago."

Amaterasu nods beside me, as we are in Nijou castle, the place where Tamamo was captured and where the whole Kyoto incident with the Hero Faction occurred. However, Amaterasu was looking around a lot, but still stayed close to me, and of course the staring didn't stop.

"It hasn't changed much except for a few things being modernized. In a way, I feel a little foreign… What is that?"

She says and then points at a group of people taking a selfie with a selfie stick. She cutely tilts her head while looking at them in fascination. I guess she didn't look up nearly enough information for today, huh? Well, that's fine. Additionally, this is why we embarked on this outing before traveling to the Himejima clan.

"It's a selfie stick. I think it's meant to take better and wider pictures of groups and the landscape behind them? I've never used them at all so I wouldn't know, also I'm not one for taking too many pictures of myself…"

Do the girls even do that? I'm not exactly sure, I mean, Ingvild probably since she hangs out with those friends of hers... You know, I've never bothered getting social media in this world. Now I'm curious…

Cúntóir: Answer: Ingvild Leviathan has GrogBook, and she is messaged daily by many boys from your school, and outside. However, she mostly ignores them or rejects them. However, some have become a bit harassing.

...Why didn't she tell me? Although, I doubt I could do much without looking like a psycho or controlling boyfriend. Also, GrogBook? Seriously?

[Expose 'em, Partner.]

"Selfie stick… I have a smartphone. Can we take a selfie, Jin?"

Amaterasu asks looking rather excited. I chuckle and agree with her, so she hands me her phone.

"Portrait or landscape?"

"Is there a difference?"

Is there? I'm not entirely sure…

"Uhh, I guess you can put the portrait as a wallpaper? Landscape should show you more of the background."

"…Can we take both?"

"Sure thing, I don't see why not?"

Happy with my answer she stickers closer to me and we go to a spot where we wouldn't impede on people.

"D-Do I do a pose?"

"If you want, or you can just smile at the camera."

She nods, brings up both her hands and does two peace signs. For someone her age, she can be adorable, and a little clueless. I bring her phone up and take a picture of us using the front camera. I check her gallery and then hand it back to her. Amaterasu seems fascinated by it.

"H-How can I make it into my wallpaper?"

"Are you sure you want this one? We can take more pictures as the day rolls by and you might get a better one later…"

"This is my first one. I wish to memorialize it."

She said it quite seriously. Well, alright then. I nod, take her phone and show her how to set it as a wallpaper, so if she wants to change it in the picture she'll know how to.

"Thank you, Jin... Is there some kind of etiquette or rule about photographs? By that, I mean in certain places. I heard from Yoshitsune and Benkei before that there is."

"Yes there is. Make sure to ask or look around whatever area you're in. Sometimes they allow pictures to be taken, and some of them ban it."

She nods in response and we look around the place a little more before going to a different area entirely. This is because it was getting a bit too crowded and she was getting a little uncomfortable with all the attention.

"I'm surprised that you didn't say something earlier."

Even as we walk to our next destination, she still got a lot of stares. I take another look at Amaterasu and yes, I admit she's quite pretty, but why is she getting so much attention? Is it due to her dress? I mean, she does look gorgeous in it.

"I am used to a certain amount of attention, Jin. I am the leader of the Shinto Gods after all. During certain events or time of the year I have to address the pantheon as a whole, and even go out to meet certain people."

She answers me. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. However, she continues.

"But I have never had so many lustful gazes directed at me before. Surely if Raijin and Fūjin found out they would lose their minds."

She says with a sigh. But that just gave me another question.

"Well, you definitely did get some, right? How did you deal with that? Did you just rely on Fūjin and Raijin scaring them off? Wait, why are all three of you so close?"

"Yes, those types of eyes have been directed at me before. It is inevitable, but it's as you say. Raijin and Fūjin usually takes care of it for me. They don't like men that openly show their lust too much. Too many in the past did that and they are just tired of it."

"As for why we're close… It just happened; we have been together for a long time. I helped them in the past, and they help me in turn. Although as you saw, they can be very overprotective at times. Even when I spoke to them about what I should wear today…"

She asked them what to wear. I'm surprised they let her wear this. I mean she did say they're overprotective, unless they decided to start trusting me a little, I mean maybe Fūjin convinced Raijin? She did seem to warm up a bit to me.

We made light chatter until we arrive at our next destination, and it was the Thousand Torii Gates or Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine. This is the same place I resurrected Inari. I wonder how she is? But there were also a lot of people here, although most of them were just here to see the attraction, but there were still some taking glances at Amaterasu.

"This is where I resurrected Inari. It seems a bit strange walking down it again. But I did go down this a few times before doing that. I've been here on dates before. I feel like it's almost a ritual at this point if we choose Kyoto...… Hmm?"

As I finish saying that, I notice a familiar aura. Even though I just said that, she's also here. Turning my attention to Amaterasu, she seems surprised too.

"Shall we go say hi then?"

"Yes, I am curious as to why she's here."

We sped up our pace a smidge, but still took our time looking around the place. I heard Amaterasu say that it hadn't changed too much like Nijou Castle, except for being modernized.

Once we arrive at the spot where Inari's is supposedly to be worshiped, the white-haired fox was there just cleaning the area around her shrine. She turns around and see us.

"Oh? Amaterasu-sama and Jin-kun? I didn't expect to see either of you here, and it seems like you two are quite close, hmmm? ~"

"Hello, Inari, we didn't expect to see you here of all places. Did you place that warding spell around the place, so humans wouldn't come here?"

I ask her and she nods. She places her broom against a statue and walks over to us. She and Amaterasu share a quick hug and she looks at me with a mischievous look. She then starts to nudge me on my side.

"You cheeky rascal, hitting on our leader! You sure do have balls of steel!"

Amaterasu blushes slightly and I awkwardly laugh at her.

"Well, I'm actually just giving her a small tour of modern Japan, but we'll be getting down to official business soon enough. Anyway, why are you here, Inari? Surely, it's not just to clean up your shrine, right?"

She proudly puffs her chest and nods.

"Yes I am! Tamamo offered to help me earlier but Maho called her for some help, so I'm just on my own right now. Hmm-hmm? Could you possibly be offering to help me? Do you then proceed to earn some friendship points that can later be converted into affection points? Inari is shocked! How bold of you ~ kyaaa ~"

She goes on a short sermon as Amaterasu and I stand there silently. Also, where the hell did that weird accusation come from? Well, I did want to offer to help, so she got me there.

"Well, I was going to offer to help you, so you're right about one thing…"

She just laughs at me, claps her hand and a wooden broom appears in front of me. I take it and sigh.

"I won't need this you know…"

She gives me a strange look. However, snapping my fingers and doing it instantly is boring. Since this place is already being avoided, I might as well make it a little more unique. I grin, throw the broom up, and multiply it. Snapping my fingers, they start to work on their own. With another snap, mops, water buckets, and other items start to appear. They automatically start to clean the place up.

Cutting overgrown grass, vines, taking out weeds, moss, and the like. Inari and Amaterasu look on in surprise and amusement.

"Oh! So fancy, as expected of Harem King-sama ~"

Inari says. Wait, what? When did I get that? However, it doesn't really take that long to clean up the place, and when they are done, they disappear.

"So, we're done here. How is it, almighty Inari-sama, is it to your liking?"

I say sarcastically and she plays along while chuckling.

"Yes, yes, it is, Harem King-sama, it is well done. My shrine is spotless now ~ I should thank you, no? How about a short date? Fufufu ~"

"…I'll pass."

"So fast and mean! Although I was joking, it still stings!"

Inari exaggeratedly clutches her chest as if it hurts, falling to her knees. I also play along and fall to my knees.


I scream and hold her; I turn her over and fake blood starts to come out of her mouth. All the while Amaterasu stares at us in amusement.

"I can't go on… Please… For the children…"

"...…Where did the children come from all of a sudden?!"

I ask in confusion, how did the story line end up there? But—

"Pfft— I-I'm sorry, it's like the two of you are a natural at this, almost like it's been planned out."

Amaterasu says while holding back her own laughter. Inari and I grin at each other before I help her back up. However, she nudges me now while sporting a small blush.

"Did you hear that, Jin-kun? Amaterasu-sama says we're compatible, huhuhu ~"

"So are me and my bed. We're a match made in heaven."

I deadpan and that makes the white-haired kitsune huff.

Growl ~

However, Amaterasu's stomach growls as she stops laughing and becomes red. Inari and I stare at her before laughing and she turns redder.

"Well, we better go have lunch then. Do you want to join us, Inari?"

I ask her and Inari looks at Amaterasu who nods.

"Lead the way, our dragon steed!"

"Rawr XD."

As soon as they heard that, they became confused. I give up. I'll start by spreading what memes are in this world, and after that—

[The world!]



'…Rudra, how did you last with these three idiots? ...Why are you joining them?!'

'It is better to let go rather than go against it, Velgrynd. Enjoy your time here.'

'…I'm surrounded by idiots…'

Velgrynd's monumental dilemma starts now!

We were currently eating at a local restaurant. With a bit of magic and convincing we got in. It's a place where they don't typically let foreigners in, but as I said we used magic and talked to them and got in. We also put some magic on the people eating in it so they didn't question the owners. We ordered our food and were served them quite quickly, and we were just eating.

"I'm surprised you didn't bother changing clothes, Inari."

"I can blend in, it's no big deal ~"

She says while eating her food. I mean, I guess so? There are some people in certain parts in Kyoto just wearing clothes like hers, like geishas and performers. Although looking at these two, they seem pretty elegant when eating. It's almost unreal.

"Is something wrong, Jin?"

Amaterasu pauses to ask me, but I just sigh while looking at my food.

"Oh no, it's nothing. I was thinking that we should go to two more places before we go to the Himejima clan. You're fine with that, right? Anyway, what are you doing after this, Inari?"

Amaterasu says she doesn't mind, and we both look at Inari for her answer. She stops using her chopsticks and wears a thoughtful look.

"I'm not really needed back in our realm... Can I join you two? Oh that also includes whatever business you have afterwards ~"

I was a bit surprised by this. I was expecting her to say that she was busy after this. Turning my gaze to Amaterasu she seems to be thinking about it. However, she eventually agrees.

"I do not mind, Inari, however—"

"Yes, yes. I know, Amaterasu-sama ~ I'll be on my best behavior when that part comes ~"

Inari waves away her chief god's concerns and turns back to eating. Amaterasu gives her an awkward smile and goes back to eating too. Now I'm curious as to what they meant by that. Is Amaterasu different or scary when she wants to be? I'm curious.

Suzaku Himejima


It's been hours since then, but I can't help but keep staring at the text message Jin sent me. Right now, currently, he and Amaterasu-sama are in Kyoto. Jin said that he would help her get used to modern Japan for a few hours before coming here.

I didn't mind since the other clan members don't know of her visit. However, I have informed Tobio, aunt Shuri, and Akeno should know along with uncle Baraqiel…

"But why do I feel so uneasy about today…?"

I'm looking forward to seeing Jin again as well as Amaterasu-sama, but since I woke up, there has been a pit in my stomach that I couldn't get rid of no matter how long I waited, or methods I looked up to get rid of the feeling.

"…I should consult Jin."

I was still in my apartment, and Jin sent me a text around fifteen minutes ago and it said that they'll go to two more spots before coming to the clan. So I got dressed and I'm waiting in my apartment.

|Jin, I want to confess something.|

I sent and waited, but it didn't take long for a reply.


Seeing it made me smile, and my anxiety briefly faded away, as I let out a soft chuckle.

|D-Don't tell me, you're pregnant?! I'll go there right away!|

"…Idiot, we haven't even slept with each other yet…"

After saying that, I felt myself blush quite hard. Not too long ago, we got quite… Intimate. Just remembering the scene in my own mind makes me blush, although something similar happened when we journeyed to the Shinto realm…

But for some reason I don't get embarrassed as much as I thought when I remember that moment. Is it because Akeno was the one who forced the situation to happen? And the one I had with Jin before he headed back to the Egyptian realm, was it more 'natural'?

|…I feel like something bad might happen today. It's just a feeling, but I've been feeling uneasy since I woke up today.|

|I see, one second. You're in your apartment, right?|


I was confused by the sudden question, but I answered it nonetheless. But—

Fwosh ~

A magic circle appeared in the middle of my home, and then out came…


Jin Skyward

I left an avatar with Inari and Amaterasu; they understood my concerns and I came to see Suzaku. I don't want anything terrible happening today, and I doubt the old farts in the Himejima clan will put up too much of a ruckus.

Suzaku seemed a little stunned by my sudden appearance, so I go over and hug her. She hugs me back too. But I am quite concerned with what she said. If they do try to push back, and by a lot, this will just make today more complicated than anything.

"Welcome back."

"…Yeah, I'm home."

We bumped our noses before heading to sit on her bed.

"So, do you mind explaining in detail about it?"

She nods.

"When I woke up this morning, I did my usual routine, and I also headed to the clan. Since I'm head, I have some work to do, so it's the natural thing to do. Once I got here however, everyone… And I don't say this lightly, everyone was acting strange."

Strange? What does she mean by that?

[They started cross dressing?]

{Please shut up, we're being serious right now.}

[I am legitimately saying this, and I'm not joking.]


"…What do you mean by that, Suzaku? Were they being erratic or something?"

However, Suzaku shakes her head.

"It was like they were tense, scared and were waiting for something. They kept looking over their shoulders, and when I asked them about it, they just laughed it off and said nothing was wrong."

Suzaku looks at me with a lot of worry in her eyes.

"Should we postpone this again, Jin? I don't want anything to happen to my clan members, even if our perspectives differ. They are still my family, and I also don't want anything to happen to Amaterasu-sama."


No it wouldn't be a good idea to keep postponing this, I'll just increase the defenses around the Himejima clan then.

"No, we'll stay as scheduled. I'll have shadows and some Electa on standby, also Inari is also here."

"…Inari-sama? Yes, you did resurrect her, didn't you? But…"

"Just trust me on this one, Suzaku. We'll get this done today. Are the elders of the Himejima clan going to be present? Or did you not tell them anything at all?"

She shakes her head.

"I said that there would be an important meeting today, so I would get back to them when it happens. So please tell me when you're heading to our clan's base of operations so I can inform them beforehand."

"Sure thing."

But why would they suddenly start acting like this? My head is going straight to Khaos Brigade, but at the same time I doubt it. While they remain neutral to most people, like the other clans, they don't tend to involve themselves with others unless necessary. They should know about Khaos Brigade and what kind of things they've done.

They should also be aware of the enemies they'll have if they do decide to align themselves with Khaos Brigade. So I don't believe they're allied with them, but they could also be threatened by something. Maybe that's why they're acting like this?


"Jin? Did you come to some sort of conclusion?"

"Something like that, no, it's more of a hypothesis than anything. Anyway, this is what I think—"

I tell of her my recent thoughts and she listened in carefully. She grew more concerned as I finished.

"I-I see…"

"Please don't do anything yet, Suzaku. We'll be with you soon enough. We can confront them then… By the way, is Suou Himejima going to be there?"

"Yes, I said it would be very important, and even if he retired and gave me the title of head, he will be participating, and as mentioned earlier, the other elders, and higher-ups of our clan."

Suzaku looks at me worriedly. I smile at her and kiss her forehead.

"Don't worry about it, I won't do anything dumb."

"I know…"

Suou Himejima, the previous head, the one who banished Tobio Ikuse, Ageha Ikuse, Hanezu Himejima. The one who ordered the assassination of Shuri Himejima, and finally hunted down and exiled Akeno Himejima.

It would be light of me to say that I detest the guy. But for Suzaku's sake, and the rest of them plus Amaterasu, I will hold my tongue during this meeting. However, as I thought about this, my head was pulled into Suzaku's chest and she hugs me.

"You're not doing well in hiding your true feelings, Jin…"

"…My bad, but can you blame me?"

I feel her shake her head.

"I know how you feel, but please…"

"I know, I can control myself, probably. Anyway, thanks. I'll leave Ara and Celestin to help you then."

"Ara? Is that a new Electa?"

She asks as I pull away from her boobs and I nod.

"Yeah, my recent trip to the realm of the Greek gods was quite fruitful. Anyway, you two come out."

My ring glowed and they came out.

"How can I be of service, Jin-sama?"



I tap my head and send them the information. Both nod in agreement. Celestin then walks to the kitchen and starts to work on something. Ara sits down on the ground and curls up… She's certainly interesting.

"I'll put some shadows across the clan's base, and I'll place Jima in your shadow."

After saying that, I felt a few shadows leave my mine and spread across all of Kyoto. I guess they decided to cover all of Kyoto just in case. Jima also went into Suzaku's shadow.

"Thank you, Jin."

"Mmm. Anyway, I should go back. We'll probably see each other in an hour or two."

I get up and prepare to teleport away. However, Suzaku joins me and we share a quick kiss.

"Sorry for the delay."

"And I'm out, see ya boss!"

My avatar salutes me as it disappears. I also get all the memories from it, and it seems that they were just wandering and checking out the Byōdō-in Temple. I haven't been here before but since Inari requested it, we came here. Like the previous places, it has been modernized.

""Welcome back.""

"Yeah, we should hurry. Things might be a little more complicated than I thought."

They seemed confused by what I said, so I explained to them what Suzaku and I had just spoken about. Inari seemed worried, but Amaterasu remained quiet as we continued our short tour around the Byōdō-in Temple.

Once we arrive at the Phoenix Hall, we see two bronze statues that were on gables and a very sumptuous interior décor. That was when Amaterasu finally spoke up.

"If your theory serves to be correct then we need to cut this outing short, Jin. I'm sorry, I wish to see more, but that seems to be more important than reacquainting myself with modern Japan."

She said seriously. Inari and I look at each other and smirk which confuses the Sun Goddess.

"Well, we were kind of waiting for you to say that. We've been ready since I told you two about it."

I take out my phone, and text Suzaku to get ready, and that we'll be there soon. She replied instantly and said they'll be ready.

"Let's go then."

I've been to the Himejima territory once, although it was in the remake of [Dimension Lost], but I still know the general area.

Himejima Clan Territory

I teleported us a reasonable distance from the gates to the large territory of the clan. I could see many old-style homes and buildings in the distance. Most of them had black tile roofs, and the rest of the buildings were made of stone or wood.

I could sense Suzaku's aura not too far away from the gate. She was probably waiting there for us. Throughout the territory, I could feel my shadows on alert. Celestin and Ara were also with Suzaku.

I glance at Amaterasu and she had changed back to the attire I saw her in when I first met her. So it's business mode now, huh? Alright, game time, Jin. Keep your cool, and don't snap Suou Himejima's neck if he does or says anything to piss you off.

[Zen-like state, Partner.]

I know Ddraig. I take a deep breath before exhaling.

"Let's go."

We start walking towards the large brown gates. In the distance we could see Suzaku with Ara and Celestin. It didn't take us long to reach them.

"Suzaku, it's been some time."

"Yes it has, Amaterasu-sama. Thank you for coming here today. The same to you, Inari-sama."

"Hi, hi ~ I'm just tagging along."

Suzaku gives a small bow and starts walking away. Inari and Amaterasu walk beside her as I hang back with Celestin and Ara.

"Find anything in the clan?"

"No, but what Suzaku-sama said was true. They are quite skittish and prone to becoming defensive when I tried to speak with them, Jin-sama. I do not feel anything magical or other energy here, however, it does appear they are scared of something."

"…Smells weird."

Celestin explains and then Ara's comment makes us look at her. Smell?

"Smell? What do you mean by that, Ara?"

I ask her and she sniffs her surroundings again.

"…They smell weird. Suzaku doesn't smell strange. She smells normal, like Jin and Celestin. But the rest smell weird. I'm sorry, I can't elaborate, I haven't smelled it before…"

Ara says a bit dejectedly. I pat her on the head and reassure her it's fine.

"Don't worry about it. You helped us quite a bit, but tell me if you smell anything or anyone else like it, alright?"

She nods and we continue walking silently. The yard was quite large, as there were many Sakura trees there too, but they weren't blooming anymore so they were just green like any other tree. There were also a few man-made ponds around the place, with some having fish in them.

But the most distinct thing was that there were a lot of talismans and Shinto symbolism around the place. Whether they were simple small stone carvings or statues or even writing on a piece of paper. They were there.

"They are inside as well, Jin-sama, although they are fewer and far between."

Celestin sees me looking around and informs me. I see, well it makes sense since they worship the Shinto Gods. We eventually arrive at a large door and Suzaku pushes it open and we all go inside; it seems they were waiting for us to arrive before going in.

The entire territory was large, when I took a small bird's eye view. I didn't really bother looking at it in detail when I came here during the Kyoto attacks, but it's quite large. It makes me wonder how the other clans are, or even the East Youkai Faction. Well, whatever, I'll make contact with them sooner or later.

There were a few people passing by as we walked through the long hallways of the Himejima home, but as Suzaku and Celestin claim, they acted quite irrationally. In fact, they practically sprinted away when they saw me. Perhaps they know of my visit? Or just don't like my existence at all.

However, after around twenty minutes of walking, we arrive at another large door, and an image of a bird was carved into it. It looks like the Vermillion bird that Suzaku inherited, and it was also surrounded by small carvings of the sun. Above the bird is their interpretation of Amaterasu. She smiled bemusedly at it.

Suzaku finally pushes the door open and we step through.

"My apologies for the delay. Let us begin, shall we?"

She said while going to the head of the table. Suzaku was joined by Amaterasu and Inari. I along with Ara and Celestin stayed near the doors as I got many hateful glares.

"Why is HE here?"

One of the elder Himejima asks, not hiding his distaste for me being here. A few other others nod along to his question. Suzaku closes her eyes, then opens them again, and she sharply glares at the elder.

"This meeting was made possible by Jin. Please provide him with a healthy amount of respect."

The elder looks away while grumbling to himself. But even with all the hostility, they all seemed nervous. I use [Observe] on most of them, until I come across Suou Himejima. I felt my own blood pressure starting to rise, but I calm myself. No, it's—

Cúntóir: Answer: Please calm yourself.

My bad, thanks, Cúntóir. Even though I promised to stay composed, I nearly lost it there. Keep it cool, Jin— Keep it cool, Aaron… I close my eyes, crossed my arms and let them continue.

"Why have we been summoned here, Suzaku? I am busy with other things I must attend to."

Someone says, and a few agree with the female voice.

"Please be patient, the reason for this meeting is… To put it bluntly, Amaterasu-sama along with Inari-sama has come to Kyoto, and wanted to visit our clan."

The room burst into a flurry of mumbling. It seems they couldn't believe what Suzaku just said.

"Where are they then? Don't tell me it's those two women beside you?"

One of the older men asks with a scoff. I open my eyes to see the reactions this time, and I could see Suzaku smile and nod.

"Yes, it's as you said. To my left is Inari-sama, and to my right is Amaterasu-sama."

After she says that, they begin to laugh and snicker at her. However, none of the three women react. They just stare at them as they did. Even Suou who had been silent had a smug grin on him.

However, Amaterasu stepped forward and released some of her divine energy. Her body started to glow orange, and the same flames that they have manipulated for several hundred of years start to emit from her. The same symbol behind her start to appear as well, the kanji of 'sun' and of course, a small 'sun' appeared behind her too.

Those who had been laughing at her before stared in awe and terror at Amaterasu. Awe, that their Goddess they have worshiped for so many years just appeared before them, and terror because they just laughed and mocked her— Their Goddess. I couldn't help but grin this time. Even Suou's eyes were wide in surprise.


All of them shout at the same time, and put themselves in a seiza posture. Amaterasu stops emitting her aura and retracts it. Inari, who had been hiding her ears and tail, makes them appear too, so they were also equally shocked and become uneasy.

It was easy to tell what they were thinking. 'Why are they here?' or something along those lines, right? Suou who didn't do the same things as the other elders and higher-ups, does a small bow and then speaks up.

"Amaterasu-sama, Inari-sama, it is an honor that you have graced our clan with your presence. However, why have you come here?"

I could feel his emotion as he asked them calmly, but he was equally nervous at the sight of the two Goddesses in front of him. The one to answer Suou was his niece, Suzaku.

"Great-Uncle, as you know since you passed down the title of head to me, I have been responsible for our clan. I have tried many times to change our rules, and systems that have been with us since ancient times."

Suzaku starts and Suou's mood changes, from curious to apathetic. The same for the others who were still in the seiza posture. However, Suzaku is unfazed and continues.

"As you know, the Middleman behind you, Jin has been trying to unite all factions and pantheons across the supernatural world. A few months back he also had the Shinto Gods join the alliance, and since we are both friends, we made this meeting a possibility."

A few more disgruntled grumbles from a few elders. Amaterasu wasn't too impressed by their reaction. Maybe it was due to my current relationship with the Shinto Gods, and what she heard from Suzaku, Akeno and me a few months back. However, she probably had a low opinion on some of them already.

"Suzaku, get to the point. We don't have all day."

Suou interrupts her, appearing bored and annoyed at this point. Everyone looks at him, but he doesn't react all that much.


"Allow me to take over, Suzaku."

Suzaku starts to speak, but Amaterasu stops her and speaks for her instead. The rest of the elders, and higher-ups stiffen while Suou stares at her with not much emotion.

"I have heard of the stories from Suzaku, Akeno and Shuri."

Amaterasu starts with that. A few of the higher-up's eyes widen in shock. However, they couldn't hold their tone.

"What do you mean by that, Amaterasu-sama?! She was killed, we are sure of it! —Ah…"

The one who said that had to cover their mouth as they reflexively said it. The other elders glared at him as he sank lower to the floor. However, Amaterasu also stared back at him. She was definitely starting to get angry… But without missing a beat, Suzaku takes out her phone and plays a video.

It was during the first reunion in my— Our home, and it showed team Slash/Dog, Suzaku and my harem at the time enjoying themselves. Then Shuri suddenly came into view and asked why Suzaku was recording. In the video, Suzaku says that it will be useful in the future.

Damn, I didn't think Suzaku thought that far into the future... Once the video ended, the elders were quiet, and Suou looked pissed off. He also wasn't trying to hide it.

"Auntie Shuri is alive thanks to a miracle… Is what I would like to say, but we have Jin to thank for that."

Suzaku says and Amaterasu nods. Amaterasu then continues.

"Since we, the Shinto Gods first granted your clan, and the rest of the Five Principal Clans the ability to use one of the five elements of the five phases. We only wanted one thing done by these clans, and that was to protect the weak, the ones without power from the evil side of the supernatural."

She pauses to look around before continuing.

"For the first few years, we observed the way the clans used their powers. Many abided by our original rules, and once we were confident that these humans could do it, we left them to their own devices. We expected them to continue it, and yes, you still do, although to a lesser extent…"

She sharply glares at Suou making him slightly flinch.

"However, once Jin came to our realm, he brought along Akeno Himejima and Suzaku Himejima, and then we had a small conversation about what had been happening in the Himejima clan over the years."

Amaterasu then glances at me and smiles.

"That is the reason for the delay in this, Jin. After your departure from our realm, I initiated a full investigation into all Five Principal Clans. We found more information last week, so that is why we had to postpone this meeting."

I was shocked, no, I wasn't the only one, all the elders, Suou and even Suzaku. Inari quietly giggled to herself; it seems like she was aware of it. But they had been investigating since then? Talk about being meticulous… I was sort of expecting her to try to look into it, but not by this much.

"And not only the Himejima clan, we also investigated the other clans, and found their own 'dirty' deeds, to say the least. I have brought other representatives with me to inform the other clans as we speak. They had been informed a few days in advance."

Again, I was shocked. She had this all planned out? Shit girl, I feel like an amateur kid with what I planned…

[Don't worry, Partner. We're both idiots…!]

Although I am currently labeled as such, I would rather not be.


"So, today, we came up with a proposal. Since the ones who have been exiled or in the Himejima clan's and two other cases, executed. Those cannot be reversed, however, we tracked down the ones exiled, and they do not wish to return, however, these are the only ones we could find. There were many who we could not find."

"Our proposal would be to follow the new changes Suzaku wishes to implement. The other clans are being informed of the clause that Suzaku wishes to abide by from now on. I remember what it was when she first told me. Personally it sounds wonderful, and in reality, these new systems and rules are what the clans are supposed to follow, not what it had turned out to be."

She finishes and looks around the room. All the time as she spoke, Suou Himejima's anger was rising. Now, Suou wasn't inherently evil, he just followed what he thought Shintoism is. He is very inflexible, but as shown by sparing Akeno, he is capable of it. Although it did take a high-ranking devil family to convince him.

"Most of us know what Shintoism is, but to put it simply, it is purity, harmony, respect for nature, family respect, and subordination of the individual before the group. However, over the years, one of them was changed. We are not sure on who did it, but, the last point is the opposite."

"While we do believe it is in the best interests of the whole group over one individual, we did not mean to exile or execute them. A third option must be found, and a compromise must be struck. That is why we're disappointed by what we found in all the clans."

That last part Amaterasu mentioned, I kind of get it. To make it simple: Suppose an employee would like to obtain a big raise in his salary, beyond what is usual for his job. Doing so would not be in the general interest of the firm, as it would lose its competitiveness if it continues to pay too much to its employees. So they would fire the employee or create an environment where it would make them want to quit thus preventing the option of a raise.

"This is quite fair, mind you. We will begin to follow these new systems designed by Suzaku and the new rules. In turn, you will not be severely punished. We will let you—"

Amaterasu begins, but is cut off by Suou.

"And if we refuse?"

Following his words, the elders and higher-ups looked like they were going to piss themselves. Suzaku was equally surprised, Inari was amused by the response, however, Amaterasu looked at him in disbelief.

"Refuse? You wish to refuse this proposal, Suou Himejima?"

Amaterasu asks him. However—

"With all due respect, Amaterasu-sama. I don't think many in our clan, and not just ours, but all Five Principal Clans can change that easily. We have been following these systems and rules for a very long time. Implementing brand-new ones all of a sudden would do more harm than good. That is why we have been against Suzaku implementing them."

Suou says calmly and looks at Suzaku who stares back. But I speak this time.

"Humans have evolved so much in our time of existing. In a way, we're known for being the most adaptive and flexible species on a fundamental level. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, and you turn around now and say you can't change? Aren't you, in a way, failing the human race on a fundamental level then? Being unable to follow new systems and rules being developed by the younger generation."

We transitioned from unga bunga to communicating with each other using multiple complex languages all around the world. Additionally, we employ different religions and beliefs, have complex feelings, and have empathy. Most animals out there lack many of those. Now this fuck says they can't follow simple changes in rules and systems? Fucking please.

"You pride yourself on being human, suspicious of supernatural beings and foreign factions like Grigori and Grauzauberer. Even though nine times out of ten, they are trying to do good, or help people. You even discriminate against the ones that you're supposed to treat as family just because they fall in love with a different race or were born with a Sacred Gear."

"What part of Shintoism is that in? I may not be knowledgeable of the religion as a whole, because before I found out the supernatural was real, you could have called me an atheist. Even if I believed, I wanted proof. Anyway, where in your religion does it state you could execute a family member for falling in love with a different race? Or exile them for not being able to use flame manipulation? Or even having a Sacred Gear, they literally have no control if they are born with it or not."

"I've seen supernatural beings more flexible and adaptive than you, devils, fallen angels, and angels. They wanted to unite first. Following that, other factions and pantheons began to change. Even though most supernatural beings abide by strict rules in their own society that has existed way longer than you. And you can't change? What does that say about you? As an individual?"

I finish saying and glare at Suou, my own power starting to fluctuate. However, Cúntóir started to regulate it. Thank you. But Suou was looking at me even more pissed off now.

"Well said."

Inari winks at me and I sigh at her. They may occasionally compromise, but it is far too rare and infrequent. It's a lot more frequent now thanks to Suzaku being head of the clan now, but the elders, higher-ups and I would guess Suou still has some kind of influence on them. At this rate, she has to wait until they all kick the bucket before being able to change anything.

"You should be encouraging this change, teaching the new generation that change is okay, and it's not scary. Not scaring them into thinking that it's wrong, otherwise all this shit will just repeat."

I sigh and look at Suou who was trembling in anger. Well, go ahead, blow up. Even if I just insult your very existence, and question your entire belief system. However, in the tense silent room, another elder puts his hand up and speaks.

"M-May I inquire about the punishment if we— Er, Suou refuses?"

Suou turns his glare at the other elder and they flinch back.

"…The punishment is taking away flame manipulation for the Himejima clan, well, just for certain members as punishment. The ones who do not wish to change. This will apply to the other clans too, and until we see noticeable changes within you, you will not gain the power back."

She says rather bluntly shocking the rest of them into another round of silence.

Clap ~ Clap ~

"Wonderfully said, Amaterasu-sama."

We turn our attention to the found. There stood a middle-aged man in his forties in a three-piece suit, with wavy brown hair. When we see him, more people become shocked, apart from Amaterasu, Inari, Ara, Celestin and I.

"Y-You are…"

Suou was the most shocked out of all of them, after that was Suzaku. The man in front of us right now was Hanezu Himejima. He was the former founder and leader of the Utsusemi Agency, the one who mind controlled Sae and nearly got her killed. The one who started the Four Fiends Project, the one who kidnapped and killed their classmates.

He was supposedly killed by Tobio when he first achieved his Balance Breaker at the time, but it seems he's alive, and I have a sneaking suspicion of who might have revived him…

"Hanezu Himejima."

He looks at me as I say his name and smiles.

"Good day to you, Dual Dragon Emperor and Middleman. Yes, it is I, Hanezu. I am alive and well. I managed to reattach my decapitated head."

He says with a low chuckle and then looks at Amaterasu.

[Why aren't you attacking him, Partner?]

That's not real, it's like a hologram or something like that. I also can't sense him in Kyoto either, so it's safe to assume he has Azrael's blood in him.

[Ah, I see. Could this be the 'bad feeling' Suzaku felt?]


"I agree with what the Middleman said, and Amaterasu, however, there is one thing that differs from those opinions. Perhaps before I was exiled, I would have loved those suggestions, however, Suou burned that bridge a long time ago."

He grins at Suou.

"I still want to destroy the Himejima clan, and the rest of the Five Principal Clans, and that hasn't changed since I was resurrected!"


I put my hand out and covered all of the Himejima clan members, the other clan members of the Five Principals and the Gods. I also covered their representatives that I could sense.


"W-What did you do?!"

Suou shouts at Hanezu. He then sends a fire attack at Hanezu but it passes through him.

"Forgive me for not being able to come here personally. I still have a few things to deal with. Being part of the Seekers of Truth is busy work after all."


He's part of it?!

"Let me tell you a little something. The ones who hold resentment against all the clans have banded together and created a small group within Khaos Brigade, and we will rain terror upon all of you sooner or later… But, let us start with an appetizer, yes? Do your best to defend against it, Suou Himejima."

After he says that, he fades away. I quickly scan the five clans and see that all the members were safe. Buildings and structures were the only things damaged. I quickly target the normal Kyoto population and wipe their memories of what just happened. After that, I cover all the territories of the Five Principal Clans with a barrier.

Perhaps this was a planned attack, but with no clear goal other than to scare them. However, Hanezu seems to have summoned a large number of cryptids and divine beasts again... He wasn't against hurting innocent people, huh? Thankfully they were far enough from these clans.

"Ara, Celestin."


"Of course, Jin-sama."

Both Electa disappeared and the rest of us were left there. I glance at both Goddesses and they nod.

"Well… Time to kill these things then. Ddraig, Albion, let's go."

[Welsh Dragon!]

{Vanishing Dragon!}

{[Balance Breaker!!!]}

I enter my Dual Balance Breaker which I hadn't used in a while. I look at everyone else and smile at Suzaku.

"We can continue this discussion after this is over. For now, we help defend your territory. My shadows are already helping the others, but I'll head over and check up on them just in case."

No one argued with what I said. Suzaku starts giving out orders while Suou does the same. I glance at Amaterasu and Inari as they come to my side. I finally teleported out. Once outside, I could see many Cryptids and Divine Beasts but—

"Heh, let's give it a try then! [Balance Break!]"

Unexpectedly, a robbed individual shouted, causing him to be consumed by light. Once it died down, his back was covered in eight spider legs!

"What is that?"

Inari asks curiously but also shocked at the sudden transformation. Are these things perhaps the Artificially created independent type Sacred Gears made by Avezza? No, there's no guarantee that Avezza was the one who made it. It could be Satanael, or even Promestein. Regardless…

"Leave him to me. I guess you two want to help out, right? Please be careful. Actually, I'll just leave two shadows with you guys, actually. Anyway—"

Fwosh! Boom!

I left them and kicked the new Sacred Gear user. Cúntóir, please analyze this as well. How is the other one coming along?

Cúntóir: Answer: The teleportation item is around 47% complete. Scanning this wielder won't be a problem. However, you should either defeat him now, or prolong your fight.

I want to see what it can do, so I'll prolong it for a bit, but yeah after that I'll just knock him out.

"Dual Dra!!—"


He tries to say something, but I flew towards him and elbowed him in the gut. He let out a pained yelp. However, he attacks me regardless of the pain he is feeling. Suddenly, all eight spider legs behind him extend outward and reach out to touch me. However—



Since I had already touched him earlier, I halved his power, and the legs that were coming towards me began to shrink, losing their speed and power.

"Damn you!"

He cups his hands together and creates balls of webs? They quickly increase in size and he throws them at me! I dodge them, but once the balls of web land on the ground, they explode, expand and cover everything in strong looking webs.

"That's weird… You're like a really weird version of Spider-Man. Should I call you Spooder-Man instead?"

For some reason, this angers him further and he begins screaming at me incoherently. He continues to attack me with the balls of web and the spider limbs. I kept on dodging while waiting for Cúntóir to be done with the analys—

Cúntóir: Answer: I am—

Don! Don! Don!

When I heard Cúntóir's voice, I quickly threw a barrage of punches at the man I was fighting; he tried to defend himself with his limbs and some web, but they weren't effective. My attacks were imbued with [Penetrate] so they got past his defenses even easier. I didn't need to do that, but I felt like it.

The guy falls to the ground unconscious and I land beside him. I check his memories, but all I got was just him receiving the Sacred Gear, and he was told that it was a prototype. However, Hanezu Himejima was the one who gave him it.

Maybe Lapis figured out that I was reading their minds and started to keep everything as vague as possible? It's not beyond her… But the thought does irritate me to no end. So, what is it, Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: This Artificial Sacred Gear was based on the spider called Darwin's bark spider. Currently, it is the species of spider that has the strongest spider silk. One of the researchers combined them with a Divine Beast's DNA, and created this artificial Sacred Gear. This was its Crest side subspecies Balance Breaker.

When Cúntóir finished telling me that, a spider crawls out from the guy's back and onto his chest. It then bears its fangs at me. I don't know how long they had been together, but it was obvious that it was attached to him. Is there anything I can do about this?

Cúntóir: Answer: We can wipe its memories and find a proper wielder for it. We don't need to worry about killing the wielder since artificial Sacred Gears are not bound to the soul of the wielder. Proceed with this suggestion?

Go for it. By putting my palm in front of the spider, it was covered in a short burst of bright light before falling asleep. Next was this guy. I tie him up in my [Mana Chains], seal his powers, and teleport him into the meeting room. I leave a note saying who it was and what I did to him.

"Alright, what's next?"

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