Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 7 – Part 4 – Eradication Annihilation and Outerification

Third Person Point of View

"Kekekekehahahahaha!" Yanuyo laughed to himself. He and his subordinates and Euclid were blown away by Aaron and they stood no chance.

"Haa… he certainly exceeded my imagination. How will we deal with him, boss?" asked Bisusbyu as he rubbed his head.

"We go to war! We're putting everything we have into this, so let the other weaklings join us! If I die, I'm going out with a bang! That Outer God will be the one to do it!" he screamed and powered up, making this part of the world shake.

This was the immediate aftermath of their defeat to Aaron. The other subordinate of Yanuyo was a female called Aubilca. She had been the most damaged after their encounter. Her soul had been affected by quite a large margin that she was on the ground as she clutched her stomach.

"Hmm? Hooo? He impacted you that much, eh? Take this, you're needed and if you don't recover, I'll kill you myself," said Yanuyo.

A small device landed in front of Aubilca as she shakily grabbed it and stabbed it into her heart. She violently convulsed after doing that, and she started to cry, vomit and defecate herself. However, soon after she stopped and she laid motionless on the ground.

"Hmm. It worked, but it's only temporary, she's basically done for. How long does it usually last for?" asked Yanuyo as he looked at Aubilca on the ground.

"According to the scientists of the Evie faction who are also collaborating with Avezza, Satanael and Promestein… 48 hours. Once that time is up, she will enter a countdown to explode. Those nanomites are still in their experimental stages because of the lost work," replied Bisusbyu.

"That's what they get for being idiots. Go, begin gathering them. With the rest of those idiots of the Khaos Order we'll destroy that town they're in," said Yanuyo as he left.

Bisusbyu crouched down and asked, "You alive?"

"…Fuck you…! Get me new clothes and a drink…!" she hissed out.

"Good to know you're alive. Anyway, you have 48 hours to live before you go boom, so do you have any requests?" he asked.

"Get me a new body you moron…!"

"Impossible, he targeted our souls. Mine and Master Yanuyo barely survived, but we took up those trials and even strengthened our souls because that information was spread all over the Khaos Order, they even told us to do it, or else we'll just die after his attacks."

"…Shit. Whatever, just get me some clothes and water!!" she screamed and got up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going," replied Bisusbyu.

Both Bisusbyu and Aubilca were orphans in this universe. However, they rose to power and were handpicked by Yanuyo after being nearly killed by him in a duel for the 7th rank of the Eradicators.

Both Bisusbyu and Aubilca had tried to join the Eradicators at different points in time. The first to do it was Bisusbyu. He had studied a martial art from a different universe and planet. He eventually mastered it and incorporated his own techniques and his own 'unique' style. Nevertheless, the young man lacked strength, so he began training rigorously and pursuing certain trials within his universe.

Eventually he reached a certain level of power and challenged the 7th rank. As to why, no one really knew. Most would challenge the lowest ranks first and then slowly go up. But Bisusbyu decided to challenge Yanuyo.

Yanuyo was known to be the most brutal among the Eradicators and he wouldn't leave anyone alive after he was challenged. However, to everyone's surprise, he sparred Bisusbyu after their death match, and even made him his direct subordinate.

After that, no one challenged his seat for many years, until Aubilca appeared one day and challenged Yanuyo again. And again, he defeated her quite easily, but also spared her, surprising everyone again. She was also made into a subordinate, and he would provide him with sexual relief among other things.

These two were the only ones he would recruit. The others were left to Aubilca and Bisusbyu to recruit. He left it to their judgment because he usually didn't care for weaklings. Yanuyo slowly accumulated a small army for himself, and any tedious task that was sent to him by Yve or Phumera was handed off to his subordinates.

The reason why Yanuyo spared his two direct subordinates was a simple reason. They were both his offspring—his children. In the past he had his way with a few women after he defeated them. Not many know of this, and of course, he killed some of them, however, two were spared and it led to this situation.

Yanuyo on the spot recognized their auras as being close to his, and he found it amusing. He never thought he would face his own children, and he was disappointed. However, at the same time, he could tell they had potential, so he made them his direct subordinates.

Yanuyo knew that they didn't know, and he didn't care for incest as he had his way with Aubilca. In his mind, whatever he defeated was his property. And now, in the coming days, he would be sending himself, his entire army and his two children to their deaths.

To him, nothing mattered as long as he was satisfied with whatever he did.

In a different room, both Bisusbyu and Aubilca sat silently. The older male finally spoke up and broke the silence.

"Did you know?" he asked.

"Know what?" she hissed back.

"That we're…"

"Of course, I fucking know! What other reason did I have to challenge him and become his subordinate?!" she shouted back at him.

"…And the incest?"

"That literally doesn't matter in our universe, why the hell are you even asking now?" she asked getting even more annoyed.

"Oh, no, just curious." Bisusbyu looked around them and sighed. "Well, our lives are coming to an end. I didn't think it would be this soon."

"Soon? We're over 700 years old you dumb idiot."

"Still young," he quipped back.

Universe – Evie Etoulde

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes!" many scientists answered at the same time.

"Good, send them over. We can start our assault now."

All of them went over to their sections and began to type on their keyboards and suddenly a large beeping noise started. A small countdown that started at 300 seconds.

"Any last-minute adjustments and changes you wish to perform, do them now before we send AZ-RA-E-L-VVB-8671 to the Underworld of the Draconic Deus!" he announced to them.

A few scientists scurried away and added whatever they wanted to this robotic monstrosity. AZ-RA-E-L-VVB-8671 was modeled after the fallen angel Azrael. They had seen what the man looked like and how he was now. They took a small sample of his blood, modeled the body of AZ-RA-E-L-VVB-8671 after him and gave him additional powers, blessings, and abilities.

Furthermore, they believed that AZ-RA-E-L-VVB-8671 would be an even more powerful being than the original. Powered by their technology, and by his own blood along with Nyarlathotep, they believed him to be near the power ranking of Dragon God-class, more so if it used its abilities.

'We'll show that meddling dragon not to cross our paths,' the scientist thought with a grin.

What he didn't know was that today would be the last time they would be alive. Unfortunately for them, they didn't have any future sight ability, otherwise they would not have done this idiotic revenge mission.

Universe – Draconic Deus

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

When I woke up, I was in a strange place. I immediately knew I was dreaming, but it's been a while since this happened to me, so I was a bit surprised by it. But it wasn't in the typical place I would usually be put in.

In front of me was a vast and magical forest with large trees, all types of plants and wildlife. The sky was the purest blue I had ever seen. The air was fresh and it felt very tranquil. However, my powers still worked and a large beam of white light in the distance was telling me to go there.

So with nothing better to do, I followed the beam. On my way there, I encountered many animals I hadn't seen before and I curiously looked at them. But at the same time, I tried talking to them, but got no response, so I gave up on that idea.

I passed by a few unique looking flowers, bushes, trees, and small streams or rivers and a few small ponds or bodies of water. Not all of them looked the same either. One of the rivers was blue, another was pink, another purple, and other colors.

I continued my slow journey, but was interrupted by the light becoming stronger…

"Whoever brought me here… they're clearly annoyed by my stroll. I better hurry," I said to myself and chuckled. Quickly changing my pace, I ran towards the spot at a moderate speed and eventually arrived at the largest tree in the vicinity.

Near the bottom of the trunk were two people. They were silently waiting there and when they saw me, the one in the middle smiled while the elf to her left crossed her arms, huffed and looked away.

'Who the…?' I shook my head and jogged towards them, I quickly arrived by them and we silently stared at each other. "Uh, who are you?" I asked breaking the silence.

"You sure took your time!" the elf said in an annoyed tone.

'Wait… that voice…!'

"Are you the Breast Fairy…?" I asked and stared at her breasts. When I did that, she blushed and covered them up. I then looked at the other woman, the one who looked like a nun. Her breasts were even larger than the Breast Fairy.

"Are you… Chichigami…?" I asked and took a step forward.

"I am," she said in a kind and motherly tone. "I am Chimune Chipaoti, and the one beside me is one of the Breast Fairies, Siphaenien. You two spoke to each other through one of your lovers' breasts did you not?"

"Yeah, we spoke through Rose's breasts… so you really are Chichigami…" I said and couldn't stop myself from staring at their breasts… no, their other portions were also amazing.

"We are here too—"

"I accept, let's be in an alliance," I deadpan and took another step closer.

Both of them became stunned. But sensing what I wanted, Chimune Chipaoti gestured for me to go over to her and so I finally appeared in front of her after one final step. She then offered her breasts to me and I shoved my face into them.

If Ddraig or anyone else were here they would be shouting and calling me 'Oppai Dragon' or something. I feel like I haven't done too many lewd things with the girls lately. Because of all the things happening around the world right now, I just haven't had much time for them…

The feeling of shoving my head into these large and wonderful breasts was surprisingly soothing. Add to the fact that Chichigami gently stroked my head, and she started to hum something, probably a song or nursery rhyme.

"I really needed this, thanks… so why are you here?" I asked and I heard Chichigami giggle.

"We are here to form an alliance with you, Oppai Dragon. We were going to offer ourselves up to you, along with my faction—the Breast faction. We are only women with large breasts, thighs, butts, and other—"

"…Sounds wonderful, please do." I didn't let her finish and I wrapped my arms around her, embracing her. She was a bit surprised and let out a yelp, but accepted what I did and hugged me back.

"Alright, so what—"

But before I could continue, the world around me started to shake and crumble. I was alerted and withdrew from Chichigami's breasts and looked around worriedly. I then tried to fix it, but my powers didn't work.

I tried to say something, but Siphaenien grabbed my hand and forced me to grope her breasts too.

"This is payback, and also stop being selfish. I was here too, you know…?" she said in both an angry and sad voice.

"Oppai Dra—"

"Aaron, call me Aaron," I said to her.

"…Then Aaron, Oppai Dragon. Our time here was cut short due to you taking your time, but the next time we come into your dreams, please come here at a quicker pace. We wish to discuss many things with you, and yes, you will have free and unlimited access to our assets," said Chichigami.

"Ah…" the scenery in front of me finally faded away, and I was left in the usual white void. When I turned around, I saw Irene there, arms crossed and she was coldly glaring at me. "Hello, Irene. How can I help you?" I asked.

"You're already quite close to two women that you have just met. They're also from another universe… I shouldn't be surprised, but really, Aaron?" she asked and sighed.

"Huh? I mean… it felt more like their breasts or even bodies were just drawing me in, and forcing me to be honest with my desires. It was a strange feeling," I admitted.

"Drawing you in, huh?" she repeated and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Are you jealous?" I asked and took a step forward and she took a step back. "Oh, you are," I said and she glared at me.

"N-no, are you insane? I would I—mmm?!"

I appeared in front of Irene before she could react and kissed her. Her shock was evident across her face, but she didn't push me away, but instead, to my surprise she kissed me back quite fervently.

However, she quickly came back to her senses and tried to push me away, but I only broke our kiss temporarily. "Irene, didn't you say—"

"Silence…" she muttered while looking away and blushing.

"Hehe, at least I know how you really feel, huh?" I said and let her go. She didn't move away this time and just looked back at me with an accusatory glare. "So? Why were you stalking me in my dreams, Irene?"

"You rarely dreamt during the 100 years, and even after that. When I saw that, I became curious," she said with a sigh. "To think the Goddess of Breasts would personally come to see you, and even offer her entire faction to you… you are aware that not everyone in that faction will like this idea, right?" she asked.

"Oh I'm aware. In all honesty, I got caught up in the moment and accepted, but I don't regret doing so. In a way, I have even more subordinates now through the Breast faction of the Etoulde. I didn't get to see their ranks, but both were quite powerful."

They were at least beyond Dragon God-class, so they're at least comparable to Regalzeva who killed Great Red in the canon timeline. However, being in that power class and being able to fight effectively are two different things.

Like how Gods are in this universe, most Gods are in Low-Tier God-class. Those are the most common gods, they don't fight and are mainly agricultural gods and merchant gods, whereas Middle-Tier to Peak God-class are the battle-oriented gods who range in levels of strength. Shiva should be at the top, Vishnu and Indra are in that category too.

Pinch~ Stretch~

"Mmm?" I looked back up to see Irene pinching and stretching my cheeks. "What?" I asked her.

"I have been told to do this when you make a certain face, and you were making it just now, so I did this," she explained. "Is everything okay?" she asked looking worried.

"Yeah. Everything's fine, Irene. Anyway, I wonder when—"

I started to fade away as I was about to say that. I chuckled to myself and started waving to her, "Well, see you in a day or two, Irene. I hope the training with Yoru and Haru is progressing well."

She nodded and before I fully disappeared, she gave me a peck on the lips and then she vanished.

When I woke up, I was in the bedroom that was assigned to me, but my entire body was heavy. I knew the reason for this and when I tried to look up, someone's ass was directly in my face.

'This feels like déjà vu.' I then used a bird's eye view and saw that nearly all of the girls had sneaked into my room and slept with me. What added to the absurdity of it was that the bed I slept on had been changed using magic and it was at least 30 times larger than it was when I fell asleep on it.

The only ones I didn't see here were Sona, Ruruko, and Tomoe for obvious reasons. I was shocked to see Tsubaki even here. I tried to move and that didn't work. All their combined weight kept me down. I didn't want to use them more and throw them off and I sighed at the situation.

"…?" I turned to my side to see Raiko staring at me. "Good morning," I whispered to her and kissed her.

She shyly kissed me back and silently nodded. I guess she was embarrassed by the situation. Last night I slept with the usual 7, and those were Raiko, Inaie, Rias, Gabriel, Kuroka, Akeno and to my surprise Fusae. She had asked to join this strange 'festive' of ours, and today for the first time she did. The rest of them had sneaked into my bedroom overnight.


The door was suddenly flung open and I heard an irritated sigh. "I am aware of the system in your home, but why are the other girls here, Aaron?" asked Sona.

"Well, I did go to sleep with 7, but ended up with everyone else," I replied.

After that, everyone woke up and left. Even the girls of Sona's peerage were there, and Tsubaki looked embarrassed as she walked past Sona who just sighed at her.

"Aaron is the ultimate pillow after all~," said Gabriel as she hugged me from behind.

"…Pillow Dragon Emperor," said Shirone and a few agreed with her.

[Ddraig would die if he heard that moniker,] said Elsha.

'I think they would be too numb at this point,' added Amaris.

{That he would.}

After breakfast, we were walking towards one of the classrooms and I spoke with Asia and Saji.

"Apparently, Vritra left to go to Vali's Sacred Gear. He was needed for something. I didn't know that they could do that," he said.

"Even Ahin left and said that I couldn't summon him for a little bit. I wonder if everything is okay…" muttered Asia, clearly worried about Ahin.

I believe they're trying to convince the remaining past hosts of Vali's [Divine Dividing]. I upgraded both my Sacred Gears so I didn't have to deal with speaking to the past hosts. I sometimes wonder if that was a good or bad thing. However, the two dragons told me that it was a good thing, so they wouldn't have to worry about being blocked or cursed.

But it makes me wonder, while I do have both titles of Oppai Dragon and Ketsu Dragon—Vali doesn't. So his Albion shouldn't be grieving too much… and in turn, the past hosts of his [Divine Dividing] shouldn't be too bothered. Well, that's my line of thought in all of this. It could be very different from their perspective.

"It's probably—" I told them what I thought was happening and they shouldn't worry. The dragons should be back eventually.

"I see, if that's the case, then I don't mind. Everyone needs help in gaining new powers and strength after all," concluded Saji.

"Yes. If Ahin is helping for that very reason, then I encourage it!" exclaimed Asia.

"Ah by the way, Asia-chan, Aaron-senpai. The Sairaorg-san won't be here since they'll be patrolling the floating city and also taking part in the film that Diehauser Belial-sama is in," said Saji.

"They're going to be in it? Incredible! I never would have imagined being in a film, even still Ingvild-san is also becoming a large star in both the human world and the supernatural, isn't she? I heard Shigune-san also plays the piano in some of her songs!"

"Right?! She's always had a fantastic singing voice, and add in Shigune-san's piano skills, they're like a killer combo!"

Both of them started to talk about the circumstances that involved Ingvild, and said woman was just smiling at them. Though I am a bit worried about it, I still support it. I feel like Ingvild's time with us will keep on shortening, unless I make an avatar for her to do this, the same with Shigune. But for now, I'll keep these thoughts to myself and see how it all plays out.

Everyone had split into their own groups to teach the children and parents that had come back to the school for another experience day. Today Sairaorg wasn't going to be here, so I had Ara teach the kids about touki and how to 'throw proper punches and kicks'. She was a bit panicky at first, but she's gotten the hang of things already, so I wasn't worried.

Raynare, Gabriel and Irina. Who I dubbed the angelic trio for the day were being hounded by the children about them being angels and if they would kill them with light, which was a bit worrying…

The rest were spread apart, like Xenovia and Kiba instructing some children about being a [Knight] and the traits of a [Knight] and their role in a Rating Game. Rose like yesterday was also teaching magic, while Rias and Akeno were teaching the children about the role and responsibilities of a [King] and [Queen]. This was also the same for the Sitri group.

I was in a different part and instead it had turned into a meet, greet and questions with the Oppai Dragon. Having suspected this might happen, Ravel had already set up a booth in advance, as expected from a junior. Raiko was also here to help. Rose looked like she wanted to, but she had to teach everyone magic, so she couldn't join us.

"Is there anything you want to be when you grow up?" I asked the children.

"I want to be Oppai Dragon!" a boy raised his hand and said that.

"I want to become the Champion of the Rating Game!"

"I want to work in the laboratory based in the Satan's territory!"

"I want to become Satan-sama's personal guard!"

The children here started putting their hands up one-by-one and telling me about their dreams and ambitions. A lot of them were quite out there, but it's understandable since they're still kids, but...

"I want to become a student of this school," said a quiet kid.

"Me too!" they all said one after the other.

I smiled at them. Being in a place like that, and having the opportunity of a lifetime, they certainly would like to be here—to be able to enroll here in the future and experience a fulfilling school life and have a chance to learn about the Rating Games in a good environment.

"Very well. While I'm not a devil, I'm close to many and even lovers to some. I have a good idea of a devil's work, so listen carefully!" I said to them and they answered with happy and enthusiastic 'Yes!'.

However, before I could continue, a powerful and large attack hit the barrier I had erected around this town when we first teleported here. Raiko and Ravel looked up and were frowned, the children and parents were both confused and worried.

[Aaron-sama, there's—] said a voice in my ear. Someone had used the [Communication Function] of their rings.

[You're with Team Slash/Dog, I will leave it to you guys. If you think an enemy is worth capturing, do that, if not—kill them. I'll leave you to defend other territories too, Irphine.]

[Yes, understood! Leave it to me as one of the Goddesses of Battle!] she said enthusiastically.

"Ravel, Raiko…" I muttered.

"Yes! Everyone, please remain calm and follow me! We will be holding a new event at the school. Please follow me in an orderly fashion!" shouted Ravel as she flew into the sky with her fiery wings.

"New event? Yay!" one of the children said and ran after Ravel who floated away at a moderate peace.

"Please follow after Ravel-san," said Raiko as she guided everyone away.

In an underground section of the school, there is a shelter in case of an attack. It's also quite large and spacious. I had helped expand it before going to sleep last night per Sona's request. It's also covered by a powerful barrier, and I also removed all the explosives that Euclid had planted around the school and town.

That sneaky asshole really tried to do that here too… I won't let him destroy Sona's hard work. Once all the parents and children were escorted into the building and a few of the Sitri peerage stayed with them, everyone gathered at the front gate.

"Normal ways of communicating, using magic circles, magical devices or our smartphones aren't working. Teleporting also doesn't work," reported Akeno.

"It also seems that there's another barrier that's covering the barrier Aaron made," added Tsubaki. "We've been boxed in."

I tapped my ear and connected to Sairaorg, and then put my hand out to show what's happening on their side.

[Sairaorg, it looks like you're being attacked on your end too, huh?] I asked.

[Aaron! Yes we are. I along with my peerage will help defend this place, along with your shadow soldiers. Seekvaira and her peerage are also helping. Leave this to us!]

[Very well, good luck,] I told him and changed the line to Göndul and the assembly.

[Göndul,] I called out. I then explained what was happening as we watched several of my shadow soldiers pin down several magicians.

[Yes, it seems like we found some perpetrators. I was very surprised to see more than one…] she admitted and looked angered and saddened.

[Then stay there and let my shadow soldiers do the work. Everything should settle down soon,] I said to her and she agreed.

"Who do you think put the barrier around us, and the one around Göndul-san?" asked Inaie.

"The Evil Dragon, the [Diabolism Thousand Dragon]—Aži Dahāka. Whether it's a clone or the original. They're all at least Dragon God-class, and if we take into account Euclid's [Boosted Gear Replica] then having a few boosts transferred to him, something like this is possible, though they still can't break through my barrier," I told them.

As everyone started to discuss various things, we saw hundreds to even millions of enemies appearing in the skies beyond my barrier. While I didn't see Euclid, Yanuyo, or any of his subordinates, but there was a familiar person there with two evil dragon clones too.

Walburga, the witch affiliated with Hexennacht, the wielder of the [Incinerate Anthem]. However, this clone did not have that Sacred Gear, but instead, it had an Artificial Sacred Gear called [Occuli Inferno]. Upon further analysis, it's basically an Artificial Sacred Gear that utilizes powerful purple flames just like [Incinerate Anthem]. However, it used demonic flames instead of holy flames.

The clone of the Evil Dragon Ladon, the [Insomniac Dragon], Grendel, the [Crime Force Dragon], and finally the [Diabolism Thousand Dragon], Aži Dahāka.

Aži Dahāka was a giant dragon with three heads and six giant wings. He had very dark scales with a shade of purple. While Ladon is a tree-like dragon with red eyes.

Suddenly, a large magic circle appeared in the sky, and from it—was a silver-haired man. I've met him before and even killed a clone of his. However, unlike his usually upbeat and 'cheerful' appearance, he had large black bags under his eyes and a vein was throbbing on his head.

It was Rizevim Livan Lucifer.

[Ah, it's on. Hello, piles of garbage. Excuse me for my appearance, a certain Dual Dragon has made my life a bit hellish since I met him, but I'm doing fine, so no worries~]

[I won't bore you with the boring stuff, just know that we plan on killing all the magicians and the members of Team [DxD] in the town of Auros. We also plan on stealing a few things from the floating city of Agares. Anyway, bye~ I need some sleep after all Uhyahyahyah~]

After announcing that, Rizevim vanished along with the magic circle. Then the army beyond my barrier started attacking my barrier. There was zero chance of them getting through. However, there's also a chance they have an item from Lapis to get through it, but from the looks of it, they didn't. But to our surprise, Ladon also disappeared after he spoke with the two dragons and Walburga, after a few more seconds, Aži Dahāka also flew away, towards the floating city.

I see, I think both Aži Dahāka and Ladon were heading to the floating city. I informed Sairaorg about this, and some of my shadow soldiers who were stationed around the city headed out to intercept them.

Suddenly, purple flames erupted all around my barrier and Walburga was laughing at us. "You can't hide forever~ you have to come out eventually~!" she said in a sing-song-like manner.

I left Yuanteng and Ayelet to keep an eye out for any changes on the outside. In addition, several of us stepped back inside to inform the families of what was happening. At the same time, countless others of my group, the Sitri peerage and the Gremory peerage rushed out to the town and gathered up the devils who lived here to evacuate them into the school's underground shelter.

As Rose, Raiko and I were walking around the school to look for any stray families that hadn't gone down to the shelter, we came across a man and woman who looked relieved to find us.

"E-excuse me, Oppai Dragon-san, is everything going to be okay?" the woman asked.

"Yes. Rest assured, ma'am, everything will be fine. We will bring you back to the shelter so you will have more protection there in case anything goes wrong," I told her and both of them nodded.

The father then stepped up and said, "My son smiled. He wasn't blessed with demonic power from birth, so he had been living life while being neglected by his peers. Even so, after more than one hundred years we were finally able to give birth to him, so we wished for him to grow big and strong."

"However, yesterday, we finally saw him genuinely smile and he showed us that he could conjure some flames, and then other elements. He said that… you helped him? And also remember his name?" asked the father.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes. I remember Lirenkus from a few of my events. I only gave him a small push. Your son has talent in using magic," I said to him.

Suddenly Lirenkus came running and in his hand was a small icicle. "Mom, dad, look I made some ice!" He also saw us and shouted, "Oppai Dragon, look!"

As soon as Lirenkus reached us, his parents looked emotional and were about to burst into tears, when Rose bent down and asked, "Do you like this school?"

"Yes! I enjoyed all the lessons that were taught, especially the magic classes taught by you, Rossweisse-sensei! If I keep learning like this, will I become stronger?" he asked.

"Yes, you certainly will. Didn't the Oppai Dragon tell you? Hard work will always show results," Rose said with a smile and patted him on the head.

After that Raiko led them back to the main building and into the shelter. I stayed behind Rose as we watched them go.

"...Whatever the magic is, it will definitely become useful for the caster and other people. Useless magic doesn't exist in this world," said Rose. "These words, they had been repeatedly told by my grandmother when I was a child. I may have understood it, but I may also not have. But I feel that I can finally understand the true meaning of my grandmother's words."

She looked at me a bit teary-eyed and said with determination, "Let's defend this school, and the future it holds for these children, Dear."


I could only reply like that. I was stunned by her determination there, and I felt the same way. These children deserve a future, and these guys won't take it away from them for their selfish desires.

As Rose and I were making our way to the strategy room, we came across Saji, Tsubaki and Sona. They were surrounded by some parents and children.

"Saji-sensei, will the scary dragons come?" asked one of the children.

"Is the school going to disappear?" another asked sadly.

Saji smiled as he patted the children's heads and said, "There's nothing to worry about. We will defeat all of the bad dragons! It will be a disaster if all of you get hurt, so we will need all of you to stay here. That's why wait here like good kids. Right, President?"

Sona nodded and added, "Yes, he's right. So all of you don't need to worry about a thing, okay? Let me see. Please watch the Oppai Dragon's video here. By the time the video ends, the bad dragons will be gone."

When they heard that, the children and their parents showed relief and walked to the shelter with assistance from one of my shadow soldiers.

Saji then says it as he clinches his fist, "I won't let them destroy it. There are many Devils that are seeking hope from this school. This is also our dream."

Rose walked towards him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, let's protect it."

Sona and Tsubaki also put on strong smiles and nodded.

"Saji, it's okay. We have survived many battles. We will continue to protect them. This time, it will be the same as then. Let's protect this town and this school."

"Yes, we can't allow them to destroy it."

I was silent during that, but I felt my own emotions stir inside me. Everyone was so determined to do this that I was also...

After our strategy meeting was over, we decided to check on the children and parents that were in the shelter. Upon entering the small room before the main shelter, we found writing all over the walls.

[I want to become the Rating Game Champion.]

[I hope I can attend this school!]

[I'm happy I could meet the Oppai Dragon!]

[I want to come here again!]

[I want to enroll in this school!]

Again, my own feelings stirred deep within me as I read these sentences. These were all just innocent wishes from them.

Suddenly a group of men approached us. They had come out of the main shelter. They all looked serious and were carrying tools with them.

"We, too, will fight," one of them said, revealing himself to be their leader. I believe these are the brothers and fathers of the families down there. Even Lirenkus' father was among them.

"There are only a few people in this town that can fight and I also heard that soldiers aren't stationed here."

"The presence of even one more person must be better. There must definitely be things where we can also contribute besides fighting."

"There may be residents that haven't escaped yet."

Rias Gremory's Soliloquy

Before I could answer, Aaron stepped in front of us, and gently put a hand on the man's soldier.

"I hear all of you loud and clear. But… please stay down there. I can't in good conscience allow that. However, I will take all those determined feelings of yours and fight with them," he said.

They were all about to protest when their eyes widened and they stopped. Their 'leader' looked at Aaron for a few seconds in silence, before he looked back at the others and they all agreed.

"…Very well. Middleman, please protect this place," he said.

"Yeah, I will. I promise you that."

The men then went back down to the shelter and Aaron disappeared from our sight and then we heard his voice.

"Ravel, Fusae, Raiko. Can I leave you three to guard the shelter?" he asked them.

"Yes, of course, Aaron-sama!" said Raiko and Ravel in unison.

"I don't see a problem with that," Fusae replied.

"Great, thank you. Everyone else, let's stick with what we planned," he said and walked away.

"Did anyone see Aaron's expression? Those men were very shocked," asked Akeno.

"He was crying."

We all turned to Gabriel-sama as she said that. Crying? Aaron? I find that hard to believe, but… I guess it makes sense to him—a family is something important. I don't think he would want those siblings and fathers to die on his behalf.

"He doesn't want them to lose their lives, even if he's only met them for two days in a row. He doesn't want their families to lose anyone in them. So he'll take on their burdens instead and fight on their behalf. Let's go join him," said Gabriel-sama and we finally left back to the surface.

Once we arrived back at the surface, there were new people out there too. A man who looked crazy and had bone-like armor covering his entire body was punching the barrier that Aaron had erected. He had a crazed smile across his face as everyone else watched him pummel away at the barrier.

Another man was also there. It was…

"Euclid Lucifuge," said Rossweisse-san. "He's here, then that means everyone is finally here."

"I'll take care of the Eradicator that's pummeling the barrier, and Euclid. I'll leave the rest to all of you. My shadow soldiers are here for back up, as well as Ayelet and Yuanteng. Good luck," said Aaron.

We hadn't seen his expression since we left the shelter but… as we looked on at his back, I felt strange, like he was going to disappear or something. It made me feel uneasy, but I set that feeling aside for now.

Aaron put his hand up, created more barriers around the houses, buildings and other structures of the town as well as the school. Finally, he destroyed the barrier he had erected around the entire town.

He disappeared from our view, as did Euclid and the man with bone-armor.

"Aaron's aura disappeared! He probably took Euclid and the Eradicator into another dimension! Everyone, get ready!" shouted Rossweisse.

After she shouted that, the millions of monsters, shadow monsters and evil dragons that were there charged at us.

Third Person Point of View

Aaron Toole's group, as well as the Gremory and Sitri peerages split up into small teams. However, the Evil Dragon Grendel immediately flew towards Genshirou Saji, the wielder of the Vritra Sacred Gears.

Suddenly a large green circle covered the barrier. It was Asia and Yuanteng. They both deployed their own healing abilities. With that, Team [DxD] and their allies would be fine and wouldn't worry about being fatally injured.

[Heyo~ Vritra-kyun~ miss me? I would have loved to fight the Dual Dragon again, but it seems like he chose his prey this time, eh? Let's fight to the death instead!] Grendel shouted and laughed.

"Justice!" Saji shouted as he punched the Evil Dragon in the stomach. This attack launched the dragon away and created a powerful shockwave afterward.

[Guwaaaa?!] Grendel screamed and spat out blood. He was shocked to feel the power behind the host of Vritra. He clutched his stomach and felt many of his clone's organs had already been crushed. He knew he didn't have much time left after that single attack.

[Guhahahaha! Amazing! You didn't need your Sacred Gear! The host of Vritra this generation is amazing~! Let's gooooo!! Fight, fight, fiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!] he screamed and flew back towards Saji.

The two of them exchanged blows. However, to Saji, the impact he felt from Grendel's punches were nothing compared to the people he had faced in those 100 years he spent in Aaron's [Pocket Dimension]. As far as he was concerned, the Evil Dragon's punches, which were comparable to those of a Dragon God-class being, were weak.

"Your fist is weak. You can't compare to any of them… not to Sairaorg-san, not to Aurelia-sama, not to Scathach-Shishō, or even Aaron-senpai!" he shouted and sent an uppercut to Grendel's chin!

"I don't even need my Sacred Gear for you…" he said and quickly charged up a large and powerful demonic ball of energy. "Disappear. We'll protect this academy from scum like you," Saji declared and sent his demonic ball towards Grendel who had started to laugh.

[Amazing! Amaziiiiing!! I want to fight you! I want to fight all of you with my original body! The next time we meeeet, defeinitely—]


Saji's demonic ball hit Grendel, killing him. Saji frowned at the words of the clone, but promised in his heart that he would fight him again if the opportunity arose. He then summoned his [Absorption Line] and flew towards another area of Auros.

"So persistent," said Raynare as she had teamed up with Gabriel and Irina again.

"At least we can kill them quite easily," replied Irina.

"Mhm, mhm~" agreed Gabriel.

Suddenly all three of them felt a powerful aura approach them and they turned their attention to it. It was a female. She had a gray ponytail, sharp green eyes and wore glasses. She wore a professional looking top with gold buttons, a black skirt, pantyhose, heels, and gloves.

"Aaron warned us of her. She's one of the Eradicator's subordinates," said Irina as she glared at Aubilca.

"Hmph. If we kill these little chickens, would I do something useful before I do?" she asked herself and pulled out her wand.

She tapped her side and then pointed it up. A large lava monster came out of the ground and it was covered in a black bone-like armor. Smaller versions of that monster also started to appear beside Aubilca. She herself also started to change, as her eyes became completely black, and her pupils turned yellow.

A strange tattoo started to appear on her face, and it resembled gun gullets and roses. Her height also began to change, and jet-black wings that were encased in bones also appeared on her back.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Aubilca, a direct subordinate of Yanuyo, ranked 7th of the Eradicators. No hard feelings, I'm doing my job," she said and appear behind Irina.

She tried to grab her wings, but Irina had already made small spears of light and aimed them behind her. Aubilca was surprised by this, and created a shield of bones to protect herself. However, Irina was much stronger than her and she was pushed away by the attack.

Aubilca wasn't injured that much, a few scratches and tears on her clothing, but nothing serious.

"Hmm. So it's safe to assume that the women of the Outer God are also strong fighters. The same with those two…" she said as she looked at a frowning Raynare and Gabriel.

"Don't hit Irina-chan!" Gabriel shouted as she appeared beside Aubilca who hadn't noticed yet.

Gabriel created a tennis racket made out of light and slammed it on Aubilca's side. However, an automatic defense system activated and two large pairs of bone shields appeared. These shields stopped the attack, but… like Irina, Gabriel was much stronger than Aubilca and it shattered the shield that protected her!

"Ugh?!" she winced out in pain as Gabriel's tennis racket made of light connected with the side of her abdomen and sent her crashing into one of the buildings. But thanks to Aaron's barrier, she only slammed into it and didn't cause any damage.

Aubilca quickly recovered but winced. She touched the side that was hit and grimaced. "Unrepairable. Even with what we have, do they have some kind of technique to prevent healing injuries?" she asked herself.

In Gabriel's attack she indeed had imbued her attack with an anti-healing ability. Everyone that was in the [Pocket Dimension] over the 100 years was taught this by Aaron. He wanted to make sure that no healing abilities would be exploited by the Khaos Order. This also meant that the future International Rating Game would be even more interesting since they all possessed this ability.

"Tch, annoying pieces of—"

"That's our line," said Raynare as she sent out thousands of small balls of light towards Aubilca. The balls started off at a slow speed, but quickly started increasing in speed and they hit Aubilca—not even her automatic defense system could keep up as they pierced right through them!


Bam! Don!

As Raynare's attack stopped, Aubilca tried to move away, but was punched in the face by Irina and kicked in the side of her abdomen by Gabriel. She let out a pained shriek and desperately tried to get away from the trio.

These three were dubbed the 'Funny Angels' by the children here. Raynare who had the most experience with children grew fond of the devil's children here rather quickly. Gabriel who loved humanity, especially children also adored these children and she wanted to protect them. Finally, Irina became emotionally driven to protect them after seeing many of their dreams and ambitions.

Each of them had different reasons for fighting, but in the end, it was to defend this place. They, too, saw a future for the children here, and didn't want it to be taken away from them.

"Destroy. I feel something awful from her," said Gabriel as she and Irina kicked and punched Aubilca away.

"Maybe she was implanted with some kind of explosive device? I'll deal with the monsters she summoned," said Raynare as she flew away and quickly dealt with the monsters.

She had aimed some of her earlier balls of light at the smaller monsters that were summoned and killed them. In addition, she also kept the larger one at bay with the balls too. Irina helped by throwing some hoops made of light at the monster to restrain it too.

"Raynare-san, let's do that!" shouted Irina cheerfully.

"N-no! That's embarrassing!" Raynare shouted back, but Irina made a cute pouty face and Raynare flinched back. "U-ugh, fine…!"

"What are you spouti—" Aubilca was interrupted again as Gabriel tied her up in a rope made out of light and created a small seal which disabled her movements even further.

Gabriel wanted to see what was 'wrong' with the woman in front of her, so once that action was done, she flew towards her and examined her with a new item that Aaron gave her—well, gave all of them through their rings.

If their rings could show them their 'status page' then it also gave them the ability to use a very simplistic 'appraisal' ability, or in Aaron's case, they had the ability to use [Observe] on a simpler scale with their rings.

Gabriel used that and gasped at what she saw. "Y-you… why would you do this to yourself?" she asked in horror. "Don't you love life?" she asked in a sad tone.

"Everything is for power, and everything is for my father…!" Aubilca shouted, and her body started to change and morph. "I held this back, but it can't be stopped, not anymore…!"

To Gabriel's horror, her binds were destroyed and she flew back to avoid the woman's transformation. What was meant to make Aubilca just explode and take out this large portion of the territory of Agares, she had changed it to a small but temporary power with the help of Promestein and Avezza.

She had become a 60-meter tall monstrosity of a monster made out of lava, bones and what looked like small red bombs dropping from her body everywhere. While the houses were safe, the ground and anything else that wasn't covered by Aaron's barriers were destroyed.

"Let's finish this quickly, Raynare-san!"

"Fine! Just get it over with!" screamed Raynare.

Both Irina and Raynare joined hands, and with a red face, both uttered, "Miracle, miracle, pomf, pomf, to the god of heaven, our Lord, and savior, we shall bring you to justice~! Flash, flash, shine~! Pierce everything that we touch~!" they then pointed their joined hands to the monster.

After they both said that strange chant, a large sword of light appeared in the sky, but just as quickly it appeared—it plummeted directly onto the lava-bone monster, killing it as it pierced its whole body and then exploded! It created a large pillar of light which made a few monsters, shadow monsters and evil dragons flinch. The vast majority of them were also killed by it.

Raynare covered her face and screamed, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh that's so embarrassing…!"

"Hehe, Gabriel-sama, Boss Griselda, Penemue-sama and I came up with it. Originally, we thought of having me and Gabriel-sama perform it first, but since fallen angels and angels aren't too different, we thought it would be fine, and it seems like it was!"

Even after explaining that, Raynare simply kept on screaming, still too embarrassed by it.

"Raynare, Irina, please come here," called Gabriel.

"We're killing it?" they asked and Gabriel nodded.

"We will put this poor soul to rest. I will do it. Please create another barrier around us," she said and the two agreed. To their surprise, Ayelet flew over to them and offered her help.

"It looks fun over here. Let me help with the barrier," she said and then all three of them created a barrier around Gabriel.

"Tch, so annoying!" shouted Bisusbyu.

He had been engaged in combat with the Gremory peerage for quite some time now. He like Aubilca went into this 'mission' with death in mind. So he was using his full power already. But to his utter horror and surprise, just two of the Gremory's peerage managed to hold him back.

Gasper Vladi in his [Forbidden Invade Balor the Beast] and Kiba Yuuto with his new [Blade Birth] Sacred Gear were fighting Bisusbyu. Gasper was mostly support as Kiba tried out new moves, techniques, and abilities with his [Blade Birth].

Kiba had entered his [Glory Drag Armor] and were attacking Bisusbyu along with his [Glory Drag Trop]. Kiba was also using a new sword that had a mix of holy, demonic and draconic properties.

Bisusbyu was using a form of martial arts and energy to repel the attacks. However, he also knew that the blonde man in front of him was holding back quite a bit, and that made him feel insulted.

"Why do you hold back?!" he screamed at him.

Bisusbyu refused to use the same power as his father. So he pursued the power he had, his martial arts.

"Please forgive me, but I need to experiment in these types of conditions!" replied Kiba as he continued his assault on Bisusbyu who became even more irritated by him.

"Enough!" Bisusbyu swiped his hand at Kiba who dodged and jumped back. He then put one arm forward and pulled the other back. Suddenly a green tattoo of a monster glowered behind him and then disappeared.

"Breapad, engage: Attack mode," he muttered and appeared in front of Kiba and sent an uppercut towards his chin.

Kiba followed his movements and dodged the punch, but Bisusbyu followed it up with a series of powerful kicks which Kiba dodged and blocked with his sword. However, one of Kiba's knights appeared behind him and blocked an incoming attack.

'What? What was that…?' he thought and sent out a slash at Bisusbyu and created some distance from him. 'I guess I have to take this a bit more seriously!' he said to himself and charged Bisusbyu.

Bisusbyu was shocked when he felt Kiba's entire presence vanish. He could no longer see him anymore, but in his gut, he knew that the young blonde [Knight] was still here. Bisusbyu focused all his power on trying to detect Kiba, and when Kiba struck, he blocked the attack!

However, Kiba smiled as multiple cuts and slashes started to appear all over Bisusbyu's body.

"Khhh!" he hissed and jumped away from Kiba, but to his shock, Kiba had already appeared behind him and slashed his back! He let out a pained cry as he twisted his body and sent a downward kick towards the [Knight], but Kiba had already disappeared again.

'I'm outmatched by speed! Then how about power…?!' Bisusbyu shouted in his mind and changed into a different stance. This time a strange creature with the color of red appeared behind him, as well as another creature that was white.

"Cahik, Wolrea, engage: Hybrid mode," he muttered and dodged when Kiba sent a thrust towards his head! 'Yes! I dodged his str—'

Shing! Shing! Gshhhhhh!

However, to Bisusbyu's surprise, a large part of his face and his throat had been sliced. Cahik, a sturdy monster is a planet he had conquered and incorporated into his martial arts. It increases his defense and regenerative powers. Wolrea, increases his power, reflexes, and agility. With both combined, he lost his speed, but it would usually be more than enough to take down his opponents.

He held back from using a mix of Breapad, Cahik, Wolrea and a final one. He first used this when he fought Yanuyo. However, it left his body in a damaged state, and he couldn't move for at least a month.

Even though Bisusbyu worked for Yanuyo and was part of the Phantasma, he abided by his own code. Even though he participated in this attack, he did not like endangering innocent lives. However, he never expressed this to anyone around him. In a way, he was also a strange entity in his own universe.

If he so wished, he could send powerful shockwave punches and obliterate his surroundings, and typically he would do this if they were ordered to conquer a planet or universe. But since he knew that these devils were 'alive' he couldn't do it, his own consciousness wouldn't allow it. So from the second he accepted his mission, he already lost and held a handicap.

To Bisusbyu, this wasn't an unpleasant way of dying. He was facing another person with honor, so he would 'try' his best in this situation.

"<<Are you sure we should only be watching, President?>>" asked Gasper, but when he looked at his [King], she was casually killing monsters with small balls of [Power of Destruction].

The same with the rest of the peerage, Akeno was killing monsters and evil dragons around them using her holy draconic lightning. Xenovia was slashing them apart with her [Durandal], and Shirone killed them all easily with her touki and kasha.

Gasper sighed in weariness at the situation around him. 'Never mind then…' he thought and kept an eye on the fight between Kiba and Bisusbyu.

[Interesting, to think I would be immobilized this much by singing,] said Aži Dahāka. He had come back after feeling Grendel's clone be killed. Unfortunately for him, he had to face Ingvild Leviathan and Rossweisse.

"Ingvild-san I will face him, so thank you in advance!" said Rossweisse as she had changed into her Valkyrie outfit, but it had change since she had asked Aaron to change it again during the 100 years.

It was redesigned and upgraded to reflect the color red. She wanted it to match the Red Dragon Emperor's armor. However, now it is mostly black, with silver, gold, and blue as its primary colors. It was also upgraded and had the enchantments added to it.

Rossweisse summoned her [Mistilteinn Wand] and pointed it at Aži Dahāka who grinned.

[I do not need to move; I can activate magic without needing to move!] he shouted and hundreds of magic circles appeared behind him.

In response Rossweisse summoned the same number of magic circles and fired them at Aži Dahāka's attacks. Both of them clashed as a wonderful array of colors spread across the sky. Ingvild who had watched this short exchange kept on singing. She had only trained with the Sacred Gear to a certain extent. This was because she focused on its water manipulation and her own clan's [Sea Serpent of the End].

However, Ingvild increased the power of her voice which in turn halted any ability of Aži Dahāka from using his magic which shocked even him.

[Hmm?! To think such a powerful Sacred Gear like this existed. No wonder the original Leviathan wants you,] he said to Ingvild and looked at her.

Ingvild was shocked at this revelation, but she and Aaron had hypothesized that this could have been the case. So she didn't let it deter her, instead she glared at him and he laughed.

[Allow me to tell you one more thing then! Your father has joined the Khaos Order! He resents the current Four Satans and your existence!] shouted Aži Dahāka.

Once she heard that, Ingvild stopped singing and stared at Aži Dahāka in shock. Aži Dahāka grinned as his 'gamble' worked and he spread his arms apart and created even more magic circles! He fired them at Ingvild who hadn't moved, and Rossweisse appeared in front of her with a powerful defensive magic circle.

"Ingvild-san, please don't lose focus!" she said, but when she looked at Ingvild, it was evident that Ingvild had started to think about something and wasn't mentally here anymore, so Rossweisse sent her away by forcefully teleporting her into the shelter of the school.

She briefly connected with Ravel and Raiko, and told them about the situation and to look after her until Aaron came back.

'Ingvild-san looked fine and was quite happy, but we never addressed her feelings about her family or father…! That is our mistake. I will bring this up with Aaron!' she thought and turned her hostility toward Aži Dahāka who laughed again.

[I did not think that powerful lady would be that affected about her father joining our organization, kuku. Well, I usually don't use tactics like that, but it was quite annoying having my movements restricted,] he admitted and shook his head.

[We play dirty!] the left head said cheerfully.

[We should have killed her!] added the head on the right side.

[Fufu, unless we meet again, we will refrain from doing so,] the head in the middle said. It was the one who had been mainly talking. The other two had mostly remained silent until now.

"She is our precious comrade and sister; I won't let you get away with that!" said Rossweisse as her eyes took on a stern, defined shape, sporting silver-colored irises.

Rossweisse was jealous of the 'Fated Ones' that Aaron had. In addition, she was quite jealous of how they understood him better. But she did not resent them, or have thoughts like that. However, she also wished to be closer to Aaron more than anyone. Closer than Akeno, Lavinia, Suzaku, Velgrynd and even Cúntóir.

That's why she—

[Hooo? I've heard that the Middleman could do such a thing, but to think…] the main head said.

[She looks like the Middleman! Middleman!] the left head said.

[She turned into the silver-haired mode of the middleman!] added the right head.

Correct. Rossweisse with the help of Aaron and Cúntóir had managed to attain the technique [Ultra Instinct Sign]. She can't maintain it for too long, so in order to show her love for Aaron, she sought him out to be able to use this.

Rossweisse's body was covered in a complex silver, purple and blue aura that consisted of rippling, fire-like energy, complete with sparkling particles that traveled upwards. In her mind… if she had to force a 'Fifth Fated One' it would be her, and no one else.

Rossweisse, for added effect, she enchanted her own abilities using magic and charged Aži Dahāka! She appeared beside him and punched one of his heads, causing it to explode! The other two remaining heads were alerted and he sent a kick towards his stomach, but Rossweisse easily dodged it with not much effort.

Again, she followed it up by firing a point-blank magical attack at the head on the left, killing it too! Aži Dahāka tried to use his own healing magic and was slowly regenerating the head on the right when Rossweisse kicked him in the stomach, and sent him further into the sky.

She then used her [Mistilteinn Wand] and aimed a single magic that had multiple layers on it at Aži Dahāka. She quickly charged up her attack. It was a mix of explosion magic, nuclear magic, fairy magic, norse magic, fire magic, plasma magic and wind magic. Once done charging she fired it at Aži Dahāka.

The attack produced an almost railgun-like beam that pierced through the air and instantly hit Aži Dahāka in the chest, then straight after, a large explosion occurred in the barrier. Shaking everything around them.

Once the explosion subsided, Aži Dahāka had been killed. But as soon as it was done, Rossweisse was forced out of her [Ultra Instinct Sign]. She started to pant and gasp for air desperately. It hadn't been the first time she used it, but it was still quite hard for her to master and maintain.

'How can Aaron keep that technique active all the time…?' she couldn't help but wonder and took out a slime pill. 'He must have thought that I would use it, so gave me this in advance…' she swallowed the pill and restored her stamina, magic and healed her.

As Rossweisse was about to continue fighting, she saw a large ball of white feathers that glowed in golden light erupt in the distance, and also on another side, a large tower of swords that started to create a large tower in the sky.

"Kiba-kun and Gabriel-sama… it must be those subordinates of the Eradicator. So they must have been killed then," said Rossweisse. She created a magic circle beside her and killed an evil dragon that flew past her. "I have more work to do… I need to master this new power too..."

"What the hell is up with this brat and cat…?!" Walburga asked in frustration. Suddenly, a magic circle appeared beside her and she became even more frustrated. "Haaaah?! We already lost both the dragons and at least half of our forces?! What the fu—"

Shing! Shing!

Inaie and Kuroka were the ones fighting Walburga, though in reality both were just messing around with her. It appears that Inaie mainly killed the others who were trying to assist Walburga, while Kuroka focused on annoying Walburga.

"Hey, 'Bitch of the Purple Flames' nya~ how does it feel to be toyed with, nya~? When you're the one who's usually doing that, nyahahah~!" mocked Kuroka as she dodged another attack from Walburga's [Occuli Inferno].

"Hey, Bitch of the Purple Flames! Why didn't your clone get a copy of your Sacred Gear [Incinerate Anthem]?" asked Inaie as she killed another group of Evil Dragons.

"Because it's hard to make copies of a Longinus you stupid brat!!" snapped back Walburga as she sent out another torrent of demonic purple flames at Inaie who dodged it again.

One of Walburga's monikers was [Witch of the Purple Flames], so once she heard both Kuroka and Inaie mocking it for the last few minutes, she became frustrated. She started to lash out and started throwing a bunch of purple flames everywhere with her Artificial Sacred Gear.

'Fuck, where did that stupid dragon take Euclid and Yanuyo?! I can't fight all of them even after getting a power up! Shit, what about the ones in the Floating City of Agares?! Are they done yet?! It's not a difficult mission! Even if I'm a clone I'd rather not kick the bucket yet!'

Walburga flew away from the two with her broom and glared at them. "It can't be helped. Try not to die since I'm using the maximum output of this Artificial Sacred Gear," she said to them and smirked.

Inaie and Kuroka fired a ball of light and a touki bullet, but Walburga dodged them and shouted, "Balance Adjust!"

Balance Adjust, similar to what Sacred Gear wielders shout out with 'Balance Breaker'. It's a way for Artificial Sacred Gear users to activate their [Counter Balance].

The area around Walburga erupted into a sea of purple flames! Both Inaie and Kuroka flew away to avoid being hit by the flames. The flames around Walburga started to form a large shape. It slowly morphed into a large fox that stood on all fours. It had a unique purple cross on its forehead and its eyes glowed purple too.

"Counter Balance, [Purple Blazes of the Kyuubi]. Huhu, I came up with it myself. Do you like it? I based it of the legendary Supreme Youkai, a Nine-tailed fox~," said Walburga as she laughed from her broom.

"Laaaaame!" shouted back Inaie. She then put her hand up to the sky and instantly gathered a large amount of light and changed the shape into a cross to mock Walburga even more.

"Nyahaha~ I guess I'm an excellent counter then~" Kuroka said as she summoned black flames in the form of large spinning wheels. Both Inaie and Kuroka looked at each other before grinning at each other and throwing their attacks at Walburga and her large flaming kyuubi.

The large flaming kyuubi was hit and it exploded, but Walburga grinned at them as it quickly regenerated. "It's made with the collaboration of the Phantasma you know? It won't be defeated that easily~"

Both blinked a few times before grinning even wider than before.

"Oh, okay, I guess we'll try a bit more then," said Inaie as her body was covered in both light and touki.

"I guess so. I took the liberty of copying Shirone and Yasaka for this after all~" said Kuroka.

Inaie who had been flying around with just two pairs of fallen angel wings had covered her body with touki and light. She then mixed them together to create her own unique 'energy'. With the help of Aaron changing their bodies over the 100 years, they could create strange phenomena like this. She then showed off 16 jet-black wings behind her. 8 were fallen angel wings and the other 8 were tengu wings.

Kuroka on the other hand, changed her hair from black to white and her hazel-gold eyes turned red. Like Kunou and Yasaka's [Fox Dragon God Mode], and Shirone's [Shirone Mode], Kuroka had started to practice creating her own new form. A mix of both, perhaps she copied her little sister, no one knew the truth but…

Just like Inaie, she proudly displayed 8 devil wings and 8 draconic wings. Both of them unleashed their auras and blew away everything around them and caused the entire barrier that covered Auros to shake!

Walburga's eye twitched. 'Fuck… did I fuck up…? Shit they're at least near Ignia's level of strength! Shit!' she thought and tried to fly away, but Inaie appeared in front of her with a crazed grin.

"Where are you going~?" Inaie asked playfully.

"C-can I get a refund?" she asked.

"No~ die~"


"Aargh?!" Walburga let out a pained cry as she was pierced in the stomach by a light spear, which was then followed up by Inaie kicking her in the face and she crashed into the ground!

On Kuroka's end, she had successfully destroyed the flaming Kyuubi. "Nyaaa… I didn't need to even use this, I should have just used a bit more of my kasha…" she said disappointedly. "How is she?"

"Practically dead, should we—?"

Before they could react, Walburga pulled out an item and stabbed herself with it. Just like Euclid before, and a few others, she began to decay and crumble away.

"I guess I won in the end~," she said and laughed before disappearing.

"Eh, it's not like she matters. They probably had their memories erased so it'd be useless to keep her around," said Kuroka who shrugged it off.

"True, but I think we should have at least tried…" muttered Inaie. "Oh well, let's get rid of the rest, Captain Kuroka!"

"Nya, nya, sir!"

In the Astaroth territory and around it, Team Slash/Dog were engaged in combat. Along with the help of one of the Goddesses of Battle, Irphine.

Irphine was an elf who excelled at magic, the use of a bow, and healing. She had long elegant blonde hair, with green eyes. She also wore earrings that were of a blue rose, she had a small necklace with a blue pendant and a dragon symbol in it. Her dress was long and elegant and was mostly white, with gold and green patterns on it. Her bow design was unique to her own had a white rose, and a golden-green body.

[Yo, how many are there?!] Kouki asked through a transceiver.

[I think Irphine-san said there were at least 2000 attacking the territory!] shouted Kanami. [Just kill 'em all!]

[That's the plan!] replied Kouki.

[Shut up talking and kill!] shouted Natsume.

While Team Slash/Dog was in the territory, many of the servants of Astaroth were also helping defend their own territory. This also meant Latia Astaroth was here as she was the current heiress.

However, the battle for Team Slash/Dog wasn't as stressful and strenuous as they thought, with the help of Lavinia's new Sacred Gear, [Tempest Extinction]. She had her original Sacred Gear [Absolute Demise] evolved into its newest form and she let Aurelia Le Guin name it for some strange reason.

[Tempest Extinction], also known as [Ice Queen that Froze the Universe], had its usual abilities, as well as its previous Balance Breaker turned into one of its normal abilities.

Lavinia Reni had covered the entire Astaroth territory in a never-ending blizzard, just like her previous Balance Breaker. However, this time it also 'froze' the time of anything it perceived as an enemy, so most of Team Slash/Dog were killing frozen enemies. If they could resist the 'ice' abilities, then they would have their 'time' frozen instead.

The range of this ability is an entire universe. Therefore, when Lavinia Reni completely masters it, Aaron and a few theorized that she could potentially freeze the entire multiverse along with laws and concepts.

While [Absolute Demise] summoned 3 meter tall ice dolls in the form of women in a dress and with four arms, [Tempest Extinction] summoned 15 meter tall humanoid ice dragons instead. They also hold the same powers as their previous forms, however, they also possess dragon-like qualities but are not affected by dragon-slaying abilities or tools.

Lavinia Reni has yet to achieve a Balance Breaker with her new Sacred Gear, however, she has an idea on where to take it. She isn't entirely sure yet, however.

"Sis!" Natsume called out as she watched from Griffon's back in his [True] form.

Kanami Minagawa was currently utilizing her [Ashen Burst] only and not her [True Longinus]. Kanami flew around using magic and killing her enemies with her white flames.

"Hehe, it's not use, Natsu! She's way too focused on killing everything~," said Sylph. The wind spirit was currently on her shoulders as she watched the scene from a distance.

Along with Lavinia's blizzard, the entire territory was also covered by Latia's [Room]. This made it easier for everyone as they just coordinated with her and made any enemies that resisted the cold be swapped places with something and be killed instantly. There were, however, only a few capable of resisting the cold.

[Hey, the hell's that?! Did Azazel send a fallen angel to help us?!] shouted Kouki.

All of them turned in a certain direction and saw some kind of figure that was quickly approaching them. However, a certain lady had a reaction and it made the entire area even colder. They weren't even sure if there was anything beyond [Absolute Zero], but the chill they left made them think otherwise.

Lavinia Reni was one of the few who reached Omniversal in rank along with Ophis, Irene and Suzaku. So she usually had to hold back by quite a lot, but it seemed that this unknown figure had caused her emotions to rise.

[Lavinia, what's wrong?!] asked Natsume worriedly.

[That looks like Azrael,] said Lavinia calmly. She stared at the previously dead fallen angel with a cold glare.

[Wait what? I thought he was dead, didn't Bro kill him?!] asked Kouki.

[No… from what I can tell, it seems to have mechanical parts. Perhaps the Khaos Order made him a new body?] said Ajamu.

[Maybe the Evie faction helped reconstruct a body for him?] added Shigune.

Lavinia remembered her defeat towards him, and her temporary 'death' and how it greatly affected Aaron and probably still does. In her mind, she could get revenge right now.

[Leave him to me,] she told her team.


[Kanami, I'll be fine. I'm not going to lose myself to my emotions, trust me on this, leader.]

[…Fine, but…! Natsume can you go with her?!] asked Kanami.

[I was already planning on that, I'm coming with you, Lavinia!] announced Natsume and the two quickly met up.

"I guess Aaron wasn't the only one worried about me," she said and smiled at Natsume.

"When we heard of what had happened we were really shocked you know? At least Aaron was there to help heal you…" Natsume said with a frown. "In any case, I'll just stand back and watch. If you need help I'll provide it, but apart from that, I'll kill anything that tries to interrupt you, okay?"

"Mhm, thank you," the Ice Princess said as she flew towards the mechanical Azrael.

[Targeting L-A-V-I-N-I-A acquired, proceeding with mission to kill per the orders of the Evie,] said the mechanical Azrael.

'I see, it's probably just a robot made in the same way as Azrael. It doesn't seem to have any memories. Did the Evie create this to emotionally manipulate me or Aaron…?' she asked herself and frowned.

"…You shouldn't have done that," Lavinia said in a creepy voice, before the area around them was encased in a large ball of ice.

"What the… wait, what?! Lavinia!!" Natsume shouted. Natsume couldn't see through the ice. It was too thick and had a deep shade of blue so it wasn't transparent. "Ugh, I can't break this since it's Lavinia… dammit!"

Suddenly, Irphine appeared beside Natsume surprising her.

"Woah!? I-Irphine?"

"Natsume-sama, please do not worry, Lavinia-sama is fine. She may wish to fight this separately from the rest of us, but please trust her," said Irphine.

Natsume looked at Irphine then back at the large ball of ice. She repeated this a few times before—

"Natsu! C'mon trust Ice Princess-sama, she, Suzaku, Irene and Ophis are probably the strongest in Aaron's harem, they should be fine!" encouraged Sylph.

"Fine! Dammit! Fine! But I'm staying here so I can keep an eye on it! I'll only kill enemies from here…!"

"That's fine, Natsume-sama, I will cover the areas that were yours and Lavinia-sama's," said Irphine and she left.

"I promised Aaron that I would look out for her, you know? He just had a worried look about today, so…"

"Hehe, you wanted to score brownie points with Aaron?" asked Sylph.

However, Natsume didn't answer the teasing and simply killed anything that came near the ball. Lavinia was a precious comrade, and everyone knew the bond that Aaron and Lavinia had, so as one of his lovers and also a long-time comrade of Lavinia, she thought she had some sort of obligation.

In a different dimension that Aaron and Cúntóir created, he had brought Euclid Lucifuge and Yanuyo in there to fight/kill them. He didn't want to endanger anyone else, nor did he want to accidentally cause more world-wide phenomena. At least here, he could to some degree let loose.

"Kekeke, our final showdown, Outer God! Let's get to it!" shouted Yanuyo.

"Hold it, I will kill him!" shouted Euclid. "I need this! He took my sister and that Valkyrie away from me!"

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa?! Fuck you and your fetishes! I'm the stronger one here!"

"That does not matter, I'm—"

"Faythe, for your first mission, play with Euclid for a short while. I'll deal with Yanuyo," ordered Aaron.

"At once, Aaron-sama!" said the Draconic beauty. She appeared from the ring, surprising the two, and kicked Euclid in the face and sent him off to a distant section of the dimension.

"Good call! We'll fight first!" shouted Yanuyo.

"If you want a sliver of chance, go all out," said Aaron.

A wide grin spread across Yanuyo's as he unleashed his entire power which caused the area around them to shake. To his surprise the dimension didn't, but he ignored that as his body was covered in shadow-like bone armor. His hair turned from jet-black to crimson-red and yellow.

The bone armor started to cover his body much like the Scale Mail of Aaron's [Boosted Gear]. His eyes also turned a crimson color and his power had increased several folds. When Aaron used [Observe] on Yanuyo, he had reached low Universal in strength which didn't surprise him.

He expected the Eradicators, Yve and the leaders to be at least near Universal-class. In response, Aaron removed the illusion around him and unleashed his current full power of the technique [Autonomous Ultra Instinct].

"Yes! It's that silver form that killed Scias! Let me have a tas—"

Before Yanuyo finished his sentence, Aaron appeared in front of him and kicked his face. This caused a powerful ripple around them and destroyed their surroundings. It also killed Yanuyo, however, he didn't want him to die so quickly. So as soon as he killed him, he also revived him.

Once Yanuyo recovered from the strange feeling he looked at Aaron in shock and even more excitement.

"Amazing! Now that's what I wanted! Let's fucking goooooooooooooooooo!!" he screamed and charged Aaron.

The two of them exchanged fists. Every time they collided, Yanuyo's arms would explode, but Aaron would restore them. Yanuyo hated it, but at the same time he loved it. This was the first time in his life he got to use his full power and have it be meaningless!

Yanuyo suddenly backed away and created a large creature behind him accompanied by several bone-like objects that had sharp points to them. He grinned and sent them towards Aaron. Aaron dodged them easily, however they had a homing function, so the attacks just turned around and flew right back at him.

He swiped his hand and destroyed the attacks. However, when he looked back at Yanuyo, he had sent another large energy attack, and the monster had fired a large beam that was shaped like a bone covered in crimson shadows.

Aaron cocked his arm back and then punched in front of him! The shockwave and power generated wiped everything out in front of him, and in the distance, Faythe had to grab Euclid and forcefully teleported themselves to a different section, or else they would have died too.

Yanuyo died, as expected, and the monster was also killed, but Aaron resurrected him and they continued their fight.

"I can fight forever like this! Hey, hey! You can make shadow soldier things, right?! When you 'permanently' kill me, turn me into one! I'm powerful, yeah?! So having another powerful shadow would benefit you! Or even turn me into one of your subordinates!!"

Cúntóir: Answer: Aaron, let's turn him into an Electa. We can experiment with [Existence Manipulation] that you wish to use on Avezza. He could be our first experiment.

'I was just planning to kill him, but I guess that sounds like a reasonable idea. I wonder how I can change him…' thought Aaron and he smiled at Yanuyo. "If that's what you want, then so be it," he said.

"Great!!!" shouted Yanuyo.

They both disappeared again and clashed at different spots in the dimension. If Aaron hadn't forced them here then the damage they would create would have destroyed large parts of the Underworld, and probably the human world and other realms.

Aaron dodged a punch from Yanuyo much to his surprise and he then punched him in the chest. However, he added [Thought Acceleration] to it, and then he decreased his power and pummeled Yanuyo with multiple punches, kicks, and a few blasts of energy.

In reality, this only lasted a few seconds, but to Yanuyo, it was at least tens of millions of years. In a way, Aaron had tortured him for millions of years in just a few seconds. Once Yanuyo stopped moving after the beating, he released the [Thought Acceleration] on him and he began to scream.

However, it wasn't like the previous screams he did, this was one of pure agony. Aaron looked at Yanuyo without any change in expression and thought, 'Did I break his mind…? I expected him to be quite old, so he should have been able to handle that…'

Aaron saw that Yanuyo couldn't fight anymore. He created a replica of his body and put it to the side as the man continued screaming. Aaron double-checked with Cúntóir that everything was ready and he sliced off Yanuyo's head, killing him.

He then transferred his soul and consciousness into the new body while also making changes to Yanuyo. The first thing he did was make him extremely loyal to him, just as Antares was. Yanuyo would be a fanatic of him. Next, he would also be extremely loyal to everyone he saw as an ally, friend, or lover. After that, he changed his overall strength to match the rest of the Electa, and finally, he would retain all his memories, but with a twist.

This new Yanuyo had been created by Aaron from the start along with Lianne and Antares. He had also been 'a spy' for him as he had been in the universe of the Phantasma. Once all these changes and a few more minor ones were made, he woke Yanuyo who stared at Aaron and then bowed his head.

"Aaron-sama, forgive me, it seems like I blacked out. Do you wish to know more about the things I learned while being in the Phantasma and as a fake 'Eradicator'?" Yanuyo asked.

"Tell me another time. I'll also have Ayelet tell me her information about the Evie since too many things have happened so I didn't have time to sit down and hear it. Let's try to do that by tonight, if not tomorrow," he said.

"Very well, then what about Euclid Lucifuge?" Yanuyo asked.

"…I will deal with him. You and Faythe will go back to the Underworld and explain what happened," said Aaron and he gave Yanuyo an item. "Destroy that as soon as you're there. It will inform our allies of what I did, well, everyone that is defending Auros."

"At once!" he said and disappeared. He then came back with Faythe in tow and she smiled at Aaron.

"He's quite weak even after being called a Super Devil. It was a bit disappointing. So Yanuyo-san is… Ufufu, what an interesting thing you did, Aaron-sama," she Faythe as she looked at Yanuyo who looked confused.

"We shall be off, Aaron-sama," said Yanuyo and they left.

Aaron let out a sigh and waited for Euclid. It didn't take long as a large burst of demonic energy flew towards him.

"Dual Draaaaaaaaaaagooooooooooooooon!!" Euclid screamed.



However, as soon as he reached Aaron, he dodged his attack and punched Euclid in the stomach and threw him away. He recovered after coughing up some blood and glared at Aaron quite intensely.

"Balance Break!!" Euclid screamed and he was covered in his [Boosted Gear Replica] Scale Mail. "Wear it! I will prove that I have better mastery of this stupid tool! And I will then take my sister back and as well as that Valkyrie!!"

However, much to his surprise, Aaron surrounded himself with his illusion again. He did not plan on using [Autonomous Ultra Instinct] on Euclid.

{Are we doing that, Aaron?} asked Albion.

"Yeah," he replied. He then looked Euclid in the eye and said, "That won't happen, as well as the fact that we don't need another Red Dragon Emperor in this world. Two White Dragon Emperors is already a lot, don't you think?"

Aaron then summoned his [Divine Diving] and entered is Balance Breaker and then into his [Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive].

"Hahahaha! So you plan on defeating me using your [Divine Dividing]?! Excellent let me defeat the White Dragon Emperor too!"

Aaron appeared in front of Euclid and punched him in the gut again, and followed it up by kicking him in the face. This caused him to be blown away and lose temporary consciousness.

"Let's do it," ordered Aaron.


Aaron put his hand over his heart and chanted.

"The Pure White Dragon dwelling within me, rise up from your supremacy—"

Gradually, the silvery-white armor that exceeded supremacy began developing jet-black patterns.

{The Pure Ever Lasting Outer God I possess within me, claim the throne of the beginning—}

In response to Albion's chant, the wings of light on Aaron's back became infused with black. Following that, a pair of newly developed wings extended out from his back.

[The Jet-Black God of Infinity—]

Certain parts of the armor became golden after Ophis' voice rang out.

{The Mysterious and Unfathomable Creator of Realities—}

Jet-black draconic wings grew out of his back, all of the edges of Aaron's armor sharpened, and became something with an organic form. Aaron and Albion's voices then overlapped with each other.

"{We shall transcend the limits to accept the oath—}"

Black eye-like objects appeared on all of the gems in his armor, and unleashed a dazzling brilliance. The final line was chanted by all three of them.

"{[Thou shalt kneel down before our bright and glorious existence!]}"

{[O ∞ O!! O ∞ O O ∞ O!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!!!!!!]}

{[O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Outer God!!!!!!!!!!!!!]}

The sound that echoed out from the gems seemed to indicate a malfunction. And then, a powerful and majestic voice rang out!

{Outer ∞ Drive!!!!!!!!}

Euclid regained his consciousness as he saw a bright light consume the entire dimension.

"W-what is this…?!" he covered his eyes as the light nearly blinded him. However, at the same time he felt terror.

Due to the chant, his entire armor emitted a dazzling radiance, and his aura had also increased to unfathomable amounts! Aaron was covered in silvery-white armor with jet-black and golden tones. He had 16 draconic wings behind him. 8 were that of his outer god wings and the other 8 were of [Divine Dividing]'s. His body was also covered in a silver, blue and gold aura.

After looking at it again, it made Euclid tremble to his very core.

Aaron channeled his power through his wings—

{[O ∞ O!! O ∞ O O ∞ O!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!!!!!!]}

A faulty-sounding noise once again blared out from the gems of his armor. Then, his sixteen wings parted in the middle, and were ejected out from Aaron's back. The sixteen wings that had been ejected began to change in appearance and form. They were exactly like his [Dividing Wyvern Fairies] but it belonged to [Divine Dividing].

A total of twelve [Dividing Wyvern Fairies] surrounded Aaron.

"Go!" he commanded and all of the [Dividing Wyvern Fairies] flew towards Euclid who tried to destroy them but—

[Reflect!] one of the wyverns announced and reflected the attack back at Euclid. He defended against his attack but looked shocked.

"Don't screw with meeeeeee!!" screamed Euclid in rage. His gems then started blinking rapidly, and they blinked a total of 12 times! Euclid had just boosted a total of 12 times and he fired multiple [Dragon Shots] at Aaron!

{[O ∞ O!! O ∞ O O ∞ O!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!!! O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O O ∞ O!!!!!!!!]}

[Outer Compression Divider!!!]

What Aaron released was the ultimate blast of various energies. Silvery-white, jet-black, deep blue and golden streams of light were interwoven with each other, and all of the [Dragon Shots] that Euclid released were instantly compressed over and over again, and eventually eliminated.

"I promised Grayfia I wouldn't kill you. They need to interrogate you after all," said Aaron as he quickly flew to Euclid and hit him with a barrage of punches.

This knocked him away and caused him to black out again. Aaron used this opportunity to surround Euclid with some of his wyverns. There were at least four around him and they all started using [Half Dimension] on his body which forced him to wake up.

"Uuuggghhh?! I-I can't moooveeee!!!" he roared.

"I promised Grayfia that I'd bring your dumbass back. Even if you're rotten to the core she still believes in you. I don't, but if that's what she wants then I'll fulfill it," said Aaron.

Euclid glared at Aaron but grinned. "I will just destroy that school then! Fool!" he shouted and managed to snap his fingers even after being constantly hit with [Half Dimension] by the four wyverns.

But nothing happened. The grin on Euclid's face instantly vanished. "Why?! Why?! Why?! Why isn't it working?!" he asked.

"Because I got rid of them. If you think I'll let you destroy that school, you are seriously stupid, Euclid Lucifuge. I won't let you destroy Sona's hard work and dream."

Aaron increased his own power even more, and dedicated it all to settling the scuffle in one final attack. He spread open his black wings of an Outer God. The armor on his chest and abdomen rattled as they separated and slid open. What appeared there was the muzzle of a cannon that was ready to fire. It quietly emitted a charging sound as aura gathered at the muzzle of the cannon.

After a vast amount of energy had been gathered, Aaron looked at the little brother of Grayfia and said, "Apologize to Grayfia when you meet her again."

{[O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Outer God!!!!!!!!!!!!!]}

"{[Outer Longinus Smasher!!!!!!!!!!]}" all three of them shouted.


The massive bombardment of silvery-white, jet-black, deep blue and golden streams was shot out from the cannon on his abdomen and it consumed Euclid.

In the midst of the different dimensions, Euclid Lucifuge lay defeated on the ground. He lay in a pool of his own blood but was still conscious. Aaron had obviously held back from killing him, yet he was still impressed that Euclid managed to stay awake after the attack.

The sky above them had changed to the color of the aura that Aaron had used. The colors of silvery-white, jet-black, deep blue and gold. It was truly a rare sight to see. Aaron looked back at the ground still in his [Diabolos Outer God] armor.

There was no way Euclid planned to flee; he had run out of strength and will to fight back.

"Sister… do you like silver that much…? I'm silver too you know…?" he muttered to himself; a single tear left his eye.

When Aaron arrived back in Auros the attackers there were also all killed. When he met up with everyone else, they also got confirmation from the Floating City of Agares wasn't taken away, nor were there any serious fatalities there. After that, he sent Euclid off with the reinforcements that arrived. Euclid would be taken away to the Satan's territory to be interrogated.

Sairaorg and his peerage along with Seekvaira Agares and her peerage plus Aaron's shadow soldiers were able to kill and repel the attackers. However, mysteriously, the Champion—Diehauser Belial disappeared during the attack.

Apparently, a few were worried when both Faythe and Yanuyo appeared. However, after destroying the device they were informed of what had happened and they worked together to stop the attack.

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

After everything settled down in Auros, I headed over to the Astaroth territory, and to my surprise there was a large ball of ice, I ignored everything else and flew towards is as I was still in my [Diabolos Outer God] form of [Divine Dividing].

Once I entered the ball of ice I saw Lavinia slowly torturing… Azrael? I felt my blood boil when I saw him, but quickly but forcefully calmed myself down.

"Nia?" I called out.

She turned around, a face I had rarely seen her have—it made me frown. There was both a sense of fury and sadness in it. So I quickly rushed over to her and embraced her. She hugged me just as tightly. I looked at the robot that looked like Azrael.

If this was the plan of the Evie, they had certainly made a shit choice. 'Cúntóir, let's do the same thing with this like we did with Ayelet's old body. Can you pinpoint the location of where it was created?' I asked.

Cúntóir: Answer: Easily. And done. Ready when you are.

I told Lavinia what I and Cúntóir did, and if she wanted to have a part of it.

She tilted her head in confusion and asked, "How?" her expression had softened but she still looked furious at the imitation of Azrael.

I held her hand and pointed both of our hands at Azrael. "Like this," I said and the robot disappeared.

Third Person Point of View

Universe – Evie Etoulde

As the scientists were waiting for the results of their small mission, AZ-RA-E-L-VVB-8671 suddenly appeared in their laboratory. They were on a certain planet in the Evie Etoulde universe, but before any of them could say or do anything, it exploded.

However, the explosion was much larger and much more powerful than anyone anticipated. This was because it was amplified by both Cúntóir and Aaron. Not only did this explosion wipe out the planet, but multiple others near it. Those planets were also smaller research facilities, so it hindered them even more.

Once the gods of the Evie faction found out about the actions of the scientists that were killed, they enforced strict rules of what can be done and what cannot be done in terms of retaliation towards the Outer Gods.

Universe – Draconic Deus

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"And we're done… let's go back," I said and she agreed with me.

The ball of ice around us shattered and Team Slash/Dog with Latia and Irphine joined us.

"Aaron-sama!" Irphine shouted and hugged me. She like many others started to rub her face against my chest—even though I was still in my armor… I was impressed by her, since she rubbed her face as if I was just wearing a normal shirt…

"I take it that everything worked out well?" I asked them. Team Slash/Dog nodded. It seemed like they had incorporated Kalawarna here, but no Meruem or Mittelt yet.

"We're about to go check out more of the territory since Latia asked us, and we're getting paid so… anyway we'll get back to that, Aaron!" said Kanami.

"Yeah. I apologize for stopping you guys," I replied and exited my armor.

"By the way, what was that armor just now?" Natsume asked and poked my cheek.

"Hmm? Ah… it's when I combined my own power with [Divine Dividing] creating a new armor, I used it against Euclid… anyway I can tell you guys in detail when we get home," I said and they nodded and left.

"I have to do my job…" mumbled Lavinia sadly.

"It won't be that long, I'll see you at Auros Academy, okay?" I said and kissed her.


"Irphine, help them," I ordered her and she let go of me and gave me a salute.

"Aye, aye captain!" she answered and left with Lavinia.

I quickly teleported back to Auros and checked for any damages that I might have missed, but I had mostly repaired everything else.

"Aaron-senpai, these two are on deaths door, what shall we do with them?" Saji asked as I walked around and spotted him with… Aubilca and Bisusbyu. Yanuyo was also standing beside them, however, both looked utterly defeated.

Saji came over to me and whispered, "Apparently, they were begging Yanuyo. They were saying that he was their master and father, as well as part of the Eradicators. Did you use that ability you told us months ago…?"

"Yeah. But for now… we can interrogate them too, so I'll send them over to Grigori," I said and sealed their powers as another measure. "When the fallen arrive, give them over to them for me."

"Roger that!" Saji said and saluted me.

I came across Rose as she hurriedly ran over to me and said, "I didn't see you earlier, but… Ingvild… she…!"

I waited for Rose to calm down and have her explain what had happened.

"I see…" I muttered. I had been wondering about this more. We both hypothesized that it might come to this, but Ingvild didn't show any signs of being bothered by it back then. No, it was me being neglectful that this happened… I shouldn't have brought her here today.

"Thank you for telling me. Where is she now?" I asked.

"She's in one of the classrooms. She's been silently staring at the desk with a blank face," replied Rose.

"…I'll go see her, thank you again."

Rose nodded before I located Ingvild's aura and rushed to that location. Upon arriving it's like Rose said, she was sitting in one of the chairs and staring at the desk blankly.

"In?" I called out to her. Her body twitched and she looked up at me.

"Aaron… ah, i-is everything done…?" she asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, everything settled down now. What's wrong?" I asked as I made my way to her.

"…According to Aži Dahāka my father regrets bringing me into the world and hates me. I thought I wouldn't be bothered by it, but many thoughts started appearing in my mind. It also made me wonder if my mother from back then also hated me?" she said as tears welled up in her eyes.

"Should I have been born in the first place…?" she asked weakly.

"…Of course. Ingvild Leviathan was meant to exist after all, even though Vali said it more sarcastically, you and him were miracle babies in your own right. Both of you are hybrids born from the original bloodline of the old Satans, and both of you acquired a Sacred Gear," I said.

"While my dumb little brother made a few poor choices, he and his team are no longer terrorists. In his own way, he's atoning for his own sins by being part of Team [DxD] and helping the alliance. You on the other hand…"

I hugged her from behind and I felt her grab my arms. "Just like Rose, don't say things like that. Everyone in this world has a purpose. Even if you don't know what that is yet, you'll eventually find it. You definitely have them. Since you woke up and as more people in our home showed up, you've greeted and welcomed them with open arms."

"You don't discriminate and you've provided the whole world with your beautiful voice. Even if your biological family might not love you, I—no, we will. A family is made, and not all of them are from blood. But… I believe that your own mother loved you, Ingvild. Even if she isn't around anymore."

She tightened her hold on my arm. "Is that the Middleman guarantee?" she asked as she looked up at me, tears streaming down her face.

I grinned at her and said, "Hell yeah, it is. No, let's take it up a notch, it's an Outer God's guarantee." I then pulled her up and out of her seat and hugged her. "Let's go. We still have forever to spend together, don't we?" I asked.

"…Can we start a family in the future?" she asked a bit timidly.

"Hmm? Sure thing, if that's what you want," I replied.

"…Thank you," she mumbled and looked at me. She was silently telling me to do it. She didn't want to say it with words, but I understood.

I kissed her and made Ingvild immortal, but—

"Uwaaaaa! The Oppai Dragon is kissing someone else!" one of the children shouted.

Ingvild and I stopped kissing and we looked to our side and we saw a few children and adults there. Some of the adults had covered their child's eyes while some were blushing at us.

"Ahahaha… I-I guess we should have expected this," Ingvild said while turning red.

Ingvild and I walked out of the school building and found Sona waiting by the gate. I could sense a lot of the people in the shelter had left and many of my shadow soldiers were helping clean up, patrol and even play with the children here.

"Yo, Sona. What are you doing there?" I asked as she arrived by her.

She turned to stare at us but didn't say anything. It seemed like she was thinking of doing something, and then she started to shake.

"…Excuse me, but… I can't hold back anymore," she announced, took a step forward, grabbed my collar and kissed me.

Ingvild who was beside me was shocked, and so was I. My eyes widened as Sona kissed me for a few seconds before pulling away from me.

"I heard what you did from Cúntóir, she connected your fight to my mind… I promised Tsubaki that I wouldn't fall for you, and even planned on rejecting you when the time came, but… I can't deny it anymore, for you and everyone to defend this school… thank you," she said and showed me a bright smile.

I felt my heart skip a beat at seeing her smile like that. It was rare for Sona to show a side like this to the public. I couldn't help but chuckle and hug her.

"So did I conquer the school's Presidents heart?" I asked a rhetorical question.

"Yes… yes you did," she replied and we shared another kiss.

"—Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! Noooooo!! Presiiiiiideeeent!!" Saji's voice screamed in the background. "Uuuu… a-at least it's Aaron-senpai and not any other asshole… I-I can live with this…"


"W-wait, R-Ruruko-chan?! W-wait…! U-uwaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

After we separated again, we saw the rest of her peerage, my group and the Gremory peerage come our way.

"Welcome aboard, President Sona~" said Akeno as she giggled.

"Haaa… I knew this would eventually happen," said Rias as she shook her head.

"Another one bites the dust…" mumbled Raynare and she then stared at me.

"Ah, this is a good opportunity. I would like to announce something to everyone," Xenovia said and stepped forward.

She looked at me, Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki. She then smiled and said, "I plan on running for the election. I want to become the next Student Council President."

"Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh?!" Saji screamed, and a few others reacted the same way as him, albeit slightly less dramatic.

"Is that why you've been studying so much lately, Xenovia?" asked Raynare.

"Yes, that's correct. But if I do this, I guess I will have to leave the Occult Research Club, but I already gained approval from President Rias," explained Xenovia.

"I've already given her approval, and she will still be part of the peerage, so there are no problems with it," added Rias.

"Mmm-mmm, Nova-chan as the new President sounds good~!" cheered Gabriel.

"I'll support you, Xenovia-san!" added Asia.

"More studying then, bring it on, Xenovia!" shouted Irina.

Momo, who also planned on running for President looked at Xenovia who also looked back at her. There were silent sparks in the air as both of them were going to have a friendly rivalry for the seat.

We the seniors watched from a distance as our juniors started to enthusiastically talk among themselves.

"Our graduation is coming soon…," said Akeno.

"You two have already chosen whom to be the next President and Vice President, right?" I asked.

"Ufufu, I have~"

"Yes, I know who to assign."

Both ladies answered and we continued to watch them. In spite of this, I noticed that our group of angels (both fallen and pure) kept glancing at me, which confused me.


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