Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 9 – Part 2 – Clan-tastic, Suzaku and Meruem

Japan, Kyoto

Himejima Clan Territory

Jin Skyward

Let's get rid of the rest of the attackers here first and go from there. As I flew around killing Cryptids and Divine Beasts, I saw many of the Himejima clan members also fighting to defend their territory. Many of these were competent fighters, some were okay and a few were designated as healers or supports.

Seeing Suou Himejima fighting at his old age was something, but he was still a capable fighter. His offense was good, but his defense definitely lacked because of age. One hit and that guy would probably die…

Fwsh!!! Boom!!!

I land beside Suzaku as she casually kills a lot of the monsters here.

"Things are alright here?"

"Yes, the ones who can't fight have retreated back into the building. You probably saw the rest?"

"Yeah, anyway, let's get this finished soo—"



A large explosion occurred, and a very angry voice resounded throughout the area. From the explosion came a tall man with an athletic build. He wore some casual clothes that consisted of a blue shirt, black jeans, and brown brogue shoes. He has short, spiky white hair with black tips. It appears that he dyed his hair from natural black to white. He also has brown eyes like Shuri. He also had a necklace around his neck with a ring on it.

I hear Suzaku gasp beside me as she stares in shock at the person in front of us. What? Is he someone significant or something?


She grips my arm and stares at the man. I felt her shaking a bit. Suou was also quite shocked to see this individual. It's one thing after another today…


The man grins and starts walking slowly towards us.

"What? Aren't you glad to see me? Dad?"

He says with a grin. Wait, what? D-Dad? Is that Suou's kid? Holy shit, they look nothing alike! Well, Suou is old… He notices Suzaku and I before laughing.

"Kuhahaha! It seems little Suzaku has found a little boyfriend, huh? It's also the Middleman and the Dragon of the Factions! I like it, I like your taste, Zaku-chan! I heard from Nezu-chan that Shuri is alive again? At least that's something good to know!"

Nezu-chan? Ah, does he mean Hanezu?

"Hey, boyfriend-kun! I'm Atsutarou Himejima, that old fuck's kid. Nice to meet ya! I won't go down today, but I did want to come say hi."

Suddenly a light-blue ring appears on his left wrist, and on his right wrist was a dark-red ring. He grins and appears in front of Suou who was taken by surprise.


However, I appear in front of Suou in time to block the attack. I cancel whatever effect it had and Atsutarou jumps away with a grin.

"Haaa… Why did you have to go and do that? You hate him too, right? So why defend him?"

He asks me with anger and confusion.

"Death would be an easy release and punishment for Suou."

I would personally want to see him suffer before his death, but I won't say that last part out loud. He made others suffer, so it would be appropriate to do the same thing to him, let him suffer for the rest of his days before his inevitable end. Atsutarou Himejima smirks at me.

"I get where you're coming from. I see, I get it. I like that approach! Well, it doesn't matter, see ya."

He begins to leave when I appear beside him and grab his arm. He expected this and smirks before cutting off his own arm! I didn't expect that and when I try to grab his other arm and seal his powers—

"I can get a new one, no big deal."

Following those words, he disappeared. Cúntóir, what the hell were those rings?

Cúntóir: Answer: It seems to be an artificially created Sacred Gear. A light-blue right ring seems to attract anything to its user, while a dark-red one appears to repel. My hypothesis is that he was planning to pull out Suou Himejima's heart and organs out of his body.

Well, I guess Atsutarou's hatred for Suou is more than mine since the first thing he tried to do was rip Suou's guts out. But why were they so shocked? Was he supposed to be dead or something? I'll ask Suzaku about it since she was equally as shocked.

"…Let's get back to it then."

Nakiri Clan Territory



Boom! Boom!

Weak, why are these things weak? Was I and the other three this weak? If so, it's embarrassing. I am glad Jin didn't erase all of our memories, and I hold no resentment to him, in fact I feel grateful for this opportunity. I do not know what those two think, but this is mine.

Celestin and I decided to go to another clan territory, and I picked this location because according to him Jin has a fan here. I want to meet him, someone who likes Jin and isn't someone labeled as a 'lover' to him. According to Celestin, he also has a member of his immediate family member named Millicas.

"Who the hell is this bitch?!"

"Who cares! Kill her! It's just one person!"

Apart from Cryptids and Divine Beasts, there were some magicians here too. They are both male, so they are probably from Nilrem, or just stray magicians hired by that Hanezu person. They sent multiple elemental attacks my way, but I easily dodge them.

"Why is she so fast?!"

"Shut up and keep attacking!"

Looking around the territory while dodging their attacks, I was able to see many of the Nakiri clan members defending their homes. Especially their current head, the young Ouryuu Nakiri. He was in some sort of transformation and he looked like a golden humanoid dragon.

He was easily the strongest combatant in this place, not including the shadow soldiers of Jin. He was a clear master of his craft and technique, while the others in the clan used the power of Earth manipulation as that's what was granted to them by the Shinto Gods.

"Don't get distracted!"

One of the magicians foolishly approaches me and I catch him by the throat. They are clearly more suited for range combat rather than close combat, why would he do something so stupid? Maybe Jin can use them? A transparent white snake appears from my arm and bites the magician on the neck. He starts to convulse before passing out. I throw him into some nearby bushes and face the other one.

"What the hell?! Fuck thi—"

He begins to escape when I stop him. I do the same thing as what I did to his comrade, and throw him in the same bush.


Boom! Boom!

The young clan head was suddenly pushed back by a large blast of aura from someone. I, along with many others, turned to look at who sent the attack. A middle-aged man in what looked like to be a golden business suit with a black dragon design on his arms floated there. He has wings on his back and was grinning at Ouryuu.

"Who are you?!"

Ouryuu asks in anger. He was most likely stressed because of the sudden appearance of the Gods' representatives, then ordering them to follow brand-new rules and systems, and now their home being attacked. In all honesty, if what Celestin said was true, he is the most cooperative out of all of them not including Suzaku Himejima.

"Well, you don't know me. However, if I say the name Nakagami Nakiri, would that ring any bells?"

The man says and Ouryuu seemed shocked. According to Celestin, the previous head, before the current Ouryuu, was Nakagami Nakiri. He apparently caused some trouble for both Vali Lucifer and Tobio Ikuse a few years ago. Nakagami Nakiri was also known as the 'Ouryuu' of his time before passing on the title to the current 'Ouryuu'.

In a way, the title 'Ouryuu' is just a title; the current Ouryuu was originally Ryuuta Nakiri, but when he was appointed head, he changed it to 'Ouryuu'. According to Celestin, Nakagami Nakiri was hailed as the strongest Ouryuu before Ryuuta became the head.

If you ask Ouryuu (Ryuuta) Nakiri who was stronger between him and Nakagami Nakiri, he would say that Nakagami Nakiri was stronger. That's how much he respected his elder cousin.

"W-What did you do to my eldest cousin?!"

Ouryuu (Ryuuta) Nakiri shouts at the man and he grins.

"Do to him? What do you mean, Ryuuta-kun? We're just working together with Khaos Brigade, that's all."

The previous energy of the clan members drained; shock was clearly evident on all their faces. I do not know the details, but it would be logical to assume that Nakagami Nakiri must have been exiled for whatever he did a few years ago. Perhaps they didn't expect him to join a terrorist organization, but who is this man then? He says he works together with Nakagami Nakiri.

Ouryuu (Ryuuta) Nakiri's face paled, and a look of disbelief was stretched across his face.

"We have very smart people in our organization, so re-creating the Sacred Beasts as Divine Beasts and giving it to Nakagami Nakiri was quite easy you know? He has his own 'Yellow Dragon' now, kukuku ~"

He grins and powers up. This power… He was much stronger than Ouryuu even in his golden humanoid dragon form. A dark draconic aura covers the Nakiri clan's skies. He may have his own humanoid dragon form, and he may have crucial information. Therefore, I need to capture him for Jin.

I put my hand out and send an attack his way. A large translucent white snake shoots from my palm and shoots toward him at unbelievable speed. However, to my surprise, it passes through him, and he grins at me.

"Ah, ah, ah ~ you can't do that, Cutie-chan. You don't even know what I can do, so your attacks won't work on me, kukuku ~"

He says happily. That was just a normal attack. Then how about this? I did the same attack again, but added something else. He stood there with his same grin and—



The attack hit and he is injured quite heavily. He had a look of shock on his face.

"This little bitch… I can't continue like this; I need to leave."

He begins to fly away, but I appear in front of him.

"I won't let you."



I land on the ground after my kick sends him down there. He became even more injured but still had enough strength to get up and glare at me. When I held out my hand, I bound him with snakes, and he couldn't break them.



I turn to my side and defend myself. I felt someone's attack target me and I avoided being hit directly. That attack was quite powerful as it sent me away from the man I had been standing in front of.

"I can't let you do that yet, little one."

However, when I look back, a small portal was there and a voice spoke from it.

"Tch, I could have gotten away by myself."

The man complained.

Now, now, don't be mad, and retreat for the moment. You can be modified and strengthened further. Ah, yes, greetings from another member of the Seekers of Truth…"

The voice says and the man I had bound by snakes was quickly pulled into the portal by an invisible force...… I failed my mission? I have to tell Jin that there was another member… But I have to help this clan first.

"I failed… I failed…"

I'm a new Electa, yet I failed. Even though I was stronger than any of them. Did I underestimate them too much? Did I play around for too long? This failure is on my part…

"Ouryuu, I along with Jin's shadow soldiers will take care of the rest. Please go back with the representative."

I look at him, and then at the representative. They were weaker than Ouryuu from what I can tell. Ouryuu tries to argue—

"No! I can help defend my territory! I am the clan head, it's my responsibility!"

He is still young…

"I understand, but right now, keeping the Shinto representative alive and well is of primary importance; I will leave this to you. Also, you're in some emotional turmoil right now, so please leave the rest to us."


Ouryuu couldn't argue, he himself knows that what that man said got to him emotionally. For someone who looks up to Nakagami Nakiri that new information must have shaken him up quite a bit.

"…I understand. Please try to keep the damage to a minimum."

"Jin will probably repair all the damage done, don't worry about it."

He nods, exits his transformation before running towards their large home. I turn back to see that the shadows were still fighting the rest of the Cryptids and Divine Beasts.

"…I will redeem myself right now, even if it's just a little."

Doumon Clan Territory


Don! Don! Bam!

"Excuse me."

I say this as I land near members of the Doumon clan.

"Eh?! W-Who are you?!"

One of them was so surprised that they screamed.

"He is a subordinate of the Middleman. Thank you for coming to our aid."

A person says, it seems they are the representative that Amaterasu-sama was speaking of. I nod at him, and turn to the other clan members and bow.

"I am Celestin. I will be providing aid to the Doumon clan."

I left the large courtyard and start taking down the monsters that were running amok around the place. They were not that strong as most of them ranged from True Satan-class to Low-tier God class.

As the numbers of the monsters start to decrease, I notice that some of them were converging at a certain point. Many of the clan members were also running away from that part. Therefore, I make my way there. Once I arrived there, I saw a certain member that Jin-sama knew. It was Genbu Doumon.

Although she was fighting many Cryptids and Divine Beasts alone, she was slowly becoming overwhelmed by the one she was facing. I appear beside her and kill the ones who were about to attack her.

"Eh? W-Who are…?"

"I am here, courtesy of the Middleman. I am a subordinate."

"Ah… Like that Onee-san from a few months ago."

Is she speaking about Elsa? She did say she was the one to help this clan out during the attacks of the Hero Faction. Suddenly a medium-sized turtle starts to make its way towards us. It was spinning rapidly while in its shell and was hitting many of the monsters.

"P-Please help us, Onii-san!"

"With pleasure."

The Black tortoise, the Sacred Beast of the Doumon clan finally arrives by our side as it looks at both of us before nodding.

"Well then, allow me."

Covering my entire body with touki, I quickly dispatched the monsters that were around the area. A simple punch and kick does the trick, and they die quickly.


[Hmm? Ara, how can I help you?]

Ara contacts me as I mow down the monsters in my stead. However, I did not need to put much thought into it. Therefore, I focused on speaking with her.

[I just encountered another exiled member of the Nakiri clan. Maybe a few of them plan on revealing themselves today to each of their clans, so stay alert and be on the lookout if they arrive. I informed Jin about the one I faced, but they got away…]

She sounded quite disappointed with herself, although she didn't sound too upset since Jin-sama must not have scolded her.

[Affirmative, I will try to capture them if they appear. Has Jin-sama said anything about the Shinra and Kushihashi clans?]

[Yes, God Serena is on his way to the Kushihashi clan, and Jin will go to the Shinra clan by himself.]

[Very well, are you nearly done with your end? If you are please help repair as much as you can before heading to where Jin-sama is. I will also do the same. I will contact God Serena after.]


Our link breaks down after we finish speaking. God Serena is being sent to the Kushihashi clan? It certainly is fitting that the Eight Dragon God is going to meet the Azure Dragon inheritor. I wonder how it will turn out. From what Jin-sama said before they don't seem to be the type to get along well with God Serena's personality.

Don! Don!

I eliminate a large Cryptid and jump back to Genbu.

"This area is secured. If you are injured, please make your way to the center of your clan as they have made their way there for healing. —Ah, yes, please take these too."

I hand her a small object. She takes it and looks at it curiously.

"A small but significant item that a fellow energetic subordinate created not too long ago. Once you get there, just throw it to the ground and it will activate a healing barrier that will last an hour."

Shaula has made more of these during her stay at her home in the ring. She has other ones like this that do different actions. She also created something similar to Jin-sama's [Training Facility] and [Pocket Dimension] although on a smaller scale.

"T-Thank you!"

She hurriedly ran away after bowing. Even though she inherited the Black Tortoise, she is quite shy. However, I see a lot of potential in her. She has yet to unlock it all, although that is the case with many of the beings in the world— Well, the ones Jin-sama hasn't helped train.


"Hmm. Could this be the exiled member that Ara warned me about?"

That explosion was near the entrance of the territory, so I quickly get there and to my surprise, it was two of them. A male and a female.

"Yahoo ~ we're back ~"

The female said while blowing a kiss towards the clan members who were still engaged in a fight. I arrive and stand near the front. Why are they doing this? Does their grudge run that deep? Perhaps I do not know much about being exiled since Jin-sama will never do such a thing. It's a foreign feeling…


They land on the ground with force, and at the same time, I start to quietly and sneakily set up a trap for them... The female has red and yellow hair that is tied in twin tails. She has sharp blue eyes and wears a black tight bodysuit.

The male beside her has short messy blue and white hair, grey eyes, and wore some kind of kimono that has turtle patterns on it. However, he had a look of fury on his face.

"Still as shitty and stuffy as always, huh, geezer? Still alive and still the shitty head? I'm not even surprised."

The male asks while glaring at an elder. So he's the current head? He seems to be just around his late forties.

"Gekshii and Kameko?! We thought you two had died!"

The head says, but the two didn't seem impressed by what he said.

"Died?! You sent out assassins to kill us! Just because we couldn't use the water manipulation of our clan! So much for family, huh?!"

The male named Gekshii shouts at the head, but he didn't seem fazed by it. He just shakes his head sadly.

"No, you are wrong, Gekshii. You know at the time my twin brother had as much influence as I did. He was the one who ordered mercenaries to hunt down and kill the two of you. We found out not too long after your deaths, and we punished him by execution."

"Liar! Those assassins clearly said that you sent them!"

Both exiled member starts to increase their power output, so I finally activated my trap earlier.

Shing! Shing!

"Wha—?! I-I can't move?!"

"Khhh, Nii-san!"

Nii-san? Ah, so they're siblings. I fix my glasses and walk towards them. Earlier, I deployed invisible magic disabling threads all around where they stood. All I needed was a bit of time to set them up. I didn't want them to notice, so it was a slightly slow process.

"Hmm. Capture complete. These two had a clear intent of harming you and your clan members. Many are already injured. However, let us wait until this is over before we start speaking of punishments and the like, yes?"

"Fuck you! Let us go, you shitty butler! We want our revenge!"

Gekshii screams at me while Kameko keeps on trying to break the threads but has no luck. I walk closer to him, tap his head and his eyes roll back into his head before going limp.

"W-What did you do?!"

The head asks in panic; however, I turn around and put my hand up.

"Please calm yourself down. I simply knocked him out. We don't want them to continue struggling, now do we?"

I asked them, but they didn't say anything other than to nod and agree with me.

"Wonderful, now then, please move everyone to a safer part of your home. I, along with Jin-sama's soldiers will deal with the rest of these pests. I will also keep these two young ones near me. In case their allies try to retrieve them."

They try to protest but I 'stare' at them and they back away.

"V-Very well, please come to the center of the clan when this is all over…"

The head says before turning around and addressing some others to go back with him. Some decided to stay and help me out. We did not need them, but if they insist, I won't stop them. I turn to the female sibling who was still awake, but was now terrified of me.

"Don't worry… Jin-sama will be happy to probe that brain of yours…"


I smile at her. Tears start to stream down her cheek as she was terrified.

"Of course, none of that will happen if you tell me everything you know…"

I purposely left out the part that no physical harm will come to her when Jin-sama 'probes' her mind. He is simply just looking through her memories. But a bit of a scare is essential in an interrogation, no?

"Everything! I'll tell you everything!!"

"Splendid. Sit tight, I shall finish these things first before you tell me."

"Y-Yes sir!!!"

I finally left to deal with the monsters still destroying the territory. Perhaps I will get some praise from Jin-sama after this. Fufu.

Kushihashi Clan Territory

God Serena


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Marvelous! I am magnificent! These fools cannot beat me, fufufufufu! Jin-sama has entrusted me with the task of defending the Kushihashi clan! Perhaps he picked me because I have dragon-slaying magic, or he just picked me at random! However, regardless of the real reason, I will fulfill this task flawlessly!

"Who the heck is this guy?!"


I turn around to address this weakling!

"I am God Serena! One of the Middleman's subordinates! Have you not met my fellow colleague, old man Zeno?!"

A young bespectacled man steps forward and fixes his glasses.

"I see, so the Middleman has sent us aid. We will gladly accept it."

The current wielder of the Sacred Beast, the Azure Dragon, Seiryuu Kushihashi. Hmm, I definitely feel a dragon within the young man, however, he hasn't fully mastered the power yet! He still has room to grow!

"Inheritor of the Azure Dragon, you are still green."

"I agree."

Oh? Looks can be deceiving, or perhaps he was shocked by old man Zeno a few months back? Fuahahaha! Well maybe making him a bit more humble is a positive thing!

"Well then let me show you how a dragon truly fights!"

I turn to face a plethora of Cryptids and Divine Beasts! Gathering a large amount of flames in my mouth, I then unleashed them in front of me!

"Purgatory Dragon's… Roar!!!!!!!!"


I release a huge stream of flame from my mouth, consuming everything in front of me! The screams of agony from those monsters was a joy to hear! I had not been able to fight for a while. The last time I did was against Ignia, and it was quite easy, unfortunately. The young dragon had the guts and enthusiasm, but ultimately came up short.

However, I did prolong it as much as I could! Perhaps I could be called a battle maniac?! Looking back at the scene in front of me, many of the monsters had been killed by my breath attack alone.

"Huuu… Alright, next!"

Flying towards another section of the territory, I come across another group of Kushihashi clan members fighting many cryptids. Of course, they were losing and were heavily injured. I land in the middle of them and throw them up into the air.

"W-What the!?—"



"My underwear!!"

Hmm? I look at my right hand and it appears that I have… Someone's boxer briefs! Disgusting! So I burn them away. However, I hear someone screaming above me but I ignore it! I face the monsters that are around me and cover my entire body with lightning!

"Bow down to a Dragon God! Fuahahaha! Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist!!"

I punch the air in front of me releasing an enormous high-speed lightning blast in the shape of a fist! It instantaneously reaches the monsters and hits them!


The attack generates a massive sparking explosion! However, it doesn't stop there! The lightning that was surging everywhere at that spot starts to hit the other monsters that weren't hit by the initial blast and attack!


The monsters around me all perish! Once the humans I threw up start coming down, I create small balls of wind to stop them from turning into red mists!

"My life flashed before my eyes…"

"…I want to be a healer from now on…"

"My boxer briefs!!!!"

What annoying complaining! They should be grateful that I, God Serena saved them from certain death!

[Serena, do you hear me?]

[Celestin! Do you need something from me?!]

[…Yes, to make it short, Ara and I speculate that you may encounter an exiled member of the clan, as we have. So keep an eye out, and see if you can capture them for interrogation.]

Hoho? If they have the guts to do so, have at me!

[If I can? That is an insult, Celestin! Of course, I can, I will capture them, I am God Serena after all!]

[Very well, I will leave it up to you then.]


"The timing couldn't have been more perfect."

After the communication with Celestin was cut, I felt a surge of power near the inner sanctuary of the clan. I quickly make my way there and when I reach it, I was quite surprised.

"Weak. You're the inheritor of the Azure Dragon? Why would it pick such a weakling? Can't you see, I am the true inheritor? Tch, it doesn't matter now anyway."

A man with long green hair and brown eyes looks down at a defeated Seiryuu Kushihashi. The inheritor looks up at the long-haired man with anger.

"Even if you do this, nothing will come of it. The decision to banish you was not up to me or the head. You committed a crime, and you were punished for it."

The green-haired boy's power increases and the ground around him begins to warp. His anger rising at what Seiryuu said.

"I was framed, and yet you didn't even consider that, and simply exiled me. You have no idea what kind of life I've lived these past seven years! ...For that, you all deserve to di—"

Don! Boom!

"Enough speeches!"

I punched the exiled member away with a fist covered in flames. However, what surprised me was that he managed to block it on time. Although I was holding back and casually doing it, this young man has some keen instincts!

"…Who the hell are you?"

Bringing my right arm in front of my face, and my left to my hip, I make a pose!

"I am! God! Serena!"


The green-haired boy sends some kind of green attack towards me! From the looks of it… It's Dragon Slayer magic! Perfect! My fist is shrouded in darkness!

"Rejoice, boy. Twilight Dragon's Night Slash!"

The attack that he sent to me was tiny compared to the stream of jet-black darkness that consumed his attack and then himself. Before he was hit, a look of shock flashed across his face!


Once my attack was finished, the green-haired boy stood there, clutching his right arm, which was bleeding profusely! Hmm-hmm! I held back, but he did quite well and is still standing. Marvelous! Perhaps he has a lot of potential!

"Boy! State your name!"

"…Akishi Kushihashi…!"

Akhishi glares up at me and increases his power even more! Yes! Yes! This one is ideal! He is not going to run away, nor is he going to use underhanded tactics! He wishes to finish this small bout of ours with our raw power! Marvelouuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssss!!!

A green aura covers his entire body, and what looks like an image of a green dragon appears behind him! Hoho! As I suspected! His attack earlier did have some dragon-slaying properties to it! However, the image behind him becomes solid!



His aura and power spiked even more! Incredible! Simply incredible! I did not expect to have a fun battle here, but this world definitely has surprises, does it not, Jin-sama?! Fuahahahaha!! I will return it in kind then!

"Dragon Fangs!"


Eight dragons appear from the ground and fly into the sky! Each of them has different colors and represents a different element! Yes, that is right, it is me fully displaying what my powers are! Rejoice, boy— No, Akishi!!

Fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, stone, light and darkness! Akishi looks at the dragons that appeared in awe and horror.

"I am the Eight Dragon God Serena! Remember that well, Akishi! Allow me to use a more advanced technique of my ability!"

The dragons that appeared disappeared back into me!


Powering up using my wind dragon slayer magic, the entire territory is covered in a strong wind— No, a large tornado encompasses the entire territory! I grin at the young man as he looks around our surroundings and then back at me.

"Hit me with your best."

I tell the young man as he screams and charges at me with the remaining power within him! He condenses it all into his right fist, and then strikes me with it!



"…Not bad."


His attack did nothing to me. It was expected, however, he did seem to have learned something from this, so it wasn't a waste! But…

"Survive this."


I kicked him in the chest and sent him flying up into the air! Aiming both of my arms into the sky I then bring them down! The wind in the entire territory converges into a single spot, and instantly creates a giant sharp blade of wind!

"Gale Dragon God's Falcata."

Fwshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Boooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!! Woooooooshhh!!!

The enormous blade of wind smashes into Akishi! Cuts, and multiple kinds of injuries appear all over his body! He wasn't only hit by the force of the wind, but was also cut up by it, and he was also attacked internally as the sharp blades from the attack went into his body from his ears, mouth and nose!

Once the attack was over, the body fell to the ground with a loud thud. I walk over and check his pulse.

"Hmm. He is still alive, but barely."

I rummage through my pocket and took out a small ball of slime. I then throw it at the injured Akishi. Jin-sama gave this to me knowing full well I may seriously injure someone, but I did not expect it to be an enemy, rather, I expected it to be a clan member.

Once the slime touches his body, it briefly glows and his injuries start to heal. However, I punch him in the stomach since he looked like he was starting to wake up. I turn around and look at the clan members staring at me.

"Get a rope. Now!"

They did not go against my orders; they did just see me display my powers. Once some of them come back with rope, I tie the young youth with it and touch my ear.

[I'm done on my end, Celestin.]

[I could tell, even with a barrier around each territory, the surge in your power, and our eyes being designed to see through many things, seeing a large tornado appear out of thin air…]

[Fuahahaha! Yes, yes, I did not think I would get that fired up! So, is the only one left the Shinra clan?]

[Yes, Ara and I are going there now. But please try to repair some of the damage you caused before joining us.]

[You are aware that I am built to destroy and not create, right?]

[We all have the ability to repair things, God Serena. Do not try to get out of tedious work.]

…Damn him! Fine, whatever! I will repair this pathetic place up to my standards! Fuahahahaha! …I still hate cleaning.

Himejima Clan Territory

Jin Skyward

That should be it then. It didn't take long to kill them, and I also turned them into new shadow soldiers. Honestly, the Divine Beasts and Cryptids are probably the highest-numbered shadows I currently have.

"Alright, I'll get going…"

However, when I begin to fly up, I felt someone grab my arm. I turn around to see Suzaku there. I dismiss my Dual Balance Breaker and face her fully. Inari and Amaterasu were also there.

"Is something wrong, Suzaku?"

"Please be careful."

"I'll be fine."

I guess it's in her personality. Since the death of Shuri, and Tobio being exiled she has become very protective of the one she really cares about. But she knows that I— Am I being insensitive? Relationships are complicated… I pat her on the head.

"I will. Can you two stay here?"

Both Amaterasu and Inari nod. Right then, I float back up and fly towards the Shinra clan's territory.

Shinra Clan Territory

It didn't take me long to get here. Since change is taking place right now, can I somehow get Tsubaki back to her clan? I mean, if she wants to, if she doesn't, it's not a big deal. I'll tell her soon then. Looking around the place, the clan members of the Shinra clan were doing alright. Most were able to defend themselves.

Out of the five phases, the Shinra clan was something I was looking forward to seeing. If the Nakiri clan was earth, the Himejima fire, the Kushihashi wood, Doumon water, then the Shinra is either Metal or Void. If I base it on Shintoism then void, if it's based on the Chinese five phases then metal…

"It's DXD so it could be both too…"

Floating here, I could see Byakko Shinra, the inheritor of the Sacred Beast White Tiger sprinting around pummeling the monsters that got close to him. He didn't do it in one hit or anything, but he did it quick enough that he was fighting True Satan-class to Low God-class beings.

"Did I influence too many people? They seem way too strong for the current time in the timeline, although I don't really care, but it makes trying to follow any semblance of 'canon' a bit harder…"

Hmm? Now that I look at it, I can feel a familiar aura. Did Amaterasu…? I briefly checked the other clans with the shadows and the representatives there didn't look like people I knew of met before when I was over in the Shinto realm.

I decide to go to the aura, and on my way there I kill the monsters that were in my way. There is no sign of the exiled members of the clan, so for now I'll check out why they were picked for this. It didn't take me long to reach them, and once I was there, I called out to them.


"…Mmm? Ah, Jin-san!"

It was Yoshitsune. I was surprised that Benkei or Yoichi didn't come with her. Maybe Amaterasu only wanted one representative in each clan? Yoshitsune was wearing the same clothes as she did, and was the same as ever.

"How are things here?"

"Very well! Earlier during the initial attack everything was a bit chaotic, but since Byakko-kun has taken action along with the more combat oriented members, they have been slowly defeating the monsters with the help of your shadow soldiers."

She says with a bit of a bounce. She's as energetic as ever, although some members around us seem a bit confused by our conversation.

"I see, well I have some news. In each clan so far, there has been an exiled member that came back and tried to hurt as many people, or at the very least the current head. So whoever it is has to stay close to you or me."

A middle-aged woman steps toward Yoshitsune and I. She has black hair that reaches down to her waist with short bangs in the front. She also has grey eyes, wears a plain white shirt and skin tight black jeans with black loafers.

"I'm the current head, Rakko Shinra. Middleman, what do you mean by exiled clan members coming back?"

I tell her what happened at the Himejima clan, and the others. She has a grim expression as she puts a hand on her cheek.

"Before I became head around three years ago, the previous head followed the old rules and systems to the letter. However, since I became head, I've been slowly changing it, so when we received that document today, I was quite ecstatic."

"However, as you probably know the elders and some higher-ups of the clan can be a lot less… Flexible about it. Forgive me, I rambled there. To make a long story short, the past heads exiled many members, especially the last head. They have already passed away. Therefore, I am unsure of the retaliation that might befall us."

Another member puts their hand up and speaks.

"What about Chiyo-san? She was exiled for having a Sacred Gear…"

After they say that, Rakko looks at the ground while frowning. Another Sacred Gear user? It's almost like Tobio, also Chiyo sounds like a woman's name…

"Do you know what kind of Sacred Gear she had?"

"…Yes, I believe it could heal? I didn't know the name, I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine, thank you."

A recovery-type Sacred Gear, huh? They are the rarest of the bunch in terms of the standard Sacred Gear since nine times out of ten there usually isn't any drawback to using the healing. But to think that the Shinra clan produced one, that's already quite rare, but due to their own beliefs they were kicked out.

But I thought that the Shinra clan also incorporated some Buddhism into their own teachings like the Nakiri? They may have been kicked out due to personal preferences from the last head or just out of a personal grudge?

Also, according to Azazel, they're still looking for all the wielders of the recovery-type Sacred Gears since they don't want Khaos Brigade to have them, but it's already clear that they might just create their own recovery-types in the future, or already have…



"—I guess we can save that for later, we have guests. Yoshitsune, can I leave them to you?"


I pat her on the head before heading to where the location of the explosion occurred. I quickly arrive there, however, what I didn't expect were two of them, no, that's— As I stood there in shock, Rakko Shinra and Byakko Shinra also join me.



Both were shocked, that was obvious. Rakko falls to her knees staring at the two people that appeared. They both had grins, and Byakko was angry, very angry. His anger was still rising as he stared at the two people in front of us.

I had no idea who those two were. However, they had a person with them, but they were clearly dead. If the hole through her heart wasn't an indicator, then I don't know what would be. Let's just use [Observe] on them for now.

Both of them were females. The one on the right was called Seizu Shinra. The one on the right is Tesyula Shinra. The body they had was none other than Chiyo Shinra. The former wielder of another [Twilight Healing], because when using [Observe] on her, the Sacred Gear stat said it was [None] or [Empty] meaning it was extracted from her.

"Hello, Auntie, Bya-kun."

Seizu, who had light-blue hair in a bun, red eyes and was wearing some kind of uniform, greeted the two Shinra's beside me. Tesyula has short white hair, orange eyes, and also wears the same uniform as Seizu.

"Seizu, please tell me you found Chiyo like that."

Byakko says calmly. To which Seizu nods.

"Of course, we did, Bya-kun. Well, we were part of an organization so we told them about someone we knew. They tracked her down and well…"

Seizu smiles while a small green glow appears on her hand. The same glow that Asia's [Twilight Healing] gives off. Byakko grits his teeth and glares at the two exiled Shinra's.

"Ah, by the way, if you try to attack us, it won't work since we're just, you could say 'projections'. Hanezu Himejima did the same thing so we thought it would be safer to do it this way since we're not done with our own experiments."

Experiments? Could they be trying to consume more blood? If they're too scared to come here, then that would be the only reason since they know I'll capture them quite quickly.

"Well, we'll be using her Sacred Gear more. She's been useful for developing more recovery-type Sacred Gears for Khaos Brigade, hell we might get all our members with one soon enough, you know? Mass production and all."

Seizu snickers before throwing the body to the side and it disappears.

"Nice seeing you two ~ we left presents so don't worry too much about us."

Once the projections disappeared, two large tigers were teleported in. The left one was black and the right one was red. These were Cryptids, but they were stronger than other creatures here, and they also felt mechanical.


"No, I can use these, please go defend the rest of your base, don't let what they showed you make your action irrationally. If you do, then they win."


Byakko left still pissed off, but Rakko was still on her knees crying. I cover her in a barrier and turn to the mechanical tigers. Will these things have memories? I have no idea, but it might be worth a shot. I put my hand towards them and they freeze them on the spot. They begin to struggle but couldn't move or do anything.

"Let's see what you have…"




"Not much, huh?"

But I did get some memories out of these things. Both of their memories were more or less the same, however, they were made by Satanael. Using the Sacred Beasts as a reference, he combined his research on Sacred Gears, Divine Beasts, Cryptids, Divine Beasts and the mechanical side of the Next Dolls and created these tigers.

They're still prototypes, but they are at least Satan-class fighters. However, both Seizu and Tesyula joined Khaos Brigade out of spite and gave information about the Sacred Beasts to them. If this is the same for the other exiled clan members, then all clans are vulnerable at the moment.

However, Chiyo is definitely dead. Her [Twilight Healing] was extracted from her after they put a hole through her. Although she was reluctant, she joined in their plan. She never held a grudge, but was still angry and saddened by the exile.

Then Seizu and Tesyula approached her after they had joined. She went with them. However, after she saw what was truly happening there, she tried to back out but was killed, and Seizu took her [Twilight Healing] for herself. I can revive her, assuming her soul is still here and hasn't reincarnated yet.

…I don't mind helping the Himejima clan, and to an extent the Nakiri clan since Ouryuu was relatively reasonable with me, but the others I'm hesitant. Of course, if they hire my services then it's a different story, but…

I turn around to look at Rakko as she had fainted. What connection does she have with those two? Was she close to them? Or is this a reaction to seeing Chiyo dead? Should I revive her? If I do, I may get closer to the current head, and even have better relations with the Shinra clan.

"Let's deal with this first and—"

Fwosh ~



I didn't think he would approach me this soon. It hasn't been that long since we met each other. I turn around to see…



"Meruem. Did you finally decide?"

He nods.

"I couldn't find my own answer, so I disguised myself to blend in human society, experience different cultures, and even ventured to other factions and mythologies with the same mind set, however, I still couldn't understand nor grasp them."

"If you have an answer, please direct me to it."

He did all that? Holy crap man. I'm surprised you didn't kill some humans, because believe me some of them are annoying as hell. I mean, I wouldn't kill them, but knowing your personality…

"Alright, I'll wrap up my business here. Wait for me at Mount Kurama. After that I'll take you to where I think you can start understanding some 'things', alright?"

He silently nods and vanishes. I turn around and store the two mechanical tiger Cryptids into my [Inventory] while they were still frozen. I then turn back around to Rakko, dispel the barrier and carry her.

"Tank, Kaisel, Elsa. Eliminate the rest. I'll wait for Ara, God Serena and Celestin to show up."

The two shadows emerge from my shadow, and Elsa emerges from my ring. Both Shadows grunt before speeding around the territory killing everything in sight. Elsa looks at me with a face that says 'reward?' and I nod, so she smiles and disappears too.

"…Alright, let's check up on Yoshitsune and the rest."

"And that's our report, Jin-sama."

Celestin puts away the clipboard he had with him. Currently, within the Shinra Clan's territory. Prior to this, I repaired everything that needed to be repaired and healed everyone else. Although Rakko still hasn't fully recovered from the shock.

"…Um, Jin-sama I'm—"

I put a hand on Ara's head and she flinches.

"Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes. I'm not perfect, but I'm trying to get there, even if it's impossible."

She silently nods. After hearing all their reports, I find it strange. Some of the ones they send were clearly not suited for combat, probably the one who faced God Serena was the most combat orientated. The rest just had a lot of hate fueling them, not including Atsutarou Himejima since he's just out for blood.

However, Celestin did manage to capture two, Gekshii and Kameko Doumon, and Kameko gave some interesting information. Although he did kind of traumatize the girl. Apparently, Khaos Brigade, more specifically both the Nilrem and Hexennacht approached them about starting a small faction within the organization, and will help them with getting back at the Five Principal Clans.

Of course, Hanezu Himejima was at the head of it, along with Ouryuu's eldest cousin Nakagami Nakiri and whoever that other one was. There was also that voice. I checked Ara's memory and I didn't recognize it at all, however, it was male. Furthermore, I did not know who had attacked them.

So many brand-new faces popping up. It's better to hope that both Gekshii and Kameko have more in their heads. I'm still going to check them even if Kameko told Celestin 'Everything' which I doubt she did. She's probably sworn to secrecy. Right now, they're back in the Doumon clan territory, so we'll get them after we're done here.

"Be on standby, I'll go check on the head on more time and tell her something, after we'll go back to the Doumon and Kushihashi clans."

They nod and I walk away, following the auras from earlier. It seemed that Byakko finally calmed down and joined the head. Once I got there, Yoshitsune was also with them, she was doing something to the head. I walk over and just stand behind them. Yoshitsune's fingers glow and she touches Rakko's head.

Her breathing that was ragged was calming down to the normal rhythm, her heart rate did the same thing, her pupils which had enlarged shrank back down to their normal size. In short, Yoshitsune did what I was planning to do. Once done she bows and turns around.

"Ah, Jin-san."

"Hey, you did what I was planning to do before I got here. Thanks."

She rubs the back of her head and laughs it off.

"It's my job as a representative of Amaterasu-sama. So why are you here?"

"I'm here to tell the head something."

She nods and everyone in the immediate vicinity looks at me. This might cause some damage to her again, but at the very least I can give her some hope.

"Chiyo Shinra is dead, but I can bring her back. Nevertheless, it will take time, and some luck will be needed. What do you say?"

After I told her the first part of that, her mental health quickly declined, but after hearing all of it, a bit of light returned to her eyes.


"Oi! Are you being serious right now, Middleman?!"

However, the first one to react was Byakko Shinra as he grabbed both my shoulders and started to shake me.

"Yes, as the supernatural world knows I revived the [Welsh Dragon], so I can easily do it to a human. However, as I said, some luck and timing are needed. It all depends on Chiyo. If she wishes to be revived, and if her soul is still around. I need to find the place where she died, but I already know, so—"

"Yes! Anything, please bring her back!"

Again, I was stopped by the clan head this time. She had gotten down on all fours and was bowing to me. Holy shit, lady. You don't need to take it that far. Byakko who was still gripping onto my shoulders looks back at me.

"And what kind of compensation are you looking for?"

"Follow the new rules and systems."

Both of us stare at each other silently for a full minute until he relaxes, smirks and lets go of me.

"Suzaku Himejima made them, didn't she? So you want all the clans to follow the brand-new system and rules your girlfriend made?"

He says this while turning around and stretching.

"Yeah, basically. If you do, and stick to them then I'll definitely keep my word in bringing Chiyo back."

Even if I do it forcefully… Breaking my own rules for my own benefit. I guess I can be selfish at times, no this isn't even the first time. Whatever Azathoth has planned for me, she doesn't want me saving her, but I'm going against that.

I put my hand out and Rakko who had been a broken mess stands up with a face of what a head of a clan should have. She approaches me and stands in front of me while looking at my hand.

"You promise to keep it?"

"I don't break promises."

She nods and firmly shakes my hand. It's a deal then. Now then, what can I do for the other clans? After shaking on it, I give her my number then I turn around to leave.

"Jin-san, where are you going now?"

"I'm going back to two other clans before going back to the Himejima. Anyway, please stay here Yoshitsune. I'll inform Amaterasu about the whole situation, and of you too."

"Yes, please leave them to me."

I nod and leave to get the Electa.

Kushihashi Clan Territory

We had arrived at some sort of sanctuary-type of place. There were still quite a few of the Kushihashi clan members around the place, and many of them were looking at us— No, they were looking at God Serena. He had a smirk the entire time. What in the hell did he do here?

Once we arrive at a certain spot, we could see a few of the clan members, the stronger ones standing around someone wrapped in rope. I was already told what the boy would look like by God Serena earlier. He was still alsounconscious. According to him, he put a sleeping spell on him before leaving just to be safe.

Checking the guy out with [Observe] it showed that he was called Akishi Kushihashi, and he had fused with a Divine Beast that was called the Jade Dragon. It was also slowly killing him. I approach the young man, and read his memories.





I let out a sigh since he did not have much to show me. He was meant to die today, since they fused him with a powerful yet unstable Divine Beast. Perhaps I can extract it from him, and make it into a real Sacred Gear? Who knows, but let's do that first. I touch his shoulder, and left it up to Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: Safely removing the Divine Beast attached to Akishi Kushihashi... Processing... Complete.

Once it was done, I use [Observe] on him once again and saw that he wasn't in danger of losing his life anymore. I put the Jade Dragon into my [Inventory] and will deal with it later. Perhaps I should combine some of these powers to make something new…?

The one who fused the Jade Dragon Divine Beast with Akishi was Promestein. Mard Geer and some monster woman were also with him. But Akishi was basically falling asleep by the time they started to talk so he didn't hear any of it.

"Middleman, Jin Skyward."

Hearing a voice behind me, I turn along with the rest of the Electa to see Seiryuu Kushihashi and someone else. It was a man who looked to be around his forties or fifties. Using [Observe] on him revealed that he was the current head of the clan. His name is Giyu Kushihashi.

"I am, you're the clan head, right?"

"Indeed I am. I must thank you for sending your subordinate earlier. If it were not for him, we would have perished at the hands of Akishi here."

He says in an over friendly tone. Seiryuu was standing behind him and wasn't showing much emotion, although from reading his emotions he was quite tense. I didn't like the vibe coming from this guy either. Everything he was showing and saying to me sounded just fake.

'Serena, what do you want to do with Akishi?'

I ask him telepathically.

'He has potential. I wish to see him grow, if I can.'

"I will be taking Akishi with me so he can be interrogated at a safe location within the alliance's bases."

Giyu seemed a little surprised by my declaration. He seemed unsure of what to say next.

"I-Is it necessary? We as a clan wish to speak with and punish him—"

"Yes, it's necessary. He worked with Khaos Brigade, and that takes priority, but once we're done with the interrogation, we may need to keep him for a short while to monitor him. It's known that they may try to kill or rescue their members."

Giyu falls silent for a few seconds before relenting. Probably because I was kind of unintentionally glaring at him.

[Keep telling yourself that, Partner.]

Yes, it was definitely unintentional. Can you feel my sarcasm, Ddraig? I glance at God Serena and he picks up Akishi.

"We'll be on our way then."

"Ah, yes. Oh, one moment Middleman. Since you helped us is there some kind of compensation you want?"

The clan members around the place looked shocked at Giyu, even Seiryuu who had a poker face just a few moments ago. What's this old guy's game…? Well, I better just say what I told the Shinra clan's head.

"Consider the new changes that Suzaku Himejima and Amaterasu are putting out to change the rules and systems of the Five Principal Clans."

To this, he falls silent while staring directly at me. I didn't wait for an answer and I left with everyone in tow.

Doumon Clan Territory

Again, we arrive there via teleportation courtesy of me. Celestin was the one to take the lead, but it didn't take us long to arrive at the courtyard where he had tied the two Doumon clan members.

"The left one is Gekshii and the right one is Kameko."

"Fuck you! Fuck you! We ain't saying nothin'!!!"

The male called Gekshii was awake and was fuming as he shouted curse word after curse word at everyone around him. But there weren't too many people looking at him as they had gone back to cleaning and repairing their territory.

However, Kameko appeared mortified. She was staring at me, but she also looked away when I looked at her. I know Celestin said I would 'probe' her brain, but I really doubt that's all he said. Therefore, I gradually approach both of them and also freeze them in time.

"Fuck! Fuck! No! Get away you lizard freak!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! Hiiiiiiiiiii?!?! Nooooooooo!! You promised!!!!"

...Celestin you're making me feel like a villain here.

[But you are?]

Hey guys, how do you feel about taking a quick trip to the familiar forest after all this is done? I'll delay my trip to the other pantheons just for a day. Maybe I could help Asia get a familiar too since I skipped that entirely!

{Splendid idea, Jin.}

'Sounds fun, I'd like to see the place.'

Both Albion and Velgrynd agreed with me.

[...I'm sorry for being alive.]

The depressed Red Dragon arc starts now! I sigh and start with Gekshii as he keeps on screaming profanities at me.




I see. While it didn't show much of what happened to these two during their stay in Khaos Brigade since Hanezu took care of most of it. They were given their own rooms in the organization, but still preferred to living in the human world in a different part of Japan.

Gekshii seems to be the one leading the two of them while Kameko follows after him. It showed me that they were basically shunned while they lived in the Doumon clan. This is because they were not born with the ability to manipulate water like the rest of them. Although this did not apply to everyone, but only around 95% of them, the small 5% were kind and compassionate towards them.

But of course, what they remember was the 95% and not the 5% since they suffered quite a lot of emotional abuse, only a few did physical abuse towards them, but the ones who were kind to them put a stop to it, although it still happened behind closed doors, and not just openly.

It also showed me when they were being hunted down. It did seem that the twin brother of the current head did hire assassins to kill these two, and… They did succeed, these two were essentially revived. However, that part of their memory has been wiped and has been twisted.

To the current Gekshii and Kameko, their memories have been twisted into believing the current head was the one who sent the assassins, but they somehow survived the assassination attempt, joined Khaos Brigade, got power-ups and now are bona fide members.

But in reality, they died that day thanks to the clan head's twin brother. Then they were revived by Khaos Brigade and manipulated.

The late twin brother of the current head was much like Suou Himejima. He did not like anyone who was not born with the ability of their clan, nor did he like Sacred Gear wielders, and don't even think of falling involve with anyone else apart from their clan.

Both Gekshii and Kameko were just born with shit luck, and then he manipulated things in the background, got them exiled and finally had them assassinated. There is a saving grace since he died, but they still instigated this attack on the Doumon clan. I saw that the current head is kind and compassionate who cares for these two, so… What should I do? Leave it up to him? Bring them with me?

[Bring them, do the same thing that you'll do with Akishi.]

{Yes, and if you can convert those two, even revive them, then you can bargain your way like you did with Rakko Shinra.}

Bargain with them, huh? Well the current Doumon leader seems reasonable enough, so why not? I turn my attention to Kameko as she was looking at me in horror and had peed herself…

"No! No! No!"


I stood away and read her memories, and just like Gekshii it showed the same thing, however, it was from her perspective, and some of the sick adult males touched her inappropriately, however, they didn't take it any further. This brought me some peace of mind.

But man… Some old clans that stick to old traditions sure do have messed up people in them.

"Um, Jin-san?"

Turning around, I see Genbu Doumon and the clan head.

"Oh hello Genbu, and the clan head? Great timing actually, I wanted to speak with you."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Middleman. I'm Aoki Doumon. What would you like to talk about?"

"I'll be taking these two with me for the time being. Just like with the exiled member over there, the alliance needs to interrogate them."

Once Aoki heard that he became uneasy. He just got these two back, and now they're being taken away. To him, it seemed unfair, but in the end he agreed.

"Y-Yes, they did cause trouble… Please don't—"

"I read their memories. While they hold resentment to the wrong person right now, that can be corrected, rest assured nothing bad will happen to them. Oh, and before you ask, can you consider following the changes in rules and system that were proposed to you today?"

Aoki seems a bit taken aback by what I said. He stood there thinking about it for a few seconds.

"You have my guarantee, as the Middleman. I won't let any harm come to them."

He looks at me, then at Genbu who starts to rapidly nod her head before smiling. He puts his hand out and I shake it.

"I had always wanted to change the current systems, but today was the perfect time. If you fulfill your end of the agreement, I will do so with mine."


Seeing as how Aoki was willing to change his clan's system, along with Genbu the current inheritor of the Black Tortoise, then it hopefully the rest of the clan will follow suit. Of course, seeing as only 5% is willing to change, then the 95% will be a bit harder to convince. I take out a piece of paper with my number on it and hand it to him.

"My number. Contact me if you have other inquiries, if not then I'll contact you in the future about their situation."

He nods and we finally turnaround to leave. Celestin had cut the two down and they were unconscious. It looks like he put them to sleep with a spell. I glance at the representative and they nod to me. I'll leave them to it then.

[You know Partner, they've been quite easy to deal with, you know?]

It makes sense. They just went through an attack, my shadows, and Electa helped them. They also probably saw their power and just assumed I'm around the same strength or higher. It's good for me since it makes this easier to deal with, especially with that clan head of the Kushihashi. Both Doumon and Shinra clan heads were a bit easier to deal with thanks to the mess their exiled members did.

[Hmm. I guess so.]

Himejima Clan Territory

As soon as I teleported there, the Electa and I began walking back to the meeting room. I could feel everyone else was back there and waiting. As we walked through the courtyards, I could see that most of the clan members that were still around were mostly cleaning the place up.

Although I did help them with that earlier. After this, I'll be heading to Mount Kuruma to deal with Meruem. However, I'll need to inform a certain someone and they'll just get a headache from me due to it. I'll apologize in advance.

Meruem who lacks most emotions… I have a certain someone in mind who has a lot of that, and they can probably pull it out of him, although I do hope they don't end up killed because of it. Maybe it will be a learning experience for both of them? I'll need to monitor him though, so I'll see in due time.

We eventually reach the door again, and I push it open to see everyone there. Suou and the rest of the elders seem tense, however, the three I'm on good terms with look calm.

"I'm back. What the hell is wrong with everyone?"

"Welcome back, Jin. Who are those?"

Suzaku welcomes me back and points at Akishi, Kameko and Gekshii.

"Some exiled members from the other clans. I'll be bringing them with me to interrogate them in an alliance secure location. Anyway, let's get back to business."

However, Suzaku shakes her head confusing me.

"We discussed it while you were still away, and we have come to a conclusion."

Suzaku looks at Amaterasu and she nods.

"I will repeat what we said not too long ago. Starting from today onwards, the Himejima clan will follow the new rules and systems that Suzaku Himejima has put forward, as she is the current head of the clan. Additionally, certain members of the clan will have their ability to use the flame manipulation temporarily sealed."

Amaterasu pauses to glance at Suou who was looking at the ground, although he did it because he was furious and not because he was feeling guilty or remorseful. Amaterasu looks at me and smiles.

"We will also have the Middleman monitor certain clan members to make sure they don't try to sabotage, manipulate or leave the clan to join an unsavory organization."

I look at her in surprise, but so did Inari and Suzaku. Did she not tell them this? Suou and the other higher-ups were also surprised by this.

"W-Wait, A-Amaterasu-sama you're not insinuating—"

"I am. We witnessed it today. Some exiled clan members, be it in the Himejima or the others will hold grudges and will not have any problems joining hands with a terrorist organization. From what I've seen and heard. I do not hold much confidence and trust in some of you."

She sharply looks at Suou and the other higher-ups and elders.

"Or do you wish to have a different kind of punishment?"

Suddenly, the room becomes brighter and small orange balls of light appear above all the elders and Suou Himejima. Suzaku appears to panic, but doesn't move from her spot. Inari awkwardly looks away while sweating.

From what I can tell, Amaterasu was furious right now… She was threatening them with death, wasn't she?

[The wrath of the Sun Goddess of the Shinto mythology. Yikes, they better agree or die right now.]

The elders, higher-ups and Suou from in their spots as they—

"I agree!!! I will change and follow the new systems!"

One of the elders cracked and went on all fours and does dogeza pose. Not too long after he cracked, more and more people started to do the same until Suou was the only one left. However, he was still furious but also terrified in the situation. But he also eventually cracked, and got into a dogeza pose.

"…I will also follow these new systems and rules."

Suou says a bit reluctantly. Suzaku looked troubled by all of it but was still thankful to Amaterasu. She keeps her orbs on the for a few more seconds before dismissing them. I guess what they said about Amaterasu was true. Even if she is a kind and caring Goddess, she can be quite ruthless.

Amaterasu eventually removes the balls of light and the room becomes dim again. The elders, higher-ups and Suou breathe a sigh of relief, and straighten themselves up. Amaterasu looks at me and nods. I guess I'm doing my part now.

Cúntóir, if you can.

Cúntóir: Answer: Scanning Himejima Territory...… Found and locked on specific clan members...… Attaching nano flies to them...… Processing...… Complete.

They didn't feel it, but Suou did frown once the process was done. He looks at me with an angry gaze but I ignore him. Amaterasu puts a hand on Suzaku's shoulder to get her attention. She nods and coughs into her fist.

"I, Suzaku Himejima, declare that from this day forward the Himejima clan will follow the newly established rules and systems. Any and all inquiries or complaints will be forwarded to me, or Amaterasu-sama. If there are any that disagree with this, please let me know now."

Suzaku stops to look around her but no one says anything in fear of their own life. Next, she looks at Amaterasu and Inari, who also give her approving nods, and finally she looks at me. I obviously agree with her.

"…This meeting is adjourned. You may leave."

As soon as Suzaku says that, many elders and higher-ups immediately leave the room in a state of panic. They didn't want to be here anymore. I guess the pressure got to them. However, Suou took his time. Once he reached the door he glances back at Suzaku, the two Goddesses and finally me. We stare at each other, anger still clearly in them. But he eventually walks away.

What a troublesome old man. His time is up, he just needs to let the new generation take care of things, stuck up old bat… I turn to Celestin and nod to him.

"At once, Jin-sama."

I wanted him to contact Azazel to inform him that we'll be going back to Grigori and dropping these guys off there. Celestin does that and I walk over to Suzaku as she waits along with Amaterasu and Inari. Once I reach them, Suzaku hugs me quite tightly.

"Welcome back, how were they?"

She pulls away from me but keeps holding both my hands...… She really likes doing that, huh?

"A few people were injured in each clan, but no one was killed. My shadow soldiers did their job and protected them. Like I said earlier, we captured some of the exiled members and I'm planning on bringing them to Grigori."

I didn't tell Azazel that I had beefed up their holding cells and interrogation rooms. I plan on letting Grigori do the interrogation. However, I'll put a word in for Gekshii and Kameko since their memories were altered so they weren't really themselves. Although they still need to be punished.

"Anyway, to put a long story short, there's probably a new faction in Khaos Brigade that consists of past exiled members of all clans, and from what Atsutarou Himejima said, Hanezu Himejima might be the leader or at least ONE of the leaders of it… That reminds me, who's Atsutarou?"

I've never heard about him, and he definitely wasn't in the books…

"He's Suou Himejima's son. He was also quite gifted at many things, but was never gifted with the use of our clan's fire manipulation, however, early in his life… I believe he was in love with Aunt Shuri. But once she eloped with Baraqiel, he accepted it and was quite happy for them. He supported them."

"I was also close to him. He treated me well, and even bought me things like candy to share with Akeno when we were younger. But in time, he also fell in love with a youkai. Our clan is usually neutral towards them, but Suou, my great-uncle did not like that, so…"

I think I know where this is going.

"He killed her?"

"Ultimately, yes. At first, he tried to reason his son away from it, but Atsutarou did not listen and acted against what his father told him. So… One day when they were apart from each other, they killed his lover, soon to be fiancé. He boasted to me that he had bought a ring recently."

Ring…? Ah! Was it that ring attached to that necklace? So he loved her that much, huh? It makes me wonder…

"Atsutarou was heartbroken, and basically vanished after that day. He said he would make Great-Uncle pay for what he did, and as you know, today he showed up again."


Honestly, I would probably do the same thing as him. Thinking about having any of my lovers taken away like that… Looking back at Suzaku and imagining that makes my blood boil and my heartache.

"I don't know how to feel about that. I don't want him to destroy the clan, but at the same time I don't like Suou for many things, which just adds to it. Maybe he can be reasoned out of it?"

However, Suzaku shakes her head.

"…I do not think so."

"…Maybe Shuri? Or— Wait, do you know where his soon-to-be fiancé was buried?!"

Suzaku looks at me and understood what I meant. She thinks about it for a moment but ultimately shakes her head.

"I'm sorry, Jin. I don't know… No one knows, only Atsutarou knows. He was the one to find her body and buried her somewhere. But maybe we can ask Aunt Shuri to try to convince him…?"

"…I want to do that, but at the same time, I don't want my mother-in-law to be near danger."

After I say that, Suzaku, Inari and Amaterasu's eyes widen as they look at me.

"…Mother-in-law? Jin did you…"

I awkwardly chuckle and look away.

"I may have proposed to Akeno not too long ago…"

[So much for keeping it a secret, you trillion old fuck!]

"Ahaha! You really went and did it, didn't you, Jin? Well, a congratulations is in order!"

Inari waddles beside me and starts smacking my back, I just gave her a troubled smile.

"Yes, congratulations, Jin."

"Thank you."

Amaterasu also congratulated me. Some of the Electa behind me did too, although they already knew about it… However, Suzaku grips my hand a bit tighter and she looks at me with a gentle smile.

"Will you ask me in the future too?"


[Holy shit she has some balls... Wait no, vagi—"


{Shut up!}

Crap, the way she's looking at me… My heart rate just increased, holy shit. I-I mean I will eventually ask them all…

"Yes I will, Suzaku. Please just wait a bit longer."


Pinch ~ Pinch ~

"Huhuhu ~ while we're happy for you for being engaged to one of your lovers, don't start flirting right in front of us, Jin-kun ~"

My cheeks are being pinched by both Amaterasu and Inari for some strange reason. Suzaku seems a bit surprised but just giggles at me. S-Support me in these trying times…

"Ara? Was I late?"

"Elsa, you're late. Where have you been?"

I hear Elsa's voice behind us and Celestin asks her a question.

"I was clearing the monsters back in the Shinra clan. Both Tank and Kaisel are waiting outside."

"Is that so? Good work then."

"Huhu ~ I do need my reward after all ~"

…Shit, I promised her that, didn't I?!

"You know, Jin… You could start your own faction at the rate you're getting women and subordinates."

Inari lets go of me, the same with Amaterasu. The Sun Goddess agrees with her!

"Hmm, it makes you think. Be truthful, Jin. Are you building a faction?"

"No! Too much work!"

[But you'll be governing the Omniverse in the future? Who knows what kind of work that entails?]

Ah shit! Wait no, I have avatars and clones that can do that work for me!


Cúntóir: Answer: Title – God of Laziness acquired.

Stop, stop, stop! I can think of something in the future! I turn my attention back to everyone and we converse for a few more minutes. Eventually both Amaterasu and Inari had to go back.

"We will meet the rest of the representatives near the top of Mount Kurama. Until we meet again, Jin, Suzaku."

"Yeah, take care Inari, Amaterasu."

"To you too, Amaterasu-sama, Inari-sama."

Both of them vanish in a flash of flames and the rest of us were left there. I turn to Celestin and address the rest of the Electa.

"Head over to Grigori, I'll join you guys soon after. I have some business at Mount Kurama first."

Celestin, God Serena and Ara nod and teleport away. All my shadows begin to go back to my own, as well as Tank and Kaisel who were just waiting out here. Elsa, Suzaku and I were the ones left.

"Jin-sama ~ can I get my reward? ~"

I inwardly sigh, here we go…

"Sure, what would you like?"

She walks over to me and slides a finger all over my chest and licks her lips.

"A kiss?"


I quickly lean in and capture her lips. Obviously, Elsa was surprised by this. She probably thought I wouldn't go through with it. But she quickly accepted the situation and started to kiss me back. I notice her glance at Suzaku and smirk… Hey now, don't do that.

I break the kiss and lightly chop her on the head.


"Ufufufu, sorry ~ and thank you ~"

Elsa winks at me and Suzaku before going back into the ring. I turn back to Suzaku who looks a bit upset.

"Suzaku, she was just teasing you…"

"I know… Can I get one too…?"

I nod and step closer to her. Once in range, I wrap my arms around her waist. Suzaku puts both her hands on my chest as she looks up at me. However, before I could kiss her, I felt a familiar presence. It was Suou, and his gaze was directed at us.

Fuck you old man!


Suzaku mutters as I capture her lips and push my tongue inside. Suzaku readily and happily accepts this gesture. I lick her tongue, her teeth and gums. I wanted all of her, and I wanted Suou to see that she also wanted the same thing.

Suzaku was a bit surprised by the aggressiveness I was displaying but tried her best to match it. I felt her lick my tongue back, and she shyly did the same with my teeth. However, I separated from Suzaku as her tongue hung there with saliva dripping from it. She looked flustered as she stared up at me.


"I love you."

"…I love you too."

I look at Suou one more time, but this time Suzaku sees me and turns to look. Once she saw her Great-Uncle staring at her, her eyes widen. But Suou just clicks his tongue and walks away while grumbling something. I felt myself grin—

Pinch ~ Stretch ~

I look back as Suzaku pinches both my cheeks. She was slightly frowning.

"Did you do that because my great-uncle was there?"



"…Yes, yes I did. But I did want to kiss you too."

Suzaku just sighs at me and starts to fix my tie. Again, what's with everyone fixing my tie…? Am I really that bad at it…?

"You need to go to Mount Kurama, don't you? I have Jima here, and we have started to increase the defenses around our territory. I didn't think I needed to mention that earlier, but now you know. I will deal with the rest of the clan members that are against it and my great-uncle."

She finally finishes fixing my tie, and pats my chest.

"I will contact you if we find anything about Atsutarou, or anyone one else from the other clans. I will try to have a meeting with the heads and inheritors soon. After that I will tell you what happened, okay?"


"I'm the head of the clan, Jin. Please trust me… Also, you're planning to head back to the [Pocket Dimension] soon, aren't you?"

I nod. Yeah, I do. It's been long overdue. I'll invite Phae and Hestia into it. Maybe the Sitri peerage too. Their rematch for the Azazel Cup should be even more intense if I do invite them along.

"Yeah I am… Alright, Suzaku. But I'm going to leave a few more shadows around here."

She just sighs at me and kisses my cheek.

"You're paranoid at times… I'll get going, I still need to do some finalizations and then update the systems and rules."

"Yeah, good luck."

She starts to walk back into her home, and I watch her leave. Once she was inside, I spread around fifteen shadows around the place and finally leave for Mount Kurama.

Mount Kurama

Once I got there, I quickly search for Meruem and found him near an edge looking at the scenery below him. I slowly approach him as he turns to glance at me.



I join him and we look out at the scenery together.

"So, are you ready to follow me to where I can give you purpose?"

He silently nods. I grin and summon a communication circle beside me.

"Huh? Oh, hey Jin, your subordinates are here. Are you coming here soon too?"

I connected with Azazel.

"Yeah, I'm coming with one more if you don't mind. Hey, can you bring the angry blonde midget with you?"

"…Blonde midget? Oh, you mean Mittelt? I mean, sure? But why do you want to see her?"

I look at Meruem as Azazel asks that. What would happen if I put him with her? ...Now this could turn out badly or go turn out well. But I'm willing to make some sacrifices. Sorry in advance, Azazel.

"Let's go then."


"To Grigori. You're going to be living there and meeting someone who can probably give you meaning in life."

Whether that be a positive or negative thing… I do hope Meruem can scare some sense into her. And vice versa, since Mittelt has a lot of sass and displays a wide range of emotions (mostly anger when I'm around...).

But I'll just hope it goes well, Mittelt… I chose you as his 'Komugi'. If you fuck up, you might die to him…

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